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Function Funkcja




daty i czasu




Zwraca wartość PRAWDA, jeśli wszystkie argumenty mają wartość PRAWDA.
Określa warunek logiczny do sprawdzenia.
Odwraca wartość logiczną argumentu.
Zwraca wartość PRAWDA, jeśli co najmniej jeden z argumentów ma wartość PRAWDA.
Zwraca wartość średnią argumentów.
Dodaje argumenty.
Zwraca maksymalną wartość listy argumentów.
Zwraca minimalną wartość listy argumentów.
Zlicza liczby znajdujące się na liście argumentów.
Zlicza komórki wewnątrz zakresu, które spełniają podane kryteria.
Dodaje komórki określone przez podane kryterium.
Zwraca k-tą największą wartość ze zbioru danych.
Zwraca k-tą najmniejszą wartość ze zbioru danych.
Przycina liczbę do wartości całkowitej.
Zaokrągla liczbę do określonej liczby cyfr.
Zwraca znak liczby.
Zlicza komórki wewnątrz zakresu, które spełniają podane kryteria(więcej niż jedno).
Dodaje komórki określone przez podane kryteria (więcej niż jedno).
Zwraca skrajne lewe znaki z wartości tekstowej.
Zwraca skrajne prawe znaki z wartości tekstowej.
Zwraca określoną liczbę znaków z ciągu tekstowego, zaczynając od zadanej pozycji.
Konwertuje wielkie litery tekstu na małe litery.
Konwertuje znaki tekstu na wielkie litery.
Zastępuje pierwszą literę każdego wyrazu tekstu wielką literą.
Zastępuje znaki w tekście.
Łączy kilka oddzielnych tekstów w jeden tekst.
Powiela tekst daną liczbę razy.
Usuwa spacje z tekstu.
Znajduje jedną wartość tekstową wewnątrz innej (z uwzględnieniem wielkich i małych liter).
Znajduje jedną wartość tekstową wewnątrz innej (bez względu ma wielkość liter).
Zwraca liczbę znaków ciągu tekstowego.
Zwraca numer kolejny dnia roku z określonej daty
Zwraca liczbę oznaczajacą dzień tygodnia z określonej daty
Zwraca numer tygodnia określonej daty
Konwertuje liczbę seryjną na miesiąc.
Zwraca liczbę seryjną bieżącej daty i godziny.
Zwraca liczbę seryjną dla daty bieżącej.
Zwraca liczbę pełnych dni roboczych między dwiema datami.
Oblicza liczbę dni, miesięcy i lat pomiędzy dwiema datami
Zwraca uporządkowaną liczbę kolejną reprezentującą konkretną datę
Formatuje liczbę i konwertuje ją na tekst.
Przegląda górny wiersz tablicy i zwraca wartość wskazanej komórki.

Przeszukuje pierwszą kolumnę tablicy i przechodzi wzdłuż wiersza, aby zwrócić wartość komórki.
Wyszukuje określony element w zakresie komórek, a następnie zwraca względną pozycję tego
elementu w zakresie.

Zwraca wartość lub odwołanie do wartości, która znajduje się w tabeli lub zakresie.
Narzuca zdefiniowane formatowaniw
nie leje nie wieje (ORAZ)
opady wiatr spacer?
tak tak 0
nie nie 1
nie tak 0

albo albo (LUB)

opady wiatr spacer?
tak tak 0
nie nie 1
nie tak 1

opady wiatr Nie pada?
tak tak 0
nie nie 1
nie tak 1

Nazwisko Sprzedaż planowana Wynik
Nowak 1000 5000 brak premii
Kowal 6000 5000 premia
Wiśnia 2000 4000 brak premii

Zagnieżdżanie funkcji
opady wiatr spacer? jak jest?
tak tak 0 kiepsko
nie nie 1 super
nie tak 0 kiepsko
data klient wartość zamówienia
3/5/2016 Amelian Paula 30.00 zł
3/6/2016 Dacewicz Marta 48.00 zł
3/7/2016 Daniszewska Agnieszka 2,000.00 zł
3/8/2016 Dąbrowski Michał 1,680.00 zł
3/9/2016 Domitrz Maciej 1,680.00 zł
3/10/2016 Figat Mateusz 5,640.00 zł
3/11/2016 Jackiewicz Tadeusz Adam 2,600.00 zł
3/12/2016 Jegorow Katarzyna 3,800.00 zł
3/13/2016 Jurkiewicz Ewelina 510.00 zł
3/14/2016 Kamińska Karolina 1,920.00 zł
3/15/2016 Karwowska Małgorzata 30.00 zł
3/16/2016 Klim Justyna 2,000.00 zł
3/17/2016 Kroczek-Sawicka Zina Justyna 1,400.00 zł
3/18/2016 Kruszewska Karolina 3,800.00 zł
3/19/2016 Krysiuk Joanna Katarzyna 32.00 zł
3/20/2016 Kurzynowska Magdalena 5,640.00 zł
3/21/2016 Kusznerczuk Justyna 2,000.00 zł
3/22/2016 Marcinkiewicz Hanna Barbara 1,680.00 zł
3/23/2016 Mikielska Magda 5,640.00 zł
3/24/2016 Olechno Piotr 67.60 zł
3/25/2016 Rutkowski Piotr 2,280.00 zł
3/26/2016 Sienicka Marlena 510.00 zł
3/27/2016 Suprun Magdalena 1,520.00 zł
3/28/2016 Szwajko Joanna 30.00 zł
3/29/2016 Tesko Joanna 1,400.00 zł
3/30/2016 Wojciechowski Jakub 510.00 zł
3/31/2016 Zaniewski Paweł 1,400.00 zł
4/1/2016 Zielińska Marcelina 1,680.00 zł
4/2/2016 Żmudzin Daria 1,680.00 zł
4/3/2016 Babiarz Przemysław 1,800.00 zł
4/4/2016 Badura Janusz 120.00 zł
4/5/2016 Dobrowolska Anna 800.00 zł
4/6/2016 Dubel Magdalena 1,400.00 zł
4/7/2016 Gebauer Adam 2,600.00 zł
4/8/2016 Górny Rafał 2,600.00 zł
4/9/2016 Harat Wojciech 32.00 zł
4/10/2016 Karasiński Kazimierz Damian 1,800.00 zł
4/11/2016 Kózka Rafał 2,900.00 zł
4/12/2016 Kromczyk Maciej 30.00 zł
4/13/2016 Królak Karol 120.00 zł
4/14/2016 Kubok Michał 30.00 zł
4/15/2016 Nowak Anna 120.00 zł
4/16/2016 Szczepanik Konrad 1,920.00 zł
4/17/2016 Bielska Paulina 5,640.00 zł
4/18/2016 Głyżewski Piotr 120.00 zł
4/19/2016 Krupińska Lilianna Magdalena 2,600.00 zł
4/20/2016 Łasicka Katarzyna Anna 2,000.00 zł
4/21/2016 Mazurkiewicz-Opielińska Weronika 48.00 zł
4/22/2016 Przybyszewski Rafał Mateusz 2,600.00 zł
4/23/2016 Ratkowska Anna 2,600.00 zł
4/24/2016 Jan Nowakowski 30.00 zł
rabat z rabatem Oblicz 10% rabat dla klientów,
0 30.00 zł których jednorazowe zamówienie
przekracza 2000 zł.
0 48.00 zł
0 2,000.00 zł
0 1,680.00 zł
0 1,680.00 zł
564 5,076.00 zł
260 2,340.00 zł
380 3,420.00 zł
0 510.00 zł
0 1,920.00 zł
0 30.00 zł
0 2,000.00 zł
0 1,400.00 zł
380 3,420.00 zł
0 32.00 zł
564 5,076.00 zł
0 2,000.00 zł
0 1,680.00 zł
564 5,076.00 zł
0 67.60 zł
228 2,052.00 zł
0 510.00 zł
0 1,520.00 zł
0 30.00 zł
0 1,400.00 zł
0 510.00 zł
0 1,400.00 zł
0 1,680.00 zł
0 1,680.00 zł
0 1,800.00 zł
0 120.00 zł
0 800.00 zł
0 1,400.00 zł
260 2,340.00 zł
260 2,340.00 zł
0 32.00 zł
0 1,800.00 zł
290 2,610.00 zł
0 30.00 zł
0 120.00 zł
0 30.00 zł
0 120.00 zł
0 1,920.00 zł
564 5,076.00 zł
0 120.00 zł
260 2,340.00 zł
0 2,000.00 zł
0 48.00 zł
260 2,340.00 zł
260 2,340.00 zł
0 30.00 zł
data klient status wartość zamówienia
10/16/2010 Teresa Żołnierczuk Brązowy 7.50 zł
10/16/2010 Magdalena Kraskowska Srebrny 12.00 zł
10/16/2010 Antonina Lietz Srebrny 500.00 zł
10/17/2010 Przemysław Miękus Złoty 420.00 zł
10/17/2010 Ambroży Nazar Srebrny 420.00 zł
10/21/2010 Eliza Ganc Srebrny 1,410.00 zł
10/23/2010 Waldemar Wolff Srebrny 650.00 zł
10/23/2010 Remigiusz Łobacz Srebrny 950.00 zł
10/24/2010 Helena Wędzińska Złoty 127.50 zł
10/25/2010 Mirosław Molka Srebrny 480.00 zł
10/25/2010 Michał Jaremko Srebrny 7.50 zł
10/25/2010 Mateusz Gierak Srebrny 500.00 zł
10/27/2010 Daria Kiliańczyk Srebrny 350.00 zł
10/29/2010 Urszula Zgarda Srebrny 950.00 zł
10/29/2010 Henryka Zielonko Brązowy 8.00 zł
10/29/2010 Kamil Filus Brązowy 1,410.00 zł
10/29/2010 Wit Zawidzki Brązowy 500.00 zł
11/1/2010 Stefania Wojdowska Brązowy 420.00 zł
11/3/2010 Aneta Curzytek Brązowy 1,410.00 zł
11/5/2010 Ewelina Dajcz Srebrny 16.90 zł
11/5/2010 Leszek Fiedoruk Srebrny 570.00 zł
11/6/2010 Diana Juzyszyn Złoty 127.50 zł
11/6/2010 Bogdan Fydrych Srebrny 380.00 zł
11/7/2010 Elwira Duklas Złoty 7.50 zł
11/7/2010 Otylia Doległo Srebrny 350.00 zł
11/8/2010 Czesław Kluczyk Srebrny 127.50 zł
11/10/2010 Czesława Pikulińska Srebrny 350.00 zł
11/12/2010 Salomea Anisiewicz Srebrny 420.00 zł
11/12/2010 Joanna Ziołek Srebrny 420.00 zł
11/12/2010 Edyta Hoeft Srebrny 450.00 zł
11/18/2010 Emilia Kiljańczyk Srebrny 30.00 zł
11/22/2010 Liliana Mamoń Srebrny 200.00 zł
11/24/2010 Klementyna Nalikowska Srebrny 350.00 zł
11/24/2010 Jadwiga Siedliska Złoty 650.00 zł
11/25/2010 Antoni Zimoląg Srebrny 650.00 zł
11/26/2010 Iwona Smarz Złoty 8.00 zł
11/27/2010 Cecylia Kumorowska Srebrny 450.00 zł
11/27/2010 Cecylia Gieniec Srebrny 725.00 zł
11/29/2010 Dominik Groński Brązowy 7.50 zł
11/30/2010 Cezary Pokojski Srebrny 30.00 zł
12/1/2010 Czesława Korpysa Srebrny 7.50 zł
12/3/2010 Sandra Bereska Złoty 30.00 zł
12/3/2010 Elena Hanysz Srebrny 480.00 zł
12/3/2010 Aleksandra Miechowska Złoty 1,410.00 zł
12/4/2010 Wacława Tys Srebrny 30.00 zł
12/5/2010 Zofia Szer Srebrny 650.00 zł
12/5/2010 Artur Leszkiewicz Brązowy 500.00 zł
12/7/2010 Iza Skrzypecka Srebrny 12.00 zł
12/8/2010 Elżbieta Wais Srebrny 650.00 zł
12/8/2010 Zbyszek Zimowski Złoty 650.00 zł
12/11/2010 Jan Nowak Srebrny 7.50 zł
rabat z rabatem
- zł 7.50 zł Oblicz 5% rabat dla klientów, którzy
- zł 12.00 zł posiadają status Złoty lub których
jednorazowe zamówienie przekracza
- zł 500.00 zł 600 zł.
21.00 zł 399.00 zł
- zł 420.00 zł
- zł 1,410.00 zł
- zł 650.00 zł
- zł 950.00 zł
6.38 zł 121.13 zł
- zł 480.00 zł
- zł 7.50 zł
- zł 500.00 zł
- zł 350.00 zł
- zł 950.00 zł
- zł 8.00 zł
- zł 1,410.00 zł
- zł 500.00 zł
- zł 420.00 zł
- zł 1,410.00 zł
- zł 16.90 zł
- zł 570.00 zł
6.38 zł 121.13 zł
- zł 380.00 zł
0.38 zł 7.13 zł
- zł 350.00 zł
- zł 127.50 zł
- zł 350.00 zł
- zł 420.00 zł
- zł 420.00 zł
- zł 450.00 zł
- zł 30.00 zł
- zł 200.00 zł
- zł 350.00 zł
32.50 zł 617.50 zł
- zł 650.00 zł
0.40 zł 7.60 zł
- zł 450.00 zł
- zł 725.00 zł
- zł 7.50 zł
- zł 30.00 zł
- zł 7.50 zł
1.50 zł 28.50 zł
- zł 480.00 zł
70.50 zł 1,339.50 zł
- zł 30.00 zł
- zł 650.00 zł
- zł 500.00 zł
- zł 12.00 zł
- zł 650.00 zł
32.50 zł 617.50 zł
- zł 7.50 zł
kontrahent staż sprzedaż rabat/brak rabatu
Cyfrowy Polsat 1 12,000.00 zł brak rabatu
LPP 2 23,000.00 zł brak rabatu
CCC 2 11,000.00 zł brak rabatu
Synthos 3 34,000.00 zł brak rabatu
Polpharma 5 57,000.00 zł rabat
Kruk 4 40,000.00 zł brak rabatu
Ciech 2 32,000.00 zł brak rabatu
Inter Cars 4 24,000.00 zł brak rabatu
Asseco Poland 3 34,060.00 zł brak rabatu
TZMO 2 39,610.00 zł brak rabatu
CD Projekt 3 45,160.00 zł brak rabatu
Grupa Maspex Wadowice 2 23,000.00 zł brak rabatu
Tele-Fonika Kable 7 840.00 zł brak rabatu
Boryszew 3 61,810.00 zł brak rabatu
Aflofarm 6 67,360.00 zł rabat
Rovese 1 72,910.00 zł brak rabatu
Famur 5 45,160.00 zł rabat
Dino Polska 3 50,710.00 zł brak rabatu
Stalprodukt 4 56,260.00 zł brak rabatu
Vectra 8 20,000.00 zł brak rabatu
Correct 2 12,900.00 zł brak rabatu
SmartSoft 1 5,800.00 zł brak rabatu
Kontrahenci ze sprzedażą powyżej 40
000, ze stażem w systemie
lojalnościowym 5-letnim lub
większym mają otrzymać rabat.
Nazwa spółki Siedziba Przychody ze sprzedaży
Konik S.A. Konin 120,000.00 zł
Hipcio sp z o.o. Warszawa 135,000.00 zł
WeźżeKrafta s.j. Kraków 150,000.00 zł
Markus S.A. Warszawa 165,000.00 zł
Salon Mody s.j. Grudziądz 180,000.00 zł
Delikat S.A. Kraków 195,000.00 zł
Piżamka sp. Z o.o. Kraków 210,000.00 zł

Suma przychodów jeżeli są powyżej 150 000,- 750,000.00 zł

Suma przychodów jeżeli z Krakowa 555,000.00 zł
Liczba pozycji powyżej 150 000,- 4
Liczba przedsiębiorstw z Krakowa 3
Przychody ze
Nazwa spółki Siedziba Liczba zatrudnionych sprzedaży
Konik S.A. Konin 450 120,000.00 zł
Hipcio sp z o.o. Warszawa 500 135,000.00 zł
WeźżeKrafta s.j. Kraków 50 150,000.00 zł
Markus S.A. Warszawa 65 165,000.00 zł
Salon Mody s.j. Grudziądz 250 180,000.00 zł
Delikat S.A. Kraków 300 195,000.00 zł
Piżamka sp. Z o.o. Kraków 450 210,000.00 zł

Suma przychodów jeżeli z Krakowa i liczba zatrudnionych powyżej 249 405,000.00 zł

Liczba przedsiębiorstw z Krakowa zatrudniających pow. 249 osób. 2
Funkcja WYSZUKAJ.PIONOWO w programie Excel umożliwia wyszukanie elementów w tabeli lub
Funkcji WYSZUKAJ.PIONOWO należy używać wtedy, gdy porównywane wartości są umieszczone
lewej strony danych, które należy znaleźć.

Należy pamietać, aby adres tabeli żródłowej zablokować.

=WYSZUKAJ.PIONOWO(szukana_wartość; tabela_tablica; nr_indeksu_kolumny; [przeszukiwany_

=WYSZUKAJ.PIONOWO(wartość, którą chcesz znaleźć; zakres, w którym chcesz jej poszukać; num
zawierającym wartość zwracaną; dopasowanie dokładne lub przybliżone — oznaczone jako 0/FA
ocena słownie
poprzez funkcję
nr wyszukaj
imię nazwisko indeksu egzamin pionowo KOL1
Piotr Adamowski 11111 2.0 ndst 2.0
Marzena Bratek 11112 3.0 dst 3.0
Danuta Brzoza 11113 3.5 plus dst 3.5
Piotr Chrząszcz 11114 2.0 ndst 4.0
Jordan Cieciak 11115 5.0 bdb 4.5
Agnieszka Ciepacz 11116 4.5 plus db 5.0
Natalia Gawior 11117 4.5 plus db 5.5
Dariusz Gęgotek 11118 4.5 plus db
Magdalena Kochana 11119 4.0 db
Bogusław Kozioł 11120 2.0 ndst
Bartłomiej Krężołek 11121 5.5 cel
Barbara Kućmierz 11122 5.0 bdb
Grażyna Łanecka 11123 5.0 bdb
Agnieszka Marczyk 11124 4.5 plus db
Martyna Michalewska 11125 3.5 plus dst
Patrycja Panek 11126 3.5 plus dst
Michał Podraza 11127 2.0 ndst
Renata Rapacz 11128 3.0 dst
Andrzej Rogala 11129 5.0 bdb
Marcin Rusek 11130 4.0 db
Dorota Dubiel 11131 4.5 plus db
Magdalena Sierankiewicz-Zbiżek 11132 2.0 ndst
Michał Solarz 11133 4.0 db
Maciej Szafrański 11134 4.0 db
Maria Szcześniak 11135 5.5 cel
Tomasz Szelest 11136 4.0 db
Beata Walas 11137 5.0 bdb
Katarzyna Gwóźdź 11138 2.0 ndst
Jerzy Więckowski 11139 4.5 plus db
Sławomir Więcławek 11140 4.5 plus db
Monika Wilk 11141 4.5 plus db
plus dst
plus db
kol.1. kol.2.
Miesiąc Sprzedaż narastajaco
1 10
2 80
3 97
4 149
5 193
6 236
7 280
8 323
9 367
10 410
11 454
12 497

Wpisz miesiąc : 7

Sprzedaż narastajaco w miesiacu 279.83

nr punkty ustal ocenę z
imię nazwisko indeksu egzamin liczby punktów
Piotr Adamowski 11111 57 dst 0.0
Marzena Bratek 11112 55 dst 51.0
Danuta Brzoza 11113 4 ndst 61.0
Piotr Chrząszcz 11114 35 ndst 71.0
Jordan Cieciak 11115 6 ndst 81.0
Agnieszka Ciepacz 11116 43 ndst 91.0
Natalia Gawior 11117 44 ndst
Dariusz Gęgotek 11118 46 ndst
Magdalena Kochana 11119 98 bdb
Bogusław Kozioł 11120 94 bdb
Bartłomiej Krężołek 11121 2 ndst
Barbara Kućmierz 11122 48 ndst
Grażyna Łanecka 11123 1 ndst
Agnieszka Marczyk 11124 50 ndst
Martyna Michalewska 11125 8 ndst
Patrycja Panek 11126 34 ndst
Michał Podraza 11127 34 ndst
Renata Rapacz 11128 88 plus db
Andrzej Rogala 11129 98 bdb
Marcin Rusek 11130 67 plus dst
Dorota Dubiel 11131 37 ndst
Magdalena Sierankiewicz-Zbiżek 11132 63 plus dst
Michał Solarz 11133 4 ndst
Maciej Szafrański 11134 55 dst
Maria Szcześniak 11135 66 plus dst
Tomasz Szelest 11136 23 ndst
Beata Walas 11137 81 plus db
Katarzyna Gwóźdź 11138 89 plus db
Jerzy Więckowski 11139 36 ndst
Sławomir Więcławek 11140 3 ndst
Monika Wilk 11141 51 dst
plus dst
plus db
sty lut mar kwi maj cze lip
Bob 10 80 97 2 49 80 21
Eric 20 90 69 79 7 40 71
Alan 30 100 45 93 53 59 72
Carol 40 110 51 98 42 50 50
David 50 120 77 41 46 80 5

Imię handlowca Eric

Wpisz miesiąc: maj

Wynik: 7

sie wrz paź lis gru
67 10 90 74 94
91 44 86 80 40
36 77 26 29 49
18 58 100 98 90
83 58 31 89 22
X.WYSZUKAJ - nowa funkcja Office 365

Funkcja XLOOKUP przeszukuje zakres lub tablicę, a następnie zwraca
element odpowiadający pierwszeowi znalezionego dopasowania. Jeśli nie
istnieje żadne dopasowanie, funkcja XLOOKUP może zwrócić najbliższe
(przybliżone) dopasowanie. 

Customer Name Customer ID

Sandra Flanagan
Matt Abelman
Ruben Ausman
Lena Hernandez
Kunst Miller
Henry MacAllister
Ken Brennan

Dopasuj numery klienta z bazy poniżej do nazwiska.

Order ID Order Date Ship Date Ship Mode Customer ID Customer Name
CA-2014-167164 5/13/2014 5/15/2014 Second Class AG-10270 Alejandro Grove
CA-2014-143336 8/27/2014 9/1/2014 Second Class ZD-21925 Zuschuss Donatelli
CA-2016-137330 12/9/2016 12/13/2016 Standard Class KB-16585 Ken Black
US-2017-156909 7/16/2017 7/18/2017 Second Class SF-20065 Sandra Flanagan
CA-2015-106320 9/25/2015 9/30/2015 Standard Class EB-13870 Emily Burns
CA-2016-121755 1/16/2016 1/20/2016 Second Class EH-13945 Eric Hoffmann
US-2015-150630 9/17/2015 9/21/2015 Standard Class TB-21520 Tracy Blumstein
CA-2017-107727 10/19/2017 10/23/2017 Second Class MA-17560 Matt Abelman
CA-2016-117590 12/8/2016 12/10/2016 First Class GH-14485 Gene Hale
CA-2015-117415 12/27/2015 12/31/2015 Standard Class SN-20710 Steve Nguyen
CA-2017-120999 9/10/2017 9/15/2017 Standard Class LC-16930 Linda Cazamias
CA-2016-101343 7/17/2016 7/22/2016 Standard Class RA-19885 Ruben Ausman
CA-2017-139619 9/19/2017 9/23/2017 Standard Class ES-14080 Erin Smith
CA-2016-118255 3/11/2016 3/13/2016 First Class ON-18715 Odella Nelson
CA-2014-146703 10/20/2014 10/25/2014 Second Class PO-18865 Patrick O'Donnell
CA-2016-169194 6/20/2016 6/25/2016 Standard Class LH-16900 Lena Hernandez
CA-2015-115742 4/18/2015 4/22/2015 Standard Class DP-13000 Darren Powers
CA-2016-105816 12/11/2016 12/17/2016 Standard Class JM-15265 Janet Molinari
CA-2016-111682 6/17/2016 6/18/2016 First Class TB-21055 Ted Butterfield
CA-2015-135545 11/24/2015 11/30/2015 Standard Class KM-16720 Kunst Miller
US-2015-164175 4/30/2015 5/5/2015 Standard Class PS-18970 Paul Stevenson
CA-2014-106376 12/5/2014 12/10/2014 Standard Class BS-11590 Brendan Sweed
CA-2016-119823 6/4/2016 6/6/2016 First Class KD-16270 Karen Daniels
CA-2016-106075 9/18/2016 9/23/2016 Standard Class HM-14980 Henry MacAllister
CA-2017-114440 9/14/2017 9/17/2017 Second Class TB-21520 Tracy Blumstein
US-2015-134026 4/26/2015 5/2/2015 Standard Class JE-15745 Joel Eaton
US-2017-118038 12/9/2017 12/11/2017 First Class KB-16600 Ken Brennan
US-2014-147606 11/26/2014 12/1/2014 Second Class JE-15745 Joel Eaton
przedstawiciel sprzedaż region % premii
Przybyszewski Rafał Mateusz 11,959.34 zł Płd 5% Jeżeli przedstaw
Ratkowska Anna 3,882.83 zł Płn 0% Zach oraz obrót
dostaje 5% prem
Sommertag-Bukowska Ewa 620.54 zł Wsch 0%
Szamlewski Mateusz 7,897.84 zł Zach 0%
Wadzińska Aleksandra 3,585.41 zł Płn 0%
Wdowińska Katarzyna 1,800.16 zł Wsch 0%
Bednarek Anna 8,966.94 zł Zach 0%
Czerwińska Karolina 2,217.43 zł Płn 0%
Duda Artur 10,237.70 zł Wsch 5%
Gierczak Joanna 9,208.95 zł Zach 0%
Głusińska Ewa 11,062.94 zł Płn 5%
Gumuła-Kędracka Justyna 4,160.39 zł Wsch 0%
Klimczak Agnieszka 3,894.34 zł Płd 0%
Knapik Magdalena 4,557.78 zł Płd 0%
Krajewska Magdalena 1,701.66 zł Płd 0%
Mirek Waldemar 2,369.24 zł Płd 0%
Piech Ewelina 2,817.09 zł Płd 0%
Powroźnik Karolina 7,400.14 zł Zach 0%
Ryś Magdalena 9,374.58 zł Płn 0%
Semenova Anna 2,971.76 zł Wsch 0%
Sosnowska-Mercik Agnieszka 9,819.48 zł Płd 0%
Woda Gabriela 8,272.84 zł Zach 0%
Sova Agnieszka 5,083.63 zł Płn 0%
Staniuk-Rabenda Iga 3,657.20 zł Wsch 0%
Szafranek Zofia Dorota 9,461.50 zł Płd 0%
Szulc Krzysztof Zbigniew 5,048.68 zł Zach 0%
Szunejko Dominika Kinga 7,202.00 zł Płn 0%
Tachasiuk Błażej Paweł 9,068.36 zł Wsch 0%
Truskolawski Piotr Paweł 8,184.35 zł Płd 0%
Twardowski Aleksander Adam 3,943.81 zł Zach 0%
Tymczyna Olga Marta 5,990.66 zł Płn 0%
Waszkiewicz Ada 6,127.14 zł Wsch 0%
Waszkiewicz Izabela 3,280.91 zł Płd 0%
Wawrzynowicz Marcin Cezary 12,308.01 zł Zach 5%
Wichrowska Paulina 7,990.79 zł Płn 0%
Winnicka Julia Aleksandra 9,301.64 zł Wsch 0%
Wojtanis Małgorzata 12,076.91 zł Płd 5%
Wołowiec Agnieszka 10,870.88 zł Zach 5%
Wyze Weronika 6,551.35 zł Płn 0%
Zielińska Anna Monika 1,685.80 zł Wsch 0%
Barszcz Agnieszka 443.89 zł Płd 0%
Bieganowski Łukasz 10,770.56 zł Zach 5%
Bilicz Bartosz 12,457.28 zł Płn 5%
Biskup Karolina 227.33 zł Wsch 0%
Bosowski Piotr 7,317.64 zł Płd 0%
Broncel Ewa 7,488.25 zł Zach 0%
Brzostek Agnieszka 10,396.98 zł Płn 5%
Buda Katarzyna 6,617.24 zł Wsch 0%
Cag Kamila 7,053.18 zł Płd 0%
Cebulski Wojciech 9,297.00 zł Zach 0%
Cykowska Michalina 3,620.33 zł Płn 0%
Czerwińska Anna 8,979.83 zł Wsch 0%
Czub Grzegorz 9,099.71 zł Płd 0%
Czyszczoń Adrian 7,406.15 zł Zach 0%
Deras Artur 6,740.54 zł Płn 0%
Jeżeli przedstawiciel jest z regionu Płn lub
Zach oraz obrót jest większy niż 10000 zł to
dostaje 5% premii od obrotu.
Hydroizolacje Fugi
3/1/2018 - zł - zł
3/2/2018 1,600.00 zł 65.00 zł
3/3/2018 - zł 390.00 zł
3/4/2018 68.00 zł - zł
3/5/2018 12.00 zł 262.00 zł
3/6/2018 60.00 zł 57.00 zł
3/7/2018 190.00 zł - zł
3/8/2018 560.00 zł 70.00 zł
3/9/2018 800.00 zł - zł
3/10/2018 - zł - zł
3/11/2018 - zł 235.00 zł
3/12/2018 6,200.00 zł 1,260.00 zł
3/13/2018 98.00 zł - zł
3/14/2018 - zł - zł
3/15/2018 60.00 zł - zł
3/16/2018 98.00 zł - zł
3/17/2018 - zł 52.00 zł
3/18/2018 - zł 95.00 zł
3/19/2018 - zł 135.00 zł
3/20/2018 2,300.00 zł - zł
3/21/2018 26.00 zł 42.00 zł
3/22/2018 98.00 zł - zł
3/23/2018 98.00 zł 266.00 zł
3/24/2018 12.00 zł 195.00 zł
3/25/2018 900.00 zł 27.00 zł
3/26/2018 - zł - zł
3/27/2018 - zł - zł
3/28/2018 - zł - zł
3/29/2018 990.00 zł - zł
3/30/2018 11.00 zł - zł
3/31/2018 800.00 zł - zł
Suma miesięcznie 14,981.00 zł 3,151.00 zł
Średnia wartość dziennego zakupu 483.26 zł 101.65 zł
Zakup istotny tj. suma powyżej 7 000 lub średnia wartość
dziennego zakupu powyżej 500 zł (Prawda/Fałsz)
Maksymalna wartość dziennego zakupu 6,200.00 zł 1,260.00 zł
Druga maksymalna wartośc dziennego zakupu 2,300.00 zł 390.00 zł
Minimalna wartość dziennego zakupu 11.00 zł 27.00 zł
Druga minimalna wartość dziennego zakupu 12.00 zł 42.00 zł
Liczba zakupów tego asortymentu 20.00 14.00
Liczba zakupów tego asortymentu powyżej 1000 zł 3.00 1.00
Liczba zakupów tego asortymentu poniżej 50 zł 4.00 2.00
Suma zakupów powyżej 1000 złotych 10,100.00 zł 1,260.00 zł
Kleje i Beton i
uszczelniacze zaprawy Termoizolacje Tynki, elewacje Cegły, bloczki Farby
- zł - zł - zł - zł - zł - zł
320.00 zł 2,650.00 zł 900.00 zł - zł - zł 860.00 zł
95.00 zł - zł - zł - zł - zł 456.00 zł
- zł - zł - zł - zł - zł 12.00 zł
149.00 zł - zł - zł - zł - zł - zł
900.00 zł - zł 650.00 zł 900.00 zł - zł - zł
- zł - zł - zł 156.00 zł - zł 652.00 zł
572.00 zł - zł - zł 12.00 zł - zł - zł
- zł - zł - zł - zł - zł - zł
266.00 zł - zł - zł - zł - zł 954.00 zł
614.00 zł - zł - zł 860.00 zł - zł - zł
737.70 zł 10,900.00 zł 1,680.00 zł - zł - zł - zł
442.62 zł - zł - zł - zł - zł 86.00 zł
468.85 zł - zł - zł - zł - zł - zł
- zł - zł 652.00 zł 560.00 zł - zł - zł
- zł - zł 800.00 zł 121.00 zł - zł 254.00 zł
- zł - zł - zł 762.00 zł - zł 26.00 zł
- zł - zł - zł - zł - zł - zł
- zł - zł - zł - zł - zł - zł
1,281.15 zł 4,500.00 zł 1,200.00 zł - zł - zł - zł
218.03 zł - zł - zł - zł - zł 568.00 zł
503.28 zł - zł - zł - zł - zł 56.00 zł
- zł - zł - zł - zł - zł - zł
- zł - zł - zł - zł - zł - zł
290.00 zł - zł - zł - zł - zł 487.00 zł
- zł - zł - zł - zł - zł - zł
- zł - zł - zł - zł - zł 457.00 zł
- zł - zł - zł - zł - zł 45.00 zł
149.00 zł - zł - zł - zł 3,645.00 zł 15.00 zł
900.00 zł - zł - zł - zł - zł - zł
- zł - zł - zł - zł - zł - zł
7,906.64 zł 18,050.00 zł 5,882.00 zł 3,371.00 zł 3,645.00 zł 4,928.00 zł
255.05 zł 582.26 zł 189.74 zł 108.74 zł 117.58 zł 158.97 zł

