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Mallory Meyer

Thesis: Throughout the 20th century, America took a turn from their traditional political
beliefs and conformity as society sought to protect the United States national security
whilst focusing on the preservation of democracy.

Body Paragraph I: Through Japanese-American Wartime Relocation, although America

took harsh discriminatory measures towards the American-Japanese race, the intentions
of Washington remained in protecting the United States to the utmost degree.
I. Doc C
a. America took precautionary measures in their efforts to “protection
against espionage and against sabotage to national-defense,” thus
fought to protect the person well being of their nation and their
people causing Washington to diverge from the ideal of America’s
political liberty.
II. Doc F
a. As the interment camps were deemed constitutional through the
ruling of Korematsu v. United States, America needed to exhibit
invasive measure upon the Japanese race as the US fought to
eliminate the presence of spies and communication with Japan.
III. Doc G
a. Though this photo it harsh measure of American intervention in
personal lives is exhibited, however the intentions of Washington
during this time are evident to be in the best interest of protection
the nation from harm.
*Outside Information:
-Pearl Harbor
-Nuclear bomb
-Open Door Policy
-Manhattan Project
-Battle of Midway
-Potsdam Conference
-Executive Order No. 9066
-Navajo Code Talkers
-Franklin D. Roosevelt

Body Paragraph II: Fearing that communism would dominate the world, belittling
democratic values, the U.S greatly feared the spread communism and thus took a turn
from their traditional political ideals during the McCarthy Era.
I. Doc B
a. As anti-red hysteria broke out across America’s desire to eliminate its
presence was emphasized, “Reds is S.O.S- ship or shoot,” however the
political aims of the USA were geared at protecting America’s political
and economic ideals.

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Mallory Meyer

II. Doc D
a. Although State Department took extreme actions in their efforts to
eradicate the communistic presence in Washington, the US intentions
were set at preserving America’s ideals of democracy. Thus although
the US went against their personal values, they intention were
III. Doc H
a. Through the Truman Loyalty Oath Orders in 1947, the President
Truman’s desire to protect American political ideals emphasized as he
sought to diminish communist influence in America.
*Outside Information:
-Marshall Plan
-Containment Doctrine
-Army-McCarthy Hearings
-Cold War
-Joseph McCarthy
-George Kennan
-House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
-North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
-Truman Doctrine
-Harry Truman

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