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Journal Week 4

On Monday, Ashley and I had a meeting with two interns from the Women’s Center.

They invited us to collaborate on an event, so we discussed details and each department’s

role. The event we’re planning is a body positivity pool party, basically promoting a healthy

body image and also bringing people to the pool. We thought about combining this with a

movie night by playing a body positive movie in the pool room, but we ended up deciding to

do separate events. Right after this meeting, we also did our biweekly meeting for the Health

Movement, but unfortunately only 2 people came to attend. We discussed the topic of the

week, which was “Keeping up appearances” and “Self-Care”, as well as tabling times and

places. When we got back to the office, we worked on the buttons we were going to hand out

this week during tabling. We designed, printed, and made them ourselves with a button

machine. At night I worked at the climbing wall, where we had a very slow night. I stayed

until the end and learned how to complete the End-of-shift report, which is basically just a

report in which we explain how the night went and if there were any incidences.

Tuesday, I put all our tabling times and places for February in the system, so that

people could find them easily. I had my first tennis match that day, so I had to leave at

12:15pm. I didn’t come back that night to work.

Wednesday was our first tabling day and we tabled at the library. We handed out

flyers, eye masks, massagers, and our handmade buttons. This week was probably the most

successful week in regard to reaching out, as we had 50 people stop by. Although the

majority of people were girls, we definitely considered it a very successful day. After tabling,

we prepared more buttons and flyer for tabling on Thursday. I worked at the climbing wall

again, and again, it was a very slow night.

Thursday, Rachel told us she did not have any new stuff for us to do, so we prepared

all the goodies for tabling at night and worked on posters and flyers for upcoming weeks. We
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changed our tabling schedule because we wanted to try to table at the Wellness Center at

night, since there’s more people working out than in the morning. Therefore, we tabled from

6-8pm with one of our new members. We handed out the same goodies as Wednesday, but

added sports towels, hoping that these would target more guys. Contrary to our expectations,

which were fairly low, we had over 40 people stop by.

For Friday I decided to take a day off since the past few weeks had posed a lot of

stress on my mind and body and I needed a break. Also, since I technically was supposed to

have a match that day, I didn’t plan on getting hours in anyways.

Week 4

Date Time Hours Notes Hours total

01/31 8:45am-3:15pm 6.5 No lunch break
6:00pm-10:00pm 4 Climbing wall
02/01 8:45am-12:15pm 4 Match day 12:30
02/02 8:45am-3:15pm 6.5 No lunch break 24.5
6:00pm-9:30pm 3.5 Climbing wall
02/03 8:45am-1:45pm 5 No lunch break 33.5
6:00pm-10:00pm 4 Climbing wall
02/04 Day off

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