1,281.15 zł 10,900.00 zł 1,680.00 zł 900.00 zł 3,645.00 zł 954.00 zł

900.00 zł 4,500.00 zł 1,200.00 zł 860.00 zł - zł 860.00 zł
95.00 zł 2,650.00 zł 650.00 zł 12.00 zł 3,645.00 zł 12.00 zł
149.00 zł 4,500.00 zł 652.00 zł 121.00 zł #VALUE! 15.00 zł
16.00 3.00 6.00 7.00 1.00 14.00
1.00 3.00 2.00 0.00 1.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 4.00
1,281.15 zł 18,050.00 zł 2,880.00 zł - zł 3,645.00 zł - zł
Suma dzienna zakupów
- zł
6,395.00 zł 1
941.00 zł
80.00 zł
423.00 zł
2,567.00 zł
998.00 zł
1,214.00 zł
800.00 zł
1,220.00 zł
1,709.00 zł
20,777.70 zł
626.62 zł
468.85 zł
1,272.00 zł
1,273.00 zł
840.00 zł
95.00 zł
135.00 zł
9,281.15 zł
854.03 zł
657.28 zł
364.00 zł
207.00 zł
1,704.00 zł
- zł
457.00 zł
45.00 zł
4,799.00 zł
911.00 zł
800.00 zł
Order ID Customer Name
CA-2014-101266 Korzystając z arkusza Dane ZAD3
CA-2014-101364 dopasuj nazwisko kontrahenta do
numeru zamówienia.
Order ID Order Date Ship Date Ship Mode
CA-2016-152156 11/8/2016 11/11/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-138688 6/12/2016 6/16/2016 Second Class
US-2015-108966 10/11/2015 10/18/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-115812 6/9/2014 6/14/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-114412 4/15/2017 4/20/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-161389 12/5/2016 12/10/2016 Standard Class
US-2015-118983 11/22/2015 11/26/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-105893 11/11/2014 11/18/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-167164 5/13/2014 5/15/2014 Second Class
CA-2014-143336 8/27/2014 9/1/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-137330 12/9/2016 12/13/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-156909 7/16/2017 7/18/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-106320 9/25/2015 9/30/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-121755 1/16/2016 1/20/2016 Second Class
US-2015-150630 9/17/2015 9/21/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-107727 10/19/2017 10/23/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-117590 12/8/2016 12/10/2016 First Class
CA-2015-117415 12/27/2015 12/31/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-120999 9/10/2017 9/15/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-101343 7/17/2016 7/22/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-139619 9/19/2017 9/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-118255 3/11/2016 3/13/2016 First Class
CA-2014-146703 10/20/2014 10/25/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-169194 6/20/2016 6/25/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-115742 4/18/2015 4/22/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-105816 12/11/2016 12/17/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-111682 6/17/2016 6/18/2016 First Class
CA-2015-135545 11/24/2015 11/30/2015 Standard Class
US-2015-164175 4/30/2015 5/5/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-106376 12/5/2014 12/10/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-119823 6/4/2016 6/6/2016 First Class
CA-2016-106075 9/18/2016 9/23/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-114440 9/14/2017 9/17/2017 Second Class
US-2015-134026 4/26/2015 5/2/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-118038 12/9/2017 12/11/2017 First Class
US-2014-147606 11/26/2014 12/1/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-127208 6/12/2016 6/15/2016 First Class
CA-2014-139451 10/12/2014 10/16/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-149734 9/3/2015 9/8/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-119662 11/13/2017 11/16/2017 First Class
CA-2017-140088 5/28/2017 5/30/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-155558 10/26/2017 11/2/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-159695 4/5/2016 4/10/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-109806 9/17/2016 9/22/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-149587 1/31/2015 2/5/2015 Second Class
US-2017-109484 11/6/2017 11/12/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-161018 11/9/2017 11/11/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-157833 6/17/2017 6/20/2017 First Class
CA-2016-149223 9/6/2016 9/11/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-158568 8/29/2016 9/2/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-129903 12/1/2016 12/4/2016 Second Class
US-2015-156867 11/13/2015 11/17/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-119004 11/23/2017 11/28/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-129476 10/15/2015 10/20/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-146780 12/25/2017 12/30/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-128867 11/3/2016 11/10/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-115259 8/25/2014 8/27/2014 Second Class
CA-2015-110457 3/2/2015 3/6/2015 Standard Class
US-2015-136476 4/5/2015 4/10/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-103730 6/12/2016 6/15/2016 First Class
US-2014-152030 12/26/2014 12/28/2014 Second Class
US-2014-134614 9/20/2014 9/25/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-107272 11/5/2017 11/12/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-125969 11/6/2016 11/10/2016 Second Class
US-2017-164147 2/2/2017 2/5/2017 First Class
CA-2016-145583 10/13/2016 10/19/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-110366 9/5/2016 9/7/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-106180 9/18/2017 9/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-155376 12/22/2017 12/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-110744 9/7/2015 9/12/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-110072 10/22/2014 10/28/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-114489 12/5/2016 12/9/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-158834 3/13/2016 3/16/2016 First Class
CA-2015-124919 5/31/2015 6/2/2015 First Class
CA-2015-118948 5/28/2015 6/3/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-104269 3/1/2014 3/6/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-114104 11/20/2016 11/24/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-162733 5/11/2016 5/12/2016 First Class
CA-2015-119697 12/28/2015 12/31/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-154508 11/16/2016 11/20/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-113817 11/7/2016 11/11/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-139892 9/8/2014 9/12/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-118962 8/5/2014 8/9/2014 Standard Class
US-2014-100853 9/14/2014 9/19/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-152366 4/21/2017 4/25/2017 Second Class
US-2015-101511 11/21/2015 11/23/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-137225 12/15/2015 12/19/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-166191 12/5/2014 12/9/2014 Second Class
CA-2014-158274 11/19/2014 11/24/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-105018 11/28/2016 12/2/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-123260 8/26/2014 8/30/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-157000 7/16/2016 7/22/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-102281 10/12/2015 10/14/2015 First Class
CA-2015-131457 10/31/2015 11/6/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-140004 3/21/2014 3/25/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-107720 11/6/2017 11/13/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-124303 7/6/2017 7/13/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-105074 6/24/2017 6/29/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-133690 8/3/2014 8/5/2014 First Class
US-2017-116701 12/17/2017 12/21/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-126382 6/3/2017 6/7/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-108329 12/9/2017 12/14/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-135860 12/1/2017 12/7/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-101007 2/9/2015 2/13/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-146262 1/2/2015 1/9/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-130162 10/28/2016 11/1/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-169397 12/24/2015 12/27/2015 First Class
CA-2015-163055 8/9/2015 8/16/2015 Standard Class
US-2015-145436 2/28/2015 3/4/2015 Standard Class
US-2014-156216 9/13/2014 9/17/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-100930 4/7/2017 4/12/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-160514 11/12/2017 11/16/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-157749 6/4/2016 6/9/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-131926 6/1/2014 6/6/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-154739 12/10/2016 12/15/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-145625 9/11/2016 9/17/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-146941 12/10/2016 12/13/2016 First Class
US-2015-159982 11/28/2015 12/4/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-163139 12/1/2017 12/3/2017 Second Class
US-2017-155299 6/8/2017 6/12/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-106992 9/19/2014 9/21/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-125318 6/6/2016 6/13/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-155040 11/10/2015 11/15/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-136826 6/16/2017 6/20/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-111010 1/22/2016 1/28/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-145366 12/9/2017 12/13/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-163979 12/28/2017 1/2/2018 Second Class
CA-2015-155334 7/30/2015 7/31/2015 First Class
CA-2017-118136 9/16/2017 9/17/2017 First Class
CA-2017-132976 10/13/2017 10/17/2017 Standard Class
US-2015-161991 9/26/2015 9/28/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-130890 11/2/2015 11/6/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-130883 9/26/2015 10/2/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-112697 12/18/2016 12/20/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-110772 11/20/2016 11/24/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-111451 12/26/2014 12/28/2014 First Class
CA-2016-142545 10/28/2016 11/3/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-152380 11/19/2017 11/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-144253 5/4/2015 5/9/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-130960 12/30/2014 1/4/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-111003 6/1/2014 6/6/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-126774 4/15/2017 4/17/2017 First Class
CA-2016-142902 9/12/2016 9/14/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-120887 9/27/2014 10/3/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-167850 8/9/2014 8/16/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-164259 12/28/2014 12/30/2014 First Class
CA-2014-164973 11/4/2014 11/9/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-156601 9/19/2014 9/24/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-162138 4/23/2016 4/27/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-153339 11/3/2017 11/5/2017 Second Class
US-2016-141544 8/30/2016 9/1/2016 First Class
US-2016-150147 4/25/2016 4/29/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-137946 9/1/2015 9/4/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-129924 7/12/2014 7/17/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-128167 6/22/2015 6/26/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-122336 4/13/2014 4/17/2014 Second Class
US-2015-120712 12/20/2015 12/24/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-169901 6/15/2017 6/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-134306 7/8/2017 7/12/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-129714 9/1/2016 9/3/2016 First Class
CA-2016-138520 4/8/2016 4/13/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-130001 4/23/2016 4/28/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-155698 3/8/2017 3/11/2017 First Class
CA-2017-144904 9/25/2017 10/1/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-123344 9/24/2014 9/29/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-155516 10/21/2016 10/21/2016 Same Day
CA-2017-104745 5/29/2017 6/4/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-119137 7/23/2014 7/27/2014 Standard Class
US-2016-134656 9/28/2016 10/1/2016 First Class
US-2017-134481 8/27/2017 9/1/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-130792 4/28/2015 5/5/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-134775 10/28/2016 10/29/2016 First Class
CA-2015-125395 6/26/2015 6/29/2015 Second Class
US-2015-168935 11/27/2015 12/2/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-122756 12/3/2015 12/7/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-115973 11/24/2014 11/26/2014 First Class
CA-2017-101798 12/11/2017 12/15/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-135972 9/21/2014 9/23/2014 Second Class
US-2014-134971 6/7/2014 6/10/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-102946 6/30/2017 7/5/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-165603 10/17/2017 10/19/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-122259 10/31/2015 11/4/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-108987 9/8/2016 9/10/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-113166 12/24/2014 12/26/2014 First Class
CA-2014-155208 4/16/2014 4/20/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-117933 12/24/2017 12/29/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-117457 12/8/2017 12/12/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-142636 11/3/2017 11/7/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-122105 6/24/2017 6/28/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-148796 4/14/2016 4/18/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-154816 11/6/2017 11/10/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-110478 3/4/2017 3/9/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-142048 6/22/2014 6/25/2014 First Class
CA-2017-125388 10/19/2017 10/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-155705 8/21/2017 8/23/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-149160 11/23/2017 11/26/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-101476 9/12/2014 9/13/2014 First Class
CA-2017-152275 10/1/2017 10/8/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-123750 4/15/2016 4/21/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-127369 6/6/2016 6/7/2016 First Class
US-2014-150574 12/19/2014 12/25/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-147375 6/12/2016 6/14/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-130043 9/15/2017 9/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-157252 1/20/2017 1/23/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-115756 9/5/2016 9/7/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-154214 3/20/2017 3/25/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-166674 4/1/2016 4/3/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-147277 10/20/2017 10/24/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-100153 12/13/2016 12/17/2016 Standard Class
US-2014-110674 2/12/2014 2/18/2014 Standard Class
US-2016-157945 9/26/2016 10/1/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-109638 12/15/2015 12/22/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-109869 4/22/2016 4/29/2016 Standard Class
US-2015-101399 1/17/2015 1/24/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-154907 3/31/2017 4/4/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-100419 12/16/2016 12/20/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-154144 12/20/2015 12/24/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-144666 11/9/2014 11/11/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-103891 7/12/2016 7/19/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-152632 10/27/2016 11/2/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-100790 6/26/2016 7/2/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-134677 10/6/2014 10/10/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-127691 7/22/2014 7/27/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-140963 6/10/2017 6/13/2017 First Class
CA-2014-154627 10/29/2014 10/31/2014 First Class
CA-2014-133753 6/9/2014 6/13/2014 Second Class
CA-2014-113362 9/14/2014 9/19/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-169166 5/9/2016 5/14/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-120929 3/18/2016 3/21/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-134782 12/27/2015 12/31/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-126158 7/25/2016 7/31/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-105578 5/30/2016 6/4/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-134978 11/12/2017 11/15/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-145352 3/16/2015 3/22/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-135307 11/26/2017 11/27/2017 First Class
CA-2016-106341 10/20/2016 10/23/2016 First Class
CA-2017-163405 12/21/2017 12/25/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-127432 1/22/2017 1/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-157812 3/22/2015 3/26/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-145142 1/23/2017 1/25/2017 First Class
US-2016-139486 5/21/2016 5/23/2016 First Class
CA-2015-158792 12/26/2015 1/2/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-113558 10/21/2017 10/26/2017 Standard Class
US-2015-138303 9/3/2015 9/7/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-102848 11/7/2015 11/9/2015 Second Class
US-2017-129441 9/7/2017 9/11/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-168753 5/29/2016 6/1/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-126613 7/10/2016 7/16/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-122637 9/3/2017 9/8/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-147851 12/3/2015 12/8/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-134894 12/7/2015 12/11/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-140795 2/1/2014 2/3/2014 First Class
CA-2016-136924 7/14/2016 7/17/2016 First Class
US-2015-120161 12/18/2015 12/23/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-103849 5/11/2014 5/16/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-162929 11/19/2017 11/22/2017 First Class
CA-2015-113173 11/15/2015 11/17/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-136406 4/15/2016 4/17/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-112774 9/11/2017 9/12/2017 First Class
CA-2017-101945 11/24/2017 11/28/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-100650 6/29/2017 7/3/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-155852 3/3/2014 3/7/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-113243 6/10/2016 6/15/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-118731 11/20/2017 11/22/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-145576 9/14/2014 9/18/2014 Second Class
CA-2015-130736 12/7/2015 12/9/2015 First Class
CA-2017-137099 12/7/2017 12/10/2017 First Class
CA-2017-156951 10/1/2017 10/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-164826 12/28/2017 1/4/2018 Standard Class
CA-2016-127250 11/3/2016 11/7/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-149713 9/18/2015 9/22/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-118640 7/20/2017 7/26/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-132906 9/10/2015 9/14/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-145233 12/1/2017 12/5/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-128139 7/3/2015 7/9/2015 Standard Class
US-2016-156986 3/20/2016 3/24/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-135405 1/9/2014 1/13/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-131450 8/8/2014 8/15/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-120180 7/14/2016 7/16/2016 First Class
US-2016-100720 7/16/2016 7/21/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-149958 3/15/2014 3/19/2014 Standard Class
US-2014-105767 5/23/2014 5/27/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-161816 4/28/2016 5/1/2016 First Class
CA-2016-121223 9/11/2016 9/13/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-138611 11/14/2017 11/17/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-117947 8/18/2017 8/23/2017 Second Class
US-2014-111171 12/26/2014 12/31/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-138009 11/29/2015 12/3/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-163020 9/15/2017 9/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-153787 5/19/2017 5/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-133431 12/17/2017 12/21/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-135720 12/11/2016 12/13/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-144694 9/24/2017 9/26/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-168004 10/4/2015 10/9/2015 Second Class
US-2016-123470 8/15/2016 8/21/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-115917 5/20/2016 5/25/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-147067 12/18/2016 12/22/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-167913 7/30/2017 8/3/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-106103 6/10/2017 6/15/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-127719 7/21/2017 7/25/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-126221 12/30/2017 1/5/2018 Standard Class
CA-2016-103947 4/1/2016 4/8/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-160745 12/11/2016 12/16/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-132661 10/23/2016 10/29/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-140844 6/19/2017 6/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-137239 8/22/2016 8/28/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-156097 9/19/2016 9/19/2016 Same Day
CA-2015-146563 8/24/2015 8/28/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-123666 3/26/2016 3/30/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-143308 11/4/2016 11/4/2016 Same Day
CA-2017-132682 6/8/2017 6/10/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-156314 12/24/2014 12/26/2014 First Class
US-2017-106663 6/9/2017 6/13/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-111178 6/15/2017 6/22/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-130351 12/5/2017 12/8/2017 First Class
US-2017-119438 3/18/2017 3/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-164511 11/19/2016 11/24/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-168116 11/4/2017 11/4/2017 Same Day
CA-2014-157784 7/5/2014 7/8/2014 First Class
CA-2017-161480 12/25/2017 12/29/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-117135 6/21/2014 6/23/2014 Second Class
CA-2015-131534 3/28/2015 4/2/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-119291 5/14/2015 5/17/2015 First Class
CA-2017-114552 9/2/2017 9/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-163755 11/4/2016 11/8/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-142027 4/9/2015 4/14/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-138527 9/12/2014 9/17/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-112158 12/2/2014 12/4/2014 First Class
CA-2014-113887 4/5/2014 4/7/2014 First Class
CA-2017-146136 9/3/2017 9/7/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-100048 5/19/2017 5/24/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-153150 7/1/2014 7/6/2014 Second Class
CA-2014-130092 1/11/2014 1/14/2014 First Class
CA-2017-108910 9/24/2017 9/29/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-104472 6/2/2014 6/7/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-112942 2/13/2016 2/18/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-142335 12/15/2016 12/19/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-117429 10/7/2014 10/13/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-114713 7/7/2016 7/12/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-144113 9/16/2017 9/20/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-150861 12/3/2016 12/6/2016 First Class
CA-2017-131954 1/21/2017 1/25/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-132500 9/8/2014 9/12/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-112326 1/4/2014 1/8/2014 Standard Class
US-2016-146710 8/27/2016 9/1/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-124429 5/27/2014 5/27/2014 Same Day
CA-2016-150889 3/20/2016 3/22/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-126074 10/2/2017 10/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-110499 4/7/2016 4/9/2016 First Class
CA-2015-135272 12/7/2015 12/12/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-140928 9/18/2016 9/22/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-106803 12/29/2014 1/2/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-117240 7/23/2017 7/28/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-133333 9/18/2017 9/22/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-112319 8/31/2015 9/5/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-126046 11/3/2017 11/7/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-114923 2/8/2015 2/13/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-162775 1/13/2014 1/15/2014 Second Class
CA-2014-106810 5/14/2014 5/20/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-157245 5/19/2016 5/24/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-104220 1/30/2017 2/5/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-165974 6/29/2014 7/6/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-144267 8/21/2015 8/23/2015 First Class
US-2015-157014 10/3/2015 10/6/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-154921 5/23/2015 5/28/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-129567 3/17/2017 3/21/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-154620 12/12/2015 12/16/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-115938 6/26/2015 6/30/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-105256 5/20/2016 5/20/2016 Same Day
CA-2014-156433 9/20/2014 9/26/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-151428 9/21/2017 9/26/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-124653 12/24/2015 12/26/2015 First Class
CA-2015-101910 11/27/2015 12/3/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-105809 2/20/2017 2/23/2017 First Class
CA-2016-136133 8/18/2016 8/23/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-115504 3/12/2016 3/17/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-135783 4/22/2017 4/24/2017 First Class
CA-2014-134313 11/1/2014 11/7/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-140921 2/3/2015 2/5/2015 First Class
CA-2014-151995 10/13/2014 10/15/2014 First Class
CA-2017-143686 5/14/2017 5/14/2017 Same Day
CA-2015-106565 3/20/2015 3/23/2015 First Class
CA-2016-149370 9/15/2016 9/19/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-140858 6/28/2014 7/2/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-101434 6/20/2017 6/27/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-102071 5/9/2014 5/15/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-126956 8/21/2017 8/28/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-129462 6/16/2017 6/21/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-165316 7/23/2016 7/27/2016 Standard Class
US-2014-115987 9/8/2014 9/13/2014 Second Class
US-2017-156083 11/4/2017 11/11/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-137547 3/7/2016 3/12/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-100454 11/20/2015 11/25/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-161669 11/7/2016 11/9/2016 First Class
CA-2015-114300 10/13/2015 10/17/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-107503 1/1/2017 1/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-107755 2/7/2014 2/12/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-152534 6/20/2016 6/25/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-113747 5/28/2016 6/4/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-123274 2/19/2016 2/24/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-125612 8/3/2014 8/8/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-161984 4/10/2017 4/15/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-133851 6/9/2014 6/16/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-134474 1/5/2016 1/7/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-149020 1/10/2014 1/15/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-134362 9/29/2016 10/2/2016 First Class
CA-2014-136742 4/6/2014 4/10/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-158099 9/3/2016 9/5/2016 First Class
CA-2015-131128 10/19/2015 10/20/2015 First Class
CA-2014-148488 12/10/2014 12/15/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-114636 8/25/2017 8/29/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-116736 1/17/2016 1/21/2016 Standard Class
US-2014-158638 9/17/2014 9/21/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-111689 11/30/2017 12/2/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-129098 10/9/2015 10/13/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-123463 12/23/2017 12/23/2017 Same Day
CA-2016-165148 10/22/2016 10/24/2016 First Class
CA-2014-134061 4/29/2014 5/4/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-143602 4/25/2015 4/28/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-115364 6/26/2017 7/2/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-150707 10/14/2017 10/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-104976 12/9/2014 12/16/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-132934 6/20/2017 6/26/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-133256 6/26/2017 6/27/2017 First Class
CA-2016-105494 11/10/2016 11/12/2016 First Class
CA-2016-140634 10/3/2016 10/6/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-144407 9/9/2014 9/15/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-160983 10/29/2017 10/31/2017 Second Class
US-2016-114622 4/10/2016 4/12/2016 First Class
CA-2017-150959 11/11/2017 11/13/2017 First Class
CA-2017-132353 9/15/2017 9/17/2017 First Class
CA-2016-130477 4/8/2016 4/12/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-143259 12/30/2017 1/3/2018 Standard Class
CA-2017-137596 9/2/2017 9/7/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-133627 5/31/2015 6/7/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-102519 11/27/2017 11/29/2017 First Class
US-2014-141215 6/15/2014 6/21/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-165218 3/5/2016 3/11/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-138296 12/5/2014 12/12/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-111164 4/11/2015 4/15/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-149797 9/15/2016 9/20/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-132962 9/13/2014 9/16/2014 First Class
CA-2015-115091 10/5/2015 10/9/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-144932 4/14/2017 4/17/2017 First Class
CA-2017-114216 9/2/2017 9/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-140081 6/20/2016 6/24/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-111745 11/5/2017 11/6/2017 First Class
CA-2015-148250 12/13/2015 12/17/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-105760 6/19/2016 6/20/2016 First Class
CA-2016-142958 12/13/2016 12/20/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-120880 5/29/2015 6/3/2015 Standard Class
US-2015-140200 7/26/2015 7/28/2015 First Class
US-2017-110576 11/28/2017 12/2/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-131156 4/3/2017 4/7/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-136539 12/28/2017 1/1/2018 Standard Class
CA-2017-119305 11/30/2017 12/4/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-102414 5/15/2017 5/18/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-112571 9/22/2015 9/22/2015 Same Day
CA-2017-152142 11/14/2017 11/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-160059 11/27/2015 12/1/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-120859 9/1/2016 9/4/2016 First Class
CA-2014-127488 9/22/2014 9/24/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-135279 4/9/2017 4/11/2017 First Class
CA-2014-115791 1/16/2014 1/18/2014 Second Class
US-2017-103247 10/5/2017 10/8/2017 Second Class
US-2017-100209 7/9/2017 7/15/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-159366 1/7/2017 1/10/2017 First Class
CA-2016-145499 5/30/2016 5/31/2016 First Class
CA-2015-157035 12/9/2015 12/12/2015 First Class
CA-2016-144939 10/3/2016 10/8/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-163419 11/11/2014 11/14/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-100314 9/29/2017 10/5/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-146829 3/10/2015 3/10/2015 Same Day
CA-2017-167899 5/21/2017 5/26/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-153549 3/29/2015 3/31/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-110023 9/9/2016 9/11/2016 First Class
CA-2016-105585 8/26/2016 8/27/2016 First Class
CA-2014-117639 5/21/2014 5/25/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-162537 10/28/2015 11/3/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-155488 11/13/2016 11/17/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-124891 7/31/2015 7/31/2015 Same Day
CA-2015-126445 8/27/2015 8/31/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-111199 11/13/2015 11/17/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-105312 11/6/2015 11/9/2015 First Class
US-2017-106705 12/26/2017 1/1/2018 Standard Class
CA-2017-135034 8/1/2017 8/3/2017 First Class
CA-2014-158540 11/24/2014 11/26/2014 First Class
CA-2017-118437 6/17/2017 6/21/2017 Second Class
US-2015-126214 12/21/2015 12/24/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-133025 9/17/2015 9/19/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-108665 7/6/2015 7/10/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-124450 4/27/2015 5/3/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-167269 6/16/2015 6/20/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-106964 12/17/2017 12/20/2017 First Class
CA-2016-126529 1/11/2016 1/13/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-163552 7/11/2014 7/15/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-109820 11/20/2016 11/22/2016 First Class
CA-2016-113061 4/22/2016 4/26/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-127418 6/13/2015 6/14/2015 First Class
CA-2017-121818 11/20/2017 11/21/2017 First Class
CA-2016-127670 3/20/2016 3/24/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-102981 9/6/2016 9/9/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-115651 7/9/2017 7/12/2017 First Class
CA-2017-152702 10/12/2017 10/16/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-169103 3/8/2016 3/13/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-139192 5/27/2014 6/1/2014 Second Class
US-2015-153500 7/3/2015 7/5/2015 First Class
CA-2015-110667 4/4/2015 4/8/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-167150 12/10/2017 12/17/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-105284 11/24/2016 12/1/2016 Standard Class
US-2015-125374 3/23/2015 3/29/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-161263 4/16/2015 4/21/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-157686 10/1/2016 10/2/2016 First Class
US-2017-139955 9/28/2017 9/30/2017 Second Class
US-2015-150161 7/25/2015 7/29/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-144652 11/20/2015 11/26/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-152814 4/28/2016 5/2/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-106943 11/14/2017 11/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-134348 11/12/2016 11/19/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-161781 9/29/2016 9/30/2016 First Class
CA-2017-132521 9/23/2017 9/25/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-110016 11/29/2015 12/4/2015 Standard Class
US-2016-143819 3/1/2016 3/5/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-167584 8/12/2016 8/12/2016 Same Day
CA-2016-166163 8/15/2016 8/20/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-158407 6/4/2017 6/10/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-143490 12/6/2015 12/13/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-165085 12/27/2015 12/31/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-160423 1/21/2017 1/26/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-159338 6/25/2014 6/28/2014 First Class
CA-2016-107216 6/14/2016 6/17/2016 First Class
US-2017-145863 4/21/2017 4/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-112340 10/21/2016 10/27/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-110156 11/19/2016 11/24/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-140585 12/18/2017 12/23/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-144855 7/22/2016 7/24/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-142755 9/4/2015 9/8/2015 Standard Class
US-2014-147627 1/20/2014 1/26/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-105970 3/2/2015 3/7/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-112102 4/12/2016 4/16/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-114776 12/6/2016 12/7/2016 First Class
US-2016-134908 6/5/2016 6/9/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-148803 12/11/2016 12/11/2016 Same Day
CA-2016-152170 11/12/2016 11/15/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-146969 9/29/2014 10/3/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-112452 4/4/2015 4/4/2015 Same Day
CA-2015-113971 5/8/2015 5/14/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-160395 12/31/2016 1/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-136567 12/20/2014 12/21/2014 First Class
CA-2016-149314 7/2/2016 7/7/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-147039 6/29/2017 7/4/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-126522 9/1/2014 9/5/2014 Second Class
CA-2014-127964 3/3/2014 3/8/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-117709 5/4/2014 5/8/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-125416 11/2/2015 11/2/2015 Same Day
CA-2017-145226 12/8/2017 12/10/2017 Second Class
US-2014-100279 3/10/2014 3/14/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-158064 4/21/2014 4/25/2014 Standard Class
US-2015-104430 10/22/2015 10/26/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-132080 8/22/2015 8/25/2015 First Class
CA-2016-161207 8/29/2016 9/3/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-120243 12/27/2014 12/30/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-113621 12/1/2016 12/5/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-168081 4/24/2016 4/27/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-128146 6/21/2014 6/25/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-138779 1/14/2017 1/15/2017 First Class
CA-2014-127131 11/24/2014 11/30/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-117212 2/26/2017 2/28/2017 Second Class
US-2015-130519 9/15/2015 9/15/2015 Same Day
CA-2016-130946 4/8/2016 4/12/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-114727 7/18/2016 7/24/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-133235 8/1/2017 8/4/2017 First Class
CA-2016-137050 7/14/2016 7/18/2016 Second Class
US-2017-118087 9/9/2017 9/13/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-110184 7/12/2014 7/16/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-126004 12/4/2016 12/5/2016 First Class
CA-2017-100013 11/6/2017 11/11/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-132570 10/31/2015 11/2/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-153682 5/30/2016 6/1/2016 First Class
CA-2016-144344 10/28/2016 10/28/2016 Same Day
CA-2014-127012 8/11/2014 8/15/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-128727 8/29/2016 9/4/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-162859 2/15/2016 2/22/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-133641 5/14/2017 5/21/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-168494 12/12/2014 12/14/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-115602 12/18/2017 12/24/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-154956 7/4/2015 7/9/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-144638 3/10/2017 3/14/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-168620 12/24/2016 12/28/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-117079 10/23/2017 10/27/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-144393 10/28/2016 11/4/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-105053 7/7/2017 7/9/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-155992 10/1/2016 10/2/2016 First Class
CA-2017-110380 9/2/2017 9/7/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-167738 12/24/2014 12/29/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-121412 9/23/2017 9/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-100426 6/4/2017 6/8/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-103646 4/21/2016 4/26/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-119186 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 Same Day
CA-2016-148698 5/2/2016 5/7/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-163293 9/8/2014 9/11/2014 First Class
CA-2016-160815 9/5/2016 9/6/2016 First Class
CA-2017-122154 4/9/2017 4/11/2017 First Class
US-2015-149692 12/6/2015 12/12/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-119445 6/26/2016 7/3/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-124268 7/4/2015 7/8/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-154711 11/22/2016 11/26/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-163384 11/10/2016 11/12/2016 First Class
CA-2015-101707 8/27/2015 9/1/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-138898 5/25/2015 5/29/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-115427 12/30/2017 1/3/2018 Standard Class
CA-2016-134425 12/8/2016 12/12/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-121391 10/4/2015 10/7/2015 First Class
CA-2016-137043 12/23/2016 12/25/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-115847 9/19/2015 9/24/2015 Second Class
US-2017-126179 7/3/2017 7/7/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-101966 7/14/2016 7/16/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-141397 6/20/2016 6/21/2016 First Class
CA-2016-141082 12/9/2016 12/13/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-134488 9/24/2016 10/1/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-145919 12/18/2016 12/23/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-157651 12/10/2017 12/14/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-160773 7/1/2014 7/5/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-167703 2/3/2017 2/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-121804 3/3/2017 3/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-162635 10/9/2017 10/10/2017 First Class
CA-2014-107153 9/28/2014 10/3/2014 Standard Class
US-2014-117058 5/27/2014 5/30/2014 First Class
CA-2015-120439 6/14/2015 6/18/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-128258 3/30/2016 4/1/2016 First Class
CA-2017-106033 10/15/2017 10/18/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-142762 5/23/2016 5/27/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-127705 6/2/2017 6/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-122567 2/16/2014 2/21/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-121664 5/6/2014 5/10/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-122133 5/16/2016 5/23/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-123281 4/2/2017 4/7/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-100524 3/31/2017 4/2/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-113481 1/2/2017 1/4/2017 First Class
CA-2015-131758 5/28/2015 6/1/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-118339 3/17/2014 3/24/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-153976 10/3/2014 10/8/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-162901 3/28/2016 3/31/2016 First Class
CA-2017-162978 5/4/2017 5/9/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-160444 7/5/2014 7/5/2014 Same Day
CA-2016-145247 5/5/2016 5/7/2016 First Class
CA-2017-160045 4/26/2017 4/27/2017 First Class
US-2014-151925 9/26/2014 10/1/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-125199 10/19/2017 10/25/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-155425 11/10/2017 11/11/2017 First Class
CA-2017-133249 7/8/2017 7/11/2017 First Class
US-2015-103471 12/24/2015 12/28/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-136672 3/7/2017 3/12/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-157021 4/1/2014 4/6/2014 Second Class
CA-2015-120362 9/14/2015 9/19/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-126361 8/4/2014 8/9/2014 Second Class
US-2016-100566 9/3/2016 9/9/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-108504 2/5/2016 2/5/2016 Same Day
CA-2017-124828 7/3/2017 7/4/2017 First Class
US-2017-117247 10/9/2017 10/14/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-124485 11/24/2016 11/26/2016 First Class
CA-2016-159212 11/1/2016 11/5/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-161396 4/19/2016 4/25/2016 Standard Class
US-2014-118486 4/6/2014 4/8/2014 First Class
CA-2016-130407 9/2/2016 9/6/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-122245 9/25/2016 9/30/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-105144 11/4/2017 11/11/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-136329 7/9/2016 7/13/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-146640 6/30/2014 7/5/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-115994 1/28/2017 1/31/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-126697 9/21/2015 9/24/2015 First Class
CA-2015-124800 9/26/2015 9/30/2015 Standard Class
US-2015-164448 10/31/2015 11/4/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-122700 11/26/2017 11/30/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-120768 12/19/2014 12/21/2014 Second Class
US-2016-153129 12/26/2016 12/30/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-106852 6/20/2017 6/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-139731 10/15/2015 10/15/2015 Same Day
CA-2017-122735 4/12/2017 4/15/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-128160 12/19/2017 12/24/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-117695 8/5/2017 8/8/2017 First Class
CA-2015-166135 10/1/2015 10/6/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-133725 5/23/2016 5/28/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-102337 6/13/2017 6/16/2017 First Class
US-2014-112564 4/23/2014 4/24/2014 First Class
CA-2015-145821 5/1/2015 5/7/2015 Standard Class
US-2015-160150 7/19/2015 7/20/2015 First Class
CA-2016-133711 11/26/2016 11/29/2016 First Class
CA-2017-148474 6/12/2017 6/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-111297 8/17/2015 8/21/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-123722 9/25/2016 10/1/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-155271 5/4/2014 5/4/2014 Same Day
CA-2015-119907 12/1/2015 12/8/2015 Standard Class
US-2016-128902 3/11/2016 3/15/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-152289 8/26/2016 8/28/2016 First Class
US-2016-104794 12/16/2016 12/19/2016 First Class
CA-2014-151708 8/8/2014 8/14/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-100769 5/16/2015 5/16/2015 Same Day
CA-2017-139199 12/9/2017 12/13/2017 Standard Class
US-2015-161466 9/24/2015 9/27/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-164959 7/11/2017 7/15/2017 Standard Class
US-2015-105676 12/1/2015 12/2/2015 Same Day
CA-2016-113138 11/19/2016 11/25/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-104955 3/19/2017 3/24/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-121958 11/13/2016 11/17/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-121468 11/19/2017 11/20/2017 First Class
US-2016-108455 12/2/2016 12/8/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-101210 8/25/2017 8/28/2017 Second Class
US-2016-108098 10/14/2016 10/18/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-119032 11/27/2014 12/3/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-140410 11/3/2015 11/7/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-136280 11/29/2014 12/6/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-151911 4/30/2017 5/5/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-166436 11/24/2017 11/28/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-139661 10/30/2017 11/3/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-123925 12/17/2014 12/19/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-152485 9/4/2017 9/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-141586 10/17/2016 10/20/2016 First Class
CA-2017-130386 11/12/2017 11/18/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-100468 11/24/2016 12/1/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-153388 8/1/2015 8/7/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-154935 12/24/2017 12/29/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-134208 9/17/2016 9/23/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-108294 12/10/2017 12/10/2017 Same Day
CA-2017-103611 9/12/2017 9/15/2017 First Class
CA-2017-100384 6/24/2017 7/1/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-112809 8/18/2017 8/22/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-160759 12/11/2017 12/17/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-148446 12/10/2017 12/14/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-111059 2/3/2014 2/6/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-116204 2/11/2017 2/14/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-109946 4/16/2017 4/21/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-144806 12/6/2015 12/11/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-122392 7/22/2016 7/27/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-148432 11/7/2015 11/10/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-103793 3/26/2015 3/31/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-159884 8/31/2017 9/5/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-139885 12/4/2016 12/8/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-124086 2/10/2017 2/14/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-112389 10/29/2016 11/2/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-121888 9/15/2017 9/17/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-166884 3/11/2014 3/16/2014 Second Class
CA-2014-107181 2/4/2014 2/8/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-150245 12/31/2014 1/4/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-111395 11/23/2015 11/27/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-134278 7/6/2014 7/8/2014 First Class
US-2017-124926 11/13/2017 11/18/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-159345 6/17/2016 6/22/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-130274 5/3/2014 5/5/2014 First Class
CA-2017-158386 10/16/2017 10/21/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-111507 2/6/2015 2/13/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-120761 9/4/2017 9/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-109176 5/9/2016 5/15/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-112116 3/16/2015 3/18/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-126809 4/9/2016 4/13/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-105172 4/4/2014 4/9/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-107293 9/5/2017 9/6/2017 First Class
US-2017-102890 6/30/2017 6/30/2017 Same Day
CA-2015-158554 11/9/2015 11/9/2015 Same Day
CA-2014-116239 3/4/2014 3/4/2014 Same Day
CA-2015-132101 3/19/2015 3/25/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-129112 11/29/2015 11/30/2015 First Class
US-2017-152002 6/11/2017 6/11/2017 Same Day
CA-2017-165029 11/26/2017 11/30/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-157385 11/23/2014 11/25/2014 First Class
CA-2014-101602 12/15/2014 12/18/2014 First Class
CA-2016-109057 4/22/2016 4/27/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-154403 5/23/2016 5/27/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-102456 2/27/2016 3/1/2016 First Class
CA-2015-131338 8/9/2015 8/12/2015 First Class
CA-2016-109911 5/12/2016 5/16/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-132423 4/15/2016 4/19/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-122826 6/23/2015 6/25/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-117317 10/19/2014 10/19/2014 Same Day
CA-2015-118423 3/24/2015 3/27/2015 First Class
CA-2017-149181 5/8/2017 5/12/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-132234 10/16/2017 10/18/2017 First Class
CA-2017-158876 11/19/2017 11/21/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-164672 5/8/2016 5/13/2016 Second Class
US-2016-132857 12/11/2016 12/17/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-116645 11/30/2017 12/4/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-115819 4/19/2016 4/24/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-156349 5/26/2014 5/30/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-138380 12/21/2017 12/25/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-113509 3/15/2016 3/19/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-130022 8/10/2015 8/16/2015 Standard Class
US-2016-118780 9/10/2016 9/14/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-108560 7/8/2017 7/15/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-157084 12/19/2015 12/24/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-164539 11/16/2015 11/22/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-143119 9/24/2015 9/30/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-101049 6/21/2017 6/25/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-106530 5/8/2016 5/8/2016 Same Day
CA-2014-168984 11/26/2014 12/2/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-157266 5/26/2016 6/1/2016 Standard Class
US-2014-134712 11/29/2014 12/4/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-111829 3/19/2015 3/20/2015 First Class
CA-2015-105221 11/1/2015 11/3/2015 First Class
CA-2015-120341 9/26/2015 9/29/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-135699 8/29/2014 8/29/2014 Same Day
US-2017-132444 11/18/2017 11/21/2017 First Class
CA-2014-127159 5/12/2014 5/15/2014 First Class
CA-2017-161809 1/20/2017 1/26/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-127285 10/30/2017 11/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-144526 4/30/2017 5/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-128531 11/24/2016 11/26/2016 Second Class
US-2015-157154 1/10/2015 1/15/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-159457 10/19/2017 10/26/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-107615 3/22/2016 3/25/2016 First Class
CA-2017-111647 7/3/2017 7/7/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-150560 12/11/2015 12/12/2015 First Class
CA-2015-143077 9/17/2015 9/21/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-122728 5/18/2016 5/24/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-122882 9/7/2014 9/13/2014 Standard Class
US-2016-101497 9/29/2016 10/1/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-147585 11/7/2016 11/12/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-149489 4/24/2017 4/27/2017 First Class
CA-2017-143798 12/10/2017 12/12/2017 First Class
CA-2014-142839 8/16/2014 8/20/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-129833 12/9/2017 12/15/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-154361 3/14/2016 3/19/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-158708 6/26/2016 6/29/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-156335 9/25/2015 9/28/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-148376 12/27/2015 12/31/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-135657 6/3/2014 6/7/2014 Second Class
CA-2015-114069 7/13/2015 7/15/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-139857 2/2/2014 2/6/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-106306 3/8/2016 3/8/2016 Same Day
CA-2015-100545 11/22/2015 11/26/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-123491 10/30/2017 11/5/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-145401 1/30/2015 2/4/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-124968 9/8/2017 9/13/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-104003 10/7/2017 10/13/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-154788 4/30/2016 5/4/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-169943 5/19/2016 5/24/2016 Standard Class
US-2015-123218 12/20/2015 12/25/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-127453 12/19/2015 12/20/2015 First Class
US-2017-164056 4/29/2017 5/4/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-106894 2/7/2016 2/7/2016 Same Day
CA-2014-125136 9/28/2014 10/3/2014 Standard Class
US-2016-131149 7/10/2016 7/14/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-101483 7/29/2017 8/1/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-130204 9/3/2015 9/9/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-110527 8/9/2014 8/16/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-152807 10/30/2017 11/3/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-133270 6/6/2014 6/9/2014 First Class
CA-2016-155670 8/13/2016 8/17/2016 Second Class
US-2014-157406 4/25/2014 4/29/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-139094 11/22/2015 11/27/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-168837 10/14/2017 10/17/2017 First Class
CA-2017-116715 12/2/2017 12/5/2017 First Class
CA-2015-135622 12/8/2015 12/11/2015 Second Class
US-2015-107349 7/13/2015 7/15/2015 First Class
CA-2014-139017 5/11/2014 5/17/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-141817 1/5/2014 1/12/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-130785 9/5/2015 9/9/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-110254 8/4/2016 8/8/2016 Standard Class
US-2014-158057 3/22/2014 3/26/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-146024 3/2/2017 3/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-129686 11/27/2016 11/29/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-118976 4/28/2014 5/3/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-105347 11/24/2015 11/28/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-124667 11/11/2016 11/16/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-111094 7/9/2015 7/13/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-166317 9/22/2017 9/26/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-154326 2/15/2015 2/19/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-102008 9/30/2014 10/4/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-120474 12/1/2014 12/3/2014 First Class
CA-2014-104773 12/8/2014 12/13/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-140774 9/5/2016 9/10/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-139465 8/27/2017 8/30/2017 First Class
CA-2016-100965 7/7/2016 7/11/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-121034 8/8/2016 8/10/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-149461 11/13/2016 11/19/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-158379 9/22/2017 9/26/2017 Second Class
US-2016-116729 12/25/2016 12/28/2016 First Class
CA-2016-164938 2/11/2016 2/13/2016 First Class
CA-2016-165484 10/23/2016 10/29/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-132612 6/9/2014 6/11/2014 Second Class
US-2017-161193 11/20/2017 11/26/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-131597 9/14/2015 9/18/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-164833 6/4/2015 6/4/2015 Same Day
CA-2015-125423 12/13/2015 12/15/2015 Second Class
US-2014-130379 5/25/2014 5/29/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-168956 2/16/2016 2/20/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-167507 12/22/2016 12/28/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-109344 2/8/2016 2/11/2016 Second Class
US-2015-140851 7/13/2015 7/15/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-103373 5/18/2014 5/24/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-145884 10/21/2017 10/21/2017 Same Day
CA-2015-131422 11/5/2015 11/9/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-162691 8/1/2017 8/7/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-141278 6/21/2014 6/24/2014 First Class
CA-2017-122693 2/19/2017 2/21/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-117345 8/1/2014 8/5/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-157763 7/18/2016 7/23/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-135391 2/9/2015 2/11/2015 Second Class
US-2017-113852 7/29/2017 8/2/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-158512 1/12/2017 1/17/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-128370 9/10/2017 9/10/2017 Same Day
CA-2015-160472 7/20/2015 7/25/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-114643 6/13/2014 6/17/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-158218 5/12/2017 5/15/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-121608 9/3/2015 9/5/2015 First Class
US-2017-121251 3/26/2017 3/27/2017 First Class
CA-2014-151078 11/12/2014 11/12/2014 Same Day
US-2016-100839 10/13/2016 10/17/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-116659 11/12/2017 11/12/2017 Same Day
CA-2017-118857 4/15/2017 4/18/2017 First Class
CA-2015-127110 6/25/2015 7/1/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-148201 8/26/2016 8/29/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-116932 7/21/2014 7/25/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-142888 11/21/2017 11/25/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-147914 6/4/2014 6/9/2014 Standard Class
US-2016-112977 3/10/2016 3/16/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-112039 3/25/2017 3/29/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-118885 12/29/2017 1/2/2018 Standard Class
US-2017-166611 3/28/2017 4/2/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-109512 3/5/2015 3/5/2015 Same Day
CA-2016-118570 11/13/2016 11/17/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-154718 1/19/2017 1/23/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-147578 4/22/2016 4/26/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-140165 5/13/2014 5/15/2014 First Class
CA-2014-142587 10/21/2014 10/22/2014 First Class
CA-2014-157623 3/14/2014 3/18/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-145310 12/22/2017 12/24/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-100083 11/24/2016 11/29/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-108063 12/2/2017 12/5/2017 First Class
CA-2015-109197 12/31/2015 1/4/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-141789 10/3/2017 10/6/2017 First Class
CA-2014-169775 8/29/2014 9/2/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-140543 6/29/2016 7/3/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-151141 8/20/2016 8/23/2016 First Class
CA-2017-167094 10/21/2017 10/22/2017 First Class
CA-2017-154410 10/21/2017 10/24/2017 First Class
US-2016-150567 5/17/2016 5/21/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-157959 2/3/2015 2/4/2015 First Class
CA-2017-105886 12/18/2017 12/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-105963 11/15/2016 11/22/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-121503 7/3/2017 7/6/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-103366 1/15/2014 1/17/2014 First Class
CA-2017-124597 4/30/2017 5/5/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-105634 11/8/2015 11/14/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-123673 10/30/2015 11/1/2015 Second Class
US-2017-111423 8/17/2017 8/19/2017 First Class
CA-2015-125178 10/3/2015 10/9/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-156685 7/8/2016 7/10/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-126865 12/5/2017 12/7/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-102834 3/9/2017 3/13/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-139710 6/9/2016 6/15/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-121538 11/28/2017 12/1/2017 First Class
US-2017-101539 3/16/2017 3/18/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-152121 11/27/2016 11/29/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-161200 8/6/2017 8/10/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-101245 11/27/2017 12/3/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-141768 5/25/2015 5/27/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-112109 7/8/2016 7/12/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-144064 8/29/2017 9/1/2017 First Class
CA-2016-108581 6/20/2016 6/26/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-157987 9/2/2017 9/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-110905 9/10/2017 9/15/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-165841 12/21/2017 12/28/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-117485 9/23/2017 9/29/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-140242 5/6/2017 5/11/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-148950 12/14/2014 12/19/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-110408 10/18/2014 10/20/2014 Second Class
CA-2015-109939 5/8/2015 5/12/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-112669 4/14/2016 4/14/2016 Same Day
CA-2015-119592 12/14/2015 12/16/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-122749 12/3/2014 12/9/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-164721 11/25/2014 11/27/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-147417 7/25/2016 7/27/2016 First Class
CA-2015-127509 11/9/2015 11/13/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-111374 2/24/2017 2/28/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-133648 6/25/2017 7/2/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-147221 12/2/2017 12/4/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-131905 2/6/2014 2/9/2014 First Class
CA-2017-166128 4/11/2017 4/18/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-163510 12/25/2017 12/28/2017 Second Class
US-2017-143028 4/11/2017 4/18/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-111150 12/31/2014 1/4/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-165386 8/3/2017 8/4/2017 First Class
CA-2014-116407 11/15/2014 11/21/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-155761 12/11/2015 12/11/2015 Same Day
CA-2016-145905 9/18/2016 9/23/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-113110 3/19/2015 3/23/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-168354 9/19/2016 9/21/2016 First Class
US-2017-111241 8/20/2017 8/22/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-114237 3/13/2015 3/15/2015 First Class
CA-2016-113516 9/8/2016 9/10/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-117961 11/26/2015 11/30/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-128923 12/9/2016 12/13/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-162481 9/25/2017 9/29/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-119214 1/23/2015 1/27/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-122287 6/18/2015 6/23/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-104493 10/2/2015 10/8/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-158946 11/18/2017 11/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-129168 8/17/2014 8/23/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-131835 7/17/2016 7/21/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-142237 7/11/2015 7/13/2015 First Class
CA-2016-136434 12/1/2016 12/7/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-120376 12/22/2017 12/25/2017 First Class
CA-2014-106439 10/31/2014 11/4/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-133452 4/13/2015 4/19/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-146521 7/21/2016 7/23/2016 Second Class
US-2017-110996 11/20/2017 11/25/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-129693 11/26/2016 12/2/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-122504 11/7/2017 11/12/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-131051 12/1/2014 12/5/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-140676 9/12/2017 9/15/2017 First Class
CA-2015-120103 12/24/2015 12/29/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-104647 2/23/2017 3/1/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-110352 11/23/2014 11/29/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-140501 6/23/2016 6/28/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-139290 10/26/2015 10/30/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-166142 7/15/2017 7/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-145926 11/17/2014 11/21/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-149678 4/13/2015 4/15/2015 Second Class
US-2015-164357 11/25/2015 11/29/2015 Standard Class
US-2016-146570 5/15/2016 5/20/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-124401 9/7/2017 9/12/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-140116 3/10/2014 3/17/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-123295 7/18/2014 7/18/2014 Same Day
CA-2017-167101 3/24/2017 3/28/2017 Second Class
US-2014-167633 9/30/2014 10/5/2014 Standard Class
US-2014-152723 9/26/2014 9/26/2014 Same Day
CA-2015-164882 10/31/2015 10/31/2015 Same Day
CA-2015-159786 10/12/2015 10/17/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-130267 9/19/2016 9/23/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-155460 4/13/2017 4/15/2017 First Class
US-2017-168690 1/7/2017 1/13/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-158246 11/9/2017 11/11/2017 First Class
CA-2017-167381 9/22/2017 9/24/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-144862 12/1/2017 12/5/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-126032 6/23/2014 6/28/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-134859 10/4/2015 10/9/2015 Standard Class
US-2014-114188 5/20/2014 5/22/2014 Second Class
CA-2015-156524 11/20/2015 11/26/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-122210 11/30/2015 12/4/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-156377 12/31/2015 1/5/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-157896 11/16/2017 11/16/2017 Same Day
CA-2014-159520 6/6/2014 6/11/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-155481 9/1/2016 9/5/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-152051 6/25/2016 6/29/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-141607 12/12/2014 12/17/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-102771 3/31/2017 4/5/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-139969 11/19/2017 11/26/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-167360 11/24/2014 11/29/2014 Second Class
CA-2015-123505 11/22/2015 11/26/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-117282 7/14/2016 7/18/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-120460 4/30/2016 5/5/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-111115 7/25/2016 7/27/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-124646 6/22/2014 6/24/2014 First Class
CA-2017-148166 10/21/2017 10/26/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-159737 9/3/2016 9/9/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-141019 5/14/2016 5/14/2016 Same Day
CA-2016-101938 1/7/2016 1/12/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-166296 3/13/2017 3/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-154018 10/13/2016 10/19/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-117870 1/27/2017 1/30/2017 Second Class
US-2017-137491 11/19/2017 11/25/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-152296 8/1/2014 8/3/2014 First Class
CA-2016-112025 7/30/2016 8/4/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-132507 7/30/2015 8/3/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-125738 10/15/2016 10/21/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-128818 5/7/2016 5/11/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-124576 8/1/2017 8/4/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-101378 7/14/2016 7/14/2016 Same Day
CA-2017-143063 8/10/2017 8/15/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-118913 6/25/2016 6/29/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-128412 12/10/2016 12/17/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-136483 12/1/2016 12/6/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-163013 11/28/2014 12/4/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-135363 3/28/2015 4/2/2015 Standard Class
US-2014-165659 6/1/2014 6/6/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-138002 9/6/2015 9/12/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-128860 6/29/2015 7/5/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-164350 9/10/2016 9/12/2016 Second Class
US-2014-103905 7/14/2014 7/20/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-129854 8/22/2015 8/26/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-125556 11/14/2014 11/16/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-162313 11/27/2016 11/30/2016 First Class
CA-2017-107874 11/21/2017 11/25/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-129378 10/1/2017 10/2/2017 First Class
CA-2014-151953 9/20/2014 9/25/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-130841 7/28/2017 8/1/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-131884 12/6/2015 12/6/2015 Same Day
CA-2017-121909 7/31/2017 8/5/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-106383 3/19/2016 3/21/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-130771 7/29/2017 8/3/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-139157 10/1/2016 10/5/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-128055 3/31/2014 4/5/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-157091 6/26/2017 7/1/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-132122 7/9/2017 7/14/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-123232 12/14/2015 12/16/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-104066 12/5/2017 12/10/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-145849 9/15/2015 9/17/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-122322 7/15/2016 7/21/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-166849 4/20/2017 4/26/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-146633 11/15/2016 11/17/2016 Second Class
US-2016-126893 11/26/2016 12/1/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-103380 11/21/2017 11/25/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-116092 2/15/2015 2/18/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-117849 4/15/2016 4/17/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-169201 9/28/2015 10/1/2015 First Class
CA-2016-164091 9/17/2016 9/22/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-105214 6/16/2017 6/19/2017 First Class
CA-2015-117611 11/8/2015 11/10/2015 Second Class
US-2015-137960 12/18/2015 12/18/2015 Same Day
CA-2017-122994 2/6/2017 2/9/2017 First Class
CA-2016-131065 11/14/2016 11/16/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-149146 10/12/2017 10/12/2017 Same Day
CA-2017-137470 9/17/2017 9/17/2017 Same Day
CA-2017-105480 12/20/2017 12/26/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-164917 12/2/2017 12/7/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-102036 9/21/2015 9/27/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-142944 3/6/2015 3/11/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-157882 10/3/2014 10/8/2014 Second Class
CA-2014-104283 6/27/2014 7/1/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-142622 10/30/2017 11/2/2017 First Class
CA-2016-132143 9/3/2016 9/5/2016 First Class
CA-2015-153108 3/5/2015 3/9/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-112676 5/5/2016 5/8/2016 First Class
CA-2017-165687 11/17/2017 11/23/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-112928 6/1/2017 6/5/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-143343 6/10/2017 6/13/2017 First Class
CA-2017-115154 1/8/2017 1/11/2017 First Class
CA-2015-149342 4/20/2015 4/25/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-130995 11/1/2015 11/6/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-127929 12/23/2017 12/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-113145 11/1/2015 11/5/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-162362 11/14/2014 11/18/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-106558 1/17/2016 1/21/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-157931 9/17/2017 9/22/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-115574 12/23/2016 12/24/2016 First Class
CA-2015-160794 8/6/2015 8/8/2015 First Class
CA-2017-116225 11/5/2017 11/9/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-120418 6/11/2017 6/12/2017 First Class
CA-2017-122035 7/20/2017 7/25/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-117828 12/23/2015 12/26/2015 First Class
CA-2017-165491 3/20/2017 3/24/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-109470 12/31/2015 1/3/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-105102 9/15/2015 9/19/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-138422 9/23/2017 9/26/2017 First Class
US-2015-147739 12/25/2015 12/29/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-155187 9/24/2016 9/26/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-169285 3/21/2017 3/25/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-140886 9/30/2014 10/4/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-152695 12/10/2017 12/10/2017 Same Day
CA-2014-110639 8/23/2014 8/23/2014 Same Day
CA-2014-121727 8/19/2014 8/24/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-137736 11/10/2016 11/15/2016 Standard Class
US-2014-143231 12/31/2014 1/3/2015 First Class
US-2014-155894 7/26/2014 7/30/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-119025 2/22/2016 2/28/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-159373 3/13/2016 3/18/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-109701 12/2/2017 12/3/2017 Same Day
CA-2015-111514 8/31/2015 9/2/2015 First Class
US-2014-148838 3/17/2014 3/21/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-136497 4/16/2017 4/20/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-108637 3/13/2016 3/18/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-102295 11/24/2014 11/26/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-123659 2/10/2017 2/13/2017 First Class
US-2016-129469 9/23/2016 9/27/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-155152 7/7/2017 7/9/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-159940 7/7/2016 7/11/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-119669 1/24/2017 1/30/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-164616 8/19/2014 8/21/2014 Second Class
CA-2015-148628 12/6/2015 12/11/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-118052 5/6/2016 5/10/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-117534 3/25/2017 3/26/2017 First Class
CA-2015-145065 12/12/2015 12/15/2015 First Class
US-2015-127040 12/6/2015 12/10/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-128111 3/17/2016 3/23/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-137897 11/14/2015 11/19/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-169264 8/14/2017 8/16/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-147361 9/9/2017 9/15/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-145877 4/1/2017 4/4/2017 Second Class
US-2016-110170 9/27/2016 10/3/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-108574 10/7/2017 10/11/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-144589 1/20/2017 1/25/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-155985 3/23/2017 3/25/2017 First Class
CA-2014-162684 8/1/2014 8/6/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-142041 6/7/2015 6/9/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-151295 11/12/2014 11/16/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-156300 12/29/2016 1/2/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-146087 7/6/2015 7/11/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-168655 10/12/2017 10/18/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-107202 5/21/2016 5/28/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-159597 11/9/2017 11/14/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-155551 4/18/2016 4/23/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-147669 12/25/2017 12/30/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-169922 6/11/2016 6/17/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-100748 5/13/2017 5/20/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-129805 12/28/2017 1/2/2018 Standard Class
CA-2014-148586 3/25/2014 4/1/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-112613 5/28/2017 6/1/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-154746 11/14/2015 11/17/2015 First Class
CA-2017-140053 7/3/2017 7/10/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-164210 11/18/2014 11/20/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-139948 7/17/2017 7/22/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-146934 5/22/2016 5/27/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-100573 9/25/2015 10/1/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-119165 10/31/2016 11/6/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-128027 9/14/2015 9/17/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-140207 11/5/2016 11/10/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-140949 3/17/2017 3/22/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-138548 8/15/2017 8/21/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-142419 7/11/2015 7/13/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-148691 12/3/2017 12/9/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-128755 5/4/2017 5/8/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-135923 1/22/2016 1/28/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-114972 11/3/2016 11/6/2016 First Class
CA-2017-102750 9/4/2017 9/8/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-145212 9/13/2014 9/19/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-141992 6/19/2017 6/25/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-147956 12/24/2017 12/31/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-126067 8/28/2017 9/3/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-104514 1/2/2015 1/4/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-141040 10/9/2015 10/13/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-113579 12/13/2014 12/15/2014 Second Class
CA-2014-144624 11/19/2014 11/23/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-146206 9/10/2016 9/14/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-136644 6/16/2014 6/22/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-122371 9/26/2015 10/1/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-126935 5/19/2016 5/24/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-133781 6/22/2017 6/23/2017 First Class
CA-2017-131618 6/17/2017 6/20/2017 First Class
CA-2016-149482 11/14/2016 11/19/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-143917 7/25/2014 7/27/2014 Second Class
CA-2015-120397 7/2/2015 7/2/2015 Same Day
CA-2017-163902 3/2/2017 3/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-136812 11/18/2016 11/23/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-102722 4/18/2015 4/19/2015 First Class
CA-2017-155089 12/2/2017 12/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-124506 11/11/2016 11/17/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-106572 9/5/2014 9/10/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-128888 11/15/2014 11/22/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-123134 5/2/2017 5/7/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-124352 10/15/2016 10/21/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-124541 4/6/2015 4/10/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-108707 10/24/2014 10/29/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-111500 8/17/2014 8/21/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-117723 8/15/2017 8/18/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-143238 9/6/2015 9/8/2015 First Class
CA-2015-168746 1/27/2015 1/29/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-113404 7/16/2015 7/16/2015 Same Day
CA-2016-144792 4/30/2016 5/4/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-164385 9/26/2014 10/1/2014 Second Class
US-2016-114174 9/8/2016 9/14/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-108070 4/16/2017 4/20/2017 Standard Class
US-2015-128090 8/16/2015 8/22/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-101042 11/19/2017 11/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-155439 9/14/2016 9/18/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-118626 8/15/2016 8/20/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-111458 9/26/2015 9/30/2015 Standard Class
US-2016-126844 10/8/2016 10/14/2016 Standard Class
US-2015-112508 3/24/2015 3/30/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-147788 5/31/2015 6/4/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-144288 12/25/2015 12/31/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-110632 3/17/2015 3/22/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-109589 12/21/2017 12/24/2017 First Class
CA-2017-123967 11/1/2017 11/3/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-148929 9/7/2017 9/11/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-134404 12/27/2017 12/27/2017 Same Day
CA-2017-109778 7/16/2017 7/21/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-155845 8/12/2016 8/15/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-145128 7/9/2017 7/14/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-129091 11/22/2014 11/27/2014 Standard Class
US-2014-155502 1/26/2014 1/31/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-121041 11/3/2015 11/10/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-131695 6/30/2017 7/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-137729 5/5/2016 5/9/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-115455 9/8/2016 9/14/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-128300 11/24/2017 11/26/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-149048 5/13/2017 5/17/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-108553 4/23/2017 4/29/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-165848 6/4/2016 6/4/2016 Same Day
CA-2014-112718 12/16/2014 12/21/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-154053 3/4/2016 3/10/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-127446 11/25/2014 11/30/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-137204 4/28/2016 5/5/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-147298 4/26/2014 5/3/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-147942 4/1/2017 4/5/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-115931 12/22/2017 12/26/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-164861 12/3/2014 12/6/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-127180 10/22/2017 10/24/2017 First Class
US-2017-165344 11/13/2017 11/15/2017 First Class
CA-2015-168186 9/10/2015 9/15/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-110604 5/15/2017 5/20/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-116750 7/5/2015 7/10/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-162369 8/15/2015 8/19/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-108441 6/12/2017 6/18/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-169740 2/20/2015 2/25/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-124051 12/29/2016 12/30/2016 First Class
CA-2016-149111 4/17/2016 4/21/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-131002 9/7/2014 9/12/2014 Second Class
US-2016-146794 9/26/2016 10/1/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-112515 9/17/2017 9/21/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-150343 8/16/2016 8/20/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-135538 12/24/2015 12/28/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-123372 11/28/2017 12/2/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-159604 4/14/2017 4/15/2017 First Class
CA-2016-164784 5/1/2016 5/4/2016 First Class
CA-2016-111794 10/1/2016 10/1/2016 Same Day
US-2015-139759 8/25/2015 8/30/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-126403 9/9/2014 9/12/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-136875 12/3/2017 12/3/2017 Same Day
CA-2017-132185 11/27/2017 12/2/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-160780 6/21/2014 6/21/2014 Same Day
CA-2017-127026 1/21/2017 1/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-137085 6/29/2017 7/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-133123 9/6/2016 9/11/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-128195 8/4/2016 8/5/2016 First Class
CA-2015-153220 11/12/2015 11/14/2015 First Class
CA-2014-123064 6/30/2014 7/2/2014 First Class
CA-2017-156412 12/4/2017 12/8/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-144211 8/28/2016 9/2/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-138079 1/22/2016 1/28/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-143182 10/15/2014 10/20/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-161662 2/7/2016 2/9/2016 First Class
CA-2014-145317 3/18/2014 3/23/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-143413 5/24/2014 5/30/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-156818 7/11/2017 7/13/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-155873 6/16/2017 6/21/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-121797 1/30/2015 2/6/2015 Standard Class
US-2015-120572 12/11/2015 12/15/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-132430 10/9/2017 10/11/2017 First Class
CA-2017-146031 7/29/2017 8/1/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-110100 4/25/2014 4/29/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-103723 12/1/2015 12/6/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-127187 12/4/2014 12/8/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-128475 8/26/2017 9/1/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-100006 9/7/2014 9/13/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-144827 12/21/2017 12/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-110030 12/6/2014 12/8/2014 Second Class
CA-2014-121286 11/4/2014 11/8/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-164735 4/14/2016 4/19/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-153479 10/4/2014 10/8/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-149888 11/7/2017 11/13/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-119193 12/22/2017 12/24/2017 First Class
CA-2017-104801 2/13/2017 2/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-107594 7/2/2014 7/6/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-129770 2/21/2015 2/23/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-115798 11/13/2015 11/19/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-122707 4/16/2017 4/18/2017 First Class
CA-2016-165015 2/25/2016 2/27/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-149244 11/4/2014 11/8/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-140144 6/20/2015 6/25/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-163321 8/7/2017 8/11/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-155887 5/12/2014 5/17/2014 Standard Class
US-2015-165449 11/22/2015 11/26/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-110247 12/4/2015 12/8/2015 Standard Class
US-2014-141257 6/8/2014 6/14/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-154669 8/8/2014 8/11/2014 Second Class
CA-2014-158029 5/26/2014 5/30/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-155306 4/17/2015 4/21/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-127775 6/11/2016 6/13/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-146171 3/11/2016 3/15/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-129574 5/26/2014 5/29/2014 First Class
CA-2017-126536 10/12/2017 10/14/2017 First Class
CA-2017-165757 6/22/2017 6/28/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-167752 1/15/2017 1/18/2017 First Class
US-2015-122140 4/2/2015 4/7/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-163986 9/3/2016 9/10/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-158967 12/10/2017 12/12/2017 First Class
CA-2016-131576 11/22/2016 11/26/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-143455 11/11/2017 11/18/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-144729 10/21/2016 10/25/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-127019 12/21/2015 12/25/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-138534 7/17/2015 7/19/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-108322 4/30/2017 5/5/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-167668 5/6/2017 5/8/2017 First Class
CA-2017-146724 11/20/2017 11/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-139878 11/11/2016 11/16/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-106677 11/5/2016 11/10/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-116974 10/9/2016 10/15/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-149972 9/21/2015 9/23/2015 First Class
US-2014-117744 12/2/2014 12/6/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-125514 9/21/2014 9/22/2014 First Class
CA-2014-154599 4/12/2014 4/17/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-158743 10/20/2017 10/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-153318 10/25/2016 10/28/2016 First Class
US-2015-110163 11/1/2015 11/4/2015 First Class
CA-2017-143329 11/3/2017 11/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-159380 5/12/2015 5/16/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-122623 9/7/2015 9/11/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-148635 7/25/2015 7/27/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-135685 11/16/2015 11/18/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-104626 9/1/2015 9/8/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-160500 5/5/2016 5/8/2016 First Class
CA-2017-100202 12/31/2016 1/5/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-131016 9/18/2017 9/20/2017 First Class
US-2014-112914 9/25/2014 9/30/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-124149 4/23/2016 4/26/2016 First Class
CA-2014-148915 11/1/2014 11/5/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-134649 1/26/2017 1/31/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-110842 11/11/2017 11/16/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-147368 6/9/2016 6/12/2016 First Class
US-2015-104185 9/3/2015 9/8/2015 Second Class
US-2014-125521 3/14/2014 3/19/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-135062 8/31/2017 9/4/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-135650 3/23/2017 3/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-112865 5/18/2017 5/22/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-162852 12/27/2016 12/31/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-138163 11/17/2017 11/20/2017 First Class
CA-2017-152093 9/10/2017 9/15/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-157854 4/8/2017 4/15/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-123617 11/28/2016 12/3/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-128293 6/2/2016 6/5/2016 First Class
CA-2017-107342 12/17/2017 12/22/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-136371 3/19/2016 3/21/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-137344 8/20/2017 8/20/2017 Same Day
CA-2017-169810 7/25/2017 7/31/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-128594 8/26/2016 8/29/2016 First Class
CA-2016-154690 8/15/2016 8/17/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-138975 5/19/2017 5/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-106537 8/12/2017 8/17/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-103828 8/13/2017 8/13/2017 Same Day
CA-2016-115588 11/10/2016 11/12/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-143861 6/12/2017 6/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-148040 3/22/2014 3/26/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-135167 6/15/2017 6/20/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-137022 11/16/2017 11/22/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-102638 12/29/2017 12/31/2017 First Class
US-2016-167339 1/21/2016 1/23/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-152072 1/15/2016 1/19/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-102932 9/19/2016 9/23/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-165540 2/21/2014 2/25/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-130799 11/11/2016 11/16/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-164483 1/30/2016 2/3/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-159856 10/18/2016 10/22/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-102099 12/18/2017 12/19/2017 First Class
CA-2017-164049 11/2/2017 11/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-142727 4/29/2014 5/1/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-139913 10/23/2017 10/29/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-169033 3/30/2014 4/3/2014 Standard Class
US-2016-164630 1/4/2016 1/9/2016 Standard Class
US-2015-114839 4/26/2015 4/30/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-166464 9/12/2015 9/17/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-124898 9/11/2017 9/15/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-164035 6/12/2016 6/17/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-153577 6/27/2016 7/1/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-127586 9/26/2014 9/30/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-121615 11/3/2017 11/9/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-166415 2/19/2017 2/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-118444 11/5/2015 11/9/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-113929 6/16/2014 6/21/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-134747 10/12/2015 10/17/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-155047 8/27/2017 8/30/2017 First Class
CA-2016-160129 11/23/2016 11/23/2016 Same Day
CA-2017-164329 1/30/2017 1/30/2017 Same Day
US-2015-141453 11/30/2015 12/3/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-156993 6/28/2014 7/4/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-157721 9/2/2014 9/5/2014 First Class
CA-2017-128629 7/10/2017 7/14/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-158106 6/4/2017 6/10/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-120390 10/19/2017 10/26/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-143434 11/18/2017 11/24/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-168564 8/8/2015 8/8/2015 Same Day
US-2016-169040 12/6/2016 12/12/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-155880 3/25/2017 3/31/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-126242 11/19/2017 11/24/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-166443 11/4/2016 11/5/2016 First Class
CA-2017-169859 12/14/2017 12/18/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-134915 11/12/2017 11/12/2017 Same Day
CA-2016-153353 8/18/2016 8/24/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-123638 6/27/2017 7/4/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-168900 5/4/2017 5/9/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-158456 12/24/2015 12/29/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-143665 4/26/2017 5/1/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-137428 12/16/2017 12/21/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-162866 12/27/2014 12/31/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-167941 11/6/2017 11/9/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-111808 12/16/2017 12/20/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-137512 5/7/2015 5/12/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-139773 12/4/2017 12/4/2017 Same Day
CA-2017-134607 10/3/2017 10/8/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-109232 1/13/2014 1/16/2014 Second Class
CA-2015-139850 6/12/2015 6/17/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-131310 7/12/2014 7/18/2014 Standard Class
US-2014-112872 12/6/2014 12/11/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-139269 5/25/2016 5/30/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-139010 2/21/2016 2/26/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-134376 10/2/2016 10/6/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-147291 3/11/2017 3/17/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-112893 9/9/2016 9/13/2016 Second Class
US-2014-150532 7/14/2014 7/21/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-138317 6/21/2014 6/25/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-130610 7/5/2015 7/10/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-104381 12/16/2017 12/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-131499 9/8/2016 9/10/2016 First Class
CA-2014-148761 5/17/2014 5/21/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-116519 10/13/2017 10/15/2017 First Class
CA-2014-130729 10/24/2014 10/29/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-124772 12/5/2016 12/6/2016 First Class
CA-2016-115525 7/25/2016 7/29/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-134845 4/17/2017 4/23/2017 Standard Class
US-2015-138919 9/17/2015 9/21/2015 Standard Class
US-2016-160528 8/23/2016 8/30/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-123568 11/8/2015 11/14/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-124674 11/17/2017 11/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-164441 11/8/2015 11/13/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-169054 4/22/2017 4/26/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-106719 8/24/2014 8/24/2014 Same Day
CA-2017-116855 12/17/2017 12/21/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-164189 3/24/2016 3/28/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-168480 9/21/2015 9/27/2015 Standard Class
US-2016-114293 11/21/2016 11/26/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-134173 9/16/2017 9/21/2017 Standard Class
US-2015-123960 6/11/2015 6/16/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-101749 10/3/2017 10/8/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-147991 5/5/2016 5/9/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-149559 9/11/2017 9/12/2017 Same Day
CA-2015-135174 4/30/2015 5/2/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-125290 11/6/2017 11/10/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-137351 9/30/2014 10/4/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-121419 4/2/2017 4/4/2017 First Class
US-2017-148054 10/6/2017 10/11/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-128517 4/9/2016 4/14/2016 Second Class
US-2015-100377 8/28/2015 9/1/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-131492 10/19/2017 10/24/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-144554 11/7/2016 11/12/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-127621 3/3/2017 3/7/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-145184 11/27/2015 11/29/2015 First Class
CA-2017-106859 3/13/2017 3/18/2017 Second Class
US-2017-120089 11/30/2017 11/30/2017 Same Day
CA-2014-119375 11/17/2014 11/22/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-125206 1/3/2016 1/5/2016 First Class
CA-2015-126137 10/3/2015 10/8/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-143903 7/20/2014 7/24/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-104780 5/21/2014 5/25/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-101182 9/4/2017 9/5/2017 First Class
US-2017-132297 5/27/2017 6/2/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-100328 1/28/2014 2/3/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-118773 2/9/2017 2/14/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-159205 3/31/2017 4/2/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-112123 3/3/2016 3/8/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-114468 8/23/2015 8/23/2015 Same Day
CA-2017-135692 4/27/2017 5/1/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-131233 4/14/2017 4/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-119578 12/22/2017 12/27/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-124562 12/8/2016 12/12/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-140074 3/23/2017 3/29/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-103037 7/25/2016 7/29/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-127460 7/10/2017 7/14/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-121671 7/17/2016 7/22/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-150350 8/23/2016 8/30/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-121720 6/11/2015 6/12/2015 First Class
CA-2017-149895 9/8/2017 9/12/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-147564 10/2/2017 10/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-136399 12/16/2014 12/17/2014 First Class
CA-2014-107916 8/24/2014 8/26/2014 First Class
CA-2017-164168 11/12/2017 11/18/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-112557 4/25/2015 4/28/2015 First Class
US-2014-122959 12/12/2014 12/12/2014 Same Day
CA-2017-162572 9/25/2017 9/27/2017 Second Class
US-2016-148110 9/5/2016 9/11/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-131828 2/11/2017 2/13/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-109218 6/30/2014 7/3/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-120558 6/7/2016 6/10/2016 First Class
US-2014-109036 12/20/2014 12/25/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-147830 12/15/2015 12/18/2015 First Class
CA-2017-150497 7/20/2017 7/24/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-128986 8/3/2014 8/5/2014 Second Class
CA-2015-139584 8/24/2015 8/28/2015 Standard Class
US-2016-162677 3/26/2016 3/27/2016 First Class
US-2014-150924 9/12/2014 9/16/2014 Second Class
CA-2014-153969 9/21/2014 9/25/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-146682 10/29/2016 10/31/2016 First Class
CA-2016-138695 5/28/2016 6/3/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-107461 12/21/2017 12/26/2017 Second Class
US-2016-133879 3/21/2016 3/28/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-157483 11/11/2017 11/18/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-132059 9/23/2017 9/29/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-122280 9/10/2017 9/10/2017 Same Day
CA-2017-105235 12/5/2017 12/11/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-152912 11/9/2017 11/12/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-123498 11/7/2014 11/9/2014 First Class
CA-2017-159352 3/12/2017 3/17/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-146416 10/20/2017 10/22/2017 Second Class
US-2015-163783 12/27/2015 1/1/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-123981 10/2/2017 10/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-158953 6/4/2017 6/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-165428 9/1/2014 9/4/2014 First Class
CA-2016-169026 8/8/2016 8/13/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-109750 7/22/2017 7/28/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-149384 7/10/2015 7/10/2015 Same Day
CA-2014-131527 12/1/2014 12/7/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-164000 12/18/2017 12/22/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-164224 5/18/2014 5/20/2014 Second Class
CA-2014-158372 11/10/2014 11/16/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-108882 1/9/2016 1/15/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-108245 9/22/2017 9/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-142314 12/23/2014 12/28/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-132409 5/26/2016 6/1/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-150189 7/8/2017 7/10/2017 First Class
CA-2014-114433 5/13/2014 5/17/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-104640 11/10/2017 11/16/2017 Standard Class
US-2015-137008 10/2/2015 10/8/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-108189 10/2/2014 10/5/2014 First Class
CA-2014-154641 8/11/2014 8/16/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-131625 9/1/2017 9/5/2017 Second Class
US-2017-156356 4/16/2017 4/22/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-138933 4/24/2016 4/27/2016 First Class
CA-2016-140746 1/15/2016 1/15/2016 Same Day
CA-2016-146836 5/2/2016 5/2/2016 Same Day
US-2016-127971 11/20/2016 11/27/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-140809 2/1/2016 2/3/2016 First Class
CA-2017-114524 3/31/2017 4/5/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-113355 12/1/2017 12/5/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-140907 12/10/2017 12/12/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-159730 9/17/2016 9/21/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-157868 12/23/2016 12/29/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-119389 4/17/2017 4/19/2017 First Class
CA-2017-110373 10/27/2017 10/30/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-155474 7/8/2016 7/14/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-155453 8/9/2015 8/14/2015 Standard Class
US-2016-161844 12/9/2016 12/14/2016 Second Class
US-2016-162103 11/13/2016 11/17/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-151554 11/14/2014 11/15/2014 First Class
CA-2014-140662 11/17/2014 11/19/2014 First Class
CA-2016-122518 3/4/2016 3/8/2016 Second Class
US-2014-126571 10/11/2014 10/15/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-143840 5/22/2014 5/29/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-115980 7/15/2014 7/19/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-155145 12/27/2015 12/29/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-146038 2/9/2015 2/16/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-133865 5/8/2017 5/12/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-116358 11/2/2017 11/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-102988 4/5/2014 4/9/2014 Second Class
US-2014-117170 9/17/2014 9/24/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-159478 9/30/2014 10/6/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-103702 9/12/2014 9/17/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-150525 2/20/2017 2/25/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-157770 12/13/2015 12/15/2015 First Class
CA-2016-167290 10/30/2016 11/4/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-106264 12/26/2014 12/30/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-138023 8/15/2014 8/18/2014 First Class
CA-2017-113418 10/1/2017 10/3/2017 First Class
US-2015-110569 5/23/2015 5/30/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-136308 11/16/2017 11/16/2017 Same Day
US-2014-159926 11/18/2014 11/22/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-104738 12/30/2014 1/1/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-144386 11/5/2015 11/11/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-111416 9/17/2016 9/22/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-162747 3/20/2016 3/25/2016 Second Class
US-2014-133130 9/27/2014 10/1/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-169978 12/24/2017 12/28/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-161739 11/10/2017 11/15/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-165057 9/11/2015 9/15/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-134551 12/20/2014 12/25/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-120810 7/23/2015 7/27/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-165309 11/11/2014 11/15/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-122595 12/14/2017 12/20/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-109253 8/21/2017 8/22/2017 First Class
CA-2016-145982 8/27/2016 9/1/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-112014 8/13/2015 8/20/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-154732 11/5/2017 11/7/2017 First Class
US-2016-157308 8/17/2016 8/21/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-147536 12/26/2016 12/31/2016 Standard Class
US-2014-134733 9/23/2014 9/28/2014 Standard Class
US-2014-150434 7/19/2014 7/24/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-100335 9/7/2017 9/13/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-139234 5/6/2016 5/10/2016 Standard Class
US-2015-142020 6/4/2015 6/8/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-139962 12/13/2015 12/20/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-130050 7/16/2016 7/18/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-115161 1/31/2014 2/2/2014 First Class
CA-2014-165379 7/9/2014 7/15/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-115511 11/21/2015 11/25/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-134887 3/25/2016 3/25/2016 Same Day
CA-2017-123778 9/23/2017 9/30/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-161718 12/4/2015 12/10/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-100671 11/1/2016 11/4/2016 First Class
CA-2017-142867 3/17/2017 3/21/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-103156 11/23/2017 11/24/2017 First Class
US-2017-162208 8/27/2017 8/30/2017 First Class
CA-2015-130659 12/4/2015 12/9/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-148404 10/7/2017 10/11/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-101077 3/25/2017 3/30/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-166471 8/9/2014 8/13/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-105340 11/22/2014 11/25/2014 First Class
US-2017-131583 6/10/2017 6/10/2017 Same Day
US-2017-148362 7/1/2017 7/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-102274 11/21/2014 11/26/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-129700 5/4/2015 5/5/2015 First Class
CA-2017-168739 5/29/2017 6/5/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-152527 10/17/2015 10/17/2015 Same Day
US-2014-150119 4/23/2014 4/27/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-150847 4/30/2017 5/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-100244 9/20/2016 9/24/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-116540 9/2/2016 9/2/2016 Same Day
CA-2015-151841 4/27/2015 5/2/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-150791 9/6/2015 9/13/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-134803 5/28/2016 6/3/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-153381 9/24/2015 9/28/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-111024 7/3/2017 7/6/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-148264 12/8/2017 12/9/2017 First Class
CA-2017-131212 12/5/2017 12/9/2017 Standard Class
US-2015-100531 9/27/2015 9/29/2015 First Class
CA-2017-152583 10/30/2017 10/30/2017 Same Day
CA-2015-144099 11/29/2015 11/30/2015 Same Day
CA-2014-158337 3/11/2014 3/14/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-168858 11/19/2017 11/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-116344 7/29/2016 8/2/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-131779 6/12/2015 6/17/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-158869 8/6/2016 8/7/2016 First Class
CA-2017-102554 6/11/2017 6/15/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-162614 10/7/2016 10/13/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-168592 9/8/2014 9/14/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-157609 3/16/2014 3/21/2014 Second Class
CA-2015-153325 3/1/2015 3/2/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-153626 7/9/2015 7/14/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-166485 2/20/2016 2/27/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-136448 9/16/2017 9/18/2017 First Class
CA-2017-114258 11/5/2017 11/10/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-152611 2/20/2015 2/23/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-165470 11/25/2016 11/30/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-128699 12/3/2017 12/5/2017 Second Class
US-2015-147242 9/10/2015 9/14/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-146143 12/14/2016 12/19/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-100888 4/6/2015 4/10/2015 Standard Class
US-2016-150035 12/1/2016 12/5/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-122644 11/12/2017 11/17/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-111815 3/3/2017 3/10/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-144911 11/27/2016 11/30/2016 First Class
CA-2014-143385 8/31/2014 9/5/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-131289 12/8/2016 12/14/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-124023 4/7/2014 4/10/2014 First Class
CA-2014-124688 8/27/2014 8/29/2014 First Class
CA-2016-151169 10/21/2016 10/26/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-134761 11/30/2016 11/30/2016 Same Day
CA-2017-120705 9/5/2017 9/11/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-157322 7/2/2015 7/6/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-142034 9/24/2017 9/28/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-107328 8/8/2016 8/15/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-108616 9/29/2016 10/3/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-125115 4/10/2017 4/10/2017 Same Day
CA-2016-150945 12/18/2016 12/20/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-166863 6/20/2014 6/24/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-140326 9/4/2017 9/6/2017 First Class
CA-2016-168536 12/20/2016 12/24/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-113649 8/9/2016 8/12/2016 First Class
CA-2015-124975 6/22/2015 6/25/2015 First Class
CA-2015-168767 4/10/2015 4/15/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-114482 11/21/2016 11/25/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-137673 9/5/2016 9/10/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-132731 11/24/2016 11/28/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-148922 12/10/2017 12/15/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-130680 6/24/2016 6/29/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-141145 9/17/2015 9/23/2015 Standard Class
