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Frankenstein Lab Notes

1. Collect materials
a. Toilet paper roll

b. Different colored felts

c. Glue stick/ glue gun
d. Thumb tacks
e. Paint/ Paint brush

f. Marker
2. Put black felt around paper towel roll.
3. Cut circle with green to create face
4. Cut felt to look like hair
5. Cut 4 strips of black for the arms
6. Cut two green blocks for hands
7. Place one long strip of black, glue, then the green, glue, then place
another black strip on top to create both arms
8. Cut feet, then glue
9. Cute triangle for shirt and long piece of black then glue
10. Put the thumb tacks through the sides
11. Draw face and stitches
12. Then lightly tap on paint

Failure: I wasn't able to get a nice top to close off the head. I also didn't like
how the hot glue strings got anywhere, I maybe could have used super glue or
something else

Success: I like how the end results look and I like how the arms are different
lengths and the head I like is super cute.

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