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According to the responses in Bautista Jr.

, Buhain, & Balibrea's study (2021), the common

problem the respondents (teachers) face is motivating the students (35%), difficulties in using the
communication technologies (32%), time management for the online teaching session (32%),
and evaluation learner's knowledge (30%). Most of the difficulties were experienced (about 90%
of the time) by more than 35% of the respondents with interacting and communicating with over
half of the students (47%) achieving the learning objectives set for the course, converting
activities and content into more suitable in online and distance learning (46%). The given
problems were experienced by the most of respondents for atleast 50% at the time, at least a few
months before the school year's end.

Landicho (2020) stated that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, education worldwide is affected by
school closures and the shift to other modalities such as e-learning (Li & Lalani, 2020). In online
learning, teachers who are accustomed to face-to-face classroom lectures need to adapt to online
teaching which can be done synchronously or asynchronously. One of the sectors adversely
affected by the COVID-19 pandemic is the education sector. Schools were forced to stop face-to-
face classroom sessions and are now gradually shifting to different modalities such as online
distance learning. In the Philippines, the impact of these schools' closures is evident in both basic
and higher education institutions. The country's Department of Education or DepED, in its June
8, 2020 press statement, moreover announced the postponement of face-to-face classes until a
COVID-19 vaccine becomes available (Boliver, 2020).

Gumanit (2021) Analyzed the content of YouTube news clips on elderly teachers concerning
emergency online learning during COVID-19 pandemic. Using traditional content analysis, the
included news videos were transcribed, interview segments were translated and familiarized,
dominant words were identified, data were coded, categorized, and themed. It shows that elderly
teachers are persistent to adapt the struggles they are facing. The analysis also highlights the
negative effects of the sudden shift to emergency online learning on the physical and
psychological health of elderly teachers. Implications to the country's quality of education and
suggestions of providing better technical and psychological health support to elderly teachers
were presented.

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