US-2016-152835 5/19/2016 5/23/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-155565 5/28/2016 5/28/2016 Same Day
CA-2014-110849 4/18/2014 4/23/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-145842 6/17/2016 6/20/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-158771 5/9/2014 5/9/2014 Same Day
CA-2016-157511 9/18/2016 9/20/2016 First Class
CA-2017-121216 12/23/2017 12/25/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-155292 10/30/2017 11/1/2017 First Class
CA-2016-152555 3/29/2016 4/2/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-107832 11/23/2017 11/26/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-120838 3/23/2014 3/26/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-118542 12/1/2017 12/5/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-152737 11/7/2017 11/12/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-109757 9/4/2017 9/9/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-130029 7/3/2016 7/6/2016 First Class
CA-2017-103877 9/7/2017 9/14/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-137176 9/9/2016 9/14/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-168109 7/3/2017 7/3/2017 Same Day
US-2017-126081 6/29/2017 7/4/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-117023 8/7/2017 8/12/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-143532 3/19/2015 3/24/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-103163 6/7/2016 6/11/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-104157 7/25/2016 7/29/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-117807 10/1/2017 10/7/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-121650 12/10/2015 12/16/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-161823 9/3/2017 9/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-121839 9/24/2017 9/28/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-158729 12/19/2017 12/21/2017 First Class
CA-2017-146535 11/24/2017 11/30/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-154186 12/13/2014 12/15/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-108434 12/5/2016 12/7/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-164154 9/11/2016 9/17/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-148012 12/9/2017 12/15/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-102869 9/9/2014 9/14/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-138310 6/26/2017 6/30/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-159835 11/17/2014 11/24/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-112956 8/21/2017 8/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-119683 3/12/2016 3/16/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-163559 9/23/2014 9/28/2014 Second Class
CA-2014-140228 4/28/2014 5/3/2014 Standard Class
US-2016-131674 11/29/2016 12/1/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-110093 12/3/2015 12/8/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-112529 11/19/2017 11/21/2017 First Class
CA-2016-154536 9/5/2016 9/9/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-141929 9/4/2017 9/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-109743 9/22/2016 9/29/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-159184 9/14/2014 9/19/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-113530 5/19/2017 5/21/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-169726 8/9/2014 8/13/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-155957 11/26/2017 11/30/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-132178 5/3/2017 5/8/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-145177 11/10/2016 11/14/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-156594 12/20/2014 12/23/2014 Second Class
CA-2014-146528 7/25/2014 7/27/2014 Second Class
CA-2015-168459 11/22/2015 11/27/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-109960 12/9/2017 12/11/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-133004 8/31/2017 9/5/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-168102 4/24/2017 4/30/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-158036 9/8/2017 9/14/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-128083 3/12/2015 3/17/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-161676 7/18/2016 7/23/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-155005 6/13/2016 6/15/2016 Second Class
US-2017-129777 7/3/2017 7/9/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-129364 12/8/2014 12/13/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-104969 4/8/2016 4/14/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-154109 11/6/2017 11/11/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-156440 12/5/2015 12/9/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-132626 7/9/2015 7/14/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-102792 12/13/2016 12/19/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-108567 5/20/2016 5/24/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-140760 6/2/2017 6/5/2017 Second Class
US-2015-131359 10/30/2015 11/2/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-142097 10/15/2016 10/20/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-151680 11/19/2015 11/21/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-140039 9/13/2014 9/17/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-160416 11/13/2017 11/18/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-169411 12/24/2017 12/29/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-126543 1/9/2016 1/13/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-104941 6/13/2015 6/19/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-160087 3/18/2017 3/22/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-120544 11/23/2014 11/27/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-113670 10/15/2017 10/17/2017 First Class
CA-2017-166198 4/21/2017 4/24/2017 First Class
CA-2014-135608 12/8/2014 12/10/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-144568 5/29/2017 6/2/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-142370 9/19/2016 9/23/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-105900 9/17/2016 9/23/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-151155 12/20/2016 12/24/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-144036 11/22/2017 11/26/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-169789 12/30/2014 1/4/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-127264 4/3/2017 4/5/2017 First Class
CA-2016-151512 12/26/2016 1/2/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-165169 6/5/2016 6/11/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-109575 9/18/2015 9/23/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-168193 3/6/2017 3/11/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-115476 3/17/2016 3/17/2016 Same Day
CA-2016-133340 12/9/2016 12/13/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-137848 1/15/2016 1/21/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-113047 10/24/2014 10/24/2014 Same Day
CA-2016-149979 9/23/2016 9/28/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-161956 8/27/2017 8/29/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-116799 3/3/2016 3/6/2016 First Class
CA-2016-111283 2/29/2016 3/4/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-167745 9/18/2015 9/23/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-104577 5/12/2017 5/17/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-156251 8/13/2016 8/18/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-125878 2/25/2017 3/2/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-163153 3/21/2016 3/25/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-103205 12/8/2015 12/10/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-153913 12/16/2014 12/20/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-155530 12/17/2016 12/21/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-101196 5/12/2016 5/17/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-115357 8/6/2014 8/11/2014 Second Class
US-2014-102715 4/11/2014 4/13/2014 Second Class
CA-2015-107937 5/3/2015 5/8/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-148768 11/30/2017 12/2/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-118521 2/16/2017 2/20/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-149643 11/16/2014 11/20/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-135314 7/9/2015 7/14/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-165204 11/13/2017 11/16/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-125752 7/31/2017 8/4/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-112487 12/26/2017 12/30/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-144218 10/31/2016 11/4/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-169971 9/4/2016 9/9/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-133508 4/17/2016 4/21/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-107139 7/5/2014 7/11/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-111325 2/27/2015 2/28/2015 First Class
CA-2015-163762 11/27/2015 12/1/2015 Standard Class
US-2014-117163 1/27/2014 2/2/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-121314 9/23/2017 9/26/2017 First Class
CA-2017-147760 11/4/2017 11/5/2017 First Class
CA-2016-156503 10/14/2016 10/20/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-113628 11/12/2015 11/19/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-147753 3/5/2017 3/5/2017 Same Day
CA-2015-103961 11/5/2015 11/9/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-152471 7/8/2016 7/8/2016 Same Day
CA-2015-102582 9/15/2015 9/19/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-141873 10/9/2017 10/14/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-140984 9/14/2015 9/18/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-132801 10/7/2014 10/12/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-141733 5/7/2017 5/11/2017 Standard Class
US-2015-111927 11/14/2015 11/19/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-105984 11/24/2014 11/24/2014 Same Day
CA-2014-100363 4/8/2014 4/15/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-126760 7/26/2014 8/2/2014 Standard Class
US-2014-109162 6/8/2014 6/12/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-101931 10/28/2014 10/31/2014 First Class
CA-2017-129000 11/25/2017 11/27/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-161053 9/22/2017 9/23/2017 First Class
CA-2015-142377 12/4/2015 12/9/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-127593 9/21/2015 9/21/2015 Same Day
CA-2017-130526 11/26/2017 11/29/2017 First Class
US-2017-131849 6/6/2017 6/10/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-105389 10/23/2017 10/28/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-140816 12/20/2014 12/20/2014 Same Day
CA-2017-154039 2/17/2017 2/22/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-135755 5/3/2014 5/10/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-123246 10/17/2017 10/19/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-157133 11/28/2015 12/3/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-124709 7/27/2014 7/29/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-146360 4/23/2017 4/25/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-132486 10/23/2015 10/27/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-136231 9/5/2016 9/7/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-140641 10/28/2016 11/2/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-151001 4/5/2014 4/7/2014 First Class
CA-2015-129896 6/15/2015 6/20/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-152849 7/5/2014 7/12/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-127341 1/29/2017 2/2/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-167759 3/3/2016 3/8/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-100895 6/2/2014 6/6/2014 Standard Class
US-2016-163881 11/24/2016 11/30/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-144547 11/10/2016 11/14/2016 Standard Class
US-2014-112200 11/22/2014 11/28/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-110212 5/1/2017 5/5/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-134285 12/7/2017 12/12/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-102267 11/30/2017 12/4/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-157980 12/7/2017 12/9/2017 First Class
CA-2015-121097 1/3/2015 1/8/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-151043 11/14/2015 11/20/2015 Standard Class
US-2015-119312 10/2/2015 10/7/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-167010 4/5/2015 4/10/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-126788 6/5/2017 6/6/2017 First Class
CA-2017-148068 9/18/2017 9/25/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-142573 7/18/2017 7/23/2017 Standard Class
US-2015-148817 12/1/2015 12/7/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-110044 6/28/2016 7/2/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-146920 8/28/2017 9/1/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-103940 9/17/2014 9/21/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-162082 3/14/2016 3/17/2016 First Class
CA-2016-132094 8/26/2016 9/2/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-123001 9/2/2017 9/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-118955 6/16/2015 6/20/2015 Standard Class
US-2016-143448 12/10/2016 12/10/2016 Same Day
CA-2017-117863 5/18/2017 5/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-160458 5/27/2017 5/29/2017 Second Class
US-2016-142685 6/23/2016 6/30/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-133144 5/16/2016 5/21/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-167871 11/18/2017 11/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-119963 11/18/2016 11/22/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-121167 11/28/2014 11/30/2014 Second Class
US-2016-151862 3/1/2016 3/8/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-152961 1/15/2017 1/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-133228 4/4/2014 4/9/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-114951 6/26/2016 7/3/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-156573 5/29/2016 6/2/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-113901 10/19/2015 10/24/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-134838 2/19/2017 2/20/2017 First Class
CA-2016-120257 9/22/2016 9/28/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-164910 11/12/2014 11/17/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-149902 4/1/2016 4/6/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-146010 5/20/2016 5/23/2016 First Class
US-2015-163685 6/1/2015 6/5/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-135090 11/22/2014 11/26/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-132374 2/22/2015 2/24/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-167556 3/29/2016 4/2/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-116400 10/22/2016 10/24/2016 First Class
CA-2017-101308 10/2/2017 10/7/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-114517 12/23/2014 12/27/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-119564 12/15/2017 12/20/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-135265 7/7/2016 7/9/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-108735 4/17/2016 4/21/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-112333 4/8/2017 4/14/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-159415 4/17/2016 4/22/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-122588 11/25/2014 11/27/2014 Second Class
CA-2014-137589 11/3/2014 11/8/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-161998 5/1/2015 5/5/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-105627 3/8/2015 3/12/2015 Standard Class
US-2015-149629 7/17/2015 7/20/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-116834 10/11/2014 10/16/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-145730 3/3/2016 3/8/2016 Standard Class
US-2015-168732 12/10/2015 12/16/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-107468 12/18/2015 12/22/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-144463 1/1/2017 1/5/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-100811 11/21/2017 11/24/2017 First Class
CA-2015-153612 12/22/2015 12/27/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-165624 8/23/2015 8/28/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-154963 6/22/2014 6/27/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-130764 10/27/2017 10/28/2017 First Class
CA-2017-139311 8/11/2017 8/13/2017 First Class
CA-2017-124296 12/24/2017 12/28/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-169957 9/26/2016 9/30/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-108777 12/12/2016 12/12/2016 Same Day
CA-2015-148859 12/28/2015 1/1/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-110786 12/29/2014 1/2/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-137750 6/25/2015 6/30/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-136378 4/2/2015 4/7/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-100356 10/21/2017 10/25/2017 Standard Class
US-2015-166520 7/16/2015 7/19/2015 First Class
CA-2017-136350 6/24/2017 6/26/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-122931 9/29/2014 10/3/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-163034 11/24/2014 11/28/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-124058 11/20/2015 11/24/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-129196 11/1/2016 11/7/2016 Standard Class
US-2015-138716 9/17/2015 9/20/2015 First Class
US-2016-122182 3/10/2016 3/14/2016 Standard Class
US-2014-130358 6/23/2014 6/26/2014 First Class
CA-2014-102673 11/1/2014 11/5/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-145303 8/28/2016 8/31/2016 First Class
CA-2015-156104 12/6/2015 12/8/2015 Second Class
US-2015-164308 9/24/2015 9/27/2015 First Class
CA-2017-108112 11/15/2017 11/20/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-100685 12/19/2015 12/21/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-165414 12/21/2015 12/24/2015 First Class
CA-2016-140417 9/25/2016 9/29/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-151316 6/24/2017 6/30/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-163692 9/7/2017 9/9/2017 First Class
CA-2016-111913 8/4/2016 8/6/2016 Second Class
US-2014-156559 8/19/2014 8/26/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-161473 4/1/2016 4/5/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-166576 5/16/2017 5/18/2017 First Class
CA-2015-102491 8/24/2015 8/28/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-116904 9/23/2014 9/28/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-102288 6/19/2017 6/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-137456 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 Same Day
US-2017-155999 8/7/2017 8/13/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-148334 8/22/2016 8/26/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-105599 9/7/2015 9/7/2015 Same Day
CA-2015-153717 12/25/2015 1/1/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-116687 5/2/2015 5/7/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-163573 11/24/2016 11/27/2016 First Class
CA-2015-153416 11/24/2015 11/29/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-117394 9/4/2017 9/10/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-133823 5/11/2017 5/12/2017 Same Day
CA-2014-127523 5/11/2014 5/18/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-123239 7/27/2017 7/31/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-156769 5/6/2017 5/9/2017 First Class
CA-2014-127299 9/19/2014 9/24/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-121272 3/29/2015 4/4/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-115336 11/18/2014 11/25/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-111703 7/2/2015 7/9/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-128839 9/8/2014 9/13/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-105914 10/2/2017 10/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-110926 11/19/2017 11/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-117226 12/30/2016 1/1/2017 First Class
CA-2017-127313 12/1/2017 12/4/2017 First Class
CA-2016-136287 6/13/2016 6/17/2016 Standard Class
US-2014-107699 5/19/2014 5/23/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-112725 1/30/2017 2/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-136196 11/28/2015 12/4/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-106068 10/23/2017 10/28/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-100160 9/7/2017 9/11/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-139689 12/29/2016 1/3/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-101091 12/5/2015 12/9/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-126907 11/1/2014 11/8/2014 Standard Class
US-2016-164588 4/16/2016 4/23/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-115546 5/14/2017 5/18/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-163587 3/14/2015 3/18/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-106131 1/14/2017 1/16/2017 First Class
CA-2015-160213 3/8/2015 3/13/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-157924 10/11/2014 10/13/2014 First Class
CA-2015-100216 4/13/2015 4/14/2015 First Class
CA-2017-100601 11/16/2017 11/20/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-152163 7/1/2016 7/1/2016 Same Day
CA-2015-154340 11/29/2015 11/30/2015 First Class
CA-2014-128846 4/7/2014 4/12/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-148593 6/16/2016 6/18/2016 Second Class
US-2017-119039 3/6/2017 3/10/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-128426 10/7/2017 10/11/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-136868 10/6/2017 10/12/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-143749 12/5/2016 12/7/2016 First Class
CA-2016-111493 10/21/2016 10/22/2016 First Class
CA-2017-112536 5/18/2017 5/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-157714 9/26/2016 10/1/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-166709 11/17/2017 11/22/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-129392 7/8/2015 7/8/2015 Same Day
CA-2015-150875 11/16/2015 11/20/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-154200 6/18/2015 6/22/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-124233 4/8/2016 4/14/2016 Standard Class
US-2015-134271 4/18/2015 4/23/2015 Second Class
US-2016-161683 12/3/2016 12/8/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-143105 12/10/2015 12/10/2015 Same Day
CA-2014-145387 10/31/2014 11/2/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-109715 12/9/2017 12/14/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-166457 5/5/2014 5/9/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-164637 3/4/2016 3/8/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-103590 11/30/2014 12/4/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-111234 2/18/2015 2/22/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-149881 4/1/2017 4/3/2017 First Class
CA-2017-134565 6/11/2017 6/13/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-108644 9/30/2016 10/3/2016 First Class
US-2014-102631 12/13/2014 12/17/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-120327 11/11/2017 11/16/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-154970 1/5/2015 1/10/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-113803 3/24/2016 3/26/2016 First Class
CA-2017-100223 7/5/2017 7/10/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-168823 9/21/2014 9/24/2014 First Class
CA-2016-162404 7/23/2016 7/27/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-104024 8/29/2017 9/3/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-147144 3/26/2017 3/28/2017 First Class
CA-2017-158673 12/29/2017 1/4/2018 Standard Class
CA-2014-133704 9/20/2014 9/26/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-159142 4/4/2016 4/5/2016 First Class
CA-2014-138436 3/26/2014 3/30/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-117702 11/28/2017 12/4/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-157336 12/1/2016 12/5/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-168130 9/19/2014 9/19/2014 Same Day
CA-2015-155068 10/23/2015 10/23/2015 Same Day
CA-2017-163160 10/13/2017 10/16/2017 First Class
CA-2015-101924 9/4/2015 9/9/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-124793 3/14/2016 3/16/2016 First Class
CA-2017-118367 10/28/2017 11/2/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-164819 10/15/2017 10/19/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-158344 8/7/2017 8/11/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-123351 9/21/2017 9/25/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-110429 11/3/2017 11/8/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-131611 11/5/2016 11/9/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-124821 6/25/2017 6/29/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-166975 11/26/2015 11/30/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-123806 11/24/2016 11/27/2016 Second Class
US-2017-158505 7/21/2017 7/21/2017 Same Day
CA-2015-142692 10/23/2015 10/28/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-123456 7/9/2015 7/13/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-151358 8/18/2017 8/22/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-107440 4/16/2016 4/20/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-166989 11/14/2014 11/18/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-103100 12/20/2014 12/23/2014 First Class
CA-2015-105690 11/21/2015 11/26/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-127516 12/28/2017 1/3/2018 Standard Class
US-2015-117184 5/17/2015 5/21/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-102407 12/9/2017 12/13/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-130967 3/10/2017 3/16/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-101581 10/22/2017 10/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-169124 7/3/2017 7/10/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-117261 9/4/2017 9/10/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-129021 8/23/2017 8/26/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-123253 8/22/2014 8/25/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-121601 10/4/2016 10/4/2016 Same Day
CA-2014-162278 10/26/2014 10/30/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-161095 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 Same Day
CA-2014-125829 11/4/2014 11/11/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-123127 9/8/2014 9/12/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-115945 6/25/2015 7/1/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-136735 7/26/2015 8/2/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-136189 12/7/2017 12/11/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-152345 12/29/2014 1/3/2015 Second Class
US-2015-147662 2/14/2015 2/19/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-153346 1/25/2016 1/27/2016 First Class
CA-2017-118360 4/1/2017 4/7/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-149853 10/3/2017 10/9/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-107909 9/1/2017 9/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-112375 12/21/2015 12/27/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-154795 12/20/2015 12/24/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-125234 11/27/2015 12/1/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-133501 8/27/2017 9/1/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-129609 3/22/2014 3/22/2014 Same Day
CA-2017-130309 12/17/2017 12/21/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-105410 3/19/2017 3/22/2017 First Class
CA-2016-120355 9/18/2016 9/25/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-169894 11/24/2017 11/29/2017 Second Class
US-2017-100482 4/11/2017 4/15/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-107748 12/10/2017 12/12/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-153654 11/24/2017 11/26/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-155600 12/4/2015 12/7/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-162565 12/11/2017 12/11/2017 Same Day
CA-2016-127642 5/21/2016 5/23/2016 First Class
US-2017-163195 2/17/2017 2/21/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-111332 5/20/2017 5/22/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-117044 9/11/2017 9/13/2017 Second Class
US-2016-165078 11/5/2016 11/10/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-169320 7/23/2017 7/25/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-158575 11/18/2016 11/24/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-166954 4/25/2014 4/30/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-140830 11/30/2015 12/2/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-152891 10/25/2015 10/30/2015 Standard Class
US-2015-122784 7/20/2015 7/27/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-156811 10/27/2016 11/2/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-111556 11/20/2017 11/22/2017 First Class
CA-2016-108868 9/8/2016 9/12/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-142965 7/20/2014 7/20/2014 Same Day
CA-2016-148740 11/15/2016 11/19/2016 Standard Class
US-2014-138758 7/7/2014 7/11/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-131737 3/17/2016 3/17/2016 Same Day
CA-2016-114538 12/26/2016 12/27/2016 First Class
CA-2014-127936 9/2/2014 9/4/2014 First Class
CA-2015-164336 7/5/2015 7/10/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-100041 11/20/2016 11/25/2016 Standard Class
US-2014-154879 5/6/2014 5/11/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-130624 6/21/2014 6/24/2014 First Class
CA-2017-132339 8/19/2017 8/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-153983 11/29/2014 12/6/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-112900 4/9/2017 4/12/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-160157 12/20/2014 12/27/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-139633 12/17/2014 12/24/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-163090 11/17/2015 11/21/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-117016 3/4/2014 3/9/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-159464 5/18/2017 5/19/2017 First Class
US-2017-103226 9/22/2017 9/28/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-119452 3/21/2017 3/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-147725 9/14/2017 9/14/2017 Same Day
CA-2016-168893 11/3/2016 11/8/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-163398 5/3/2016 5/8/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-162726 12/27/2016 1/2/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-111290 7/22/2016 7/26/2016 Standard Class
US-2014-147704 11/16/2014 11/21/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-121965 6/19/2015 6/23/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-147137 7/4/2016 7/6/2016 First Class
US-2015-146745 9/3/2015 9/8/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-115175 8/7/2017 8/12/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-105851 3/13/2017 3/20/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-125717 9/28/2017 10/1/2017 First Class
CA-2015-163895 8/7/2015 8/11/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-168641 11/24/2017 12/1/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-156895 5/8/2017 5/12/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-121300 9/29/2017 9/29/2017 Same Day
CA-2017-130211 10/22/2017 10/22/2017 Same Day
CA-2014-147235 3/24/2014 3/28/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-109365 11/3/2016 11/8/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-162621 9/5/2015 9/11/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-105921 8/14/2017 8/21/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-150798 12/1/2014 12/3/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-112753 6/18/2017 6/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-155075 12/2/2017 12/9/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-103401 11/21/2014 11/26/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-124814 4/10/2016 4/16/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-116757 6/30/2014 7/4/2014 Standard Class
US-2014-138247 12/24/2014 12/29/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-167003 5/23/2017 5/29/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-119935 11/10/2016 11/14/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-118969 10/2/2016 10/3/2016 First Class
CA-2016-145240 9/6/2016 9/8/2016 First Class
CA-2016-120873 10/27/2016 11/1/2016 Second Class
US-2017-111920 10/22/2017 10/26/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-128678 9/15/2016 9/20/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-101385 9/25/2016 10/1/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-107167 6/10/2017 6/14/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-109491 2/20/2014 2/26/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-105445 2/20/2017 2/25/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-107454 11/2/2014 11/6/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-105046 7/17/2017 7/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-152856 9/8/2017 9/10/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-134691 11/14/2016 11/18/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-118759 11/14/2016 11/17/2016 First Class
CA-2014-140403 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 Same Day
CA-2015-163104 3/19/2015 3/26/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-138464 7/8/2017 7/12/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-104129 2/27/2015 3/2/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-132206 6/16/2017 6/21/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-113474 3/30/2017 3/31/2017 First Class
CA-2015-126557 7/12/2015 7/17/2015 Second Class
US-2017-107636 4/30/2017 5/2/2017 First Class
US-2014-165862 7/13/2014 7/17/2014 Standard Class
US-2014-106334 12/27/2014 1/2/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-101448 2/27/2016 3/1/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-130218 3/23/2015 3/26/2015 First Class
US-2017-117331 10/21/2017 10/28/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-127383 12/31/2014 1/5/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-110219 5/5/2014 5/8/2014 First Class
CA-2015-118871 12/4/2015 12/9/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-129490 9/26/2017 9/30/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-101175 12/9/2014 12/14/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-149510 12/3/2017 12/10/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-111990 11/8/2015 11/13/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-169460 4/19/2014 4/21/2014 Second Class
US-2015-152128 5/25/2015 5/27/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-126662 7/17/2017 7/21/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-139395 12/12/2016 12/18/2016 Standard Class
US-2014-121734 4/11/2014 4/16/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-110947 6/9/2015 6/15/2015 Standard Class
US-2014-150126 7/27/2014 8/2/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-164427 7/31/2015 8/6/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-120250 9/19/2016 9/22/2016 First Class
CA-2016-121993 6/10/2016 6/12/2016 First Class
US-2016-100405 8/26/2016 8/28/2016 Second Class
US-2017-163790 11/2/2017 11/4/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-129868 12/26/2016 12/31/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-140564 12/5/2016 12/10/2016 Second Class
US-2017-169502 8/28/2017 9/1/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-146948 7/16/2015 7/20/2015 Standard Class
US-2015-113327 5/26/2015 5/29/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-135020 5/28/2015 6/2/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-141852 11/9/2017 11/14/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-109407 1/24/2016 1/26/2016 Second Class
US-2017-165953 12/31/2016 1/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-144540 9/5/2016 9/10/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-159863 9/4/2015 9/7/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-117800 9/21/2015 9/26/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-145219 12/24/2017 12/25/2017 First Class
CA-2015-161214 10/5/2015 10/8/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-147228 9/9/2017 9/14/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-101336 11/13/2016 11/18/2016 Standard Class
US-2015-126235 10/15/2015 10/15/2015 Same Day
CA-2017-168396 8/3/2017 8/8/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-130456 8/21/2015 8/26/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-116288 3/12/2017 3/17/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-168228 4/27/2017 4/29/2017 First Class
CA-2016-102162 9/11/2016 9/16/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-130141 10/22/2017 10/24/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-147501 8/2/2015 8/6/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-143910 8/12/2016 8/16/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-146885 5/30/2014 6/5/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-139556 4/26/2016 5/1/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-129357 5/14/2017 5/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-150987 4/8/2017 4/12/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-132647 2/17/2017 2/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-159107 6/24/2017 6/26/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-160738 5/5/2014 5/10/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-112130 5/3/2015 5/7/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-111409 9/18/2016 9/22/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-116232 9/22/2016 9/26/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-116547 1/10/2016 1/17/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-133200 5/6/2017 5/11/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-133550 7/31/2016 8/6/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-139416 3/27/2017 3/29/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-114510 3/14/2014 3/19/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-169215 7/14/2016 7/18/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-127698 12/1/2016 12/1/2016 Same Day
CA-2016-159912 8/29/2016 9/3/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-101987 6/24/2016 6/30/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-154851 3/30/2017 4/3/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-138681 12/20/2014 12/22/2014 First Class
US-2015-138121 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 Same Day
CA-2017-140298 5/11/2017 5/17/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-166240 6/24/2016 6/28/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-158435 5/17/2016 5/18/2016 First Class
CA-2017-138149 6/29/2017 6/30/2017 First Class
CA-2014-112403 3/31/2014 3/31/2014 Same Day
CA-2014-108273 12/16/2014 12/21/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-121643 5/18/2017 5/20/2017 First Class
US-2015-122910 5/12/2015 5/16/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-143126 12/3/2017 12/7/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-129042 12/12/2015 12/17/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-109736 10/10/2015 10/11/2015 First Class
CA-2015-142601 4/18/2015 4/20/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-106229 6/7/2014 6/11/2014 Second Class
US-2017-135230 9/1/2017 9/7/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-159653 5/22/2016 5/22/2016 Same Day
CA-2016-131968 11/11/2016 11/15/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-119151 11/25/2014 11/29/2014 Second Class
CA-2014-123323 11/7/2014 11/12/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-124681 7/18/2016 7/23/2016 Second Class
US-2015-103996 3/29/2015 3/31/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-120530 4/7/2016 4/12/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-155054 6/13/2015 6/19/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-105725 2/18/2015 2/24/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-164364 11/12/2017 11/16/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-168123 3/5/2017 3/5/2017 Same Day
CA-2016-120005 3/3/2016 3/3/2016 Same Day
CA-2016-123526 12/24/2016 12/25/2016 First Class
CA-2016-127649 10/7/2016 10/9/2016 First Class
CA-2016-159989 12/9/2016 12/13/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-103499 11/20/2017 11/24/2017 Standard Class
US-2015-167220 12/12/2015 12/16/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-126354 2/3/2017 2/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-169817 9/21/2017 9/25/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-144582 4/30/2017 5/5/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-121573 11/3/2014 11/7/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-117660 12/30/2016 1/4/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-112851 9/17/2014 9/21/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-123701 11/24/2017 11/27/2017 First Class
CA-2015-118227 4/24/2015 4/28/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-123155 3/9/2015 3/12/2015 First Class
CA-2017-158883 6/2/2017 6/3/2017 Same Day
US-2016-114888 9/19/2016 9/24/2016 Second Class
US-2014-167262 10/31/2014 11/3/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-119746 11/23/2017 11/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-108091 11/16/2017 11/21/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-101630 2/19/2016 2/23/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-132346 11/7/2017 11/11/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-150301 7/8/2014 7/10/2014 First Class
CA-2014-159310 11/7/2014 11/12/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-147984 1/28/2017 2/1/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-104346 12/11/2015 12/16/2015 Standard Class
US-2015-141684 6/29/2015 7/4/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-144722 3/16/2015 3/23/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-120516 8/13/2015 8/17/2015 Standard Class
US-2016-148901 5/14/2016 5/19/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-136364 7/13/2017 7/17/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-137708 11/22/2015 11/25/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-149055 11/23/2014 11/28/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-151589 12/27/2015 12/30/2015 First Class
CA-2016-121370 11/14/2016 11/19/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-111696 5/8/2016 5/10/2016 First Class
CA-2014-139598 12/26/2014 12/31/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-117436 6/8/2017 6/14/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-140025 4/7/2015 4/11/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-134222 7/10/2016 7/11/2016 Same Day
CA-2016-140018 11/21/2016 11/26/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-136707 11/12/2017 11/15/2017 First Class
CA-2014-152562 11/1/2014 11/8/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-152408 5/15/2016 5/21/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-120278 11/7/2014 11/12/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-167661 10/5/2017 10/10/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-106831 6/1/2017 6/3/2017 First Class
CA-2017-154123 11/20/2017 11/25/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-136049 12/23/2016 12/28/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-118402 9/29/2017 10/4/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-139388 11/7/2016 11/9/2016 First Class
US-2014-128685 4/4/2014 4/5/2014 First Class
CA-2015-124044 7/23/2015 7/26/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-164469 6/25/2014 6/27/2014 Second Class
CA-2014-107818 9/8/2014 9/14/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-113320 12/12/2014 12/15/2014 Second Class
CA-2015-137526 1/13/2015 1/17/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-136063 12/15/2017 12/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-101546 12/18/2016 12/24/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-138940 4/11/2014 4/16/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-125164 11/10/2016 11/14/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-163531 6/26/2017 6/30/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-122490 11/13/2017 11/18/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-131366 11/24/2017 11/29/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-164042 5/23/2017 5/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-132864 12/2/2014 12/7/2014 Standard Class
US-2014-155817 10/3/2014 10/9/2014 Standard Class
US-2016-131891 7/29/2016 7/31/2016 First Class
CA-2017-143567 11/2/2017 11/5/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-104080 3/8/2017 3/15/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-151379 12/16/2014 12/20/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-163167 11/28/2016 12/1/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-135776 12/23/2016 12/30/2016 Standard Class
US-2014-122021 10/15/2014 10/17/2014 First Class
CA-2016-130484 8/22/2016 8/27/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-120936 12/17/2017 12/21/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-110884 3/7/2017 3/12/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-161613 12/1/2014 12/3/2014 Second Class
US-2014-146353 10/14/2014 10/16/2014 Second Class
CA-2014-133809 11/18/2014 11/23/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-127306 1/14/2017 1/18/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-161830 9/24/2015 9/26/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-163125 10/9/2017 10/11/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-160304 1/2/2016 1/7/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-101728 8/19/2017 8/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-114055 12/25/2017 12/29/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-126438 9/10/2017 9/13/2017 First Class
CA-2017-117653 10/19/2017 10/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-143245 12/1/2017 12/6/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-138828 9/2/2014 9/3/2014 First Class
CA-2017-143651 3/25/2017 3/30/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-106978 9/28/2015 10/4/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-155124 3/15/2015 3/21/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-150931 1/6/2017 1/13/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-157147 1/13/2014 1/18/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-156482 2/6/2015 2/13/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-106782 12/21/2017 12/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-151372 9/5/2016 9/6/2016 First Class
CA-2014-102085 10/4/2014 10/9/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-107125 11/27/2017 12/2/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-125815 10/28/2016 11/1/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-144190 6/9/2015 6/13/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-117926 12/8/2017 12/12/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-153906 3/16/2015 3/20/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-160262 6/9/2014 6/13/2014 Second Class
CA-2015-127607 3/20/2015 3/26/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-166226 11/18/2016 11/22/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-156587 3/7/2014 3/8/2014 First Class
CA-2016-141180 5/15/2016 5/19/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-109708 5/25/2015 5/28/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-122406 8/2/2015 8/5/2015 Second Class
US-2016-153815 11/6/2016 11/9/2016 First Class
CA-2016-164896 11/7/2016 11/12/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-142202 9/18/2015 9/23/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-165050 12/7/2015 12/9/2015 First Class
US-2016-131114 12/9/2016 12/13/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-160066 11/16/2014 11/22/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-109925 11/6/2016 11/10/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-160696 9/6/2015 9/10/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-125171 9/3/2014 9/3/2014 Same Day
CA-2016-149279 4/24/2016 4/28/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-107321 8/31/2017 9/4/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-122714 12/7/2017 12/13/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-153038 12/18/2015 12/25/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-132227 11/4/2014 11/10/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-155824 3/10/2017 3/15/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-129238 1/31/2016 2/4/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-159688 5/7/2017 5/12/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-136126 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 Same Day
CA-2016-155033 10/7/2016 10/12/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-156006 4/30/2014 5/2/2014 Second Class
CA-2015-158659 11/10/2015 11/14/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-169796 11/9/2015 11/14/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-102876 9/7/2015 9/14/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-139647 5/11/2017 5/13/2017 First Class
US-2017-160465 7/21/2017 7/26/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-153850 11/24/2014 11/29/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-127558 11/15/2014 11/18/2014 First Class
CA-2017-136511 3/23/2017 3/25/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-133795 12/18/2016 12/24/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-130953 7/29/2017 8/3/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-151792 9/2/2014 9/7/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-139304 1/29/2017 2/2/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-155166 12/26/2016 1/2/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-103954 8/9/2015 8/13/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-169803 4/6/2014 4/12/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-141719 11/17/2017 11/21/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-136469 7/11/2015 7/12/2015 First Class
CA-2016-158694 11/10/2016 11/13/2016 Second Class
US-2014-104759 3/31/2014 4/4/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-150511 9/18/2015 9/24/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-134922 11/7/2015 11/11/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-120607 5/19/2017 5/19/2017 Same Day
CA-2015-141243 1/3/2015 1/8/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-162166 9/8/2015 9/11/2015 First Class
CA-2016-120796 4/3/2016 4/7/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-109722 12/5/2016 12/7/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-136798 5/8/2015 5/12/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-122196 9/22/2017 9/24/2017 First Class
CA-2017-142090 11/30/2017 12/7/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-160934 1/15/2017 1/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-124478 8/8/2014 8/12/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-145485 11/5/2015 11/5/2015 Same Day
CA-2017-151071 4/25/2017 4/29/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-134572 4/20/2014 4/22/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-143217 11/11/2017 11/17/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-133312 11/25/2017 11/29/2017 Standard Class
US-2015-137533 12/18/2015 12/18/2015 Same Day
CA-2016-155138 9/8/2016 9/12/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-108350 6/6/2016 6/9/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-144302 6/19/2015 6/23/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-109001 3/5/2015 3/9/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-132738 8/4/2017 8/7/2017 First Class
CA-2017-156720 12/30/2017 1/3/2018 Standard Class
CA-2015-119102 5/23/2015 5/27/2015 Standard Class
US-2014-140452 12/6/2014 12/10/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-141936 8/7/2015 8/12/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-158442 3/17/2014 3/17/2014 Same Day
CA-2015-167374 3/26/2015 3/30/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-116568 12/14/2014 12/20/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-147102 9/19/2015 9/26/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-132213 4/25/2017 4/26/2017 First Class
CA-2014-138450 10/18/2014 10/22/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-153073 11/13/2015 11/13/2015 Same Day
CA-2016-147970 1/31/2016 2/2/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-150658 11/17/2016 11/22/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-125640 7/25/2017 7/29/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-154137 11/11/2017 11/17/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-127173 9/26/2015 10/3/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-149538 4/4/2014 4/8/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-160766 9/14/2014 9/14/2014 Same Day
CA-2017-146626 12/29/2017 1/5/2018 Standard Class
CA-2015-123330 6/21/2015 6/27/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-155607 11/26/2017 11/30/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-151323 10/23/2016 10/28/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-146696 12/14/2015 12/19/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-128972 11/13/2016 11/17/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-128335 9/29/2017 10/5/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-154886 11/8/2015 11/12/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-111213 4/1/2016 4/5/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-161333 2/2/2017 2/7/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-128734 12/24/2017 12/31/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-141796 6/21/2014 6/21/2014 Same Day
CA-2017-125101 3/6/2017 3/10/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-169929 9/25/2017 9/28/2017 First Class
US-2014-121566 6/30/2014 7/6/2014 Standard Class
US-2015-124219 8/7/2015 8/8/2015 First Class
CA-2017-163006 6/30/2017 7/4/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-156146 10/26/2015 10/30/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-111192 7/30/2014 8/5/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-115378 11/18/2016 11/23/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-161627 7/6/2015 7/11/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-121006 11/10/2014 11/16/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-122903 5/27/2016 5/29/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-107741 3/8/2015 3/10/2015 First Class
CA-2017-106432 10/19/2017 10/24/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-148908 11/5/2016 11/8/2016 First Class
CA-2016-123015 12/26/2016 12/30/2016 Standard Class
US-2015-120502 4/13/2015 4/19/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-108749 9/12/2017 9/15/2017 First Class
CA-2017-163335 9/24/2017 9/27/2017 First Class
CA-2015-134719 10/10/2015 10/15/2015 Standard Class
US-2015-154389 11/27/2015 12/3/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-115567 9/13/2015 9/18/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-136679 11/14/2017 11/18/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-141943 5/5/2017 5/9/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-101560 11/28/2014 12/1/2014 Second Class
CA-2014-159709 5/10/2014 5/15/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-103982 3/3/2016 3/8/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-142454 8/15/2015 8/19/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-102015 9/12/2015 9/18/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-156755 1/12/2015 1/18/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-130876 5/12/2015 5/16/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-145898 9/26/2016 9/26/2016 Same Day
US-2017-159562 9/9/2017 9/15/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-134635 4/15/2017 4/17/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-167080 6/10/2017 6/14/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-145653 9/1/2017 9/1/2017 Same Day
CA-2014-140487 6/14/2014 6/20/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-117401 5/18/2017 5/22/2017 Second Class
US-2017-109582 9/12/2017 9/17/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-119865 6/21/2016 6/26/2016 Standard Class
US-2014-147648 11/26/2014 12/1/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-124436 3/19/2017 3/22/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-115084 10/18/2014 10/22/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-131037 8/22/2017 8/23/2017 First Class
CA-2016-111143 11/19/2016 11/22/2016 First Class
CA-2014-166744 9/20/2014 9/24/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-116561 9/11/2016 9/17/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-110730 9/23/2016 9/26/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-146367 8/4/2017 8/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-149454 7/25/2016 7/26/2016 First Class
CA-2016-156265 8/2/2016 8/4/2016 Second Class
US-2015-168914 5/21/2015 5/27/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-110989 11/3/2017 11/5/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-106215 4/16/2015 4/21/2015 Standard Class
US-2016-169369 12/12/2016 12/18/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-132318 10/30/2015 11/2/2015 First Class
US-2014-131982 3/7/2014 3/11/2014 Second Class
CA-2015-125185 3/5/2015 3/7/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-130078 8/8/2016 8/14/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-114034 1/3/2017 1/8/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-115595 10/9/2017 10/11/2017 First Class
CA-2017-158722 10/20/2017 10/26/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-105165 9/7/2014 9/10/2014 First Class
CA-2017-147452 9/30/2017 10/3/2017 First Class
US-2017-114657 11/16/2017 11/21/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-144484 9/11/2017 9/11/2017 Same Day
CA-2017-125913 1/16/2017 1/16/2017 Same Day
US-2016-158309 11/26/2016 11/29/2016 First Class
CA-2015-162887 11/7/2015 11/9/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-147333 12/14/2017 12/20/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-113859 9/13/2014 9/17/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-159681 12/7/2014 12/13/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-104094 9/7/2017 9/11/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-152709 10/7/2017 10/12/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-105158 9/5/2015 9/10/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-133424 3/30/2014 4/4/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-105991 5/5/2017 5/6/2017 First Class
US-2017-136784 4/30/2017 5/5/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-146283 9/8/2014 9/15/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-151218 6/20/2017 6/23/2017 First Class
CA-2015-111073 12/26/2015 12/30/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-144883 8/15/2017 8/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-142174 3/4/2017 3/9/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-108791 7/27/2017 7/31/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-106656 9/23/2016 9/26/2016 First Class
CA-2016-113831 5/30/2016 6/3/2016 Standard Class
US-2014-139500 11/16/2014 11/20/2014 Standard Class
US-2014-166310 9/21/2014 9/23/2014 First Class
US-2016-168410 2/21/2016 2/26/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-131254 11/19/2017 11/21/2017 First Class
CA-2016-123414 8/21/2016 8/27/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-137876 4/30/2017 5/5/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-154060 5/2/2016 5/8/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-162558 10/2/2017 10/5/2017 First Class
CA-2017-134439 9/18/2017 9/23/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-119508 12/4/2015 12/9/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-152681 1/17/2015 1/22/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-130813 1/6/2014 1/8/2014 Second Class
CA-2015-120320 3/5/2015 3/9/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-111941 12/25/2016 12/28/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-123120 9/4/2016 9/8/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-103331 8/26/2014 9/1/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-169278 5/21/2015 5/25/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-111577 10/16/2017 10/21/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-146486 11/9/2015 11/14/2015 Second Class
US-2014-168501 11/21/2014 11/27/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-112053 10/11/2015 10/13/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-108539 3/21/2017 3/23/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-149811 1/4/2015 1/10/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-103814 12/9/2017 12/16/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-123932 9/6/2016 9/12/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-101616 9/3/2016 9/6/2016 First Class
CA-2014-113768 5/13/2014 5/19/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-138037 9/29/2016 10/3/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-150490 8/5/2014 8/11/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-126060 4/14/2017 4/18/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-100951 6/9/2017 6/10/2017 First Class
CA-2016-122017 12/29/2016 1/2/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-123477 1/18/2014 1/21/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-107790 11/20/2016 11/24/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-158071 6/10/2017 6/15/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-147403 9/10/2017 9/13/2017 First Class
US-2017-136721 4/8/2017 4/12/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-118738 10/24/2015 10/30/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-134152 5/27/2017 5/31/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-125542 12/5/2014 12/7/2014 First Class
CA-2016-136021 8/14/2016 8/18/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-149195 9/5/2016 9/7/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-161410 6/26/2017 7/3/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-152786 3/12/2017 3/17/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-164707 2/18/2017 2/21/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-163874 11/10/2017 11/12/2017 Second Class
US-2014-123183 11/19/2014 11/25/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-104829 11/18/2014 11/21/2014 Second Class
US-2016-147340 9/24/2016 9/24/2016 Same Day
CA-2016-145492 11/20/2016 11/27/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-163202 9/27/2016 10/2/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-117681 4/9/2016 4/14/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-132262 9/21/2017 9/23/2017 First Class
CA-2017-123043 8/24/2017 8/29/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-143280 2/22/2016 2/26/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-108854 12/8/2017 12/14/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-166856 9/18/2017 9/22/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-153157 9/11/2016 9/14/2016 First Class
US-2017-125647 9/23/2017 9/28/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-132542 10/6/2014 10/8/2014 Second Class
CA-2015-110877 10/23/2015 10/26/2015 First Class
US-2016-151827 3/31/2016 4/2/2016 Second Class
US-2016-163258 12/29/2016 1/2/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-103009 11/3/2017 11/5/2017 Second Class
US-2017-120649 1/20/2017 1/26/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-153598 12/3/2016 12/6/2016 First Class
US-2016-108497 6/14/2016 6/14/2016 Same Day
CA-2016-113096 9/2/2016 9/4/2016 First Class
CA-2014-136861 9/5/2014 9/7/2014 First Class
CA-2017-117422 10/21/2017 10/25/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-129707 4/25/2017 4/29/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-160171 10/19/2015 10/24/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-103317 7/5/2014 7/8/2014 First Class
CA-2016-167115 4/4/2016 4/9/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-153633 11/13/2017 11/18/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-155929 9/9/2017 9/13/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-148712 4/17/2015 4/23/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-128307 7/25/2016 7/29/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-127425 8/26/2016 8/31/2016 Standard Class
US-2014-119081 9/12/2014 9/19/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-140613 7/22/2016 7/29/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-108700 5/19/2017 5/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-160962 4/28/2017 5/2/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-130631 12/29/2017 1/2/2018 Standard Class
CA-2017-116680 9/4/2017 9/6/2017 Second Class
US-2014-107405 3/21/2014 3/25/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-101574 9/28/2017 10/4/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-146591 1/19/2014 1/20/2014 First Class
CA-2014-107706 2/14/2014 2/19/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-122448 6/9/2016 6/14/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-132451 9/26/2014 9/27/2014 First Class
CA-2016-158547 5/30/2016 6/4/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-116946 12/19/2017 12/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-121741 12/26/2017 12/26/2017 Same Day
CA-2017-169691 6/15/2017 6/18/2017 First Class
CA-2016-121356 11/20/2016 11/24/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-101770 3/31/2014 4/4/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-105487 10/8/2017 10/14/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-148999 1/30/2017 2/4/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-107573 12/12/2014 12/17/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-156608 10/24/2015 10/29/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-134495 4/1/2017 4/4/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-164098 1/26/2017 1/27/2017 First Class
CA-2014-105249 11/28/2014 11/28/2014 Same Day
CA-2015-113523 9/4/2015 9/8/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-117821 6/12/2017 6/16/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-164378 7/15/2017 7/18/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-127782 11/2/2017 11/6/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-162026 10/8/2016 10/8/2016 Same Day
CA-2016-150000 4/8/2016 4/14/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-168529 10/8/2015 10/12/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-152569 5/15/2017 5/20/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-137680 2/24/2014 3/2/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-103177 5/30/2015 6/1/2015 First Class
US-2016-138408 11/18/2016 11/21/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-117667 12/4/2017 12/9/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-110982 6/5/2016 6/7/2016 First Class
CA-2016-147123 12/10/2016 12/12/2016 First Class
CA-2017-154501 4/30/2017 5/5/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-166933 4/24/2017 4/28/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-142055 5/8/2015 5/10/2015 First Class
CA-2015-137106 3/31/2015 4/4/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-136609 8/6/2017 8/11/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-160885 12/2/2017 12/6/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-167472 6/6/2016 6/7/2016 First Class
CA-2015-120551 4/13/2015 4/20/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-150595 5/22/2017 5/26/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-134936 12/19/2016 12/25/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-102967 9/22/2017 9/26/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-151008 9/7/2017 9/8/2017 First Class
CA-2014-159800 11/28/2014 12/1/2014 First Class
US-2014-159618 11/12/2014 11/16/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-116113 10/2/2017 10/6/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-125066 12/14/2015 12/18/2015 Standard Class
US-2015-114741 12/6/2015 12/10/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-133263 3/31/2017 4/2/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-157966 3/13/2017 3/13/2017 Same Day
CA-2014-151162 12/5/2014 12/9/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-136686 12/12/2016 12/16/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-137498 9/9/2017 9/14/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-163818 10/4/2017 10/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-161158 5/9/2016 5/13/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-116673 12/15/2014 12/19/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-105333 11/30/2017 12/4/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-149993 3/19/2015 3/20/2015 First Class
CA-2014-168158 7/19/2014 7/24/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-115224 12/8/2016 12/11/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-164742 10/13/2014 10/18/2014 Second Class
US-2017-108014 11/19/2017 11/25/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-160325 9/24/2017 9/24/2017 Same Day
CA-2015-159779 9/25/2015 9/29/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-151176 2/13/2017 2/20/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-108903 10/3/2014 10/3/2014 Same Day
CA-2016-117919 8/27/2016 8/29/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-142475 12/3/2015 12/7/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-134516 9/20/2016 9/25/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-105193 3/25/2017 3/31/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-168634 12/6/2015 12/11/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-117198 8/31/2017 9/5/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-145828 10/5/2015 10/7/2015 First Class
CA-2017-121027 8/18/2017 8/22/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-147431 2/2/2016 2/7/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-158001 8/23/2016 8/27/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-125745 6/30/2017 7/4/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-101154 9/18/2015 9/21/2015 First Class
US-2016-124163 9/25/2016 9/30/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-121748 10/24/2016 10/28/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-126683 9/29/2014 10/1/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-148810 6/26/2017 7/1/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-146066 8/21/2016 8/23/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-127614 2/11/2014 2/15/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-101742 9/23/2016 9/28/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-134943 12/5/2015 12/6/2015 First Class
CA-2017-123022 9/3/2017 9/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-113208 3/26/2017 4/2/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-154893 12/21/2014 12/27/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-147900 9/23/2014 9/28/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-106355 4/2/2017 4/5/2017 First Class
CA-2016-127985 4/1/2016 4/5/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-166604 5/15/2015 5/20/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-120719 3/23/2017 3/26/2017 First Class
CA-2017-127117 4/14/2017 4/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-104241 1/4/2015 1/9/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-168179 11/2/2017 11/7/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-142342 7/17/2017 7/19/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-109099 10/6/2017 10/11/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-134187 11/4/2014 11/11/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-145261 12/18/2016 12/21/2016 First Class
CA-2016-108875 9/24/2016 10/1/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-141957 7/21/2016 7/21/2016 Same Day
CA-2016-142405 6/11/2016 6/15/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-141012 6/9/2015 6/11/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-127922 10/27/2017 11/3/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-146318 1/22/2016 1/27/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-135993 5/28/2014 6/2/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-126802 12/29/2014 1/5/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-143924 7/28/2016 8/3/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-141551 9/24/2016 9/30/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-164315 4/2/2014 4/8/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-131072 11/5/2015 11/5/2015 Same Day
CA-2014-131541 7/28/2014 7/28/2014 Same Day
CA-2015-119550 12/26/2015 12/31/2015 Standard Class
US-2015-138093 12/10/2015 12/16/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-126165 5/5/2016 5/7/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-126123 10/14/2017 10/18/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-143441 11/5/2016 11/5/2016 Same Day
CA-2017-148320 11/3/2017 11/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-125661 11/24/2016 11/26/2016 First Class
US-2014-123519 12/14/2014 12/21/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-155593 11/3/2014 11/8/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-136000 9/22/2017 9/25/2017 Second Class
US-2015-160857 5/8/2015 5/15/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-115805 7/31/2017 7/31/2017 Same Day
US-2014-143707 3/1/2014 3/5/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-116939 9/25/2017 9/29/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-124107 10/9/2015 10/12/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-126550 3/29/2017 4/2/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-138674 11/14/2015 11/17/2015 First Class
CA-2016-165820 9/26/2016 9/30/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-103191 9/22/2014 9/27/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-103933 9/25/2015 9/27/2015 First Class
CA-2015-110548 5/4/2015 5/8/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-117324 12/8/2017 12/13/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-143574 6/29/2017 7/2/2017 First Class
CA-2014-111773 6/29/2014 7/3/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-148614 1/20/2014 1/25/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-156139 12/31/2016 1/6/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-147886 3/28/2017 3/31/2017 First Class
CA-2016-113733 12/8/2016 12/12/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-104913 11/18/2017 11/22/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-145800 5/30/2014 6/5/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-125850 1/22/2016 1/28/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-118514 2/3/2016 2/10/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-150749 3/29/2015 4/3/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-163748 10/14/2014 10/18/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-119634 8/11/2015 8/16/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-149300 11/22/2015 11/23/2015 First Class
US-2016-111528 12/30/2016 12/30/2016 Same Day
CA-2017-158169 8/12/2017 8/15/2017 First Class
CA-2015-162047 11/3/2015 11/5/2015 First Class
CA-2015-117772 9/10/2015 9/12/2015 Second Class
US-2014-126340 11/8/2014 11/14/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-149685 10/8/2016 10/15/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-126396 9/8/2017 9/12/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-154900 2/25/2015 3/1/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-103835 9/24/2015 9/28/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-158939 11/26/2015 12/1/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-117408 8/31/2016 9/6/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-142398 4/12/2016 4/16/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-105277 12/4/2016 12/8/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-112060 12/4/2016 12/9/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-105270 11/11/2014 11/18/2014 Standard Class
US-2015-159513 4/2/2015 4/9/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-155586 12/12/2015 12/16/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-141117 10/2/2017 10/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-115070 4/10/2017 4/14/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-140186 9/29/2017 10/2/2017 First Class
CA-2014-124856 9/29/2014 10/3/2014 Second Class
CA-2014-166716 8/20/2014 8/25/2014 Second Class
CA-2014-123225 7/11/2014 7/14/2014 First Class
CA-2015-163440 3/22/2015 3/24/2015 First Class
US-2017-106796 5/12/2017 5/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-113873 11/13/2017 11/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-149783 9/4/2016 9/7/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-125017 2/6/2016 2/11/2016 Standard Class
US-2015-163279 3/22/2015 3/26/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-150196 7/2/2015 7/3/2015 First Class
US-2015-106495 6/15/2015 6/17/2015 First Class
CA-2014-124730 11/26/2014 11/26/2014 Same Day
CA-2017-117632 5/12/2017 5/18/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-115056 5/2/2014 5/2/2014 Same Day
CA-2017-161067 9/3/2017 9/6/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-122063 12/3/2016 12/7/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-111206 7/18/2015 7/22/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-142895 7/21/2016 7/26/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-101868 6/9/2015 6/16/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-133207 11/27/2017 12/3/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-132948 3/27/2015 4/3/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-134992 9/22/2015 9/26/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-126725 11/17/2015 11/21/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-121783 11/10/2015 11/14/2015 Standard Class
US-2014-138835 9/10/2014 9/14/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-112214 8/5/2015 8/11/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-153255 9/3/2017 9/7/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-108119 11/1/2015 11/8/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-157434 4/29/2015 5/4/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-101525 5/1/2016 5/4/2016 Second Class
US-2014-117968 8/5/2014 8/7/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-158211 1/4/2016 1/8/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-152247 11/7/2016 11/12/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-128223 6/14/2016 6/14/2016 Same Day
CA-2016-154235 9/24/2016 9/28/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-129910 3/30/2017 4/3/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-133095 6/4/2017 6/4/2017 Same Day
CA-2015-130554 4/7/2015 4/9/2015 First Class
CA-2014-152443 5/21/2014 5/26/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-133319 9/5/2016 9/11/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-133935 9/18/2016 9/22/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-136301 3/13/2016 3/15/2016 Second Class
US-2014-109456 10/16/2014 10/17/2014 Same Day
CA-2017-151596 10/8/2017 10/11/2017 First Class
CA-2015-147879 5/7/2015 5/12/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-166625 4/14/2016 4/17/2016 First Class
CA-2016-146157 11/21/2016 11/26/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-159954 9/10/2017 9/14/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-100825 9/9/2017 9/14/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-168305 11/1/2014 11/8/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-167682 4/3/2016 4/9/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-108000 1/12/2017 1/16/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-146465 11/20/2015 11/24/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-159639 11/27/2016 12/2/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-153948 11/6/2017 11/6/2017 Same Day
US-2016-113985 12/2/2016 12/7/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-155383 12/17/2016 12/22/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-120432 8/24/2014 8/26/2014 Second Class
US-2015-126977 9/17/2015 9/23/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-130288 11/26/2016 11/30/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-146458 11/19/2017 11/22/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-150420 6/3/2017 6/8/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-118997 4/8/2014 4/12/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-114314 10/11/2014 10/15/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-169551 7/7/2017 7/9/2017 First Class
CA-2016-103107 7/4/2016 7/4/2016 Same Day
CA-2017-122077 5/19/2017 5/25/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-112431 10/12/2017 10/14/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-151092 8/6/2016 8/13/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-104178 8/25/2014 8/29/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-115924 9/14/2015 9/18/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-161046 3/5/2017 3/5/2017 Same Day
US-2017-141698 4/15/2017 4/21/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-105151 3/30/2014 3/31/2014 First Class
CA-2014-155796 11/11/2014 11/15/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-127138 3/12/2016 3/15/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-150602 2/9/2017 2/14/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-140732 11/11/2014 11/13/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-119011 8/20/2017 8/25/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-166912 1/15/2016 1/17/2016 First Class
CA-2014-141726 7/20/2014 7/22/2014 First Class
CA-2017-115105 2/6/2017 2/11/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-143980 12/25/2015 12/29/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-135636 10/8/2016 10/13/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-102155 7/13/2017 7/17/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-116953 4/24/2017 4/25/2017 First Class
CA-2014-117765 9/7/2014 9/13/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-114895 11/21/2016 11/28/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-112984 9/16/2017 9/18/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-163776 7/19/2016 7/25/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-163300 9/15/2017 9/21/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-162187 12/11/2016 12/11/2016 Same Day
US-2014-112991 12/10/2014 12/14/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-124079 12/13/2014 12/17/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-146878 9/21/2017 9/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-107244 9/7/2017 9/11/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-100657 11/2/2015 11/7/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-129581 12/11/2017 12/18/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-129028 4/1/2017 4/3/2017 First Class
CA-2015-135580 12/30/2015 1/3/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-159016 3/10/2016 3/11/2016 First Class
CA-2014-102652 4/6/2014 4/12/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-152422 10/5/2014 10/10/2014 Second Class
US-2016-156692 8/13/2016 8/13/2016 Same Day
CA-2014-130869 11/17/2014 11/21/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-128832 4/24/2017 4/27/2017 First Class
CA-2017-139717 8/24/2017 8/26/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-136007 2/23/2017 3/2/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-157364 11/19/2016 11/21/2016 First Class
US-2016-112970 11/14/2016 11/15/2016 First Class
US-2017-152492 7/6/2017 7/6/2017 Same Day
CA-2016-101168 12/25/2016 1/1/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-104010 4/23/2017 4/25/2017 First Class
CA-2015-130253 12/14/2015 12/18/2015 Standard Class
US-2015-155369 4/19/2015 4/25/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-131205 9/4/2016 9/8/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-122364 9/24/2017 9/29/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-117912 2/4/2016 2/8/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-145702 5/19/2017 5/24/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-113215 9/3/2015 9/8/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-154662 6/9/2016 6/16/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-105571 11/7/2015 11/11/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-152765 6/15/2016 6/18/2016 First Class
CA-2015-153878 4/25/2015 4/30/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-124016 9/23/2016 9/26/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-113551 8/18/2016 8/20/2016 First Class
CA-2014-107524 3/2/2014 3/8/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-138072 12/30/2014 1/3/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-134201 4/10/2015 4/16/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-111780 12/25/2015 12/30/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-119942 4/5/2015 4/7/2015 First Class
CA-2015-151547 1/17/2015 1/23/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-166695 5/20/2017 5/24/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-167542 8/13/2017 8/20/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-120901 12/31/2015 1/4/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-121398 12/25/2017 12/29/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-151561 9/1/2016 9/7/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-154676 8/5/2017 8/8/2017 First Class
US-2014-165589 2/18/2014 2/18/2014 Same Day
US-2016-132577 11/22/2016 11/27/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-114048 12/14/2015 12/18/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-137281 6/13/2015 6/17/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-162068 12/28/2017 12/31/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-100111 9/20/2017 9/26/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-132381 8/22/2017 8/24/2017 First Class
CA-2015-147011 6/18/2015 6/22/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-120852 12/20/2014 12/25/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-150007 9/11/2016 9/16/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-124590 11/12/2016 11/16/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-133802 3/14/2016 3/20/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-113677 11/13/2016 11/19/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-143378 9/19/2017 9/25/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-152660 12/4/2017 12/9/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-142139 8/31/2015 9/5/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-145772 6/3/2017 6/7/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-124100 3/31/2016 4/6/2016 Standard Class
US-2014-158400 10/25/2014 10/28/2014 First Class
CA-2017-162033 3/26/2017 4/2/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-163447 12/27/2014 12/31/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-145737 9/15/2017 9/20/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-148096 8/16/2016 8/19/2016 First Class
CA-2016-146766 11/4/2016 11/4/2016 Same Day
CA-2015-105613 10/18/2015 10/22/2015 Standard Class
US-2016-142251 10/31/2016 11/4/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-131247 3/30/2014 4/4/2014 Standard Class
US-2015-113593 4/18/2015 4/20/2015 First Class
CA-2017-121083 7/9/2017 7/15/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-151190 6/27/2017 7/1/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-133543 12/22/2014 12/26/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-105130 11/21/2017 11/25/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-161928 6/27/2016 6/29/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-101322 12/28/2017 12/31/2017 First Class
US-2016-106600 4/8/2016 4/11/2016 First Class
CA-2014-111871 3/18/2014 3/21/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-139437 7/3/2017 7/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-151484 4/20/2017 4/23/2017 First Class
CA-2016-104150 8/3/2016 8/5/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-161025 12/3/2016 12/9/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-103989 3/19/2014 3/21/2014 First Class
CA-2015-142433 4/20/2015 4/25/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-132815 9/19/2015 9/22/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-101266 8/27/2014 8/30/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-141523 12/19/2016 12/24/2016 Second Class
US-2014-106299 8/2/2014 8/8/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-158421 9/21/2015 9/26/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-143609 12/11/2016 12/13/2016 First Class
CA-2015-138331 8/7/2015 8/12/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-138954 11/15/2015 11/17/2015 First Class
CA-2017-157903 4/4/2017 4/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-157259 12/24/2016 12/28/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-107986 12/13/2017 12/13/2017 Same Day
CA-2017-104927 12/22/2017 12/26/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-113453 10/21/2017 10/28/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-149909 11/13/2015 11/17/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-146675 4/16/2015 4/20/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-118332 12/16/2016 12/23/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-133669 10/21/2016 10/27/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-145660 12/1/2017 12/3/2017 First Class
CA-2016-133697 10/20/2016 10/24/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-148138 9/29/2017 10/3/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-119809 8/18/2017 8/25/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-149944 11/12/2017 11/16/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-128538 10/11/2014 10/15/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-161711 11/28/2015 12/3/2015 Standard Class
US-2015-129553 7/27/2015 8/2/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-160220 10/20/2016 10/26/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-157224 9/14/2017 9/18/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-140627 12/23/2017 12/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-133445 10/5/2015 10/9/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-148782 11/2/2014 11/7/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-148208 1/22/2016 1/27/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-127656 7/11/2017 7/17/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-142188 9/11/2017 9/11/2017 Same Day
CA-2016-144400 2/23/2016 2/27/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-155180 1/22/2016 1/29/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-134075 12/12/2015 12/16/2015 Standard Class
US-2016-131912 10/29/2016 11/1/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-141572 5/28/2017 5/31/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-134621 12/21/2014 12/28/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-165561 11/24/2016 11/28/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-112305 11/20/2015 11/25/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-121580 5/29/2017 6/4/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-101147 12/2/2014 12/4/2014 First Class
CA-2014-165806 4/7/2014 4/7/2014 Same Day
CA-2015-151624 9/8/2015 9/14/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-139444 9/9/2017 9/15/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-133977 9/6/2015 9/8/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-141425 11/2/2017 11/6/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-133536 3/28/2015 3/30/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-150441 8/13/2015 8/17/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-162607 5/12/2015 5/18/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-103506 7/23/2017 7/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-132479 9/24/2016 9/26/2016 First Class
CA-2017-160724 5/5/2017 5/10/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-115952 10/6/2016 10/6/2016 Same Day
CA-2014-146731 11/3/2014 11/8/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-115392 10/1/2015 10/4/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-102379 12/2/2017 12/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-149706 12/11/2017 12/12/2017 First Class
US-2016-139087 7/17/2016 7/22/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-152226 5/12/2017 5/16/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-116484 11/20/2015 11/26/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-100944 9/24/2016 9/28/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-125080 10/21/2016 10/26/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-121020 10/24/2016 10/31/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-100090 7/8/2014 7/12/2014 Standard Class
US-2015-139675 3/13/2015 3/18/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-143756 12/2/2017 12/5/2017 First Class
CA-2015-151253 4/22/2015 4/26/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-141152 9/16/2014 9/19/2014 First Class
CA-2014-141313 12/28/2014 1/1/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-169852 10/21/2014 10/26/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-107314 11/30/2017 12/3/2017 First Class
US-2014-161305 6/6/2014 6/12/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-166919 11/23/2017 11/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-162712 6/18/2017 6/20/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-107552 5/5/2017 5/5/2017 Same Day
CA-2016-163328 11/4/2016 11/6/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-112837 9/11/2014 9/16/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-120019 2/16/2017 2/21/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-100762 11/24/2014 11/29/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-161459 11/25/2017 11/29/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-160017 9/28/2017 10/2/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-123316 10/13/2014 10/17/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-141299 6/3/2014 6/7/2014 Second Class
CA-2014-104402 6/17/2014 6/23/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-110289 10/29/2015 11/2/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-167927 1/20/2014 1/26/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-133305 7/11/2014 7/15/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-165995 8/30/2016 9/6/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-143112 10/5/2017 10/9/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-105830 12/31/2016 1/2/2017 First Class
CA-2015-146255 3/7/2015 3/10/2015 First Class
CA-2017-104822 10/20/2017 10/20/2017 Same Day
CA-2015-104486 5/1/2015 5/6/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-161557 9/3/2017 9/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-161130 11/3/2017 11/8/2017 Standard Class
US-2015-161347 9/13/2015 9/19/2015 Standard Class
US-2015-109015 9/6/2015 9/12/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-110611 10/6/2014 10/13/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-139080 1/23/2017 1/28/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-115693 12/10/2015 12/15/2015 Standard Class
US-2014-107993 11/25/2014 11/30/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-110443 11/21/2017 11/25/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-144848 4/4/2017 4/5/2017 First Class
US-2017-147998 5/19/2017 5/24/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-103919 10/3/2016 10/7/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-113425 11/21/2016 11/21/2016 Same Day
CA-2017-143035 10/3/2017 10/5/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-107811 4/29/2014 5/3/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-163216 10/7/2016 10/10/2016 First Class
US-2016-116442 12/15/2016 12/22/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-150623 4/10/2017 4/14/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-163797 4/8/2014 4/13/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-127236 3/29/2016 4/2/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-104661 1/15/2017 1/18/2017 First Class
CA-2014-134103 1/30/2014 2/4/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-147529 2/7/2015 2/11/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-129126 12/14/2016 12/19/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-131632 10/31/2017 11/4/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-151981 8/6/2017 8/12/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-125472 5/30/2017 5/31/2017 First Class
CA-2015-156328 11/30/2015 12/5/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-154074 8/31/2017 9/2/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-161774 5/14/2017 5/15/2017 First Class
CA-2017-151211 8/17/2017 8/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-142671 11/10/2017 11/14/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-144750 8/21/2017 8/21/2017 Same Day
CA-2016-111976 3/8/2016 3/12/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-140130 10/31/2016 11/5/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-159121 7/26/2014 8/1/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-149650 10/24/2015 10/27/2015 First Class
CA-2017-115777 8/19/2017 8/24/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-143714 5/23/2016 5/27/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-165764 11/3/2014 11/7/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-121405 3/30/2015 4/4/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-116897 5/27/2017 5/29/2017 First Class
US-2017-113992 12/14/2017 12/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-166891 10/4/2014 10/6/2014 First Class
CA-2016-101161 10/13/2016 10/20/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-151785 3/5/2015 3/10/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-119816 3/4/2017 3/6/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-156510 9/25/2015 9/29/2015 Standard Class
US-2015-110261 12/19/2015 12/23/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-125710 10/8/2015 10/13/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-161102 7/31/2017 8/3/2017 First Class
CA-2014-110065 8/5/2014 8/11/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-133361 5/14/2017 5/17/2017 First Class
US-2016-155404 9/22/2016 9/28/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-114503 11/13/2015 11/17/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-153080 5/22/2017 5/25/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-163804 12/2/2016 12/8/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-108532 8/29/2015 9/2/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-151897 6/6/2014 6/10/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-113292 3/18/2016 3/20/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-149524 1/14/2014 1/15/2014 First Class
CA-2017-140872 6/3/2017 6/10/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-113908 6/3/2017 6/9/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-120621 3/21/2015 3/26/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-148866 9/19/2017 9/24/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-149594 9/15/2014 9/19/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-113845 11/20/2016 11/25/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-111262 10/28/2017 11/1/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-103135 7/24/2015 7/28/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-129147 11/2/2014 11/6/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-128265 11/17/2017 11/22/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-152331 6/26/2016 6/30/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-128909 10/9/2016 10/11/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-102197 12/20/2017 12/26/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-167640 3/6/2017 3/10/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-116652 9/15/2017 9/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-138289 1/16/2017 1/18/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-129308 7/7/2016 7/13/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-157791 12/23/2016 12/28/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-146864 12/22/2014 12/26/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-103744 2/23/2014 2/27/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-107384 12/4/2017 12/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-128209 11/17/2014 11/22/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-169684 10/20/2014 10/23/2014 First Class
CA-2015-109862 10/25/2015 10/30/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-107888 11/16/2017 11/19/2017 First Class
US-2017-154872 5/14/2017 5/18/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-113880 3/1/2014 3/5/2014 Standard Class
US-2015-164966 7/30/2015 8/1/2015 First Class
CA-2015-126739 11/1/2015 11/3/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-161578 12/16/2017 12/21/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-137092 10/20/2014 10/22/2014 Second Class
CA-2015-166947 6/5/2015 6/10/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-160941 7/21/2016 7/26/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-144680 3/31/2017 4/2/2017 First Class
CA-2014-166086 5/7/2014 5/12/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-131282 2/5/2017 2/8/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-100678 4/18/2014 4/22/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-161543 5/10/2016 5/16/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-160535 11/25/2016 11/30/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-123085 3/3/2017 3/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-153752 12/6/2015 12/11/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-103660 8/25/2014 8/30/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-169887 10/22/2016 10/22/2016 Same Day
CA-2016-148516 8/7/2016 8/11/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-104731 7/21/2017 7/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-164749 3/23/2014 3/26/2014 First Class
CA-2015-103716 4/30/2015 5/6/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-126795 6/13/2016 6/16/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-146290 5/4/2015 5/11/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-157112 4/23/2017 4/26/2017 First Class
CA-2014-169257 6/6/2014 6/12/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-154095 12/2/2014 12/7/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-146346 6/17/2017 6/20/2017 First Class
CA-2016-148852 5/26/2016 5/31/2016 Standard Class
US-2015-118906 3/10/2015 3/10/2015 Same Day
CA-2016-168921 10/20/2016 10/22/2016 First Class
CA-2015-107678 4/21/2015 4/28/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-123512 6/17/2016 6/19/2016 First Class
US-2017-167402 1/13/2017 1/18/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-130449 9/6/2014 9/9/2014 First Class
CA-2015-141250 1/19/2015 1/23/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-145541 12/14/2014 12/21/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-138513 5/23/2014 5/27/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-135489 9/19/2015 9/22/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-125696 10/2/2015 10/6/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-105081 12/25/2016 12/30/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-146857 5/6/2016 5/8/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-166275 10/24/2016 10/24/2016 Same Day
CA-2017-144498 5/6/2017 5/6/2017 Same Day
CA-2017-103352 11/27/2017 11/30/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-108609 10/31/2014 11/2/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-128328 8/5/2017 8/9/2017 Standard Class
US-2015-156496 8/10/2015 8/16/2015 Standard Class
US-2016-127334 12/15/2016 12/21/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-124779 9/8/2017 9/11/2017 First Class
CA-2017-135937 2/20/2017 2/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-129322 8/8/2015 8/10/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-162173 10/26/2017 11/1/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-115483 7/14/2016 7/18/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-122175 5/12/2017 5/14/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-161088 5/25/2017 5/29/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-154837 8/23/2014 8/27/2014 Second Class
CA-2015-153794 9/11/2015 9/16/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-135510 9/5/2015 9/12/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-109337 11/21/2015 11/23/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-150329 10/10/2014 10/14/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-145037 9/2/2017 9/7/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-154466 1/1/2017 1/2/2017 First Class
CA-2014-109134 11/5/2014 11/10/2014 Standard Class
US-2015-129637 12/17/2015 12/22/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-165162 5/14/2015 5/21/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-140494 3/10/2017 3/15/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-104108 12/2/2017 12/9/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-165869 7/31/2017 8/5/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-160899 8/11/2017 8/13/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-144225 9/30/2017 10/2/2017 Second Class
US-2016-163538 8/26/2016 8/30/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-155103 12/2/2016 12/7/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-145429 7/21/2017 7/25/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-153535 5/20/2015 5/24/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-139164 6/23/2015 6/28/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-112277 9/10/2016 9/15/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-167724 4/13/2014 4/18/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-123141 11/14/2015 11/19/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-149503 12/9/2016 12/12/2016 First Class
CA-2017-163069 8/18/2017 8/21/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-107629 12/14/2017 12/14/2017 Same Day
CA-2016-134789 4/8/2016 4/15/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-130442 12/16/2016 12/19/2016 First Class
CA-2017-102974 9/19/2017 9/24/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-166394 9/4/2017 9/6/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-128811 9/12/2016 9/16/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-145443 8/10/2017 8/15/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-165827 11/4/2016 11/9/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-156734 6/18/2015 6/20/2015 First Class
CA-2014-120096 7/4/2014 7/7/2014 First Class
CA-2015-141754 12/20/2015 12/25/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-123358 4/10/2016 4/17/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-144029 5/26/2014 5/31/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-101784 7/6/2017 7/11/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-156923 2/16/2015 2/20/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-111269 6/16/2017 6/18/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-159156 11/13/2017 11/16/2017 First Class
CA-2017-100230 12/11/2017 12/15/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-154767 6/28/2016 6/30/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-124205 9/15/2017 9/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-165715 12/2/2017 12/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-100636 6/26/2017 6/30/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-162943 7/24/2016 7/26/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-144764 9/2/2016 9/8/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-100615 4/20/2017 4/24/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-109302 8/12/2014 8/16/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-139787 9/19/2017 9/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-139402 12/9/2017 12/13/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-119018 11/4/2016 11/8/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-105361 3/29/2015 4/4/2015 Standard Class
US-2016-152373 9/5/2016 9/11/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-166037 1/28/2017 2/1/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-147711 9/3/2016 9/8/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-121293 7/25/2017 7/28/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-118843 9/13/2015 9/20/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-161445 9/7/2015 9/9/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-124527 11/16/2016 11/17/2016 First Class
CA-2016-162348 11/10/2016 11/15/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-141005 8/15/2014 8/18/2014 First Class
CA-2015-145394 11/16/2015 11/20/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-168809 8/25/2015 8/25/2015 Same Day
CA-2016-109827 12/25/2016 1/1/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-152233 10/5/2014 10/6/2014 First Class
CA-2014-125682 11/22/2014 11/25/2014 First Class
CA-2017-162880 12/25/2017 12/29/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-128125 3/31/2015 4/5/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-156237 9/14/2017 9/15/2017 First Class
CA-2014-144414 6/17/2014 6/21/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-163860 12/28/2017 1/1/2018 Standard Class
US-2017-115609 11/2/2017 11/7/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-154291 7/25/2015 7/29/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-118689 10/2/2016 10/9/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-140438 12/24/2016 12/27/2016 Second Class
US-2017-123204 7/21/2017 7/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-112522 10/10/2015 10/17/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-153101 9/8/2016 9/8/2016 Same Day
CA-2016-142615 11/20/2016 11/24/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-142643 10/15/2017 10/20/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-116260 7/6/2015 7/12/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-107517 2/5/2017 2/9/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-166338 12/6/2015 12/7/2015 First Class
CA-2016-123946 9/12/2016 9/17/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-147543 7/6/2014 7/12/2014 Standard Class
US-2016-159093 5/9/2016 5/14/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-162110 7/18/2016 7/22/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-163461 6/18/2016 6/21/2016 First Class
CA-2014-101462 4/20/2014 4/25/2014 Standard Class
US-2016-100461 1/8/2016 1/12/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-162670 12/23/2017 12/28/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-128965 4/17/2017 4/22/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-138618 12/1/2017 12/8/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-126452 8/21/2016 8/28/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-145009 12/5/2016 12/8/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-162544 12/16/2015 12/19/2015 First Class
CA-2014-124394 10/17/2014 10/22/2014 Second Class
US-2016-121013 9/5/2016 9/10/2016 Standard Class
US-2015-123918 10/15/2015 10/15/2015 Same Day
CA-2015-137113 12/1/2015 12/5/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-120677 5/31/2015 6/4/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-123036 9/10/2017 9/17/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-120222 4/25/2017 5/2/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-164756 9/18/2017 9/22/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-122028 8/18/2017 8/25/2017 Standard Class
US-2015-165512 5/24/2015 5/26/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-140557 9/7/2015 9/11/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-135013 7/24/2017 7/24/2017 Same Day
CA-2017-111220 9/2/2017 9/8/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-149006 12/6/2017 12/8/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-149468 5/20/2017 5/20/2017 Same Day
CA-2016-140249 9/27/2016 10/3/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-135503 12/10/2017 12/15/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-126277 9/13/2014 9/18/2014 Second Class
US-2017-115301 7/29/2017 8/2/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-168942 8/1/2017 8/5/2017 Second Class
US-2017-128398 5/2/2017 5/5/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-104115 6/12/2015 6/16/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-142510 12/22/2014 12/29/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-124247 12/16/2014 12/21/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-105473 4/16/2016 4/18/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-102806 5/21/2015 5/28/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-121706 2/26/2017 3/2/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-109211 4/4/2017 4/10/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-134257 3/16/2015 3/19/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-137925 11/30/2015 12/4/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-140046 7/28/2016 8/3/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-140382 6/23/2016 6/25/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-164182 7/14/2014 7/18/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-137365 11/30/2017 12/3/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-129847 9/2/2016 9/4/2016 First Class
CA-2014-126963 6/15/2014 6/15/2014 Same Day
CA-2016-125094 11/5/2016 11/9/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-107132 6/26/2017 6/30/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-139248 7/25/2015 7/30/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-148369 9/23/2014 9/27/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-106243 9/30/2016 10/4/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-126466 11/9/2015 11/13/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-130365 4/25/2015 4/29/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-143021 11/19/2017 11/19/2017 Same Day
CA-2015-161767 11/20/2015 11/24/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-129917 10/2/2015 10/3/2015 First Class
CA-2015-115420 4/25/2015 5/2/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-157588 7/14/2016 7/19/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-167255 9/27/2015 9/29/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-162096 11/10/2017 11/10/2017 Same Day
CA-2016-157161 7/16/2016 7/20/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-110765 10/16/2015 10/20/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-163937 1/10/2016 1/13/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-153822 9/19/2017 9/25/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-146185 9/15/2017 9/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-112144 6/28/2015 7/2/2015 Standard Class
US-2016-119298 11/25/2016 11/28/2016 First Class
CA-2017-155159 11/25/2017 11/29/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-149076 1/14/2017 1/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-146990 11/7/2014 11/8/2014 First Class
CA-2016-116526 9/1/2016 9/5/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-158561 11/11/2017 11/16/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-165099 12/11/2017 12/13/2017 First Class
CA-2015-109386 11/8/2015 11/13/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-166800 11/19/2015 11/26/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-117443 12/23/2017 12/25/2017 Second Class
US-2016-134369 9/16/2016 9/22/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-123687 5/26/2017 5/29/2017 First Class
CA-2015-104871 3/30/2015 4/3/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-133158 8/19/2014 8/21/2014 Second Class
CA-2014-126333 12/23/2014 12/28/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-141740 11/1/2015 11/5/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-119466 12/15/2014 12/21/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-154823 8/21/2015 8/25/2015 Standard Class
US-2014-135881 5/23/2014 5/27/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-141201 12/9/2017 12/11/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-114790 3/11/2014 3/13/2014 Second Class
