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DOD Overdrive Preamp 250 Reissue

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Got an early 90s unit recently, the chinese reissue with JRC4558 chip. I'm still really surprised how good it
sounds. So i do think this is very neglected and underrated pedal. I've added polarity protection diode and
pulldown resistor for the input. The chip is stated as KA4558 in the italian reissue schematic i found (and
some random gutshots from the web confirm that), but you could try any dual opamp in there. Now you can
build your own with true bypass, indicator LED and standard power jack!
- Hey dude,
seems like you're on a roll today! This one's good to be tagged, am I right in thinking it's pretty much the
same as the original but with a dual op-amp in place of the 741? It certainly sounds pretty similar to the
Distortion + variants I've built.
- It's pretty much the 1:1 with the old schem, exepct for the dual opamp instead of single. Don't know why
they changed that, but JRC4558 does work miracles in there.
- Sounds just amazing. Exactly like the original i have. There's not that much difference to Dist+, but this is
still 100 times better than any revision of the plus.
- I've built the single opamp one with rev log pot at the gain and linear at the level. That was quite some
time ago. For some reason it didn't impress me back then. Haven't built this one as i have the original with
JRC4558, but it sounds so sweet that i just had to draw the layout for this reissue. Both are with fairly low
parts count, so you could build both and let us know which one sounds better to you. I'm thinking about
building the reissue myself to compare it with the DOD unit. Let's just see when i find the time to do it…
- How critical is the 25p cap? the closest I have is 47p - almost double will it work?
That'll work fine. That cap is there to tame possible oscillations. 47p is small enough not to cut your high
- For all OD250 versions and its derivatives, it's always reverse log that gives the sensible control,
- This pedal sounds great (tele bridge vintage pup into my Yamaha THR10C (Deluxe Reverb amp sim)). I
passed on one of these DOD 250 reissues in a pawn shop so happy to have one hand built. Make sure to use
the 500kC rev log pot for gain. Thanks, Mirosol!

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