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Spelljances, even intces, even into the Sea of Night.

[3] Each ship had a magical

helm or "captains-chair" that allowed a suitably powerful mage to pilot the ship.
[4] Some spelljammers were also capable of traveling to other planes of existence.

ess of wildspace or the flow of the phlogiston, away from large objects,
spelljammers could reach a top speed of 100,000,000 miles per day
(6,800,000 kilometers per hour).[7] This meant that a trip from Toril to Selûne
could be completed in just over an hour,[8] the Sun could be reached in two days,
[9] and the crystal shell of Realmspace was 64 days away.[10]

These high speeds, also called "spelljamming speeds", could



Spelljammers varied enormously in design, but many contained common elements. One
such element that was present in a variety of spelljammers were fan-shaped sails,
[2] whose purpose was to harness the flow of the phlogiston,[5] or, if within a
planet's atmosphere, the wind.[2]

The size of spelljammers was typically measured as their "tonnage", which reflected
the volume occupied by a ship in spatial tons and was different from the typical
tonnage of seafaring ships. One spatial ton was equivalent to a volume of 100 cubic
yards (76 cubic meters).[6]denounced spelljamming and would preach in public about
its evils, believing that it was foolish of the people of Toril to explore the
cosmos when there was still so much undiscovered on their own planet.[18]t as a
means of further spreading the faith.[17] By contrast, the Church of Grumbar
denounced spelljamming and would preach in public about its evils, believing that
it was foolish of the people of Toril to explore the cosmos when there was still so
much undiscovered on their own planet.[18]

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