US-2016-154256 6/23/2016 6/27/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-124737 8/23/2014 8/27/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-101840 2/6/2017 2/12/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-131653 1/29/2017 2/5/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-157840 12/20/2016 12/23/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-145548 11/11/2016 11/16/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-119494 11/9/2017 11/13/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-124618 5/2/2014 5/4/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-161970 9/22/2017 9/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-103443 12/17/2017 12/23/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-165358 7/18/2017 7/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-160136 11/3/2016 11/9/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-150581 4/8/2014 4/12/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-119515 8/14/2016 8/16/2016 First Class
CA-2014-141355 9/25/2014 9/30/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-165330 12/11/2016 12/11/2016 Same Day
CA-2015-132633 2/3/2015 2/5/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-157742 12/29/2016 12/31/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-127712 8/31/2017 9/5/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-169474 2/4/2017 2/9/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-106726 12/6/2014 12/8/2014 First Class
CA-2016-147473 5/30/2016 6/3/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-114209 5/21/2016 5/26/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-141901 8/9/2014 8/14/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-164490 9/5/2016 9/10/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-112256 7/23/2016 7/28/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-167416 5/12/2016 5/17/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-106950 9/2/2016 9/6/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-118724 7/21/2017 7/25/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-112004 9/25/2017 9/28/2017 First Class
US-2017-143175 8/3/2017 8/6/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-105844 10/25/2015 10/27/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-118864 6/15/2017 6/19/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-119480 1/9/2015 1/13/2015 Standard Class
US-2015-153374 2/9/2015 2/13/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-101980 8/19/2016 8/20/2016 First Class
CA-2017-144596 11/6/2017 11/10/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-124933 12/26/2015 12/30/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-159625 11/23/2014 11/28/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-144337 8/1/2016 8/5/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-117478 9/21/2014 9/24/2014 First Class
CA-2017-147410 9/4/2017 9/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-128944 6/19/2017 6/21/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-109666 4/19/2016 4/26/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-102239 5/5/2016 5/6/2016 First Class
CA-2014-143168 10/18/2014 10/23/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-104906 2/13/2017 2/17/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-118122 11/17/2017 11/24/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-147774 1/20/2014 1/26/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-166926 12/1/2017 12/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-128013 8/9/2015 8/16/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-123176 9/27/2016 9/29/2016 Second Class
US-2016-117541 11/14/2016 11/20/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-166282 4/16/2016 4/22/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-141439 11/26/2017 12/1/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-163965 11/20/2015 11/27/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-128783 9/7/2017 9/7/2017 Same Day
CA-2014-122217 11/24/2014 11/29/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-141558 3/11/2017 3/16/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-139941 6/12/2016 6/17/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-166583 6/26/2015 6/30/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-100412 12/22/2017 12/26/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-142909 12/22/2017 12/25/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-137911 10/9/2014 10/15/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-106208 12/10/2015 12/15/2015 Standard Class
US-2015-136749 12/25/2015 12/27/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-126718 4/29/2017 5/4/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-131380 3/28/2016 3/31/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-145835 5/13/2015 5/18/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-138709 7/4/2014 7/9/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-122070 4/22/2014 4/24/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-158610 9/19/2016 9/22/2016 First Class
CA-2014-117464 7/22/2014 7/24/2014 Second Class
US-2017-168613 10/8/2017 10/14/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-125381 4/25/2017 4/27/2017 Second Class
US-2017-141677 3/26/2017 3/30/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-133067 5/4/2017 5/10/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-144351 11/14/2016 11/18/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-106054 1/6/2014 1/7/2014 First Class
CA-2016-138667 12/27/2016 12/30/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-150609 4/30/2017 5/4/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-128853 4/21/2017 4/23/2017 First Class
CA-2017-133102 8/17/2017 8/24/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-164399 11/12/2016 11/15/2016 First Class
CA-2016-116918 10/1/2016 10/6/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-110492 2/12/2016 2/14/2016 First Class
CA-2016-147683 11/13/2016 11/17/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-116785 4/26/2014 4/30/2014 Standard Class
US-2015-156797 8/11/2015 8/15/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-104276 11/27/2016 12/3/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-120369 10/28/2016 10/28/2016 Same Day
CA-2014-118276 12/29/2014 1/2/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-136658 9/10/2015 9/17/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-137414 10/2/2017 10/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-143476 9/11/2016 9/13/2016 First Class
US-2016-119046 6/2/2016 6/6/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-154949 10/15/2017 10/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-103072 9/27/2015 9/30/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-150770 5/3/2015 5/6/2015 First Class
CA-2017-154760 1/9/2017 1/13/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-104437 1/27/2017 1/31/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-113075 9/2/2017 9/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-109953 7/14/2016 7/18/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-127397 2/24/2017 2/28/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-157546 7/20/2014 7/22/2014 First Class
CA-2017-153843 3/13/2017 3/15/2017 First Class
CA-2016-137337 3/8/2016 3/12/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-138737 12/7/2014 12/10/2014 First Class
CA-2016-164924 7/10/2016 7/10/2016 Same Day
CA-2016-101651 12/24/2016 12/30/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-136651 4/23/2017 4/25/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-118892 8/17/2017 8/22/2017 Second Class
US-2017-151127 5/22/2017 5/25/2017 First Class
CA-2017-145807 2/9/2017 2/13/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-127978 3/3/2014 3/8/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-158491 6/4/2015 6/9/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-116764 8/27/2016 9/2/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-152457 9/12/2016 9/18/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-152730 5/30/2016 6/4/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-137001 6/10/2017 6/13/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-156363 10/22/2017 10/28/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-122056 6/13/2017 6/17/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-143721 11/23/2014 11/26/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-122987 8/16/2017 8/16/2017 Same Day
CA-2016-133368 1/14/2016 1/20/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-123337 9/16/2016 9/22/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-150357 10/10/2016 10/14/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-144519 11/13/2015 11/17/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-120670 11/2/2014 11/6/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-157217 7/19/2016 7/21/2016 First Class
CA-2016-108224 5/14/2016 5/14/2016 Same Day
CA-2015-162782 2/21/2015 2/27/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-159282 10/16/2017 10/21/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-155936 6/22/2017 6/29/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-169439 9/9/2017 9/13/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-151183 10/14/2017 10/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-149965 6/20/2016 6/25/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-158281 9/2/2014 9/7/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-153661 1/30/2016 1/31/2016 First Class
CA-2017-109183 12/4/2017 12/9/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-113656 1/23/2016 1/29/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-148964 5/26/2015 5/31/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-111899 5/4/2014 5/5/2014 First Class
CA-2015-101126 2/10/2015 2/14/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-163468 11/18/2014 11/21/2014 First Class
US-2017-117450 9/4/2017 9/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-137274 3/29/2014 4/2/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-144092 11/5/2016 11/7/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-112172 6/10/2017 6/14/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-121699 8/10/2015 8/14/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-162761 10/9/2015 10/13/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-121377 5/28/2016 6/2/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-115322 5/11/2017 5/16/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-132066 10/16/2016 10/20/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-158120 11/17/2017 11/21/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-100097 11/26/2017 11/29/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-167626 9/3/2017 9/7/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-126053 12/5/2017 12/8/2017 First Class
US-2017-128447 11/10/2017 11/17/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-131275 3/18/2014 3/24/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-149349 11/12/2016 11/13/2016 First Class
CA-2017-115119 10/26/2017 10/30/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-125563 4/11/2015 4/17/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-113152 12/25/2015 12/30/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-165155 9/21/2017 9/23/2017 First Class
CA-2014-163412 12/20/2014 12/23/2014 Second Class
CA-2015-159590 7/18/2015 7/21/2015 First Class
CA-2014-116190 7/26/2014 8/1/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-168473 12/26/2014 1/1/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-168389 12/11/2017 12/17/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-130421 3/3/2014 3/7/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-142125 10/21/2017 10/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-141138 11/10/2017 11/16/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-152135 3/16/2017 3/18/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-151974 9/22/2016 9/29/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-154102 2/6/2017 2/13/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-139780 12/31/2015 1/2/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-114748 10/9/2016 10/14/2016 Standard Class
US-2014-115189 12/30/2014 1/3/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-163594 4/12/2016 4/14/2016 First Class
CA-2016-127243 11/28/2016 12/4/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-161851 4/15/2017 4/17/2017 First Class
CA-2015-110345 3/9/2015 3/11/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-107769 10/28/2014 11/1/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-123862 1/7/2017 1/9/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-100580 8/13/2017 8/20/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-145597 11/2/2017 11/5/2017 First Class
CA-2014-132787 9/19/2014 9/23/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-136224 5/31/2015 5/31/2015 Same Day
CA-2016-105732 9/13/2016 9/18/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-108035 11/29/2017 12/3/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-160031 12/4/2017 12/7/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-147844 5/2/2017 5/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-110975 12/25/2016 12/30/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-141649 9/30/2014 9/30/2014 Same Day
CA-2014-124807 7/12/2014 7/15/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-110009 9/8/2016 9/13/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-168172 8/6/2017 8/10/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-100146 5/14/2015 5/19/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-152079 1/20/2017 1/21/2017 First Class
CA-2016-129728 5/30/2016 6/6/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-121769 4/8/2014 4/12/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-103058 7/23/2014 7/24/2014 First Class
CA-2017-121125 5/30/2017 6/3/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-114013 3/13/2016 3/15/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-135069 4/10/2017 4/14/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-101693 6/25/2016 6/27/2016 Second Class
US-2014-164763 3/17/2014 3/21/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-161249 8/9/2014 8/13/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-148180 7/26/2015 7/31/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-165568 2/15/2014 2/19/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-145457 3/24/2015 3/27/2015 Second Class
US-2017-163657 9/2/2017 9/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-120446 11/16/2015 11/18/2015 First Class
CA-2014-109932 12/9/2014 12/11/2014 First Class
CA-2017-127474 2/3/2017 2/7/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-115448 11/11/2017 11/14/2017 First Class
CA-2017-105669 9/17/2017 9/22/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-134796 6/25/2017 7/1/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-137743 7/30/2016 8/4/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-137974 4/16/2015 4/18/2015 First Class
US-2015-136987 4/11/2015 4/14/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-138485 2/27/2015 3/1/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-103709 9/8/2016 9/15/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-138282 5/19/2016 5/23/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-148985 11/11/2017 11/15/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-138100 9/15/2014 9/20/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-100734 9/15/2015 9/20/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-139997 7/1/2016 7/3/2016 First Class
CA-2016-109652 4/10/2016 4/15/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-167199 1/6/2014 1/10/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-124583 9/1/2016 9/3/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-113964 9/23/2014 9/30/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-129938 12/15/2014 12/17/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-135111 12/28/2017 1/2/2018 Standard Class
US-2015-134558 12/19/2015 12/24/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-157196 11/5/2017 11/9/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-108672 9/10/2015 9/16/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-118598 11/16/2017 11/16/2017 Same Day
US-2017-160836 9/11/2017 9/16/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-121048 7/14/2017 7/18/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-120147 3/30/2017 3/30/2017 Same Day
CA-2016-158043 1/31/2016 2/4/2016 Second Class
US-2017-106579 6/8/2017 6/13/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-115889 11/2/2014 11/6/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-161935 7/14/2017 7/18/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-167920 12/9/2017 12/12/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-162383 9/5/2016 9/11/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-125731 9/10/2014 9/16/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-106145 9/26/2017 9/26/2017 Same Day
CA-2016-107146 6/17/2016 6/19/2016 First Class
US-2017-134642 2/25/2017 3/1/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-160143 3/31/2017 4/7/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-103415 12/3/2017 12/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-106460 2/19/2016 2/22/2016 Second Class
US-2017-112347 12/2/2017 12/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-103492 10/10/2014 10/15/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-136595 9/5/2016 9/7/2016 First Class
CA-2014-140396 11/20/2014 11/25/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-114181 5/10/2014 5/14/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-159506 11/27/2017 12/2/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-137155 11/1/2014 11/5/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-105746 12/30/2016 1/1/2017 First Class
US-2016-104815 9/3/2016 9/7/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-157672 10/5/2017 10/7/2017 First Class
US-2016-166660 1/30/2016 2/1/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-140802 4/21/2017 4/23/2017 First Class
CA-2014-133830 12/5/2014 12/10/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-100916 10/21/2014 10/26/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-129532 12/8/2015 12/12/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-134726 11/2/2014 11/7/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-138597 12/18/2016 12/21/2016 First Class
CA-2015-123113 11/23/2015 11/27/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-169656 8/13/2015 8/16/2015 First Class
CA-2015-142734 4/16/2015 4/21/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-163223 3/21/2014 3/25/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-122945 11/16/2017 11/22/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-139738 9/25/2015 9/29/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-158778 9/5/2016 9/9/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-119655 4/20/2017 4/24/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-164567 6/15/2015 6/19/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-131947 9/17/2014 9/22/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-152520 7/8/2016 7/12/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-101791 5/27/2016 5/31/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-121195 12/24/2017 12/27/2017 First Class
CA-2017-163209 5/3/2017 5/7/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-133354 2/22/2014 2/24/2014 First Class
US-2015-130491 2/8/2015 2/11/2015 First Class
CA-2015-113740 8/24/2015 8/28/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-148425 11/30/2014 12/4/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-144309 12/10/2016 12/16/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-151225 10/27/2017 10/29/2017 First Class
US-2014-144078 11/25/2014 11/29/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-124464 7/14/2014 7/20/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-136805 5/23/2015 5/27/2015 Second Class
US-2015-159499 11/21/2015 11/23/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-162089 3/30/2014 4/1/2014 First Class
US-2017-158526 12/29/2017 1/1/2018 Second Class
CA-2017-104885 3/2/2017 3/8/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-157490 10/6/2016 10/7/2016 First Class
CA-2015-161452 4/5/2015 4/11/2015 Standard Class
US-2014-115196 9/9/2014 9/13/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-138968 3/15/2016 3/16/2016 First Class
CA-2015-101889 12/27/2015 12/31/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-110821 8/7/2017 8/8/2017 First Class
CA-2015-121552 3/22/2015 3/27/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-107685 11/30/2015 12/2/2015 Second Class
US-2014-120740 4/15/2014 4/15/2014 Same Day
CA-2017-155740 7/30/2017 8/2/2017 First Class
CA-2017-146493 6/1/2017 6/5/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-105417 1/7/2014 1/12/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-141509 9/29/2017 10/1/2017 First Class
CA-2017-139493 9/13/2017 9/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-151967 10/22/2014 10/26/2014 Standard Class
US-2016-140158 10/4/2016 10/8/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-130974 11/27/2015 11/29/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-133487 5/6/2017 5/9/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-142951 10/8/2014 10/8/2014 Same Day
CA-2014-133592 12/31/2014 1/7/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-120782 4/28/2015 5/1/2015 First Class
CA-2015-116876 2/14/2015 2/21/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-169838 11/25/2016 11/29/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-128951 7/15/2017 7/17/2017 First Class
CA-2014-102330 12/29/2014 1/3/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-118899 3/22/2016 3/22/2016 Same Day
CA-2017-107958 7/2/2017 7/5/2017 First Class
CA-2017-151799 12/14/2017 12/18/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-114601 8/26/2016 9/2/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-100237 10/15/2017 10/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-139542 10/25/2014 10/29/2014 Standard Class
US-2015-142811 4/2/2015 4/7/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-139353 10/28/2017 10/30/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-150203 12/5/2014 12/7/2014 First Class
US-2017-101518 11/3/2017 11/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-149636 1/6/2015 1/12/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-146213 9/9/2017 9/14/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-108588 1/5/2015 1/10/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-138086 4/16/2017 4/20/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-139374 9/10/2015 9/14/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-113978 9/25/2016 9/29/2016 Standard Class
US-2015-150231 3/16/2015 3/20/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-106915 11/26/2016 12/2/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-109260 9/26/2016 10/1/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-104850 6/13/2017 6/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-140508 9/18/2017 9/21/2017 First Class
CA-2017-143294 6/2/2017 6/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-165673 5/15/2016 5/19/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-134418 9/15/2017 9/20/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-106313 8/22/2016 8/26/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-105872 5/30/2014 6/6/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-108287 12/18/2017 12/20/2017 First Class
CA-2017-141103 7/30/2017 8/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-154781 11/21/2014 11/26/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-147816 9/24/2015 9/26/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-105326 8/20/2017 8/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-133613 6/17/2016 6/22/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-109113 12/19/2015 12/23/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-156153 5/31/2015 6/2/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-133242 6/18/2015 6/24/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-158323 11/30/2015 12/3/2015 First Class
CA-2015-161795 12/21/2015 12/23/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-100902 11/17/2017 11/21/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-112844 11/13/2017 11/16/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-158925 10/24/2016 10/28/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-155390 12/6/2014 12/11/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-123071 12/3/2017 12/6/2017 First Class
CA-2017-156391 9/26/2017 9/28/2017 First Class
CA-2015-103093 2/3/2015 2/7/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-118941 8/12/2017 8/12/2017 Same Day
CA-2015-169299 8/24/2015 8/26/2015 First Class
CA-2017-154088 11/12/2017 11/17/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-155978 8/1/2016 8/1/2016 Same Day
CA-2016-108196 11/25/2016 12/2/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-152800 4/13/2016 4/15/2016 First Class
CA-2014-166961 12/27/2014 12/31/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-139381 4/18/2016 4/22/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-132136 3/8/2015 3/12/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-162236 11/4/2016 11/6/2016 Second Class
US-2014-111353 11/29/2014 12/6/2014 Standard Class
US-2016-117037 5/17/2016 5/20/2016 First Class
CA-2017-160801 9/19/2017 9/19/2017 Same Day
CA-2016-108364 12/19/2016 12/24/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-169362 10/12/2017 10/15/2017 First Class
CA-2015-127481 12/12/2015 12/15/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-112711 7/12/2015 7/18/2015 Standard Class
US-2015-145121 10/2/2015 10/6/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-166184 3/24/2017 3/27/2017 First Class
CA-2017-157413 6/1/2017 6/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-143637 3/24/2014 3/29/2014 Second Class
CA-2015-102260 9/22/2015 9/26/2015 Standard Class
US-2016-137295 1/8/2016 1/13/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-134334 2/14/2016 2/15/2016 First Class
US-2017-109316 6/8/2017 6/10/2017 First Class
CA-2016-138478 10/21/2016 10/26/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-150469 1/26/2017 1/30/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-152436 12/8/2017 12/10/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-169334 10/21/2016 10/24/2016 Second Class
US-2014-115413 8/26/2014 9/1/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-125150 5/16/2014 5/23/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-127327 2/3/2015 2/7/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-117114 10/31/2017 11/5/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-137302 4/26/2015 5/1/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-112382 5/9/2016 5/13/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-128958 1/24/2015 1/28/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-106257 4/13/2015 4/17/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-149083 9/25/2015 9/30/2015 Standard Class
US-2014-137869 3/28/2014 4/2/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-116603 7/17/2016 7/22/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-158470 4/19/2014 4/23/2014 Second Class
US-2017-123834 7/21/2017 7/25/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-125976 9/27/2015 10/2/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-128706 2/27/2016 3/2/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-104311 5/2/2016 5/6/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-169649 12/9/2014 12/15/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-144890 12/25/2015 12/29/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-135587 12/7/2017 12/12/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-103429 5/30/2014 6/1/2014 First Class
CA-2017-152261 3/2/2017 3/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-142993 10/12/2015 10/17/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-143364 7/14/2015 7/19/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-100972 11/19/2014 11/24/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-136994 5/27/2016 6/2/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-166233 7/3/2017 7/9/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-122112 9/25/2017 9/29/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-101672 10/3/2016 10/7/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-168403 9/9/2017 9/15/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-148705 3/12/2015 3/18/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-160241 11/29/2016 12/4/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-155747 6/14/2016 6/21/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-118017 12/3/2017 12/6/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-113117 8/16/2016 8/22/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-148684 12/25/2016 12/29/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-125367 7/23/2017 7/30/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-124744 6/21/2017 6/25/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-128363 8/13/2017 8/18/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-126669 11/7/2015 11/13/2015 Standard Class
US-2015-118766 10/15/2015 10/22/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-112585 7/30/2016 8/2/2016 First Class
CA-2016-149762 12/3/2016 12/7/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-167605 4/28/2016 4/30/2016 Second Class
US-2017-105697 8/25/2017 8/27/2017 First Class
CA-2017-165323 6/17/2017 6/21/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-110891 11/20/2015 11/24/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-100783 9/4/2017 9/8/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-152513 7/4/2015 7/8/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-139822 9/15/2017 9/21/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-107713 3/13/2017 3/17/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-134096 9/24/2017 9/29/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-125843 8/13/2016 8/16/2016 First Class
CA-2017-120404 11/20/2017 11/24/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-167549 7/25/2017 7/27/2017 First Class
CA-2016-120082 3/25/2016 3/27/2016 Second Class
US-2016-168095 7/15/2016 7/20/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-166093 8/17/2017 8/24/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-146325 12/14/2016 12/17/2016 First Class
CA-2017-134194 12/25/2017 1/1/2018 Standard Class
CA-2014-131009 3/1/2014 3/5/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-145814 11/19/2015 11/24/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-138359 4/1/2014 4/6/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-131807 10/5/2017 10/10/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-104864 11/18/2017 11/23/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-138219 3/23/2015 3/30/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-157707 10/10/2016 10/12/2016 First Class
US-2015-126753 8/16/2015 8/20/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-166051 5/31/2014 6/5/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-113040 8/27/2015 8/31/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-103800 1/3/2014 1/7/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-113383 9/10/2014 9/13/2014 First Class
CA-2017-152499 1/22/2017 1/25/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-151498 4/21/2016 4/24/2016 First Class
CA-2016-137939 7/20/2016 7/23/2016 Second Class
US-2016-117793 8/23/2016 8/29/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-133872 6/14/2016 6/17/2016 First Class
US-2015-165743 11/20/2015 11/23/2015 Second Class
US-2017-105998 11/3/2017 11/5/2017 First Class
US-2014-148194 5/4/2014 5/7/2014 First Class
US-2015-151407 11/8/2015 11/12/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-110870 12/12/2015 12/15/2015 First Class
CA-2014-143210 12/1/2014 12/3/2014 First Class
CA-2016-139808 10/7/2016 10/11/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-110863 11/17/2015 11/24/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-127859 3/17/2014 3/20/2014 Second Class
US-2015-136427 6/20/2015 6/23/2015 First Class
CA-2017-120168 5/25/2017 5/25/2017 Same Day
US-2014-131870 9/9/2014 9/11/2014 First Class
CA-2017-114804 10/17/2017 10/19/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-167227 11/2/2017 11/5/2017 First Class
CA-2014-129189 7/21/2014 7/25/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-132465 9/11/2015 9/15/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-166373 10/21/2016 10/25/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-158806 1/7/2016 1/11/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-119690 6/25/2015 6/28/2015 First Class
CA-2015-153738 9/20/2015 9/22/2015 First Class
CA-2017-169012 7/10/2017 7/14/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-109393 6/30/2017 7/2/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-121489 8/21/2017 8/25/2017 Second Class
US-2017-133081 3/11/2017 3/15/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-165008 9/15/2017 9/17/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-145611 9/20/2016 9/24/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-113600 12/15/2016 12/17/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-130834 11/3/2017 11/6/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-168543 7/3/2016 7/7/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-144974 9/26/2014 9/30/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-109904 7/14/2014 7/17/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-152205 9/28/2017 10/5/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-121188 8/28/2015 9/4/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-156013 9/20/2015 9/26/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-132997 11/7/2016 11/9/2016 First Class
US-2015-160563 10/20/2015 10/24/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-151750 1/1/2017 1/5/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-106187 6/23/2015 6/29/2015 Standard Class
US-2016-164945 11/22/2016 11/27/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-150714 10/26/2015 11/1/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-105753 10/20/2016 10/26/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-120894 4/28/2017 5/2/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-106621 9/29/2016 10/1/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-107020 7/10/2015 7/14/2015 Standard Class
US-2015-117492 8/7/2015 8/9/2015 First Class
CA-2014-101392 12/7/2014 12/13/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-127502 12/10/2015 12/14/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-143658 11/8/2017 11/13/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-133046 7/27/2017 8/1/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-122798 12/28/2017 1/1/2018 Standard Class
CA-2016-169663 3/10/2016 3/13/2016 First Class
CA-2015-149846 5/22/2015 5/26/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-159149 2/17/2017 2/19/2017 First Class
US-2017-167570 12/8/2017 12/15/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-160122 11/18/2017 11/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-130393 12/1/2016 12/3/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-144820 10/3/2017 10/7/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-101014 8/29/2017 9/4/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-105543 11/24/2017 11/24/2017 Same Day
US-2017-113201 6/30/2017 7/5/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-106551 7/22/2017 7/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-116722 11/11/2016 11/16/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-138128 12/9/2014 12/15/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-150070 9/7/2017 9/12/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-137064 2/6/2015 2/13/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-157350 8/26/2017 9/1/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-127866 7/20/2014 7/23/2014 First Class
CA-2015-131352 10/8/2015 10/13/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-121776 2/16/2015 2/21/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-118073 8/12/2016 8/16/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-103219 11/9/2014 11/13/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-102561 7/18/2016 7/22/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-100993 2/5/2016 2/10/2016 Standard Class
US-2014-112949 6/20/2014 6/27/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-146822 6/9/2017 6/14/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-131058 12/27/2016 12/31/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-167997 1/26/2014 1/29/2014 First Class
CA-2017-140151 3/23/2017 3/25/2017 First Class
US-2017-143770 3/20/2017 3/24/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-131296 10/4/2016 10/9/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-103464 11/18/2016 11/22/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-136238 12/26/2017 1/1/2018 Standard Class
CA-2016-120803 3/9/2016 3/13/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-134138 2/16/2016 2/20/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-120915 9/28/2015 10/3/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-168207 11/2/2015 11/6/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-144148 7/31/2016 8/5/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-107174 11/6/2017 11/13/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-146150 2/14/2016 2/19/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-114125 7/9/2014 7/13/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-114944 1/30/2016 2/4/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-135965 9/22/2016 9/25/2016 First Class
CA-2017-149699 12/22/2017 12/24/2017 First Class
CA-2016-166429 9/2/2016 9/8/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-112767 8/2/2015 8/6/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-119879 11/21/2015 11/25/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-155642 5/18/2017 5/22/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-101721 7/23/2017 7/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-136728 9/13/2015 9/17/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-127194 12/10/2016 12/16/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-140375 10/2/2015 10/5/2015 Second Class
US-2017-155866 11/17/2017 11/21/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-141327 11/30/2015 12/3/2015 First Class
CA-2015-136700 12/6/2015 12/11/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-102736 9/5/2017 9/9/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-125269 4/24/2017 4/30/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-114811 11/8/2015 11/8/2015 Same Day
CA-2015-122266 4/26/2015 4/30/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-141565 9/20/2015 9/24/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-128769 9/7/2017 9/12/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-116337 11/7/2016 11/12/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-120845 9/25/2015 10/2/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-120775 10/3/2014 10/7/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-152905 2/18/2014 2/24/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-104633 6/12/2016 6/16/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-104136 11/1/2017 11/4/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-123050 4/4/2016 4/8/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-162355 6/30/2016 7/2/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-158225 9/22/2014 9/28/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-102204 5/1/2017 5/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-103065 10/20/2017 10/20/2017 Same Day
CA-2014-109855 9/1/2014 9/5/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-109897 8/12/2014 8/16/2014 Standard Class
US-2014-143581 8/19/2014 8/23/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-129217 5/10/2015 5/10/2015 Same Day
CA-2016-133816 5/10/2016 5/13/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-140221 3/5/2015 3/9/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-152310 8/12/2017 8/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-118101 6/26/2016 6/26/2016 Same Day
CA-2016-100307 12/15/2016 12/19/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-138457 9/13/2015 9/17/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-131800 12/30/2014 1/4/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-118304 4/29/2014 5/4/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-121790 1/30/2017 2/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-169670 12/25/2016 12/31/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-139549 10/20/2016 10/25/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-104059 6/13/2015 6/15/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-164112 6/30/2017 7/4/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-143882 6/26/2015 6/30/2015 Standard Class
US-2016-139262 2/21/2016 2/25/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-146192 4/22/2017 4/26/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-134810 5/9/2017 5/10/2017 First Class
CA-2015-154284 12/21/2015 12/26/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-156244 8/12/2014 8/16/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-106362 12/11/2015 12/15/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-168802 11/3/2017 11/7/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-146906 3/13/2017 3/17/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-166380 5/30/2016 6/3/2016 Standard Class
US-2015-158911 7/5/2015 7/11/2015 Standard Class
US-2014-103338 3/11/2014 3/15/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-109169 4/20/2015 4/24/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-167318 7/26/2017 8/1/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-120313 10/31/2014 11/2/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-135419 11/3/2017 11/9/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-128671 8/11/2016 8/16/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-149335 7/25/2016 7/25/2016 Same Day
CA-2014-168312 3/1/2014 3/7/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-105935 1/26/2017 1/31/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-161508 7/12/2014 7/16/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-130904 4/11/2017 4/16/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-133620 11/13/2017 11/18/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-142937 12/5/2015 12/6/2015 First Class
US-2016-149790 9/26/2016 10/1/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-130778 11/19/2016 11/25/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-144456 9/8/2017 9/9/2017 First Class
CA-2017-103478 7/21/2017 7/24/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-118577 10/6/2017 10/11/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-113572 11/7/2017 11/11/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-153269 3/9/2016 3/12/2016 First Class
CA-2017-161655 5/13/2017 5/18/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-101469 7/2/2016 7/8/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-153087 12/27/2014 1/3/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-135076 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-161634 11/14/2014 11/20/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-141481 6/11/2017 6/14/2017 First Class
CA-2016-132549 11/25/2016 11/30/2016 Standard Class
US-2014-155544 3/21/2014 3/25/2014 Standard Class
US-2015-115238 4/30/2015 5/4/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-132199 5/3/2017 5/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-163174 8/26/2016 8/30/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-110555 4/11/2014 4/18/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-147207 1/2/2017 1/4/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-137631 4/28/2017 5/2/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-157273 1/30/2017 2/2/2017 First Class
CA-2014-109918 9/7/2014 9/12/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-118745 6/11/2016 6/16/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-163972 10/17/2016 10/21/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-165393 12/27/2014 12/30/2014 First Class
CA-2016-113726 11/24/2016 12/1/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-152940 11/10/2016 11/13/2016 First Class
CA-2015-158701 1/5/2015 1/10/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-156272 3/21/2017 3/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-162964 11/12/2015 11/18/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-103527 9/9/2014 9/14/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-134544 3/17/2016 3/19/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-163048 2/8/2016 2/15/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-145135 11/26/2016 11/28/2016 First Class
CA-2017-137582 9/4/2017 9/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-149601 5/28/2015 6/3/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-139423 11/1/2014 11/5/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-102596 12/27/2016 12/30/2016 First Class
CA-2017-153227 12/4/2017 12/6/2017 First Class
CA-2017-110625 12/23/2017 12/30/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-142594 12/1/2016 12/6/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-152254 6/30/2014 6/30/2014 Same Day
US-2014-120236 9/3/2014 9/4/2014 First Class
CA-2017-120061 11/2/2017 11/7/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-133837 4/13/2015 4/18/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-110814 12/5/2015 12/9/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-154067 2/1/2016 2/7/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-140480 7/8/2017 7/12/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-134082 12/11/2015 12/17/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-130820 11/15/2016 11/15/2016 Same Day
CA-2016-159765 5/9/2016 5/12/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-132290 3/10/2017 3/14/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-147109 12/17/2016 12/21/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-107265 4/6/2017 4/12/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-118199 5/9/2017 5/11/2017 First Class
CA-2017-150091 10/12/2017 10/16/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-137652 8/28/2016 8/30/2016 First Class
CA-2015-128356 10/2/2015 10/7/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-167017 11/23/2017 11/25/2017 First Class
US-2017-132220 11/12/2017 11/16/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-118129 12/19/2016 12/21/2016 Second Class
US-2014-113124 3/30/2014 4/5/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-155621 11/8/2017 11/13/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-127635 9/14/2014 9/18/2014 Second Class
CA-2015-151470 9/20/2015 9/26/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-112823 12/10/2015 12/16/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-108861 5/28/2014 6/1/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-114370 3/14/2017 3/17/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-158302 12/8/2016 12/12/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-145779 5/6/2017 5/10/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-155173 3/6/2016 3/10/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-125451 10/23/2017 10/24/2017 First Class
CA-2014-131387 4/28/2014 4/30/2014 First Class
CA-2016-125087 4/18/2016 4/23/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-154081 5/22/2016 5/29/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-118556 5/28/2017 6/2/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-126200 8/25/2014 8/29/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-146500 8/30/2014 9/4/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-169537 9/3/2015 9/7/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-100881 3/28/2014 4/1/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-144043 5/10/2015 5/15/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-116512 4/9/2015 4/14/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-101000 4/9/2015 4/14/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-168557 9/19/2016 9/23/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-164196 11/11/2016 11/17/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-132031 4/23/2017 4/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-169733 10/22/2015 10/26/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-169404 4/9/2017 4/14/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-134880 10/27/2017 11/1/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-145758 10/30/2015 10/30/2015 Same Day
CA-2017-158736 12/18/2017 12/24/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-119270 3/12/2016 3/16/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-109890 7/21/2014 7/27/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-138583 5/24/2016 5/28/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-118535 2/11/2017 2/15/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-126284 9/20/2016 9/24/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-142391 9/24/2017 9/24/2017 Same Day
CA-2017-124716 3/27/2017 3/31/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-158841 2/2/2016 2/4/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-106824 7/7/2017 7/11/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-109190 10/23/2015 10/28/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-143154 12/2/2016 12/8/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-169061 3/5/2014 3/8/2014 Second Class
CA-2015-102316 3/1/2015 3/3/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-164903 2/20/2014 2/24/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-109400 5/2/2016 5/6/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-130400 3/8/2016 3/12/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-135853 12/11/2015 12/14/2015 First Class
CA-2016-103359 12/22/2016 12/26/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-144645 2/2/2016 2/8/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-141614 6/5/2017 6/9/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-122168 8/21/2015 8/26/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-132899 4/7/2016 4/11/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-149720 6/4/2017 6/7/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-118003 12/4/2017 12/10/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-141887 1/11/2016 1/15/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-160206 4/1/2016 4/7/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-133074 9/21/2017 9/25/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-161172 3/16/2017 3/16/2017 Same Day
CA-2017-137624 11/10/2017 11/17/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-156748 11/30/2016 12/6/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-169677 1/13/2015 1/15/2015 Second Class
US-2014-163146 5/16/2014 5/20/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-157343 6/7/2015 6/11/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-147354 3/9/2017 3/13/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-157287 12/22/2015 12/23/2015 First Class
CA-2014-137575 8/6/2014 8/11/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-119074 3/27/2016 3/31/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-149566 12/5/2015 12/10/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-126186 9/11/2015 9/12/2015 First Class
CA-2015-121132 7/17/2015 7/24/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-140473 5/30/2014 6/3/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-102904 11/13/2017 11/20/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-102092 12/9/2016 12/11/2016 First Class
CA-2015-117884 3/22/2015 3/22/2015 Same Day
CA-2016-132829 12/23/2016 12/26/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-123540 4/2/2016 4/6/2016 Second Class
US-2017-108315 4/30/2017 5/4/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-134110 11/17/2016 11/18/2016 First Class
US-2016-136581 11/10/2016 11/12/2016 First Class
CA-2016-162390 12/6/2016 12/12/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-162222 4/3/2016 4/3/2016 Same Day
CA-2014-121629 11/28/2014 12/2/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-164623 10/20/2015 10/22/2015 First Class
CA-2014-159849 9/19/2014 9/19/2014 Same Day
CA-2017-101273 8/27/2017 8/30/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-106747 7/3/2017 7/4/2017 First Class
CA-2017-146164 12/22/2017 12/26/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-111605 12/27/2016 1/2/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-130673 5/20/2014 5/22/2014 Second Class
CA-2014-104808 2/4/2014 2/8/2014 Second Class
US-2017-132927 12/9/2017 12/15/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-162015 7/11/2017 7/18/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-138492 5/15/2015 5/22/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-145338 1/29/2017 2/1/2017 First Class
CA-2017-126676 9/29/2017 10/1/2017 First Class
CA-2017-101700 4/23/2017 4/26/2017 First Class
CA-2017-159667 11/9/2017 11/13/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-111934 5/5/2014 5/7/2014 First Class
US-2016-117387 10/27/2016 10/31/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-141110 11/26/2014 12/1/2014 Standard Class
US-2014-133949 12/31/2014 12/31/2014 Same Day
US-2016-116365 1/3/2016 1/8/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-162936 8/18/2017 8/22/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-151946 6/4/2014 6/9/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-123624 11/13/2017 11/17/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-146437 1/28/2016 2/1/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-138233 11/9/2016 11/14/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-165918 9/10/2016 9/14/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-117513 3/3/2017 3/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-132437 9/8/2017 9/13/2017 Second Class
US-2017-119319 11/6/2017 11/9/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-104318 5/13/2017 5/18/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-114230 11/27/2016 12/1/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-136147 11/13/2015 11/18/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-156118 12/8/2015 12/12/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-164084 9/7/2015 9/12/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-107783 7/28/2016 7/29/2016 First Class
CA-2017-159793 8/25/2017 8/29/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-160094 4/30/2014 5/2/2014 First Class
CA-2017-151281 4/27/2017 5/2/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-118346 7/23/2017 7/24/2017 First Class
CA-2014-129819 12/13/2014 12/15/2014 Second Class
US-2017-148551 1/12/2017 1/16/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-147767 12/2/2017 12/2/2017 Same Day
CA-2015-108259 11/8/2015 11/15/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-113341 11/25/2016 11/29/2016 Standard Class
US-2015-131842 12/5/2015 12/8/2015 First Class
CA-2016-164574 7/29/2016 8/3/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-142769 9/13/2014 9/13/2014 Same Day
CA-2016-168361 6/21/2016 6/25/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-153185 9/3/2016 9/8/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-124765 11/25/2017 11/30/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-131856 5/12/2015 5/17/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-126634 3/30/2017 4/1/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-118500 11/17/2016 11/18/2016 First Class
CA-2016-163951 12/30/2016 1/2/2017 First Class
CA-2016-149916 12/22/2016 12/24/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-158918 12/20/2015 12/25/2015 Second Class
US-2014-159611 12/27/2014 1/1/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-163265 2/16/2017 2/21/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-141705 10/24/2017 10/26/2017 First Class
CA-2016-112739 9/2/2016 9/7/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-143805 12/1/2016 12/3/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-133634 11/5/2014 11/10/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-101665 11/25/2017 12/1/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-155446 12/16/2016 12/23/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-137323 11/14/2017 11/18/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-144015 6/26/2016 6/26/2016 Same Day
CA-2014-101427 12/26/2014 12/30/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-136770 8/14/2016 8/18/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-118311 10/24/2016 10/28/2016 Standard Class
US-2014-112795 8/23/2014 8/28/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-127096 9/15/2017 9/17/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-119284 6/15/2017 6/20/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-133494 3/1/2015 3/5/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-111318 7/23/2016 7/26/2016 First Class
US-2014-132745 10/1/2014 10/5/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-146815 9/8/2014 9/13/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-119144 11/16/2014 11/18/2014 First Class
CA-2014-105648 3/3/2014 3/7/2014 Standard Class
US-2015-145422 12/3/2015 12/7/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-136623 7/11/2017 7/16/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-121678 11/16/2017 11/20/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-120824 6/12/2016 6/16/2016 Second Class
US-2016-135209 12/29/2016 12/31/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-148145 3/18/2017 3/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-103870 12/27/2015 12/31/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-111017 7/31/2015 8/6/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-116988 6/27/2017 6/29/2017 Second Class
US-2014-169390 2/7/2014 2/10/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-168774 9/4/2016 9/9/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-161592 4/6/2017 4/10/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-131961 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 First Class
CA-2016-102498 7/24/2016 7/25/2016 First Class
CA-2015-113222 11/9/2015 11/9/2015 Same Day
US-2015-144771 10/2/2015 10/4/2015 First Class
CA-2015-162376 11/22/2015 11/25/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-128076 2/2/2017 2/7/2017 Standard Class
US-2015-163825 6/16/2015 6/19/2015 First Class
CA-2016-105662 5/5/2016 5/9/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-152198 9/9/2017 9/10/2017 First Class
CA-2016-114307 7/22/2016 7/26/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-159891 1/31/2016 2/6/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-112578 12/29/2016 1/2/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-107083 11/21/2015 11/27/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-151722 10/5/2015 10/9/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-151148 9/12/2016 9/13/2016 Same Day
CA-2017-115882 9/14/2017 9/17/2017 First Class
CA-2015-132276 2/23/2015 2/28/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-163636 12/5/2016 12/9/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-102813 7/2/2016 7/3/2016 First Class
CA-2017-135377 12/13/2017 12/18/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-165813 3/20/2015 3/22/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-133585 3/1/2015 3/4/2015 First Class
CA-2016-116911 9/15/2016 9/20/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-129224 3/17/2017 3/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-145765 5/28/2017 6/2/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-126914 6/15/2017 6/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-169572 9/6/2015 9/12/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-162075 3/18/2017 3/24/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-162992 12/19/2014 12/21/2014 First Class
CA-2016-106397 7/7/2016 7/13/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-150140 4/6/2016 4/10/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-116666 5/8/2014 5/10/2014 First Class
CA-2017-148992 11/23/2017 11/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-140935 11/10/2016 11/12/2016 First Class
CA-2014-157644 12/31/2014 1/1/2015 First Class
US-2017-100398 8/19/2017 8/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-113082 9/12/2016 9/16/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-110646 10/26/2017 10/31/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-120614 5/30/2017 6/4/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-140172 3/8/2016 3/13/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-127754 7/26/2015 7/31/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-144274 11/23/2015 11/25/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-142930 11/28/2015 12/2/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-100622 11/3/2017 11/7/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-117156 3/21/2017 3/23/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-115399 12/19/2015 12/22/2015 First Class
US-2014-157847 4/2/2014 4/6/2014 Second Class
CA-2015-115168 6/5/2015 6/9/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-109680 10/6/2014 10/9/2014 First Class
CA-2016-167983 8/21/2016 8/24/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-145324 11/15/2015 11/19/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-153423 6/22/2015 6/27/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-132675 9/24/2017 9/28/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-153808 4/6/2014 4/10/2014 Second Class
US-2016-112396 2/9/2016 2/13/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-141173 11/18/2014 11/20/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-156664 12/18/2017 12/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-140718 7/2/2015 7/4/2015 First Class
CA-2014-119977 10/8/2014 10/13/2014 Second Class
US-2015-115343 9/22/2015 9/25/2015 First Class
CA-2017-163671 12/24/2017 12/30/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-135909 10/13/2017 10/20/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-114356 8/20/2017 8/26/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-125934 9/11/2015 9/18/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-158148 12/20/2015 12/26/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-120411 9/20/2014 9/23/2014 First Class
CA-2016-158260 11/4/2016 11/8/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-101805 12/1/2017 12/6/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-105137 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 Same Day
CA-2017-142489 11/14/2017 11/16/2017 Second Class
US-2016-141264 8/13/2016 8/19/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-126928 9/17/2017 9/23/2017 Standard Class
US-2015-107944 3/23/2015 3/25/2015 First Class
CA-2016-135594 6/30/2016 7/3/2016 Second Class
US-2017-115252 10/20/2017 10/25/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-107398 8/25/2014 8/30/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-169642 7/27/2014 7/30/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-103968 12/1/2017 12/7/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-147256 10/17/2016 10/21/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-162159 9/16/2016 9/18/2016 First Class
CA-2015-111038 12/1/2015 12/6/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-124723 8/5/2014 8/12/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-167241 8/15/2016 8/22/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-163237 8/7/2015 8/9/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-150483 5/31/2016 6/4/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-126431 7/1/2016 7/1/2016 Same Day
CA-2016-139934 12/18/2016 12/20/2016 First Class
CA-2015-109603 1/26/2015 2/1/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-160661 10/28/2017 11/1/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-102610 11/4/2017 11/8/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-144057 5/9/2016 5/13/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-160276 4/2/2014 4/8/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-132983 4/28/2014 5/3/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-145709 10/4/2016 10/8/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-133928 6/11/2017 6/17/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-168032 1/30/2016 2/3/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-143616 9/27/2015 9/29/2015 Second Class
US-2015-168704 4/13/2015 4/17/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-143252 12/18/2017 12/24/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-102134 3/14/2016 3/19/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-130036 8/27/2017 8/27/2017 Same Day
CA-2015-134117 12/17/2015 12/19/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-130918 8/22/2014 8/24/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-159023 11/3/2016 11/5/2016 First Class
CA-2017-111717 10/10/2017 10/16/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-154592 12/7/2014 12/8/2014 First Class
CA-2014-128622 11/15/2014 11/17/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-148355 12/24/2017 12/28/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-132913 12/24/2014 12/26/2014 First Class
CA-2017-150910 12/22/2017 12/28/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-156790 8/8/2014 8/10/2014 Second Class
CA-2014-126480 9/20/2014 9/24/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-105620 12/25/2017 12/28/2017 First Class
CA-2017-150266 11/25/2017 11/30/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-157280 11/5/2016 11/7/2016 First Class
CA-2017-106691 11/6/2017 11/12/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-134180 11/3/2016 11/7/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-166730 12/30/2014 1/1/2015 First Class
CA-2017-157469 12/2/2017 12/7/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-122308 3/24/2017 3/28/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-149034 11/19/2014 11/21/2014 First Class
CA-2017-159226 4/25/2017 4/27/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-156622 11/23/2017 11/26/2017 First Class
CA-2014-119529 11/3/2014 11/5/2014 Second Class
CA-2015-150413 10/19/2015 10/24/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-108182 2/6/2014 2/10/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-110898 3/6/2016 3/12/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-123092 12/3/2015 12/7/2015 Standard Class
US-2015-128587 12/24/2015 12/30/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-139577 10/1/2017 10/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-159100 10/16/2017 10/21/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-109043 8/15/2014 8/17/2014 First Class
US-2017-116491 11/11/2017 11/13/2017 First Class
CA-2017-122763 3/20/2017 3/20/2017 Same Day
CA-2017-137785 5/13/2017 5/17/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-133389 6/22/2014 6/22/2014 Same Day
CA-2014-103807 12/2/2014 12/9/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-102855 4/5/2015 4/6/2015 Same Day
CA-2017-107825 11/18/2017 11/18/2017 Same Day
CA-2017-106047 7/12/2017 7/18/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-127803 5/19/2017 5/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-137071 12/20/2015 12/21/2015 First Class
CA-2016-121447 2/21/2016 2/22/2016 First Class
CA-2017-143084 3/18/2017 3/22/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-131639 12/17/2016 12/23/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-161361 3/26/2016 3/28/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-100706 12/16/2014 12/18/2014 Second Class
CA-2015-129525 11/15/2015 11/20/2015 Standard Class
US-2016-141880 8/22/2016 8/23/2016 First Class
CA-2015-165799 6/29/2015 7/2/2015 First Class
CA-2016-102127 6/26/2016 7/2/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-152415 9/17/2016 9/22/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-138198 7/18/2014 7/23/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-128041 9/1/2017 9/1/2017 Same Day
CA-2017-105823 6/22/2017 6/26/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-152268 9/2/2014 9/7/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-148873 10/1/2015 10/5/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-166492 4/7/2015 4/10/2015 First Class
CA-2017-157420 11/21/2017 11/21/2017 Same Day
CA-2016-117121 12/17/2016 12/21/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-138177 9/19/2014 9/24/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-114335 9/28/2014 10/3/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-168760 9/22/2015 9/26/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-168830 11/7/2016 11/13/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-137463 12/16/2017 12/20/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-124513 9/21/2014 9/25/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-165554 5/18/2015 5/22/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-141838 3/26/2014 3/31/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-117009 9/22/2017 9/28/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-128993 9/12/2015 9/17/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-160227 11/2/2015 11/4/2015 First Class
CA-2015-149097 10/20/2015 10/24/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-132304 6/14/2016 6/18/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-136420 11/20/2015 11/21/2015 First Class
CA-2016-101623 2/28/2016 3/6/2016 Standard Class
US-2014-151015 10/14/2014 10/20/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-152968 5/26/2017 5/30/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-150077 2/4/2016 2/10/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-106278 9/2/2016 9/5/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-147550 12/4/2017 12/5/2017 First Class
CA-2015-136105 6/12/2015 6/16/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-142524 9/4/2016 9/8/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-136336 4/21/2014 4/26/2014 Standard Class
US-2015-136259 11/5/2015 11/8/2015 First Class
US-2014-124625 11/3/2014 11/7/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-108105 2/16/2016 2/23/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-166898 9/11/2017 9/13/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-169005 11/2/2017 11/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-104038 2/6/2015 2/8/2015 First Class
CA-2016-126102 9/10/2016 9/12/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-143406 9/26/2016 9/30/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-150308 12/15/2015 12/20/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-131093 9/17/2016 9/20/2016 Second Class
US-2017-148831 10/13/2017 10/15/2017 First Class
CA-2015-162950 6/28/2015 7/3/2015 Second Class
US-2015-132836 6/1/2015 6/5/2015 Standard Class
US-2014-158365 4/12/2014 4/17/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-152933 10/12/2017 10/16/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-163181 11/7/2015 11/12/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-132941 5/25/2015 5/28/2015 First Class
CA-2014-132010 10/13/2014 10/15/2014 First Class
CA-2016-135461 2/7/2016 2/10/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-153045 1/19/2017 1/24/2017 Second Class
US-2016-155971 6/6/2016 6/12/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-122007 3/18/2017 3/20/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-162250 11/24/2017 11/24/2017 Same Day
US-2016-158288 11/26/2016 11/28/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-128916 8/18/2016 8/20/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-157028 11/28/2015 12/3/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-112473 5/25/2017 6/1/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-147655 9/4/2017 9/5/2017 First Class
CA-2016-130911 3/24/2016 3/26/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-100055 5/28/2017 6/1/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-157805 8/31/2015 9/4/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-124254 4/12/2016 4/17/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-123400 2/2/2014 2/9/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-106971 9/2/2014 9/8/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-123029 9/30/2017 10/2/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-139409 9/5/2016 9/7/2016 First Class
US-2017-166688 5/20/2017 5/26/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-126970 9/20/2015 9/24/2015 Standard Class
US-2016-165505 1/23/2016 1/27/2016 Standard Class
US-2014-157070 6/1/2014 6/6/2014 Standard Class
US-2015-106873 9/24/2015 9/29/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-132990 8/1/2016 8/3/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-102645 1/23/2014 1/28/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-134215 8/4/2014 8/8/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-118934 8/9/2016 8/14/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-160108 12/8/2016 12/12/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-164007 6/8/2015 6/12/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-100300 6/24/2016 6/26/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-140571 3/15/2016 3/19/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-155768 12/1/2016 12/1/2016 Same Day
CA-2017-119424 6/12/2017 6/14/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-118178 3/19/2016 3/24/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-166618 11/14/2016 11/18/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-156776 8/7/2017 8/11/2017 Standard Class
US-2015-130512 8/21/2015 8/25/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-141810 11/2/2015 11/7/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-146843 11/30/2014 12/6/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-103310 5/10/2014 5/15/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-152688 10/17/2016 10/20/2016 First Class
CA-2016-153836 10/30/2016 11/3/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-104689 12/1/2016 12/5/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-146423 4/21/2016 4/21/2016 Same Day
CA-2017-140781 8/3/2017 8/7/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-141747 8/3/2017 8/8/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-142776 12/11/2017 12/14/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-167479 3/14/2015 3/19/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-144071 12/8/2014 12/15/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-120908 9/30/2017 10/2/2017 First Class
CA-2016-152646 11/21/2016 11/26/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-103765 11/24/2017 11/30/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-118157 11/14/2017 11/17/2017 First Class
US-2015-164238 8/16/2015 8/20/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-103212 10/13/2017 10/14/2017 First Class
CA-2017-121160 11/4/2017 11/4/2017 Same Day
CA-2017-140515 3/19/2017 3/24/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-153619 11/3/2014 11/3/2014 Same Day
CA-2017-133718 7/23/2017 7/26/2017 First Class
CA-2014-148383 12/27/2014 12/31/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-126732 9/2/2016 9/6/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-138156 2/11/2017 2/14/2017 First Class
CA-2017-110310 10/27/2017 11/2/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-113271 7/9/2014 7/14/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-130106 5/22/2017 5/26/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-127761 11/10/2016 11/14/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-105354 12/2/2016 12/6/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-155712 3/2/2017 3/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-102309 9/23/2017 9/25/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-168368 2/11/2014 2/15/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-167976 11/11/2017 11/14/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-111388 9/2/2017 9/2/2017 Same Day
CA-2015-124499 10/9/2015 10/13/2015 Standard Class
US-2017-128118 11/24/2017 12/1/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-125759 2/8/2014 2/9/2014 First Class
CA-2015-151869 9/25/2015 9/25/2015 Same Day
US-2017-102183 8/21/2017 8/28/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-100510 5/12/2016 5/17/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-146983 9/2/2017 9/6/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-134054 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 Same Day
CA-2016-113236 5/26/2016 5/29/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-122539 12/1/2017 12/5/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-166772 9/20/2016 9/24/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-152898 9/11/2017 9/15/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-160486 12/30/2016 1/4/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-102218 9/2/2017 9/4/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-161032 11/18/2014 11/23/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-102778 11/21/2015 11/24/2015 First Class
CA-2017-154011 6/19/2017 6/26/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-165456 11/30/2017 12/3/2017 First Class
CA-2014-111857 4/23/2014 4/26/2014 Second Class
CA-2014-163650 9/23/2014 9/25/2014 First Class
CA-2017-124114 3/2/2017 3/2/2017 Same Day
US-2017-116505 11/17/2017 11/21/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-161340 5/28/2017 6/1/2017 Standard Class
US-2015-163433 4/18/2015 4/22/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-137603 9/19/2015 9/24/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-128237 3/25/2014 3/30/2014 Standard Class
US-2016-102141 8/26/2016 8/31/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-148642 3/6/2017 3/12/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-111948 11/11/2015 11/11/2015 Same Day
CA-2016-161907 4/5/2016 4/9/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-124940 2/21/2017 2/26/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-108343 7/20/2017 7/25/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-111563 11/4/2016 11/8/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-121853 9/23/2017 9/29/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-130687 9/7/2017 9/10/2017 First Class
CA-2015-164497 11/28/2015 11/30/2015 First Class
US-2015-153283 11/12/2015 11/18/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-108056 9/29/2016 10/3/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-127726 9/11/2017 9/13/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-110198 5/1/2017 5/2/2017 First Class
CA-2017-130715 9/16/2017 9/20/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-155264 10/19/2014 10/22/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-119123 3/13/2016 3/18/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-109085 2/17/2017 2/20/2017 First Class
CA-2016-114860 12/22/2016 12/28/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-159009 9/23/2016 9/27/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-148411 9/24/2017 9/26/2017 First Class
CA-2015-110324 12/1/2015 12/5/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-168046 1/25/2016 1/28/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-111591 3/21/2017 3/25/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-166828 8/22/2014 8/25/2014 First Class
CA-2014-108147 6/8/2014 6/13/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-154998 4/7/2016 4/9/2016 First Class
CA-2017-113460 11/7/2017 11/9/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-111339 5/29/2015 5/31/2015 First Class
CA-2017-102820 5/7/2017 5/11/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-149671 6/5/2016 6/9/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-126347 12/14/2015 12/19/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-108756 12/25/2017 12/29/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-155362 12/17/2017 12/21/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-117625 5/10/2016 5/15/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-154158 12/23/2014 12/27/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-100433 8/11/2017 8/16/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-163097 8/27/2017 8/31/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-127292 1/19/2017 1/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-163734 6/19/2015 6/24/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-162474 3/13/2017 3/16/2017 First Class
CA-2015-130848 10/25/2015 10/25/2015 Same Day
CA-2014-125997 9/20/2014 9/23/2014 First Class
CA-2016-103128 11/11/2016 11/15/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-167696 9/16/2015 9/21/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-159814 6/24/2014 6/28/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-105459 8/12/2016 8/17/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-141663 4/13/2017 4/17/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-152618 3/14/2014 3/17/2014 First Class
CA-2017-162789 9/22/2017 9/24/2017 Second Class
US-2017-110149 12/10/2017 12/13/2017 First Class
CA-2016-108959 3/10/2016 3/14/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-164777 1/27/2015 1/29/2015 First Class
CA-2016-132017 9/26/2016 9/27/2016 First Class
CA-2015-127824 10/18/2015 10/22/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-148285 10/27/2014 11/1/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-152926 10/2/2017 10/4/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-145254 7/23/2014 7/27/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-116246 9/12/2014 9/17/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-160479 9/15/2016 9/20/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-167486 11/27/2014 12/1/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-152100 5/11/2014 5/16/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-166219 8/28/2015 9/1/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-111864 6/19/2015 6/19/2015 Same Day
CA-2015-119627 8/17/2015 8/23/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-160787 9/25/2015 9/25/2015 Same Day
CA-2017-107853 5/26/2017 5/31/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-126144 7/31/2017 8/5/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-154655 10/12/2014 10/17/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-100391 5/25/2014 5/29/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-165477 12/29/2014 12/31/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-165904 4/7/2017 4/11/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-104052 3/1/2015 3/2/2015 First Class
CA-2015-168277 5/29/2015 6/3/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-158617 9/22/2016 9/28/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-136882 5/27/2017 6/3/2017 Standard Class
US-2016-148957 9/17/2016 9/23/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-140032 9/8/2014 9/13/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-145506 6/3/2017 6/7/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-129546 9/28/2015 10/5/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-140977 6/16/2016 6/19/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-151855 5/27/2017 6/3/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-138240 10/9/2014 10/14/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-101833 11/17/2014 11/22/2014 Second Class
CA-2014-100867 10/19/2014 10/24/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-109610 11/25/2017 11/30/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-156545 2/27/2014 3/3/2014 First Class
CA-2014-109127 12/21/2014 12/25/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-126858 11/19/2016 11/23/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-102925 11/5/2017 11/10/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-100818 5/31/2015 6/5/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-126193 9/7/2014 9/14/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-150504 11/6/2017 11/12/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-158351 6/20/2015 6/24/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-122679 7/22/2014 7/28/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-164770 12/2/2016 12/4/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-130505 10/12/2017 10/12/2017 Same Day
US-2017-125213 12/11/2017 12/13/2017 First Class
CA-2015-156566 10/1/2015 10/4/2015 First Class
US-2016-102232 8/5/2016 8/11/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-111738 1/3/2017 1/7/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-163188 11/7/2017 11/7/2017 Same Day
CA-2016-105207 1/3/2016 1/8/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-123610 5/12/2016 5/16/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-118213 11/5/2017 11/7/2017 First Class
CA-2016-149237 5/26/2016 5/30/2016 Standard Class
US-2015-158589 11/20/2015 11/24/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-101329 4/22/2016 4/29/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-113607 10/14/2016 10/18/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-149104 4/5/2014 4/7/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-105263 8/6/2016 8/11/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-130575 12/14/2014 12/16/2014 First Class
CA-2017-142461 5/30/2017 6/3/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-125220 10/14/2016 10/19/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-100293 3/14/2014 3/18/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-154165 2/17/2014 2/24/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-123939 8/24/2015 8/26/2015 Second Class
US-2017-104451 5/8/2017 5/12/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-101189 2/4/2016 2/9/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-169446 12/19/2014 12/25/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-156958 12/5/2017 12/6/2017 First Class
CA-2017-101637 3/24/2017 3/25/2017 Same Day
CA-2017-111759 7/8/2017 7/12/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-102729 10/26/2017 10/31/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-116596 10/27/2016 10/31/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-124191 6/12/2017 6/14/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-148747 9/25/2016 9/27/2016 First Class
US-2017-169488 9/7/2017 9/9/2017 First Class
CA-2015-135727 5/11/2015 5/16/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-135251 8/6/2015 8/10/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-166590 10/29/2014 11/2/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-131744 6/18/2016 6/20/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-160864 5/3/2015 5/6/2015 First Class
CA-2015-147690 11/10/2015 11/14/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-163923 5/30/2015 6/3/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-125724 9/22/2016 9/27/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-111612 11/28/2015 12/2/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-156853 12/3/2015 12/5/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-103086 10/17/2014 10/19/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-129280 5/3/2016 5/5/2016 First Class
CA-2015-161242 6/1/2015 6/8/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-130428 3/31/2014 3/31/2014 Same Day
CA-2017-104388 7/5/2017 7/7/2017 First Class
CA-2015-113131 9/24/2015 9/24/2015 Same Day
CA-2015-148495 8/13/2015 8/13/2015 Same Day
CA-2015-143147 5/26/2015 5/28/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-152975 9/14/2017 9/16/2017 First Class
CA-2016-107475 6/7/2016 6/11/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-116127 6/25/2017 6/27/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-132584 8/26/2017 8/27/2017 First Class
CA-2016-160598 8/26/2016 8/28/2016 First Class
CA-2016-108630 11/18/2016 11/18/2016 Same Day
US-2017-129203 4/17/2017 4/22/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-110940 7/23/2017 7/28/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-119172 5/11/2014 5/15/2014 Standard Class
US-2016-105452 7/28/2016 8/1/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-108931 9/14/2017 9/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-104619 1/24/2017 1/29/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-149517 9/19/2015 9/23/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-116841 4/14/2015 4/18/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-107797 5/8/2017 5/11/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-117604 9/4/2016 9/9/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-130155 5/19/2014 5/22/2014 First Class
CA-2016-129861 6/17/2016 6/23/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-138625 11/2/2015 11/5/2015 First Class
US-2017-122672 11/4/2017 11/9/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-117128 12/5/2017 12/8/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-130638 5/16/2016 5/19/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-144365 10/24/2017 10/30/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-110086 9/18/2016 9/22/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-128524 11/11/2014 11/13/2014 First Class
CA-2016-140256 8/22/2016 8/29/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-160633 11/16/2017 11/21/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-115133 9/26/2014 9/30/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-137449 6/29/2017 6/30/2017 First Class
CA-2017-103520 9/23/2017 9/25/2017 First Class
CA-2014-139283 11/23/2014 11/27/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-118192 1/13/2014 1/18/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-168844 5/31/2016 6/6/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-154809 2/13/2017 2/17/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-151330 10/14/2014 10/17/2014 First Class
CA-2014-124702 11/18/2014 11/25/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-125808 11/12/2017 11/15/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-116638 1/28/2015 1/31/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-104563 3/7/2014 3/12/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-107979 6/8/2017 6/13/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-150518 11/19/2014 11/24/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-107104 11/26/2016 11/30/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-161893 1/23/2017 1/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-156160 9/22/2014 9/29/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-100860 3/26/2014 3/30/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-160717 6/6/2016 6/11/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-132619 8/31/2017 9/5/2017 Standard Class
US-2015-120957 12/7/2015 12/7/2015 Same Day
CA-2017-157448 11/16/2017 11/20/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-126270 4/23/2016 4/27/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-145275 4/2/2017 4/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-133396 8/13/2015 8/15/2015 First Class
US-2017-140312 11/13/2017 11/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-114867 12/23/2016 12/28/2016 Standard Class
US-2014-164644 7/22/2014 7/24/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-137393 5/6/2016 5/10/2016 Standard Class
US-2014-120175 11/28/2014 12/3/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-144785 4/18/2016 4/23/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-130113 12/27/2015 12/31/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-122770 12/13/2017 12/18/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-118668 1/2/2017 1/4/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-116498 5/30/2017 6/3/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-130603 9/30/2017 10/6/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-135986 6/20/2017 6/27/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-140536 4/4/2017 4/5/2017 First Class
CA-2015-130183 11/13/2015 11/17/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-107902 8/28/2015 9/2/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-130148 9/24/2017 9/28/2017 Second Class
US-2016-151260 12/11/2016 12/14/2016 First Class
CA-2014-144281 6/10/2014 6/15/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-122511 3/11/2016 3/11/2016 Same Day
CA-2017-154116 12/15/2017 12/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-105291 10/30/2016 11/4/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-147032 7/31/2017 8/4/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-125990 10/19/2017 10/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-161746 10/21/2016 10/27/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-114251 11/5/2014 11/10/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-116379 11/7/2016 11/12/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-144477 8/12/2016 8/14/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-108210 5/30/2016 5/31/2016 Same Day
CA-2017-166835 11/12/2017 11/14/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-119641 9/22/2016 9/26/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-105781 2/16/2016 2/20/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-101364 12/22/2014 12/26/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-117898 12/5/2015 12/11/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-142293 9/17/2017 9/20/2017 First Class
CA-2017-167395 12/2/2017 12/4/2017 First Class
CA-2014-111962 9/29/2014 10/4/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-124261 11/14/2017 11/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-114321 8/20/2014 8/25/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-128062 11/19/2014 11/22/2014 Second Class
US-2015-100069 6/29/2015 7/3/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-129294 3/16/2017 3/21/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-117086 11/8/2015 11/12/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-131303 11/28/2017 12/2/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-137127 6/16/2016 6/22/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-141782 1/21/2017 1/25/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-137505 11/24/2017 11/24/2017 Same Day
US-2014-140914 11/11/2014 11/15/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-158358 3/4/2016 3/8/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-113390 10/11/2016 10/15/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-158680 7/1/2016 7/2/2016 First Class
CA-2017-113705 3/27/2017 3/29/2017 Second Class
CA-2016-146913 10/31/2016 11/5/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-159135 11/4/2017 11/8/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-121762 2/14/2014 2/18/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-123855 6/18/2014 6/23/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-101959 2/28/2017 3/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-102659 12/9/2017 12/15/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-142328 12/7/2017 12/14/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-123533 11/24/2016 11/30/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-104983 7/3/2016 7/3/2016 Same Day
CA-2016-160234 6/26/2016 7/3/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-169019 7/26/2014 7/30/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-153178 9/14/2016 9/18/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-149748 5/31/2015 6/2/2015 Second Class
CA-2015-155635 5/9/2015 5/13/2015 Standard Class
US-2014-114377 11/5/2014 11/5/2014 Same Day
CA-2017-144491 3/27/2017 4/1/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-127166 5/21/2014 5/23/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-125920 5/21/2016 5/28/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-128608 1/12/2015 1/17/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-137918 9/29/2017 10/6/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-122973 7/18/2015 7/20/2015 Second Class
CA-2016-136322 10/21/2016 10/26/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-107209 7/27/2017 8/1/2017 Second Class
CA-2017-145093 7/21/2017 7/26/2017 Standard Class
US-2014-139640 11/7/2014 11/11/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-117583 11/27/2016 11/30/2016 First Class
CA-2015-162201 6/8/2015 6/12/2015 Standard Class
US-2014-164406 8/15/2014 8/19/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-169999 6/19/2017 6/26/2017 Standard Class
US-2017-152842 7/16/2017 7/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-113257 12/16/2014 12/18/2014 Second Class
CA-2014-133963 5/18/2014 5/22/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-130302 9/14/2017 9/19/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-126627 10/10/2016 10/12/2016 First Class
US-2016-125402 9/25/2016 10/1/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-163867 6/3/2014 6/6/2014 First Class
CA-2017-169327 9/2/2017 9/4/2017 Second Class
CA-2014-142979 4/12/2014 4/18/2014 Standard Class
CA-2016-158155 5/2/2016 5/6/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-138870 6/19/2017 6/23/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-120950 11/6/2014 11/11/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-164301 3/26/2015 3/30/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-113278 1/14/2017 1/20/2017 Standard Class
US-2015-116981 3/26/2015 3/28/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-114195 11/1/2014 11/3/2014 First Class
CA-2017-146269 10/6/2017 10/6/2017 Same Day
CA-2016-100587 12/10/2016 12/14/2016 Standard Class
CA-2016-166653 9/22/2016 9/24/2016 Second Class
CA-2015-130855 12/29/2015 1/5/2016 Standard Class
US-2017-166324 4/20/2017 4/21/2017 First Class
CA-2016-122581 8/21/2016 8/25/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-104297 5/29/2015 5/31/2015 First Class
CA-2014-153927 8/12/2014 8/13/2014 First Class
CA-2014-112291 4/3/2014 4/8/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-146997 1/23/2014 1/27/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-169607 10/12/2017 10/15/2017 First Class
CA-2015-127544 8/8/2015 8/12/2015 Standard Class
CA-2017-166499 3/19/2017 3/20/2017 First Class
US-2016-115441 7/25/2016 7/28/2016 Second Class
CA-2014-115049 9/26/2014 10/1/2014 Standard Class
CA-2014-156342 6/17/2014 6/20/2014 Second Class
CA-2016-112830 6/6/2016 6/10/2016 Standard Class
US-2014-117380 3/28/2014 4/3/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-117646 8/21/2017 8/25/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-122609 11/12/2014 11/18/2014 Standard Class
US-2015-129007 9/13/2015 9/15/2015 First Class
US-2014-157231 4/5/2014 4/9/2014 Standard Class
CA-2015-132388 10/10/2015 10/12/2015 First Class
CA-2017-160927 1/29/2017 1/31/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-105508 9/24/2015 9/29/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-149272 3/15/2016 3/19/2016 Standard Class
CA-2014-111360 11/24/2014 11/30/2014 Standard Class
US-2017-162124 5/6/2017 5/10/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-159534 3/20/2015 3/23/2015 First Class
CA-2016-129630 9/4/2016 9/4/2016 Same Day
CA-2015-104948 11/13/2015 11/17/2015 Standard Class
CA-2014-166555 7/11/2014 7/14/2014 First Class
CA-2016-114405 4/7/2016 4/12/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-132955 6/24/2017 6/28/2017 Standard Class
CA-2016-164889 6/3/2016 6/6/2016 Second Class
CA-2016-169824 12/12/2016 12/17/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-164028 11/24/2017 11/30/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-143371 12/28/2014 1/3/2015 Standard Class
CA-2015-145415 4/12/2015 4/17/2015 Second Class
CA-2014-111157 3/2/2014 3/6/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-121559 6/1/2017 6/3/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-141593 12/14/2015 12/16/2015 Second Class
US-2014-143287 11/11/2014 11/17/2014 Standard Class
CA-2017-137421 10/6/2017 10/11/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-141446 9/16/2017 9/18/2017 Second Class
CA-2015-168088 3/19/2015 3/22/2015 First Class
CA-2015-143700 7/26/2015 7/26/2015 Same Day
CA-2016-146374 12/5/2016 12/10/2016 Second Class
CA-2017-153871 12/11/2017 12/17/2017 Standard Class
CA-2015-103772 6/28/2015 7/2/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-130225 9/11/2016 9/17/2016 Standard Class
US-2016-103674 12/6/2016 12/10/2016 Standard Class
US-2015-151435 9/6/2015 9/9/2015 Second Class
CA-2017-163566 8/3/2017 8/6/2017 First Class
US-2016-157728 9/22/2016 9/28/2016 Standard Class
CA-2015-100251 5/17/2015 5/23/2015 Standard Class
CA-2016-125794 9/29/2016 10/3/2016 Standard Class
CA-2017-163629 11/17/2017 11/21/2017 Standard Class
CA-2014-110422 1/21/2014 1/23/2014 Second Class
CA-2017-121258 2/26/2017 3/3/2017 Standard Class
CA-2017-119914 5/4/2017 5/9/2017 Second Class
Customer ID Customer Name Segment Country City State
CG-12520 Claire Gute Consumer United Sta HendersonKentucky
DV-13045 Darrin Van Huff Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
SO-20335 Sean O'Donnell Consumer United Sta Fort LaudeFlorida
BH-11710 Brosina Hoffman Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
AA-10480 Andrew Allen Consumer United Sta Concord North Caro
IM-15070 Irene Maddox Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
HP-14815 Harold Pawlan Home Office United Sta Fort WorthTexas
PK-19075 Pete Kriz Consumer United Sta Madison Wisconsin
AG-10270 Alejandro Grove Consumer United Sta West JordaUtah
ZD-21925 Zuschuss Donatelli Consumer United Sta San Franci California
KB-16585 Ken Black Corporate United Sta Fremont Nebraska
SF-20065 Sandra Flanagan Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
EB-13870 Emily Burns Consumer United Sta Orem Utah
EH-13945 Eric Hoffmann Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
TB-21520 Tracy Blumstein Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
MA-17560 Matt Abelman Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
GH-14485 Gene Hale Corporate United Sta RichardsonTexas
SN-20710 Steve Nguyen Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
LC-16930 Linda Cazamias Corporate United Sta Naperville Illinois
RA-19885 Ruben Ausman Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
ES-14080 Erin Smith Corporate United Sta MelbourneFlorida
ON-18715 Odella Nelson Corporate United Sta Eagan Minnesota
PO-18865 Patrick O'Donnell Consumer United Sta Westland Michigan
LH-16900 Lena Hernandez Consumer United Sta Dover Delaware
DP-13000 Darren Powers Consumer United Sta New AlbanIndiana
JM-15265 Janet Molinari Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
TB-21055 Ted Butterfield Consumer United Sta Troy New York
KM-16720 Kunst Miller Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
PS-18970 Paul Stevenson Home Office United Sta Chicago Illinois
BS-11590 Brendan Sweed Corporate United Sta Gilbert Arizona
KD-16270 Karen Daniels Consumer United Sta SpringfieldVirginia
HM-14980 Henry MacAllister Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
TB-21520 Tracy Blumstein Consumer United Sta Jackson Michigan
JE-15745 Joel Eaton Consumer United Sta Memphis Tennessee
KB-16600 Ken Brennan Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
JE-15745 Joel Eaton Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
SC-20770 Stewart Carmichael Corporate United Sta Decatur Alabama
DN-13690 Duane Noonan Consumer United Sta San Franci California
JC-16105 Julie Creighton Corporate United Sta Durham North Caro
CS-12400 Christopher Schild Home Office United Sta Chicago Illinois
PO-18865 Patrick O'Donnell Consumer United Sta Columbia South Caro
PG-18895 Paul Gonzalez Consumer United Sta Rochester Minnesota
GM-14455 Gary Mitchum Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
JS-15685 Jim Sink Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
KB-16315 Karl Braun Consumer United Sta MinneapoliMinnesota
RB-19705 Roger Barcio Home Office United Sta Portland Oregon
PN-18775 Parhena Norris Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
KD-16345 Katherine Ducich Consumer United Sta San Franci California
ER-13855 Elpida Rittenbach Corporate United Sta Saint Paul Minnesota
RB-19465 Rick Bensley Home Office United Sta Chicago Illinois
GZ-14470 Gary Zandusky Consumer United Sta Rochester Minnesota
LC-16870 Lena Cacioppo Consumer United Sta Aurora Colorado
JM-15250 Janet Martin Consumer United Sta Charlotte North Caro
PA-19060 Pete Armstrong Home Office United Sta Orland ParIllinois
CV-12805 Cynthia Voltz Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
CL-12565 Clay Ludtke Consumer United Sta Urbandale Iowa
RC-19960 Ryan Crowe Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
DK-13090 Dave Kipp Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
GG-14650 Greg Guthrie Corporate United Sta Bristol Tennessee
SC-20725 Steven Cartwright Consumer United Sta Wilmingto Delaware
AD-10180 Alan Dominguez Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
PF-19165 Philip Fox Consumer United Sta Bloomingt Illinois
TS-21610 Troy Staebel Consumer United Sta Phoenix Arizona
LS-16975 Lindsay Shagiari Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
DW-13585 Dorothy Wardle Corporate United Sta Columbus Ohio
LC-16885 Lena Creighton Consumer United Sta Roseville California
JD-15895 Jonathan Doherty Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
SH-19975 Sally Hughsby Corporate United Sta San Franci California
SG-20080 Sandra Glassco Consumer United Sta IndependeMissouri
HA-14920 Helen Andreada Consumer United Sta Pasadena California
MG-17680 Maureen Gastineau Home Office United Sta Newark Ohio
JE-16165 Justin Ellison Corporate United Sta Franklin Wisconsin
TW-21025 Tamara Willingham Home Office United Sta Scottsdale Arizona
SP-20650 Stephanie Phelps Corporate United Sta San Jose California
NK-18490 Neil Knudson Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
DB-13060 Dave Brooks Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
NP-18670 Nora Paige Consumer United Sta Edmond Oklahoma
TT-21070 Ted Trevino Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
EM-13960 Eric Murdock Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
RD-19900 Ruben Dartt Consumer United Sta Carlsbad New Mexic
MJ-17740 Max Jones Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
BM-11140 Becky Martin Consumer United Sta San AntoniTexas
CS-12130 Chad Sievert Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JB-15400 Jennifer Braxton Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
SJ-20500 Shirley Jackson Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
JE-15745 Joel Eaton Consumer United Sta Newark Ohio
JK-15640 Jim Kriz Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
DK-13150 David Kendrick Corporate United Sta Decatur Illinois
RM-19675 Robert Marley Home Office United Sta Monroe Louisiana
SK-19990 Sally Knutson Consumer United Sta Fairfield Connecticu
FM-14290 Frank Merwin Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
AM-10360 Alice McCarthy Corporate United Sta Grand PrairTexas
MP-17470 Mark Packer Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
MZ-17515 Mary Zewe Corporate United Sta Redlands California
CB-12025 Cassandra Brandow Consumer United Sta Hamilton Ohio
VM-21685 Valerie Mitchum Home Office United Sta Westfield New Jersey
FH-14365 Fred Hopkins Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
MB-17305 Maria Bertelson Consumer United Sta Akron Ohio
BS-11755 Bruce Stewart Consumer United Sta Denver Colorado
LC-17140 Logan Currie Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
HK-14890 Heather Kirkland Corporate United Sta Franklin Tennessee
LE-16810 Laurel Elliston Consumer United Sta Whittier California
JH-15985 Joseph Holt Consumer United Sta Saginaw Michigan
MS-17980 Michael Stewart Corporate United Sta Dallas Texas
VW-21775 Victoria Wilson Corporate United Sta Medina Ohio
JH-15910 Jonathan Howell Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JB-15925 Joni Blumstein Consumer United Sta Dublin Ohio
DS-13180 David Smith Corporate United Sta Detroit Michigan
VD-21670 Valerie Dominguez Consumer United Sta Columbia Tennessee
EA-14035 Erin Ashbrook Corporate United Sta Charlotte North Caro
CS-12400 Christopher Schild Home Office United Sta Tampa Florida
DB-13120 David Bremer Corporate United Sta Santa ClaraCalifornia
KL-16645 Ken Lonsdale Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
DW-13480 Dianna Wilson Home Office United Sta Lakeville Minnesota
LH-17155 Logan Haushalter Consumer United Sta San Franci California
KC-16540 Kelly Collister Consumer United Sta San Diego California
DL-13315 Delfina Latchford Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
DR-12880 Dan Reichenbach Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
CC-12670 Craig Carreira Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
Dl-13600 Dorris liebe Corporate United Sta Pasadena Texas
SB-20290 Sean Braxton Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
RC-19825 Roy Collins Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
AH-10210 Alan Hwang Consumer United Sta BrentwoodCalifornia
CB-12535 Claudia Bergmann Corporate United Sta Chapel HillNorth Caro
PG-18895 Paul Gonzalez Consumer United Sta Morristow New Jersey
CA-12310 Christine Abelman Corporate United Sta Cincinnati Ohio
KH-16690 Kristen Hastings Corporate United Sta San Franci California
HA-14920 Helen Andreada Consumer United Sta San Franci California
BB-10990 Barry Blumstein Corporate United Sta Inglewood California
AG-10495 Andrew Gjertsen Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
SC-20725 Steven Cartwright Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
JO-15280 Jas O'Carroll Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
TB-21520 Tracy Blumstein Consumer United Sta Portland Oregon
AH-10195 Alan Haines Corporate United Sta Tamarac Florida
NZ-18565 Nick Zandusky Home Office United Sta Columbus Ohio
KL-16555 Kelly Lampkin Corporate United Sta Colorado SColorado
JD-15895 Jonathan Doherty Corporate United Sta Belleville New Jersey
JH-15910 Jonathan Howell Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
AS-10225 Alan Schoenberger Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
KB-16600 Ken Brennan Corporate United Sta Taylor Michigan
CR-12625 Corey Roper Home Office United Sta Lakewood New Jersey
SH-20395 Shahid Hopkins Consumer United Sta Arlington Virginia
BP-11185 Ben Peterman Corporate United Sta Arvada Colorado
TS-21205 Thomas Seio Corporate United Sta HackensacNew Jersey
AG-10525 Andy Gerbode Corporate United Sta Saint Pete Florida
SP-20860 Sung Pak Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
NM-18445 Nathan Mautz Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
FA-14230 Frank Atkinson Corporate United Sta Long BeachCalifornia
GK-14620 Grace Kelly Corporate United Sta Hesperia California
DJ-13510 Don Jones Corporate United Sta MurfreesbTennessee
PO-18850 Patrick O'Brill Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
JL-15850 John Lucas Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
DB-13615 Doug Bickford Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
AC-10420 Alyssa Crouse Corporate United Sta San Franci California
KL-16645 Ken Lonsdale Consumer United Sta Layton Utah
JD-15895 Jonathan Doherty Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
CS-12130 Chad Sievert Consumer United Sta Austin Texas
CC-12550 Clay Cheatham Consumer United Sta San Franci California
TD-20995 Tamara Dahlen Consumer United Sta Lowell Massachuse
AB-10060 Adam Bellavance Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
JL-15505 Jeremy Lonsdale Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
HK-14890 Heather Kirkland Corporate United Sta Charlotte North Caro
VB-21745 Victoria Brennan Corporate United Sta Columbus Georgia
KW-16435 Katrina Willman Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
JD-16060 Julia Dunbar Consumer United Sta San Franci California
MK-17905 Michael Kennedy Corporate United Sta ManchesteConnecticu
GT-14755 Guy Thornton Consumer United Sta Harlingen Texas
AG-10900 Arthur Gainer Consumer United Sta Tucson Arizona
MM-18280 Muhammed MacIntyre Corporate United Sta Quincy Illinois
AR-10405 Allen Rosenblatt Corporate United Sta Franklin Massachuse
RA-19915 Russell Applegate Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
AS-10285 Alejandro Savely Corporate United Sta San Franci California
LA-16780 Laura Armstrong Corporate United Sta Taylor Michigan
DO-13435 Denny Ordway Consumer United Sta Pembroke Florida
DK-13225 Dean Katz Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
NG-18430 Nathan Gelder Consumer United Sta Cincinnati Ohio
MV-18190 Mike Vittorini Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
JG-15115 Jack Garza Consumer United Sta Des MoineWashingto
BP-11095 Bart Pistole Corporate United Sta Peoria Illinois
VP-21730 Victor Preis Home Office United Sta Las Vegas Nevada
SS-20140 Saphhira Shifley Corporate United Sta Warwick Rhode Isla
HP-14815 Harold Pawlan Home Office United Sta Jackson Michigan
AG-10675 Anna Gayman Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
LF-17185 Luke Foster Consumer United Sta Miami Florida
SP-20650 Stephanie Phelps Corporate United Sta Wilmingto North Caro
RF-19840 Roy Französisch Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
KH-16510 Keith Herrera Consumer United Sta San Franci California
KC-16675 Kimberly Carter Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
CJ-12010 Caroline Jumper Consumer United Sta HuntingtonCalifornia
PB-19150 Philip Brown Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
VB-21745 Victoria Brennan Corporate United Sta Richmond Kentucky
SP-20860 Sung Pak Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JE-15745 Joel Eaton Consumer United Sta Louisville Colorado
MP-17965 Michael Paige Corporate United Sta Lawrence Massachuse
NF-18385 Natalie Fritzler Consumer United Sta Jackson Mississippi
JM-15265 Janet Molinari Corporate United Sta Canton Michigan
SD-20485 Shirley Daniels Home Office United Sta New RochelNew York
KH-16630 Ken Heidel Corporate United Sta San AntoniTexas
RB-19795 Ross Baird Home Office United Sta Gastonia North Caro
DB-13060 Dave Brooks Consumer United Sta Lowell Massachuse
MK-18160 Mike Kennedy Consumer United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
PO-19180 Philisse Overcash Home Office United Sta Chicago Illinois
BB-11545 Brenda Bowman Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
CV-12805 Cynthia Voltz Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
PK-19075 Pete Kriz Consumer United Sta Detroit Michigan
TB-21595 Troy Blackwell Consumer United Sta Columbus Indiana
RB-19360 Raymond Buch Consumer United Sta Auburn New York
EB-13705 Ed Braxton Corporate United Sta Akron Ohio
KH-16630 Ken Heidel Corporate United Sta Norman Oklahoma
SC-20095 Sanjit Chand Consumer United Sta Concord California
NF-18385 Natalie Fritzler Consumer United Sta Decatur Illinois
JH-15985 Joseph Holt Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
TN-21040 Tanja Norvell Home Office United Sta Phoenix Arizona
JS-15940 Joni Sundaresam Home Office United Sta Park RidgeIllinois
DS-13180 David Smith Corporate United Sta Amarillo Texas
CC-12670 Craig Carreira Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
MH-17785 Maya Herman Corporate United Sta LindenhursNew York
JP-15520 Jeremy Pistek Consumer United Sta San Franci California
KH-16690 Kristen Hastings Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JE-15475 Jeremy Ellison Consumer United Sta Troy New York
JG-15805 John Grady Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
XP-21865 Xylona Preis Consumer United Sta San Diego California
EM-14065 Erin Mull Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
MT-18070 Michelle Tran Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
SA-20830 Sue Ann Reed Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
CW-11905 Carl Weiss Home Office United Sta Huntsville Texas
AJ-10960 Astrea Jones Consumer United Sta Rochester New York
SS-20590 Sonia Sunley Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
RO-19780 Rose O'Brian Consumer United Sta Memphis Tennessee
MD-17350 Maribeth Dona Consumer United Sta Fayettevill Arkansas
SC-20095 Sanjit Chand Consumer United Sta Costa Mes California
MY-17380 Maribeth Yedwab Corporate United Sta Parker Colorado
EB-13705 Ed Braxton Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
CM-12385 Christopher Martinez Consumer United Sta Atlanta Georgia
LS-17245 Lynn Smith Consumer United Sta Gladstone Missouri
LF-17185 Luke Foster Consumer United Sta Newark Ohio
BN-11515 Bradley Nguyen Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
AD-10180 Alan Dominguez Home Office United Sta Great FallsMontana
DB-13210 Dean Braden Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
MC-17605 Matt Connell Corporate United Sta Detroit Michigan
