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Richter, 1

Journal Week 2

The second week of my internship had a lot of ups and downs, some of them not even

directly related to my work there. My supervisor could not make it to the office due to

sickness, therefore, Ashley and I had a lot of responsibility to basically take care of the entire

office by ourselves for the week. Monday was a holiday so we came in on Tuesday and

started preparing our topic for the week, which was “Setting and Maintaining Goals”. We

prepared our flyer with smart goals and educating students on how to set smart goals.

Tuesday afternoon we had an interest meeting for which unfortunately only one student

showed up. We talked to her about the health movement and what we do and she gave us her

email address for further information. I also worked at the climbing wall that night checking

people in and explaining the system to Ashley. Wednesday was our first tabling day of the

week so we went to the library at 10:00 am and tabled until 1:00 pm. We handed out our

flyers and water bottles which are supposed to help students maintain their goal of drinking

enough water throughout the day. We also had a few more students ask us about the

organization and what we do, and we gave them our information so now we are waiting on

their response if they want to join our club. Thursday was our tabling day at the Wellness and

Recreation Center. We learned that the water bottles were a really good item to hand out

because a lot of students needed them during their workouts. We also started preparing flyers

for next week and rearranged our schedule, and additionally planned on new poster ideas for

main campus. In regard to social media, we recorded a few sequences of video material that

we will eventually post on the Wellness Center’s Instagram account. Thursday night we had

an event at the climbing wall in which every person climbing could eat free pizza. Therefore,

I was busier than on other nights since we had many first-time climbers. I stayed until 10 pm

that night. On Friday my supervisor was able to come back to work and she gave us more

websites to research for good and helpful information for us. We drove to main campus to
Richter, 2

look for more material that we could hand out, but unfortunately the room was locked,

making our trip very unsuccessful.

Overall, this was a busy week because I was trying to get my hours in within only

four days instead of five due to the holiday on Monday. Also, not having our supervisor on

site for a few days, I put more pressure on myself to get things done in a timely manner. I'm

looking forward to next week and to whether we will have more members helping us table

and plan events. I will personally also start working on my idea for a project.

Week 2

Date Time Hours Notes Hours total

01/17 MLK Day 0
01/18 8:45am-1:45pm 5 No lunch break
4:00pm-5:00pm 1 Interest meeting
6:00pm-9:00pm 3 Climbing wall
01/19 8:45am-3:15pm 6.5 No lunch break
01/20 8:45am-3:45pm 7 No lunch break
6:00pm-10:00pm 4 Climbing wall
01/21 8:45am-2:45pm 6 No lunch break 32.5

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