LH-17155 Logan Haushalter Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
BD-11605 Brian Dahlen Consumer United Sta Lawrence Massachuse
PH-18790 Patricia Hirasaki Home Office United Sta Lakeland Florida
MG-18145 Mike Gockenbach Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
KB-16240 Karen Bern Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JC-15340 Jasper Cacioppo Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
RL-19615 Rob Lucas Consumer United Sta MontgomeAlabama
AA-10375 Allen Armold Consumer United Sta Mesa Arizona
EP-13915 Emily Phan Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
MP-17470 Mark Packer Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
DK-12985 Darren Koutras Consumer United Sta HendersonKentucky
BD-11500 Bradley Drucker Consumer United Sta Green Bay Wisconsin
ES-14080 Erin Smith Corporate United Sta Tucson Arizona
LM-17065 Liz MacKendrick Consumer United Sta SpringfieldOhio
PG-18895 Paul Gonzalez Consumer United Sta Fort WorthTexas
AS-10135 Adrian Shami Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
DK-13225 Dean Katz Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
BD-11320 Bill Donatelli Consumer United Sta San Franci California
RC-19960 Ryan Crowe Consumer United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
GT-14710 Greg Tran Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
DK-13225 Dean Katz Corporate United Sta Anaheim California
AJ-10945 Ashley Jarboe Consumer United Sta Wilmingto North Caro
OT-18730 Olvera Toch Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
LP-17080 Liz Pelletier Consumer United Sta San Franci California
CA-12775 Cynthia Arntzen Consumer United Sta Tampa Florida
JF-15490 Jeremy Farry Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
FP-14320 Frank Preis Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
EB-13840 Ellis Ballard Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
JF-15415 Jennifer Ferguson Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
SF-20200 Sarah Foster Consumer United Sta Marysville Washingto
TG-21640 Trudy Glocke Consumer United Sta Long BeachCalifornia
CS-11950 Carlos Soltero Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
CC-12145 Charles Crestani Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
DV-13465 Dianna Vittorini Consumer United Sta Denver Colorado
BD-11725 Bruce Degenhardt Consumer United Sta Richmond Kentucky
ZC-21910 Zuschuss Carroll Consumer United Sta Salem Oregon
MS-17830 Melanie Seite Consumer United Sta Laredo Texas
LR-16915 Lena Radford Consumer United Sta San Diego California
TP-21130 Theone Pippenger Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
CK-12205 Chloris Kastensmidt Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
AS-10240 Alan Shonely Consumer United Sta Tampa Florida
AR-10510 Andrew Roberts Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
NB-18655 Nona Balk Corporate United Sta Dallas Texas
GD-14590 Giulietta Dortch Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
CK-12595 Clytie Kelty Consumer United Sta Grove City Ohio
NG-18355 Nat Gilpin Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
CA-12265 Christina Anderson Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
SF-20965 Sylvia Foulston Corporate United Sta Dearborn Michigan
MO-17800 Meg O'Connel Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
AT-10735 Annie Thurman Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
LC-17140 Logan Currie Consumer United Sta San Franci California
FM-14380 Fred McMath Consumer United Sta Aurora Colorado
BD-11605 Brian Dahlen Consumer United Sta Miami Florida
DJ-13420 Denny Joy Corporate United Sta Warner Rob Georgia
ME-17725 Max Engle Consumer United Sta Aurora Colorado
RB-19465 Rick Bensley Home Office United Sta Vallejo California
JD-16150 Justin Deggeller Corporate United Sta MinneapoliMinnesota
JL-15835 John Lee Consumer United Sta Mission VieCalifornia
SC-20305 Sean Christensen Consumer United Sta Rochester H Michigan
TW-21025 Tamara Willingham Home Office United Sta Plainfield New Jersey
CC-12430 Chuck Clark Home Office United Sta Columbus Indiana
BB-10990 Barry Blumstein Corporate United Sta Sierra Vist Arizona
AR-10825 Anthony Rawles Corporate United Sta VancouverWashingto
SR-20740 Steven Roelle Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
AR-10405 Allen Rosenblatt Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
CR-12730 Craig Reiter Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
EH-14125 Eugene Hildebrand Home Office United Sta Aurora Illinois
CB-12025 Cassandra Brandow Consumer United Sta Arlington Texas
SP-20545 Sibella Parks Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
RC-19825 Roy Collins Consumer United Sta Louisville Kentucky
TH-21235 Tiffany House Corporate United Sta Dallas Texas
RP-19390 Resi Pölking Consumer United Sta Cleveland Ohio
MO-17800 Meg O'Connel Home Office United Sta Chicago Illinois
TD-20995 Tamara Dahlen Consumer United Sta Quincy Illinois
RB-19570 Rob Beeghly Consumer United Sta Columbus Indiana
CD-11980 Carol Darley Consumer United Sta Tyler Texas
DJ-13630 Doug Jacobs Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
GT-14635 Grant Thornton Corporate United Sta Burlington North Caro
MC-17845 Michael Chen Consumer United Sta Jackson Mississippi
RA-19285 Ralph Arnett Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
NP-18325 Naresj Patel Consumer United Sta WaynesborVirginia
AB-10165 Alan Barnes Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JO-15550 Jesus Ocampo Home Office United Sta Chester Pennsylvan
Dl-13600 Dorris liebe Corporate United Sta Cleveland Ohio
AS-10285 Alejandro Savely Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
JK-15370 Jay Kimmel Consumer United Sta Long BeachCalifornia
BN-11470 Brad Norvell Corporate United Sta Cary North Caro
DP-13165 David Philippe Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
TH-21550 Tracy Hopkins Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
AP-10915 Arthur Prichep Consumer United Sta Palm CoastFlorida
RS-19765 Roland Schwarz Corporate United Sta Mount VerNew York
Dl-13600 Dorris liebe Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
SV-20365 Seth Vernon Consumer United Sta Dover Delaware
KC-16540 Kelly Collister Consumer United Sta Newark Ohio
CK-12325 Christine Kargatis Home Office United Sta Orem Utah
RD-19810 Ross DeVincentis Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
MP-17965 Michael Paige Corporate United Sta Detroit Michigan
MR-17545 Mathew Reese Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
SC-20695 Steve Chapman Corporate United Sta Hialeah Florida
JF-15355 Jay Fein Consumer United Sta Austin Texas
EG-13900 Emily Grady Consumer United Sta Oceanside New York
DS-13030 Darrin Sayre Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
GZ-14470 Gary Zandusky Consumer United Sta San Franci California
PO-19195 Phillina Ober Home Office United Sta Naperville Illinois
SS-20875 Sung Shariari Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
MH-17785 Maya Herman Corporate United Sta San Diego California
PB-19105 Peter Bühler Consumer United Sta Evanston Illinois
RF-19735 Roland Fjeld Consumer United Sta Trenton Michigan
YC-21895 Yoseph Carroll Corporate United Sta San Franci California
MS-17830 Melanie Seite Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
NB-18655 Nona Balk Corporate United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
DC-13285 Debra Catini Consumer United Sta Cottage GrMinnesota
CP-12340 Christine Phan Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
BF-11020 Barry Französisch Corporate United Sta Green Bay Wisconsin
AR-10510 Andrew Roberts Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JC-16105 Julie Creighton Corporate United Sta Atlanta Georgia
LH-17020 Lisa Hazard Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
CS-12250 Chris Selesnick Corporate United Sta Bossier Cit Louisiana
AJ-10795 Anthony Johnson Corporate United Sta Saint Pete Florida
LE-16810 Laurel Elliston Consumer United Sta Arlington Virginia
BV-11245 Benjamin Venier Corporate United Sta Des MoineIowa
DL-12865 Dan Lawera Consumer United Sta Cincinnati Ohio
NZ-18565 Nick Zandusky Home Office United Sta San Franci California
BM-11785 Bryan Mills Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
EA-14035 Erin Ashbrook Corporate United Sta Columbia South Caro
CL-12565 Clay Ludtke Consumer United Sta Lancaster California
LT-17110 Liz Thompson Consumer United Sta Lancaster California
SA-20830 Sue Ann Reed Consumer United Sta Richmond Virginia
JK-15730 Joe Kamberova Consumer United Sta Asheville North Caro
ES-14020 Erica Smith Consumer United Sta San Franci California
RH-19495 Rick Hansen Consumer United Sta Rochester Minnesota
DB-13120 David Bremer Corporate United Sta Rochester New York
CD-11920 Carlos Daly Consumer United Sta Lake ElsinoCalifornia
HW-14935 Helen Wasserman Corporate United Sta San Diego California
HW-14935 Helen Wasserman Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
MC-18130 Mike Caudle Corporate United Sta Monroe Louisiana
GM-14440 Gary McGarr Consumer United Sta San Franci California
RA-19915 Russell Applegate Consumer United Sta Denver Colorado
AA-10375 Allen Armold Consumer United Sta Omaha Nebraska
ZC-21910 Zuschuss Carroll Consumer United Sta Edmonds Washingto
PJ-19015 Pauline Johnson Consumer United Sta Santa Ana California
BW-11110 Bart Watters Corporate United Sta MilwaukeeWisconsin
DB-13210 Dean Braden Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
CA-12775 Cynthia Arntzen Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
TR-21325 Toby Ritter Consumer United Sta Belleville New Jersey
PG-18820 Patrick Gardner Consumer United Sta San Franci California
GT-14710 Greg Tran Consumer United Sta Lakeville Minnesota
JE-15745 Joel Eaton Consumer United Sta Florence Kentucky
JB-15400 Jennifer Braxton Corporate United Sta Tampa Florida
LH-17020 Lisa Hazard Consumer United Sta Tyler Texas
JL-15175 James Lanier Home Office United Sta Columbia Tennessee
EB-13705 Ed Braxton Corporate United Sta Fort WorthTexas
BM-11650 Brian Moss Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
EM-14095 Eudokia Martin Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
AF-10885 Art Foster Consumer United Sta Louisville Kentucky
GA-14725 Guy Armstrong Consumer United Sta Lorain Ohio
CK-12760 Cyma Kinney Corporate United Sta Linden New Jersey
DP-13105 Dave Poirier Corporate United Sta Salinas California
VD-21670 Valerie Dominguez Consumer United Sta Jackson Mississippi
GT-14710 Greg Tran Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
BK-11260 Berenike Kampe Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
SJ-20125 Sanjit Jacobs Home Office United Sta New BrunsNew Jersey
CM-12445 Chuck Magee Consumer United Sta San Franci California
AJ-10795 Anthony Johnson Corporate United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
AJ-10780 Anthony Jacobs Corporate United Sta SpringfieldVirginia
LS-16945 Linda Southworth Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
GP-14740 Guy Phonely Corporate United Sta Lancaster Pennsylvan
PK-18910 Paul Knutson Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
TB-21520 Tracy Blumstein Consumer United Sta Concord New Hamps
SM-20005 Sally Matthias Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
GA-14725 Guy Armstrong Consumer United Sta Charlotte North Caro
CC-12430 Chuck Clark Home Office United Sta Concord New Hamps
AG-10765 Anthony Garverick Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
HP-14815 Harold Pawlan Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
DK-13090 Dave Kipp Consumer United Sta SpringfieldVirginia
GZ-14470 Gary Zandusky Consumer United Sta San Franci California
PM-19135 Peter McVee Home Office United Sta Detroit Michigan
LL-16840 Lauren Leatherbury Consumer United Sta Rochester New York
JS-15595 Jill Stevenson Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
OT-18730 Olvera Toch Consumer United Sta San Diego California
EL-13735 Ed Ludwig Home Office United Sta Columbia Maryland
CK-12760 Cyma Kinney Corporate United Sta San Franci California
JE-15475 Jeremy Ellison Consumer United Sta New RochelNew York
TH-21550 Tracy Hopkins Home Office United Sta Detroit Michigan
PC-18745 Pamela Coakley Corporate United Sta San Franci California
HL-15040 Hunter Lopez Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
MS-17365 Maribeth Schnelling Consumer United Sta Detroit Michigan
GB-14530 George Bell Corporate United Sta Auburn New York
JR-16210 Justin Ritter Corporate United Sta SpringfieldOhio
TD-20995 Tamara Dahlen Consumer United Sta Garland Texas
DB-13060 Dave Brooks Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
LC-17140 Logan Currie Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
PO-18865 Patrick O'Donnell Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
BE-11335 Bill Eplett Home Office United Sta Jackson Michigan
SC-20050 Sample Company A Home Office United Sta Norwich Connecticu
BM-11650 Brian Moss Corporate United Sta MilwaukeeWisconsin
KL-16555 Kelly Lampkin Corporate United Sta San AntoniTexas
RW-19630 Rob Williams Corporate United Sta Dallas Texas
RC-19825 Roy Collins Consumer United Sta AlexandriaVirginia
SE-20110 Sanjit Engle Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
AH-10075 Adam Hart Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
JM-15535 Jessica Myrick Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
JJ-15760 Joel Jenkins Home Office United Sta SpringfieldVirginia
AB-10165 Alan Barnes Consumer United Sta Toledo Ohio
RK-19300 Ralph Kennedy Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
CG-12040 Catherine Glotzbach Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
RA-19885 Ruben Ausman Corporate United Sta Farmingto New Mexic
RP-19270 Rachel Payne Corporate United Sta Riverside California
KC-16255 Karen Carlisle Corporate United Sta San Franci California
RW-19630 Rob Williams Corporate United Sta Torrance California
JL-15850 John Lucas Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
CA-12775 Cynthia Arntzen Consumer United Sta Mesa Arizona
RB-19795 Ross Baird Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
KH-16360 Katherine Hughes Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
GH-14665 Greg Hansen Consumer United Sta Round RocTexas
SW-20275 Scott Williamson Consumer United Sta Jackson Mississippi
JA-15970 Joseph Airdo Consumer United Sta Phoenix Arizona
DL-12925 Daniel Lacy Consumer United Sta Oceanside California
LW-16990 Lindsay Williams Corporate United Sta San Franci California
TB-21190 Thomas Brumley Home Office United Sta Fayettevill Arkansas
CV-12805 Cynthia Voltz Corporate United Sta San Franci California
MS-17365 Maribeth Schnelling Consumer United Sta Boca RatonFlorida
BS-11800 Bryan Spruell Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
DL-13315 Delfina Latchford Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
PO-19195 Phillina Ober Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
TD-20995 Tamara Dahlen Consumer United Sta Portland Oregon
BW-11110 Bart Watters Corporate United Sta Detroit Michigan
RW-19690 Robert Waldorf Consumer United Sta Wilmingto North Caro
KB-16600 Ken Brennan Corporate United Sta Columbus Indiana
EB-13870 Emily Burns Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
TZ-21580 Tracy Zic Consumer United Sta Louisville Colorado
AS-10630 Ann Steele Home Office United Sta Pasadena Texas
TS-21340 Toby Swindell Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
JG-15805 John Grady Corporate United Sta Auburn New York
SL-20155 Sara Luxemburg Home Office United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
TS-21610 Troy Staebel Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
RF-19735 Roland Fjeld Consumer United Sta San Jose California
MW-18235 Mitch Willingham Corporate United Sta Virginia BeVirginia
RD-19585 Rob Dowd Consumer United Sta HendersonKentucky
FM-14290 Frank Merwin Home Office United Sta VancouverWashingto
RH-19495 Rick Hansen Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
RA-19945 Ryan Akin Consumer United Sta Murrieta California
JK-15730 Joe Kamberova Consumer United Sta Jacksonvill North Caro
MT-17815 Meg Tillman Consumer United Sta Scottsdale Arizona
PO-18850 Patrick O'Brill Consumer United Sta Burlington Iowa
AT-10735 Annie Thurman Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
VG-21790 Vivek Gonzalez Consumer United Sta San Diego California
PF-19165 Philip Fox Consumer United Sta Olympia Washingto
JS-15880 John Stevenson Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
MO-17800 Meg O'Connel Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
KM-16225 Kalyca Meade Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
GT-14710 Greg Tran Consumer United Sta WashingtoDistrict of
PB-19150 Philip Brown Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
HR-14770 Hallie Redmond Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
DE-13255 Deanra Eno Home Office United Sta SpringfieldOhio
LA-16780 Laura Armstrong Corporate United Sta HackensacNew Jersey
AG-10390 Allen Goldenen Consumer United Sta Cincinnati Ohio
EL-13735 Ed Ludwig Home Office United Sta Jefferson CMissouri
JJ-15445 Jennifer Jackson Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JH-15430 Jennifer Halladay Consumer United Sta Burlington North Caro
RD-19660 Robert Dilbeck Home Office United Sta Saint PeterMissouri
MO-17500 Mary O'Rourke Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
NS-18640 Noel Staavos Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
SN-20710 Steve Nguyen Home Office United Sta Rockford Illinois
ZC-21910 Zuschuss Carroll Consumer United Sta Miami Florida
LC-16885 Lena Creighton Consumer United Sta San Franci California
DG-13300 Deirdre Greer Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
NF-18595 Nicole Fjeld Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
BP-11185 Ben Peterman Corporate United Sta San Diego California
MG-17650 Matthew Grinstein Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
JD-16060 Julia Dunbar Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
TS-21160 Theresa Swint Corporate United Sta Toledo Ohio
BD-11620 Brian DeCherney Consumer United Sta San Franci California
CM-12160 Charles McCrossin Consumer United Sta Brownsvill Texas
RB-19795 Ross Baird Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
SN-20560 Skye Norling Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
EH-14005 Erica Hernandez Home Office United Sta Denver Colorado
FO-14305 Frank Olsen Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
MS-17710 Maurice Satty Consumer United Sta Mesa Arizona
CC-12100 Chad Cunningham Home Office United Sta Columbus Indiana
DW-13540 Don Weiss Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
BT-11395 Bill Tyler Corporate United Sta Detroit Michigan
KD-16270 Karen Daniels Consumer United Sta Yonkers New York
LC-16870 Lena Cacioppo Consumer United Sta Des MoineIowa
CY-12745 Craig Yedwab Corporate United Sta Oakland California
LW-16990 Lindsay Williams Corporate United Sta Monroe North Caro
NP-18325 Naresj Patel Consumer United Sta San Diego California
BT-11485 Brad Thomas Home Office United Sta Clinton Maryland
PS-19045 Penelope Sewall Home Office United Sta Charlotte North Caro
NS-18640 Noel Staavos Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
PV-18985 Paul Van Hugh Home Office United Sta San Franci California
RP-19390 Resi Pölking Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
NM-18520 Neoma Murray Consumer United Sta Riverside California
EH-13945 Eric Hoffmann Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
RA-19915 Russell Applegate Consumer United Sta Encinitas California
DL-13495 Dionis Lloyd Corporate United Sta San Franci California
CS-12355 Christine Sundaresam Consumer United Sta Roswell Georgia
HL-15040 Hunter Lopez Consumer United Sta Jonesboro Arkansas
PA-19060 Pete Armstrong Home Office United Sta Richmond Indiana
BD-11605 Brian Dahlen Consumer United Sta SpringfieldVirginia
GG-14650 Greg Guthrie Corporate United Sta Antioch California
JS-15940 Joni Sundaresam Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
LR-16915 Lena Radford Consumer United Sta HomesteadFlorida
FH-14275 Frank Hawley Corporate United Sta La Porte Indiana
AP-10915 Arthur Prichep Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
NC-18340 Nat Carroll Consumer United Sta Lansing Michigan
CB-12535 Claudia Bergmann Corporate United Sta Cuyahoga FOhio
KL-16555 Kelly Lampkin Corporate United Sta Reno Nevada
PS-19045 Penelope Sewall Home Office United Sta HarrisonbuVirginia
GB-14530 George Bell Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
AA-10315 Alex Avila Consumer United Sta MinneapoliMinnesota
LT-16765 Larry Tron Consumer United Sta Escondido California
AP-10720 Anne Pryor Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
PM-18940 Paul MacIntyre Consumer United Sta Jackson Michigan
KC-16540 Kelly Collister Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
DL-13315 Delfina Latchford Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
SW-20275 Scott Williamson Consumer United Sta Royal Oak Michigan
AA-10375 Allen Armold Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
LT-17110 Liz Thompson Consumer United Sta Bloomingt Illinois
DP-13105 Dave Poirier Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
AB-10060 Adam Bellavance Home Office United Sta Concord New Hamps
AT-10435 Alyssa Tate Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JE-15745 Joel Eaton Consumer United Sta Rockville Maryland
CA-12055 Cathy Armstrong Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
DB-13060 Dave Brooks Consumer United Sta Lakewood New Jersey
RB-19570 Rob Beeghly Consumer United Sta Jacksonvill North Caro
HR-14830 Harold Ryan Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
BT-11530 Bradley Talbott Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
NG-18355 Nat Gilpin Corporate United Sta Coral SprinFlorida
ZC-21910 Zuschuss Carroll Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
LS-16945 Linda Southworth Corporate United Sta Denver Colorado
LH-16750 Larry Hughes Consumer United Sta Charlotte North Caro
SW-20755 Steven Ward Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
SP-20620 Stefania Perrino Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
BF-11170 Ben Ferrer Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
BM-11140 Becky Martin Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
ZC-21910 Zuschuss Carroll Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
KT-16480 Kean Thornton Consumer United Sta Buffalo New York
BG-11695 Brooke Gillingham Corporate United Sta Cincinnati Ohio
PG-18820 Patrick Gardner Consumer United Sta Boynton B Florida
GM-14680 Greg Matthias Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
MO-17800 Meg O'Connel Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
PG-18820 Patrick Gardner Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
EJ-14155 Eva Jacobs Consumer United Sta Gulfport Mississippi
NP-18700 Nora Preis Consumer United Sta Fresno California
DJ-13630 Doug Jacobs Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
IM-15070 Irene Maddox Consumer United Sta MilwaukeeWisconsin
MH-18115 Mick Hernandez Home Office United Sta Chester Pennsylvan
RB-19795 Ross Baird Home Office United Sta Charlotte North Caro
JR-15700 Jocasta Rupert Consumer United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
SM-20950 Suzanne McNair Corporate United Sta Greenville North Caro
CS-12355 Christine Sundaresam Consumer United Sta Long BeachNew York
CC-12220 Chris Cortes Consumer United Sta La Porte Indiana
PF-19225 Phillip Flathmann Consumer United Sta San Franci California
JC-16105 Julie Creighton Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
BG-11695 Brooke Gillingham Corporate United Sta Louisville Colorado
DC-12850 Dan Campbell Consumer United Sta Florence Alabama
SP-20545 Sibella Parks Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
MS-17710 Maurice Satty Consumer United Sta Fort WorthTexas
BD-11770 Bryan Davis Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
KC-16255 Karen Carlisle Corporate United Sta Macon Georgia
TR-21325 Toby Ritter Consumer United Sta Cedar RapiIowa
SA-20830 Sue Ann Reed Consumer United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
KW-16435 Katrina Willman Consumer United Sta Austin Texas
GM-14500 Gene McClure Consumer United Sta ProvidenceRhode Isla
AD-10180 Alan Dominguez Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
TB-21355 Todd Boyes Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
CC-12430 Chuck Clark Home Office United Sta San Franci California
PF-19165 Philip Fox Consumer United Sta San Diego California
JH-16180 Justin Hirsh Consumer United Sta Pueblo Colorado
EB-13975 Erica Bern Corporate United Sta Fairfield California
QJ-19255 Quincy Jones Corporate United Sta Saint Paul Minnesota
AA-10315 Alex Avila Consumer United Sta San Franci California
LC-17140 Logan Currie Consumer United Sta SpringfieldVirginia
TC-21535 Tracy Collins Home Office United Sta Arlington Virginia
CS-12460 Chuck Sachs Consumer United Sta Columbus Georgia
BM-11785 Bryan Mills Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
RC-19825 Roy Collins Consumer United Sta Pasadena California
FM-14380 Fred McMath Consumer United Sta Lawrence Massachuse
PK-19075 Pete Kriz Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
HG-14965 Henry Goldwyn Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
HA-14920 Helen Andreada Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
LW-16825 Laurel Workman Corporate United Sta Deltona Florida
MC-17575 Matt Collins Consumer United Sta Cincinnati Ohio
LP-17095 Liz Preis Consumer United Sta Murray Kentucky
EB-14170 Evan Bailliet Consumer United Sta Wilmingto North Caro
GZ-14545 George Zrebassa Corporate United Sta Lawrence Massachuse
LE-16810 Laurel Elliston Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
AD-10180 Alan Dominguez Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
CP-12085 Cathy Prescott Corporate United Sta Norwich Connecticu
FG-14260 Frank Gastineau Home Office United Sta San Franci California
LD-17005 Lisa DeCherney Consumer United Sta San Franci California
AB-10255 Alejandro Ballentine Home Office United Sta Lorain Ohio
MN-17935 Michael Nguyen Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
HP-14815 Harold Pawlan Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JR-15670 Jim Radford Consumer United Sta MiddletowConnecticu
JF-15190 Jamie Frazer Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
CM-12115 Chad McGuire Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
AS-10045 Aaron Smayling Corporate United Sta Jacksonvill North Caro
KB-16315 Karl Braun Consumer United Sta Freeport New York
BN-11515 Bradley Nguyen Consumer United Sta Lakeville Minnesota
BP-11290 Beth Paige Consumer United Sta Evanston Illinois
AS-10045 Aaron Smayling Corporate United Sta Arlington Virginia
LW-16990 Lindsay Williams Corporate United Sta San Franci California
DC-12850 Dan Campbell Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
ND-18370 Natalie DeCherney Consumer United Sta Louisville Kentucky
LB-16735 Larry Blacks Consumer United Sta Fort WorthTexas
KT-16465 Kean Takahito Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
HM-14860 Harry Marie Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
AB-10600 Ann Blume Corporate United Sta Tucson Arizona
SZ-20035 Sam Zeldin Home Office United Sta Pico RiveraCalifornia
JR-15670 Jim Radford Consumer United Sta Colorado SColorado
MG-17890 Michael Granlund Home Office United Sta Clinton Maryland
KM-16720 Kunst Miller Consumer United Sta Vallejo California
CA-12265 Christina Anderson Consumer United Sta Provo Utah
VD-21670 Valerie Dominguez Consumer United Sta Pleasant GUtah
JK-16120 Julie Kriz Home Office United Sta Aurora Illinois
PP-18955 Paul Prost Home Office United Sta Smyrna Georgia
YS-21880 Yana Sorensen Corporate United Sta Burlington North Caro
CK-12760 Cyma Kinney Corporate United Sta Aurora Illinois
NC-18340 Nat Carroll Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
KM-16375 Katherine Murray Home Office United Sta Salem Virginia
GM-14455 Gary Mitchum Home Office United Sta Columbus Ohio
SD-20485 Shirley Daniels Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
KD-16270 Karen Daniels Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
AB-10105 Adrian Barton Consumer United Sta Phoenix Arizona
SZ-20035 Sam Zeldin Home Office United Sta Grand PrairTexas
JD-15895 Jonathan Doherty Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
HA-14905 Helen Abelman Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
BT-11305 Beth Thompson Home Office United Sta Costa Mes California
SV-20815 Stuart Van Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
RW-19540 Rick Wilson Corporate United Sta Mesa Arizona
DK-12835 Damala Kotsonis Corporate United Sta Salinas California
LT-17110 Liz Thompson Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
IM-15070 Irene Maddox Consumer United Sta Florence Alabama
FP-14320 Frank Preis Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
ST-20530 Shui Tom Consumer United Sta Parma Ohio
JE-15745 Joel Eaton Consumer United Sta Amarillo Texas
BD-11320 Bill Donatelli Consumer United Sta ProvidenceRhode Isla
MM-17920 Michael Moore Consumer United Sta San Franci California
PW-19030 Pauline Webber Corporate United Sta Richmond Kentucky
SC-20440 Shaun Chance Corporate United Sta Aurora Colorado
KL-16645 Ken Lonsdale Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
SD-20485 Shirley Daniels Home Office United Sta Chicago Illinois
TS-21160 Theresa Swint Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
JB-15400 Jennifer Braxton Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
TS-21085 Thais Sissman Consumer United Sta Phoenix Arizona
MC-17425 Mark Cousins Corporate United Sta Mobile Alabama
ME-17320 Maria Etezadi Home Office United Sta Columbus Georgia
SC-20440 Shaun Chance Corporate United Sta New BedfoMassachuse
NH-18610 Nicole Hansen Corporate United Sta Irving Texas
AA-10480 Andrew Allen Consumer United Sta MiddletowConnecticu
LC-17140 Logan Currie Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
MB-18085 Mick Brown Consumer United Sta Vineland New Jersey
LC-16930 Linda Cazamias Corporate United Sta Pasadena Texas
KD-16495 Keith Dawkins Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
MB-17305 Maria Bertelson Consumer United Sta Glendale Arizona
TH-21550 Tracy Hopkins Home Office United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
DK-12835 Damala Kotsonis Corporate United Sta Detroit Michigan
ON-18715 Odella Nelson Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
KN-16390 Katherine Nockton Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
NM-18520 Neoma Murray Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
NP-18685 Nora Pelletier Home Office United Sta Niagara FalNew York
CG-12040 Catherine Glotzbach Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
CS-12505 Cindy Stewart Consumer United Sta ThomasvillNorth Caro
KD-16345 Katherine Ducich Consumer United Sta WestminstCalifornia
MK-18160 Mike Kennedy Consumer United Sta San Franci California
DW-13540 Don Weiss Consumer United Sta Jackson Tennessee
CP-12340 Christine Phan Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
MS-17770 Maxwell Schwartz Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
CM-12655 Corinna Mitchell Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
Co-12640 Corey-Lock Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
DL-13495 Dionis Lloyd Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
TS-21370 Todd Sumrall Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
JW-15220 Jane Waco Corporate United Sta VancouverWashingto
RF-19840 Roy Französisch Consumer United Sta Columbus Georgia
JD-15790 John Dryer Consumer United Sta Coppell Texas
NK-18490 Neil Knudson Home Office United Sta San Franci California
NG-18430 Nathan Gelder Consumer United Sta Austin Texas
AT-10435 Alyssa Tate Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
PC-19000 Pauline Chand Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
AR-10540 Andy Reiter Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
CS-12505 Cindy Stewart Consumer United Sta Columbus Georgia
LS-16975 Lindsay Shagiari Home Office United Sta Omaha Nebraska
JM-15535 Jessica Myrick Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
NH-18610 Nicole Hansen Corporate United Sta Pomona California
RA-19915 Russell Applegate Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
AI-10855 Arianne Irving Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
MC-17845 Michael Chen Consumer United Sta North Las Nevada
TB-21400 Tom Boeckenhauer Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
VW-21775 Victoria Wilson Corporate United Sta San Franci California
PL-18925 Paul Lucas Home Office United Sta Chicago Illinois
GH-14425 Gary Hwang Consumer United Sta Tucson Arizona
CJ-12010 Caroline Jumper Consumer United Sta Allentown Pennsylvan
MC-18130 Mike Caudle Corporate United Sta Newark Delaware
BV-11245 Benjamin Venier Corporate United Sta Miami Florida
JF-15490 Jeremy Farry Consumer United Sta Tempe Arizona
EB-13840 Ellis Ballard Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
MP-18175 Mike Pelletier Home Office United Sta Laguna NigCalifornia
JM-15655 Jim Mitchum Corporate United Sta Bridgeton New Jersey
CL-11890 Carl Ludwig Consumer United Sta Everett Massachuse
CK-12205 Chloris Kastensmidt Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
DB-13270 Deborah Brumfield Home Office United Sta San Diego California
PC-18745 Pamela Coakley Corporate United Sta WatertownNew York
VB-21745 Victoria Brennan Corporate United Sta San AntoniTexas
EP-13915 Emily Phan Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
ME-17320 Maria Etezadi Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
IG-15085 Ivan Gibson Consumer United Sta San Diego California
JS-15940 Joni Sundaresam Home Office United Sta Appleton Wisconsin
BO-11425 Bobby Odegard Consumer United Sta Richmond Kentucky
VW-21775 Victoria Wilson Corporate United Sta Bellevue Washingto
AB-10150 Aimee Bixby Consumer United Sta Long BeachNew York
JW-16075 Julia West Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
JE-15475 Jeremy Ellison Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
EB-13750 Edward Becker Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
PK-18910 Paul Knutson Home Office United Sta San Franci California
CS-12400 Christopher Schild Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
SG-20470 Sheri Gordon Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
CM-12190 Charlotte Melton Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
CL-12565 Clay Ludtke Consumer United Sta Columbia South Caro
JO-15550 Jesus Ocampo Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
AW-10840 Anthony Witt Consumer United Sta Allen Texas
DV-13465 Dianna Vittorini Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
AH-10075 Adam Hart Corporate United Sta Atlanta Georgia
SC-20095 Sanjit Chand Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
MC-18100 Mick Crebagga Consumer United Sta El Paso Texas
TT-21460 Tonja Turnell Home Office United Sta Aurora Illinois
AP-10720 Anne Pryor Home Office United Sta Florence Alabama
DL-12865 Dan Lawera Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
NP-18325 Naresj Patel Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
VG-21805 Vivek Grady Corporate United Sta Virginia BeVirginia
MY-18295 Muhammed Yedwab Corporate United Sta Grapevine Texas
RD-19480 Rick Duston Consumer United Sta Olympia Washingto
JF-15490 Jeremy Farry Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
DP-13390 Dennis Pardue Home Office United Sta Peoria Illinois
MD-17350 Maribeth Dona Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
MY-17380 Maribeth Yedwab Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
AB-10150 Aimee Bixby Consumer United Sta Carrollton Texas
GB-14530 George Bell Corporate United Sta Dover Delaware
CA-12775 Cynthia Arntzen Consumer United Sta Smyrna Tennessee
ME-17725 Max Engle Consumer United Sta Newark Delaware
JO-15280 Jas O'Carroll Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
ML-17395 Marina Lichtenstein Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
YS-21880 Yana Sorensen Corporate United Sta Oakland California
PL-18925 Paul Lucas Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
JK-16120 Julie Kriz Home Office United Sta Eagan Minnesota
PN-18775 Parhena Norris Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
JC-15385 Jenna Caffey Consumer United Sta Kent Washingto
JG-15160 James Galang Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
PO-19180 Philisse Overcash Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
MC-17275 Marc Crier Consumer United Sta Lafayette Louisiana
AS-10240 Alan Shonely Consumer United Sta Cleveland Ohio
CL-12565 Clay Ludtke Consumer United Sta Cleveland Ohio
NW-18400 Natalie Webber Consumer United Sta Tigard Oregon
TB-21280 Toby Braunhardt Consumer United Sta WashingtoDistrict of
BS-11380 Bill Stewart Corporate United Sta Skokie Illinois
FH-14365 Fred Hopkins Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
VM-21685 Valerie Mitchum Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
SF-20200 Sarah Foster Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
HH-15010 Hilary Holden Corporate United Sta San Franci California
CD-12280 Christina DeMoss Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
HL-15040 Hunter Lopez Consumer United Sta MilwaukeeWisconsin
TH-21100 Thea Hendricks Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
MM-18055 Michelle Moray Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
QJ-19255 Quincy Jones Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
NS-18505 Neola Schneider Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
MM-17920 Michael Moore Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
RD-19480 Rick Duston Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
RB-19645 Robert Barroso Corporate United Sta North Las Nevada
RD-19585 Rob Dowd Consumer United Sta Plano Texas
SW-20455 Shaun Weien Consumer United Sta Suffolk Virginia
SF-20965 Sylvia Foulston Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
EB-13930 Eric Barreto Consumer United Sta San Franci California
SB-20290 Sean Braxton Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
PS-18760 Pamela Stobb Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
CB-12535 Claudia Bergmann Corporate United Sta San Franci California
DK-12835 Damala Kotsonis Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
AW-10840 Anthony Witt Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
TS-21610 Troy Staebel Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
HF-14995 Herbert Flentye Consumer United Sta IndianapoliIndiana
HZ-14950 Henia Zydlo Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
AB-10255 Alejandro Ballentine Home Office United Sta Plano Texas
PO-19195 Phillina Ober Home Office United Sta Bayonne New Jersey
AG-10900 Arthur Gainer Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
SC-20725 Steven Cartwright Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
ND-18370 Natalie DeCherney Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
CD-12790 Cynthia Delaney Home Office United Sta San Diego California
PG-18820 Patrick Gardner Consumer United Sta Glendale Arizona
IM-15070 Irene Maddox Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
JK-15205 Jamie Kunitz Consumer United Sta San Franci California
JP-15520 Jeremy Pistek Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
MM-18055 Michelle Moray Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
DC-13285 Debra Catini Consumer United Sta San Franci California
JL-15835 John Lee Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
BN-11515 Bradley Nguyen Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
KD-16345 Katherine Ducich Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
JK-15370 Jay Kimmel Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
FM-14215 Filia McAdams Corporate United Sta Dublin Ohio
CA-12265 Christina Anderson Consumer United Sta SpringfieldVirginia
KD-16495 Keith Dawkins Corporate United Sta Fayettevill North Caro
LH-17155 Logan Haushalter Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
AG-10675 Anna Gayman Consumer United Sta Jacksonvill North Caro
DB-13120 David Bremer Corporate United Sta San Franci California
ED-13885 Emily Ducich Home Office United Sta San Diego California
MC-18100 Mick Crebagga Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
BM-11785 Bryan Mills Consumer United Sta Rochester New York
EM-14065 Erin Mull Consumer United Sta Jacksonvill North Caro
DA-13450 Dianna Arnett Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
MO-17800 Meg O'Connel Home Office United Sta San AntoniTexas
JW-15955 Joni Wasserman Consumer United Sta Oakland California
VW-21775 Victoria Wilson Corporate United Sta San Franci California
TT-21460 Tonja Turnell Home Office United Sta Fort WorthTexas
SL-20155 Sara Luxemburg Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
RM-19375 Raymond Messe Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
MB-18085 Mick Brown Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
AG-10900 Arthur Gainer Consumer United Sta San Diego California
ML-17755 Max Ludwig Home Office United Sta Suffolk Virginia
CC-12685 Craig Carroll Consumer United Sta GreensborNorth Caro
SC-20770 Stewart Carmichael Corporate United Sta Dallas Texas
GG-14650 Greg Guthrie Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
MY-18295 Muhammed Yedwab Corporate United Sta Baltimore Maryland
DP-13000 Darren Powers Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
BD-11770 Bryan Davis Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
CB-12535 Claudia Bergmann Corporate United Sta Franklin Massachuse
JE-15610 Jim Epp Corporate United Sta MilwaukeeWisconsin
RP-19855 Roy Phan Corporate United Sta Kenosha Wisconsin
RA-19915 Russell Applegate Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
RP-19390 Resi Pölking Consumer United Sta Madison Wisconsin
TB-21175 Thomas Boland Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
BE-11455 Brad Eason Home Office United Sta Olathe Kansas
MR-17545 Mathew Reese Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
RM-19375 Raymond Messe Consumer United Sta San Jose California
JF-15565 Jill Fjeld Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
AS-10135 Adrian Shami Home Office United Sta Auburn Washingto
JA-15970 Joseph Airdo Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
GK-14620 Grace Kelly Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
PB-19210 Phillip Breyer Corporate United Sta Tulsa Oklahoma
HK-14890 Heather Kirkland Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
FO-14305 Frank Olsen Consumer United Sta HarrisonbuVirginia
BT-11680 Brian Thompson Consumer United Sta Newark Ohio
SP-20620 Stefania Perrino Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
LL-16840 Lauren Leatherbury Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
MC-17575 Matt Collins Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JL-15235 Janet Lee Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
EA-14035 Erin Ashbrook Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
SA-20830 Sue Ann Reed Consumer United Sta Redmond Oregon
CH-12070 Cathy Hwang Home Office United Sta Raleigh North Caro
ND-18460 Neil Ducich Corporate United Sta Macon Georgia
BS-11755 Bruce Stewart Consumer United Sta Cleveland Ohio
SL-20155 Sara Luxemburg Home Office United Sta Muskogee Oklahoma
GB-14530 George Bell Corporate United Sta Monroe North Caro
AS-10045 Aaron Smayling Corporate United Sta Austin Texas
RM-19375 Raymond Messe Consumer United Sta Meriden Connecticu
NH-18610 Nicole Hansen Corporate United Sta Roswell Georgia
BF-10975 Barbara Fisher Corporate United Sta Charlotte North Caro
KH-16330 Katharine Harms Corporate United Sta Bowling GrKentucky
FA-14230 Frank Atkinson Corporate United Sta San AntoniTexas
GW-14605 Giulietta Weimer Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
DA-13450 Dianna Arnett Home Office United Sta WashingtoDistrict of
FH-14275 Frank Hawley Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
RK-19300 Ralph Kennedy Consumer United Sta South Ben Indiana
FM-14215 Filia McAdams Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
AC-10420 Alyssa Crouse Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
JB-15400 Jennifer Braxton Corporate United Sta Bristol Connecticu
GM-14440 Gary McGarr Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
RF-19840 Roy Französisch Consumer United Sta San AntoniTexas
NC-18625 Noah Childs Corporate United Sta Aurora Colorado
NG-18355 Nat Gilpin Corporate United Sta Newark Ohio
AH-10075 Adam Hart Corporate United Sta HendersonNevada
CH-12070 Cathy Hwang Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
CC-12145 Charles Crestani Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
ME-18010 Michelle Ellison Corporate United Sta San Franci California
BP-11230 Benjamin Patterson Consumer United Sta Spokane Washingto
MP-17470 Mark Packer Home Office United Sta Columbus Ohio
CJ-12010 Caroline Jumper Consumer United Sta Long BeachNew York
JC-15775 John Castell Consumer United Sta San AntoniTexas
JG-15160 James Galang Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
CK-12760 Cyma Kinney Corporate United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
LF-17185 Luke Foster Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
CC-12430 Chuck Clark Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
DL-12865 Dan Lawera Consumer United Sta Keller Texas
PG-18895 Paul Gonzalez Consumer United Sta San Franci California
EH-14005 Erica Hernandez Home Office United Sta Hialeah Florida
TB-21520 Tracy Blumstein Consumer United Sta Fairfield Ohio
DK-13225 Dean Katz Corporate United Sta HuntingtonCalifornia
JP-15520 Jeremy Pistek Consumer United Sta Port OrangFlorida
CD-11980 Carol Darley Consumer United Sta Medford Oregon
AS-10090 Adam Shillingsburg Consumer United Sta CharlottesvVirginia
JO-15280 Jas O'Carroll Consumer United Sta Missoula Montana
AC-10450 Amy Cox Consumer United Sta MinneapoliMinnesota
RA-19945 Ryan Akin Consumer United Sta Miami Florida
Co-12640 Corey-Lock Consumer United Sta Florence South Caro
DW-13480 Dianna Wilson Home Office United Sta Detroit Michigan
DK-12835 Damala Kotsonis Corporate United Sta SpringfieldOregon
MD-17860 Michael Dominguez Corporate United Sta IndianapoliIndiana
RP-19855 Roy Phan Corporate United Sta Apopka Florida
RW-19540 Rick Wilson Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
DB-13660 Duane Benoit Consumer United Sta Oceanside New York
SC-20770 Stewart Carmichael Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
FH-14275 Frank Hawley Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
EH-13990 Erica Hackney Consumer United Sta Roswell Georgia
AS-10630 Ann Steele Home Office United Sta Boynton B Florida
HA-14905 Helen Abelman Consumer United Sta Franklin Massachuse
CH-12070 Cathy Hwang Home Office United Sta Detroit Michigan
EH-13765 Edward Hooks Corporate United Sta WatertownNew York
MZ-17515 Mary Zewe Corporate United Sta Reading Pennsylvan
SC-20230 Scot Coram Corporate United Sta Arlington Texas
NP-18325 Naresj Patel Consumer United Sta San Diego California
LW-16990 Lindsay Williams Corporate United Sta San Franci California
GM-14680 Greg Matthias Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
RH-19495 Rick Hansen Consumer United Sta Denver Colorado
VM-21685 Valerie Mitchum Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
CC-12670 Craig Carreira Consumer United Sta Scottsdale Arizona
SV-20365 Seth Vernon Consumer United Sta Lafayette Louisiana
LW-16990 Lindsay Williams Corporate United Sta San Franci California
NP-18685 Nora Pelletier Home Office United Sta San Franci California
JE-15715 Joe Elijah Consumer United Sta BroomfieldColorado
CP-12085 Cathy Prescott Corporate United Sta Quincy Illinois
EA-14035 Erin Ashbrook Corporate United Sta Carrollton Texas
AC-10615 Ann Chong Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
RW-19690 Robert Waldorf Consumer United Sta SpringfieldMissouri
DB-13210 Dean Braden Consumer United Sta Paterson New Jersey
BD-11320 Bill Donatelli Consumer United Sta Tulsa Oklahoma
ML-17755 Max Ludwig Home Office United Sta Chicago Illinois
JD-16015 Joy Daniels Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
AS-10225 Alan Schoenberger Corporate United Sta MontgomeAlabama
AA-10375 Allen Armold Consumer United Sta Salem Oregon
KT-16465 Kean Takahito Consumer United Sta Glendale Arizona
MM-18280 Muhammed MacIntyre Corporate United Sta Columbus Georgia
NG-18430 Nathan Gelder Consumer United Sta Oklahoma O C klahoma
LW-16825 Laurel Workman Corporate United Sta BrentwoodCalifornia
CB-12415 Christy Brittain Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
AS-10090 Adam Shillingsburg Consumer United Sta SpringfieldMissouri
CB-12415 Christy Brittain Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
ML-17755 Max Ludwig Home Office United Sta SpringfieldOregon
JS-16030 Joy Smith Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
ND-18460 Neil Ducich Corporate United Sta ChesapeakVirginia
LW-17215 Luke Weiss Consumer United Sta Pasadena California
JW-15955 Joni Wasserman Consumer United Sta Louisville Kentucky
SC-20050 Sample Company A Home Office United Sta Lubbock Texas
RW-19630 Rob Williams Corporate United Sta Columbia Missouri
CM-12190 Charlotte Melton Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
JF-15190 Jamie Frazer Consumer United Sta Johnson CiTennessee
SC-20800 Stuart Calhoun Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
AM-10705 Anne McFarland Consumer United Sta Auburn Alabama
BK-11260 Berenike Kampe Consumer United Sta San BernarCalifornia
RH-19510 Rick Huthwaite Home Office United Sta ProvidenceRhode Isla
GM-14500 Gene McClure Consumer United Sta Fresno California
MC-17275 Marc Crier Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
VM-21685 Valerie Mitchum Home Office United Sta Lancaster California
GP-14740 Guy Phonely Corporate United Sta LeominsterMassachuse
GB-14530 George Bell Corporate United Sta Fort WorthTexas
CT-11995 Carol Triggs Consumer United Sta Rochester Minnesota
CW-11905 Carl Weiss Home Office United Sta Bozeman Montana
SN-20560 Skye Norling Home Office United Sta Peoria Arizona
EB-13705 Ed Braxton Corporate United Sta San Diego California
JW-15220 Jane Waco Corporate United Sta Lakewood Ohio
KB-16585 Ken Black Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
MC-17590 Matt Collister Corporate United Sta Perth AmbNew Jersey
CK-12595 Clytie Kelty Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
RD-19480 Rick Duston Consumer United Sta Richmond Indiana
TP-21130 Theone Pippenger Consumer United Sta Detroit Michigan
GG-14650 Greg Guthrie Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
ZC-21910 Zuschuss Carroll Consumer United Sta Pomona California
CC-12610 Corey Catlett Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
KA-16525 Kelly Andreada Consumer United Sta Ontario California
TC-20980 Tamara Chand Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
DB-13270 Deborah Brumfield Home Office United Sta BrentwoodCalifornia
TR-21325 Toby Ritter Consumer United Sta San Franci California
BF-11080 Bart Folk Consumer United Sta Baltimore Maryland
MS-17365 Maribeth Schnelling Consumer United Sta Phoenix Arizona
CK-12595 Clytie Kelty Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
ED-13885 Emily Ducich Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
IM-15070 Irene Maddox Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
MY-17380 Maribeth Yedwab Corporate United Sta Rancho CuCalifornia
MM-17260 Magdelene Morse Consumer United Sta Wilmingto Delaware
MP-17470 Mark Packer Home Office United Sta MoorheadMinnesota
AW-10840 Anthony Witt Consumer United Sta Farmingto New Mexic
SF-20065 Sandra Flanagan Consumer United Sta Wilmingto North Caro
SN-20710 Steve Nguyen Home Office United Sta Jackson Mississippi
RD-19900 Ruben Dartt Consumer United Sta Portland Oregon
KT-16480 Kean Thornton Consumer United Sta Denver Colorado
AH-10120 Adrian Hane Home Office United Sta Tucson Arizona
BM-11650 Brian Moss Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
BW-11200 Ben Wallace Consumer United Sta Boynton B Florida
HG-14965 Henry Goldwyn Corporate United Sta Mesquite Texas
SG-20080 Sandra Glassco Consumer United Sta Redlands California
RK-19300 Ralph Kennedy Consumer United Sta Rochester New York
SW-20245 Scot Wooten Consumer United Sta Stockton California
RW-19630 Rob Williams Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
TS-21085 Thais Sissman Consumer United Sta Ormond BeFlorida
JB-15400 Jennifer Braxton Corporate United Sta Sunnyvale California
EH-14005 Erica Hernandez Home Office United Sta Lansing Michigan
EH-14005 Erica Hernandez Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
BS-11665 Brian Stugart Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
JK-16120 Julie Kriz Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
RF-19345 Randy Ferguson Corporate United Sta Dover New Hamps
DL-12865 Dan Lawera Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
WB-21850 William Brown Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
TB-21625 Trudy Brown Consumer United Sta Grand PrairTexas
CB-12415 Christy Brittain Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
GT-14635 Grant Thornton Corporate United Sta Long BeachNew York
DK-13225 Dean Katz Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
TS-21160 Theresa Swint Corporate United Sta York Pennsylvan
WB-21850 William Brown Consumer United Sta Concord California
DO-13435 Denny Ordway Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
AF-10870 Art Ferguson Consumer United Sta College StaTexas
RB-19435 Richard Bierner Consumer United Sta Saint LouisMissouri
AR-10540 Andy Reiter Consumer United Sta Quincy Massachuse
DR-12880 Dan Reichenbach Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
BF-11170 Ben Ferrer Home Office United Sta Dallas Texas
LB-16735 Larry Blacks Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
DV-13465 Dianna Vittorini Consumer United Sta MinneapoliMinnesota
NK-18490 Neil Knudson Home Office United Sta Deltona Florida
CS-11950 Carlos Soltero Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
LH-17155 Logan Haushalter Consumer United Sta Cincinnati Ohio
DW-13480 Dianna Wilson Home Office United Sta Oakland California
KF-16285 Karen Ferguson Home Office United Sta Manteca California
HA-14920 Helen Andreada Consumer United Sta Laredo Texas
JH-15820 John Huston Consumer United Sta Kent Ohio
LC-16930 Linda Cazamias Corporate United Sta San AngeloTexas
IL-15100 Ivan Liston Consumer United Sta San Franci California
LS-16975 Lindsay Shagiari Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
CC-12610 Corey Catlett Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
PB-18805 Patrick Bzostek Home Office United Sta Salt Lake CUtah
CJ-12010 Caroline Jumper Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
HK-14890 Heather Kirkland Corporate United Sta Salinas California
RH-19600 Rob Haberlin Consumer United Sta Huntsville Alabama
IL-15100 Ivan Liston Consumer United Sta Columbus Indiana
AS-10240 Alan Shonely Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
AP-10915 Arthur Prichep Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
AG-10390 Allen Goldenen Consumer United Sta Knoxville Tennessee
BF-11080 Bart Folk Consumer United Sta MontgomeAlabama
CK-12205 Chloris Kastensmidt Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
LT-17110 Liz Thompson Consumer United Sta Little Rock Arkansas
BT-11305 Beth Thompson Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
SC-20725 Steven Cartwright Consumer United Sta Lancaster Pennsylvan
CG-12040 Catherine Glotzbach Home Office United Sta Bristol Tennessee
AW-10930 Arthur Wiediger Home Office United Sta Aurora Illinois
RB-19705 Roger Barcio Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
ML-17410 Maris LaWare Consumer United Sta Fairfield Connecticu
VB-21745 Victoria Brennan Corporate United Sta Lincoln ParMichigan
SW-20275 Scott Williamson Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
NS-18505 Neola Schneider Consumer United Sta San Jose California
DB-13555 Dorothy Badders Corporate United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
MH-17620 Matt Hagelstein Corporate United Sta San Franci California
DK-13375 Dennis Kane Consumer United Sta Marion Ohio
EA-14035 Erin Ashbrook Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
BT-11440 Bobby Trafton Consumer United Sta Littleton Colorado
LA-16780 Laura Armstrong Corporate United Sta Austin Texas
GM-14680 Greg Matthias Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
AA-10315 Alex Avila Consumer United Sta San Franci California
DB-13405 Denny Blanton Consumer United Sta La Porte Indiana
JH-15820 John Huston Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
DJ-13630 Doug Jacobs Consumer United Sta Portland Oregon
QJ-19255 Quincy Jones Corporate United Sta Burlington Vermont
CT-11995 Carol Triggs Consumer United Sta IndianapoliIndiana
RH-19510 Rick Huthwaite Home Office United Sta Provo Utah
SJ-20125 Sanjit Jacobs Home Office United Sta Chicago Illinois
TG-21310 Toby Gnade Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
CT-11995 Carol Triggs Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
BF-11005 Barry Franz Home Office United Sta Pasadena California
JM-16195 Justin MacKendrick Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JK-16120 Julie Kriz Home Office United Sta San Diego California
HG-14965 Henry Goldwyn Corporate United Sta San Franci California
LA-16780 Laura Armstrong Corporate United Sta Bangor Maine
TS-21610 Troy Staebel Consumer United Sta San Franci California
MZ-17335 Maria Zettner Home Office United Sta San Diego California
MW-18220 Mitch Webber Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
MV-17485 Mark Van Huff Consumer United Sta Arlington Virginia
AA-10375 Allen Armold Consumer United Sta Atlanta Georgia
SM-20320 Sean Miller Home Office United Sta Monroe North Caro
TP-21415 Tom Prescott Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
DK-13225 Dean Katz Corporate United Sta Rochester New York
MK-17905 Michael Kennedy Corporate United Sta Miami Florida
CS-12130 Chad Sievert Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
JL-15850 John Lucas Consumer United Sta San Franci California
AR-10405 Allen Rosenblatt Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
LM-17065 Liz MacKendrick Consumer United Sta SouthavenMississippi
JK-15625 Jim Karlsson Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
FM-14215 Filia McAdams Corporate United Sta MiddletowConnecticu
SF-20200 Sarah Foster Consumer United Sta New CastleIndiana
PJ-18835 Patrick Jones Corporate United Sta MurfreesbTennessee
CS-12355 Christine Sundaresam Consumer United Sta Salem Virginia
BB-10990 Barry Blumstein Corporate United Sta Toledo Ohio
BW-11200 Ben Wallace Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
RS-19420 Ricardo Sperren Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
TS-21160 Theresa Swint Corporate United Sta Columbus Georgia
QJ-19255 Quincy Jones Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
FM-14215 Filia McAdams Corporate United Sta MiddletowConnecticu
VD-21670 Valerie Dominguez Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
JL-15505 Jeremy Lonsdale Consumer United Sta Midland Michigan
DL-13495 Dionis Lloyd Corporate United Sta Columbus Georgia
MO-17800 Meg O'Connel Home Office United Sta Roswell Georgia
BP-11185 Ben Peterman Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
MS-17980 Michael Stewart Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
SV-20935 Susan Vittorini Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
BC-11125 Becky Castell Home Office United Sta Peoria Arizona
EM-13825 Elizabeth Moffitt Corporate United Sta Sioux Falls South Dako
BD-11500 Bradley Drucker Consumer United Sta Richmond Virginia
HW-14935 Helen Wasserman Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
KC-16255 Karen Carlisle Corporate United Sta HendersonKentucky
BM-11575 Brendan Murry Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
KN-16705 Kristina Nunn Home Office United Sta Fort CollinsColorado
JD-16150 Justin Deggeller Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
LA-16780 Laura Armstrong Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
RW-19690 Robert Waldorf Consumer United Sta Lafayette Indiana
KW-16570 Kelly Williams Consumer United Sta Clarksville Tennessee
CC-12220 Chris Cortes Consumer United Sta Fairfield Connecticu
RH-19495 Rick Hansen Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
JK-15625 Jim Karlsson Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
DC-13285 Debra Catini Consumer United Sta Warner Rob Georgia
GM-14455 Gary Mitchum Home Office United Sta Franklin Massachuse
CL-11890 Carl Ludwig Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
PV-18985 Paul Van Hugh Home Office United Sta MilwaukeeWisconsin
LT-17110 Liz Thompson Consumer United Sta San AntoniTexas
AM-10360 Alice McCarthy Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
SC-20260 Scott Cohen Corporate United Sta San Franci California
CP-12340 Christine Phan Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
RF-19840 Roy Französisch Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
AB-10060 Adam Bellavance Home Office United Sta WaynesborVirginia
EH-13990 Erica Hackney Consumer United Sta SacramentCalifornia
MN-17935 Michael Nguyen Consumer United Sta Clinton Maryland
KL-16555 Kelly Lampkin Corporate United Sta Fairfield Ohio
MP-17965 Michael Paige Corporate United Sta Warwick Rhode Isla
BF-11020 Barry Französisch Corporate United Sta Aurora Illinois
TP-21130 Theone Pippenger Consumer United Sta Smyrna Georgia
MS-17770 Maxwell Schwartz Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
KM-16375 Katherine Murray Home Office United Sta Thousand California
BE-11455 Brad Eason Home Office United Sta Lorain Ohio
CV-12295 Christina VanderZanden Consumer United Sta Fresno California
DK-13375 Dennis Kane Consumer United Sta San Diego California
SG-20605 Speros Goranitis Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
CS-12355 Christine Sundaresam Consumer United Sta Malden Massachuse
PJ-18835 Patrick Jones Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
NP-18700 Nora Preis Consumer United Sta San Franci California
SB-20290 Sean Braxton Corporate United Sta Florence South Caro
AS-10090 Adam Shillingsburg Consumer United Sta SpringfieldMissouri
HM-14860 Harry Marie Corporate United Sta Huntsville Texas
MG-18145 Mike Gockenbach Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
TM-21010 Tamara Manning Consumer United Sta San Franci California
BE-11335 Bill Eplett Home Office United Sta San Franci California
AS-10630 Ann Steele Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
EM-13810 Eleni McCrary Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JA-15970 Joseph Airdo Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
TB-21595 Troy Blackwell Consumer United Sta MilwaukeeWisconsin
PP-18955 Paul Prost Home Office United Sta Holyoke Massachuse
ML-18040 Michelle Lonsdale Corporate United Sta Albuquerq New Mexic
LC-16930 Linda Cazamias Corporate United Sta Sparks Nevada
MC-17590 Matt Collister Corporate United Sta Coachella California
CR-12580 Clay Rozendal Home Office United Sta Elmhurst Illinois
SV-20935 Susan Vittorini Consumer United Sta Fairfield Ohio
MZ-17515 Mary Zewe Corporate United Sta Arlington Texas
RB-19795 Ross Baird Home Office United Sta San Franci California
HM-14860 Harry Marie Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
AZ-10750 Annie Zypern Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
JH-15910 Jonathan Howell Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
PJ-18835 Patrick Jones Corporate United Sta SpringfieldVirginia
CA-12265 Christina Anderson Consumer United Sta Farmingto New Mexic
PW-19240 Pierre Wener Consumer United Sta Louisville Colorado
SW-20455 Shaun Weien Consumer United Sta Tampa Florida
AF-10870 Art Ferguson Consumer United Sta Passaic New Jersey
AM-10705 Anne McFarland Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
BD-11320 Bill Donatelli Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
CM-12385 Christopher Martinez Consumer United Sta North CharSouth Caro
CS-12400 Christopher Schild Home Office United Sta San Jose California
DB-13405 Denny Blanton Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
JG-15160 James Galang Consumer United Sta Plainfield New Jersey
SC-20380 Shahid Collister Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
CS-12460 Chuck Sachs Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
MK-18160 Mike Kennedy Consumer United Sta Newport NVirginia
CM-11935 Carlos Meador Consumer United Sta Fayettevill North Caro
PF-19225 Phillip Flathmann Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
GM-14695 Greg Maxwell Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
DC-12850 Dan Campbell Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
FO-14305 Frank Olsen Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
AH-10210 Alan Hwang Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
KN-16705 Kristina Nunn Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
CB-12535 Claudia Bergmann Corporate United Sta Newark Delaware
TB-21250 Tim Brockman Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
KD-16345 Katherine Ducich Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JM-15865 John Murray Consumer United Sta JamestownNew York
KT-16480 Kean Thornton Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
SC-20575 Sonia Cooley Consumer United Sta MishawakaIndiana
BS-11800 Bryan Spruell Home Office United Sta San Diego California
BT-11395 Bill Tyler Corporate United Sta San Franci California
DC-12850 Dan Campbell Consumer United Sta Miami Florida
LS-17200 Luke Schmidt Corporate United Sta Skokie Illinois
RR-19315 Ralph Ritter Consumer United Sta San Franci California
KL-16645 Ken Lonsdale Consumer United Sta San Franci California
RB-19435 Richard Bierner Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
MY-17380 Maribeth Yedwab Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
AW-10930 Arthur Wiediger Home Office United Sta Oklahoma O C klahoma
KW-16570 Kelly Williams Consumer United Sta Monroe Louisiana
DB-12910 Daniel Byrd Home Office United Sta Tampa Florida
BB-11545 Brenda Bowman Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
NP-18700 Nora Preis Consumer United Sta Bowling GrOhio
PB-19105 Peter Bühler Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
DW-13585 Dorothy Wardle Corporate United Sta Westfield New Jersey
CD-12790 Cynthia Delaney Home Office United Sta Oklahoma O C klahoma
TT-21220 Thomas Thornton Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
DB-12910 Daniel Byrd Home Office United Sta Fort LaudeFlorida
DJ-13510 Don Jones Corporate United Sta Little Rock Arkansas
DL-13495 Dionis Lloyd Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
LO-17170 Lori Olson Corporate United Sta La Quinta California
SV-20365 Seth Vernon Consumer United Sta Cleveland Ohio
EM-13810 Eleni McCrary Corporate United Sta San Franci California
KD-16615 Ken Dana Corporate United Sta Scottsdale Arizona
NB-18580 Nicole Brennan Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
AP-10720 Anne Pryor Home Office United Sta Malden Massachuse
JE-15745 Joel Eaton Consumer United Sta San Jose California
JM-15865 John Murray Consumer United Sta Phoenix Arizona
AB-10105 Adrian Barton Consumer United Sta HendersonKentucky
PN-18775 Parhena Norris Home Office United Sta Columbia South Caro
JC-15775 John Castell Consumer United Sta Tallahasse Florida
PF-19165 Philip Fox Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
BW-11110 Bart Watters Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
BP-11185 Ben Peterman Corporate United Sta Coral SprinFlorida
TM-21010 Tamara Manning Consumer United Sta Orem Utah
MB-17305 Maria Bertelson Consumer United Sta Nashville Tennessee
HR-14830 Harold Ryan Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
BD-11635 Brian Derr Consumer United Sta Bowling GrKentucky
SF-20200 Sarah Foster Consumer United Sta BellinghamWashingto
SP-20620 Stefania Perrino Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
DR-12880 Dan Reichenbach Corporate United Sta Newark Ohio
VM-21685 Valerie Mitchum Home Office United Sta WoodstockIllinois
CM-12235 Chris McAfee Consumer United Sta Carrollton Texas
SM-20320 Sean Miller Home Office United Sta Lafayette Indiana
RA-19885 Ruben Ausman Corporate United Sta Columbus Georgia
SD-20485 Shirley Daniels Home Office United Sta AlexandriaVirginia
CS-12250 Chris Selesnick Corporate United Sta Haltom CitTexas
RA-19285 Ralph Arnett Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
BF-11005 Barry Franz Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
SE-20110 Sanjit Engle Consumer United Sta Wheeling Illinois
RS-19765 Roland Schwarz Corporate United Sta SummervillSouth Caro
BM-11650 Brian Moss Corporate United Sta Columbus Indiana
SK-19990 Sally Knutson Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
EN-13780 Edward Nazzal Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
KN-16450 Kean Nguyen Corporate United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
MG-17890 Michael Granlund Home Office United Sta San Diego California
MC-17590 Matt Collister Corporate United Sta Arlington Texas
BO-11350 Bill Overfelt Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
AG-10300 Aleksandra Gannaway Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
MS-17365 Maribeth Schnelling Consumer United Sta San Franci California
JM-15655 Jim Mitchum Corporate United Sta Carlsbad New Mexic
MC-17635 Matthew Clasen Corporate United Sta Saint LouisMissouri
TA-21385 Tom Ashbrook Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
SB-20290 Sean Braxton Corporate United Sta SpringfieldOhio
AB-10150 Aimee Bixby Consumer United Sta Tulsa Oklahoma
JF-15295 Jason Fortune- Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
BF-10975 Barbara Fisher Corporate United Sta Fayettevill North Caro
TT-21265 Tim Taslimi Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
SB-20170 Sarah Bern Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
LM-17065 Liz MacKendrick Consumer United Sta Hot Spring Arkansas
KA-16525 Kelly Andreada Consumer United Sta Aurora Illinois
BF-11170 Ben Ferrer Home Office United Sta Raleigh North Caro
TB-21400 Tom Boeckenhauer Consumer United Sta Tulsa Oklahoma
SH-19975 Sally Hughsby Corporate United Sta Hesperia California
AS-10225 Alan Schoenberger Corporate United Sta Provo Utah
PK-19075 Pete Kriz Consumer United Sta San Franci California
HR-14830 Harold Ryan Corporate United Sta Gilbert Arizona
DG-13300 Deirdre Greer Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
CL-12700 Craig Leslie Home Office United Sta SpringfieldMissouri
HF-14995 Herbert Flentye Consumer United Sta Memphis Tennessee
HG-15025 Hunter Glantz Consumer United Sta Amarillo Texas
NL-18310 Nancy Lomonaco Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
RR-19525 Rick Reed Corporate United Sta Lowell Massachuse
TC-21295 Toby Carlisle Consumer United Sta San Diego California
DB-13615 Doug Bickford Consumer United Sta Asheville North Caro
SV-20785 Stewart Visinsky Consumer United Sta Pueblo Colorado
MH-18115 Mick Hernandez Home Office United Sta Jackson Michigan
CT-11995 Carol Triggs Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
KB-16315 Karl Braun Consumer United Sta ThomasvillNorth Caro
RA-19285 Ralph Arnett Consumer United Sta Peoria Illinois
YC-21895 Yoseph Carroll Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
RA-19915 Russell Applegate Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
CM-12160 Charles McCrossin Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
CS-12130 Chad Sievert Consumer United Sta EnglewoodColorado
AJ-10795 Anthony Johnson Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
DL-12865 Dan Lawera Consumer United Sta Hialeah Florida
BE-11410 Bobby Elias Consumer United Sta Lancaster Ohio
SM-20320 Sean Miller Home Office United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
RP-19390 Resi Pölking Consumer United Sta Baltimore Maryland
JD-16015 Joy Daniels Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
AB-10255 Alejandro Ballentine Home Office United Sta Carlsbad New Mexic
CC-12145 Charles Crestani Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
GH-14425 Gary Hwang Consumer United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
CP-12085 Cathy Prescott Corporate United Sta Lakewood Ohio
GM-14440 Gary McGarr Consumer United Sta Troy New York
LC-16885 Lena Creighton Consumer United Sta Wilmingto North Caro
BT-11305 Beth Thompson Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
CP-12085 Cathy Prescott Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
SC-20680 Steve Carroll Home Office United Sta Columbus Georgia
DK-13375 Dennis Kane Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
SE-20110 Sanjit Engle Consumer United Sta Costa Mes California
LF-17185 Luke Foster Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
ON-18715 Odella Nelson Corporate United Sta Cary North Caro
TB-21400 Tom Boeckenhauer Consumer United Sta AlexandriaVirginia
DF-13135 David Flashing Consumer United Sta Vallejo California
EP-13915 Emily Phan Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
SK-19990 Sally Knutson Consumer United Sta Toledo Ohio
FH-14350 Fred Harton Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
EH-13945 Eric Hoffmann Consumer United Sta Plainfield New Jersey
JE-15715 Joe Elijah Consumer United Sta Las Cruces New Mexic
KL-16645 Ken Lonsdale Consumer United Sta Newark Delaware
EB-13750 Edward Becker Corporate United Sta Hoover Alabama
BD-11725 Bruce Degenhardt Consumer United Sta Newark Ohio
MS-17530 MaryBeth Skach Consumer United Sta San Diego California
SC-20770 Stewart Carmichael Corporate United Sta San Franci California
FM-14380 Fred McMath Consumer United Sta Jacksonvill North Caro
KT-16480 Kean Thornton Consumer United Sta Franklin Massachuse
AP-10720 Anne Pryor Home Office United Sta Frisco Texas
RH-19555 Ritsa Hightower Consumer United Sta Tallahasse Florida
CS-11950 Carlos Soltero Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
TM-21010 Tamara Manning Consumer United Sta Vacaville California
HF-14995 Herbert Flentye Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
GA-14515 George Ashbrook Consumer United Sta San Franci California
ES-14020 Erica Smith Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
JP-16135 Julie Prescott Home Office United Sta Columbus Georgia
Dp-13240 Dean percer Home Office United Sta Murray Utah
NK-18490 Neil Knudson Home Office United Sta San Franci California
PL-18925 Paul Lucas Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
RW-19690 Robert Waldorf Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
MO-17950 Michael Oakman Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
JJ-15445 Jennifer Jackson Consumer United Sta Waukesha Wisconsin
BT-11680 Brian Thompson Consumer United Sta Fort LaudeFlorida
RD-19585 Rob Dowd Consumer United Sta Detroit Michigan
ML-17755 Max Ludwig Home Office United Sta SpringfieldOhio
JE-15745 Joel Eaton Consumer United Sta San Diego California
ER-13855 Elpida Rittenbach Corporate United Sta Colorado SColorado
JM-15535 Jessica Myrick Consumer United Sta BakersfieldCalifornia
SS-20140 Saphhira Shifley Corporate United Sta Pompano BFlorida
TC-21295 Toby Carlisle Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
HG-15025 Hunter Glantz Consumer United Sta Lakeville Minnesota
LD-17005 Lisa DeCherney Consumer United Sta Detroit Michigan
AS-10285 Alejandro Savely Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
MP-17965 Michael Paige Corporate United Sta Troy Ohio
CD-12790 Cynthia Delaney Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
MD-17860 Michael Dominguez Corporate United Sta Corpus ChriTexas
BM-11650 Brian Moss Corporate United Sta Omaha Nebraska
KN-16450 Kean Nguyen Corporate United Sta Redondo BCalifornia
IG-15085 Ivan Gibson Consumer United Sta Little Rock Arkansas
JS-15595 Jill Stevenson Corporate United Sta Miami Florida
GA-14725 Guy Armstrong Consumer United Sta Salem Oregon
DL-13330 Denise Leinenbach Consumer United Sta Las Cruces New Mexic
CS-12505 Cindy Stewart Consumer United Sta San Franci California
CC-12145 Charles Crestani Consumer United Sta El Paso Texas
MH-18025 Michelle Huthwaite Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
MP-18175 Mike Pelletier Home Office United Sta MilwaukeeWisconsin
DR-12940 Daniel Raglin Home Office United Sta Franklin Massachuse
DM-13015 Darrin Martin Consumer United Sta Encinitas California
BD-11620 Brian DeCherney Consumer United Sta Anaheim California
DC-12850 Dan Campbell Consumer United Sta Arlington Texas
MT-18070 Michelle Tran Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
MJ-17740 Max Jones Consumer United Sta Lancaster Ohio
ND-18370 Natalie DeCherney Consumer United Sta Portland Oregon
CA-11965 Carol Adams Corporate United Sta Hoover Alabama
GA-14725 Guy Armstrong Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
TC-21295 Toby Carlisle Consumer United Sta Tallahasse Florida
JB-15400 Jennifer Braxton Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
CK-12325 Christine Kargatis Home Office United Sta ChesapeakVirginia
RL-19615 Rob Lucas Consumer United Sta Fayettevill North Caro
AC-10660 Anna Chung Consumer United Sta Huntsville Texas
BH-11710 Brosina Hoffman Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
BG-11695 Brooke Gillingham Corporate United Sta WoodstockIllinois
XP-21865 Xylona Preis Consumer United Sta Everett Massachuse
SN-20560 Skye Norling Home Office United Sta Chicago Illinois
DM-13345 Denise Monton Corporate United Sta Roswell Georgia
AJ-10780 Anthony Jacobs Corporate United Sta Palm CoastFlorida
KC-16255 Karen Carlisle Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
VF-21715 Vicky Freymann Home Office United Sta Columbus Indiana
SV-20935 Susan Vittorini Consumer United Sta Oceanside New York
EM-13810 Eleni McCrary Corporate United Sta Franklin Massachuse
RB-19360 Raymond Buch Consumer United Sta Sioux Falls South Dako
DJ-13510 Don Jones Corporate United Sta San Diego California
CC-12370 Christopher Conant Consumer United Sta Fayettevill North Caro
SC-20380 Shahid Collister Consumer United Sta Atlanta Georgia
RH-19495 Rick Hansen Consumer United Sta Orlando Florida
JK-15370 Jay Kimmel Consumer United Sta San Franci California
AF-10885 Art Foster Consumer United Sta Toledo Ohio
LC-16885 Lena Creighton Consumer United Sta Saint Pete Florida
BF-11275 Beth Fritzler Corporate United Sta Tucson Arizona
SC-20800 Stuart Calhoun Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
SW-20275 Scott Williamson Consumer United Sta San Diego California
MC-17845 Michael Chen Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
TD-20995 Tamara Dahlen Consumer United Sta San Diego California
Dp-13240 Dean percer Home Office United Sta Westfield New Jersey
SD-20485 Shirley Daniels Home Office United Sta Orange New Jersey
TM-21010 Tamara Manning Consumer United Sta WoodstockIllinois
BK-11260 Berenike Kampe Consumer United Sta San Franci California
JF-15490 Jeremy Farry Consumer United Sta San Franci California
EP-13915 Emily Phan Consumer United Sta Tempe Arizona
EP-13915 Emily Phan Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
KH-16630 Ken Heidel Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
HG-14845 Harry Greene Consumer United Sta Lake Charl Louisiana
JC-16105 Julie Creighton Corporate United Sta Rochester New York
KM-16720 Kunst Miller Consumer United Sta Long BeachNew York
EB-13975 Erica Bern Corporate United Sta Charlotte North Caro
PW-19240 Pierre Wener Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
PG-18895 Paul Gonzalez Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
DB-12910 Daniel Byrd Home Office United Sta Columbus Georgia
CR-12730 Craig Reiter Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
KH-16330 Katharine Harms Corporate United Sta Highland PIllinois
CS-12400 Christopher Schild Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
DL-12925 Daniel Lacy Consumer United Sta Eagan Minnesota
ME-17725 Max Engle Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
VD-21670 Valerie Dominguez Consumer United Sta Coral SprinFlorida
CK-12205 Chloris Kastensmidt Consumer United Sta HempsteadNew York
DL-12925 Daniel Lacy Consumer United Sta NoblesvilleIndiana
SE-20110 Sanjit Engle Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
LS-17200 Luke Schmidt Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
MM-17920 Michael Moore Consumer United Sta San Franci California
DB-13270 Deborah Brumfield Home Office United Sta Austin Texas
RW-19630 Rob Williams Corporate United Sta Detroit Michigan
JM-16195 Justin MacKendrick Consumer United Sta WatertownNew York
BP-11155 Becky Pak Consumer United Sta Columbus Georgia
CT-11995 Carol Triggs Consumer United Sta Apple Vall Minnesota
TH-21550 Tracy Hopkins Home Office United Sta Burlington North Caro
ME-17320 Maria Etezadi Home Office United Sta Saginaw Michigan
TT-21220 Thomas Thornton Consumer United Sta San Franci California
GT-14710 Greg Tran Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
JD-16150 Justin Deggeller Corporate United Sta MilwaukeeWisconsin
MC-18100 Mick Crebagga Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
LH-17020 Lisa Hazard Consumer United Sta San Franci California
MP-18175 Mike Pelletier Home Office United Sta San Diego California
EM-14140 Eugene Moren Home Office United Sta Glendale Arizona
GG-14650 Greg Guthrie Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
MA-17995 Michelle Arnett Home Office United Sta WatertownNew York
SH-20395 Shahid Hopkins Consumer United Sta SpringfieldOhio
KT-16465 Kean Takahito Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
PO-19180 Philisse Overcash Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
AY-10555 Andy Yotov Corporate United Sta Oceanside California
Co-12640 Corey-Lock Consumer United Sta Skokie Illinois
JF-15565 Jill Fjeld Consumer United Sta Fayettevill North Caro
AR-10510 Andrew Roberts Consumer United Sta Tulsa Oklahoma
AG-10675 Anna Gayman Consumer United Sta Allen Texas
DV-13045 Darrin Van Huff Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
HL-15040 Hunter Lopez Consumer United Sta Rochester New York
ND-18370 Natalie DeCherney Consumer United Sta Mount PleaSouth Caro
GB-14575 Giulietta Baptist Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
CL-12565 Clay Ludtke Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
RC-19960 Ryan Crowe Consumer United Sta SpringfieldOregon
JB-16045 Julia Barnett Home Office United Sta Columbus Georgia
MC-17635 Matthew Clasen Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
TT-21265 Tim Taslimi Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
MJ-17740 Max Jones Consumer United Sta Detroit Michigan
AT-10735 Annie Thurman Consumer United Sta Stockton California
PB-19150 Philip Brown Consumer United Sta Phoenix Arizona
NW-18400 Natalie Webber Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
VP-21730 Victor Preis Home Office United Sta Sterling HeMichigan
RD-19810 Ross DeVincentis Home Office United Sta Rochester New York
MG-17875 Michael Grace Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
PA-19060 Pete Armstrong Home Office United Sta Eau Claire Wisconsin
CR-12730 Craig Reiter Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
AA-10375 Allen Armold Consumer United Sta Rancho CuCalifornia
JG-15160 James Galang Consumer United Sta Murray Kentucky
RR-19525 Rick Reed Corporate United Sta Toledo Ohio
SR-20425 Sharelle Roach Home Office United Sta Louisville Colorado
LS-16975 Lindsay Shagiari Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
MH-18115 Mick Hernandez Home Office United Sta Pharr Texas
SC-20095 Sanjit Chand Consumer United Sta West JordaUtah
JB-16000 Joy Bell- Consumer United Sta Brownsvill Texas
AC-10450 Amy Cox Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
MO-17800 Meg O'Connel Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
RB-19645 Robert Barroso Corporate United Sta Billings Montana
AI-10855 Arianne Irving Consumer United Sta ChesapeakVirginia
DR-12880 Dan Reichenbach Corporate United Sta Gresham Oregon
DM-12955 Dario Medina Corporate United Sta Lincoln ParMichigan
JH-16180 Justin Hirsh Consumer United Sta Gresham Oregon
AB-10060 Adam Bellavance Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
BD-11605 Brian Dahlen Consumer United Sta Monroe Louisiana
AS-10045 Aaron Smayling Corporate United Sta Pasadena California
ZD-21925 Zuschuss Donatelli Consumer United Sta Chattanoo Tennessee
KF-16285 Karen Ferguson Home Office United Sta Long BeachCalifornia
BP-11230 Benjamin Patterson Consumer United Sta Troy Ohio
CC-12430 Chuck Clark Home Office United Sta MinneapoliMinnesota
DB-13615 Doug Bickford Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
TC-21475 Tony Chapman Home Office United Sta Columbus Georgia
NZ-18565 Nick Zandusky Home Office United Sta Meridian Idaho
SW-20350 Sean Wendt Home Office United Sta Detroit Michigan
TS-21370 Todd Sumrall Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
HH-15010 Hilary Holden Corporate United Sta San Franci California
DM-13345 Denise Monton Corporate United Sta Newark Ohio
RE-19450 Richard Eichhorn Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
JD-16150 Justin Deggeller Corporate United Sta Newark Delaware
BF-11215 Benjamin Farhat Home Office United Sta Albuquerq New Mexic
ML-17755 Max Ludwig Home Office United Sta Toledo Ohio
YC-21895 Yoseph Carroll Corporate United Sta Newark Delaware
LR-16915 Lena Radford Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
BS-11755 Bruce Stewart Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
KM-16375 Katherine Murray Home Office United Sta Dallas Texas
BT-11530 Bradley Talbott Home Office United Sta San Diego California
KB-16405 Katrina Bavinger Home Office United Sta Apple Vall California
DW-13480 Dianna Wilson Home Office United Sta Louisville Kentucky
JC-15340 Jasper Cacioppo Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
TP-21415 Tom Prescott Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
DB-12910 Daniel Byrd Home Office United Sta HendersonKentucky
BH-11710 Brosina Hoffman Consumer United Sta Newark Delaware
TD-20995 Tamara Dahlen Consumer United Sta BolingbrooIllinois
CV-12805 Cynthia Voltz Corporate United Sta Fort WorthTexas
CS-12355 Christine Sundaresam Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
JG-15310 Jason Gross Corporate United Sta ProvidenceRhode Isla
JP-16135 Julie Prescott Home Office United Sta Columbus Ohio
EC-14050 Erin Creighton Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
KH-16630 Ken Heidel Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
FG-14260 Frank Gastineau Home Office United Sta Aurora Illinois
AA-10480 Andrew Allen Consumer United Sta SpringfieldMissouri
MS-17770 Maxwell Schwartz Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
JE-15610 Jim Epp Corporate United Sta Lakeland Florida
EB-14110 Eugene Barchas Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
BP-11155 Becky Pak Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
CC-12100 Chad Cunningham Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JP-15460 Jennifer Patt Corporate United Sta Oceanside New York
LS-16975 Lindsay Shagiari Home Office United Sta Dallas Texas
JL-15850 John Lucas Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
CY-12745 Craig Yedwab Corporate United Sta San AntoniTexas
RB-19360 Raymond Buch Consumer United Sta Cincinnati Ohio
AR-10825 Anthony Rawles Corporate United Sta Austin Texas
CS-11845 Cari Sayre Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
AR-10825 Anthony Rawles Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
RD-19810 Ross DeVincentis Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
KH-16510 Keith Herrera Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
NF-18385 Natalie Fritzler Consumer United Sta Newark Ohio
SM-20950 Suzanne McNair Corporate United Sta Maple GroMinnesota
GH-14410 Gary Hansen Home Office United Sta Glendale Arizona
EM-13810 Eleni McCrary Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
DB-13210 Dean Braden Consumer United Sta Jacksonvill North Caro
PT-19090 Pete Takahito Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
HF-14995 Herbert Flentye Consumer United Sta San Franci California
KW-16435 Katrina Willman Consumer United Sta Lansing Michigan
KC-16675 Kimberly Carter Corporate United Sta Tallahasse Florida
PK-19075 Pete Kriz Consumer United Sta Columbia South Caro
KT-16465 Kean Takahito Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
EP-13915 Emily Phan Consumer United Sta Detroit Michigan
AP-10915 Arthur Prichep Consumer United Sta Fort CollinsColorado
SH-20395 Shahid Hopkins Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
SM-20950 Suzanne McNair Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
BM-11650 Brian Moss Corporate United Sta Columbia Maryland
TC-20980 Tamara Chand Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
KB-16585 Ken Black Corporate United Sta Lowell Massachuse
JE-16165 Justin Ellison Corporate United Sta Woodland California
DR-12940 Daniel Raglin Home Office United Sta Chicago Illinois
RW-19630 Rob Williams Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
ML-18040 Michelle Lonsdale Corporate United Sta Missouri CiTexas
JL-15130 Jack Lebron Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
CM-12655 Corinna Mitchell Home Office United Sta Jackson Mississippi
FH-14365 Fred Hopkins Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
EH-13945 Eric Hoffmann Consumer United Sta Tempe Arizona
TB-21280 Toby Braunhardt Consumer United Sta Jacksonvill North Caro
AH-10030 Aaron Hawkins Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
TT-21070 Ted Trevino Consumer United Sta Akron Ohio
RD-19900 Ruben Dartt Consumer United Sta San Diego California
LA-16780 Laura Armstrong Corporate United Sta Fresno California
SH-19975 Sally Hughsby Corporate United Sta Pearland Texas
SF-20200 Sarah Foster Consumer United Sta Richmond Indiana
TH-21235 Tiffany House Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
VG-21790 Vivek Gonzalez Consumer United Sta San MateoCalifornia
NP-18325 Naresj Patel Consumer United Sta Oakland California
FH-14275 Frank Hawley Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
JP-15460 Jennifer Patt Corporate United Sta Lakewood New Jersey
ES-14080 Erin Smith Corporate United Sta Tempe Arizona
KL-16645 Ken Lonsdale Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
BN-11515 Bradley Nguyen Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
ND-18370 Natalie DeCherney Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
JL-15130 Jack Lebron Consumer United Sta Riverside California
RC-19825 Roy Collins Consumer United Sta Fairfield Connecticu
CC-12475 Cindy Chapman Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
DW-13195 David Wiener Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
CK-12760 Cyma Kinney Corporate United Sta Arlington Virginia
EG-13900 Emily Grady Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
SJ-20215 Sarah Jordon Consumer United Sta Grand PrairTexas
BP-11185 Ben Peterman Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
SJ-20125 Sanjit Jacobs Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
MC-17590 Matt Collister Corporate United Sta Grand RapiMichigan
BG-11740 Bruce Geld Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
MA-17560 Matt Abelman Home Office United Sta Chicago Illinois
CC-12220 Chris Cortes Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
RA-19885 Ruben Ausman Corporate United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
DK-12835 Damala Kotsonis Corporate United Sta Franklin Tennessee
LB-16795 Laurel Beltran Home Office United Sta Highland PIllinois
CM-11815 Candace McMahon Corporate United Sta Pasadena Texas
TS-21205 Thomas Seio Corporate United Sta San Franci California
RF-19345 Randy Ferguson Corporate United Sta Miami Florida
JF-15565 Jill Fjeld Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
EH-14185 Evan Henry Consumer United Sta Decatur Alabama
VW-21775 Victoria Wilson Corporate United Sta Sioux Falls South Dako
KN-16450 Kean Nguyen Corporate United Sta Visalia California
SJ-20215 Sarah Jordon Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
PS-19045 Penelope Sewall Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
KM-16225 Kalyca Meade Corporate United Sta Overland PKansas
GM-14695 Greg Maxwell Corporate United Sta AlexandriaVirginia
KT-16465 Kean Takahito Consumer United Sta Raleigh North Caro
MH-17785 Maya Herman Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
AF-10885 Art Foster Consumer United Sta Fairfield Ohio
JP-16135 Julie Prescott Home Office United Sta Muskogee Oklahoma
RD-19585 Rob Dowd Consumer United Sta Temecula California
JF-15295 Jason Fortune- Consumer United Sta Sterling HeMichigan
CK-12595 Clytie Kelty Consumer United Sta San Diego California
KH-16510 Keith Herrera Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
CM-12655 Corinna Mitchell Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
EB-13870 Emily Burns Consumer United Sta Phoenix Arizona
MW-18235 Mitch Willingham Corporate United Sta San Franci California
CS-11950 Carlos Soltero Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
SP-20620 Stefania Perrino Corporate United Sta Laredo Texas
GT-14635 Grant Thornton Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
LW-17215 Luke Weiss Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
AH-10030 Aaron Hawkins Corporate United Sta Gulfport Mississippi
TH-21100 Thea Hendricks Consumer United Sta San Diego California
HG-15025 Hunter Glantz Consumer United Sta Oceanside New York
EB-13750 Edward Becker Corporate United Sta Round RocTexas
SC-20725 Steven Cartwright Consumer United Sta Redlands California
TS-21505 Tony Sayre Consumer United Sta Columbia Tennessee
TH-21550 Tracy Hopkins Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
KD-16270 Karen Daniels Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
GM-14455 Gary Mitchum Home Office United Sta Chicago Illinois
PR-18880 Patrick Ryan Consumer United Sta Oakland California
TB-21055 Ted Butterfield Consumer United Sta Quincy Massachuse
ON-18715 Odella Nelson Corporate United Sta Yucaipa California
AH-10195 Alan Haines Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
NM-18520 Neoma Murray Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
AR-10510 Andrew Roberts Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
BM-11650 Brian Moss Corporate United Sta San Diego California
CA-12310 Christine Abelman Corporate United Sta Bristol Connecticu
NF-18595 Nicole Fjeld Home Office United Sta Chicago Illinois
AF-10870 Art Ferguson Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
TC-21535 Tracy Collins Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
Dp-13240 Dean percer Home Office United Sta Revere Massachuse
MC-17425 Mark Cousins Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
LC-17050 Liz Carlisle Consumer United Sta Mission VieCalifornia
BM-11650 Brian Moss Corporate United Sta Dallas Texas
NW-18400 Natalie Webber Consumer United Sta Las Vegas Nevada
TB-21280 Toby Braunhardt Consumer United Sta Norman Oklahoma
BS-11755 Bruce Stewart Consumer United Sta San Franci California
SO-20335 Sean O'Donnell Consumer United Sta HempsteadNew York
CS-12490 Cindy Schnelling Corporate United Sta Conroe Texas
PO-19180 Philisse Overcash Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
TD-20995 Tamara Dahlen Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
SP-20620 Stefania Perrino Corporate United Sta Tampa Florida
MS-17365 Maribeth Schnelling Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
Dp-13240 Dean percer Home Office United Sta Charlotte North Caro
DB-13660 Duane Benoit Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
MG-17650 Matthew Grinstein Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
EH-14185 Evan Henry Consumer United Sta Pasadena Texas
CL-11890 Carl Ludwig Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
KF-16285 Karen Ferguson Home Office United Sta IndianapoliIndiana
DH-13075 Dave Hallsten Corporate United Sta Richmond Kentucky
LA-16780 Laura Armstrong Corporate United Sta Tinley ParkIllinois
HZ-14950 Henia Zydlo Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
CM-12190 Charlotte Melton Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
LB-16795 Laurel Beltran Home Office United Sta Columbus Ohio
JF-15490 Jeremy Farry Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
GM-14695 Greg Maxwell Corporate United Sta San Franci California
SS-20590 Sonia Sunley Consumer United Sta Madison Wisconsin
TC-21475 Tony Chapman Home Office United Sta Aurora Colorado
CC-12430 Chuck Clark Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
CL-12565 Clay Ludtke Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
DE-13255 Deanra Eno Home Office United Sta Dubuque Iowa
SZ-20035 Sam Zeldin Home Office United Sta Lancaster Ohio
LF-17185 Luke Foster Consumer United Sta Inglewood California
AB-10165 Alan Barnes Consumer United Sta Bellevue Washingto
NM-18520 Neoma Murray Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
RA-19945 Ryan Akin Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
PO-19195 Phillina Ober Home Office United Sta San Franci California
KA-16525 Kelly Andreada Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
JD-16150 Justin Deggeller Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
JO-15145 Jack O'Briant Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
LE-16810 Laurel Elliston Consumer United Sta Newark Delaware
AH-10690 Anna Häberlin Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
KN-16705 Kristina Nunn Home Office United Sta Auburn Alabama
TB-21250 Tim Brockman Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
DP-13390 Dennis Pardue Home Office United Sta San Franci California
KN-16705 Kristina Nunn Home Office United Sta Raleigh North Caro
ST-20530 Shui Tom Consumer United Sta Macon Georgia
EB-13870 Emily Burns Consumer United Sta Nashville Tennessee
AH-10210 Alan Hwang Consumer United Sta Nashville Tennessee
AS-10090 Adam Shillingsburg Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
EM-13825 Elizabeth Moffitt Corporate United Sta Dallas Texas
KA-16525 Kelly Andreada Consumer United Sta Perth AmbNew Jersey
HJ-14875 Heather Jas Home Office United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
ND-18370 Natalie DeCherney Consumer United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
EH-13765 Edward Hooks Corporate United Sta Revere Massachuse
MC-17845 Michael Chen Consumer United Sta Jackson Mississippi
MH-17455 Mark Hamilton Consumer United Sta Jacksonvill North Caro
CL-11890 Carl Ludwig Consumer United Sta San Franci California
SF-20965 Sylvia Foulston Corporate United Sta Columbus Ohio
EP-13915 Emily Phan Consumer United Sta Dearborn HMichigan
RW-19630 Rob Williams Corporate United Sta Overland PKansas
SJ-20500 Shirley Jackson Consumer United Sta Santa Fe New Mexic
SP-20620 Stefania Perrino Corporate United Sta San Franci California
PJ-19015 Pauline Johnson Consumer United Sta Mobile Alabama
CC-12610 Corey Catlett Corporate United Sta SpringfieldVirginia
MY-18295 Muhammed Yedwab Corporate United Sta Newark Delaware
DB-13210 Dean Braden Consumer United Sta Hickory North Caro
MG-17875 Michael Grace Home Office United Sta Fort LaudeFlorida
RH-19600 Rob Haberlin Consumer United Sta Carol Stre Illinois
KB-16240 Karen Bern Corporate United Sta Saint CloudMinnesota
CA-12055 Cathy Armstrong Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JK-15730 Joe Kamberova Consumer United Sta Mobile Alabama
RD-19930 Russell D'Ascenzo Consumer United Sta Austin Texas
JK-16120 Julie Kriz Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
SC-20020 Sam Craven Consumer United Sta Plano Texas
HW-14935 Helen Wasserman Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
SC-20800 Stuart Calhoun Consumer United Sta Jackson Mississippi
HA-14920 Helen Andreada Consumer United Sta Fayettevill North Caro
MG-17875 Michael Grace Home Office United Sta Aurora Illinois
DM-12955 Dario Medina Corporate United Sta SacramentCalifornia
DM-13345 Denise Monton Corporate United Sta Des MoineIowa
ML-17395 Marina Lichtenstein Corporate United Sta San Diego California
GA-14515 George Ashbrook Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
SU-20665 Stephanie Ulpright Home Office United Sta Jackson Mississippi
BD-11320 Bill Donatelli Consumer United Sta San Diego California
DB-13405 Denny Blanton Consumer United Sta Orlando Florida
RP-19855 Roy Phan Corporate United Sta Lafayette Indiana
EH-13765 Edward Hooks Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
JL-15835 John Lee Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
FM-14380 Fred McMath Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
SB-20290 Sean Braxton Corporate United Sta HendersonKentucky
SV-20365 Seth Vernon Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
MM-17920 Michael Moore Consumer United Sta College StaTexas
RD-19810 Ross DeVincentis Home Office United Sta Richmond Kentucky
ME-17320 Maria Etezadi Home Office United Sta Chicago Illinois
FH-14275 Frank Hawley Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
PO-18865 Patrick O'Donnell Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
CC-12550 Clay Cheatham Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
TS-21505 Tony Sayre Consumer United Sta San Franci California
MD-17350 Maribeth Dona Consumer United Sta Akron Ohio
GT-14755 Guy Thornton Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
RD-19660 Robert Dilbeck Home Office United Sta IndependeMissouri
DB-12910 Daniel Byrd Home Office United Sta Dallas Texas
JK-15640 Jim Kriz Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
FC-14335 Fred Chung Corporate United Sta Mesquite Texas
JW-15955 Joni Wasserman Consumer United Sta Long BeachNew York
DC-12850 Dan Campbell Consumer United Sta North Mia Florida
FM-14290 Frank Merwin Home Office United Sta BakersfieldCalifornia
MT-17815 Meg Tillman Consumer United Sta Jackson Mississippi
DK-13090 Dave Kipp Consumer United Sta Fremont Nebraska
KD-16495 Keith Dawkins Corporate United Sta Jackson Michigan
AG-10300 Aleksandra Gannaway Corporate United Sta San Franci California
MH-18115 Mick Hernandez Home Office United Sta Lancaster Ohio
AC-10450 Amy Cox Consumer United Sta Lafayette Louisiana
FM-14290 Frank Merwin Home Office United Sta Richmond Kentucky
RA-19285 Ralph Arnett Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
JG-15160 James Galang Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
NZ-18565 Nick Zandusky Home Office United Sta Toledo Ohio
KM-16225 Kalyca Meade Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
LC-17140 Logan Currie Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
NP-18700 Nora Preis Consumer United Sta Denver Colorado
RB-19330 Randy Bradley Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
TH-21550 Tracy Hopkins Home Office United Sta Columbia Maryland
CK-12595 Clytie Kelty Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
ST-20530 Shui Tom Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
GB-14530 George Bell Corporate United Sta Newark Ohio
NC-18535 Nick Crebassa Corporate United Sta Dallas Texas
AB-10255 Alejandro Ballentine Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
SC-20770 Stewart Carmichael Corporate United Sta San AntoniTexas
JC-15340 Jasper Cacioppo Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
RA-19285 Ralph Arnett Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
SH-19975 Sally Hughsby Corporate United Sta Smyrna Tennessee
JC-15775 John Castell Consumer United Sta Macon Georgia
BC-11125 Becky Castell Home Office United Sta San Franci California
JH-15985 Joseph Holt Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
CC-12610 Corey Catlett Corporate United Sta Columbus Ohio
DB-12970 Darren Budd Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
PP-18955 Paul Prost Home Office United Sta SpringfieldOhio
MC-17845 Michael Chen Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
VF-21715 Vicky Freymann Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
MC-17275 Marc Crier Consumer United Sta Memphis Tennessee
DB-13210 Dean Braden Consumer United Sta Detroit Michigan
AJ-10945 Ashley Jarboe Consumer United Sta Lawrence Indiana
CP-12340 Christine Phan Corporate United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
DB-13555 Dorothy Badders Corporate United Sta Dublin Ohio
EB-13750 Edward Becker Corporate United Sta Plantation Florida
JP-15460 Jennifer Patt Corporate United Sta Glendale Arizona
SC-20050 Sample Company A Home Office United Sta Jackson Michigan
FM-14290 Frank Merwin Home Office United Sta Quincy Massachuse
TB-21250 Tim Brockman Consumer United Sta Salem Oregon
EH-14125 Eugene Hildebrand Home Office United Sta Troy Ohio
ML-17410 Maris LaWare Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
MH-17620 Matt Hagelstein Corporate United Sta San Diego California
BT-11680 Brian Thompson Consumer United Sta Clinton Maryland
JC-15340 Jasper Cacioppo Consumer United Sta Riverside California
DB-13210 Dean Braden Consumer United Sta Port Saint Florida
DO-13435 Denny Ordway Consumer United Sta Mesa Arizona
FA-14230 Frank Atkinson Corporate United Sta Denver Colorado
QJ-19255 Quincy Jones Corporate United Sta SpringfieldVirginia
TC-21475 Tony Chapman Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
ON-18715 Odella Nelson Corporate United Sta Tempe Arizona
AD-10180 Alan Dominguez Home Office United Sta Yonkers New York
AC-10615 Ann Chong Corporate United Sta Rochester New York
MF-17665 Maureen Fritzler Corporate United Sta Toledo Ohio
DH-13075 Dave Hallsten Corporate United Sta Decatur Alabama
EN-13780 Edward Nazzal Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
SS-20140 Saphhira Shifley Corporate United Sta Mesquite Texas
RS-19765 Roland Schwarz Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JW-15955 Joni Wasserman Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
JK-15625 Jim Karlsson Consumer United Sta Olympia Washingto
JO-15550 Jesus Ocampo Home Office United Sta Omaha Nebraska
TP-21130 Theone Pippenger Consumer United Sta Columbus Georgia
BS-11590 Brendan Sweed Corporate United Sta Columbus Indiana
AB-10255 Alejandro Ballentine Home Office United Sta Jackson Mississippi
FO-14305 Frank Olsen Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
MF-17665 Maureen Fritzler Corporate United Sta Phoenix Arizona
SA-20830 Sue Ann Reed Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
SH-19975 Sally Hughsby Corporate United Sta Denver Colorado
JL-15235 Janet Lee Consumer United Sta Newark Delaware
KH-16630 Ken Heidel Corporate United Sta Clinton Maryland
RM-19750 Roland Murray Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
VM-21835 Vivian Mathis Consumer United Sta Newark Delaware
LH-17155 Logan Haushalter Consumer United Sta Jackson Michigan
WB-21850 William Brown Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
AP-10915 Arthur Prichep Consumer United Sta Rock Hill South Caro
RA-19915 Russell Applegate Consumer United Sta Columbus Georgia
DR-12880 Dan Reichenbach Corporate United Sta Inglewood California
JG-15310 Jason Gross Corporate United Sta Odessa Texas
LC-16870 Lena Cacioppo Consumer United Sta Newark Ohio
GB-14530 George Bell Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
CK-12205 Chloris Kastensmidt Consumer United Sta Everett Massachuse
TS-21160 Theresa Swint Corporate United Sta West Allis Wisconsin
MH-18025 Michelle Huthwaite Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
DM-12955 Dario Medina Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
JJ-15760 Joel Jenkins Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
KB-16585 Ken Black Corporate United Sta Hialeah Florida
CM-12160 Charles McCrossin Consumer United Sta San Franci California
FM-14215 Filia McAdams Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
RF-19735 Roland Fjeld Consumer United Sta Columbia South Caro
JK-15370 Jay Kimmel Consumer United Sta Miami Florida
JB-16045 Julia Barnett Home Office United Sta Chula VistaCalifornia
PN-18775 Parhena Norris Home Office United Sta Miami Florida
LF-17185 Luke Foster Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
RH-19510 Rick Huthwaite Home Office United Sta ManhattanKansas
MC-17575 Matt Collins Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
MN-17935 Michael Nguyen Consumer United Sta Memphis Tennessee
EH-14125 Eugene Hildebrand Home Office United Sta Fort LaudeFlorida
TC-21535 Tracy Collins Home Office United Sta Columbus Ohio
JD-15895 Jonathan Doherty Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
IL-15100 Ivan Liston Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
SW-20350 Sean Wendt Home Office United Sta Omaha Nebraska
DP-13390 Dennis Pardue Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
BT-11395 Bill Tyler Corporate United Sta Altoona Pennsylvan
JE-15475 Jeremy Ellison Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
EJ-13720 Ed Jacobs Consumer United Sta San Diego California
BE-11410 Bobby Elias Consumer United Sta Miami Florida
KL-16555 Kelly Lampkin Corporate United Sta GreensborNorth Caro
NC-18415 Nathan Cano Consumer United Sta Jacksonvill North Caro
AH-10690 Anna Häberlin Corporate United Sta Plantation Florida
PK-19075 Pete Kriz Consumer United Sta MilwaukeeWisconsin
NG-18430 Nathan Gelder Consumer United Sta Quincy Illinois
ZD-21925 Zuschuss Donatelli Consumer United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
NW-18400 Natalie Webber Consumer United Sta Mobile Alabama
HG-14845 Harry Greene Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
CC-12685 Craig Carroll Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
JG-15805 John Grady Corporate United Sta Dallas Texas
RW-19540 Rick Wilson Corporate United Sta Detroit Michigan
LS-17230 Lycoris Saunders Consumer United Sta Dover Delaware
MY-18295 Muhammed Yedwab Corporate United Sta Columbus Ohio
JM-15655 Jim Mitchum Corporate United Sta Glendale Arizona
KM-16720 Kunst Miller Consumer United Sta North Las Nevada
KE-16420 Katrina Edelman Corporate United Sta Bristol Tennessee
TS-21370 Todd Sumrall Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
SZ-20035 Sam Zeldin Home Office United Sta Canton Michigan
JE-15745 Joel Eaton Consumer United Sta Fayettevill Arkansas
MS-17980 Michael Stewart Corporate United Sta SpringfieldMissouri
DH-13675 Duane Huffman Home Office United Sta Quincy Massachuse
GT-14755 Guy Thornton Consumer United Sta Rockford Illinois
GH-14410 Gary Hansen Home Office United Sta San Franci California
DM-13015 Darrin Martin Consumer United Sta San AntoniTexas
TC-21295 Toby Carlisle Consumer United Sta Thornton Colorado
JK-16120 Julie Kriz Home Office United Sta Chicago Illinois
NC-18415 Nathan Cano Consumer United Sta Yonkers New York
AJ-10960 Astrea Jones Consumer United Sta San Diego California
LC-16885 Lena Creighton Consumer United Sta ChampaignIllinois
GW-14605 Giulietta Weimer Consumer United Sta San Franci California
SC-20305 Sean Christensen Consumer United Sta Lawrence Indiana
JF-15355 Jay Fein Consumer United Sta San Diego California
DM-13015 Darrin Martin Consumer United Sta Johnson CiTennessee
EP-13915 Emily Phan Consumer United Sta Tampa Florida
JG-15805 John Grady Corporate United Sta Decatur Illinois
PF-19120 Peter Fuller Consumer United Sta Gilbert Arizona
DW-13195 David Wiener Corporate United Sta Knoxville Tennessee
CK-12595 Clytie Kelty Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
CC-12670 Craig Carreira Consumer United Sta Bloomingt Indiana
SV-20785 Stewart Visinsky Consumer United Sta Roswell Georgia
SP-20860 Sung Pak Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
MS-17770 Maxwell Schwartz Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
TC-21475 Tony Chapman Home Office United Sta BolingbrooIllinois
SJ-20125 Sanjit Jacobs Home Office United Sta Texarkana Arkansas
DS-13180 David Smith Corporate United Sta San AntoniTexas
SC-20800 Stuart Calhoun Consumer United Sta Edinburg Texas
SH-20395 Shahid Hopkins Consumer United Sta Toledo Ohio
SF-20965 Sylvia Foulston Corporate United Sta Baytown Texas
MG-17680 Maureen Gastineau Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
CS-12400 Christopher Schild Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
VT-21700 Valerie Takahito Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
AB-10105 Adrian Barton Consumer United Sta Pearland Texas
MM-18280 Muhammed MacIntyre Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
ML-17410 Maris LaWare Consumer United Sta Phoenix Arizona
KD-16495 Keith Dawkins Corporate United Sta ChesapeakVirginia
RF-19735 Roland Fjeld Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
SC-20305 Sean Christensen Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
BN-11515 Bradley Nguyen Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
JS-15880 John Stevenson Consumer United Sta Harlingen Texas
VG-21805 Vivek Grady Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
AW-10840 Anthony Witt Consumer United Sta BakersfieldCalifornia
LS-17230 Lycoris Saunders Consumer United Sta Grand PrairTexas
MH-17455 Mark Hamilton Consumer United Sta Greenwoo Indiana
TS-21340 Toby Swindell Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
EH-13945 Eric Hoffmann Consumer United Sta Memphis Tennessee
MG-17695 Maureen Gnade Consumer United Sta Buffalo New York
DO-13435 Denny Ordway Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
AF-10870 Art Ferguson Consumer United Sta HomesteadFlorida
SN-20710 Steve Nguyen Home Office United Sta Pasadena Texas
MO-17500 Mary O'Rourke Consumer United Sta Freeport New York
ON-18715 Odella Nelson Corporate United Sta Denver Colorado
SC-20095 Sanjit Chand Consumer United Sta Quincy Massachuse
MS-17710 Maurice Satty Consumer United Sta Detroit Michigan
DN-13690 Duane Noonan Consumer United Sta San Franci California
RB-19360 Raymond Buch Consumer United Sta Nashville Tennessee
NH-18610 Nicole Hansen Corporate United Sta Detroit Michigan
ED-13885 Emily Ducich Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
PW-19240 Pierre Wener Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
DM-13345 Denise Monton Corporate United Sta Asheville North Caro
DW-13540 Don Weiss Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
EH-14125 Eugene Hildebrand Home Office United Sta Colorado SColorado
KE-16420 Katrina Edelman Corporate United Sta San AntoniTexas
SP-20920 Susan Pistek Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
PS-19045 Penelope Sewall Home Office United Sta Sterling HeMichigan
JM-15250 Janet Martin Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
EB-13930 Eric Barreto Consumer United Sta Richmond Virginia
FG-14260 Frank Gastineau Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
TH-21235 Tiffany House Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
PL-18925 Paul Lucas Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
CC-12370 Christopher Conant Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JM-15535 Jessica Myrick Consumer United Sta Lakewood California
KF-16285 Karen Ferguson Home Office United Sta Plainfield New Jersey
CS-12175 Charles Sheldon Corporate United Sta Columbia Tennessee
AR-10540 Andy Reiter Consumer United Sta WoonsockeRhode Isla
MS-17770 Maxwell Schwartz Consumer United Sta Lancaster Pennsylvan
DB-13120 David Bremer Corporate United Sta Tampa Florida
DK-12895 Dana Kaydos Consumer United Sta Kenosha Wisconsin
MP-17965 Michael Paige Corporate United Sta Port Saint Florida
Dp-13240 Dean percer Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
CC-12220 Chris Cortes Consumer United Sta San AntoniTexas
KM-16660 Khloe Miller Consumer United Sta Roswell Georgia
MK-17905 Michael Kennedy Corporate United Sta Louisville Colorado
SC-20725 Steven Cartwright Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
CC-12475 Cindy Chapman Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
BT-11305 Beth Thompson Home Office United Sta Superior Wisconsin
FH-14350 Fred Harton Consumer United Sta Atlanta Georgia
AA-10645 Anna Andreadi Consumer United Sta Chester Pennsylvan
JO-15145 Jack O'Briant Corporate United Sta San Franci California
SF-20965 Sylvia Foulston Corporate United Sta Bedford Texas
CS-12355 Christine Sundaresam Consumer United Sta Lafayette Louisiana
SN-20710 Steve Nguyen Home Office United Sta Covington Washingto
JM-15655 Jim Mitchum Corporate United Sta Lorain Ohio
FH-14350 Fred Harton Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
AJ-10795 Anthony Johnson Corporate United Sta San Franci California
JF-15565 Jill Fjeld Consumer United Sta San Franci California
CS-11845 Cari Sayre Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
SP-20920 Susan Pistek Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
KE-16420 Katrina Edelman Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
GA-14515 George Ashbrook Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
SM-20950 Suzanne McNair Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
DK-12985 Darren Koutras Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
LC-16885 Lena Creighton Consumer United Sta Oakland California
XP-21865 Xylona Preis Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
CS-11845 Cari Sayre Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
BD-11770 Bryan Davis Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
DL-13330 Denise Leinenbach Consumer United Sta Concord North Caro
KH-16630 Ken Heidel Corporate United Sta Charlotte North Caro
TP-21415 Tom Prescott Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
NP-18685 Nora Pelletier Home Office United Sta IndianapoliIndiana
SC-20680 Steve Carroll Home Office United Sta Broken Ar Oklahoma
DK-12895 Dana Kaydos Consumer United Sta Miramar Florida
SM-20950 Suzanne McNair Corporate United Sta Omaha Nebraska
LS-17245 Lynn Smith Consumer United Sta Jacksonvill North Caro
KE-16420 Katrina Edelman Corporate United Sta Tigard Oregon
MC-17635 Matthew Clasen Corporate United Sta Decatur Illinois
Dp-13240 Dean percer Home Office United Sta Phoenix Arizona
LC-16930 Linda Cazamias Corporate United Sta SacramentCalifornia
LH-16900 Lena Hernandez Consumer United Sta Jonesboro Arkansas
TB-21175 Thomas Boland Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
JM-15865 John Murray Consumer United Sta Akron Ohio
KW-16435 Katrina Willman Consumer United Sta Florence Kentucky
SC-20095 Sanjit Chand Consumer United Sta MinneapoliMinnesota
ZC-21910 Zuschuss Carroll Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
RB-19465 Rick Bensley Home Office United Sta Fremont Nebraska
JK-15370 Jay Kimmel Consumer United Sta San Diego California
DD-13570 Dorothy Dickinson Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
MC-17275 Marc Crier Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
DL-13495 Dionis Lloyd Corporate United Sta Detroit Michigan
NC-18625 Noah Childs Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
AC-10450 Amy Cox Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
TS-21340 Toby Swindell Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
MM-17920 Michael Moore Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
LP-17080 Liz Pelletier Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
BG-11695 Brooke Gillingham Corporate United Sta WatertownNew York
MG-18145 Mike Gockenbach Consumer United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
GZ-14470 Gary Zandusky Consumer United Sta Arlington Virginia
JL-15835 John Lee Consumer United Sta Charlotte North Caro
DO-13435 Denny Ordway Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
AB-10600 Ann Blume Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
KB-16315 Karl Braun Consumer United Sta HollywoodFlorida
TT-21070 Ted Trevino Consumer United Sta ChesapeakVirginia
PV-18985 Paul Van Hugh Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
DD-13570 Dorothy Dickinson Consumer United Sta AlexandriaVirginia
KD-16495 Keith Dawkins Corporate United Sta Deer Park Texas
RA-19285 Ralph Arnett Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
SS-20590 Sonia Sunley Consumer United Sta Wichita Kansas
JH-15820 John Huston Consumer United Sta Midland Michigan
EH-14125 Eugene Hildebrand Home Office United Sta San Franci California
TP-21415 Tom Prescott Consumer United Sta Freeport New York
RB-19330 Randy Bradley Consumer United Sta Austin Texas
CB-12025 Cassandra Brandow Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
MP-17965 Michael Paige Corporate United Sta Bristol Tennessee
SW-20245 Scot Wooten Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
SM-20950 Suzanne McNair Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
AP-10915 Arthur Prichep Consumer United Sta Columbus Georgia
AH-10465 Amy Hunt Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
EP-13915 Emily Phan Consumer United Sta Dover New Hamps
TP-21565 Tracy Poddar Corporate United Sta Aurora Colorado
AR-10825 Anthony Rawles Corporate United Sta Long BeachNew York
HA-14920 Helen Andreada Consumer United Sta Pasadena California
HJ-14875 Heather Jas Home Office United Sta Mesa Arizona
JK-15370 Jay Kimmel Consumer United Sta Fresno California
JF-15355 Jay Fein Consumer United Sta Columbia South Caro
EK-13795 Eileen Kiefer Home Office United Sta Santa Ana California
RS-19765 Roland Schwarz Corporate United Sta Columbia South Caro
BD-11320 Bill Donatelli Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
BF-11170 Ben Ferrer Home Office United Sta San Franci California
JK-15730 Joe Kamberova Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
CR-12820 Cyra Reiten Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
AG-10300 Aleksandra Gannaway Corporate United Sta Franklin Massachuse
CM-12160 Charles McCrossin Consumer United Sta Baltimore Maryland
SG-20890 Susan Gilcrest Corporate United Sta Mcallen Texas
CS-12175 Charles Sheldon Corporate United Sta Iowa City Iowa
HL-15040 Hunter Lopez Consumer United Sta Newark Delaware
DM-13015 Darrin Martin Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
HK-14890 Heather Kirkland Corporate United Sta Boise Idaho
BG-11740 Bruce Geld Consumer United Sta San Diego California
CK-12595 Clytie Kelty Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
RF-19735 Roland Fjeld Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
CJ-12010 Caroline Jumper Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
MA-17560 Matt Abelman Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
AM-10705 Anne McFarland Consumer United Sta Cranston Rhode Isla
AH-10585 Angele Hood Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
PF-19120 Peter Fuller Consumer United Sta Richmond Kentucky
RD-19480 Rick Duston Consumer United Sta MishawakaIndiana
JL-15505 Jeremy Lonsdale Consumer United Sta Mount VerNew York
AB-10600 Ann Blume Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
NC-18535 Nick Crebassa Corporate United Sta San Franci California
TB-21400 Tom Boeckenhauer Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
SJ-20215 Sarah Jordon Consumer United Sta Quincy Illinois
EB-13840 Ellis Ballard Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
WB-21850 William Brown Consumer United Sta Urbandale Iowa
SR-20740 Steven Roelle Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
VG-21805 Vivek Grady Corporate United Sta Richmond Indiana
LS-16945 Linda Southworth Corporate United Sta Dallas Texas
MA-17560 Matt Abelman Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
NF-18475 Neil Französisch Home Office United Sta Rockford Illinois
MD-17860 Michael Dominguez Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
MZ-17335 Maria Zettner Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
KB-16600 Ken Brennan Corporate United Sta Grand RapiMichigan
MA-17995 Michelle Arnett Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
ME-17320 Maria Etezadi Home Office United Sta SpringfieldVirginia
JD-15895 Jonathan Doherty Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
LS-16975 Lindsay Shagiari Home Office United Sta Baltimore Maryland
SJ-20500 Shirley Jackson Consumer United Sta Fairfield Connecticu
BS-11365 Bill Shonely Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
RA-19285 Ralph Arnett Consumer United Sta Lakeland Florida
TS-21610 Troy Staebel Consumer United Sta Freeport Illinois
KB-16585 Ken Black Corporate United Sta Medford Oregon
MM-18280 Muhammed MacIntyre Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
LO-17170 Lori Olson Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
RS-19420 Ricardo Sperren Corporate United Sta Fairfield Connecticu
CC-12475 Cindy Chapman Consumer United Sta MoorheadMinnesota
KT-16480 Kean Thornton Consumer United Sta Columbus Georgia
DM-13015 Darrin Martin Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
EP-13915 Emily Phan Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
AM-10705 Anne McFarland Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
SH-20635 Stefanie Holloman Corporate United Sta Jackson Tennessee
LA-16780 Laura Armstrong Corporate United Sta Baltimore Maryland
SF-20200 Sarah Foster Consumer United Sta Murray Utah
AG-10495 Andrew Gjertsen Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
KN-16450 Kean Nguyen Corporate United Sta Dallas Texas
NF-18595 Nicole Fjeld Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
BS-11365 Bill Shonely Corporate United Sta Lakewood New Jersey
RM-19675 Robert Marley Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
AB-10105 Adrian Barton Consumer United Sta IndianapoliIndiana
CA-11965 Carol Adams Corporate United Sta Port Arthu Texas
EH-14005 Erica Hernandez Home Office United Sta Nashville Tennessee
ON-18715 Odella Nelson Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
AT-10435 Alyssa Tate Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
EB-13870 Emily Burns Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
DW-13195 David Wiener Corporate United Sta Redmond Oregon
MB-17305 Maria Bertelson Consumer United Sta Citrus HeigCalifornia
TH-21235 Tiffany House Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
PO-18850 Patrick O'Brill Consumer United Sta Tallahasse Florida
DE-13255 Deanra Eno Home Office United Sta Lakewood Ohio
MO-17500 Mary O'Rourke Consumer United Sta The ColonyTexas
AH-10585 Angele Hood Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
CS-12250 Chris Selesnick Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
WB-21850 William Brown Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
SP-20620 Stefania Perrino Corporate United Sta Long BeachNew York
AB-10165 Alan Barnes Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
HA-14920 Helen Andreada Consumer United Sta San Franci California
DC-13285 Debra Catini Consumer United Sta Richmond Virginia
ST-20530 Shui Tom Consumer United Sta Albuquerq New Mexic
KB-16315 Karl Braun Consumer United Sta Akron Ohio
TB-21355 Todd Boyes Corporate United Sta Plainfield New Jersey
JC-15775 John Castell Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
PO-18850 Patrick O'Brill Consumer United Sta Hialeah Florida
SS-20875 Sung Shariari Consumer United Sta Redmond Washingto
RD-19720 Roger Demir Consumer United Sta Daytona B Florida
GZ-14470 Gary Zandusky Consumer United Sta Bullhead CiArizona
SN-20710 Steve Nguyen Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
DK-12895 Dana Kaydos Consumer United Sta Franklin Tennessee
VM-21835 Vivian Mathis Consumer United Sta Portage Indiana
GB-14575 Giulietta Baptist Consumer United Sta Arlington Virginia
ND-18370 Natalie DeCherney Consumer United Sta San Franci California
MM-17260 Magdelene Morse Consumer United Sta New RochelNew York
MV-17485 Mark Van Huff Consumer United Sta Mesa Arizona
JL-15130 Jack Lebron Consumer United Sta Lancaster Ohio
AG-10330 Alex Grayson Consumer United Sta Stockton California
MD-17860 Michael Dominguez Corporate United Sta Asheville North Caro
RO-19780 Rose O'Brian Consumer United Sta Clarksville Tennessee
RR-19315 Ralph Ritter Consumer United Sta Aurora Illinois
CP-12340 Christine Phan Corporate United Sta Warwick Rhode Isla
LL-16840 Lauren Leatherbury Consumer United Sta Lafayette Louisiana
NC-18340 Nat Carroll Consumer United Sta Fargo North Dako
HA-14920 Helen Andreada Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
MA-17995 Michelle Arnett Home Office United Sta Lawrence Indiana
LH-16900 Lena Hernandez Consumer United Sta Elkhart Indiana
SB-20290 Sean Braxton Corporate United Sta Kent Ohio
BT-11305 Beth Thompson Home Office United Sta San GabrieCalifornia
PS-18970 Paul Stevenson Home Office United Sta HendersonKentucky
TB-21625 Trudy Brown Consumer United Sta San Franci California
RA-19915 Russell Applegate Consumer United Sta Highland PIllinois
BP-11095 Bart Pistole Corporate United Sta San Franci California
CD-11920 Carlos Daly Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
KB-16585 Ken Black Corporate United Sta Dallas Texas
SW-20245 Scot Wooten Consumer United Sta SpringfieldOhio
AH-10690 Anna Häberlin Corporate United Sta San Diego California
JL-15835 John Lee Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
GZ-14470 Gary Zandusky Consumer United Sta Columbia Maryland
RC-19825 Roy Collins Consumer United Sta Colorado SColorado
CL-12565 Clay Ludtke Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
MW-18220 Mitch Webber Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
BF-10975 Barbara Fisher Corporate United Sta Columbus Indiana
SN-20710 Steve Nguyen Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
TB-21280 Toby Braunhardt Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
JB-15400 Jennifer Braxton Corporate United Sta Lawrence Massachuse
AH-10210 Alan Hwang Consumer United Sta San Franci California
KL-16645 Ken Lonsdale Consumer United Sta Detroit Michigan
MH-17455 Mark Hamilton Consumer United Sta Hamilton Ohio
EC-14050 Erin Creighton Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
GH-14665 Greg Hansen Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
SC-20095 Sanjit Chand Consumer United Sta Margate Florida
TB-21355 Todd Boyes Corporate United Sta Sandy Spri Georgia
DW-13195 David Wiener Corporate United Sta Albuquerq New Mexic
CL-12565 Clay Ludtke Consumer United Sta Tulsa Oklahoma
LT-17110 Liz Thompson Consumer United Sta Orange New Jersey
AP-10915 Arthur Prichep Consumer United Sta HendersonKentucky
CB-12415 Christy Brittain Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
MT-17815 Meg Tillman Consumer United Sta Port Arthu Texas
DK-13375 Dennis Kane Consumer United Sta Westland Michigan
SR-20740 Steven Roelle Home Office United Sta Bloomingt Indiana
LH-17155 Logan Haushalter Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
AA-10645 Anna Andreadi Consumer United Sta San Franci California
AS-10630 Ann Steele Home Office United Sta San Franci California
MC-17575 Matt Collins Consumer United Sta San Jose California
SE-20110 Sanjit Engle Consumer United Sta Denver Colorado
DS-13030 Darrin Sayre Home Office United Sta Aurora Colorado
NS-18640 Noel Staavos Corporate United Sta Boise Idaho
KA-16525 Kelly Andreada Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
DJ-13510 Don Jones Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
MG-17680 Maureen Gastineau Home Office United Sta Mentor Ohio
BD-11620 Brian DeCherney Consumer United Sta Lawton Oklahoma
CD-11920 Carlos Daly Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
XP-21865 Xylona Preis Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
CA-12055 Cathy Armstrong Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
JM-15250 Janet Martin Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JK-15730 Joe Kamberova Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
CC-12670 Craig Carreira Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
GW-14605 Giulietta Weimer Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
GR-14560 Georgia Rosenberg Corporate United Sta San Franci California
FM-14215 Filia McAdams Corporate United Sta BakersfieldCalifornia
MS-17980 Michael Stewart Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
BF-11170 Ben Ferrer Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
VS-21820 Vivek Sundaresam Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
KM-16225 Kalyca Meade Corporate United Sta SpringfieldMissouri
LP-17095 Liz Preis Consumer United Sta Phoenix Arizona
BG-11740 Bruce Geld Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
BW-11200 Ben Wallace Consumer United Sta Hampton Virginia
PS-18970 Paul Stevenson Home Office United Sta Tulsa Oklahoma
RB-19570 Rob Beeghly Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
JW-16075 Julia West Consumer United Sta San Franci California
ND-18460 Neil Ducich Corporate United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
LC-16930 Linda Cazamias Corporate United Sta Richmond Indiana
BP-11095 Bart Pistole Corporate United Sta Louisville Colorado
RD-19720 Roger Demir Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
BE-11335 Bill Eplett Home Office United Sta Rome New York
RS-19765 Roland Schwarz Corporate United Sta Marion Ohio
KC-16540 Kelly Collister Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
MB-17305 Maria Bertelson Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
TN-21040 Tanja Norvell Home Office United Sta Manteca California
MC-18130 Mike Caudle Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
VF-21715 Vicky Freymann Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
ES-14080 Erin Smith Corporate United Sta ProvidenceRhode Isla
MK-17905 Michael Kennedy Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
TM-21490 Tony Molinari Consumer United Sta Oklahoma O C klahoma
RL-19615 Rob Lucas Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
NM-18520 Neoma Murray Consumer United Sta ManchesteConnecticu
GK-14620 Grace Kelly Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JF-15490 Jeremy Farry Consumer United Sta San Franci California
EB-13930 Eric Barreto Consumer United Sta La Crosse Wisconsin
SG-20470 Sheri Gordon Consumer United Sta Florence South Caro
ND-18370 Natalie DeCherney Consumer United Sta Glendale Arizona
CM-11815 Candace McMahon Corporate United Sta El Paso Texas
EB-13870 Emily Burns Consumer United Sta San AntoniTexas
HM-14860 Harry Marie Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
SJ-20125 Sanjit Jacobs Home Office United Sta Miramar Florida
DM-12955 Dario Medina Corporate United Sta Mesa Arizona
MC-17575 Matt Collins Consumer United Sta Fayettevill North Caro
DB-13660 Duane Benoit Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
NF-18595 Nicole Fjeld Home Office United Sta San Jose California
NM-18445 Nathan Mautz Home Office United Sta Wichita Kansas
AB-10255 Alejandro Ballentine Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
MG-17650 Matthew Grinstein Home Office United Sta Jackson Michigan
SE-20110 Sanjit Engle Consumer United Sta Lewiston Idaho
AG-10765 Anthony Garverick Home Office United Sta Hampton Virginia
AS-10045 Aaron Smayling Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
AR-10405 Allen Rosenblatt Corporate United Sta Hattiesbur Mississippi
AP-10720 Anne Pryor Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
JB-16000 Joy Bell- Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
TS-21430 Tom Stivers Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
NL-18310 Nancy Lomonaco Home Office United Sta Danville California
MC-18130 Mike Caudle Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
TC-21475 Tony Chapman Home Office United Sta WashingtoDistrict of
MG-17650 Matthew Grinstein Home Office United Sta MilwaukeeWisconsin
MG-17890 Michael Granlund Home Office United Sta Baltimore Maryland
BF-11170 Ben Ferrer Home Office United Sta Jacksonvill North Caro
MS-17770 Maxwell Schwartz Consumer United Sta Rochester New York
JE-15745 Joel Eaton Consumer United Sta Oceanside California
HG-14965 Henry Goldwyn Corporate United Sta Gulfport Mississippi
EP-13915 Emily Phan Consumer United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
GH-14410 Gary Hansen Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
DS-13180 David Smith Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
TH-21550 Tracy Hopkins Home Office United Sta Everett Massachuse
RM-19675 Robert Marley Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
SF-20965 Sylvia Foulston Corporate United Sta Wilmingto Delaware
SO-20335 Sean O'Donnell Consumer United Sta Columbia Tennessee
CK-12760 Cyma Kinney Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
GA-14725 Guy Armstrong Consumer United Sta Mount PleaMichigan
BD-11725 Bruce Degenhardt Consumer United Sta San Franci California
DS-13180 David Smith Corporate United Sta San Franci California
BS-11380 Bill Stewart Corporate United Sta San Franci California
AP-10915 Arthur Prichep Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JF-15565 Jill Fjeld Consumer United Sta Newport NVirginia
HA-14905 Helen Abelman Consumer United Sta Fort CollinsColorado
Co-12640 Corey-Lock Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
BC-11125 Becky Castell Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
EB-13840 Ellis Ballard Corporate United Sta Richmond Virginia
DB-13360 Dennis Bolton Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
KB-16585 Ken Black Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
AH-10120 Adrian Hane Home Office United Sta San Franci California
GH-14410 Gary Hansen Home Office United Sta Perth AmbNew Jersey
KT-16480 Kean Thornton Consumer United Sta San Franci California
KH-16330 Katharine Harms Corporate United Sta Freeport Illinois
SV-20785 Stewart Visinsky Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
PO-18850 Patrick O'Brill Consumer United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
AC-10450 Amy Cox Consumer United Sta Pembroke Florida
KB-16585 Ken Black Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
DB-13555 Dorothy Badders Corporate United Sta Fort WorthTexas
KL-16645 Ken Lonsdale Consumer United Sta Detroit Michigan
AG-10270 Alejandro Grove Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
JF-15295 Jason Fortune- Consumer United Sta Logan Utah
RE-19450 Richard Eichhorn Consumer United Sta Auburn New York
MV-18190 Mike Vittorini Consumer United Sta Raleigh North Caro
GB-14530 George Bell Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
HL-15040 Hunter Lopez Consumer United Sta Richmond Indiana
BP-11155 Becky Pak Consumer United Sta Lancaster Pennsylvan
CT-11995 Carol Triggs Consumer United Sta Tucson Arizona
JL-15835 John Lee Consumer United Sta Detroit Michigan
JK-16120 Julie Kriz Home Office United Sta Austin Texas
DH-13075 Dave Hallsten Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
AG-10900 Arthur Gainer Consumer United Sta WaterburyConnecticu
WB-21850 William Brown Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JO-15280 Jas O'Carroll Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
EJ-13720 Ed Jacobs Consumer United Sta Huntsville Texas
AB-10105 Adrian Barton Consumer United Sta Portland Oregon
LT-16765 Larry Tron Consumer United Sta Louisville Colorado
CM-12655 Corinna Mitchell Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
EM-13960 Eric Murdock Consumer United Sta Baltimore Maryland
DJ-13420 Denny Joy Corporate United Sta San Franci California
DE-13255 Deanra Eno Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
NR-18550 Nick Radford Consumer United Sta Aurora Illinois
CK-12325 Christine Kargatis Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
JF-15490 Jeremy Farry Consumer United Sta Athens Georgia
LB-16795 Laurel Beltran Home Office United Sta Apopka Florida
MP-18175 Mike Pelletier Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
LH-16900 Lena Hernandez Consumer United Sta San Franci California
SV-20935 Susan Vittorini Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
RB-19435 Richard Bierner Consumer United Sta San Diego California
Dl-13600 Dorris liebe Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
PS-19045 Penelope Sewall Home Office United Sta Lewiston Maine
GT-14755 Guy Thornton Consumer United Sta Long BeachCalifornia
CS-12355 Christine Sundaresam Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
JD-16060 Julia Dunbar Consumer United Sta Rochester Minnesota
TS-21160 Theresa Swint Corporate United Sta San Franci California
BV-11245 Benjamin Venier Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
DL-13495 Dionis Lloyd Corporate United Sta Spokane Washingto
EB-13870 Emily Burns Consumer United Sta Franklin Tennessee
ES-14020 Erica Smith Consumer United Sta Jackson Tennessee
JB-15925 Joni Blumstein Consumer United Sta Austin Texas
SC-20380 Shahid Collister Consumer United Sta Pembroke Florida
EB-13870 Emily Burns Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
TC-21475 Tony Chapman Home Office United Sta Danville Illinois
SG-20605 Speros Goranitis Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
BM-11785 Bryan Mills Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
NR-18550 Nick Radford Consumer United Sta Chula VistaCalifornia
PG-18820 Patrick Gardner Consumer United Sta San Franci California
DB-13270 Deborah Brumfield Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
NS-18640 Noel Staavos Corporate United Sta San AntoniTexas
CS-11860 Cari Schnelling Consumer United Sta Jacksonvill North Caro
CC-12430 Chuck Clark Home Office United Sta San Franci California
AC-10450 Amy Cox Consumer United Sta Avondale Arizona
CM-12385 Christopher Martinez Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
EK-13795 Eileen Kiefer Home Office United Sta Escondido California
CK-12760 Cyma Kinney Corporate United Sta Long BeachNew York
PK-19075 Pete Kriz Consumer United Sta Newark Delaware
MH-18025 Michelle Huthwaite Consumer United Sta Buffalo New York
SC-20725 Steven Cartwright Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
GB-14575 Giulietta Baptist Consumer United Sta Wichita Kansas
IM-15070 Irene Maddox Consumer United Sta Colorado SColorado
MM-18055 Michelle Moray Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
MF-18250 Monica Federle Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
CK-12595 Clytie Kelty Consumer United Sta Marietta Georgia
MK-17905 Michael Kennedy Corporate United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
MH-17455 Mark Hamilton Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
NG-18430 Nathan Gelder Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
PB-19210 Phillip Breyer Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
RE-19450 Richard Eichhorn Consumer United Sta Eau Claire Wisconsin
EB-14110 Eugene Barchas Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
TB-21625 Trudy Brown Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
MG-17695 Maureen Gnade Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
LW-17125 Liz Willingham Consumer United Sta Norwich Connecticu
PF-19120 Peter Fuller Consumer United Sta San AntoniTexas
NZ-18565 Nick Zandusky Home Office United Sta Yuma Arizona
CK-12205 Chloris Kastensmidt Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
JE-15610 Jim Epp Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JO-15145 Jack O'Briant Corporate United Sta Richmond Kentucky
TT-21220 Thomas Thornton Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
MS-17365 Maribeth Schnelling Consumer United Sta Wausau Wisconsin
MP-18175 Mike Pelletier Home Office United Sta San Franci California
FH-14350 Fred Harton Consumer United Sta Dublin Ohio
SC-20050 Sample Company A Home Office United Sta HendersonKentucky
NM-18520 Neoma Murray Consumer United Sta Bowling GrOhio
JO-15280 Jas O'Carroll Consumer United Sta Memphis Tennessee
CC-12475 Cindy Chapman Consumer United Sta Lakewood New Jersey
MZ-17515 Mary Zewe Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
MS-17830 Melanie Seite Consumer United Sta Rochester New York
GK-14620 Grace Kelly Corporate United Sta Salem Oregon
MC-17275 Marc Crier Consumer United Sta Pasco Washingto
LH-17155 Logan Haushalter Consumer United Sta Oakland California
PB-19150 Philip Brown Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
SS-20140 Saphhira Shifley Corporate United Sta Oak Park Illinois
GK-14620 Grace Kelly Corporate United Sta Morristow New Jersey
GM-14455 Gary Mitchum Home Office United Sta Austin Texas
SH-19975 Sally Hughsby Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
SC-20725 Steven Cartwright Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
TT-21070 Ted Trevino Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
SC-20440 Shaun Chance Corporate United Sta Lancaster Pennsylvan
KL-16645 Ken Lonsdale Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
KN-16390 Katherine Nockton Corporate United Sta Columbus Ohio
SL-20155 Sara Luxemburg Home Office United Sta Durham North Caro
PW-19240 Pierre Wener Consumer United Sta Pensacola Florida
TB-21175 Thomas Boland Corporate United Sta HendersonKentucky
AH-10210 Alan Hwang Consumer United Sta Anaheim California
SC-20695 Steve Chapman Corporate United Sta Detroit Michigan
RF-19345 Randy Ferguson Corporate United Sta Marietta Georgia
EH-13765 Edward Hooks Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
AC-10660 Anna Chung Consumer United Sta Parma Ohio
SG-20470 Sheri Gordon Consumer United Sta Gresham Oregon
CA-12310 Christine Abelman Corporate United Sta Anaheim California
SH-20395 Shahid Hopkins Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
MC-17605 Matt Connell Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
JE-15610 Jim Epp Corporate United Sta Concord New Hamps
MS-17530 MaryBeth Skach Consumer United Sta Fairfield Ohio
BH-11710 Brosina Hoffman Consumer United Sta Johnson CiTennessee
ME-17725 Max Engle Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
MB-17305 Maria Bertelson Consumer United Sta League Cit Texas
BM-11575 Brendan Murry Corporate United Sta GaithersbuMaryland
SC-20575 Sonia Cooley Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
MH-18115 Mick Hernandez Home Office United Sta Huntsville Alabama
AR-10345 Alex Russell Corporate United Sta Lawrence Massachuse
MO-17500 Mary O'Rourke Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
AD-10180 Alan Dominguez Home Office United Sta Fairfield Connecticu
KD-16345 Katherine Ducich Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
FM-14215 Filia McAdams Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
ZC-21910 Zuschuss Carroll Consumer United Sta Aurora Colorado
KS-16300 Karen Seio Corporate United Sta Lehi Utah
DP-13390 Dennis Pardue Home Office United Sta TuscaloosaAlabama
BD-11605 Brian Dahlen Consumer United Sta San Franci California
IL-15100 Ivan Liston Consumer United Sta Wilmingto Delaware
LP-17095 Liz Preis Consumer United Sta Lafayette Indiana
JH-15985 Joseph Holt Consumer United Sta Redondo BCalifornia
JD-16015 Joy Daniels Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
BD-11320 Bill Donatelli Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
DL-13330 Denise Leinenbach Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
NC-18415 Nathan Cano Consumer United Sta Royal Oak Michigan
AS-10225 Alan Schoenberger Corporate United Sta San Franci California
MS-17980 Michael Stewart Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
TS-21205 Thomas Seio Corporate United Sta North Las Nevada
JK-15730 Joe Kamberova Consumer United Sta Carrollton Texas
TC-21535 Tracy Collins Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
AB-10015 Aaron Bergman Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
DP-13000 Darren Powers Consumer United Sta Fort LaudeFlorida
CY-12745 Craig Yedwab Corporate United Sta Columbia Tennessee
BE-11455 Brad Eason Home Office United Sta ProvidenceRhode Isla
KL-16555 Kelly Lampkin Corporate United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
PS-19045 Penelope Sewall Home Office United Sta Oceanside California
JR-16210 Justin Ritter Corporate United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
AH-10210 Alan Hwang Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
RW-19630 Rob Williams Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
AH-10075 Adam Hart Corporate United Sta HuntingtonCalifornia
IM-15070 Irene Maddox Consumer United Sta San Diego California
CK-12760 Cyma Kinney Corporate United Sta Nashville Tennessee
AG-10390 Allen Goldenen Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
CL-12700 Craig Leslie Home Office United Sta Colorado SColorado
AW-10930 Arthur Wiediger Home Office United Sta San Franci California
HG-14965 Henry Goldwyn Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
RB-19645 Robert Barroso Corporate United Sta Memphis Tennessee
SZ-20035 Sam Zeldin Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
KS-16300 Karen Seio Corporate United Sta Raleigh North Caro
SC-20050 Sample Company A Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
AB-10060 Adam Bellavance Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
EH-14125 Eugene Hildebrand Home Office United Sta Newport NVirginia
CC-12475 Cindy Chapman Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
TM-21010 Tamara Manning Consumer United Sta Jackson Mississippi
SC-20695 Steve Chapman Corporate United Sta Richmond Indiana
Dp-13240 Dean percer Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
LR-17035 Lisa Ryan Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
TS-21370 Todd Sumrall Corporate United Sta Phoenix Arizona
SW-20350 Sean Wendt Home Office United Sta Cleveland Ohio
TH-21100 Thea Hendricks Consumer United Sta Toledo Ohio
SS-20410 Shahid Shariari Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
MZ-17515 Mary Zewe Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
JE-15475 Jeremy Ellison Consumer United Sta San Diego California
RF-19735 Roland Fjeld Consumer United Sta Oklahoma O C klahoma
CV-12295 Christina VanderZanden Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
VG-21790 Vivek Gonzalez Consumer United Sta San Franci California
BB-11545 Brenda Bowman Corporate United Sta Vineland New Jersey
HR-14770 Hallie Redmond Home Office United Sta MilwaukeeWisconsin
SC-20260 Scott Cohen Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
EG-13900 Emily Grady Consumer United Sta Naperville Illinois
TS-21370 Todd Sumrall Corporate United Sta Wilmingto Delaware
AI-10855 Arianne Irving Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
DD-13570 Dorothy Dickinson Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
AB-10060 Adam Bellavance Home Office United Sta Des MoineWashingto
KB-16240 Karen Bern Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
JC-15775 John Castell Consumer United Sta Atlanta Georgia
AH-10465 Amy Hunt Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
NM-18520 Neoma Murray Consumer United Sta Moreno ValCalifornia
CS-11950 Carlos Soltero Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
TP-21130 Theone Pippenger Consumer United Sta GeorgetowKentucky
DL-12925 Daniel Lacy Consumer United Sta MinneapoliMinnesota
CA-12265 Christina Anderson Consumer United Sta Wilmingto Delaware
SC-20380 Shahid Collister Consumer United Sta Burlington North Caro
TT-21460 Tonja Turnell Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
MA-17560 Matt Abelman Home Office United Sta Trenton Michigan
JM-16195 Justin MacKendrick Consumer United Sta San Franci California
MB-18085 Mick Brown Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
SV-20365 Seth Vernon Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
CG-12040 Catherine Glotzbach Home Office United Sta MilwaukeeWisconsin
BD-11500 Bradley Drucker Consumer United Sta San Franci California
JK-15640 Jim Kriz Home Office United Sta Cleveland Ohio
JM-15580 Jill Matthias Consumer United Sta Monroe North Caro
SC-20230 Scot Coram Corporate United Sta Lowell Massachuse
ME-17320 Maria Etezadi Home Office United Sta Dallas Texas
KN-16390 Katherine Nockton Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
HM-14860 Harry Marie Corporate United Sta Loveland Colorado
JM-15580 Jill Matthias Consumer United Sta Loveland Colorado
KH-16690 Kristen Hastings Corporate United Sta WoonsockeRhode Isla
BK-11260 Berenike Kampe Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
PN-18775 Parhena Norris Home Office United Sta BakersfieldCalifornia
AZ-10750 Annie Zypern Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
GM-14500 Gene McClure Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
BM-11785 Bryan Mills Consumer United Sta Deltona Florida
NH-18610 Nicole Hansen Corporate United Sta Columbus Georgia
PN-18775 Parhena Norris Home Office United Sta Nashville Tennessee
EH-13765 Edward Hooks Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
HA-14905 Helen Abelman Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
AB-10150 Aimee Bixby Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
MS-17365 Maribeth Schnelling Consumer United Sta Carlsbad New Mexic
DD-13570 Dorothy Dickinson Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
MT-17815 Meg Tillman Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
GM-14500 Gene McClure Consumer United Sta Oceanside New York
KB-16585 Ken Black Corporate United Sta Lafayette Louisiana
DM-13015 Darrin Martin Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
BP-11185 Ben Peterman Corporate United Sta Anaheim California
EP-13915 Emily Phan Consumer United Sta Deltona Florida
FG-14260 Frank Gastineau Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
AB-10255 Alejandro Ballentine Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
RD-19480 Rick Duston Consumer United Sta San Diego California
TS-21430 Tom Stivers Corporate United Sta Oklahoma O C klahoma
JA-15970 Joseph Airdo Consumer United Sta Mount VerNew York
SW-20455 Shaun Weien Consumer United Sta San Franci California
FP-14320 Frank Preis Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
JL-15835 John Lee Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JL-15175 James Lanier Home Office United Sta Chandler Arizona
JG-15160 James Galang Consumer United Sta Long BeachNew York
SH-19975 Sally Hughsby Corporate United Sta San Franci California
LS-17200 Luke Schmidt Corporate United Sta Helena Montana
CS-11860 Cari Schnelling Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
KW-16570 Kelly Williams Consumer United Sta Kirkwood Missouri
GH-14410 Gary Hansen Home Office United Sta Chicago Illinois
AG-10495 Andrew Gjertsen Corporate United Sta Peoria Arizona
TS-21430 Tom Stivers Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
AJ-10945 Ashley Jarboe Consumer United Sta Taylor Michigan
SJ-20215 Sarah Jordon Consumer United Sta Pasadena California
SC-20020 Sam Craven Consumer United Sta Midland Michigan
LA-16780 Laura Armstrong Corporate United Sta Detroit Michigan
FC-14335 Fred Chung Corporate United Sta Pueblo Colorado
CA-12265 Christina Anderson Consumer United Sta Waco Texas
JH-15985 Joseph Holt Consumer United Sta San Franci California
AJ-10795 Anthony Johnson Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
BT-11395 Bill Tyler Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
DJ-13510 Don Jones Corporate United Sta WoonsockeRhode Isla
AG-10675 Anna Gayman Consumer United Sta Columbus Georgia
JD-15790 John Dryer Consumer United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
EH-14125 Eugene Hildebrand Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
ZC-21910 Zuschuss Carroll Consumer United Sta Columbus Indiana
XP-21865 Xylona Preis Consumer United Sta Pasadena Texas
DK-12985 Darren Koutras Consumer United Sta San Franci California
CS-12250 Chris Selesnick Corporate United Sta Columbia South Caro
AI-10855 Arianne Irving Consumer United Sta Kent Washingto
AA-10315 Alex Avila Consumer United Sta Round RocTexas
RE-19450 Richard Eichhorn Consumer United Sta Oakland California
TM-21010 Tamara Manning Consumer United Sta Auburn New York
YS-21880 Yana Sorensen Corporate United Sta Newark Delaware
AZ-10750 Annie Zypern Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
CM-12445 Chuck Magee Consumer United Sta Redlands California
JB-16000 Joy Bell- Consumer United Sta Roseville Michigan
NS-18640 Noel Staavos Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
LC-16930 Linda Cazamias Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
CA-12775 Cynthia Arntzen Consumer United Sta Detroit Michigan
SR-20425 Sharelle Roach Home Office United Sta Detroit Michigan
PP-18955 Paul Prost Home Office United Sta SpringfieldMissouri
JM-15865 John Murray Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
AS-10090 Adam Shillingsburg Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
LS-16975 Lindsay Shagiari Home Office United Sta San Franci California
SA-20830 Sue Ann Reed Consumer United Sta Fresno California
LS-17200 Luke Schmidt Corporate United Sta Texarkana Arkansas
TM-21490 Tony Molinari Consumer United Sta San Franci California
TT-21265 Tim Taslimi Corporate United Sta IndianapoliIndiana
DN-13690 Duane Noonan Consumer United Sta Columbia Maryland
EB-14110 Eugene Barchas Consumer United Sta San Jose California
CM-11815 Candace McMahon Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
HM-14860 Harry Marie Corporate United Sta Carrollton Texas
KM-16375 Katherine Murray Home Office United Sta Arlington Virginia
BF-11020 Barry Französisch Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JE-15745 Joel Eaton Consumer United Sta Frankfort Illinois
EJ-14155 Eva Jacobs Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
BN-11470 Brad Norvell Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
EC-14050 Erin Creighton Consumer United Sta Columbus Georgia
TT-21220 Thomas Thornton Consumer United Sta Virginia BeVirginia
NP-18685 Nora Pelletier Home Office United Sta Des MoineWashingto
AH-10195 Alan Haines Corporate United Sta BethlehemPennsylvan
CC-12145 Charles Crestani Consumer United Sta Oklahoma O C klahoma
DL-13315 Delfina Latchford Consumer United Sta Rancho CuCalifornia
XP-21865 Xylona Preis Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
MA-17560 Matt Abelman Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
SZ-20035 Sam Zeldin Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
CS-11845 Cari Sayre Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
MH-18115 Mick Hernandez Home Office United Sta Yonkers New York
CB-12025 Cassandra Brandow Consumer United Sta San Franci California
JO-15145 Jack O'Briant Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
PA-19060 Pete Armstrong Home Office United Sta Miami Florida
SV-20785 Stewart Visinsky Consumer United Sta Burlington Vermont
KL-16555 Kelly Lampkin Corporate United Sta Fayettevill Arkansas
BC-11125 Becky Castell Home Office United Sta Odessa Texas
PO-18850 Patrick O'Brill Consumer United Sta Virginia BeVirginia
AG-10675 Anna Gayman Consumer United Sta MilwaukeeWisconsin
DB-13210 Dean Braden Consumer United Sta Detroit Michigan
SP-20860 Sung Pak Corporate United Sta Rochester Minnesota
Dl-13600 Dorris liebe Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
LH-17020 Lisa Hazard Consumer United Sta Louisville Colorado
AD-10180 Alan Dominguez Home Office United Sta San Franci California
KT-16465 Kean Takahito Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
PJ-19015 Pauline Johnson Consumer United Sta Miami Florida
MC-18100 Mick Crebagga Consumer United Sta Medina Ohio
BO-11350 Bill Overfelt Corporate United Sta Roseville Minnesota
DP-13000 Darren Powers Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
TM-21490 Tony Molinari Consumer United Sta Yonkers New York
DV-13045 Darrin Van Huff Corporate United Sta San Diego California
AH-10690 Anna Häberlin Corporate United Sta SpringfieldVirginia
AB-10165 Alan Barnes Consumer United Sta Decatur Illinois
JS-15940 Joni Sundaresam Home Office United Sta Garland Texas
BV-11245 Benjamin Venier Corporate United Sta Oceanside New York
NC-18415 Nathan Cano Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
SU-20665 Stephanie Ulpright Home Office United Sta Greenville North Caro
DJ-13510 Don Jones Corporate United Sta San Franci California
DL-12865 Dan Lawera Consumer United Sta GreensborNorth Caro
Dp-13240 Dean percer Home Office United Sta Knoxville Tennessee
TM-21010 Tamara Manning Consumer United Sta Grand Isla Nebraska
TZ-21580 Tracy Zic Consumer United Sta Lakewood California
SC-20260 Scott Cohen Corporate United Sta Lawrence Massachuse
LS-17230 Lycoris Saunders Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
MV-18190 Mike Vittorini Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
BD-11620 Brian DeCherney Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
CV-12295 Christina VanderZanden Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
KB-16315 Karl Braun Consumer United Sta Newark Delaware
ME-18010 Michelle Ellison Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
AJ-10780 Anthony Jacobs Corporate United Sta Scottsdale Arizona
DV-13465 Dianna Vittorini Consumer United Sta Oceanside New York
JK-15325 Jason Klamczynski Corporate United Sta Dallas Texas
SH-20395 Shahid Hopkins Consumer United Sta Rochester New York
SC-20725 Steven Cartwright Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
CS-12250 Chris Selesnick Corporate United Sta WoodburyMinnesota
LH-16900 Lena Hernandez Consumer United Sta Park RidgeIllinois
YC-21895 Yoseph Carroll Corporate United Sta Dallas Texas
CY-12745 Craig Yedwab Corporate United Sta Monroe Louisiana
AH-10030 Aaron Hawkins Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
AR-10540 Andy Reiter Consumer United Sta San Franci California
SS-20590 Sonia Sunley Consumer United Sta San Franci California
DW-13585 Dorothy Wardle Corporate United Sta Fayettevill North Caro
NC-18625 Noah Childs Corporate United Sta Dallas Texas
CD-11920 Carlos Daly Consumer United Sta Wichita Kansas
DW-13195 David Wiener Corporate United Sta SpringfieldOregon
EH-13990 Erica Hackney Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
BD-11320 Bill Donatelli Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
KH-16630 Ken Heidel Corporate United Sta Akron Ohio
NH-18610 Nicole Hansen Corporate United Sta Oak Park Michigan
AG-10495 Andrew Gjertsen Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
RP-19855 Roy Phan Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
NB-18655 Nona Balk Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
JM-15580 Jill Matthias Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
DM-13525 Don Miller Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
CC-12220 Chris Cortes Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
GA-14725 Guy Armstrong Consumer United Sta Rogers Arkansas
CV-12805 Cynthia Voltz Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
NC-18535 Nick Crebassa Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
GR-14560 Georgia Rosenberg Corporate United Sta Wilmingto Delaware
JG-15805 John Grady Corporate United Sta Provo Utah
EB-13750 Edward Becker Corporate United Sta San Franci California
MC-17605 Matt Connell Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
BM-11650 Brian Moss Corporate United Sta Lancaster Ohio
HF-14995 Herbert Flentye Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
ML-18265 Muhammed Lee Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
AH-10195 Alan Haines Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
TZ-21580 Tracy Zic Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
DM-13345 Denise Monton Corporate United Sta San Franci California
TS-21505 Tony Sayre Consumer United Sta Clovis New Mexic
TB-21625 Trudy Brown Consumer United Sta Wichita Kansas
LC-16870 Lena Cacioppo Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
AM-10360 Alice McCarthy Corporate United Sta Omaha Nebraska
JE-15715 Joe Elijah Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
CS-11950 Carlos Soltero Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
PF-19225 Phillip Flathmann Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
PJ-18835 Patrick Jones Corporate United Sta Richmond Kentucky
JF-15490 Jeremy Farry Consumer United Sta WaterburyConnecticu
NM-18520 Neoma Murray Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
MH-17290 Marc Harrigan Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
SZ-20035 Sam Zeldin Home Office United Sta San Franci California
PR-18880 Patrick Ryan Consumer United Sta Saint Pete Florida
FC-14245 Frank Carlisle Home Office United Sta Lakewood Ohio
LH-16750 Larry Hughes Consumer United Sta Chandler Arizona
RM-19675 Robert Marley Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
DM-13525 Don Miller Corporate United Sta Palm CoastFlorida
EH-14185 Evan Henry Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
TC-21295 Toby Carlisle Consumer United Sta Jupiter Florida
AI-10855 Arianne Irving Consumer United Sta Glendale Arizona
JM-15535 Jessica Myrick Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
BE-11335 Bill Eplett Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
DR-12880 Dan Reichenbach Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
TA-21385 Tom Ashbrook Home Office United Sta Olathe Kansas
KN-16705 Kristina Nunn Home Office United Sta Sparks Nevada
PJ-18835 Patrick Jones Corporate United Sta Rockford Illinois
MC-17605 Matt Connell Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
BS-11755 Bruce Stewart Consumer United Sta Edmonds Washingto
PK-19075 Pete Kriz Consumer United Sta San Franci California
TS-21205 Thomas Seio Corporate United Sta Asheville North Caro
BD-11725 Bruce Degenhardt Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
TS-21340 Toby Swindell Consumer United Sta Scottsdale Arizona
ST-20530 Shui Tom Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
DB-13210 Dean Braden Consumer United Sta San Franci California
KF-16285 Karen Ferguson Home Office United Sta San Diego California
JM-16195 Justin MacKendrick Consumer United Sta Hamilton Ohio
TS-21505 Tony Sayre Consumer United Sta Parker Colorado
YC-21895 Yoseph Carroll Corporate United Sta Fremont Nebraska
Dp-13240 Dean percer Home Office United Sta Maple GroMinnesota
SJ-20500 Shirley Jackson Consumer United Sta Newark Delaware
KB-16240 Karen Bern Corporate United Sta Miami Florida
CS-12250 Chris Selesnick Corporate United Sta San Diego California
EB-13870 Emily Burns Consumer United Sta Miami Florida
PB-19150 Philip Brown Consumer United Sta Miami Florida
MT-18070 Michelle Tran Home Office United Sta San AntoniTexas
BF-11020 Barry Französisch Corporate United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
CG-12520 Claire Gute Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
DH-13675 Duane Huffman Home Office United Sta San Franci California
SC-20440 Shaun Chance Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
HG-15025 Hunter Glantz Consumer United Sta Marion Ohio
MM-18055 Michelle Moray Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
TH-21115 Thea Hudgings Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
JE-15745 Joel Eaton Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
PG-18820 Patrick Gardner Consumer United Sta Smyrna Georgia
MB-17305 Maria Bertelson Consumer United Sta San Franci California
JD-16015 Joy Daniels Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
JH-15430 Jennifer Halladay Consumer United Sta Medford Oregon
EN-13780 Edward Nazzal Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
KC-16255 Karen Carlisle Corporate United Sta Huntsville Alabama
MS-17980 Michael Stewart Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
CK-12205 Chloris Kastensmidt Consumer United Sta Santa ClaraCalifornia
SJ-20125 Sanjit Jacobs Home Office United Sta Long BeachCalifornia
EA-14035 Erin Ashbrook Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
MG-17890 Michael Granlund Home Office United Sta Santa BarbCalifornia
AB-10255 Alejandro Ballentine Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
SC-20260 Scott Cohen Corporate United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
TB-21355 Todd Boyes Corporate United Sta Cedar Hill Texas
JK-16090 Juliana Krohn Consumer United Sta Omaha Nebraska
CK-12595 Clytie Kelty Consumer United Sta Little Rock Arkansas
SS-20590 Sonia Sunley Consumer United Sta Norfolk Nebraska
LE-16810 Laurel Elliston Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
ES-14080 Erin Smith Corporate United Sta Tucson Arizona
MG-17890 Michael Granlund Home Office United Sta Concord New Hamps
JM-16195 Justin MacKendrick Consumer United Sta Draper Utah
SG-20470 Sheri Gordon Consumer United Sta San Franci California
DB-12970 Darren Budd Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
JW-15220 Jane Waco Corporate United Sta MontgomeAlabama
KD-16495 Keith Dawkins Corporate United Sta Jackson Mississippi
IL-15100 Ivan Liston Consumer United Sta North Las Nevada
JE-15610 Jim Epp Corporate United Sta Atlanta Georgia
SU-20665 Stephanie Ulpright Home Office United Sta Chicago Illinois
EA-14035 Erin Ashbrook Corporate United Sta Columbus Ohio
RF-19840 Roy Französisch Consumer United Sta Pasadena California
LC-17050 Liz Carlisle Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
PS-18970 Paul Stevenson Home Office United Sta Clinton Maryland
PS-18970 Paul Stevenson Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
JO-15280 Jas O'Carroll Consumer United Sta San Diego California
VP-21730 Victor Preis Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
GA-14725 Guy Armstrong Consumer United Sta Lancaster California
EM-14140 Eugene Moren Home Office United Sta Great FallsMontana
DB-13615 Doug Bickford Consumer United Sta San Franci California
ML-17395 Marina Lichtenstein Corporate United Sta Lakewood New Jersey
JH-15430 Jennifer Halladay Consumer United Sta Cleveland Ohio
BP-11095 Bart Pistole Corporate United Sta Lawrence Massachuse
SB-20185 Sarah Brown Consumer United Sta Concord New Hamps
SV-20785 Stewart Visinsky Consumer United Sta Baltimore Maryland
DO-13435 Denny Ordway Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
TB-21355 Todd Boyes Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
BS-11380 Bill Stewart Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
FM-14215 Filia McAdams Corporate United Sta GreensborNorth Caro
JL-15835 John Lee Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
AF-10870 Art Ferguson Consumer United Sta San Franci California
BG-11035 Barry Gonzalez Consumer United Sta Monroe Louisiana
MB-17305 Maria Bertelson Consumer United Sta Cincinnati Ohio
HW-14935 Helen Wasserman Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
AB-10105 Adrian Barton Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
JP-15460 Jennifer Patt Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
DV-13045 Darrin Van Huff Corporate United Sta Memphis Tennessee
CM-12190 Charlotte Melton Consumer United Sta San Diego California
SC-20695 Steve Chapman Corporate United Sta La Crosse Wisconsin
VW-21775 Victoria Wilson Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
PP-18955 Paul Prost Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
DR-12880 Dan Reichenbach Corporate United Sta Miami Florida
RB-19465 Rick Bensley Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
NF-18385 Natalie Fritzler Consumer United Sta ChesapeakVirginia
CR-12580 Clay Rozendal Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
SU-20665 Stephanie Ulpright Home Office United Sta Ann Arbor Michigan
SC-20050 Sample Company A Home Office United Sta La Mesa California
ML-18040 Michelle Lonsdale Corporate United Sta Dearborn Michigan
GM-14440 Gary McGarr Consumer United Sta San Diego California
JK-15640 Jim Kriz Home Office United Sta Lakewood Ohio
AT-10435 Alyssa Tate Home Office United Sta Meriden Connecticu
DB-12910 Daniel Byrd Home Office United Sta Columbus Georgia
AH-10690 Anna Häberlin Corporate United Sta Roswell Georgia
SJ-20125 Sanjit Jacobs Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
HM-14860 Harry Marie Corporate United Sta Morristow New Jersey
AG-10495 Andrew Gjertsen Corporate United Sta AlexandriaVirginia
JB-16000 Joy Bell- Consumer United Sta Salt Lake CUtah
AJ-10795 Anthony Johnson Corporate United Sta Apple Vall California
MM-18280 Muhammed MacIntyre Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
TH-21235 Tiffany House Corporate United Sta Long BeachCalifornia
AH-10120 Adrian Hane Home Office United Sta Salem Oregon
CL-12700 Craig Leslie Home Office United Sta Aurora Colorado
JG-15310 Jason Gross Corporate United Sta Newark Ohio
SE-20110 Sanjit Engle Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
TG-21640 Trudy Glocke Consumer United Sta Pocatello Idaho
SH-19975 Sally Hughsby Corporate United Sta Dallas Texas
MC-17275 Marc Crier Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
PJ-18835 Patrick Jones Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
ZC-21910 Zuschuss Carroll Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
SC-20680 Steve Carroll Home Office United Sta Holland Michigan
BP-11230 Benjamin Patterson Consumer United Sta Broken Ar Oklahoma
RD-19585 Rob Dowd Consumer United Sta Athens Georgia
KL-16645 Ken Lonsdale Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
CK-12205 Chloris Kastensmidt Consumer United Sta Apopka Florida
RB-19705 Roger Barcio Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
KM-16225 Kalyca Meade Corporate United Sta Baltimore Maryland
AH-10465 Amy Hunt Consumer United Sta San Franci California
AG-10765 Anthony Garverick Home Office United Sta Chicago Illinois
EB-14170 Evan Bailliet Consumer United Sta Laredo Texas
PG-18895 Paul Gonzalez Consumer United Sta San Franci California
CA-12055 Cathy Armstrong Home Office United Sta Cleveland Ohio
SS-20875 Sung Shariari Consumer United Sta Marion Ohio
RP-19390 Resi Pölking Consumer United Sta Fairfield Connecticu
SC-20440 Shaun Chance Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
NW-18400 Natalie Webber Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
KW-16435 Katrina Willman Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
HR-14770 Hallie Redmond Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
AG-10900 Arthur Gainer Consumer United Sta Richmond Virginia
BM-11650 Brian Moss Corporate United Sta Ann Arbor Michigan
RD-19720 Roger Demir Consumer United Sta Lafayette Indiana
KB-16585 Ken Black Corporate United Sta SpringfieldOregon
DW-13585 Dorothy Wardle Corporate United Sta San Franci California
VG-21805 Vivek Grady Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
DR-12880 Dan Reichenbach Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
AH-10690 Anna Häberlin Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
JP-15520 Jeremy Pistek Consumer United Sta Madison Wisconsin
DR-12880 Dan Reichenbach Corporate United Sta Milford Connecticu
JK-15625 Jim Karlsson Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
MV-17485 Mark Van Huff Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
BP-11155 Becky Pak Consumer United Sta San Franci California
DH-13075 Dave Hallsten Corporate United Sta Fairfield California
LH-16900 Lena Hernandez Consumer United Sta Greenville North Caro
DK-13090 Dave Kipp Consumer United Sta Long BeachNew York
SS-20410 Shahid Shariari Consumer United Sta Buffalo Gr Illinois
FP-14320 Frank Preis Consumer United Sta San Diego California
LC-17050 Liz Carlisle Consumer United Sta Richmond Kentucky
AS-10240 Alan Shonely Consumer United Sta SpringfieldVirginia
HG-15025 Hunter Glantz Consumer United Sta Fort WorthTexas
BW-11065 Barry Weirich Consumer United Sta Raleigh North Caro
BH-11710 Brosina Hoffman Consumer United Sta Hialeah Florida
JP-16135 Julie Prescott Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JM-16195 Justin MacKendrick Consumer United Sta Lake ForesCalifornia
FH-14365 Fred Hopkins Corporate United Sta Long BeachNew York
MC-17575 Matt Collins Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
EB-13870 Emily Burns Consumer United Sta Redding California
PM-19135 Peter McVee Home Office United Sta San AntoniTexas
AR-10345 Alex Russell Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
SS-20875 Sung Shariari Consumer United Sta LeominsterMassachuse
SC-20440 Shaun Chance Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
EA-14035 Erin Ashbrook Corporate United Sta SpringfieldMissouri
TP-21130 Theone Pippenger Consumer United Sta Waco Texas
BP-11290 Beth Paige Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
LM-17065 Liz MacKendrick Consumer United Sta Auburn New York
KT-16465 Kean Takahito Consumer United Sta San Franci California
AP-10915 Arthur Prichep Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JD-15790 John Dryer Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
XP-21865 Xylona Preis Consumer United Sta Chico California
JK-16090 Juliana Krohn Consumer United Sta SpringfieldOregon
MG-18205 Mitch Gastineau Corporate United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
PG-18820 Patrick Gardner Consumer United Sta BakersfieldCalifornia
LD-17005 Lisa DeCherney Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
CR-12730 Craig Reiter Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
MN-17935 Michael Nguyen Consumer United Sta El Paso Texas
RD-19900 Ruben Dartt Consumer United Sta Thousand California
JP-16135 Julie Prescott Home Office United Sta SpringfieldOhio
KE-16420 Katrina Edelman Corporate United Sta Dallas Texas
DL-13315 Delfina Latchford Consumer United Sta Knoxville Tennessee
KB-16240 Karen Bern Corporate United Sta Chattanoo Tennessee
JD-16150 Justin Deggeller Corporate United Sta San Diego California
SR-20740 Steven Roelle Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
AC-10450 Amy Cox Consumer United Sta Tampa Florida
LS-17245 Lynn Smith Consumer United Sta Utica New York
CS-12175 Charles Sheldon Corporate United Sta San Franci California
AR-10510 Andrew Roberts Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
KB-16405 Katrina Bavinger Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
MM-17920 Michael Moore Consumer United Sta Richmond Indiana
RF-19735 Roland Fjeld Consumer United Sta San Diego California
BP-11290 Beth Paige Consumer United Sta Concord North Caro
MJ-17740 Max Jones Consumer United Sta Miami Florida
DO-13645 Doug O'Connell Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
MV-17485 Mark Van Huff Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
MG-17875 Michael Grace Home Office United Sta Arlington Virginia
BS-11665 Brian Stugart Consumer United Sta San Diego California
PO-19180 Philisse Overcash Home Office United Sta Roseville Minnesota
DA-13450 Dianna Arnett Home Office United Sta Virginia BeVirginia
AH-10690 Anna Häberlin Corporate United Sta Dallas Texas
JK-15730 Joe Kamberova Consumer United Sta Concord California
MS-17530 MaryBeth Skach Consumer United Sta Conway Arkansas
JK-15640 Jim Kriz Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
CM-12235 Chris McAfee Consumer United Sta Little Rock Arkansas
RS-19420 Ricardo Sperren Corporate United Sta Meriden Connecticu
BP-11185 Ben Peterman Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
MA-17995 Michelle Arnett Home Office United Sta Cheyenne Wyoming
EB-13705 Ed Braxton Corporate United Sta Anaheim California
RD-19900 Ruben Dartt Consumer United Sta Bloomingt Indiana
ME-17320 Maria Etezadi Home Office United Sta Columbus Georgia
EH-14005 Erica Hernandez Home Office United Sta Jonesboro Arkansas
FM-14290 Frank Merwin Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
FG-14260 Frank Gastineau Home Office United Sta Lawrence Massachuse
MV-17485 Mark Van Huff Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
JW-15220 Jane Waco Corporate United Sta San Diego California
EH-13765 Edward Hooks Corporate United Sta San Franci California
LS-17245 Lynn Smith Consumer United Sta San Franci California
BP-11050 Barry Pond Corporate United Sta Cranston Rhode Isla
CC-12220 Chris Cortes Consumer United Sta Owensbor Kentucky
JM-15580 Jill Matthias Consumer United Sta Baltimore Maryland
RD-19720 Roger Demir Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
SS-20410 Shahid Shariari Consumer United Sta Atlanta Georgia
KD-16495 Keith Dawkins Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
PL-18925 Paul Lucas Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
ZD-21925 Zuschuss Donatelli Consumer United Sta Richmond Indiana
LS-16945 Linda Southworth Corporate United Sta San Franci California
PB-18805 Patrick Bzostek Home Office United Sta San Franci California
PC-18745 Pamela Coakley Corporate United Sta Westfield New Jersey
FM-14290 Frank Merwin Home Office United Sta San Franci California
KD-16495 Keith Dawkins Corporate United Sta San Jose California
SC-20680 Steve Carroll Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
DW-13585 Dorothy Wardle Corporate United Sta Owensbor Kentucky
PF-19120 Peter Fuller Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
DK-13225 Dean Katz Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
RB-19435 Richard Bierner Consumer United Sta SpringfieldVirginia
GD-14590 Giulietta Dortch Corporate United Sta BellinghamWashingto
RA-19885 Ruben Ausman Corporate United Sta Decatur Alabama
DB-13555 Dorothy Badders Corporate United Sta Fayettevill Arkansas
RL-19615 Rob Lucas Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
RB-19465 Rick Bensley Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
JF-15295 Jason Fortune- Consumer United Sta Plano Texas
RW-19690 Robert Waldorf Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
VG-21790 Vivek Gonzalez Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JM-15265 Janet Molinari Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
BE-11455 Brad Eason Home Office United Sta Des MoineIowa
CB-12535 Claudia Bergmann Corporate United Sta SouthavenMississippi
SD-20485 Shirley Daniels Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
SG-20890 Susan Gilcrest Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
TS-21430 Tom Stivers Corporate United Sta Reading Pennsylvan
DK-13225 Dean Katz Corporate United Sta San Franci California
ML-17395 Marina Lichtenstein Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
MA-17560 Matt Abelman Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
LR-17035 Lisa Ryan Corporate United Sta San Franci California
BE-11335 Bill Eplett Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
CC-12145 Charles Crestani Consumer United Sta San Diego California
BD-11770 Bryan Davis Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
JK-15640 Jim Kriz Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
DB-13615 Doug Bickford Consumer United Sta Charlotte North Caro
RR-19525 Rick Reed Corporate United Sta Overland PKansas
SV-20935 Susan Vittorini Consumer United Sta Mesa Arizona
RB-19465 Rick Bensley Home Office United Sta Tulsa Oklahoma
MV-18190 Mike Vittorini Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
EH-14185 Evan Henry Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
JS-16030 Joy Smith Consumer United Sta Hattiesbur Mississippi
ES-14020 Erica Smith Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
NS-18640 Noel Staavos Corporate United Sta Columbus Ohio
SH-19975 Sally Hughsby Corporate United Sta Caldwell Idaho
RF-19345 Randy Ferguson Corporate United Sta Phoenix Arizona
DL-12865 Dan Lawera Consumer United Sta Miami Florida
AG-10390 Allen Goldenen Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
SW-20245 Scot Wooten Consumer United Sta Troy New York
KN-16390 Katherine Nockton Corporate United Sta New BedfoMassachuse
GB-14530 George Bell Corporate United Sta Florence South Caro
CL-12565 Clay Ludtke Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
KF-16285 Karen Ferguson Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
AY-10555 Andy Yotov Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
BD-11635 Brian Derr Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
HG-15025 Hunter Glantz Consumer United Sta Kenner Louisiana
CB-12025 Cassandra Brandow Consumer United Sta Cedar Hill Texas
LS-16945 Linda Southworth Corporate United Sta ProvidenceRhode Isla
DM-13015 Darrin Martin Consumer United Sta Lancaster Ohio
AC-10615 Ann Chong Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
LT-17110 Liz Thompson Consumer United Sta Jacksonvill North Caro
TB-21250 Tim Brockman Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
AH-10585 Angele Hood Consumer United Sta Miami Florida
SS-20140 Saphhira Shifley Corporate United Sta Nashua New Hamps
TD-20995 Tamara Dahlen Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
PP-18955 Paul Prost Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
PG-18820 Patrick Gardner Consumer United Sta Carrollton Texas
AA-10645 Anna Andreadi Consumer United Sta GeorgetowKentucky
FA-14230 Frank Atkinson Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
TB-21520 Tracy Blumstein Consumer United Sta Sierra Vist Arizona
AH-10075 Adam Hart Corporate United Sta Knoxville Tennessee
CP-12085 Cathy Prescott Corporate United Sta Tucson Arizona
BF-11215 Benjamin Farhat Home Office United Sta MinneapoliMinnesota
CP-12340 Christine Phan Corporate United Sta Miami Florida
LS-17245 Lynn Smith Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
TS-21655 Trudy Schmidt Consumer United Sta MilwaukeeWisconsin
JS-15940 Joni Sundaresam Home Office United Sta Lancaster Ohio
NF-18385 Natalie Fritzler Consumer United Sta Edinburg Texas
KN-16705 Kristina Nunn Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
GA-14725 Guy Armstrong Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
EH-14125 Eugene Hildebrand Home Office United Sta Rochester New York
RA-19285 Ralph Arnett Consumer United Sta San Diego California
TT-21070 Ted Trevino Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
AH-10465 Amy Hunt Consumer United Sta Bartlett Tennessee
CC-12430 Chuck Clark Home Office United Sta Lakewood California
KD-16495 Keith Dawkins Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
BG-11035 Barry Gonzalez Consumer United Sta Austin Texas
FH-14365 Fred Hopkins Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
PG-18820 Patrick Gardner Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
NZ-18565 Nick Zandusky Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
TB-21595 Troy Blackwell Consumer United Sta Lubbock Texas
JE-15475 Jeremy Ellison Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
EH-13945 Eric Hoffmann Consumer United Sta Costa Mes California
BF-10975 Barbara Fisher Corporate United Sta Roswell Georgia
PC-18745 Pamela Coakley Corporate United Sta Loveland Colorado
SV-20365 Seth Vernon Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
Dp-13240 Dean percer Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
HR-14830 Harold Ryan Corporate United Sta Miami Florida
WB-21850 William Brown Consumer United Sta Grand PrairTexas
AS-10090 Adam Shillingsburg Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
SP-20920 Susan Pistek Consumer United Sta Parma Ohio
SP-20650 Stephanie Phelps Corporate United Sta Redwood CCalifornia
CM-12655 Corinna Mitchell Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
JR-16210 Justin Ritter Corporate United Sta SpringfieldOregon
CB-12415 Christy Brittain Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
SD-20485 Shirley Daniels Home Office United Sta Bedford Texas
SS-20140 Saphhira Shifley Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
EH-13990 Erica Hackney Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
AH-10030 Aaron Hawkins Corporate United Sta San Franci California
EM-14200 Evan Minnotte Home Office United Sta Virginia BeVirginia
TB-21190 Thomas Brumley Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
AB-10165 Alan Barnes Consumer United Sta Lebanon Tennessee
AO-10810 Anthony O'Donnell Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
TT-21220 Thomas Thornton Consumer United Sta Chula VistaCalifornia
KN-16705 Kristina Nunn Home Office United Sta Mcallen Texas
FO-14305 Frank Olsen Consumer United Sta HollywoodFlorida
GA-14725 Guy Armstrong Consumer United Sta San Franci California
NC-18415 Nathan Cano Consumer United Sta Santa MariCalifornia
JF-15190 Jamie Frazer Consumer United Sta ManchesteConnecticu
GT-14710 Greg Tran Consumer United Sta Omaha Nebraska
KM-16660 Khloe Miller Consumer United Sta San Jose California
PJ-18835 Patrick Jones Corporate United Sta San Franci California
AC-10660 Anna Chung Consumer United Sta San Franci California
JG-15310 Jason Gross Corporate United Sta Long BeachCalifornia
RM-19375 Raymond Messe Consumer United Sta Columbus Georgia
EK-13795 Eileen Kiefer Home Office United Sta San Franci California
RD-19585 Rob Dowd Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
CV-12805 Cynthia Voltz Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
AG-10330 Alex Grayson Consumer United Sta Tulsa Oklahoma
GM-14440 Gary McGarr Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
MC-17605 Matt Connell Corporate United Sta Lakeland Florida
ES-14020 Erica Smith Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
RW-19540 Rick Wilson Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
MM-17920 Michael Moore Consumer United Sta SpringfieldVirginia
MH-17440 Mark Haberlin Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
NZ-18565 Nick Zandusky Home Office United Sta SpringfieldMissouri
GB-14575 Giulietta Baptist Consumer United Sta Columbia South Caro
DB-13270 Deborah Brumfield Home Office United Sta Portland Oregon
JK-15625 Jim Karlsson Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
MH-17785 Maya Herman Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
AM-10705 Anne McFarland Consumer United Sta Des PlainesIllinois
JM-15535 Jessica Myrick Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
MW-18220 Mitch Webber Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
AG-10330 Alex Grayson Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
CM-12160 Charles McCrossin Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
RA-19915 Russell Applegate Consumer United Sta Columbus Indiana
SB-20185 Sarah Brown Consumer United Sta Evanston Illinois
PK-19075 Pete Kriz Consumer United Sta Apple Vall California
SV-20935 Susan Vittorini Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
MG-17650 Matthew Grinstein Home Office United Sta Marion Ohio
CM-12445 Chuck Magee Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
ME-18010 Michelle Ellison Corporate United Sta Marion Ohio
YS-21880 Yana Sorensen Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
MB-17305 Maria Bertelson Consumer United Sta Longview Washingto
AS-10240 Alan Shonely Consumer United Sta Redondo BCalifornia
MC-17425 Mark Cousins Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
PG-18820 Patrick Gardner Consumer United Sta Louisville Kentucky
JS-16030 Joy Smith Consumer United Sta Trenton Michigan
JB-16000 Joy Bell- Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
DK-12985 Darren Koutras Consumer United Sta Hendersonv Tennessee
JF-15490 Jeremy Farry Consumer United Sta Portland Oregon
PO-18850 Patrick O'Brill Consumer United Sta Irving Texas
BT-11530 Bradley Talbott Home Office United Sta Cleveland Ohio
NW-18400 Natalie Webber Consumer United Sta Waterloo Iowa
JF-15415 Jennifer Ferguson Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
AC-10420 Alyssa Crouse Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
TB-21280 Toby Braunhardt Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
HA-14905 Helen Abelman Consumer United Sta San Jose California
LH-17155 Logan Haushalter Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
LO-17170 Lori Olson Corporate United Sta Concord New Hamps
DP-13390 Dennis Pardue Home Office United Sta Columbia Tennessee
CR-12580 Clay Rozendal Home Office United Sta Bellevue Washingto
KB-16405 Katrina Bavinger Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
ML-17410 Maris LaWare Consumer United Sta Columbus Indiana
MC-17575 Matt Collins Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
VM-21685 Valerie Mitchum Home Office United Sta Marietta Georgia
VW-21775 Victoria Wilson Corporate United Sta MontgomeAlabama
GK-14620 Grace Kelly Corporate United Sta Plano Texas
AT-10435 Alyssa Tate Home Office United Sta Tamarac Florida
AR-10825 Anthony Rawles Corporate United Sta Columbus Ohio
JH-15820 John Huston Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
RA-19285 Ralph Arnett Consumer United Sta Richmond Indiana
RO-19780 Rose O'Brian Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
LR-17035 Lisa Ryan Corporate United Sta Long BeachNew York
MK-17905 Michael Kennedy Corporate United Sta Rockford Illinois
YS-21880 Yana Sorensen Corporate United Sta Columbus Georgia
JH-15910 Jonathan Howell Consumer United Sta Tulsa Oklahoma
AT-10735 Annie Thurman Consumer United Sta Nashville Tennessee
RM-19675 Robert Marley Home Office United Sta CambridgeMassachuse
BB-11545 Brenda Bowman Corporate United Sta Oakland California
AS-10285 Alejandro Savely Corporate United Sta Palatine Illinois
DK-13375 Dennis Kane Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
JH-15910 Jonathan Howell Consumer United Sta Cincinnati Ohio
JK-15205 Jamie Kunitz Consumer United Sta Marion Ohio
EH-13765 Edward Hooks Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
VW-21775 Victoria Wilson Corporate United Sta Lakewood Ohio
CG-12040 Catherine Glotzbach Home Office United Sta Lebanon Tennessee
EB-13705 Ed Braxton Corporate United Sta San Franci California
NF-18595 Nicole Fjeld Home Office United Sta Chico California
ME-17725 Max Engle Consumer United Sta Salem Virginia
AZ-10750 Annie Zypern Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
RF-19345 Randy Ferguson Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
AJ-10780 Anthony Jacobs Corporate United Sta Beverly Massachuse
SF-20965 Sylvia Foulston Corporate United Sta San Diego California
MZ-17335 Maria Zettner Home Office United Sta San Franci California
SB-20170 Sarah Bern Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
AH-10210 Alan Hwang Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
NK-18490 Neil Knudson Home Office United Sta Corpus ChriTexas
AI-10855 Arianne Irving Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
TP-21565 Tracy Poddar Corporate United Sta Eugene Oregon
LW-17125 Liz Willingham Consumer United Sta Oxnard California
NG-18355 Nat Gilpin Corporate United Sta Fairfield Connecticu
NG-18355 Nat Gilpin Corporate United Sta Jackson Michigan
EB-13750 Edward Becker Corporate United Sta Laguna NigCalifornia
SP-20860 Sung Pak Corporate United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
SP-20545 Sibella Parks Corporate United Sta Mount VerNew York
RB-19795 Ross Baird Home Office United Sta Midland Michigan
DB-13660 Duane Benoit Consumer United Sta Newark Delaware
NB-18655 Nona Balk Corporate United Sta San Franci California
XP-21865 Xylona Preis Consumer United Sta Westland Michigan
MH-17455 Mark Hamilton Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
BG-11740 Bruce Geld Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
TS-21370 Todd Sumrall Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
DB-13660 Duane Benoit Consumer United Sta Lancaster Ohio
EM-14140 Eugene Moren Home Office United Sta Newark Delaware
RB-19465 Rick Bensley Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
PO-18850 Patrick O'Brill Consumer United Sta San Franci California
AG-10900 Arthur Gainer Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
BF-11275 Beth Fritzler Corporate United Sta Miami Florida
HG-14845 Harry Greene Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
BS-11590 Brendan Sweed Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
JD-16015 Joy Daniels Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
CS-12250 Chris Selesnick Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
FC-14245 Frank Carlisle Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
SE-20110 Sanjit Engle Consumer United Sta SpringfieldOregon
CK-12205 Chloris Kastensmidt Consumer United Sta Renton Washingto
DS-13030 Darrin Sayre Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
SA-20830 Sue Ann Reed Consumer United Sta San Jose California
TP-21565 Tracy Poddar Corporate United Sta Grand PrairTexas
JK-16120 Julie Kriz Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
CC-12430 Chuck Clark Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
LA-16780 Laura Armstrong Corporate United Sta Memphis Tennessee
AW-10930 Arthur Wiediger Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
BP-11230 Benjamin Patterson Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
DB-13360 Dennis Bolton Home Office United Sta WaterburyConnecticu
PC-19000 Pauline Chand Home Office United Sta Chandler Arizona
TB-21595 Troy Blackwell Consumer United Sta SpringfieldOhio
TB-21250 Tim Brockman Consumer United Sta Austin Texas
MV-18190 Mike Vittorini Consumer United Sta Detroit Michigan
DK-12835 Damala Kotsonis Corporate United Sta SpringfieldVirginia
PK-19075 Pete Kriz Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
AH-10120 Adrian Hane Home Office United Sta Dallas Texas
GM-14455 Gary Mitchum Home Office United Sta Concord New Hamps
BD-11725 Bruce Degenhardt Consumer United Sta Lafayette Louisiana
RM-19375 Raymond Messe Consumer United Sta Raleigh North Caro
BW-11110 Bart Watters Corporate United Sta Spokane Washingto
GT-14710 Greg Tran Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
AH-10120 Adrian Hane Home Office United Sta Louisville Kentucky
DR-12940 Daniel Raglin Home Office United Sta HollywoodFlorida
DL-13495 Dionis Lloyd Corporate United Sta Chandler Arizona
BD-11620 Brian DeCherney Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
HW-14935 Helen Wasserman Corporate United Sta Tulsa Oklahoma
JO-15145 Jack O'Briant Corporate United Sta Draper Utah
RD-19660 Robert Dilbeck Home Office United Sta Oakland California
DO-13645 Doug O'Connell Consumer United Sta Lawrence Massachuse
CC-12370 Christopher Conant Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
SH-20395 Shahid Hopkins Consumer United Sta Jacksonvill North Caro
FC-14335 Fred Chung Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
JG-15160 James Galang Consumer United Sta Pocatello Idaho
LC-16885 Lena Creighton Consumer United Sta Plano Texas
CC-12220 Chris Cortes Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
BW-11110 Bart Watters Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
JJ-15445 Jennifer Jackson Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
TT-21460 Tonja Turnell Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
EH-13990 Erica Hackney Consumer United Sta Meriden Connecticu
PR-18880 Patrick Ryan Consumer United Sta Glenview Illinois
BT-11680 Brian Thompson Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
EC-14050 Erin Creighton Consumer United Sta San Franci California
SP-20650 Stephanie Phelps Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
AJ-10780 Anthony Jacobs Corporate United Sta Baltimore Maryland
AS-10630 Ann Steele Home Office United Sta Louisville Kentucky
AA-10375 Allen Armold Consumer United Sta Lebanon Tennessee
EH-13945 Eric Hoffmann Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
DB-13270 Deborah Brumfield Home Office United Sta ProvidenceRhode Isla
CC-12100 Chad Cunningham Home Office United Sta Detroit Michigan
VT-21700 Valerie Takahito Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
DB-13060 Dave Brooks Consumer United Sta Columbia Tennessee
BS-11590 Brendan Sweed Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
NR-18550 Nick Radford Consumer United Sta Pembroke Florida
KN-16390 Katherine Nockton Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
JW-16075 Julia West Consumer United Sta Jacksonvill North Caro
JM-15535 Jessica Myrick Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
MF-18250 Monica Federle Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
FA-14230 Frank Atkinson Corporate United Sta Orlando Florida
KH-16510 Keith Herrera Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
SS-20515 Shirley Schmidt Home Office United Sta Louisville Kentucky
LC-17050 Liz Carlisle Consumer United Sta Medina Ohio
VW-21775 Victoria Wilson Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
LD-16855 Lela Donovan Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
SP-20545 Sibella Parks Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
DK-13150 David Kendrick Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
FC-14245 Frank Carlisle Home Office United Sta San Franci California
RD-19480 Rick Duston Consumer United Sta San Franci California
AR-10540 Andy Reiter Consumer United Sta Jackson Michigan
CC-12100 Chad Cunningham Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
CA-11965 Carol Adams Corporate United Sta Warwick Rhode Isla
BT-11530 Bradley Talbott Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
MG-17875 Michael Grace Home Office United Sta El Paso Texas
TP-21130 Theone Pippenger Consumer United Sta Rochester Minnesota
GT-14710 Greg Tran Consumer United Sta Buffalo New York
FH-14365 Fred Hopkins Corporate United Sta Knoxville Tennessee
HK-14890 Heather Kirkland Corporate United Sta Newark Delaware
CC-12220 Chris Cortes Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
DP-13000 Darren Powers Consumer United Sta Cleveland Ohio
VF-21715 Vicky Freymann Home Office United Sta Elmhurst Illinois
GH-14410 Gary Hansen Home Office United Sta Lakeville Minnesota
JH-16180 Justin Hirsh Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
RB-19465 Rick Bensley Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
LS-16975 Lindsay Shagiari Home Office United Sta Chicago Illinois
EB-13750 Edward Becker Corporate United Sta Buffalo New York
DK-12835 Damala Kotsonis Corporate United Sta Roseville California
SC-20260 Scott Cohen Corporate United Sta Arlington Texas
CT-11995 Carol Triggs Consumer United Sta Lawrence Massachuse
CB-12025 Cassandra Brandow Consumer United Sta Waco Texas
KM-16720 Kunst Miller Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
RD-19720 Roger Demir Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
BP-11050 Barry Pond Corporate United Sta Plainfield New Jersey
EJ-13720 Ed Jacobs Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
RO-19780 Rose O'Brian Consumer United Sta Arlington Virginia
MW-18220 Mitch Webber Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
MS-17530 MaryBeth Skach Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
DW-13585 Dorothy Wardle Corporate United Sta Edmonds Washingto
AM-10705 Anne McFarland Consumer United Sta Salem Virginia
BG-11740 Bruce Geld Consumer United Sta Delray BeaFlorida
KB-16585 Ken Black Corporate United Sta San Franci California
GT-14710 Greg Tran Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
SV-20815 Stuart Van Corporate United Sta IndianapoliIndiana
GG-14650 Greg Guthrie Corporate United Sta Columbus Ohio
SV-20785 Stewart Visinsky Consumer United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
ON-18715 Odella Nelson Corporate United Sta Clinton Maryland
RA-19945 Ryan Akin Consumer United Sta CommerceColorado
SV-20785 Stewart Visinsky Consumer United Sta Santa Ana California
KB-16585 Ken Black Corporate United Sta Clinton Maryland
AG-10495 Andrew Gjertsen Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JK-16090 Juliana Krohn Consumer United Sta Louisville Kentucky
MV-18190 Mike Vittorini Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
CP-12085 Cathy Prescott Corporate United Sta SpringfieldMissouri
VP-21760 Victoria Pisteka Corporate United Sta San Franci California
PM-18940 Paul MacIntyre Consumer United Sta Texas City Texas
TB-21400 Tom Boeckenhauer Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
EH-13990 Erica Hackney Consumer United Sta Bellevue Washingto
GW-14605 Giulietta Weimer Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
NP-18685 Nora Pelletier Home Office United Sta Wilson North Caro
JE-15715 Joe Elijah Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
BE-11455 Brad Eason Home Office United Sta SpringfieldMissouri
SS-20590 Sonia Sunley Consumer United Sta San Franci California
MB-18085 Mick Brown Consumer United Sta Charlotte North Caro
RP-19390 Resi Pölking Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
AJ-10780 Anthony Jacobs Corporate United Sta Lorain Ohio
PO-18865 Patrick O'Donnell Consumer United Sta IndianapoliIndiana
WB-21850 William Brown Consumer United Sta Redmond Oregon
MP-18175 Mike Pelletier Home Office United Sta SpringfieldOregon
BF-11020 Barry Französisch Corporate United Sta Arlington Texas
KM-16375 Katherine Murray Home Office United Sta Gilbert Arizona
DB-13405 Denny Blanton Consumer United Sta Lawrence Massachuse
OT-18730 Olvera Toch Consumer United Sta Virginia BeVirginia
JS-15880 John Stevenson Consumer United Sta Irving Texas
CA-12775 Cynthia Arntzen Consumer United Sta Vineland New Jersey
MH-18115 Mick Hernandez Home Office United Sta Columbus Georgia
RB-19645 Robert Barroso Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
SB-20290 Sean Braxton Corporate United Sta San Diego California
TW-21025 Tamara Willingham Home Office United Sta CharlottesvVirginia
DL-13330 Denise Leinenbach Consumer United Sta Lawrence Indiana
SD-20485 Shirley Daniels Home Office United Sta Phoenix Arizona
TB-21055 Ted Butterfield Consumer United Sta Meriden Connecticu
DP-13390 Dennis Pardue Home Office United Sta Franklin Wisconsin
DE-13255 Deanra Eno Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
MC-18100 Mick Crebagga Consumer United Sta Bloomingt Illinois
HG-15025 Hunter Glantz Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
CM-11815 Candace McMahon Corporate United Sta San Franci California
RP-19855 Roy Phan Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
LS-17200 Luke Schmidt Corporate United Sta MilwaukeeWisconsin
DR-12940 Daniel Raglin Home Office United Sta Lake Charl Louisiana
CC-12475 Cindy Chapman Consumer United Sta Baltimore Maryland
SS-20515 Shirley Schmidt Home Office United Sta Franklin Wisconsin
JF-15190 Jamie Frazer Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
SW-20455 Shaun Weien Consumer United Sta San Diego California
SG-20470 Sheri Gordon Consumer United Sta Wilson North Caro
CS-12355 Christine Sundaresam Consumer United Sta Long BeachCalifornia
SC-20695 Steve Chapman Corporate United Sta Fort LaudeFlorida
BF-11170 Ben Ferrer Home Office United Sta Baltimore Maryland
GZ-14470 Gary Zandusky Consumer United Sta Rio RanchoNew Mexic
SP-20650 Stephanie Phelps Corporate United Sta Stockton California
PJ-19015 Pauline Johnson Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
DB-13060 Dave Brooks Consumer United Sta Skokie Illinois
CK-12325 Christine Kargatis Home Office United Sta Hot Spring Arkansas
SF-20065 Sandra Flanagan Consumer United Sta Goldsboro North Caro
DP-13105 Dave Poirier Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
VM-21835 Vivian Mathis Consumer United Sta Nashua New Hamps
SF-20200 Sarah Foster Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
SC-20695 Steve Chapman Corporate United Sta Richmond Indiana
MF-17665 Maureen Fritzler Corporate United Sta Miami Florida
BV-11245 Benjamin Venier Corporate United Sta Smyrna Tennessee
KE-16420 Katrina Edelman Corporate United Sta Aurora Colorado
EM-14200 Evan Minnotte Home Office United Sta Miami Florida
BT-11680 Brian Thompson Consumer United Sta San Franci California
MM-18055 Michelle Moray Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
PO-18850 Patrick O'Brill Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
SP-20860 Sung Pak Corporate United Sta Dover New Hamps
CS-12355 Christine Sundaresam Consumer United Sta Dublin Ohio
KB-16600 Ken Brennan Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
AA-10375 Allen Armold Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
BP-11155 Becky Pak Consumer United Sta Paterson New Jersey
TC-21145 Theresa Coyne Corporate United Sta Lakewood New Jersey
BG-11035 Barry Gonzalez Consumer United Sta GreensborNorth Caro
DO-13435 Denny Ordway Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
DB-12970 Darren Budd Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
RL-19615 Rob Lucas Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
SJ-20215 Sarah Jordon Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
CS-12175 Charles Sheldon Corporate United Sta Lakewood New Jersey
JP-16135 Julie Prescott Home Office United Sta Columbus Georgia
NC-18535 Nick Crebassa Corporate United Sta Phoenix Arizona
CW-11905 Carl Weiss Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
CM-12115 Chad McGuire Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
PT-19090 Pete Takahito Consumer United Sta San AntoniTexas
CL-12700 Craig Leslie Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
HF-14995 Herbert Flentye Consumer United Sta Baltimore Maryland
JC-15775 John Castell Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
JH-15910 Jonathan Howell Consumer United Sta Atlanta Georgia
CC-12610 Corey Catlett Corporate United Sta Durham North Caro
IM-15055 Ionia McGrath Consumer United Sta Roseville California
BF-11170 Ben Ferrer Home Office United Sta SacramentCalifornia
CS-12355 Christine Sundaresam Consumer United Sta Fairfield Connecticu
MC-17605 Matt Connell Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
MC-18100 Mick Crebagga Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
LW-16825 Laurel Workman Corporate United Sta Phoenix Arizona
KH-16510 Keith Herrera Consumer United Sta Pomona California
RB-19645 Robert Barroso Corporate United Sta Atlanta Georgia
GD-14590 Giulietta Dortch Corporate United Sta Everett Washingto
EB-13705 Ed Braxton Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
PS-18760 Pamela Stobb Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
GH-14425 Gary Hwang Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
LO-17170 Lori Olson Corporate United Sta Peoria Illinois
CS-12505 Cindy Stewart Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
YS-21880 Yana Sorensen Corporate United Sta MontgomeAlabama
TC-20980 Tamara Chand Corporate United Sta Lafayette Indiana
PW-19030 Pauline Webber Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
CS-11860 Cari Schnelling Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
DP-13165 David Philippe Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
PJ-19015 Pauline Johnson Consumer United Sta Santa Ana California
BM-11575 Brendan Murry Corporate United Sta Montebell California
DL-13495 Dionis Lloyd Corporate United Sta Thousand California
BF-10975 Barbara Fisher Corporate United Sta Vineland New Jersey
FC-14335 Fred Chung Corporate United Sta Torrance California
MP-18175 Mike Pelletier Home Office United Sta Troy Ohio
AJ-10795 Anthony Johnson Corporate United Sta SpringfieldVirginia
BC-11125 Becky Castell Home Office United Sta El Cajon California
RS-19420 Ricardo Sperren Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
NP-18670 Nora Paige Consumer United Sta Phoenix Arizona
BT-11440 Bobby Trafton Consumer United Sta Frankfort Illinois
BP-11230 Benjamin Patterson Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JO-15145 Jack O'Briant Corporate United Sta Franklin Wisconsin
MF-18250 Monica Federle Corporate United Sta Little Rock Arkansas
PS-18760 Pamela Stobb Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
MY-17380 Maribeth Yedwab Corporate United Sta San AntoniTexas
SC-20230 Scot Coram Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
RF-19345 Randy Ferguson Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
SG-20080 Sandra Glassco Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
TB-21520 Tracy Blumstein Consumer United Sta Beaumont Texas
MM-17920 Michael Moore Consumer United Sta ChesapeakVirginia
CG-12520 Claire Gute Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
TW-21025 Tamara Willingham Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
BD-11320 Bill Donatelli Consumer United Sta MinneapoliMinnesota
HA-14905 Helen Abelman Consumer United Sta SpringfieldOhio
LL-16840 Lauren Leatherbury Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
SS-20140 Saphhira Shifley Corporate United Sta Columbus Georgia
CK-12205 Chloris Kastensmidt Consumer United Sta Lakewood Ohio
VS-21820 Vivek Sundaresam Consumer United Sta Naperville Illinois
TN-21040 Tanja Norvell Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
HR-14830 Harold Ryan Corporate United Sta HuntingtonCalifornia
JS-15595 Jill Stevenson Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
BN-11470 Brad Norvell Corporate United Sta BrentwoodCalifornia
AR-10405 Allen Rosenblatt Corporate United Sta Trenton Michigan
SW-20455 Shaun Weien Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
JE-16165 Justin Ellison Corporate United Sta North CharSouth Caro
LH-16900 Lena Hernandez Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
VG-21790 Vivek Gonzalez Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
EM-13960 Eric Murdock Consumer United Sta San Franci California
EM-13825 Elizabeth Moffitt Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JH-15910 Jonathan Howell Consumer United Sta West PalmFlorida
NP-18700 Nora Preis Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
SH-20635 Stefanie Holloman Corporate United Sta SacramentCalifornia
BM-11785 Bryan Mills Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
HG-14965 Henry Goldwyn Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
BM-11140 Becky Martin Consumer United Sta Santa BarbCalifornia
PS-19045 Penelope Sewall Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
MS-17710 Maurice Satty Consumer United Sta Auburn Alabama
JL-15235 Janet Lee Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
KM-16660 Khloe Miller Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
RD-19900 Ruben Dartt Consumer United Sta San Franci California
ST-20530 Shui Tom Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
BP-11095 Bart Pistole Corporate United Sta El Paso Texas
TA-21385 Tom Ashbrook Home Office United Sta Chicago Illinois
PS-18760 Pamela Stobb Consumer United Sta El Paso Texas
NP-18700 Nora Preis Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
SC-20260 Scott Cohen Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
RD-19930 Russell D'Ascenzo Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
TH-21115 Thea Hudgings Corporate United Sta Newark Delaware
GM-14680 Greg Matthias Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
JO-15550 Jesus Ocampo Home Office United Sta Roseville California
ZC-21910 Zuschuss Carroll Consumer United Sta Aurora Illinois
AP-10720 Anne Pryor Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
GK-14620 Grace Kelly Corporate United Sta Dallas Texas
HM-14980 Henry MacAllister Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
LS-16945 Linda Southworth Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
AR-10570 Anemone Ratner Consumer United Sta Columbus Georgia
RH-19510 Rick Huthwaite Home Office United Sta San Franci California
TB-21190 Thomas Brumley Home Office United Sta Riverside California
JD-15895 Jonathan Doherty Corporate United Sta Columbia South Caro
MP-17965 Michael Paige Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
JB-16000 Joy Bell- Consumer United Sta Longview Washingto
AB-10105 Adrian Barton Consumer United Sta Phoenix Arizona
CC-12145 Charles Crestani Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
CY-12745 Craig Yedwab Corporate United Sta Gilbert Arizona
EP-13915 Emily Phan Consumer United Sta Jonesboro Arkansas
DL-13315 Delfina Latchford Consumer United Sta Atlanta Georgia
SO-20335 Sean O'Donnell Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
BP-11095 Bart Pistole Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
JA-15970 Joseph Airdo Consumer United Sta Detroit Michigan
BB-11545 Brenda Bowman Corporate United Sta Fort LaudeFlorida
DK-13375 Dennis Kane Consumer United Sta Abilene Texas
RH-19600 Rob Haberlin Consumer United Sta Hampton Virginia
AG-10300 Aleksandra Gannaway Corporate United Sta Las Vegas Nevada
JB-15400 Jennifer Braxton Corporate United Sta Rockford Illinois
BC-11125 Becky Castell Home Office United Sta Laguna NigCalifornia
KC-16675 Kimberly Carter Corporate United Sta Louisville Kentucky
DR-12940 Daniel Raglin Home Office United Sta Normal Illinois
DW-13195 David Wiener Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
ME-18010 Michelle Ellison Corporate United Sta Port Arthu Texas
JF-15490 Jeremy Farry Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
SP-20860 Sung Pak Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
KN-16390 Katherine Nockton Corporate United Sta SpringfieldOhio
GT-14710 Greg Tran Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
DB-12910 Daniel Byrd Home Office United Sta Salinas California
FM-14215 Filia McAdams Corporate United Sta Richmond Kentucky
SM-20005 Sally Matthias Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
AP-10915 Arthur Prichep Consumer United Sta Denver Colorado
SP-20545 Sibella Parks Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
RD-19585 Rob Dowd Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
MC-17575 Matt Collins Consumer United Sta Fremont Nebraska
EB-13750 Edward Becker Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
JE-15610 Jim Epp Corporate United Sta San Diego California
CS-11860 Cari Schnelling Consumer United Sta Lakeland Florida
PB-19105 Peter Bühler Consumer United Sta Smyrna Georgia
AT-10735 Annie Thurman Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
SV-20365 Seth Vernon Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
PJ-18835 Patrick Jones Corporate United Sta Dallas Texas
NM-18445 Nathan Mautz Home Office United Sta Concord California
TR-21325 Toby Ritter Consumer United Sta Nashville Tennessee
BF-11005 Barry Franz Home Office United Sta Aurora Colorado
WB-21850 William Brown Consumer United Sta Anaheim California
KH-16630 Ken Heidel Corporate United Sta Pleasant GUtah
KL-16645 Ken Lonsdale Consumer United Sta SpringfieldOregon
MG-17890 Michael Granlund Home Office United Sta Salem Oregon
JF-15355 Jay Fein Consumer United Sta Rochester New York
RS-19765 Roland Schwarz Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
NL-18310 Nancy Lomonaco Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
AS-10285 Alejandro Savely Corporate United Sta Dallas Texas
GM-14500 Gene McClure Consumer United Sta Fresno California
SU-20665 Stephanie Ulpright Home Office United Sta Chicago Illinois
CK-12205 Chloris Kastensmidt Consumer United Sta Mcallen Texas
JM-15580 Jill Matthias Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
JE-15715 Joe Elijah Consumer United Sta Charlotte North Caro
AR-10825 Anthony Rawles Corporate United Sta Concord California
AH-10075 Adam Hart Corporate United Sta Chester Pennsylvan
GA-14515 George Ashbrook Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JF-15415 Jennifer Ferguson Consumer United Sta Sparks Nevada
KH-16690 Kristen Hastings Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
CC-12685 Craig Carroll Consumer United Sta HendersonKentucky
JF-15565 Jill Fjeld Consumer United Sta Decatur Illinois
RP-19390 Resi Pölking Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
CD-11980 Carol Darley Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
DF-13135 David Flashing Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
SM-20005 Sally Matthias Consumer United Sta Scottsdale Arizona
SG-20890 Susan Gilcrest Corporate United Sta Amarillo Texas
LH-16750 Larry Hughes Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
EJ-14155 Eva Jacobs Consumer United Sta Santa Ana California
KH-16330 Katharine Harms Corporate United Sta Newark Ohio
KM-16720 Kunst Miller Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
LW-16990 Lindsay Williams Corporate United Sta HendersonNevada
IG-15085 Ivan Gibson Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
JP-15460 Jennifer Patt Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
GG-14650 Greg Guthrie Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
MM-18280 Muhammed MacIntyre Corporate United Sta Smyrna Tennessee
SO-20335 Sean O'Donnell Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
MF-18250 Monica Federle Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
JG-15160 James Galang Consumer United Sta Atlanta Georgia
JM-16195 Justin MacKendrick Consumer United Sta Newark Delaware
PK-19075 Pete Kriz Consumer United Sta Nashville Tennessee
TT-21460 Tonja Turnell Home Office United Sta Richmond Indiana
SS-20875 Sung Shariari Consumer United Sta Miami Florida
TG-21640 Trudy Glocke Consumer United Sta Saint CharlMissouri
HP-14815 Harold Pawlan Home Office United Sta Virginia BeVirginia
MH-17290 Marc Harrigan Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
CB-12415 Christy Brittain Consumer United Sta Long BeachNew York
VD-21670 Valerie Dominguez Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
SR-20425 Sharelle Roach Home Office United Sta TuscaloosaAlabama
AG-10330 Alex Grayson Consumer United Sta Mesa Arizona
BP-11095 Bart Pistole Corporate United Sta Jacksonvill North Caro
JW-16075 Julia West Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
LH-16900 Lena Hernandez Consumer United Sta Columbus Georgia
KT-16480 Kean Thornton Consumer United Sta Orange New Jersey
CC-12220 Chris Cortes Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
BF-11170 Ben Ferrer Home Office United Sta Chicago Illinois
MS-17770 Maxwell Schwartz Consumer United Sta Richmond Virginia
AH-10030 Aaron Hawkins Corporate United Sta Troy New York
CK-12595 Clytie Kelty Consumer United Sta ProvidenceRhode Isla
NP-18325 Naresj Patel Consumer United Sta San Franci California
GM-14440 Gary McGarr Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
SG-20605 Speros Goranitis Consumer United Sta San Franci California
HK-14890 Heather Kirkland Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
MY-18295 Muhammed Yedwab Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
RC-19960 Ryan Crowe Consumer United Sta Baltimore Maryland
JO-15145 Jack O'Briant Corporate United Sta Athens Georgia
MW-18220 Mitch Webber Consumer United Sta Lancaster Ohio
NZ-18565 Nick Zandusky Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JM-15250 Janet Martin Consumer United Sta Baltimore Maryland
ED-13885 Emily Ducich Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
DW-13480 Dianna Wilson Home Office United Sta San Diego California
JK-15205 Jamie Kunitz Consumer United Sta Hialeah Florida
JS-15880 John Stevenson Consumer United Sta Atlanta Georgia
PO-19180 Philisse Overcash Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
MH-17290 Marc Harrigan Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
PO-19180 Philisse Overcash Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
HF-14995 Herbert Flentye Consumer United Sta Fort LaudeFlorida
VB-21745 Victoria Brennan Corporate United Sta Rochester New York
MG-17890 Michael Granlund Home Office United Sta Saint CharlIllinois
BO-11425 Bobby Odegard Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
CM-12115 Chad McGuire Consumer United Sta San Franci California
LC-16930 Linda Cazamias Corporate United Sta Phoenix Arizona
EH-13765 Edward Hooks Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
MC-17275 Marc Crier Consumer United Sta Camarillo California
HW-14935 Helen Wasserman Corporate United Sta Detroit Michigan
LC-16870 Lena Cacioppo Consumer United Sta San Franci California
BP-11290 Beth Paige Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
TG-21310 Toby Gnade Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
MC-18100 Mick Crebagga Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
RB-19360 Raymond Buch Consumer United Sta San Franci California
ES-14080 Erin Smith Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
RD-19720 Roger Demir Consumer United Sta San Franci California
SC-20380 Shahid Collister Consumer United Sta Fairfield Connecticu
GB-14575 Giulietta Baptist Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
FP-14320 Frank Preis Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
EA-14035 Erin Ashbrook Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
SC-20305 Sean Christensen Consumer United Sta San Jose California
JF-15355 Jay Fein Consumer United Sta Pasadena California
TP-21415 Tom Prescott Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
RL-19615 Rob Lucas Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
SB-20170 Sarah Bern Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JS-15595 Jill Stevenson Corporate United Sta Columbus Ohio
BP-11155 Becky Pak Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
EM-13825 Elizabeth Moffitt Corporate United Sta HollywoodFlorida
SC-20695 Steve Chapman Corporate United Sta Roseville Michigan
EM-14140 Eugene Moren Home Office United Sta Superior Wisconsin
GZ-14545 George Zrebassa Corporate United Sta Thousand California
ML-17395 Marina Lichtenstein Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
PG-18895 Paul Gonzalez Consumer United Sta SpringfieldVirginia
DK-12835 Damala Kotsonis Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
SJ-20215 Sarah Jordon Consumer United Sta Columbia Tennessee
AG-10675 Anna Gayman Consumer United Sta Concord North Caro
KD-16495 Keith Dawkins Corporate United Sta San Jose California
EB-13975 Erica Bern Corporate United Sta GreensborNorth Caro
AW-10930 Arthur Wiediger Home Office United Sta Helena Montana
JK-16120 Julie Kriz Home Office United Sta Fort LaudeFlorida
TC-21535 Tracy Collins Home Office United Sta San Franci California
TH-21235 Tiffany House Corporate United Sta Yuma Arizona
PW-19240 Pierre Wener Consumer United Sta Columbia Maryland
GH-14410 Gary Hansen Home Office United Sta Yuma Arizona
JK-15730 Joe Kamberova Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
LC-17140 Logan Currie Consumer United Sta Cleveland Ohio
BK-11260 Berenike Kampe Consumer United Sta San Franci California
BS-11365 Bill Shonely Corporate United Sta Oklahoma O C klahoma
AG-10525 Andy Gerbode Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
SC-20725 Steven Cartwright Consumer United Sta San Franci California
LR-16915 Lena Radford Consumer United Sta Nashville Tennessee
CB-12415 Christy Brittain Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
RD-19900 Ruben Dartt Consumer United Sta Bellevue Washingto
NC-18340 Nat Carroll Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
NB-18655 Nona Balk Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
JK-15730 Joe Kamberova Consumer United Sta Des PlainesIllinois
DO-13645 Doug O'Connell Consumer United Sta Boynton B Florida
MG-18145 Mike Gockenbach Consumer United Sta Plano Texas
LH-17155 Logan Haushalter Consumer United Sta San Jose California
MM-18280 Muhammed MacIntyre Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
BD-11320 Bill Donatelli Consumer United Sta Detroit Michigan
SC-20575 Sonia Cooley Consumer United Sta Miami Florida
TN-21040 Tanja Norvell Home Office United Sta Park RidgeIllinois
ZC-21910 Zuschuss Carroll Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
NB-18655 Nona Balk Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
KH-16330 Katharine Harms Corporate United Sta Hillsboro Oregon
MN-17935 Michael Nguyen Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
MY-18295 Muhammed Yedwab Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
CS-11950 Carlos Soltero Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
MC-17845 Michael Chen Consumer United Sta Pasco Washingto
SC-20050 Sample Company A Home Office United Sta Burbank California
SP-20650 Stephanie Phelps Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
SC-20440 Shaun Chance Corporate United Sta Lancaster Pennsylvan
PR-18880 Patrick Ryan Consumer United Sta Tampa Florida
JK-15625 Jim Karlsson Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
BM-11575 Brendan Murry Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
SM-20950 Suzanne McNair Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
KC-16255 Karen Carlisle Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
SG-20470 Sheri Gordon Consumer United Sta Atlanta Georgia
TB-21520 Tracy Blumstein Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
DV-13045 Darrin Van Huff Corporate United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
SC-20020 Sam Craven Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
JB-15400 Jennifer Braxton Corporate United Sta MilwaukeeWisconsin
GH-14425 Gary Hwang Consumer United Sta Modesto California
MG-17650 Matthew Grinstein Home Office United Sta Lakewood Ohio
RD-19660 Robert Dilbeck Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
SN-20560 Skye Norling Home Office United Sta San Franci California
AH-10690 Anna Häberlin Corporate United Sta Detroit Michigan
MZ-17335 Maria Zettner Home Office United Sta Phoenix Arizona
AR-10345 Alex Russell Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
JF-15295 Jason Fortune- Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
DS-13180 David Smith Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
BP-11095 Bart Pistole Corporate United Sta Miami Florida
TG-21310 Toby Gnade Consumer United Sta Raleigh North Caro
BT-11395 Bill Tyler Corporate United Sta Garden CitKansas
JF-15190 Jamie Frazer Consumer United Sta Long BeachCalifornia
MK-17905 Michael Kennedy Corporate United Sta San Diego California
GG-14650 Greg Guthrie Corporate United Sta Bloomingt Illinois
MC-18130 Mike Caudle Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
ML-18265 Muhammed Lee Consumer United Sta Fayettevill North Caro
AG-10270 Alejandro Grove Consumer United Sta Omaha Nebraska
TT-21070 Ted Trevino Consumer United Sta Chattanoo Tennessee
LT-16765 Larry Tron Consumer United Sta Fairfield Ohio
DD-13570 Dorothy Dickinson Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
DB-12970 Darren Budd Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
DM-12955 Dario Medina Corporate United Sta Fairfield Ohio
ME-17725 Max Engle Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
TR-21325 Toby Ritter Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
SH-20395 Shahid Hopkins Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
CB-12535 Claudia Bergmann Corporate United Sta Camarillo California
ML-17410 Maris LaWare Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
JG-15310 Jason Gross Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JS-15880 John Stevenson Consumer United Sta Toledo Ohio
AG-10270 Alejandro Grove Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
MG-17890 Michael Granlund Home Office United Sta Tigard Oregon
SC-20770 Stewart Carmichael Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
BS-11755 Bruce Stewart Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
LC-17140 Logan Currie Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
MH-17440 Mark Haberlin Corporate United Sta Jackson Mississippi
RD-19720 Roger Demir Consumer United Sta Phoenix Arizona
BP-11095 Bart Pistole Corporate United Sta Oxnard California
BF-11020 Barry Französisch Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
CP-12085 Cathy Prescott Corporate United Sta Covington Washingto
JL-15235 Janet Lee Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JG-15805 John Grady Corporate United Sta San Diego California
VP-21760 Victoria Pisteka Corporate United Sta Brownsvill Texas
RD-19810 Ross DeVincentis Home Office United Sta Chicago Illinois
MH-18025 Michelle Huthwaite Consumer United Sta Knoxville Tennessee
SJ-20125 Sanjit Jacobs Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
FM-14380 Fred McMath Consumer United Sta BolingbrooIllinois
KH-16360 Katherine Hughes Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
LL-16840 Lauren Leatherbury Consumer United Sta WaynesborVirginia
AR-10540 Andy Reiter Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
NP-18670 Nora Paige Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
LP-17095 Liz Preis Consumer United Sta Visalia California
AH-10690 Anna Häberlin Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
TB-21190 Thomas Brumley Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
AA-10315 Alex Avila Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
AC-10615 Ann Chong Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
EM-14140 Eugene Moren Home Office United Sta Lehi Utah
QJ-19255 Quincy Jones Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
ME-17320 Maria Etezadi Home Office United Sta HendersonKentucky
LB-16795 Laurel Beltran Home Office United Sta HuntingtonCalifornia
JP-16135 Julie Prescott Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
EB-13705 Ed Braxton Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
CS-12400 Christopher Schild Home Office United Sta Fargo North Dako
PM-19135 Peter McVee Home Office United Sta Dover New Hamps
AA-10645 Anna Andreadi Consumer United Sta San Diego California
FA-14230 Frank Atkinson Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
CM-12190 Charlotte Melton Consumer United Sta Utica New York
CC-12475 Cindy Chapman Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
TC-21295 Toby Carlisle Consumer United Sta WestminstCalifornia
TB-21400 Tom Boeckenhauer Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JK-15325 Jason Klamczynski Corporate United Sta Atlantic CitNew Jersey
BW-11200 Ben Wallace Consumer United Sta Skokie Illinois
SH-20395 Shahid Hopkins Consumer United Sta San Franci California
JL-15835 John Lee Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
JL-15835 John Lee Consumer United Sta Richmond Kentucky
MD-17350 Maribeth Dona Consumer United Sta Lancaster Ohio
CL-12565 Clay Ludtke Consumer United Sta Gresham Oregon
RA-19885 Ruben Ausman Corporate United Sta San Franci California
LC-16885 Lena Creighton Consumer United Sta Longmont Colorado
SW-20245 Scot Wooten Consumer United Sta Greenville North Caro
HG-14965 Henry Goldwyn Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
MV-17485 Mark Van Huff Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
GT-14710 Greg Tran Consumer United Sta San Franci California
BS-11380 Bill Stewart Corporate United Sta Denver Colorado
CM-12715 Craig Molinari Corporate United Sta Huntsville Texas
EM-13825 Elizabeth Moffitt Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
KH-16330 Katharine Harms Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
AF-10885 Art Foster Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
JR-16210 Justin Ritter Corporate United Sta Columbus Indiana
DL-12925 Daniel Lacy Consumer United Sta Long BeachNew York
BD-11605 Brian Dahlen Consumer United Sta Lancaster Pennsylvan
RB-19570 Rob Beeghly Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
RB-19795 Ross Baird Home Office United Sta Denver Colorado
TB-21250 Tim Brockman Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
KN-16390 Katherine Nockton Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
RL-19615 Rob Lucas Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
FH-14275 Frank Hawley Corporate United Sta Newport NVirginia
YS-21880 Yana Sorensen Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
SW-20755 Steven Ward Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
PN-18775 Parhena Norris Home Office United Sta Omaha Nebraska
AT-10735 Annie Thurman Consumer United Sta Morristow New Jersey
EJ-13720 Ed Jacobs Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
DM-13345 Denise Monton Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
KH-16690 Kristen Hastings Corporate United Sta SpringfieldVirginia
MB-18085 Mick Brown Consumer United Sta Roseville California
DK-12895 Dana Kaydos Consumer United Sta Rockford Illinois
DB-13210 Dean Braden Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
CV-12295 Christina VanderZanden Consumer United Sta Detroit Michigan
GK-14620 Grace Kelly Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JA-15970 Joseph Airdo Consumer United Sta SpringfieldOregon
TH-21115 Thea Hudgings Corporate United Sta ProvidenceRhode Isla
BS-11665 Brian Stugart Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
NS-18505 Neola Schneider Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
MK-18160 Mike Kennedy Consumer United Sta San Franci California
SA-20830 Sue Ann Reed Consumer United Sta Moreno ValCalifornia
BH-11710 Brosina Hoffman Consumer United Sta Garden CitKansas
SC-20380 Shahid Collister Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
RF-19345 Randy Ferguson Corporate United Sta Orlando Florida
CM-12235 Chris McAfee Consumer United Sta WatertownNew York
JM-15655 Jim Mitchum Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
RB-19435 Richard Bierner Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
SS-20515 Shirley Schmidt Home Office United Sta Newark Delaware
NM-18445 Nathan Mautz Home Office United Sta Detroit Michigan
EM-14095 Eudokia Martin Corporate United Sta Phoenix Arizona
MP-17470 Mark Packer Home Office United Sta Brownsvill Texas
KH-16360 Katherine Hughes Consumer United Sta Louisville Kentucky
DB-13555 Dorothy Badders Corporate United Sta Newark Delaware
LB-16795 Laurel Beltran Home Office United Sta Pueblo Colorado
CA-11965 Carol Adams Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
DL-12925 Daniel Lacy Consumer United Sta Greenville North Caro
FC-14335 Fred Chung Corporate United Sta San Franci California
DB-13120 David Bremer Corporate United Sta Marion Ohio
CK-12205 Chloris Kastensmidt Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
FW-14395 Fred Wasserman Corporate United Sta Huntsville Alabama
JM-15865 John Murray Consumer United Sta Las Vegas Nevada
PS-18970 Paul Stevenson Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
TC-21475 Tony Chapman Home Office United Sta Lakewood Ohio
CV-12805 Cynthia Voltz Corporate United Sta Fremont Nebraska
VS-21820 Vivek Sundaresam Consumer United Sta Huntsville Texas
SC-20575 Sonia Cooley Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
SG-20605 Speros Goranitis Consumer United Sta Asheville North Caro
NB-18580 Nicole Brennan Corporate United Sta Bossier Cit Louisiana
DR-12940 Daniel Raglin Home Office United Sta ProvidenceRhode Isla
MA-17560 Matt Abelman Home Office United Sta Everett Massachuse
TS-21655 Trudy Schmidt Consumer United Sta Rancho CuCalifornia
JG-15115 Jack Garza Consumer United Sta Charlotte North Caro
KM-16375 Katherine Murray Home Office United Sta ProvidenceRhode Isla
SD-20485 Shirley Daniels Home Office United Sta Midland Michigan
TT-21070 Ted Trevino Consumer United Sta Rochester New York
BB-11545 Brenda Bowman Corporate United Sta Jackson Michigan
RS-19420 Ricardo Sperren Corporate United Sta Suffolk Virginia
AI-10855 Arianne Irving Consumer United Sta BrentwoodCalifornia
MC-17275 Marc Crier Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
AH-10120 Adrian Hane Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
BF-11170 Ben Ferrer Home Office United Sta Lawrence Massachuse
AA-10480 Andrew Allen Consumer United Sta Detroit Michigan
SV-20815 Stuart Van Corporate United Sta Orem Utah
EH-14185 Evan Henry Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
JL-15850 John Lucas Consumer United Sta Mesa Arizona
JM-15250 Janet Martin Consumer United Sta Fayettevill North Caro
JB-15925 Joni Blumstein Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
PB-19105 Peter Bühler Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
SP-20620 Stefania Perrino Corporate United Sta Colorado SColorado
MC-17605 Matt Connell Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
BG-11695 Brooke Gillingham Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
JO-15550 Jesus Ocampo Home Office United Sta San Franci California
AR-10345 Alex Russell Corporate United Sta Austin Texas
TS-21505 Tony Sayre Consumer United Sta Cleveland Ohio
JK-15640 Jim Kriz Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
GA-14515 George Ashbrook Consumer United Sta El Paso Texas
TN-21040 Tanja Norvell Home Office United Sta Tallahasse Florida
TW-21025 Tamara Willingham Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
PA-19060 Pete Armstrong Home Office United Sta Dallas Texas
JD-15790 John Dryer Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
MN-17935 Michael Nguyen Consumer United Sta SpringfieldOhio
GM-14500 Gene McClure Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
DG-13300 Deirdre Greer Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
JG-15160 James Galang Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
AG-10330 Alex Grayson Consumer United Sta Charlotte North Caro
JF-15355 Jay Fein Consumer United Sta Baltimore Maryland
SC-20680 Steve Carroll Home Office United Sta San Franci California
CM-11935 Carlos Meador Consumer United Sta Tucson Arizona
KT-16480 Kean Thornton Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
CP-12340 Christine Phan Corporate United Sta WaterburyConnecticu
EK-13795 Eileen Kiefer Home Office United Sta Chicago Illinois
CW-11905 Carl Weiss Home Office United Sta Long BeachNew York
KH-16510 Keith Herrera Consumer United Sta Arlington Virginia
AB-10600 Ann Blume Corporate United Sta Jacksonvill North Caro
AH-10075 Adam Hart Corporate United Sta Columbus Ohio
CK-12595 Clytie Kelty Consumer United Sta Charlotte North Caro
SP-20620 Stefania Perrino Corporate United Sta Buffalo New York
JP-15460 Jennifer Patt Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
BG-11035 Barry Gonzalez Consumer United Sta Memphis Tennessee
CC-12550 Clay Cheatham Consumer United Sta Plano Texas
SL-20155 Sara Luxemburg Home Office United Sta Salem Oregon
FO-14305 Frank Olsen Consumer United Sta Columbus Georgia
BB-11545 Brenda Bowman Corporate United Sta Columbia Maryland
DO-13435 Denny Ordway Consumer United Sta Portland Oregon
LB-16735 Larry Blacks Consumer United Sta Tallahasse Florida
TS-21205 Thomas Seio Corporate United Sta Riverside California
CS-12505 Cindy Stewart Consumer United Sta Lancaster Ohio
SP-20920 Susan Pistek Consumer United Sta San Franci California
CD-12790 Cynthia Delaney Home Office United Sta Moreno ValCalifornia
RF-19840 Roy Französisch Consumer United Sta ChesapeakVirginia
FO-14305 Frank Olsen Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
ER-13855 Elpida Rittenbach Corporate United Sta Charlotte North Caro
PB-19150 Philip Brown Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
LW-17215 Luke Weiss Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
FG-14260 Frank Gastineau Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
BP-11050 Barry Pond Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
SP-20860 Sung Pak Corporate United Sta Dallas Texas
JD-15895 Jonathan Doherty Corporate United Sta Las Vegas Nevada
FM-14380 Fred McMath Consumer United Sta Amarillo Texas
MP-17965 Michael Paige Corporate United Sta MiddletowConnecticu
HR-14830 Harold Ryan Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
BW-11065 Barry Weirich Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
MS-17710 Maurice Satty Consumer United Sta Fresno California
SJ-20125 Sanjit Jacobs Home Office United Sta Franklin Tennessee
VS-21820 Vivek Sundaresam Consumer United Sta Raleigh North Caro
DK-13090 Dave Kipp Consumer United Sta Clinton Maryland
MG-17680 Maureen Gastineau Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
DP-13390 Dennis Pardue Home Office United Sta North Las Nevada
CJ-12010 Caroline Jumper Consumer United Sta San Franci California
CW-11905 Carl Weiss Home Office United Sta Cranston Rhode Isla
GW-14605 Giulietta Weimer Consumer United Sta Jackson Tennessee
PP-18955 Paul Prost Home Office United Sta Newark Delaware
PW-19030 Pauline Webber Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
PW-19030 Pauline Webber Corporate United Sta Rome New York
CY-12745 Craig Yedwab Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
BW-11110 Bart Watters Corporate United Sta San Diego California
MB-18085 Mick Brown Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
CR-12820 Cyra Reiten Home Office United Sta West PalmFlorida
EB-14110 Eugene Barchas Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
SH-19975 Sally Hughsby Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
CV-12295 Christina VanderZanden Consumer United Sta Des MoineIowa
AT-10735 Annie Thurman Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
AG-10390 Allen Goldenen Consumer United Sta Arlington Virginia
GM-14500 Gene McClure Consumer United Sta Pharr Texas
JK-15205 Jamie Kunitz Consumer United Sta Arlington Virginia
DW-13540 Don Weiss Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
AS-10090 Adam Shillingsburg Consumer United Sta Irving Texas
TS-21205 Thomas Seio Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
SM-20320 Sean Miller Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
BH-11710 Brosina Hoffman Consumer United Sta Hattiesbur Mississippi
LW-16825 Laurel Workman Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
JA-15970 Joseph Airdo Consumer United Sta Cuyahoga FOhio
KA-16525 Kelly Andreada Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
TG-21310 Toby Gnade Consumer United Sta Mesa Arizona
DB-13360 Dennis Bolton Home Office United Sta Salt Lake CUtah
LS-17245 Lynn Smith Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
MO-17950 Michael Oakman Consumer United Sta Jacksonvill North Caro
CA-11965 Carol Adams Corporate United Sta Lakewood Ohio
DB-12910 Daniel Byrd Home Office United Sta Lake ForesCalifornia
DK-12835 Damala Kotsonis Corporate United Sta Portland Oregon
EB-14170 Evan Bailliet Consumer United Sta Charlotte North Caro
DR-12940 Daniel Raglin Home Office United Sta Aurora Illinois
JS-15685 Jim Sink Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
LC-16870 Lena Cacioppo Consumer United Sta Thornton Colorado
JP-15520 Jeremy Pistek Consumer United Sta Davis California
TS-21655 Trudy Schmidt Consumer United Sta Fayettevill Arkansas
NM-18445 Nathan Mautz Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
EH-14125 Eugene Hildebrand Home Office United Sta Wheeling West Virgin
DC-12850 Dan Campbell Consumer United Sta Memphis Tennessee
DO-13645 Doug O'Connell Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
LS-16975 Lindsay Shagiari Home Office United Sta Dallas Texas
RW-19630 Rob Williams Corporate United Sta San Franci California
RD-19720 Roger Demir Consumer United Sta Morgan HilCalifornia
RB-19570 Rob Beeghly Consumer United Sta Saint CharlIllinois
JE-15715 Joe Elijah Consumer United Sta Cleveland Ohio
SR-20740 Steven Roelle Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
PO-19195 Phillina Ober Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
JK-16120 Julie Kriz Home Office United Sta Garland Texas
JP-16135 Julie Prescott Home Office United Sta San Diego California
Dp-13240 Dean percer Home Office United Sta WaterburyConnecticu
JB-16000 Joy Bell- Consumer United Sta Columbia Maryland
PP-18955 Paul Prost Home Office United Sta HollywoodFlorida
RF-19840 Roy Französisch Consumer United Sta SpringfieldVirginia
KH-16330 Katharine Harms Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
EM-14200 Evan Minnotte Home Office United Sta Dallas Texas
DK-12835 Damala Kotsonis Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
MC-17425 Mark Cousins Corporate United Sta Portland Oregon
RW-19540 Rick Wilson Corporate United Sta BrentwoodCalifornia
DS-13180 David Smith Corporate United Sta San Diego California
GA-14725 Guy Armstrong Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
SC-20380 Shahid Collister Consumer United Sta El Paso Texas
KD-16345 Katherine Ducich Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
KH-16330 Katharine Harms Corporate United Sta Revere Massachuse
GG-14650 Greg Guthrie Corporate United Sta Chico California
JS-15685 Jim Sink Corporate United Sta Miramar Florida
BP-11095 Bart Pistole Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
CC-12610 Corey Catlett Corporate United Sta Denver Colorado
SP-20860 Sung Pak Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
JK-15625 Jim Karlsson Consumer United Sta Jackson Mississippi
CC-12100 Chad Cunningham Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
DP-13000 Darren Powers Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
SF-20065 Sandra Flanagan Consumer United Sta Clifton New Jersey
EH-13765 Edward Hooks Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
DN-13690 Duane Noonan Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
PJ-19015 Pauline Johnson Consumer United Sta Long BeachNew York
MA-17560 Matt Abelman Home Office United Sta SheboyganWisconsin
VM-21835 Vivian Mathis Consumer United Sta Boca RatonFlorida
MM-18055 Michelle Moray Consumer United Sta Aurora Colorado
CR-12580 Clay Rozendal Home Office United Sta San Diego California
BS-11365 Bill Shonely Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
RD-19585 Rob Dowd Consumer United Sta Dubuque Iowa
KD-16270 Karen Daniels Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
AA-10645 Anna Andreadi Consumer United Sta Lowell Massachuse
MC-18100 Mick Crebagga Consumer United Sta Marysville Washingto
AA-10645 Anna Andreadi Consumer United Sta Oklahoma O C klahoma
QJ-19255 Quincy Jones Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
JM-16195 Justin MacKendrick Consumer United Sta Aurora Colorado
TB-21625 Trudy Brown Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
NF-18595 Nicole Fjeld Home Office United Sta Lancaster Ohio
BF-11020 Barry Französisch Corporate United Sta Modesto California
NP-18670 Nora Paige Consumer United Sta Saint LouisMissouri
HM-14860 Harry Marie Corporate United Sta Dallas Texas
DM-13525 Don Miller Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
JF-15565 Jill Fjeld Consumer United Sta San AntoniTexas
NM-18520 Neoma Murray Consumer United Sta Amarillo Texas
MV-17485 Mark Van Huff Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
AG-10270 Alejandro Grove Consumer United Sta Lawrence Massachuse
BF-11275 Beth Fritzler Corporate United Sta Columbus Georgia
JC-15775 John Castell Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
CM-11815 Candace McMahon Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
PV-18985 Paul Van Hugh Home Office United Sta CambridgeMassachuse
DO-13645 Doug O'Connell Consumer United Sta Salt Lake CUtah
HA-14905 Helen Abelman Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
SH-20395 Shahid Hopkins Consumer United Sta Cuyahoga FOhio
JM-16195 Justin MacKendrick Consumer United Sta Wilmingto North Caro
DK-13225 Dean Katz Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
CM-12715 Craig Molinari Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
BF-10975 Barbara Fisher Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
SF-20965 Sylvia Foulston Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
CB-12025 Cassandra Brandow Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
TC-20980 Tamara Chand Corporate United Sta Long BeachNew York
LW-17215 Luke Weiss Consumer United Sta Rochester New York
NS-18640 Noel Staavos Corporate United Sta San Franci California
JM-15250 Janet Martin Consumer United Sta Huntsville Texas
RF-19345 Randy Ferguson Corporate United Sta East Point Georgia
CA-12055 Cathy Armstrong Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
KH-16690 Kristen Hastings Corporate United Sta SpringfieldOregon
LC-16960 Lindsay Castell Home Office United Sta Arlington Virginia
JL-15130 Jack Lebron Consumer United Sta Wilmingto North Caro
DM-12955 Dario Medina Corporate United Sta Yuma Arizona
MV-18190 Mike Vittorini Consumer United Sta San BernarCalifornia
NS-18640 Noel Staavos Corporate United Sta Baltimore Maryland
AS-10630 Ann Steele Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
MT-17815 Meg Tillman Consumer United Sta San Franci California
SR-20425 Sharelle Roach Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
DK-13375 Dennis Kane Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
SV-20935 Susan Vittorini Consumer United Sta Albuquerq New Mexic
RH-19510 Rick Huthwaite Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
SB-20185 Sarah Brown Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
CR-12820 Cyra Reiten Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
EG-13900 Emily Grady Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
RD-19930 Russell D'Ascenzo Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
JM-15865 John Murray Consumer United Sta San AngeloTexas
LW-16825 Laurel Workman Corporate United Sta Pasadena Texas
RW-19540 Rick Wilson Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
BG-11695 Brooke Gillingham Corporate United Sta Garden CitKansas
TT-21220 Thomas Thornton Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
EB-13930 Eric Barreto Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
LP-17080 Liz Pelletier Consumer United Sta San Franci California
FP-14320 Frank Preis Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
JA-15970 Joseph Airdo Consumer United Sta Modesto California
TS-21655 Trudy Schmidt Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
DP-13000 Darren Powers Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
JD-15895 Jonathan Doherty Corporate United Sta Riverside California
GH-14485 Gene Hale Corporate United Sta Dallas Texas
RD-19585 Rob Dowd Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
CS-12490 Cindy Schnelling Corporate United Sta Lakeland Florida
BF-11215 Benjamin Farhat Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
NK-18490 Neil Knudson Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
AZ-10750 Annie Zypern Consumer United Sta San Diego California
Co-12640 Corey-Lock Consumer United Sta Lawton Oklahoma
AG-10675 Anna Gayman Consumer United Sta Salem Virginia
EM-14140 Eugene Moren Home Office United Sta Santa Ana California
CA-11965 Carol Adams Corporate United Sta Rapid City South Dako
RB-19360 Raymond Buch Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
RD-19720 Roger Demir Consumer United Sta MiddletowConnecticu
MS-17830 Melanie Seite Consumer United Sta Baltimore Maryland
PG-18820 Patrick Gardner Consumer United Sta San Diego California
KB-16240 Karen Bern Corporate United Sta Odessa Texas
RB-19465 Rick Bensley Home Office United Sta Milford Connecticu
JD-15790 John Dryer Consumer United Sta Belleville New Jersey
JJ-15445 Jennifer Jackson Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
LT-17110 Liz Thompson Consumer United Sta San Diego California
AH-10690 Anna Häberlin Corporate United Sta San Franci California
AB-10060 Adam Bellavance Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
FM-14380 Fred McMath Consumer United Sta Jackson Mississippi
GH-14410 Gary Hansen Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
HE-14800 Harold Engle Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
SZ-20035 Sam Zeldin Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
CM-12115 Chad McGuire Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
TG-21310 Toby Gnade Consumer United Sta Des MoineWashingto
DK-12985 Darren Koutras Consumer United Sta SpringfieldOregon
SS-20410 Shahid Shariari Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
BM-11575 Brendan Murry Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
MY-17380 Maribeth Yedwab Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
AG-10900 Arthur Gainer Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
BW-11110 Bart Watters Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
SG-20470 Sheri Gordon Consumer United Sta Rockville Maryland
CC-12370 Christopher Conant Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
LR-16915 Lena Radford Consumer United Sta Durham North Caro
DB-13120 David Bremer Corporate United Sta Santa BarbCalifornia
LP-17095 Liz Preis Consumer United Sta Knoxville Tennessee
AF-10870 Art Ferguson Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
KD-16495 Keith Dawkins Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
SA-20830 Sue Ann Reed Consumer United Sta Daytona B Florida
BG-11035 Barry Gonzalez Consumer United Sta Nashville Tennessee
DM-12955 Dario Medina Corporate United Sta Nashville Tennessee
MC-17845 Michael Chen Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
ML-17395 Marina Lichtenstein Corporate United Sta MurfreesbTennessee
RD-19930 Russell D'Ascenzo Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
AB-10015 Aaron Bergman Consumer United Sta Arlington Texas
EA-14035 Erin Ashbrook Corporate United Sta Pasadena California
SF-20065 Sandra Flanagan Consumer United Sta Everett Massachuse
BC-11125 Becky Castell Home Office United Sta Troy New York
PF-19165 Philip Fox Consumer United Sta Sandy Spri Georgia
SE-20110 Sanjit Engle Consumer United Sta San Jose California
CJ-12010 Caroline Jumper Consumer United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
PT-19090 Pete Takahito Consumer United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
LH-16900 Lena Hernandez Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
BW-11200 Ben Wallace Consumer United Sta San Franci California
BS-11365 Bill Shonely Corporate United Sta Columbus Georgia
DP-13390 Dennis Pardue Home Office United Sta Aurora Illinois
CS-12400 Christopher Schild Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
MS-17365 Maribeth Schnelling Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
DK-12895 Dana Kaydos Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
SN-20560 Skye Norling Home Office United Sta Roseville Michigan
TC-21475 Tony Chapman Home Office United Sta Fayettevill Arkansas
AM-10705 Anne McFarland Consumer United Sta Jacksonvill North Caro
AJ-10960 Astrea Jones Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
KH-16360 Katherine Hughes Consumer United Sta Dover Delaware
LP-17095 Liz Preis Consumer United Sta Aurora Illinois
JE-15715 Joe Elijah Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
MY-18295 Muhammed Yedwab Corporate United Sta El Cajon California
FC-14245 Frank Carlisle Home Office United Sta SpringfieldOhio
ND-18460 Neil Ducich Corporate United Sta Mount VerNew York
DB-13360 Dennis Bolton Home Office United Sta Lakewood Ohio
LC-16960 Lindsay Castell Home Office United Sta Tampa Florida
BD-11725 Bruce Degenhardt Consumer United Sta Columbus Georgia
MC-17605 Matt Connell Corporate United Sta Jacksonvill North Caro
SZ-20035 Sam Zeldin Home Office United Sta Saint CharlIllinois
DH-13675 Duane Huffman Home Office United Sta Miami Florida
LC-16885 Lena Creighton Consumer United Sta Troy Ohio
JO-15145 Jack O'Briant Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
MT-17815 Meg Tillman Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
EB-13750 Edward Becker Corporate United Sta Arlington Virginia
RS-19765 Roland Schwarz Corporate United Sta Charlotte North Caro
RB-19435 Richard Bierner Consumer United Sta Roseville California
OT-18730 Olvera Toch Consumer United Sta Detroit Michigan
GZ-14545 George Zrebassa Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
NL-18310 Nancy Lomonaco Home Office United Sta San Franci California
BG-11740 Bruce Geld Consumer United Sta BakersfieldCalifornia
MT-18070 Michelle Tran Home Office United Sta Tulsa Oklahoma
BC-11125 Becky Castell Home Office United Sta San Franci California
GW-14605 Giulietta Weimer Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
BD-11500 Bradley Drucker Consumer United Sta Columbus Georgia
PV-18985 Paul Van Hugh Home Office United Sta League Cit Texas
HM-14980 Henry MacAllister Consumer United Sta Burlington North Caro
EM-14065 Erin Mull Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
SF-20065 Sandra Flanagan Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
SC-20380 Shahid Collister Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
ND-18370 Natalie DeCherney Consumer United Sta Long BeachNew York
FC-14245 Frank Carlisle Home Office United Sta Hialeah Florida
KL-16555 Kelly Lampkin Corporate United Sta Aurora Illinois
XP-21865 Xylona Preis Consumer United Sta Belleville New Jersey
FP-14320 Frank Preis Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
PS-18760 Pamela Stobb Consumer United Sta Andover Massachuse
CW-11905 Carl Weiss Home Office United Sta Newark Delaware
KH-16360 Katherine Hughes Consumer United Sta Arlington Virginia
TC-20980 Tamara Chand Corporate United Sta Decatur Alabama
YS-21880 Yana Sorensen Corporate United Sta Hesperia California
CC-12220 Chris Cortes Consumer United Sta ChesapeakVirginia
ZD-21925 Zuschuss Donatelli Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JK-15370 Jay Kimmel Consumer United Sta Huntsville Alabama
GM-14440 Gary McGarr Consumer United Sta Knoxville Tennessee
JW-15220 Jane Waco Corporate United Sta Lawrence Massachuse
BO-11350 Bill Overfelt Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
XP-21865 Xylona Preis Consumer United Sta Athens Georgia
MM-18055 Michelle Moray Consumer United Sta Great FallsMontana
TS-21655 Trudy Schmidt Consumer United Sta El Paso Texas
JL-15235 Janet Lee Consumer United Sta KissimmeeFlorida
SZ-20035 Sam Zeldin Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
LR-17035 Lisa Ryan Corporate United Sta Santa ClaraCalifornia
SV-20365 Seth Vernon Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
MG-17890 Michael Granlund Home Office United Sta Fresno California
NC-18415 Nathan Cano Consumer United Sta Fort WorthTexas
SC-20680 Steve Carroll Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
RO-19780 Rose O'Brian Consumer United Sta San Franci California
JL-15175 James Lanier Home Office United Sta San Franci California
PW-19030 Pauline Webber Corporate United Sta Pompano BFlorida
MF-18250 Monica Federle Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
CC-12220 Chris Cortes Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
AC-10660 Anna Chung Consumer United Sta San Franci California
MH-17440 Mark Haberlin Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
CD-12790 Cynthia Delaney Home Office United Sta Shelton Connecticu
CV-12805 Cynthia Voltz Corporate United Sta Oakland California
TB-21625 Trudy Brown Consumer United Sta ManchesteConnecticu
DG-13300 Deirdre Greer Corporate United Sta Orange New Jersey
RD-19810 Ross DeVincentis Home Office United Sta Akron Ohio
CS-12250 Chris Selesnick Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JB-16045 Julia Barnett Home Office United Sta Danbury Connecticu
EJ-14155 Eva Jacobs Consumer United Sta Franklin Massachuse
BD-11620 Brian DeCherney Consumer United Sta Wilmingto North Caro
MR-17545 Mathew Reese Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
SR-20425 Sharelle Roach Home Office United Sta SpringfieldOhio
TH-21100 Thea Hendricks Consumer United Sta Glendale Arizona
BD-11635 Brian Derr Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
SM-20950 Suzanne McNair Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
HE-14800 Harold Engle Corporate United Sta Newark Delaware
JK-15640 Jim Kriz Home Office United Sta San BernarCalifornia
ON-18715 Odella Nelson Corporate United Sta Burlington North Caro
TH-21100 Thea Hendricks Consumer United Sta Salem Virginia
MD-17350 Maribeth Dona Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
AH-10075 Adam Hart Corporate United Sta Arlington Texas
ML-17755 Max Ludwig Home Office United Sta Marion Iowa
LB-16795 Laurel Beltran Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
NP-18670 Nora Paige Consumer United Sta Lakewood New Jersey
EB-13750 Edward Becker Corporate United Sta Cincinnati Ohio
RP-19390 Resi Pölking Consumer United Sta Thornton Colorado
DC-12850 Dan Campbell Consumer United Sta Roseville Michigan
DJ-13510 Don Jones Corporate United Sta Tempe Arizona
CL-12565 Clay Ludtke Consumer United Sta Reading Pennsylvan
NC-18340 Nat Carroll Consumer United Sta Apple Vall Minnesota
KN-16450 Kean Nguyen Corporate United Sta Baltimore Maryland
SC-20260 Scott Cohen Corporate United Sta Corpus ChriTexas
AM-10705 Anne McFarland Consumer United Sta Las Vegas Nevada
RA-19945 Ryan Akin Consumer United Sta Cleveland Ohio
MM-17260 Magdelene Morse Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
BN-11470 Brad Norvell Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
JB-16045 Julia Barnett Home Office United Sta Columbus Ohio
DB-13615 Doug Bickford Consumer United Sta Tucson Arizona
JB-16045 Julia Barnett Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
AH-10075 Adam Hart Corporate United Sta Cranston Rhode Isla
AI-10855 Arianne Irving Consumer United Sta San Franci California
TH-21115 Thea Hudgings Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
JE-15610 Jim Epp Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
TH-21235 Tiffany House Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
JE-15715 Joe Elijah Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
AT-10735 Annie Thurman Consumer United Sta Bristol Connecticu
JH-15820 John Huston Consumer United Sta Holland Michigan
DR-12940 Daniel Raglin Home Office United Sta Albuquerq New Mexic
AB-10165 Alan Barnes Consumer United Sta Louisville Colorado
MC-18100 Mick Crebagga Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
IG-15085 Ivan Gibson Consumer United Sta Norwich Connecticu
FH-14275 Frank Hawley Corporate United Sta San Franci California
AS-10285 Alejandro Savely Corporate United Sta NoblesvilleIndiana
PN-18775 Parhena Norris Home Office United Sta Clarksville Tennessee
GM-14500 Gene McClure Consumer United Sta HollywoodFlorida
NC-18625 Noah Childs Corporate United Sta York Pennsylvan
TW-21025 Tamara Willingham Home Office United Sta Mesa Arizona
BF-11020 Barry Französisch Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
TT-21460 Tonja Turnell Home Office United Sta San Franci California
SW-20245 Scot Wooten Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
PG-18820 Patrick Gardner Consumer United Sta Omaha Nebraska
DP-13390 Dennis Pardue Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
DJ-13510 Don Jones Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
EN-13780 Edward Nazzal Consumer United Sta Grand RapiMichigan
PB-19150 Philip Brown Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
BD-11560 Brendan Dodson Home Office United Sta Fresno California
SE-20110 Sanjit Engle Consumer United Sta Arlington Virginia
AT-10735 Annie Thurman Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
CC-12685 Craig Carroll Consumer United Sta Lubbock Texas
AS-10225 Alan Schoenberger Corporate United Sta Longmont Colorado
AB-10150 Aimee Bixby Consumer United Sta Yonkers New York
DH-13075 Dave Hallsten Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
SR-20740 Steven Roelle Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
NR-18550 Nick Radford Consumer United Sta Amarillo Texas
SJ-20125 Sanjit Jacobs Home Office United Sta Dallas Texas
CA-12775 Cynthia Arntzen Consumer United Sta Detroit Michigan
LC-16885 Lena Creighton Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
NS-18640 Noel Staavos Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
NS-18640 Noel Staavos Corporate United Sta Orlando Florida
HG-14965 Henry Goldwyn Corporate United Sta Florence Kentucky
SF-20200 Sarah Foster Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
EM-14065 Erin Mull Consumer United Sta Frisco Texas
DO-13645 Doug O'Connell Consumer United Sta Paterson New Jersey
MP-17470 Mark Packer Home Office United Sta Columbus Ohio
MY-18295 Muhammed Yedwab Corporate United Sta MilwaukeeWisconsin
DB-13615 Doug Bickford Consumer United Sta San Franci California
SP-20920 Susan Pistek Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
ME-17320 Maria Etezadi Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
BS-11755 Bruce Stewart Consumer United Sta Detroit Michigan
KS-16300 Karen Seio Corporate United Sta Columbus Georgia
CC-12475 Cindy Chapman Consumer United Sta San Franci California
HD-14785 Harold Dahlen Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
KB-16315 Karl Braun Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
HR-14830 Harold Ryan Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
TB-21625 Trudy Brown Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
DS-13180 David Smith Corporate United Sta Columbus Georgia
GB-14530 George Bell Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
GB-14530 George Bell Corporate United Sta Aurora Colorado
VB-21745 Victoria Brennan Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
MC-17425 Mark Cousins Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
CB-12025 Cassandra Brandow Consumer United Sta Decatur Alabama
PM-18940 Paul MacIntyre Consumer United Sta SpringfieldVirginia
DC-13285 Debra Catini Consumer United Sta Plantation Florida
LA-16780 Laura Armstrong Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
DJ-13420 Denny Joy Corporate United Sta MilwaukeeWisconsin
MH-18115 Mick Hernandez Home Office United Sta Sanford Florida
BG-11035 Barry Gonzalez Consumer United Sta The ColonyTexas
SV-20365 Seth Vernon Consumer United Sta Troy Ohio
DP-13105 Dave Poirier Corporate United Sta HempsteadNew York
SR-20740 Steven Roelle Home Office United Sta Dallas Texas
BT-11680 Brian Thompson Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
MS-17770 Maxwell Schwartz Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
JK-15640 Jim Kriz Home Office United Sta San Franci California
ST-20530 Shui Tom Consumer United Sta Port Saint Florida
TS-21505 Tony Sayre Consumer United Sta Concord New Hamps
CM-12190 Charlotte Melton Consumer United Sta Rochester Minnesota
JW-15955 Joni Wasserman Consumer United Sta Louisville Kentucky
MC-17590 Matt Collister Corporate United Sta San MarcoTexas
MH-17440 Mark Haberlin Corporate United Sta Escondido California
RD-19720 Roger Demir Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
KB-16240 Karen Bern Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
FC-14335 Fred Chung Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
BD-11770 Bryan Davis Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
FH-14365 Fred Hopkins Corporate United Sta HempsteadNew York
SO-20335 Sean O'Donnell Consumer United Sta Greeley Colorado
PM-19135 Peter McVee Home Office United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
GD-14590 Giulietta Dortch Corporate United Sta Arlington Virginia
PA-19060 Pete Armstrong Home Office United Sta San Franci California
LS-17200 Luke Schmidt Corporate United Sta Fresno California
JL-15175 James Lanier Home Office United Sta Reno Nevada
CA-12310 Christine Abelman Corporate United Sta San AntoniTexas
CM-12160 Charles McCrossin Consumer United Sta New BedfoMassachuse
BT-11440 Bobby Trafton Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
SE-20110 Sanjit Engle Consumer United Sta Oxnard California
HG-14965 Henry Goldwyn Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
PF-19165 Philip Fox Consumer United Sta Oakland California
BD-11770 Bryan Davis Consumer United Sta Edmonds Washingto
BT-11395 Bill Tyler Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
EM-14095 Eudokia Martin Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
LC-17050 Liz Carlisle Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
FH-14275 Frank Hawley Corporate United Sta Franklin Tennessee
CM-12235 Chris McAfee Consumer United Sta Phoenix Arizona
FM-14380 Fred McMath Consumer United Sta Miami Florida
HG-14965 Henry Goldwyn Corporate United Sta Colorado SColorado
AG-10525 Andy Gerbode Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
OT-18730 Olvera Toch Consumer United Sta BethlehemPennsylvan
SV-20365 Seth Vernon Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
JM-16195 Justin MacKendrick Consumer United Sta Louisville Kentucky
HM-14980 Henry MacAllister Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
PO-19180 Philisse Overcash Home Office United Sta Kenosha Wisconsin
KC-16675 Kimberly Carter Corporate United Sta HendersonKentucky
DB-13120 David Bremer Corporate United Sta Dallas Texas
SV-20935 Susan Vittorini Consumer United Sta Peoria Arizona
NS-18640 Noel Staavos Corporate United Sta Jacksonvill North Caro
MH-17455 Mark Hamilton Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
RR-19525 Rick Reed Corporate United Sta Nashville Tennessee
RH-19555 Ritsa Hightower Consumer United Sta Charlotte North Caro
RP-19390 Resi Pölking Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
KB-16600 Ken Brennan Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
MH-17620 Matt Hagelstein Corporate United Sta Cincinnati Ohio
HZ-14950 Henia Zydlo Consumer United Sta Fort LaudeFlorida
JG-15160 James Galang Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
AB-10165 Alan Barnes Consumer United Sta Lakewood California
HJ-14875 Heather Jas Home Office United Sta San Franci California
CJ-11875 Carl Jackson Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
ED-13885 Emily Ducich Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
AI-10855 Arianne Irving Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
KB-16315 Karl Braun Consumer United Sta Cleveland Ohio
JS-16030 Joy Smith Consumer United Sta Decatur Illinois
PO-18850 Patrick O'Brill Consumer United Sta Mansfield Texas
RD-19810 Ross DeVincentis Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
JD-15895 Jonathan Doherty Corporate United Sta Richmond Virginia
SR-20740 Steven Roelle Home Office United Sta Arlington Virginia
TZ-21580 Tracy Zic Consumer United Sta San Franci California
TN-21040 Tanja Norvell Home Office United Sta San Diego California
PW-19030 Pauline Webber Corporate United Sta WatertownNew York
AH-10075 Adam Hart Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
AY-10555 Andy Yotov Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
SP-20650 Stephanie Phelps Corporate United Sta Akron Ohio
ED-13885 Emily Ducich Home Office United Sta San Franci California
CR-12625 Corey Roper Home Office United Sta Grand RapiMichigan
CS-12400 Christopher Schild Home Office United Sta San Franci California
TS-21205 Thomas Seio Corporate United Sta Nashville Tennessee
RP-19390 Resi Pölking Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
IL-15100 Ivan Liston Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
NF-18475 Neil Französisch Home Office United Sta Reno Nevada
PP-18955 Paul Prost Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
JD-16150 Justin Deggeller Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
EJ-14155 Eva Jacobs Consumer United Sta San Diego California
PW-19240 Pierre Wener Consumer United Sta San Franci California
TS-21430 Tom Stivers Corporate United Sta San Diego California
BM-11650 Brian Moss Corporate United Sta Elyria Ohio
AW-10930 Arthur Wiediger Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
MH-17290 Marc Harrigan Home Office United Sta Miami Florida
SW-20275 Scott Williamson Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
SP-20860 Sung Pak Corporate United Sta MurfreesbTennessee
SC-20695 Steve Chapman Corporate United Sta Saint LouisMissouri
PW-19030 Pauline Webber Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
CS-12250 Chris Selesnick Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
RP-19855 Roy Phan Corporate United Sta WoodburyMinnesota
CS-12175 Charles Sheldon Corporate United Sta Chattanoo Tennessee
MJ-17740 Max Jones Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
JG-15160 James Galang Consumer United Sta Lafayette Louisiana
AG-10765 Anthony Garverick Home Office United Sta Lawrence Indiana
CK-12205 Chloris Kastensmidt Consumer United Sta Hillsboro Oregon
HD-14785 Harold Dahlen Home Office United Sta CambridgeMassachuse
BO-11350 Bill Overfelt Corporate United Sta San Diego California
LC-16885 Lena Creighton Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
RB-19465 Rick Bensley Home Office United Sta Tallahasse Florida
JD-16015 Joy Daniels Consumer United Sta Toledo Ohio
MF-17665 Maureen Fritzler Corporate United Sta Columbia Maryland
BF-11170 Ben Ferrer Home Office United Sta Atlanta Georgia
FO-14305 Frank Olsen Consumer United Sta SacramentCalifornia
BB-11545 Brenda Bowman Corporate United Sta Fort WorthTexas
IL-15100 Ivan Liston Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
PO-19180 Philisse Overcash Home Office United Sta Louisville Colorado
DB-13555 Dorothy Badders Corporate United Sta Raleigh North Caro
LC-16960 Lindsay Castell Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
MP-18175 Mike Pelletier Home Office United Sta Chicago Illinois
EA-14035 Erin Ashbrook Corporate United Sta Huntsville Texas
BP-11095 Bart Pistole Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
BM-11785 Bryan Mills Consumer United Sta Salem Oregon
CM-12715 Craig Molinari Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
JD-16150 Justin Deggeller Corporate United Sta Twin Falls Idaho
AS-10630 Ann Steele Home Office United Sta Knoxville Tennessee
CM-11815 Candace McMahon Corporate United Sta Phoenix Arizona
JE-15715 Joe Elijah Consumer United Sta Monroe North Caro
AG-10525 Andy Gerbode Corporate United Sta Richmond Virginia
TT-21220 Thomas Thornton Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
BP-11095 Bart Pistole Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
MJ-17740 Max Jones Consumer United Sta Orem Utah
VM-21685 Valerie Mitchum Home Office United Sta Burlington Vermont
KT-16480 Kean Thornton Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
CS-12250 Chris Selesnick Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
AB-10015 Aaron Bergman Consumer United Sta Oklahoma O C klahoma
AH-10030 Aaron Hawkins Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
DO-13435 Denny Ordway Consumer United Sta Salt Lake CUtah
MC-17590 Matt Collister Corporate United Sta Utica New York
JF-15190 Jamie Frazer Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
SM-20950 Suzanne McNair Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
SP-20650 Stephanie Phelps Corporate United Sta Jackson Michigan
CK-12760 Cyma Kinney Corporate United Sta Glendale Arizona
PW-19240 Pierre Wener Consumer United Sta Wilmingto Delaware
EB-14170 Evan Bailliet Consumer United Sta Austin Texas
DK-13090 Dave Kipp Consumer United Sta Orlando Florida
TB-21055 Ted Butterfield Consumer United Sta Reading Pennsylvan
AG-10900 Arthur Gainer Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
SC-20020 Sam Craven Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
BB-11545 Brenda Bowman Corporate United Sta Saint CharlMissouri
VP-21760 Victoria Pisteka Corporate United Sta IndianapoliIndiana
RP-19270 Rachel Payne Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
DH-13675 Duane Huffman Home Office United Sta HarrisonbuVirginia
SW-20455 Shaun Weien Consumer United Sta Rochester New York
KF-16285 Karen Ferguson Home Office United Sta Sandy Spri Georgia
FH-14275 Frank Hawley Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JR-16210 Justin Ritter Corporate United Sta San Franci California
JC-16105 Julie Creighton Corporate United Sta MinneapoliMinnesota
BP-11290 Beth Paige Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
FA-14230 Frank Atkinson Corporate United Sta Raleigh North Caro
DN-13690 Duane Noonan Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
FO-14305 Frank Olsen Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
DP-13105 Dave Poirier Corporate United Sta Meridian Idaho
JW-15220 Jane Waco Corporate United Sta SacramentCalifornia
TT-21460 Tonja Turnell Home Office United Sta Charlotte North Caro
SN-20560 Skye Norling Home Office United Sta Paterson New Jersey
JM-15865 John Murray Consumer United Sta Arlington Virginia
SB-20185 Sarah Brown Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
CC-12475 Cindy Chapman Consumer United Sta San Diego California
SH-19975 Sally Hughsby Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
RB-19435 Richard Bierner Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
TC-21295 Toby Carlisle Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
CT-11995 Carol Triggs Consumer United Sta Irving Texas
GZ-14470 Gary Zandusky Consumer United Sta Morristow New Jersey
AM-10360 Alice McCarthy Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
AH-10120 Adrian Hane Home Office United Sta Aurora Illinois
MY-18295 Muhammed Yedwab Corporate United Sta Durham North Caro
BS-11590 Brendan Sweed Corporate United Sta Columbus Ohio
BB-10990 Barry Blumstein Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
ML-17755 Max Ludwig Home Office United Sta Stockton California
FC-14245 Frank Carlisle Home Office United Sta Columbia Missouri
CR-12625 Corey Roper Home Office United Sta Columbus Georgia
LC-16960 Lindsay Castell Home Office United Sta San Diego California
GZ-14470 Gary Zandusky Consumer United Sta Texas City Texas
BD-11320 Bill Donatelli Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
EM-14095 Eudokia Martin Corporate United Sta SpringfieldVirginia
BP-11290 Beth Paige Consumer United Sta Decatur Illinois
SU-20665 Stephanie Ulpright Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
AY-10555 Andy Yotov Corporate United Sta San Franci California
EM-13825 Elizabeth Moffitt Corporate United Sta Moreno ValCalifornia
SA-20830 Sue Ann Reed Consumer United Sta Everett Massachuse
CA-12265 Christina Anderson Consumer United Sta Chattanoo Tennessee
CV-12805 Cynthia Voltz Corporate United Sta Austin Texas
AH-10690 Anna Häberlin Corporate United Sta Virginia BeVirginia
DS-13180 David Smith Corporate United Sta JamestownNew York
AH-10690 Anna Häberlin Corporate United Sta Coral Gabl Florida
ZC-21910 Zuschuss Carroll Consumer United Sta Hickory North Caro
DF-13135 David Flashing Consumer United Sta Rockford Illinois
SS-20140 Saphhira Shifley Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
FP-14320 Frank Preis Consumer United Sta Huntsville Texas
HE-14800 Harold Engle Corporate United Sta MilwaukeeWisconsin
SP-20545 Sibella Parks Corporate United Sta Green Bay Wisconsin
BP-11185 Ben Peterman Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
PG-18895 Paul Gonzalez Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JP-15520 Jeremy Pistek Consumer United Sta North Mia Florida
NW-18400 Natalie Webber Consumer United Sta Portland Oregon
SW-20245 Scot Wooten Consumer United Sta Aurora Illinois
EH-14005 Erica Hernandez Home Office United Sta San Franci California
SC-20260 Scott Cohen Corporate United Sta San Franci California
NC-18535 Nick Crebassa Corporate United Sta New BedfoMassachuse
AS-10090 Adam Shillingsburg Consumer United Sta San Diego California
JL-15130 Jack Lebron Consumer United Sta Jackson Tennessee
VG-21790 Vivek Gonzalez Consumer United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
HG-14965 Henry Goldwyn Corporate United Sta San Diego California
JH-15430 Jennifer Halladay Consumer United Sta Hialeah Florida
RO-19780 Rose O'Brian Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
LW-17125 Liz Willingham Consumer United Sta Virginia BeVirginia
CC-12370 Christopher Conant Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
JP-16135 Julie Prescott Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
DD-13570 Dorothy Dickinson Consumer United Sta Memphis Tennessee
ES-14080 Erin Smith Corporate United Sta Lakewood Ohio
MV-17485 Mark Van Huff Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
RD-19900 Ruben Dartt Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
RL-19615 Rob Lucas Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JP-15460 Jennifer Patt Corporate United Sta Dallas Texas
DM-13345 Denise Monton Corporate United Sta Orange New Jersey
CS-11860 Cari Schnelling Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
DL-13315 Delfina Latchford Consumer United Sta RomeovilleIllinois
LC-16870 Lena Cacioppo Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
JG-15115 Jack Garza Consumer United Sta Jacksonvill North Caro
HM-14860 Harry Marie Corporate United Sta SpringfieldMissouri
TN-21040 Tanja Norvell Home Office United Sta San Franci California
VP-21760 Victoria Pisteka Corporate United Sta Columbia Tennessee
CS-12355 Christine Sundaresam Consumer United Sta HollywoodFlorida
PG-18820 Patrick Gardner Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
HG-14845 Harry Greene Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
MH-18115 Mick Hernandez Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
TB-21280 Toby Braunhardt Consumer United Sta Phoenix Arizona
EM-13825 Elizabeth Moffitt Corporate United Sta Sandy Spri Georgia
JF-15415 Jennifer Ferguson Consumer United Sta Spokane Washingto
NB-18655 Nona Balk Corporate United Sta MilwaukeeWisconsin
CS-11860 Cari Schnelling Consumer United Sta Fairfield Ohio
ND-18460 Neil Ducich Corporate United Sta Huntsville Alabama
ED-13885 Emily Ducich Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
EA-14035 Erin Ashbrook Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
BP-11050 Barry Pond Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
NS-18640 Noel Staavos Corporate United Sta Carlsbad New Mexic
MV-17485 Mark Van Huff Consumer United Sta Pocatello Idaho
LE-16810 Laurel Elliston Consumer United Sta SpringfieldVirginia
VP-21760 Victoria Pisteka Corporate United Sta Toledo Ohio
TC-21475 Tony Chapman Home Office United Sta Fort CollinsColorado
SG-20470 Sheri Gordon Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
VP-21760 Victoria Pisteka Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
PO-18865 Patrick O'Donnell Consumer United Sta MarlborouMassachuse
JL-15130 Jack Lebron Consumer United Sta New RochelNew York
RW-19540 Rick Wilson Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
RB-19465 Rick Bensley Home Office United Sta Detroit Michigan
SC-20095 Sanjit Chand Consumer United Sta Fayettevill Arkansas
EM-13960 Eric Murdock Consumer United Sta Quincy Illinois
RP-19390 Resi Pölking Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
HZ-14950 Henia Zydlo Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
AB-10105 Adrian Barton Consumer United Sta Detroit Michigan
ND-18460 Neil Ducich Corporate United Sta Chandler Arizona
XP-21865 Xylona Preis Consumer United Sta HollywoodFlorida
MM-18280 Muhammed MacIntyre Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
ML-17395 Marina Lichtenstein Corporate United Sta San Franci California
KM-16225 Kalyca Meade Corporate United Sta Sunnyvale California
SL-20155 Sara Luxemburg Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
AJ-10780 Anthony Jacobs Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
DK-12835 Damala Kotsonis Corporate United Sta San Franci California
BK-11260 Berenike Kampe Consumer United Sta Santa Ana California
CC-12670 Craig Carreira Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
ED-13885 Emily Ducich Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
SV-20785 Stewart Visinsky Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
AR-10825 Anthony Rawles Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
CS-12250 Chris Selesnick Corporate United Sta San Diego California
RR-19525 Rick Reed Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
BD-11500 Bradley Drucker Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
BM-11785 Bryan Mills Consumer United Sta HarrisonbuVirginia
MS-17365 Maribeth Schnelling Consumer United Sta Rockville Maryland
BM-11140 Becky Martin Consumer United Sta Des MoineWashingto
KE-16420 Katrina Edelman Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
SZ-20035 Sam Zeldin Home Office United Sta Columbus Indiana
MB-18085 Mick Brown Consumer United Sta SpringfieldMissouri
DB-13555 Dorothy Badders Corporate United Sta HendersonKentucky
CB-12415 Christy Brittain Consumer United Sta Lakewood Ohio
SP-20650 Stephanie Phelps Corporate United Sta Omaha Nebraska
GW-14605 Giulietta Weimer Consumer United Sta HendersonKentucky
KH-16630 Ken Heidel Corporate United Sta Santa Ana California
BG-11035 Barry Gonzalez Consumer United Sta SpringfieldVirginia
LO-17170 Lori Olson Corporate United Sta Suffolk Virginia
DV-13465 Dianna Vittorini Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
LR-17035 Lisa Ryan Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
RR-19525 Rick Reed Corporate United Sta Cary North Caro
TS-21610 Troy Staebel Consumer United Sta SpringfieldOhio
AH-10210 Alan Hwang Consumer United Sta Louisville Kentucky
DW-13585 Dorothy Wardle Corporate United Sta Troy Ohio
AJ-10945 Ashley Jarboe Consumer United Sta Detroit Michigan
SV-20785 Stewart Visinsky Consumer United Sta Bloomingt Indiana
MG-17650 Matthew Grinstein Home Office United Sta Dallas Texas
AB-10105 Adrian Barton Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
MM-18280 Muhammed MacIntyre Corporate United Sta Haltom CitTexas
MA-17995 Michelle Arnett Home Office United Sta Richmond Virginia
EB-13975 Erica Bern Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
NS-18505 Neola Schneider Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
RB-19795 Ross Baird Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JK-15325 Jason Klamczynski Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
PR-18880 Patrick Ryan Consumer United Sta San Franci California
EH-13945 Eric Hoffmann Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
MA-17560 Matt Abelman Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
MA-17995 Michelle Arnett Home Office United Sta Las Cruces New Mexic
JL-15505 Jeremy Lonsdale Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
AS-10045 Aaron Smayling Corporate United Sta Redmond Oregon
DC-12850 Dan Campbell Consumer United Sta Cleveland Ohio
MD-17860 Michael Dominguez Corporate United Sta Laurel Maryland
RH-19510 Rick Huthwaite Home Office United Sta San Diego California
TB-21175 Thomas Boland Corporate United Sta Wilson North Caro
EB-13930 Eric Barreto Consumer United Sta Saint Pete Florida
BM-11785 Bryan Mills Consumer United Sta Buffalo Gr Illinois
BT-11530 Bradley Talbott Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
FW-14395 Fred Wasserman Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
RD-19480 Rick Duston Consumer United Sta Las Vegas Nevada
TP-21130 Theone Pippenger Consumer United Sta Naperville Illinois
CB-12535 Claudia Bergmann Corporate United Sta Burlington Vermont
QJ-19255 Quincy Jones Corporate United Sta Detroit Michigan
KM-16720 Kunst Miller Consumer United Sta Avondale Arizona
KM-16660 Khloe Miller Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
IM-15055 Ionia McGrath Consumer United Sta Las Vegas Nevada
ML-17395 Marina Lichtenstein Corporate United Sta Bangor Maine
GH-14410 Gary Hansen Home Office United Sta Hendersonv Tennessee
AG-10900 Arthur Gainer Consumer United Sta Eau Claire Wisconsin
MG-17695 Maureen Gnade Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
MJ-17740 Max Jones Consumer United Sta San Diego California
SJ-20125 Sanjit Jacobs Home Office United Sta Jackson Mississippi
LB-16795 Laurel Beltran Home Office United Sta Oxnard California
SB-20185 Sarah Brown Consumer United Sta Kent Washingto
CC-12610 Corey Catlett Corporate United Sta Nashville Tennessee
DP-13000 Darren Powers Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
JL-15505 Jeremy Lonsdale Consumer United Sta WestminstCalifornia
SM-20320 Sean Miller Home Office United Sta Allentown Pennsylvan
BB-10990 Barry Blumstein Corporate United Sta San AntoniTexas
PB-19150 Philip Brown Consumer United Sta Avondale Arizona
GM-14680 Greg Matthias Consumer United Sta San Jose California
NR-18550 Nick Radford Consumer United Sta Perth AmbNew Jersey
EH-13765 Edward Hooks Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
FH-14365 Fred Hopkins Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
BT-11680 Brian Thompson Consumer United Sta Milford Connecticu
AB-10105 Adrian Barton Consumer United Sta Bloomingt Illinois
SC-20230 Scot Coram Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
RS-19870 Roy Skaria Home Office United Sta Burlington Iowa
AI-10855 Arianne Irving Consumer United Sta Roseville California
DJ-13420 Denny Joy Corporate United Sta San Franci California
BF-10975 Barbara Fisher Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
TH-21235 Tiffany House Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JG-15310 Jason Gross Corporate United Sta Odessa Texas
AW-10930 Arthur Wiediger Home Office United Sta MinneapoliMinnesota
JW-15955 Joni Wasserman Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
MH-18025 Michelle Huthwaite Consumer United Sta Lafayette Louisiana
FM-14290 Frank Merwin Home Office United Sta Bryan Texas
GZ-14545 George Zrebassa Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
TC-21535 Tracy Collins Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
TB-21520 Tracy Blumstein Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
RP-19390 Resi Pölking Consumer United Sta Phoenix Arizona
LR-16915 Lena Radford Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
MM-17260 Magdelene Morse Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
NB-18655 Nona Balk Corporate United Sta Tallahasse Florida
DS-13030 Darrin Sayre Home Office United Sta San Franci California
VF-21715 Vicky Freymann Home Office United Sta San Franci California
SW-20275 Scott Williamson Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
PW-19030 Pauline Webber Corporate United Sta Marion Iowa
KD-16615 Ken Dana Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
DO-13645 Doug O'Connell Consumer United Sta Pine Bluff Arkansas
GA-14725 Guy Armstrong Consumer United Sta Columbia Missouri
JL-15505 Jeremy Lonsdale Consumer United Sta Aberdeen South Dako
SU-20665 Stephanie Ulpright Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
FM-14380 Fred McMath Consumer United Sta Detroit Michigan
MY-17380 Maribeth Yedwab Corporate United Sta Memphis Tennessee
NM-18445 Nathan Mautz Home Office United Sta North Las Nevada
CS-11950 Carlos Soltero Consumer United Sta Freeport New York
PK-19075 Pete Kriz Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
HM-14860 Harry Marie Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
AH-10210 Alan Hwang Consumer United Sta HendersonKentucky
FC-14335 Fred Chung Corporate United Sta Albuquerq New Mexic
CP-12085 Cathy Prescott Corporate United Sta Delray BeaFlorida
SC-20305 Sean Christensen Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
HJ-14875 Heather Jas Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
CB-12025 Cassandra Brandow Consumer United Sta Richmond Virginia
EH-14185 Evan Henry Consumer United Sta West PalmFlorida
LW-17215 Luke Weiss Consumer United Sta Fort CollinsColorado
MK-17905 Michael Kennedy Corporate United Sta Franklin Wisconsin
JH-15820 John Huston Consumer United Sta Monroe North Caro
DB-13270 Deborah Brumfield Home Office United Sta Dallas Texas
TB-21625 Trudy Brown Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
NM-18445 Nathan Mautz Home Office United Sta San Franci California
TT-21220 Thomas Thornton Consumer United Sta Dover Delaware
RS-19765 Roland Schwarz Corporate United Sta Waco Texas
TB-21625 Trudy Brown Consumer United Sta HagerstowMaryland
AM-10360 Alice McCarthy Corporate United Sta Cleveland Ohio
MP-17965 Michael Paige Corporate United Sta Mcallen Texas
MH-17290 Marc Harrigan Home Office United Sta Santa Fe New Mexic
CA-12265 Christina Anderson Consumer United Sta San Franci California
KD-16615 Ken Dana Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
DW-13540 Don Weiss Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
AG-10495 Andrew Gjertsen Corporate United Sta Detroit Michigan
JH-16180 Justin Hirsh Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
DK-13090 Dave Kipp Consumer United Sta Carrollton Texas
AR-10825 Anthony Rawles Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
SM-20005 Sally Matthias Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
DB-13660 Duane Benoit Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
PF-19225 Phillip Flathmann Consumer United Sta Edmonds Washingto
AJ-10945 Ashley Jarboe Consumer United Sta San Franci California
EB-14110 Eugene Barchas Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
ES-14080 Erin Smith Corporate United Sta SpringfieldOregon
SS-20410 Shahid Shariari Consumer United Sta GeorgetowKentucky
AG-10900 Arthur Gainer Consumer United Sta Coral SprinFlorida
CY-12745 Craig Yedwab Corporate United Sta San Franci California
RP-19270 Rachel Payne Corporate United Sta San Franci California
DB-13360 Dennis Bolton Home Office United Sta Riverside California
CK-12325 Christine Kargatis Home Office United Sta Troy Ohio
DN-13690 Duane Noonan Consumer United Sta Moreno ValCalifornia
DP-13105 Dave Poirier Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
RO-19780 Rose O'Brian Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
MA-17560 Matt Abelman Home Office United Sta Jackson Michigan
JD-15895 Jonathan Doherty Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
PS-18970 Paul Stevenson Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
JF-15415 Jennifer Ferguson Consumer United Sta Saint CharlMissouri
RD-19480 Rick Duston Consumer United Sta Long BeachNew York
ES-14080 Erin Smith Corporate United Sta Lakewood New Jersey
KN-16390 Katherine Nockton Corporate United Sta Clinton Maryland
VP-21760 Victoria Pisteka Corporate United Sta Columbus Ohio
CS-11950 Carlos Soltero Consumer United Sta Pasadena California
KB-16600 Ken Brennan Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
AJ-10945 Ashley Jarboe Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
PO-18865 Patrick O'Donnell Consumer United Sta East OrangNew Jersey
DP-13105 Dave Poirier Corporate United Sta Eau Claire Wisconsin
GM-14500 Gene McClure Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
CC-12670 Craig Carreira Consumer United Sta Tampa Florida
SJ-20125 Sanjit Jacobs Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
SF-20200 Sarah Foster Consumer United Sta Mesa Arizona
RM-19375 Raymond Messe Consumer United Sta Burlington Vermont
KM-16375 Katherine Murray Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
FH-14275 Frank Hawley Corporate United Sta Aurora Illinois
DG-13300 Deirdre Greer Corporate United Sta Denver Colorado
MW-18220 Mitch Webber Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
SC-20845 Sung Chung Consumer United Sta Arlington HIllinois
BD-11500 Bradley Drucker Consumer United Sta Newport NVirginia
LP-17080 Liz Pelletier Consumer United Sta Tucson Arizona
NP-18700 Nora Preis Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
DP-13105 Dave Poirier Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
RB-19465 Rick Bensley Home Office United Sta Chicago Illinois
LC-17140 Logan Currie Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
WB-21850 William Brown Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
MH-17785 Maya Herman Corporate United Sta Glendale Arizona
SC-20305 Sean Christensen Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
MH-17620 Matt Hagelstein Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
JC-15775 John Castell Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
RD-19810 Ross DeVincentis Home Office United Sta Fayettevill North Caro
SC-20695 Steve Chapman Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
NC-18535 Nick Crebassa Corporate United Sta San Franci California
LW-17215 Luke Weiss Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
AH-10585 Angele Hood Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
JO-15145 Jack O'Briant Corporate United Sta Buffalo New York
VW-21775 Victoria Wilson Corporate United Sta Huntsville Texas
BP-11185 Ben Peterman Corporate United Sta Dallas Texas
PP-18955 Paul Prost Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
SC-20725 Steven Cartwright Consumer United Sta Peoria Arizona
BM-11785 Bryan Mills Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
CD-11920 Carlos Daly Consumer United Sta Oceanside California
GM-14680 Greg Matthias Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
BP-11050 Barry Pond Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
BW-11065 Barry Weirich Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
RE-19405 Ricardo Emerson Consumer United Sta Kent Ohio
HR-14770 Hallie Redmond Home Office United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
TP-21565 Tracy Poddar Corporate United Sta Coppell Texas
KB-16315 Karl Braun Consumer United Sta IndianapoliIndiana
AC-10660 Anna Chung Consumer United Sta Lawrence Indiana
DN-13690 Duane Noonan Consumer United Sta Tulsa Oklahoma
CC-12430 Chuck Clark Home Office United Sta Redmond Washingto
TS-21340 Toby Swindell Consumer United Sta San Franci California
MO-17800 Meg O'Connel Home Office United Sta Spokane Washingto
RP-19855 Roy Phan Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JL-15175 James Lanier Home Office United Sta Chattanoo Tennessee
BW-11110 Bart Watters Corporate United Sta GreensborNorth Caro
SJ-20500 Shirley Jackson Consumer United Sta San Franci California
FG-14260 Frank Gastineau Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
EH-14125 Eugene Hildebrand Home Office United Sta Lakewood California
BS-11590 Brendan Sweed Corporate United Sta Louisville Kentucky
JS-16030 Joy Smith Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
JC-15775 John Castell Consumer United Sta Newark Delaware
JM-15265 Janet Molinari Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
CD-12280 Christina DeMoss Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
JM-15265 Janet Molinari Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
SS-20410 Shahid Shariari Consumer United Sta Oswego Illinois
HG-14845 Harry Greene Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
BC-11125 Becky Castell Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
AB-10255 Alejandro Ballentine Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
MY-18295 Muhammed Yedwab Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
NF-18385 Natalie Fritzler Consumer United Sta Wheeling West Virgin
NB-18655 Nona Balk Corporate United Sta Paterson New Jersey
EM-13960 Eric Murdock Consumer United Sta Portland Oregon
MF-17665 Maureen Fritzler Corporate United Sta Huntsville Alabama
CM-12385 Christopher Martinez Consumer United Sta San Franci California
EC-14050 Erin Creighton Consumer United Sta Oklahoma O C klahoma
BO-11350 Bill Overfelt Corporate United Sta Broken Ar Oklahoma
VM-21835 Vivian Mathis Consumer United Sta Mission VieCalifornia
AB-10060 Adam Bellavance Home Office United Sta Greenwoo Indiana
CM-12235 Chris McAfee Consumer United Sta MilwaukeeWisconsin
KW-16570 Kelly Williams Consumer United Sta San Franci California
MM-17920 Michael Moore Consumer United Sta Rome New York
PW-19030 Pauline Webber Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
RD-19900 Ruben Dartt Consumer United Sta Dearborn HMichigan
LM-17065 Liz MacKendrick Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
CS-11845 Cari Sayre Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
KT-16480 Kean Thornton Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
BE-11410 Bobby Elias Consumer United Sta Appleton Wisconsin
NF-18475 Neil Französisch Home Office United Sta Jacksonvill Florida
DL-13315 Delfina Latchford Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
MS-17710 Maurice Satty Consumer United Sta Bowling GrOhio
MM-18055 Michelle Moray Consumer United Sta San Franci California
JB-15400 Jennifer Braxton Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
SG-20605 Speros Goranitis Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
PB-18805 Patrick Bzostek Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
AC-10615 Ann Chong Corporate United Sta Beaumont Texas
MR-17545 Mathew Reese Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
BF-11215 Benjamin Farhat Home Office United Sta Dallas Texas
BW-11200 Ben Wallace Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
TS-21610 Troy Staebel Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
AS-10045 Aaron Smayling Corporate United Sta San Franci California
AA-10375 Allen Armold Consumer United Sta ProvidenceRhode Isla
PS-18970 Paul Stevenson Home Office United Sta Phoenix Arizona
RP-19270 Rachel Payne Corporate United Sta Houston Texas
NC-18625 Noah Childs Corporate United Sta Columbus Indiana
SC-20770 Stewart Carmichael Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
NF-18595 Nicole Fjeld Home Office United Sta San Jose California
SC-20020 Sam Craven Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
BD-11560 Brendan Dodson Home Office United Sta SpringfieldVirginia
SM-20950 Suzanne McNair Corporate United Sta BroomfieldColorado
EB-14110 Eugene Barchas Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
HP-14815 Harold Pawlan Home Office United Sta Concord New Hamps
EB-14170 Evan Bailliet Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
SM-20905 Susan MacKendrick Consumer United Sta Newark Ohio
CG-12040 Catherine Glotzbach Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
TG-21640 Trudy Glocke Consumer United Sta Tampa Florida
DK-12835 Damala Kotsonis Corporate United Sta Fremont Nebraska
MB-17305 Maria Bertelson Consumer United Sta Columbus Ohio
SF-20065 Sandra Flanagan Consumer United Sta Pomona California
PS-18760 Pamela Stobb Consumer United Sta San AntoniTexas
RB-19705 Roger Barcio Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
RS-19870 Roy Skaria Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
SB-20185 Sarah Brown Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
HJ-14875 Heather Jas Home Office United Sta Detroit Michigan
SV-20815 Stuart Van Corporate United Sta Miami Florida
BE-11410 Bobby Elias Consumer United Sta Concord California
BM-11575 Brendan Murry Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
AZ-10750 Annie Zypern Consumer United Sta Wheeling Illinois
HD-14785 Harold Dahlen Home Office United Sta Chicago Illinois
BF-11005 Barry Franz Home Office United Sta Pasadena Texas
HZ-14950 Henia Zydlo Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
KD-16495 Keith Dawkins Corporate United Sta San Jose California
FC-14245 Frank Carlisle Home Office United Sta SacramentCalifornia
TP-21130 Theone Pippenger Consumer United Sta SpringfieldOregon
EB-13705 Ed Braxton Corporate United Sta Mansfield Texas
JP-15520 Jeremy Pistek Consumer United Sta Jonesboro Arkansas
TD-20995 Tamara Dahlen Consumer United Sta Virginia BeVirginia
DM-13345 Denise Monton Corporate United Sta Rochester New York
EG-13900 Emily Grady Consumer United Sta ChesapeakVirginia
HG-14965 Henry Goldwyn Corporate United Sta Lancaster Ohio
BF-11080 Bart Folk Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
SC-20095 Sanjit Chand Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
CS-11950 Carlos Soltero Consumer United Sta Jackson Mississippi
BD-11320 Bill Donatelli Consumer United Sta Woodland California
MZ-17515 Mary Zewe Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
PW-19030 Pauline Webber Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
BS-11380 Bill Stewart Corporate United Sta Bowling GrOhio
DA-13450 Dianna Arnett Home Office United Sta Lancaster Ohio
ME-17725 Max Engle Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
MH-17785 Maya Herman Corporate United Sta Lubbock Texas
BT-11440 Bobby Trafton Consumer United Sta Detroit Michigan
MM-17920 Michael Moore Consumer United Sta Newark Ohio
NM-18520 Neoma Murray Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
MH-17455 Mark Hamilton Consumer United Sta MinneapoliMinnesota
TC-21295 Toby Carlisle Consumer United Sta Everett Massachuse
MH-17785 Maya Herman Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
EP-13915 Emily Phan Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
JH-15985 Joseph Holt Consumer United Sta Concord North Caro
CM-12715 Craig Molinari Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
FO-14305 Frank Olsen Consumer United Sta Glendale Arizona
MW-18220 Mitch Webber Consumer United Sta Coon RapidMinnesota
MS-17365 Maribeth Schnelling Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
HP-14815 Harold Pawlan Home Office United Sta Tucson Arizona
AS-10090 Adam Shillingsburg Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
CS-12505 Cindy Stewart Consumer United Sta Pomona California
ME-17320 Maria Etezadi Home Office United Sta Santa BarbCalifornia
MS-17770 Maxwell Schwartz Consumer United Sta San Franci California
KH-16690 Kristen Hastings Corporate United Sta Riverside California
LC-16885 Lena Creighton Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
AF-10870 Art Ferguson Consumer United Sta San Cleme California
AH-10465 Amy Hunt Consumer United Sta Decatur Alabama
GK-14620 Grace Kelly Corporate United Sta GreensborNorth Caro
KL-16645 Ken Lonsdale Consumer United Sta Dublin California
FM-14290 Frank Merwin Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
JL-15850 John Lucas Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
GM-14500 Gene McClure Consumer United Sta BakersfieldCalifornia
MC-17635 Matthew Clasen Corporate United Sta Richmond Indiana
CS-12490 Cindy Schnelling Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
AH-10030 Aaron Hawkins Corporate United Sta San Franci California
EP-13915 Emily Phan Consumer United Sta San Franci California
FW-14395 Fred Wasserman Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
KA-16525 Kelly Andreada Consumer United Sta San Diego California
SC-20050 Sample Company A Home Office United Sta Arlington Texas
PG-18895 Paul Gonzalez Consumer United Sta Richmond Virginia
TA-21385 Tom Ashbrook Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
PO-18850 Patrick O'Brill Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
SM-20950 Suzanne McNair Corporate United Sta Fairfield Connecticu
NK-18490 Neil Knudson Home Office United Sta San Franci California
SC-20695 Steve Chapman Corporate United Sta SpringfieldOhio
HK-14890 Heather Kirkland Corporate United Sta Detroit Michigan
BT-11485 Brad Thomas Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
KM-16660 Khloe Miller Consumer United Sta Inglewood California
SP-20920 Susan Pistek Consumer United Sta San Luis O California
LB-16795 Laurel Beltran Home Office United Sta Wilmingto Delaware
JS-16030 Joy Smith Consumer United Sta San Franci California
CS-11950 Carlos Soltero Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
MD-17350 Maribeth Dona Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
LD-17005 Lisa DeCherney Consumer United Sta San Franci California
DB-13270 Deborah Brumfield Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
AT-10735 Annie Thurman Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
DK-13375 Dennis Kane Consumer United Sta Lancaster Pennsylvan
CS-12250 Chris Selesnick Corporate United Sta Green Bay Wisconsin
JF-15565 Jill Fjeld Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
TW-21025 Tamara Willingham Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
TB-21250 Tim Brockman Consumer United Sta Bloomingt Illinois
SC-20380 Shahid Collister Consumer United Sta Boise Idaho
KM-16720 Kunst Miller Consumer United Sta Lowell Massachuse
EB-14170 Evan Bailliet Consumer United Sta Seattle Washingto
JE-15715 Joe Elijah Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
NC-18535 Nick Crebassa Corporate United Sta Hampton Virginia
AD-10180 Alan Dominguez Home Office United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
NF-18475 Neil Französisch Home Office United Sta Omaha Nebraska
KD-16615 Ken Dana Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
QJ-19255 Quincy Jones Corporate United Sta Burlington Vermont
EP-13915 Emily Phan Consumer United Sta San Diego California
JJ-15445 Jennifer Jackson Consumer United Sta Newark Delaware
BE-11410 Bobby Elias Consumer United Sta Aurora Illinois
BP-11290 Beth Paige Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
BH-11710 Brosina Hoffman Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
EM-13810 Eleni McCrary Corporate United Sta Dover New Hamps
EP-13915 Emily Phan Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
NZ-18565 Nick Zandusky Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
LC-16870 Lena Cacioppo Consumer United Sta Richmond Virginia
SF-20965 Sylvia Foulston Corporate United Sta San Franci California
KM-16375 Katherine Murray Home Office United Sta SpringdaleArkansas
ML-17395 Marina Lichtenstein Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
MC-18100 Mick Crebagga Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
DB-13660 Duane Benoit Consumer United Sta MiddletowConnecticu
LW-17215 Luke Weiss Consumer United Sta Grand RapiMichigan
TC-21535 Tracy Collins Home Office United Sta San Franci California
SC-20050 Sample Company A Home Office United Sta Hialeah Florida
FM-14215 Filia McAdams Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
PF-19225 Phillip Flathmann Consumer United Sta Atlanta Georgia
LF-17185 Luke Foster Consumer United Sta San AntoniTexas
CL-12565 Clay Ludtke Consumer United Sta Long BeachNew York
EM-13825 Elizabeth Moffitt Corporate United Sta Paterson New Jersey
ME-17725 Max Engle Consumer United Sta Louisville Kentucky
BG-11035 Barry Gonzalez Consumer United Sta Hampton Virginia
CJ-12010 Caroline Jumper Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
KH-16360 Katherine Hughes Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
SH-19975 Sally Hughsby Corporate United Sta Chicago Illinois
CS-12490 Cindy Schnelling Corporate United Sta Toledo Ohio
JK-15730 Joe Kamberova Consumer United Sta Lodi California
PJ-19015 Pauline Johnson Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
AP-10720 Anne Pryor Home Office United Sta Fort LaudeFlorida
JW-15955 Joni Wasserman Consumer United Sta Raleigh North Caro
PT-19090 Pete Takahito Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
TB-21595 Troy Blackwell Consumer United Sta Portland Oregon
CB-12025 Cassandra Brandow Consumer United Sta East OrangNew Jersey
AG-10495 Andrew Gjertsen Corporate United Sta Saint Pete Florida
BD-11605 Brian Dahlen Consumer United Sta San Franci California
JS-15685 Jim Sink Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
NF-18385 Natalie Fritzler Consumer United Sta Charlotte North Caro
SC-20305 Sean Christensen Consumer United Sta Beaumont Texas
GA-14515 George Ashbrook Consumer United Sta Dallas Texas
CY-12745 Craig Yedwab Corporate United Sta SpringfieldOhio
WB-21850 William Brown Consumer United Sta La Porte Texas
DL-12865 Dan Lawera Consumer United Sta Long BeachCalifornia
RE-19450 Richard Eichhorn Consumer United Sta Decatur Illinois
MH-17290 Marc Harrigan Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
EH-13765 Edward Hooks Corporate United Sta Lodi California
EH-13765 Edward Hooks Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
GA-14515 George Ashbrook Consumer United Sta San Franci California
GA-14515 George Ashbrook Consumer United Sta Columbus Georgia
EB-13840 Ellis Ballard Corporate United Sta Seattle Washingto
HR-14770 Hallie Redmond Home Office United Sta Richmond Indiana
SM-20950 Suzanne McNair Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
EA-14035 Erin Ashbrook Corporate United Sta Mason Ohio
MH-17455 Mark Hamilton Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
SL-20155 Sara Luxemburg Home Office United Sta New York CNew York
NP-18685 Nora Pelletier Home Office United Sta Parma Ohio
RF-19840 Roy Französisch Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
BE-11455 Brad Eason Home Office United Sta Cleveland Ohio
JK-15370 Jay Kimmel Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
CC-12100 Chad Cunningham Home Office United Sta Cleveland Ohio
LL-16840 Lauren Leatherbury Consumer United Sta WoodstockGeorgia
KE-16420 Katrina Edelman Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
SG-20605 Speros Goranitis Consumer United Sta Lafayette Indiana
CA-12265 Christina Anderson Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
RD-19585 Rob Dowd Consumer United Sta Utica New York
VG-21805 Vivek Grady Corporate United Sta Lakewood New Jersey
SH-19975 Sally Hughsby Corporate United Sta MilwaukeeWisconsin
MM-17920 Michael Moore Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
JF-15415 Jennifer Ferguson Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
LP-17095 Liz Preis Consumer United Sta Fairfield Ohio
MP-18175 Mike Pelletier Home Office United Sta SpringfieldOhio
SC-20845 Sung Chung Consumer United Sta Louisville Colorado
DP-13000 Darren Powers Consumer United Sta Carrollton Texas
KD-16615 Ken Dana Corporate United Sta Anaheim California
RP-19855 Roy Phan Corporate United Sta Richmond Kentucky
KN-16390 Katherine Nockton Corporate United Sta Santa BarbCalifornia
TM-21010 Tamara Manning Consumer United Sta Marion Iowa
JF-15190 Jamie Frazer Consumer United Sta New York CNew York
MY-18295 Muhammed Yedwab Corporate United Sta Bryan Texas
AT-10435 Alyssa Tate Home Office United Sta Akron Ohio
JF-15490 Jeremy Farry Consumer United Sta Chicago Illinois
DH-13075 Dave Hallsten Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
IM-15055 Ionia McGrath Consumer United Sta San Franci California
KH-16510 Keith Herrera Consumer United Sta San BernarCalifornia
JK-15205 Jamie Kunitz Consumer United Sta Niagara FalNew York
AS-10240 Alan Shonely Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
SC-20575 Sonia Cooley Consumer United Sta Cranston Rhode Isla
CP-12340 Christine Phan Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
NS-18640 Noel Staavos Corporate United Sta New York CNew York
JL-15835 John Lee Consumer United Sta San Franci California
MD-17350 Maribeth Dona Consumer United Sta Anaheim California
RD-19660 Robert Dilbeck Home Office United Sta Seattle Washingto
NH-18610 Nicole Hansen Corporate United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
HW-14935 Helen Wasserman Corporate United Sta IndianapoliIndiana
DB-12970 Darren Budd Corporate United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
KN-16705 Kristina Nunn Home Office United Sta New RochelNew York
AJ-10945 Ashley Jarboe Consumer United Sta Chandler Arizona
CL-12700 Craig Leslie Home Office United Sta Florence Kentucky
CM-12655 Corinna Mitchell Home Office United Sta Houston Texas
AS-10240 Alan Shonely Consumer United Sta PhiladelphiPennsylvan
HE-14800 Harold Engle Corporate United Sta Newark Delaware
RB-19435 Richard Bierner Consumer United Sta Plainfield New Jersey
MP-17470 Mark Packer Home Office United Sta Smyrna Georgia
RC-19960 Ryan Crowe Consumer United Sta Houston Texas
AP-10720 Anne Pryor Home Office United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
SW-20455 Shaun Weien Consumer United Sta Lafayette Louisiana
TB-21055 Ted Butterfield Consumer United Sta Fairfield Ohio
RC-19960 Ryan Crowe Consumer United Sta Grand RapiMichigan
DV-13465 Dianna Vittorini Consumer United Sta Long BeachNew York
ML-17410 Maris LaWare Consumer United Sta Los AngeleCalifornia
RA-19885 Ruben Ausman Corporate United Sta Athens Georgia
TB-21400 Tom Boeckenhauer Consumer United Sta Miami Florida
DB-13060 Dave Brooks Consumer United Sta Costa Mes California
CC-12220 Chris Cortes Consumer United Sta WestminstCalifornia
Postal Co Region Product I Category Sub-CategProduct Sales Quantity Discount Profit
42420 South FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bush Somer 261.96 2 0 41.9136
90036 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Self-Adhesi 14.62 2 0 6.8714
33311 South FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bretford C 957.5775 5 0.45 -383.031
90032 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Expr 48.86 7 0 14.1694
28027 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1967 15.552 3 0.2 5.4432
98103 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Fellowes P 407.976 3 0.2 132.5922
76106 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHolmes Rep 68.81 5 0.8 -123.858
53711 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Stur-D-Stor 665.88 6 0 13.3176
84084 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes S 55.5 2 0 9.99
94109 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 341 8.56 2 0 2.4824
68025 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 318 19.46 7 0 5.0596
19140 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Delu 71.372 2 0.3 -1.0196
84057 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bretford C 1044.63 3 0 240.2649
90049 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 11.648 2 0.2 4.2224
19140 East FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Riverside P 3083.43 7 0.5 -1665.052
77095 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Easy-stapl 29.472 3 0.2 9.9468
75080 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones GE 30524E 1097.544 7 0.2 123.4737
77041 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes #10-4 1/8" 113.328 9 0.2 35.415
60540 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Panasonic 147.168 4 0.2 16.5564
90049 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon Base 77.88 2 0 3.894
32935 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Advantus 1 95.616 2 0.2 9.5616
55122 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieVerbatim 25 45.98 2 0 19.7714
48185 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Gould Plast 211.96 4 0 8.4784
19901 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Imation 8gb Micro 45
Traveldrive 3Usb 2.0 Flash
0 Drive4.95
47150 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders C-Line Peel 38.22 6 0 17.9634
10024 East OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Advantus P 15.26 7 0 6.2566
12180 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Home/Office 208.56 6 0 52.14
90004 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieVerbatim 25 13.98 2 0 6.1512
60610 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Val 213.115 5 0.3 -15.2225
85234 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Hunt BOSTO1113.024 8 0.2 111.3024
22153 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Snap-A-Way 75.88 2 0 35.6636
10009 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Bind 4.616 1 0.2 1.731
49201 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Telephone 19.05 3 0 8.763
38109 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs High-Back 831.936 8 0.2 -114.3912
77041 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Economy B 1.248 3 0.8 -1.9344
77070 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Expr 19.3 5 0.6 -14.475
35601 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliances1.7 Cubic 208.16 1 0 56.2032
94122 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Premium Wri 14.9 5 0 4.172
27707 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Jet-Pak Rec 200.984 7 0.2 62.8075
60623 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Safco Indus 230.376 3 0.2 -48.9549
29203 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Novimex Sw 301.96 2 0 33.2156
55901 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Logitech LS21 Speaker
19.99 System -1PC Multimedia
0 6.7966
- 2.1-CH - Wired
77095 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon Port 158.368 7 0.2 13.8572
90036 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Turquoise 20.1 3 0 6.633
55407 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1999 12.96 2 0 6.2208
97206 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Flexible Le 5.682 1 0.7 -3.788
10009 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing 9-3/4 Diam 96.53 7 0 40.5426
94122 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Trimflex Fl 51.312 3 0.2 17.9592
55106 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesFellowes B 77.88 6 0 22.5852
60610 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Avery Pers 64.624 7 0.2 22.6184
55901 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Universal 23.92 4 0 11.7208
80013 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech K 238.896 6 0.2 -26.8758
28205 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Mi 74.112 8 0.2 17.6016
60462 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Logitech Gaming
G510s - Keyboard
5 0.2 67.992
10035 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Magnifier 41.96 2 0 10.9096
50322 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Hunt Power 75.96 2 0 22.788
43229 East OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners OIC Colored 40.096 14 0.2 14.5348
98103 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Hon Racetr 787.53 3 0 165.3813
37620 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC DocuBi 157.794 1 0.7 -115.7156
19805 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Artistic In 47.04 3 0 18.3456
77041 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Del 600.558 3 0.3 -8.5794
61701 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bevis 44 x 617.7 6 0.5 -407.682
85023 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Durab 2.388 2 0.7 -1.8308
90004 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Task 81.424 2 0.2 -9.1602
43229 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Anker 36W 59.97 5 0.4 -11.994
95661 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 195 20.04 3 0 9.6192
19140 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Howard Mil 82.8 2 0.2 10.35
94122 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 343 8.82 3 0 2.3814
64055 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesSanyo 2.5 C 839.43 3 0 218.2518
91104 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Safco Indus 671.93 7 0 20.1579
43055 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Seth Thoma 93.888 4 0.2 12.9096
53132 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Plantronics Cordless Phone
384.45 Headset with
11 0In-line
Volume - M214C
85254 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin 7 O 157.92 5 0.2 17.766
95123 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Southworth 58.38 7 0 26.271
98105 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 311 6.63 3 0 1.7901
98115 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Del 457.568 2 0.2 51.4764
73034 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 519 14.62 2 0 6.8714
90045 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1920 5.98 1 0 2.691
19134 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLenovo 17- 54.384 2 0.2 1.3596
88220 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 28.4 5 0 13.348
98115 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 27.68 2 0.2 9.688
78207 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt BIC Brite L 9.936 3 0.2 2.7324
90004 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Adams Phon 20.94 3 0 9.8418
60623 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesKensington 52.448 2 0.8 -131.12
77036 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAcco 7-Out 97.264 4 0.8 -243.16
43055 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Padded Fold 396.802 7 0.3 -11.3372
10009 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Sanford Col 3.28 1 0 1.4104
62521 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tenex File 24.816 2 0.2 1.8612
71203 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones AT&T TR1 503.96 4 0 131.0296
6824 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Poly 7.16 2 0 3.4368
90032 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSanDisk Ul 176.8 8 0 22.984
75051 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Personal Fi 37.224 3 0.2 3.7224
10035 East FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Atlantic M 899.136 4 0.2 112.392
92374 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Poly String 14.28 7 0 6.7116
45011 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Binney & Sm 7.408 2 0.2 1.2038
7090 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Decoflex Ha 46.26 3 0 12.0276
19120 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Pressboard 2.946 2 0.7 -2.2586
44312 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Southworth 21.744 3 0.2 6.795
80219 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables BoxOffice 218.75 2 0.5 -161.875
75220 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesEureka San 66.284 2 0.8 -178.9668
37064 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon 200 35.168 7 0.2 9.6712
90604 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Nortel Busi 444.768 4 0.2 44.4768
48601 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco Lo 83.92 4 0 5.8744
75220 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Mi 20.8 2 0.2 6.5
44256 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 505 23.68 2 0.2 8.88
90032 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Personal Fi 93.06 6 0 26.0568
43017 East OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners OIC Bulk Pa 5.584 2 0.2 1.8148
48227 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Sanford Uni 2.2 1 0 0.968
38401 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Low 161.568 2 0.2 -28.2744
28205 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Instan 18.648 7 0.7 -12.432
33614 South FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bush Advan 233.86 2 0.45 -102.048
95051 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 4200 10.56 2 0 4.752
60610 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1957 25.92 5 0.2 9.396
55044 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Del 2001.86 7 0 580.5394
94109 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Lea 321.568 2 0.2 28.1372
92037 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound 7.61 1 0 3.5767
10024 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes Pe 80.58 6 0 22.5624
60623 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon 100 12.132 9 0.6 -8.4924
10009 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSabrent 4- 20.37 3 0 6.9258
77506 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesEureka Disp 1.624 2 0.8 -4.466
77036 Central TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Lexmark M 3059.982 3 0.4 -509.997
60610 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Cisco Smal 328.224 4 0.2 28.7196
94513 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMicrosoft 79.9 2 0 35.156
27514 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Quartet Om 14.016 3 0.2 4.7304
7960 East OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Bagged Ru 7.56 6 0 0.3024
45231 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Safco Comm 37.208 1 0.2 -7.4416
94110 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Adjustable 725.84 4 0 210.4936
94109 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech 9 209.93 7 0 92.3692
90301 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Ampad Gold 8.82 2 0 4.0572
19140 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Post-it “I 11.648 2 0.2 4.0768
77070 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Round Ring 2.08 5 0.8 -3.432
90004 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bevis Roun 1038.84 5 0.2 51.942
97206 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Easy-stapl 141.76 5 0.2 47.844
33319 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC VeloBi 254.058 7 0.7 -169.372
43229 East OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Advantus Sl 19.096 7 0.2 6.6836
80906 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Howard Mil 300.416 8 0.2 78.8592
7109 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 223 32.4 5 0 15.552
60623 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables BPI Confer 219.075 3 0.5 -131.445
10024 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Electrix 2 26.8 2 0 12.864
48180 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 350 9.84 3 0 2.8536
8701 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Clear 45.48 3 0 20.9208
22204 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Faber Caste 4.89 1 0 2.0049
80004 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing C-Line Cub 15.136 4 0.2 3.5948
7601 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Deflect-o S 87.54 3 0 37.6422
33710 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones AT&T 1070 178.384 2 0.2 22.298
19143 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston Scho 99.136 4 0.2 8.6744
10024 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs DMI Arturo 135.882 1 0.1 24.1568
90805 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners OIC Binder 7.16 2 0 3.58
92345 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Laser 251.52 6 0.2 81.744
37130 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Telescopin 15.992 1 0.2 0.9995
19143 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Aastra 57i 290.898 3 0.4 -67.8762
19134 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones AT&T 8410 82.8 2 0.4 -20.7
90045 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Storex Dur 4.752 1 0.2 1.6038
94122 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Tuff Stuff 7.712 2 0.2 2.7956
84041 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners OIC Binder 4.96 4 0 2.3312
19140 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 314 17.856 4 0.2 1.116
78745 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes S 88.8 4 0.2 -2.22
94122 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Anker 36W 47.976 3 0.2 4.7976
1852 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Binney & Sm 7.56 3 0 3.0996
10009 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSabrent 4- 6.79 1 0 2.3086
10035 East FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Sauder Bar 388.704 6 0.2 -4.8588
28205 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Southworth 36.24 5 0.2 11.325
31907 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin 8 Ou 647.84 8 0 168.4384
10009 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery Addre 20.7 2 0 9.936
94109 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Gould Plast 211.96 4 0 8.4784
6040 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 23.2 4 0 10.44
78550 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1930 25.92 5 0.2 9.396
85705 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 8.16 5 0.7 -5.712
62301 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1960 99.136 4 0.2 30.98
2038 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Office Imp 1488.424 7 0.3 -297.6848
77095 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHolmes Od 8.652 3 0.8 -20.3322
94109 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Southworth 50.96 7 0 25.48
48180 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSony 32GB 41.9 2 0 8.799
33024 South FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Hon Practic 375.4575 3 0.45 -157.0095
19140 East TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Lexmark Ma 482.34 4 0.7 -337.638
45231 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Crayola Col 2.624 1 0.2 0.4264
10009 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Angle-D Bin 23.36 4 0.2 7.884
98198 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Nortel Mer 246.384 2 0.2 27.7182
61604 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 12.462 3 0.8 -20.5623
89115 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Tuf-Vin Bin 75.792 3 0.2 25.5798
2886 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage 2300 Heavy 49.96 2 0 9.4924
49201 Central OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme 10" Ea 70.12 4 0 21.036
77036 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Super Decof 35.952 3 0.2 3.5952
33180 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1974 9.568 2 0.2 3.4684
28403 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Avery Hi-Li 39.072 6 0.2 9.768
10024 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesStaple hold 35.91 3 0 9.6957
94110 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSony 64GB 179.95 5 0 37.7895
98105 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 191 139.86 7 0 65.7342
92646 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Bulldog Va 95.92 8 0 25.8984
90004 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Bevis Steel 383.8 5 0.2 38.38
40475 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1987 5.78 1 0 2.8322
90045 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt American P 9.32 4 0 2.7028
80027 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie KeyTronic 6101
Series - Keyboard -
6 Black0.2 56.5662
1841 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Westinghou 56.56 4 0 14.7056
39212 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Multip 866.4 4 0 225.264
48187 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Coloredge 28.4 2 0 11.076
10801 East TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Epson Work 69.99 1 0 30.0957
78207 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Design Ebo 6.672 6 0.2 0.5004
28052 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC ProCli 189.588 2 0.7 -145.3508
1852 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Letter Size 714.3 5 0 207.147
32216 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Insertable 4.812 2 0.7 -3.6892
60623 Central TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Canon Colo 1007.979 3 0.3 43.1991
77070 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1897 31.872 8 0.2 11.5536
10024 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Del 207.846 3 0.1 2.3094
48227 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Aluminum 12.22 1 0 3.666
47201 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing GE General 2.91 1 0 1.3677
13021 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 345 59.52 3 0 15.4752
44312 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Chromcraft 284.364 2 0.4 -75.8304
73071 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Mi 63.88 4 0 24.9132
94521 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Geo 129.568 2 0.2 -24.294
62521 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon 4700 S 747.558 3 0.3 -96.1146
98115 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliances3M Office A 103.92 4 0 36.372
85023 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Wave 23.56 5 0.2 7.068
60068 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Clust 254.744 7 0.6 -312.0614
79109 Central FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bush Missio205.3328 2 0.32 -36.2352
60610 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Cardinal Ho 4.788 3 0.8 -7.9002
11757 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Eaton Prem 55.48 1 0 26.6304
94110 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage SAFCO Boltl 340.92 3 0 3.4092
90008 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Cisco SPA5 95.76 6 0.2 7.182
12180 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Electrix 2 40.2 3 0 19.296
10024 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Prang Color 14.7 5 0 6.615
92024 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Imation USB 2.0 Swivel Flash
9.09 Drive USB flash
3 0 drive -
1.90894 GB - Pink
10024 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Premium Wri 5.96 2 0 1.6688
90045 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Alphabetica 29.6 2 0 14.8
60610 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Apple iPho 2735.952 6 0.2 341.994
77340 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Square Cre 7.992 1 0.2 0.5994
14609 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes O 449.15 5 0 8.983
98115 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSony Micro 93.98 2 0 13.1572
38109 South FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Balt Solid 189.882 3 0.4 -94.941
72701 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Strathmore 105.42 2 0 51.6558
92627 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Clear Mylar 119.616 8 0.2 40.3704
80134 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Vinyl Secti 22.62 2 0.7 -15.08
10024 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Durab 15.92 5 0.2 5.373
30318 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Rogers Han 2.74 1 0 0.7398
64118 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Executive I 126.3 3 0 40.416
43055 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Premium Wri 7.152 3 0.2 0.7152
90049 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 327 6.63 3 0 1.7901
59405 West TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Canon Imag 2999.95 5 0 1379.977
77041 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieVerbatim 25 18.392 1 0.2 5.2877
48234 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Balt Solid 210.98 2 0 21.098
90032 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Motorola H 55.176 3 0.2 -12.4146
1841 East OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Staples 22.2 5 0 10.434
33801 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Com 683.952 3 0.2 42.747
19134 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon Gobal 36.336 3 0.2 -7.2672
90036 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Safco Cont 190.72 1 0.2 11.92
90032 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tenex Chai 47.94 3 0 2.397
36116 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Panasonic 979.95 5 0 274.386
85204 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Sterilite O 16.768 2 0.2 1.4672
60653 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Premier Ell 42.616 7 0.8 -68.1856
10009 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Cardinal Po 10.752 4 0.2 3.36
42420 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesEureka The 152.94 3 0 41.2938
54302 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieEnermax Au 468.9 6 0 206.316
85705 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones LG Electro 380.864 8 0.2 38.0864
45503 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes O 646.776 9 0.2 -145.5246
76106 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSanDisk Cr 58.112 2 0.2 7.264
10035 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Print 41.28 6 0.2 13.932
60653 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Home/Office250.272 9 0.2 15.642
94110 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs HON 5400 Se 1121.568 2 0.2 0
32216 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Howard Mil 34.504 1 0.2 6.0382
77070 Central OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Advantus T- 10.824 3 0.2 2.5707
92804 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco 16 1295.78 2 0 310.9872
28403 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Zebra Zazzl 19.456 4 0.2 3.4048
90045 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 473 20.7 2 0 9.936
94110 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Coloredge 42.6 3 0 16.614
33614 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesSanitaire 13 5 0.2 1.3
98105 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Alliance B 3.96 2 0 0
90008 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Cisco SPA3 374.376 3 0.2 46.797
98105 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Personal Cr 91.84 8 0 45.0016
10024 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 473 72.45 7 0 34.776
98270 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 332 8.82 3 0 2.3814
90805 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Personal Cr 160.72 14 0 78.7528
60610 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Trav-L-File 69.712 2 0.2 8.714
90004 West OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Martin-Yal 51.52 4 0 1.5456
80219 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones GE 30524E 470.376 3 0.2 52.9173
40475 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Novimex Hi 70.98 1 0 4.9686
97301 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones i.Sound Po 84.784 2 0.2 -20.1362
78041 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 312 9.344 2 0.2 1.168
92024 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesFellowes Su 76.12 2 0 22.0748
19134 East OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Stainl 11.632 2 0.2 1.0178
19120 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Mophie Jui 143.982 3 0.4 -28.7964
33614 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Hot File 7- 142.776 1 0.2 17.847
19134 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Angle-D Ri 3.282 2 0.7 -2.6256
75217 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Nortel Mer 369.576 3 0.2 41.5773
19143 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1972 8.448 2 0.2 2.64
43123 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones PureGear R 119.94 10 0.4 15.992
10011 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Metal 40.48 2 0 15.7872
60610 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Cardinal Sl 8.69 5 0.8 -14.773
48126 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Man 301.96 2 0 87.5684
10009 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Master Cas 35.56 7 0 12.0904
98115 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin Prem 97.16 2 0 28.1764
94122 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Pressb 15.24 5 0.2 5.1435
80013 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco Re 243.384 3 0.2 -51.7191
33180 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieVerbatim 25 17.88 3 0.2 2.4585
31088 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Star 392.94 3 0 43.2234
80013 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Premium Tr 18.882 3 0.7 -13.8468
94591 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Luxo Profe 1049.2 5 0 272.792
55407 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon 200 18.84 3 0 6.0288
92691 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Economy Ro 330.4 2 0 85.904
48307 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Imation 16GB 132.52
Mini TravelDrive4USB 2.0 Flash
0 54.3332
7060 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1993 6.48 1 0 3.1752
47201 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesEureka The 209.3 2 0 56.511
85635 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Staples 31.56 5 0.2 9.8625
98661 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing 3M Hanger 14.8 4 0 6.068
10024 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Snap-A-Way 379.4 10 0 178.318
10035 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1943 97.82 2 0 45.9754
43229 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesTripp Lite 113.552 2 0.2 8.5164
60505 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Troy 701.372 2 0.3 -50.098
76017 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Hot File 7- 999.432 7 0.2 124.929
10011 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Gould Plast 459.95 5 0 18.398
40214 South OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners OIC Colored 10.74 3 0 5.2626
75081 Central OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Tagit 23.76 3 0.2 2.079
44105 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Master Gia 30.36 5 0.2 8.7285
60653 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing 12-1/2 Dia 23.976 3 0.6 -14.3856
62301 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 331 19.56 5 0.2 1.7115
47201 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesKensington 61.44 3 0 16.5888
75701 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHoover Por 2.688 3 0.8 -7.392
10024 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Hangi 14.352 3 0.2 4.6644
27217 South TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Cubify Cube 7999.98 4 0.5 -3839.99
39212 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie NETGEAR AC1750479.97
Dual Band Gigabit Smart
3 0 WiFi
10035 East FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bush Andor 191.984 2 0.2 4.7996
22980 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Luxo Profe 104.01 1 0 14.5614
90036 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Imation Bio 8GB
USB Flash Drive
1 Imation Corp
0 24.936
19013 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston Scho 198.272 8 0.2 17.3488
44105 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon 200 15.072 3 0.2 4.1448
98103 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tenex "The 209.88 3 0 35.6796
90805 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Laminate O 369.912 3 0.2 -13.8717
27511 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 220 10.368 2 0.2 3.6288
10035 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech 9 119.96 4 0 52.7824
10035 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Eaton Prem 55.48 1 0 26.6304
32137 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes #10- 4 1/8" 24.448 4 0.2 8.8624
10550 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBionaire P 281.34 6 0 109.7226
98105 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Cardinal Ho 19.92 5 0.2 6.972
19901 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Value 9.94 2 0 3.0814
43055 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Howard Mil 103.056 3 0.2 24.4758
84057 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Standa 59.808 3 0.2 19.4376
90045 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Tops Green 146.82 3 0 73.41
48205 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Chromcraft 1652.94 3 0 231.4116
19140 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Seth Thoma 129.92 5 0.2 21.112
33012 South OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Softgr 45.584 7 0.2 5.1282
78745 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Manila Rec 17.568 2 0.2 6.3684
11572 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1964 182.72 8 0 84.0512
98115 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Carina Dou 242.94 3 0 9.7176
94110 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech W 49.98 2 0 8.4966
60540 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 508 11.784 3 0.2 4.2717
75220 Central OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Martin-Yal 51.52 5 0.2 -10.948
92105 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables KI Confere 567.12 10 0.2 -28.356
60201 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Belkin iPho 11.992 1 0.2 0.8994
48183 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Durabl 58.05 3 0 26.703
94110 West TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Hewlett Pac1199.976 3 0.2 374.9925
90036 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing 12-1/2 Dia 79.92 4 0 28.7712
32216 South FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Chromcraft 383.438 4 0.45 -167.3184
55016 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Recycled E 24.56 2 0 6.8768
10009 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Angle-D Ri 13.128 3 0.2 4.2666
54302 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Adams Tele 22.72 4 0 10.224
90004 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 226 58.32 9 0 27.9936
30318 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 476 12.39 3 0 5.6994
43229 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones JBL Micro 107.982 3 0.4 -26.9955
71111 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 11.36 2 0 5.3392
33710 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Electrix H 310.88 2 0.2 23.316
22204 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon 4070 S 641.96 2 0 179.7488
50315 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Cardinal E 18.28 2 0 9.14
45231 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Dixon My Fi 32.76 7 0.2 3.6855
94110 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon GuestS 544.008 3 0.2 40.8006
43229 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco D-Rin 32.07 5 0.7 -22.449
29203 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Cameo Buff 186.69 3 0 87.7443
93534 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Heavy-Duty 17.456 2 0.2 5.8914
93534 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Lifetime Ad 348.928 2 0.2 34.8928
23223 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC VeloBi 143.96 4 0 69.1008
28806 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Cisco Unif 1363.96 5 0.2 85.2475
94110 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 499 9.96 2 0 4.5816
55901 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Dura 20.16 7 0 9.8784
14609 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1887 132.79 7 0 63.7392
92530 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Situations 283.92 5 0.2 17.745
92105 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Executive I 22.23 1 0 7.3359
10024 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin 7 Ou 355.32 9 0 99.4896
71203 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 218 12.96 2 0 6.2208
94122 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Stack 18.28 2 0 6.2152
80219 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Model L Ta 43.176 3 0.2 4.3176
68104 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Coloredge 28.4 2 0 11.076
98026 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 32 11.52 4 0 3.2256
92704 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Stack 18.28 2 0 6.2152
53209 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 205 51.84 8 0 24.8832
19140 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1968 5.344 1 0.2 1.8704
19140 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1995 41.472 8 0.2 14.5152
7109 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieRazer Krak 239.97 3 0 71.991
94110 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieKingston D 67.8 4 0 4.068
55044 Central OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Advantus Pl 35 7 0 16.8
41042 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Airf 301.96 2 0 90.588
33614 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston 168 35.216 2 0.2 2.6412
75701 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC ProCli 51.184 4 0.8 -79.3352
38401 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Adams Tele 9.664 2 0.2 3.2616
76106 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Belkin Grip 21.072 3 0.2 1.5804
10035 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston 195 60.45 3 0 16.3215
90036 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Fellowes B 37.44 4 0.2 11.7
40214 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones I Need's 3d 83.72 7 0 23.4416
44052 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Linden 10" 48.896 4 0.2 8.5568
7036 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMaxell DVD 115.36 7 0 49.6048
93905 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt DIXON Orio 5.16 2 0 1.3416
39212 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston Scho 185.88 6 0 50.1876
10035 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Executive I 44.46 2 0 14.6718
10035 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1884 39.96 2 0 18.7812
8901 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound 7.61 1 0 3.5767
94122 West OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Staple rem 7.36 2 0 0.1472
32216 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Logitech MX Performance
191.472 Wireless
6 Mouse
0.2 40.6878
22153 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 482 2.89 1 0 1.3583
19140 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 483 15.936 4 0.2 5.1792
17602 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Large Capa 44.91 6 0.7 -35.928
19143 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Ibimas 1141.47 5 0.7 -760.98
3301 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Southworth 34.44 3 0 17.22
10009 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Adams Writ 11.36 2 0 5.2256
28205 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1910 192.16 5 0.2 67.256
3301 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tenex Cont 322.59 3 0 64.518
19120 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Pressb 5.892 4 0.7 -4.1244
10024 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Lock-Up Eas 68.472 3 0.2 23.1093
22153 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Decoflex Ha 30.84 2 0 8.3268
94109 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Binney & Sm 13.48 4 0 5.9312
48227 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon 200 31.4 5 0 10.048
14609 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Dax Clear 17.46 2 0 5.9364
90045 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Fellowes Bl 13.944 3 0.2 4.5318
92105 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon Shelf 83.76 12 0 1.6752
21044 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco PRESS 37.66 7 0 18.4534
94122 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1987 34.68 6 0 16.9932
10801 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieAnker Ultr 149.95 5 0 14.995
48227 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Ampad Poly 4.54 1 0 2.043
94122 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage File Shuttl 155.82 7 0 42.0714
77095 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 15.648 2 0.2 5.0856
48227 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Alphabetica 103.6 7 0 51.8
13021 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Things To 46.96 8 0 22.5408
45503 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 8.904 2 0.7 -6.5296
75043 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Permanent S 10.44 5 0.2 3.393
60653 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Avaya 5420 323.976 3 0.2 20.2485
90032 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1923 20.04 3 0 9.6192
10009 East FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bush Westf 323.136 4 0.2 12.1176
49201 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Polycom CX 1199.8 4 0 323.946
6360 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing 3M Hanger 22.2 6 0 9.102
53209 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Howard Mil 46.94 1 0 19.2454
78207 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Lesro Sheff 99.918 2 0.3 -18.5562
75220 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Cameo Buff 149.352 3 0.2 50.4063
22304 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Recycled E 24.56 2 0 6.8768
10009 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMaxell 4.7 85.14 3 0 34.9074
10011 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC DocuBi 841.568 2 0.2 294.5488
19143 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1985 15.552 3 0.2 5.4432
22153 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 324 46.2 4 0 12.936
43615 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Zebra Zazzl 14.592 3 0.2 2.5536
19140 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper RSVP Cards 12.192 3 0.2 4.1148
19120 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound 45.056 8 0.2 15.2064
87401 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie NETGEAR AC1750
Dual Band Gigabit Smart
1 0 WiFi
92503 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 213 12.96 2 0 6.2208
94110 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Message Bo 17.12 2 0 8.0464
90503 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Pressb 6.096 2 0.2 2.2098
98105 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1894 32.4 5 0 15.552
85204 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bevis Boat 393.165 3 0.5 -204.4458
19120 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Deflect-o 516.488 7 0.2 -12.9122
19143 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Staple-bas 25.472 4 0.2 7.6416
78664 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Stanley Bos 27.168 2 0.2 2.7168
39212 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Home/Office 173.8 5 0 43.45
85023 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Logitech B530 29.592
USB Headset - headset -
1 Full
0.2 size,2.5893
92054 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Luxo Profe 204.6 2 0 53.196
94110 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Lea 321.568 2 0.2 28.1372
72701 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Zipper Ring 6.24 2 0 3.0576
94110 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes White Busi 21.88 2 0 10.94
33433 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery File 4.608 2 0.2 1.6704
10011 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Color-Coded 9.82 2 0 4.8118
19134 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Black 127.104 6 0.2 28.5984
10011 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Motorola H 160.93 7 0 3.2186
97206 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 1.08 2 0.7 -0.792
48205 Central TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Lexmark M 3059.982 2 0.1 679.996
28403 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Angle-D Ri 3.282 2 0.7 -2.6256
47201 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 188 34.02 3 0 16.6698
10035 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Star 599.292 6 0.1 93.2232
80027 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt BIC Brite L 3.392 1 0.2 0.8056
77506 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 499 7.968 2 0.2 2.5896
77041 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Suede 1.112 2 0.8 -1.8904
13021 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Luxo Profe 520.05 5 0 72.807
32216 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon 4070 S 1166.92 5 0.2 131.2785
10024 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Cardinal E 14.624 2 0.2 5.484
95123 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Advantus Sl 10.23 3 0 4.9104
23464 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Fellowes P 2715.93 7 0 1276.487
42420 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Laser & Ink 10.67 1 0 4.9082
98661 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston 168 44.02 2 0 11.4452
10024 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessoriePlantronic 2309.65 7 0 762.1845
92563 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes S 484.65 3 0 92.0835
28540 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1910 115.296 3 0.2 40.3536
85254 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Redi-Strip 7.08 3 0.2 2.478
52601 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Recycled D 44.75 5 0 20.585
60653 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones JBL Micro 95.984 2 0.2 5.999
92037 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Delta 151.72 4 0 27.3096
98502 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Howard Mil 155.25 3 0 46.575
98103 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bevis 36 x 1618.37 13 0 356.0414
90036 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 216 32.4 5 0 15.552
10011 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing G.E. Halog 13.96 2 0 6.7008
20016 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Staples in 22.74 3 0 8.8686
19134 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Peel & See 6.208 2 0.2 2.1728
90045 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Plasti 11.808 2 0.2 4.2804
45503 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 2 15.552 3 0.2 5.4432
7601 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Easy-stapl 177.2 5 0 83.284
45231 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Southworth 15.696 3 0.2 5.1012
65109 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Adva 86.62 2 0 8.662
90004 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Aluminum S 36.624 3 0.2 13.734
27217 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 336 23.968 7 0.2 2.6964
63376 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Chromcraft 697.16 4 0 146.4036
10035 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMaxell 4. 31.86 2 0 11.151
60610 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Quartet Al 8.84 5 0.2 2.9835
61107 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Stac 254.604 14 0.3 -18.186
33142 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Cisco Unif 1363.96 5 0.2 85.2475
94109 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Plantronics 1113.504 12 0.2 125.2692
19134 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Antis 168.464 2 0.2 -29.4812
10009 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt DIXON Tico 11.16 2 0 4.3524
92037 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Hole 19.936 4 0.2 7.2268
19143 East OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Stockwell G 4.416 3 0.2 1.6008
77095 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Del 107.772 2 0.3 -29.2524
43615 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin F9H 45.216 3 0.2 4.5216
94122 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Val 194.848 4 0.2 12.178
78521 Central OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Staple rem 1.744 1 0.2 -0.3488
19143 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Premiu 25.176 4 0.7 -18.4624
90008 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 333 19.46 7 0 5.0596
80219 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1881 29.472 3 0.2 9.9468
10035 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders 3M Organiz 8.64 2 0.2 3.024
85204 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Durab 6.27 5 0.7 -4.598
47201 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 328 40.88 7 0 10.6288
98105 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin 8 Ou 119.96 2 0 33.5888
48227 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Easy-stapl 19.92 4 0 9.3624
10701 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Chromcraft 836.592 8 0.4 -264.9208
50315 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 224 6.48 1 0 3.1104
94601 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Nokia Lumi 71.976 3 0.2 7.1976
28110 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Telescopin 31.984 2 0.2 1.999
92105 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Stanley Co 120.15 9 0 33.642
20735 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1950 28.9 5 0 14.161
28205 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes Mo 348.208 7 0.2 30.4682
90049 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Hon 4060 S 447.84 5 0.2 11.196
94122 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 326 7.04 4 0 2.0416
77041 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Non- 2.694 3 0.8 -4.7145
92503 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Rediform W 22.92 3 0 11.2308
77041 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco Lo 100.704 6 0.2 -16.3644
92024 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Binding Ma 46.672 2 0.2 16.3352
94110 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Self-Adhes 6.3 2 0 3.024
30076 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1908 279.9 5 0 137.151
72401 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Apple iPho 699.93 7 0 181.9818
47374 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt 50 Colored 10.16 1 0 2.6416
22153 South FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables KI Adjustab 343.92 4 0 75.6624
94509 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 216 19.44 3 0 9.3312
19134 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon Base 124.608 4 0.2 -23.364
33030 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Steel Perso 85.224 3 0.2 7.4571
46350 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Tyvek Top 287.52 8 0 129.384
90045 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Luxo Profe 204.6 2 0 53.196
48911 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHoover Sho 644.076 2 0.1 107.346
44221 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Rege 8.352 6 0.2 1.2528
89502 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Crayola Ant 3.64 2 0 1.638
22801 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage SAFCO Comm 122.48 2 0 0
90004 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Deluxe 195.184 1 0.2 19.5184
55407 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin 325V 362.94 3 0 90.735
92025 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt BOSTON Mod 53.94 3 0 15.6426
10035 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones PowerGen D 9.99 1 0 4.5954
49201 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Fellowes B 46.8 4 0 21.06
98115 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech K 447.93 9 0 49.2723
10035 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing C-Line Cub 109.48 2 0 33.9388
48073 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Geographics 22.38 2 0 10.7424
90008 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders ACCOHIDE B 16.52 5 0.2 5.5755
61701 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Instant 5.176 4 0.8 -7.764
10035 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery 3 1/2 50.112 6 0.2 16.2864
3301 East OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Forge 27.93 3 0 8.0997
90004 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Staple-on l 11.56 4 0 5.4332
20852 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Harbour Cre 172.5 2 0 51.75
77070 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessoriePlantronic 258.696 3 0.2 64.674
8701 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Wireless E 1322.93 7 0 357.1911
28540 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Tyvek Top 21.744 1 0.2 7.3386
98103 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Peel & Sti 12.096 7 0.2 4.2336
90036 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesKensington 81.92 4 0 22.1184
33065 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 21 15.552 3 0.2 5.4432
77041 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieKensington 431.928 9 0.2 64.7892
80219 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon GuestS 544.008 3 0.2 40.8006
28205 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Nortel Net 271.96 5 0.2 16.9975
10009 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Personal F 11.21 1 0 3.363
19134 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Low 141.372 2 0.3 -48.4704
90036 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes S 249.75 9 0 44.955
10024 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Delta 113.79 3 0 20.4822
90045 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes #10- 4 1/8" 15.28 2 0 7.4872
14215 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Design Ebo 2.78 2 0 0.7228
45231 East TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Canon Imag 839.988 2 0.4 69.999
33437 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing 24-Hour Ro 47.952 3 0.2 13.7862
98105 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Imag 12.35 1 0 5.434
10024 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Samsung R 22 4 0 5.5
10009 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC DocuBi 398.352 3 0.2 124.485
39503 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Fashion Co 48.69 9 0 23.8581
93727 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Hon Non-Fol 764.688 6 0.2 95.586
10009 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Staples in 38.82 6 0 17.469
53209 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Mitel MiVo 1099.96 4 0 285.9896
19013 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 337 5.248 2 0.2 0.5904
28205 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Linen 27.882 3 0.7 -20.4468
32216 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Wilson Sig 863.88 3 0.2 107.985
27834 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders XtraLife Cl 17.616 4 0.7 -14.0928
11561 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 17.472 3 0.2 6.3336
46350 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Plantronics Cordless Phone
69.9 Headset with
2 0In-line
Volume - M214C
94122 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Pencil and 6.57 3 0 1.7739
90045 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Letter Size 142.86 1 0 41.4294
80027 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Aluminum 29.328 3 0.2 3.666
35630 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Ampad Phon 12.48 2 0 5.616
60623 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes B 102.336 4 0.2 -12.792
76106 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 212 10.368 2 0.2 3.6288
77070 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Panasonic K 86.352 3 0.2 5.397
31204 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Fr 32.97 3 0 12.8583
52402 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Geemarc A 278.4 3 0 80.736
32216 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 48 15.12 3 0.2 4.914
78745 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Rein 2.772 7 0.8 -4.851
2908 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Woodgrain 14.9 5 0 1.043
10035 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Colorific W 15.48 3 0 4.4892
10009 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Luxo Econ 39.88 2 0 11.1664
94122 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders ACCOHIDE 3 13.216 4 0.2 4.4604
92105 West OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Fiskars Sof 32.94 3 0 9.2232
81001 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesKensington 845.728 13 0.2 84.5728
94533 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Cardinal Sl 13.904 2 0.2 4.5188
55106 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Motorola H 114.95 5 0 2.299
94109 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tenex Perso 26.96 2 0 7.0096
22153 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Electrix A 572.76 6 0 166.1004
22204 South FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Sauder Corn 61.96 2 0 4.3372
31907 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Westinghou 23.99 1 0 5.5177
77036 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Blue Parrot B250XT
7 Grade Wireless
0.2 52.493
Bluetooth Headset with
91104 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1898 46.76 7 0 22.4448
1841 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 517 3.69 1 0 1.7343
43229 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Star 155.372 2 0.3 -13.3176
90032 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Eureka Rec 38.88 6 0 18.6624
19120 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Fr 14.2 1 0.2 3.3725
32725 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Wilson Sig 575.92 2 0.2 71.99
45231 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Fellowes Bl 5.229 3 0.7 -4.1832
42071 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAcco 6 Out 72.8 5 0 19.656
28403 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Avoid Verb 10.816 4 0.2 3.5152
1841 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Decoflex Ha 46.26 3 0 12.4902
60653 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Fellowes P 17.46 6 0.8 -30.555
19120 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Expr 51.072 6 0.2 5.1072
6360 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 188 11.34 1 0 5.5566
94110 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Panasonic 87.92 4 0 26.376
94109 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Imag 37.05 3 0 16.302
44052 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Cush Cases 2.97 1 0.4 -0.6435
75220 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 1.08 3 0.8 -1.728
90049 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 140.736 8 0.2 52.776
6457 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage SAFCO Comm 552.56 4 0 0
90008 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Westinghou 25.11 3 0 6.5286
10011 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tensor Co 29.78 2 0 8.0406
28540 South TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Cisco CP-7 695.7 2 0.5 -27.828
11520 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston 167 47.82 3 0 14.346
55044 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBionaire P 93.78 2 0 36.5742
60201 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global High 258.279 3 0.3 -70.1043
22204 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Hanging Per 31.4 2 0 7.85
94109 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Motorola L 183.96 5 0.2 20.6955
77036 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Gould Plast 220.776 3 0.2 -44.1552
40214 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1909 79.14 3 0 36.4044
76106 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Value 1.988 1 0.6 -1.4413
90049 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Leather Tas 145.568 2 0.2 0
19120 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston 168 123.256 7 0.2 9.2442
85705 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Cardinal E 38.388 14 0.7 -25.592
90660 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Deflect-o S 145.9 5 0 62.737
80906 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Atlantic M 590.058 7 0.7 -786.744
20735 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech 49.08 3 0 4.908
94591 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 490 29.6 2 0 14.8
84604 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Lesro Round 912.75 5 0 118.6575
84062 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHoover Win 1089.75 3 0 305.13
60505 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tenex "The 83.952 3 0.6 -90.2484
30080 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Carina 42" 80.98 1 0 1.6196
27217 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt 4009 Highl 9.552 3 0.2 1.5522
60505 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bevis Oval 652.45 5 0.5 -430.617
10035 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco PRESST 17.216 4 0.2 6.0256
24153 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones LF Elite 3D 21.8 2 0 6.104
43229 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bush Andor 205.176 2 0.4 -58.1332
19143 East OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Martin-Yal 10.304 1 0.2 -2.1896
10024 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Panasonic K 75.48 2 0 19.6248
85023 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bevis Boat 393.165 3 0.5 -204.4458
75051 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Alphabetica 23.68 2 0.2 8.88
10035 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon GuestS 408.006 2 0.1 72.5344
10024 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Recycl 334.768 7 0.2 108.7996
92627 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech G 239.97 3 0 26.3967
77041 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones ShoreTel S 946.344 7 0.2 118.293
85204 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Petty Cash 86.272 4 0.2 31.2736
93905 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Prestige R 9.728 2 0.2 3.2832
43229 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Motorola L 220.752 8 0.4 -40.4712
35630 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Canvas Sect 152.76 6 0 74.8524
98105 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Strathmore 33.9 5 0 15.594
44134 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 203 31.104 6 0.2 10.8864
79109 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessoriePlantronic 263.88 3 0.2 42.8805
2908 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Storex Dur 29.7 5 0 13.365
94110 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Deluxe Hea 36.672 2 0.2 11.46
40475 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Adams Phon 13.76 2 0 6.3296
80013 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Trav-L-File 139.424 4 0.2 17.428
60623 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Mitel MiVo 1979.928 9 0.2 148.4946
60653 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Belkin 19" 164.736 4 0.2 -39.1248
19134 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 2.502 3 0.7 -1.7514
90008 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones OtterBox D 88.752 3 0.2 11.094
85023 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 2.025 1 0.7 -1.35
36608 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Easy-stapl 70.98 7 0 34.7802
31907 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Plast 91.2 3 0 41.952
2740 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 52.2 9 0 23.49
75061 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 499 15.936 4 0.2 5.1792
6457 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Wood 27.46 2 0 9.8856
98103 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 55.424 2 0.2 19.3984
8360 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Chromcraft 244.006 2 0.3 -31.3722
77506 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech G 159.984 2 0.2 43.9956
10009 East OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Stockwell G 3.68 2 0 1.8032
85301 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Delta 121.376 4 0.2 -3.0344
32216 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieRazer Krak 255.968 4 0.2 31.996
48234 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Exe 872.94 3 0 226.9644
19120 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 320 6.848 2 0.2 0.5992
90004 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 482 8.67 3 0 4.0749
77036 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Imag 6.688 4 0.6 -4.0128
14304 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 340 17.28 6 0 5.0112
10024 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 506 28.91 7 0 13.2986
27360 South OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Forge 52.136 7 0.2 5.8653
92683 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Square Cre 31.968 4 0.2 2.3976
94122 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 192 25.92 4 0 12.4416
38301 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Zebra Zazzl 9.728 2 0.2 1.7024
98115 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieWD My Pass 177 3 0 30.09
10035 East OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Staples 3.76 2 0 1.316
90008 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Cisco IP P 1212.848 7 0.2 106.1242
19143 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 488 5.04 2 0.2 1.764
10024 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes #10-4 1/8" 62.96 4 0 28.332
10035 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Adams Tele 5.88 1 0 2.8812
98661 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Magna Visu 9.64 2 0 3.6632
31907 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Stanley Co 40.05 3 0 11.214
75019 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Crayola Ant 10.192 7 0.2 3.185
94122 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Durab 18.16 5 0.2 6.583
78745 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound 16.056 3 0.2 5.8203
90045 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones iKross Blue 33.52 2 0.2 3.352
90004 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Prang Dustl 6.72 4 0 3.36
10024 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Four P 17.88 3 0.2 5.5875
31907 South TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Lexmark X 9 396 4 0 190.08
68104 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Cover 34.5 3 0 15.525
90036 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Imag 8.36 2 0 3.0096
91767 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston Heav 385.6 8 0 111.824
75220 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Safco Steel 200.064 3 0.2 12.504
19120 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Leather Tas 63.686 1 0.3 -9.098
89031 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bretford “J 1669.6 4 0 116.872
98105 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Laser 83.84 2 0.2 27.248
94110 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Pressb 21.336 7 0.2 7.7343
60610 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 325 16.52 5 0.2 2.065
85705 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Howard Mil 206.112 6 0.2 48.9516
18103 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt 12 Colored 4.16 2 0.2 0.364
19711 East OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Rubber Ban 26.18 7 0 0.5236
33142 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1988 74.352 3 0.2 23.235
85281 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Neat Ideas 10.744 1 0.2 0.8058
10035 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Belkin Omn 212.88 6 0 0
92677 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bush Andor 203.983 2 0.15 16.7986
8302 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Rogers Jumb 40.74 3 0 0.4074
2149 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones GE DSL Phon 39.99 1 0 11.5971
43229 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Wave 8.32 5 0.2 2.288
92024 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Recycl 82.896 3 0.2 29.0136
13601 East FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Atlantic M 1573.488 7 0.2 196.686
78207 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1915 335.52 4 0.2 117.432
10011 East TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Canon Imag 559.992 1 0.2 174.9975
77095 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHoover Com 9.324 6 0.8 -24.7086
92024 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1934 111.96 2 0 54.8604
54915 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 481 21.56 7 0 10.3488
40475 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Large Capa 124.75 5 0 57.385
98006 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 310 5.28 3 0 1.5312
11561 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieVerbatim 25 91.96 4 0 39.5428
19140 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 9.344 1 0.2 3.504
98103 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables KI Adjustab 171.96 2 0 44.7096
98103 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Pressb 35.352 9 0.2 12.8151
94109 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 518 18.9 6 0 9.072
98115 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 333 2.78 1 0 0.7228
10011 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bretford C 1044.63 5 0.4 -295.9785
19134 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper While You W 11.352 3 0.2 4.1151
29203 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Sensible S 354.9 5 0 17.745
98105 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Wireless E 453.576 3 0.2 39.6879
75002 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieKingston D 21.48 3 0.2 -0.2685
90004 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper White Dual 122.97 3 0 60.2553
30318 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 347 12.84 3 0 3.7236
90004 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Novimex Sw 603.92 5 0.2 -67.941
79907 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones ARKON Wind 40.68 3 0.2 -9.153
60505 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Pizazz Glob 23.952 2 0.2 2.3952
35630 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1949 4.98 1 0 2.4402
10011 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesConquest 1 170.88 3 0 49.5552
10024 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Nortel Mer 307.98 2 0 89.3142
23464 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Rogers Han 10.96 4 0 2.9592
76051 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Dixon Ticon 33.488 7 0.2 5.8604
98502 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Pyle PRT45 Retro 201.568
Home Telephone
4 0.2 22.6764
90032 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Spiral Pho 13.44 3 0 6.5856
61604 Central FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Sauder Ing 359.058 3 0.3 -35.9058
43229 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Chr 47.992 2 0.3 -2.0568
10011 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Executive I 547.3 13 0 175.136
75007 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1901 16.896 4 0.2 5.28
19901 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tenex 46" 211.96 2 0 42.392
37167 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Prang Draw 6.672 3 0.2 1.668
19711 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt BOSTON Ran 155.94 6 0 45.2226
90049 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones PowerGen D 39.96 5 0.2 12.987
90008 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Sauder Ing 290.666 2 0.15 27.3568
94601 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Letter Size 1000.02 7 0 290.0058
19143 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieV7 USB Nu 83.976 3 0.2 -13.6461
55122 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 480 3.75 1 0 1.8
10011 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Acco Perma 59.48 2 0 8.922
98031 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing GE 48" Flu 198.46 2 0 99.23
90049 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones ShoreTel S 675.96 5 0.2 84.495
10011 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesEureka The 523.25 5 0 141.2775
70506 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Harbour Cre 517.5 6 0 155.25
44105 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Stacking Tr 17.92 5 0.2 2.464
44105 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Smead Adju1006.056 3 0.2 88.0299
97224 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 2 15.552 3 0.2 5.4432
20016 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Weyerhaeus 19.44 3 0 9.3312
60076 Central OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Staples 12.624 2 0.2 3.945
98115 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Deluxe Rol 1247.64 3 0 349.3392
19140 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSanDisk Ul 35.36 2 0.2 -3.094
19143 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Catalog Bi 121.104 6 0.7 -100.92
94110 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1940 109.92 2 0 53.8608
98105 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon Port 169.68 6 0 45.8136
53209 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Value 34.79 7 0 10.7849
90045 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones RCA Visys 160.776 3 0.2 10.0485
98115 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Velobi 88.752 3 0.2 27.735
19143 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Polycom So 677.58 5 0.4 -158.102
75217 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Sterilite O 41.92 5 0.2 3.668
10011 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bush Advan1018.104 4 0.4 -373.3048
77095 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones QVS USB Ca 16.68 3 0.2 5.2125
89031 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech C 58.58 2 0 19.3314
75023 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones netTALK DU 167.968 4 0.2 62.988
23434 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Dot Matrix 196.62 2 0 96.3438
77041 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Howard Mil 21.936 2 0.6 -10.4196
94110 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Home/Office 104.28 3 0 26.07
19134 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Carina 42" 64.784 1 0.2 -14.5764
90008 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1887 18.97 1 0 9.1056
94110 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing C-Line Mag 14.82 3 0 6.2244
19143 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAcco Smart 99.28 2 0.2 12.41
19140 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 210 10.368 2 0.2 3.6288
19143 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Chromcraft 853.092 6 0.4 -227.4912
46203 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound 33.45 5 0 15.387
43229 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Advantus P 21.88 5 0.2 6.2905
75023 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Mi 13.616 2 0.2 3.5742
7002 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Mi 63.96 4 0 19.8276
90008 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin F9G 106.96 2 0 31.0184
98115 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables KI Adjustab 515.88 6 0 113.4936
10035 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Plasti 11.808 2 0.2 4.2804
92037 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Staples 12.35 5 0 5.8045
85301 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Standar 9.702 3 0.7 -7.1148
19120 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Durabl 11.61 2 0.7 -9.288
94122 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 500 43.86 6 0 20.6142
77070 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Rediform V 14.304 6 0.2 5.0064
60610 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables BoxOffice 765.625 7 0.5 -566.5625
94110 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases O'Sullivan 307.666 2 0.15 -14.4784
10011 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Tuff Stuff 7.712 2 0.2 2.7956
10011 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin Prem 242.9 5 0 70.441
60623 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Apple iPho 159.984 2 0.2 11.9988
19143 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAvanti 4.4 434.352 3 0.2 43.4352
43017 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables SAFCO Plan 1048.35 5 0.4 -69.89
22153 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMicro Inno 100 4 0 21
28314 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper White Glue 96.256 8 0.2 31.2832
75081 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes St 338.04 3 0.2 -33.804
28540 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHolmes HEP 34.848 2 0.2 6.534
94122 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Sterilite O 31.44 3 0 8.4888
92037 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 494 20.88 8 0 9.6048
19140 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 231 20.736 4 0.2 7.2576
14609 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Sanford Liq 13.36 2 0 4.9432
28540 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Transl 11.232 8 0.7 -8.2368
77095 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1985 10.368 2 0.2 3.6288
78207 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Hon 2111 In 206.962 2 0.3 -32.5226
94601 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing C-Line Cub 9.46 2 0 3.6894
94122 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes Mo 559.62 9 0 151.0974
76106 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1945 360.712 11 0.2 130.7581
77095 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 41.568 6 0.8 -66.5088
77095 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech C 46.864 2 0.2 7.6154
19143 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Avery Hi-Li 19.536 3 0.2 4.884
92105 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Sauder Cam 411.332 4 0.15 -4.8392
23434 South OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme 10" Ea 35.06 2 0 10.518
27405 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders C-Line Peel 7.644 4 0.7 -5.8604
75081 Central OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Staple rem 6.976 4 0.2 -1.3952
60623 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage SAFCO Comm 97.984 2 0.2 -24.496
21215 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Data F 20.86 2 0 9.387
90004 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1919 368.91 9 0 180.7659
10011 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMicropad 59.97 3 0 14.9925
2038 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Tops Wireb 6.58 2 0 3.0268
53209 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1940 219.84 4 0 107.7216
53142 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Innergie m 134.97 3 0 64.7856
10011 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Tops Green 48.94 1 0 24.47
53711 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Star 2807.84 8 0 673.8816
77041 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Companion L 60.416 2 0.2 6.0416
66062 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Panasonic K 107.94 3 0 26.985
10024 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Iris Project 63.84 8 0 16.5984
95123 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Howard Mil 215.65 5 0 73.321
75081 Central OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners OIC Bulk Pa 11.168 4 0.2 3.6296
98002 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Imag 4.18 1 0 1.5048
19134 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Clear Mylar 5.607 1 0.7 -4.2987
90049 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Samsung Ga2575.944 7 0.2 257.5944
74133 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Mediabridg 69.93 7 0 0.6993
60610 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Cubicl 16.156 7 0.6 -12.117
22801 South FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bevis 44 x 1441.3 7 0 245.021
43055 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Floodlight 77.6 5 0.2 28.13
90045 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables KI Confere 170.136 3 0.2 -8.5068
98105 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 501 7.38 2 0 3.4686
90036 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 513 9.96 2 0 4.5816
60623 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHarmony Air 75.6 2 0.8 -166.32
60623 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHoneywell E 92.064 6 0.8 -225.5568
97756 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery 3 1/2 31.32 10 0.7 -25.056
27604 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Samsung Ga1127.976 3 0.2 126.8973
31204 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1931 38.88 6 0 18.6624
44105 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Apple iPho 779.796 2 0.4 -168.9558
74403 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Polycom VV 1439.92 8 0 374.3792
28110 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Harbour Cre 207 3 0.2 25.875
78745 Central TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Bady BDG101439.982 3 0.4 -263.9967
6450 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 341 21.4 5 0 6.206
30076 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesKensington 1245.86 7 0 361.2994
28205 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Self-Adhesi 17.544 3 0.2 5.9211
42104 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Olson 140.81 1 0 39.4268
78207 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Round Speci 40.096 4 0.2 13.5324
98115 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Imation 8GB Mini
TravelDrive USB
3 2.0 Flash0 Drive
20016 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 195 40.08 6 0 19.2384
90004 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs DMI Arturo 362.352 3 0.2 27.1764
46614 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Multi-Use P 34.76 1 0 9.7328
90032 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Staples in 14.52 3 0 4.7916
77041 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes B 127.92 5 0.2 -15.99
6010 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHolmes Rep 137.62 2 0 60.5528
10009 East FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Sauder Fore 257.568 2 0.2 -28.9764
78207 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Personal Fi 49.632 4 0.2 4.9632
80013 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Hon 5100 S 727.45 5 0.5 -465.568
43055 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Jabra SPEA 370.782 3 0.4 -92.6955
89015 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Howard Mil 196.45 5 0 70.722
19143 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 211 31.104 6 0.2 10.8864
98103 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1931 6.48 1 0 3.1104
94122 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 334 99.2 5 0 25.792
99207 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Safco Draft 70.98 1 0 20.5842
43229 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Easy-stapl 16.224 2 0.2 5.8812
11561 East FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases O'Sullivan 176.784 1 0.2 -22.098
78207 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Panasonic 470.376 3 0.2 47.0376
90049 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global High 393.568 4 0.2 -44.2764
32216 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Canvas Sect 68.742 9 0.7 -48.1194
10011 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 29.34 3 0 14.67
19143 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper White Comp 217.056 7 0.2 78.6828
76248 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 510 6 2 0.2 2.1
94122 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Ultra Door 31.56 3 0 10.4148
33012 South OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Staples 7.104 2 0.2 2.3976
45014 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesFellowes Su 121.792 4 0.2 13.7016
92646 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1972 10.56 2 0 4.752
32127 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 7.824 1 0.2 2.934
97504 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper IBM Multi- 24.784 1 0.2 7.745
22901 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 309 34.65 3 0 10.395
59801 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Hi-T 487.984 2 0.2 152.495
55407 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC DocuBi 1793.98 2 0 843.1706
33178 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Jiffy Padde 29.808 2 0.2 10.8054
29501 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes B 191.88 6 0 19.188
48205 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones SKILCRAFT T 14.78 2 0 3.9906
97477 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 218 5.184 1 0.2 1.8144
46203 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage SAFCO Boltl 909.12 8 0 9.0912
32712 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Pressboard 2.952 2 0.7 -2.1648
90008 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Hand-Finis 136.92 4 0 41.076
11572 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Charco 18.96 2 0 8.532
90008 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Imation 16GB Mini
TravelDrive3USB 2.0 Flash
0 40.7499
77041 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1891 273.896 7 0.2 92.4399
30076 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech 9 149.95 5 0 65.978
33437 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 474 4.608 2 0.2 1.6704
2038 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt American P 11.65 5 0 3.3785
48227 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Panasonic 299.9 2 0 74.975
13601 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC DocuBi 895.92 5 0.2 302.373
19601 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Staple mag 15.008 2 0.2 1.5008
76017 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Cisco SPA 863.64 9 0.2 107.955
92024 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1960 92.94 3 0 41.823
94110 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech W 199.98 2 0 69.993
90045 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Avaya 462 177.48 3 0.2 19.9665
80219 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Eaton Prem 88.768 2 0.2 31.0688
98105 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 214 6.48 1 0 3.1104
85254 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Motorola 271.992 1 0.2 23.7993
70506 South FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases O'Sullivan 145.74 3 0 23.3184
94109 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Tops White 244.55 5 0 114.9385
94109 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Ultra Door 14.73 3 0 4.8609
80020 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Twin L 19.968 2 0.7 -13.312
62301 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 505 47.36 4 0.2 17.76
75007 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech T 95.968 4 0.2 26.3912
10009 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 324 23.1 2 0 6.468
65807 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders 3M Organiz 16.2 3 0 7.776
7501 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Jabra SPEA 281.97 3 0 78.9516
74133 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Imation Secure+
Hardware Encrypted
4 USB02.0 Flash
102.186Drive; 16GB
60623 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Blackstonia 6.408 3 0.2 0.6408
60610 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Heav 5.104 4 0.8 -8.6768
36116 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Gould Plast 275.97 3 0 11.0388
97301 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 321 5.248 2 0.2 0.5904
85301 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon 4070 S 933.536 4 0.2 105.0228
31907 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders 3-ring stap 3.76 2 0 1.8048
73120 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Jabra Supreme479.96Plus Driver Edition Headset
4 0 134.3888
94513 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin F9G 320.88 6 0 93.0552
43229 East TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Hewlett Pa 1439.976 4 0.4 191.9968
65807 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Binder Pos 17.22 3 0 7.9212
19134 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders ACCOHIDE 3 4.956 4 0.7 -3.7996
97477 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Alphabetica 71.04 6 0.2 26.64
77036 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliances3.6 Cubic F 294.62 5 0.8 -766.012
23320 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 480 15 4 0 7.2
91104 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSanDisk Ul 199.95 5 0 21.9945
40214 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes B 95.94 3 0 9.594
79424 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Flexible Le 11.364 3 0.8 -17.046
65203 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt BIC Brite L 29.68 7 0 11.5752
60623 Central FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases O'Sullivan 183.372 2 0.3 -36.6744
37604 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 310 4.224 3 0.2 0.4752
77041 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech W 159.984 2 0.2 35.9964
36830 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Star 350.98 1 0 84.2352
92404 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Imprin 17.568 2 0.2 6.3684
2908 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Hot File 7- 1606.23 9 0 481.869
93727 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Recycl 239.12 5 0.2 77.714
98103 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Safco Value 141.96 2 0 39.7488
93534 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Square Ring 33.024 2 0.2 11.5584
1453 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Pressboard 14.73 3 0 6.9231
76106 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Things To 9.392 2 0.2 3.2872
55901 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders ACCOHIDE B 8.26 2 0 3.8822
59715 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound S 29.04 3 0 13.9392
85345 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1922 11.952 3 0.2 4.3326
92105 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Person 57.504 6 0.2 20.1264
44107 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt BIC Liqua B 38.864 7 0.2 7.7728
77095 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 203 15.552 3 0.2 5.4432
8861 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesKensington 162.64 2 0 45.5392
19134 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Howard Mil 289.8 7 0.2 36.225
47374 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Cubicl 17.31 3 0 5.193
48227 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMicrosoft 199.95 5 0 63.984
90049 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Staples 11.34 3 0 5.2164
91767 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessoriePlantronic 199.96 4 0 69.986
19134 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Instant 1.941 1 0.7 -1.294
91761 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Novimex Hi 283.92 5 0.2 -46.137
98105 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Newell 3-Ho 7.312 2 0.2 2.5592
94513 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieAnker Ultr 59.97 3 0 13.7931
94122 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Floodlight 58.2 3 0 28.518
21215 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Adams Tele 39.9 5 0 19.95
85023 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Computer P 106.232 7 0.2 37.1812
90008 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Ampad Phon 37.44 6 0 16.848
77036 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Alphabetica 23.68 2 0.2 8.88
10009 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 4027 122.12 4 0 56.1752
91730 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 507 5.76 2 0 2.6496
19805 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Standa 26.55 3 0 13.0095
56560 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Sup 479.9 5 0 81.583
87401 West OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Martin-Yal 12.88 1 0 0.3864
28403 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 349 13.12 5 0.2 1.476
39212 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC DocuBi 511.84 8 0 240.5648
97206 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Hanging Per 37.68 3 0.2 2.355
80219 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco 6- 636.408 3 0.2 -15.9102
85705 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Star 259.136 4 0.2 -25.9136
10009 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1888 221.92 4 0 106.5216
33437 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 217 15.552 3 0.2 5.4432
75150 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco 3-Hol 0.876 1 0.8 -1.4016
92374 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 191 19.98 1 0 9.3906
14609 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables SAFCO Plan 209.67 1 0.4 -13.978
95207 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox Color 159.88 7 0 73.5448
98105 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 4200 5.28 1 0 2.376
32174 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Zipper Ring 2.808 3 0.7 -1.9656
94086 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Leat 215.976 3 0.2 -2.6997
48911 Central FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases O'Sullivan 241.96 2 0 41.1332
19143 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Quality Par 104.68 5 0.2 35.3295
19143 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSony 64GB 86.376 3 0.2 1.0797
19134 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DataProduc 64.944 3 0.2 6.4944
3820 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAcco 6 Out 33.28 4 0 9.3184
10011 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Message Bo 19.65 3 0 9.039
19134 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Fellowes P 152.991 3 0.7 -122.3928
75051 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Expr 14.76 5 0.6 -11.439
10009 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Tops Green 146.82 3 0 73.41
11561 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 149.544 9 0.2 50.4711
19140 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Telephone 30.48 6 0.2 9.906
17403 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Lea 422.058 3 0.3 -18.0882
94521 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Adva 43.31 1 0 4.331
10035 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Spigen Sam 84.95 5 0 22.087
77840 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Star 233.058 3 0.3 -53.2704
63116 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Mi 111.79 7 0 43.5981
2169 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1970 14.94 3 0 7.0218
10009 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Standa 14.16 2 0.2 5.133
75081 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Flat Face 22.608 3 0.6 -10.1736
90032 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners OIC Binder 21.48 6 0 10.74
55407 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Office Imp 501.81 3 0 0
32725 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 33 17.856 4 0.2 2.0088
60610 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders XtraLife Cl 8.808 3 0.8 -14.9736
45231 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing GE 48" Flu 79.384 1 0.2 29.769
94601 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Panasonic 34.58 1 0 10.0282
95336 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Multicolor 314.55 3 0 150.984
78041 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieRazer Krak 191.976 3 0.2 23.997
44240 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 312 14.016 3 0.2 1.752
76903 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Lifetime Ad 305.312 2 0.3 -8.7232
94122 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 19.752 3 0.2 6.9132
77070 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC VeloBi 9.264 3 0.8 -13.896
77041 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon ProFi 61.792 4 0.2 6.1792
84106 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1982 45.68 2 0 21.0128
10009 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Twin L 85.232 7 0.2 30.8966
93905 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Presti 54.896 2 0.2 18.5274
35810 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieHP Standar 29 2 0 7.25
47201 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 70.08 6 0 35.04
90049 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesFellowes M 60.81 3 0 17.0268
98105 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC DocuBi 153.552 3 0.2 51.8238
37918 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 343 4.704 2 0.2 0.4116
36116 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 331 14.67 3 0 3.9609
19120 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1999 15.552 3 0.2 5.4432
72209 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing 3M Hanger 22.2 6 0 9.102
98103 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Hangi 6.096 2 0.2 2.1336
17602 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Exec 20.104 1 0.2 1.7591
37620 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston Mod 67.56 3 0.2 8.445
60505 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco D-Rin 29.932 7 0.8 -46.3946
10009 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell Cha 16.52 4 0 7.5992
6824 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Polycom So 832.93 7 0 233.2204
48146 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesEuro-Pro S 167.292 6 0.1 29.7408
10035 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Howard Mil 27.42 1 0 11.2422
95123 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 1.44 1 0.2 0.504
32216 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Nontoxic C 2.816 2 0.2 0.9856
94110 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Zipper Ring 9.984 4 0.2 3.6192
43302 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Polycom SoundStation2
485.94 EX Conference phone
2 0.4 -89.089
19134 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1991 54.816 3 0.2 17.8152
80122 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Atlantic M 72.294 1 0.7 -98.8018
78745 Central OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Assorted Co 2.896 2 0.2 0.4706
10024 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Chromcraft 330.588 1 0.4 -115.7058
94122 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC DocuBi 673.568 2 0.2 252.588
46350 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Antis 526.45 5 0 31.587
60610 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Recycled St 228.92 5 0.2 14.3075
97206 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones HTC One 319.968 4 0.2 35.9964
05408 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech C 205.03 7 0 67.6599
46203 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes S 190.86 2 0 11.4516
84604 West OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Fiskars Hom 44.4 5 0 12.432
60610 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Clea 44.4 2 0.6 -52.17
90049 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Fellowes P 1016.792 1 0.2 381.297
19134 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Mitel MiVo 494.982 3 0.4 -115.4958
91104 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon Port 56.56 2 0 15.2712
90004 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1959 13.36 2 0 6.4128
92105 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1911 143.7 3 0 68.976
94110 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHolmes Od 43.26 3 0 14.2758
4401 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Wi-Ex zBoo 437.85 3 0 131.355
94122 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Multip 1212.96 7 0.2 90.972
92024 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Advantus Pl 5 1 0 2.4
10035 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Imation Bio 8GB
USB Flash Drive
1 Imation Corp
0 24.936
22204 South FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bush Andor 359.97 3 0 79.1934
30318 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech d 499.98 2 0 114.9954
28110 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1989 7.968 2 0.2 2.6892
98115 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1984 12.96 2 0 6.3504
14609 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 227 6.48 1 0 3.1104
33180 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Bulldog Va 47.96 5 0.2 4.1965
98105 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes B 199.74 6 0 47.9376
94122 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Deflect-o G 435.26 7 0 95.7572
90036 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bevis Roun 143.432 1 0.2 3.5858
38671 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage SAFCO Comm 306.2 5 0 0
98115 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Novimex Fa 97.568 2 0.2 -6.098
6457 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Adams Phon 48.16 7 0 22.1536
47362 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones I Need's 3d 23.92 2 0 6.6976
37130 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1965 14.352 3 0.2 5.2026
24153 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBionaire 9 35.04 2 0 12.264
43615 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesEureka Sani 17.48 5 0.2 1.311
90032 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 351 16.4 5 0 4.756
98115 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Balt Solid 892.98 2 0 80.3682
31907 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Pyle PMP3 287.97 3 0 77.7519
10009 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Cush Cases 4.95 1 0 1.3365
6457 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tenex Tradi 181.95 3 0 38.2095
10011 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Avoid Verb 13.52 4 0 6.2192
48640 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Storex Dura 12.72 3 0 6.36
31907 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieFirst Data 316 4 0 31.6
30076 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Erg 723.92 4 0 188.2192
60623 Central FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bush Westf 141.372 2 0.3 -14.1372
77041 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 188 27.216 3 0.2 9.8658
10009 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieEnermax Au 390.75 5 0 171.93
85345 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Leat 280.792 1 0.2 35.099
57103 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 486 14.62 2 0 6.8714
23223 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin Prem 194.32 4 0 56.3528
98115 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Imation Secure Drive +
265.93 Hardware
7 Encrypted
0 USB flash
63.8232 drive - 16 GB
42420 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Tuf-Vin Bin 94.74 3 0 44.5278
10035 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Twin L 79.872 3 0.2 29.952
80525 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Wausau Pap 14.352 3 0.2 5.2026
19140 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tenex Anti 547.136 4 0.2 -68.392
90004 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco Lo 41.96 2 0 2.9372
47905 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Eaton Prem 277.4 5 0 133.152
37042 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHolmes Od 69.216 6 0.2 11.2476
6824 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Convenienc 10.86 3 0 5.1042
10009 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1994 25.92 4 0 12.4416
43229 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Turquoise 10.72 2 0.2 1.742
31088 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 315 41.86 7 0 10.465
2038 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Nu-Dell Ex 63.2 5 0 23.384
60623 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Belkin 19" 123.552 3 0.2 -29.3436
53209 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin 5 O 490.32 9 0 137.2896
78207 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper TOPS Carbo 70.08 5 0.2 24.528
90032 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders 3-ring stap 9.024 6 0.2 3.1584
94122 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Atlantic M 1552.831 7 0.15 200.9546
10024 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bretford R 1579.746 7 0.4 -447.5947
43229 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders SpineVue Lo 13.71 5 0.7 -10.054
22980 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Howard Mil 127.88 2 0 40.9216
95823 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Lea 120.712 1 0.2 -18.1068
20735 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper HP Office R 23.12 4 0 11.3288
45014 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Rubbermaid 532.704 6 0.2 -26.6352
2886 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieHypercom 252 4 0 93.24
60505 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Flat Face 60.288 8 0.6 -27.1296
30080 South OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Revere Box 5.67 3 0 0.1134
43229 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC DocuBi 76.776 4 0.7 -58.8616
91360 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Message Bo 32.75 5 0 15.065
44052 East OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Advantus T- 7.216 2 0.2 1.7138
93727 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAcco Smart 176.04 4 0 45.7704
92105 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Staples 7.86 2 0 3.6156
10009 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 219 6.48 1 0 3.1104
2148 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 345 39.68 2 0 10.3168
10035 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Imation Clip USB flash
37.6 drive - 82GB 0 2.256
94109 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery File 5.76 2 0 2.8224
29501 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes O 628.81 7 0 12.5762
65807 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Hanging Per 94.2 6 0 23.55
77340 Central FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases O'Sullivan 956.6648 7 0.32 -225.0976
90045 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech G 1115.91 9 0 200.8638
94122 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Staples in 24.2 5 0 7.986
94122 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Natura 211.84 8 0 76.2624
19120 East OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Acco Clips 5.68 2 0.2 1.917
90036 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders 3-ring stap 7.52 5 0.2 2.632
90045 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1974 11.96 2 0 5.8604
53209 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Lea 754.45 5 0 60.356
1040 East FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bush Missio 301.96 2 0 60.392
87105 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieWD My Pass 595 5 0 95.2
89431 West TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Panasonic 2396.4 10 0.2 179.73
92236 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Safco Wire 63.56 2 0 3.178
60126 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Safco Indus 230.376 3 0.2 -48.9549
45014 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMaxell 4.7 158.928 7 0.2 41.7186
76017 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Computer P 1.344 4 0.8 -2.1504
94110 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Self-Adhesi 58.48 8 0 27.4856
98103 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing 3M Hanger 7.4 2 0 3.034
10009 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Iceberg Nes 366.786 7 0.1 65.2064
77070 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Spigen Sam 54.368 4 0.2 4.0776
22153 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Brown Kraf 33.96 2 0 16.98
87401 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tenex Tradi 545.85 9 0 114.6285
80027 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bevis Rect 145.98 2 0.5 -99.2664
33614 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing C-Line Mag 7.904 2 0.2 2.1736
7055 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones AT&T 8410 345 5 0 86.25
90004 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes #10- 4 1/8" 17.48 2 0 8.2156
19143 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Olson 492.835 5 0.3 -14.081
29406 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes O 269.49 3 0 5.3898
95123 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Cardinal Ho 29.12 5 0.2 9.828
10011 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 496 18.75 5 0 9
7060 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesFellowes P 97.84 2 0 25.4384
98115 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1896 29.97 3 0 13.4865
10009 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Premiu 83.92 5 0.2 29.372
23602 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Black Print 9.11 1 0 4.0995
28314 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Pizza 14.272 8 0.2 4.2816
90032 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Delu 217.584 2 0.2 -29.9178
90036 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Chromcraft 1322.352 3 0.2 -99.1764
10011 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 322 5.46 3 0 1.4742
75220 Central OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Fiskars Spr 11.184 1 0.2 0.8388
98105 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Office Imp 1003.62 6 0 0
98105 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Anker 24W 35.168 4 0.2 11.4296
19711 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage SAFCO Mobi 85.52 2 0 22.2352
10024 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Jawbone JA 631.96 4 0 303.3408
90049 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper White Glue 90.24 6 0 41.5104
14701 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Apple iPho 4548.81 7 0 1228.179
77095 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables KI Adjustab 300.93 5 0.3 -34.392
46544 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Geo 647.84 8 0 32.392
92037 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Sortfiler M 64.17 3 0 18.6093
94109 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Person 9.584 1 0.2 3.3544
33178 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes #10 White 37.608 3 0.2 12.6927
60076 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Rediform W 12.224 2 0.2 4.4312
94110 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 52 7.38 2 0 3.4686
94122 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes Pe 53.72 4 0 15.0416
77070 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin 8 Ou 32.784 4 0.8 -85.2384
90045 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Panasonic 196.776 3 0.2 14.7582
73120 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco Sn 1117.92 4 0 55.896
71203 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Fr 106.5 6 0 41.535
33614 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Premier Ell 45.66 5 0.7 -33.484
60623 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieBelkin F8E 95.968 4 0.2 1.1996
43402 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Economy Ro 264.32 2 0.2 19.824
77095 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Ames Color 604.656 9 0.2 204.0714
7090 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Adva 129.93 3 0 12.993
73120 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 49 20.16 7 0 9.8784
77041 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 312 42.048 9 0.2 5.256
33311 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 210 10.368 2 0.2 3.6288
72209 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1929 114.2 5 0 52.532
19120 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco Sin1801.632 6 0.2 -337.806
92253 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Mi 46.32 4 0 18.0648
44105 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs High-Back 181.986 2 0.3 -54.5958
94122 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon 2090 “P1348.704 6 0.2 -219.1644
85254 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing 12-1/2 Dia 111.888 7 0.2 22.3776
19134 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin 8 Ou 143.952 3 0.2 14.3952
2148 East FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bush Westfi 173.94 3 0 13.9152
95123 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Belkin 19" 205.92 4 0 2.0592
85023 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 346 2.304 1 0.2 0.2592
42420 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing 3M Polariz 821.88 6 0 213.6888
29203 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 224 25.92 4 0 12.4416
32303 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones HTC One M 705.544 7 0.2 70.5544
10035 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieDell Slim 50 2 0 12
77070 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Contempor 51.712 8 0.6 -32.32
33065 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesEureka Sani 6.992 2 0.2 0.5244
84057 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases O'Sullivan 1406.86 7 0 140.686
37211 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 474 9.216 4 0.2 3.3408
10009 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie KeyTronic KT800P2
- Keyboard -
1 Black 0 2.7036
42104 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Fr 71 4 0 27.69
98226 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Standa 25.12 5 0.2 7.85
10011 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Advantus 1 478.08 8 0 133.8624
43055 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones AT&T 1080 164.388 2 0.4 -35.6174
60098 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Crayola Ant 2.912 2 0.2 0.91
75007 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech d 1399.944 7 0.2 52.4979
47905 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Antis 526.45 5 0 31.587
31907 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Fashion Co 16.23 3 0 7.9527
22304 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing GE General 62.82 3 0 30.7818
76117 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes #10 Gummed 6.608 2 0.2 2.1476
10024 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Steel Perso 248.57 7 0 67.1139
90004 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Perma STOR 5.98 1 0 1.0166
60090 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Executive I 14.136 2 0.6 -7.7748
29483 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Motorla HX 79.1 2 0 39.55
47201 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Tyvek Side 180.96 2 0 81.432
10024 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesTripp Lite 121.94 2 0 35.3626
10035 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Easy-stapl 14.94 3 0 7.0218
32216 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Bind 1.167 1 0.7 -0.8558
92024 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Berol Giant 16.99 1 0 4.9271
76017 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie KeyTronic KT400U2
24.672- Keyboard -
3 Black 0.2 0
90045 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Stac 41.568 2 0.2 2.598
90049 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Bevis Steel 230.28 3 0.2 23.028
94110 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 498 5.78 2 0 2.7166
88220 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Design Ebo 4.17 3 0 1.0842
63116 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 214 25.92 4 0 12.4416
10024 East TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Canon imag11199.97 4 0.2 3919.989
45503 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSanDisk Cr 60.864 4 0.2 9.1296
74133 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1952 14.94 3 0 7.0218
98103 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing 24-Hour Ro 39.96 2 0 17.1828
28314 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Stackable T 4.928 2 0.2 0.7392
90045 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes S 323.1 2 0 61.389
10035 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper TOPS Voice 19.04 4 0 9.3296
71901 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieAnker Ultr 29.99 1 0 2.999
60505 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper White Comp 186.048 6 0.2 67.4424
27604 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Motorola L 36.792 1 0.2 4.1391
74133 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Executive 57.69 3 0 23.6529
92345 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bestar Clas 424.9575 5 0.15 19.998
84604 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Non- 10.776 3 0.2 3.5022
94110 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Convenienc 10.86 3 0 5.1042
85234 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs SAFCO Arco 883.84 4 0.2 99.432
10035 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Google Nex 1979.89 11 0 494.9725
65807 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco 3-Hol 8.76 2 0 4.2048
38109 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 499 3.984 1 0.2 1.2948
79109 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Imation 16GB 79.512
Mini TravelDrive3USB 2.0 Flash
0.2 20.8719
90045 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Delu 40.784 1 0.2 4.5882
1852 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1913 166.44 3 0 79.8912
92024 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1888 166.44 3 0 79.8912
28806 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Pencil and 8.76 5 0.2 0.7665
81001 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 11.088 7 0.7 -8.1312
49201 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Dura 14.4 5 0 7.056
90004 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Satellite S 312.552 9 0.2 101.5794
27360 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Blue String 95.952 3 0.2 29.985
61604 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Prese 3.98 5 0.8 -6.567
90032 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Adams "Whi 15.7 5 0 7.065
60653 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt BIC Brite L 5.248 4 0.2 1.64
19134 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Storex Dur 5.346 3 0.7 -4.455
80112 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound 15.48 3 0.2 5.6115
98115 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Contract C 109.9 5 0 37.366
33012 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Executive 15.384 1 0.2 4.0383
43130 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1912 30.352 2 0.2 10.6232
32216 South TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Hewlett-Pac 821.3 4 0.5 -16.426
21215 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1944 116.28 3 0 56.9772
10009 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSanDisk Ul 132.6 6 0 17.238
88220 West OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Elite 16.68 2 0 4.3368
90049 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Computer 227.36 7 0 81.8496
32216 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco D-Rin 12.828 2 0.7 -8.9796
44107 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Nu-Dell Le 45.888 4 0.2 9.1776
12180 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Sanford Liq 60.12 9 0 22.2444
28403 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones AT&T CL29 302.376 3 0.2 37.797
98105 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Prang Draw 13.9 5 0 5.56
10024 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Plantronic 129.98 2 0 62.3904
31907 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSony 64GB 71.98 2 0 15.1158
10024 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones AT&T EL51 377.97 3 0 109.6113
92627 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes Mo 124.36 2 0 33.5772
77095 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing 12-1/2 Dia 23.976 3 0.6 -14.3856
27511 South OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners OIC Bulk Pa 8.376 3 0.2 2.7222
22304 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Acco Perma 81.2 5 0 12.18
94591 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 512 14.45 5 0 6.7915
19120 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Jabra Supreme359.97Plus Driver Edition Headset
5 0.4 -71.994
43615 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Angle-D Ri 1.641 1 0.7 -1.3128
98105 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 311 6.63 3 0 1.7901
7060 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Logitech B530 USB Headset - headset -
73.98 2 Full
0 size,
88001 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Easy-stapl 49.12 4 0 23.0864
19711 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones BlackBerry 377.97 3 0 94.4925
35244 South OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Compact Au 477.24 4 0 9.5448
43055 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 46.72 5 0.2 17.52
92037 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Executive I 35.34 2 0 13.4292
94122 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Howard Mil 257.64 6 0 100.4796
28540 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech G 79.992 1 0.2 21.9978
2038 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bevis Tradi 700.056 3 0.3 -130.0104
75034 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSanDisk Cr 27.168 4 0.2 -1.3584
32303 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders SpineVue Lo 8.226 3 0.7 -6.0324
98115 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Deluxe 585.552 3 0.2 73.194
95687 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Advantus R 423.28 11 0 110.0528
90008 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Olson 225.296 2 0.2 22.5296
94122 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Prang Draw 5.56 2 0 2.224
10035 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieRazer Krak 239.97 3 0 71.991
31907 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Executive 76.92 4 0 31.5372
84107 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound S 48.4 5 0 23.232
94110 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMaxell 4.7 0.99 1 0 0.4356
19140 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Plastic 10.332 3 0.7 -7.5768
19134 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin F9M 34.384 1 0.2 3.8682
75220 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAPC 7 Outl 32.192 2 0.8 -80.48
53186 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Crate-A-Fil 54.5 5 0 14.17
33311 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Staple-bas 19.104 3 0.2 5.7312
48205 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Stan 49.44 3 0 24.2256
45503 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 222 10.368 2 0.2 3.6288
92037 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Belkin 19" 154.44 3 0 1.5444
80906 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin 6 Ou 60.984 7 0.2 4.5738
93309 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Sauder Camd195.466 2 0.15 -13.7976
33068 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing 3M Hanger 23.68 8 0.2 6.216
10035 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 505 59.2 4 0 29.6
55044 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Sanford Uni 22 10 0 9.68
48234 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Digium D40 257.98 2 0 74.8142
19134 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Anker Astr 23.988 2 0.4 -15.992
45373 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Mediabridg 23.976 4 0.4 -15.5844
90036 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Every-D 601.536 4 0.2 0
78415 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Deflect-o S 58.36 5 0.6 -24.803
68104 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesFellowes B 25.96 2 0 7.5284
90278 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Pyle PMP3 1075.088 14 0.2 94.0702
72209 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Eldon Spac 13.36 4 0 4.1416
33180 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Panasonic 783.96 5 0.2 78.396
97301 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Lumber Cr 7.88 1 0.2 1.773
88001 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing 9-3/4 Diam 41.37 3 0 17.3754
94122 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1962 12.84 3 0 5.778
79907 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Metal Foldi 47.516 2 0.3 -2.0364
98115 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Plymouth B 9.42 2 0 0.471
53209 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 191 179.82 9 0 84.5154
2038 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Deluxe Hea 114.6 5 0 51.57
92024 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Computer P 6.72 5 0.2 2.352
92804 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Adtran 12 302.376 3 0.2 22.6782
76017 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 314 8.928 2 0.2 0.558
77041 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1954 33.792 8 0.2 10.56
43130 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Embossed I 108.336 6 0.2 37.9176
97206 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Carina Min 443.92 5 0.2 -94.333
35244 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 311 15.47 7 0 4.1769
90036 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin 6 Ou 10.89 1 0 2.8314
32303 South TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Cisco CP-7 695.7 2 0.5 -27.828
10009 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Iceberg Mo 120.33 1 0 31.2858
23320 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Com 1139.92 4 0 284.98
28314 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1945 229.544 7 0.2 83.2097
77340 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes O 143.728 2 0.2 -32.3388
19140 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie KeyTronic KT800P2
- Keyboard -
3 Black 0.2 -0.9012
60098 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Man 845.488 8 0.3 -12.0784
2149 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Stanley Bos 50.94 3 0 14.2632
60653 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Fellowes P 762.594 3 0.8 -1143.891
30076 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Expr 56.28 6 0 15.7584
32137 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders ACCOHIDE B 7.434 6 0.7 -5.6994
19120 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Carina Dou 64.784 1 0.2 -12.9568
47201 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound 28.16 4 0 13.2352
11572 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing GE 4 Foot 14.98 1 0 6.8908
2038 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Neat Ideas 40.29 3 0 10.4754
57103 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 498 20.23 7 0 9.5081
92037 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Troy 1603.136 4 0.2 100.196
28314 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Olson 225.296 2 0.2 22.5296
30318 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieKingston D 67.8 4 0 4.068
32839 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 2000 20.736 4 0.2 7.2576
94122 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Sterilite O 31.44 3 0 8.4888
43615 East OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Staple rem 14.72 5 0.2 -3.312
33710 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Dana Swin 17.088 2 0.2 1.068
85705 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1951 74.352 3 0.2 23.235
90036 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Dixon Prang 4.26 1 0 1.7466
92105 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco Re 811.28 8 0 24.3384
10035 East OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Ideal Clam 6.03 3 0 2.9547
92037 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Sup 153.568 2 0.2 -5.7588
7090 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Quality Par 52.34 2 0 24.5998
7050 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Storex Dura 25.44 6 0 12.72
60098 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Standa 8.85 5 0.8 -13.7175
94110 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Rege 6.96 4 0 2.2272
94122 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Heavy-Duty 17.456 2 0.2 5.8914
85281 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Del 307.92 5 0.2 -34.641
90008 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 327 6.63 3 0 1.7901
98105 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound 23.85 5 0 10.7325
70601 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Stac 51.96 2 0 12.99
14609 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1969 11.56 2 0 5.6644
11561 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Peel-Off C 49.65 5 0 20.853
28205 South TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Hewlett Pac 959.968 4 0.2 119.996
77036 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon 4070 S 408.422 2 0.3 -5.8346
10035 East TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Hewlett Pac 479.984 2 0.2 59.998
31907 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1935 184.66 7 0 84.9436
60610 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1978 23.12 5 0.2 8.381
60035 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound 37.464 7 0.2 12.1758
98115 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Dual Level, 310.12 2 0 80.6312
55122 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1971 8.56 2 0 3.852
98103 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Rubber Ban 11.22 3 0 0.2244
33065 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin 325V 387.136 4 0.2 24.196
11550 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 41.4 5 0 19.458
46060 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones AT&T 17929 135.72 3 0 35.2872
75220 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Eberhard Fa 5.952 1 0.2 0.372
19140 East OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Advantus M 15.8 5 0.2 2.37
94109 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Space Solu 129.3 2 0 6.465
78745 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Instant 3.882 3 0.8 -5.823
48234 Central OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Staples 6.08 1 0 3.04
13601 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHolmes Cool 19.9 1 0 8.955
31907 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon 200 18.84 3 0 7.9128
55124 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 346 8.64 3 0 2.5056
27217 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC DocuBi1633.188 4 0.7 -1306.55
48601 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing C-Line Mag 19.76 4 0 8.2992
94109 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders ACCOHIDE 3 6.608 2 0.2 2.2302
98105 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Plantronic 156.792 1 0.2 13.7193
53209 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global High 90.99 1 0 14.5584
90049 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage File Shuttle 305.01 9 0 76.2525
94122 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Advantus P 38.29 7 0 16.4647
92024 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon 400 C 26.25 3 0 11.025
85301 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Mi 41.6 4 0.2 13
10035 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones GE DSL Phon 39.99 1 0 11.5971
13601 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Situations 191.646 3 0.1 31.941
45503 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders DXL Angle-V 2.313 1 0.7 -1.9275
90032 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Hole 19.936 4 0.2 7.2268
98115 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Strathmore 20.34 3 0 9.3564
92054 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Delu 81.568 2 0.2 9.1764
60076 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Wood 32.952 6 0.6 -19.7712
28314 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliances1.7 Cubic 499.584 3 0.2 43.7136
74133 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Peel & Sti 10.8 5 0 5.184
75002 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Chromcraft 244.006 2 0.3 -31.3722
19143 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Safco Chai 188.552 7 0.3 -2.6936
14609 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage X-Rack File 22.58 2 0 5.8708
29464 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global High 545.94 6 0 87.3504
19134 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1997 20.736 4 0.2 7.2576
98115 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Safco Chai 123.136 4 0.2 13.8528
97477 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage File Shuttl 53.424 3 0.2 4.6746
31907 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Expr 24.96 4 0 6.24
90032 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSanDisk Ul 12.99 1 0 0.7794
10024 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesKensington 61.44 3 0 16.5888
48227 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC DocuBi 895.92 4 0 421.0824
95207 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders VariCap6 E 55.36 4 0.2 18.684
85023 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon Fold 55.92 5 0.2 6.291
19120 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 24.896 4 0.2 8.4024
48310 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Durable Pr 19 5 0 8.93
14609 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Data F 33.376 4 0.2 10.43
10011 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesKensington 207.48 1 0 62.244
54703 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Surelock Po 91.68 3 0 45.84
10009 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAvanti 4.4 904.9 5 0 253.372
91730 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Prem 34.272 3 0.2 11.1384
42071 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Howard Mil 191.82 3 0 74.8098
43615 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesTripp Lite 243.88 5 0.2 27.4365
80027 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Insertable 12.03 5 0.7 -9.223
10035 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Riverside F 344.22 2 0.4 -103.266
78577 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage SAFCO Boltl 727.296 8 0.2 -172.7328
84084 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Alliance R 5.04 3 0 0.2016
78521 Central FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Atlantic M 327.7328 2 0.32 -14.4588
10011 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Storex Dur 52.272 11 0.2 17.6418
19140 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tenex 46" 254.352 3 0.2 0
59102 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders SlimView Po 8.288 2 0.2 2.6936
23320 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Valuta 504.9 5 0 80.784
97030 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones BlackBerry 403.168 4 0.2 25.198
48146 Central FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases O'Sullivan 194.32 4 0 31.0912
97030 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Novimex Fa 195.136 4 0.2 -12.196
19143 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 231 20.736 4 0.2 7.2576
71203 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieKingston D 53.7 6 0 10.203
91104 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Lesro Sheff 171.288 3 0.2 -6.4233
37421 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Imag 16.72 5 0.2 3.344
90805 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1996 12.96 2 0 6.2208
45373 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Cisco Unif 1022.97 5 0.4 -255.7425
55407 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 339 13.9 5 0 3.614
98105 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders DXL Angle-V 43.176 7 0.2 13.4925
31907 South FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bevis 44 x 411.8 2 0 70.006
83642 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing 36X48 HA 41.96 2 0 2.9372
48227 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Nortel Mer 517.9 2 0 134.654
60623 Central TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Canon Imag 2799.96 5 0.2 874.9875
94110 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Ampad #10 8.96 2 0 4.3008
43055 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessoriePlantronic 119.976 3 0.2 22.4955
75081 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Important 26.88 8 0.2 9.744
19711 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Apple EarP 83.97 3 0 23.5116
87105 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage SimpliFile 90.8 8 0 25.424
43615 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesKensington 663.936 4 0.2 82.992
19711 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Smead Adju 2934.33 7 0 792.2691
90045 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Recycled St 114.46 2 0 28.615
90032 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Safco Value 120.666 2 0.15 18.4548
75217 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Letter Size 342.864 3 0.2 38.5722
92037 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt 4009 Highl 31.84 8 0 10.5072
92307 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 220 12.96 2 0 6.2208
40214 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Binding Ma 58.34 2 0 28.0032
10024 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Pressboard 3.928 1 0.2 1.3257
77070 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC ProCli 252.784 4 0.8 -417.0936
42420 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Advantus Pa 61 5 0 25.62
19711 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC ProCli 447.86 7 0 219.4514
60440 Central OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Tagit 31.68 4 0.2 2.772
76106 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery Addre 33.12 4 0.2 11.592
10024 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Non- 10.776 3 0.2 3.5022
2908 East OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Premier Ele 695.16 6 0 34.758
43229 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Universal R 12.957 7 0.7 -9.5018
10024 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1980 25.68 6 0 11.556
77070 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 493 15.712 4 0.2 5.6956
60505 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes Mo 298.464 6 0.2 26.1156
65807 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Strathmore 21.93 3 0 10.0878
98105 West TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Okidata C3 837.6 3 0.2 62.82
33801 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon 2090 “P 1123.92 5 0.2 -182.637
19134 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Aastra 675 258.528 2 0.4 -47.3968
10011 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1907 49.12 4 0 23.0864
90049 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Executive I 44.46 2 0 14.6718
11572 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing G.E. Longer 13.28 2 0 6.3744
75081 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Surelock Po 30.56 5 0.8 -45.84
10035 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHolmes Rep 206.43 3 0 90.8292
78207 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC DocuBi 210.392 2 0.8 -336.6272
45231 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech 9 119.96 5 0.2 35.988
78745 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Situations 347.802 7 0.3 -24.843
98105 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Leat 963.136 4 0.2 108.3528
90004 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt BIC Brite Li 32.4 5 0 10.368
10035 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 226 32.4 5 0 15.552
98103 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 489 31.05 3 0 14.904
43055 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessoriePlantronic 2025.36 6 0.2 607.608
55369 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Ibim 735.98 2 0 331.191
85301 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper White Comp 93.024 3 0.2 33.7212
10009 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Chromcraft 284.364 2 0.4 -75.8304
28540 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tenex Perso 67.64 5 0.2 5.9185
77070 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 5.18 5 0.8 -8.029
94109 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 15.56 2 0 7.3132
48911 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Electrix 2 67 5 0 32.16
32303 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Novimex Fa 390.272 8 0.2 -24.392
29203 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Prese 23.88 6 0 11.2236
60623 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Durab 3.168 2 0.8 -4.752
48227 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston 179 181.86 7 0 50.9208
80525 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Atlantic M 180.588 2 0.7 -240.784
10024 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Rediform S 18.76 2 0 9.0048
10011 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Expr 20.94 3 0 6.0726
21044 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 9.64 2 0 4.4344
77041 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Satellite S 26.046 3 0.8 -44.2782
1852 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones PowerGen D 69.93 7 0 32.1678
95695 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 510 3.75 1 0 1.8
60610 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Sterilite S 12.672 3 0.2 -3.168
10035 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Plantronic 65.99 1 0 17.1574
77489 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Presstex Fl 6.37 7 0.8 -9.555
77036 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Prestige R 3.648 3 0.8 -6.0192
39212 South OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Alliance Su 23.34 3 0 0.2334
10009 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Square Cred 29.97 3 0 14.0859
85281 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Accohide Po 3.366 3 0.7 -2.244
28540 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones BlueLounge 95.968 4 0.2 9.5968
19134 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Avery Fluor 18.704 7 0.2 2.338
44312 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Deflect-o G 149.232 3 0.2 3.7308
92037 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Jabra SPEA 601.536 8 0.2 60.1536
93727 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech G 349.95 5 0 118.983
77581 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 13.392 3 0.2 5.022
47374 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin F9H 207.24 11 0 58.0272
19134 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt OIC #2 Pen 1.504 1 0.2 0.1692
94403 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 485 75.18 6 0 35.3346
94601 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessoriePlantronic 149.97 3 0 52.4895
10024 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Fellowes P 931.176 3 0.2 314.2719
8701 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Computer P 94.85 5 0 45.528
85281 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Adams Tele 9.408 2 0.2 3.4104
10035 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco Sin 375.34 1 0 18.767
10009 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Seth Thoma 114.9 5 0 39.066
77095 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Satellite S 26.046 3 0.8 -44.2782
92503 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Cardinal Ho 3.984 1 0.2 1.3944
6824 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bevis Roun 181.797 1 0.3 -15.5826
10024 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Super Decof 44.94 3 0 12.5832
77095 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Woo 318.43 5 0.3 -77.333
22204 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage X-Rack File 56.45 5 0 14.677
60623 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders SlimView Po 13.468 13 0.8 -22.8956
75051 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Cisco SPA1 219.8 5 0.2 24.7275
98103 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech 49.08 3 0 4.908
98103 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Harbour Cre 113.888 2 0.2 9.9652
49505 Central OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Acco Clips 24.85 7 0 11.6795
19120 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Exec 60.312 3 0.2 5.2773
60610 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Prang Color 7.056 3 0.2 2.205
98105 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Logitech Mobile 107.984
Speakerphone1P710e - speaker
0.2 9.4486
32216 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery File 4.608 2 0.2 1.6704
37064 South FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Hon 61000 S 79.974 3 0.4 -29.3238
60035 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders XtraLife Cl 3.136 2 0.8 -4.704
77506 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 221 20.736 4 0.2 7.2576
94109 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieCase Logic 99.98 2 0 7.9984
33180 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 518 10.08 4 0.2 3.528
19120 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes Hi 281.904 2 0.2 10.5714
35601 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Nortel Net 135.98 2 0 33.995
57103 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMaxell 4.7 2.97 3 0 1.3068
93277 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMaxell 4.7 7.92 8 0 3.4848
90049 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Delu 203.92 5 0.2 22.941
90032 West TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Canon Imag3359.952 6 0.2 1049.985
66212 Central OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Staples 18.24 3 0 9.12
22304 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Crayola Col 22.96 7 0 7.5768
27604 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech T 47.984 2 0.2 13.1956
10035 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Master Cas 15.24 3 0 5.1816
45014 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Premier Ell 63.924 7 0.7 -46.8776
74403 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 351 6.56 2 0 1.9024
92592 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Plantronic 494.376 3 0.2 49.4376
48310 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 312 11.68 2 0 3.504
92024 West OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Rosew 11.91 3 0 0.1191
75081 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Durabl 30.96 8 0.8 -52.632
10035 East TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Fellowes P 1704.89 11 0 767.2005
85023 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Cardinal E 19.194 7 0.7 -12.796
94122 West TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Bady BDG101919.976 3 0.2 215.9973
19140 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Fellowes P 50.997 1 0.7 -40.7976
78041 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Fashion Co 12.984 3 0.2 4.7067
10009 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 25.344 6 0.2 8.8704
10035 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Arch 232.4 5 0.2 78.435
39503 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Imag 86.45 7 0 38.038
92037 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs DMI Arturo 603.92 5 0.2 45.294
11572 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs DMI Arturo 271.764 2 0.1 48.3136
78664 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tenex Anti 341.96 5 0.6 -427.45
92374 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston 195 181.35 9 0 48.9645
38401 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHoover Com 43.512 7 0.2 3.8073
10009 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin F5C 68.94 3 0 20.682
77095 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC DocuBi 896.99 5 0.8 -1480.034
60653 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieKensington 227.976 3 0.2 28.497
94601 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 336 17.12 4 0 4.9648
2169 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1919 122.97 3 0 60.2553
92399 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt 50 Colored 50.8 5 0 13.208
60623 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Recyc 16.03 5 0.8 -25.648
98105 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Pressb 15.712 4 0.2 5.6956
10024 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieBelkin F8E 89.97 3 0 18.8937
92037 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Rush Hierl 435.999 3 0.15 20.5176
6010 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Polycom VV 359.98 2 0 93.5948
60610 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Easy-stapl 73.008 9 0.2 26.4654
60610 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Insertable 3.208 2 0.8 -5.2932
10024 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound 30.44 4 0 14.3068
2151 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 222 19.44 3 0 9.3312
77036 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Staple-bas 9.552 3 0.6 -3.8208
92691 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Sauder Face 290.666 2 0.15 3.4196
75217 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Eureka Rec 10.368 2 0.2 3.6288
89115 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Hon Metal 141.96 2 0 41.1684
73071 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Logitech P710e
Mobile Speakerphone
5 0 244.6155
94122 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco PRESST 25.824 6 0.2 9.0384
11550 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Two-To 28.44 3 0 11.376
77301 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tenex Perso 111.672 9 0.2 6.9795
77095 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Plastic 13.776 6 0.8 -22.0416
19120 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing OIC Stackin 24.048 9 0.2 7.2144
33614 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Convenienc 2.896 1 0.2 0.9774
10035 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Wausau Pap 17.94 3 0 8.7906
28205 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Adjustable 580.672 4 0.2 65.3256
75081 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1953 6.848 2 0.2 2.14
98103 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Cisco Unif 1091.168 4 0.2 68.198
77506 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 6.928 1 0.8 -11.0848
19143 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper REDIFORM I 40.032 6 0.2 15.012
46203 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Carina Min 443.92 4 0 13.3176
40475 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Logitech B530 USB Headset - headset -
36.99 1 Full
0 size,9.9873
60477 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Staple-bas 22.288 7 0.6 -8.9152
77095 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Execu 65.424 4 0.6 -52.3392
90004 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon Base 77.88 2 0 3.894
43229 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Lea 281.372 2 0.3 -12.0588
43229 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 222 10.368 2 0.2 3.6288
94122 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Strathmore 65.79 9 0 30.2634
53711 Central OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Colored Pu 1.81 1 0 0.6516
80013 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin 6 Ou 43.56 5 0.2 3.267
10024 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Airf 271.764 2 0.1 60.392
90004 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesKensington 262.24 2 0 78.672
52001 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Press 15.24 4 0 6.858
43130 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Message Bo 32.896 4 0.2 11.1024
90301 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Akro-Mils 29.79 3 0 8.6391
98006 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Wire B 24.816 3 0.2 8.3754
60610 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Vinyl Secti 15.08 2 0.8 -22.62
75217 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Metal 16.192 2 0.6 -8.5008
94122 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco PRESS 4.304 1 0.2 1.5602
10024 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Southworth 108.92 14 0 49.014
10011 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 16.74 3 0 8.37
19140 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Gould Plast 84.784 2 0.2 -16.9568
19711 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Perma STOR 29.9 5 0 5.083
10024 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Easy-stapl 70.88 2 0 33.3136
36830 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt OIC #2 Pen 3.76 2 0 1.0904
90049 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Recycl 27.264 2 0.2 8.8608
94110 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHolmes Rep 56.65 5 0 24.3595
27604 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Polycom VoiceStation
471.92 500 Conference phone
2 0.2 29.495
31204 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders XtraLife Cl 58.72 4 0 27.0112
37211 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Binney & Sm 5.16 3 0.2 0.8385
37211 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Speediset C 16.496 2 0.2 5.5674
19143 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech T 71.976 3 0.2 19.7934
75081 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Nortel Mer 492.768 4 0.2 55.4364
8861 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Sanford 52 286.79 7 0 74.5654
32216 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Telephone 5.08 1 0.2 1.651
32216 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieKensington 47.992 1 0.2 7.1988
2151 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesEuro-Pro S 61.96 2 0 16.1096
39212 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Executive 133.38 6 0 58.6872
28540 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1884 47.952 3 0.2 16.1838
94122 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Westinghou 16.74 2 0 4.3524
43229 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Strathmore 10.848 2 0.2 3.5256
48127 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Erg 180.98 1 0 47.0548
66212 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieVerbatim 25 34.95 5 0 15.378
87505 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie KeyTronic KT400U2
92.52- Keyboard -
9 Black 0 18.504
94110 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 341 8.56 2 0 2.4824
36608 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Stacking Tr 8.96 2 0 2.7776
22153 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones GE 30522E 579.95 5 0 168.1855
19711 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Rein 7.92 4 0 3.564
28601 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones AT&T 17929 36.192 1 0.2 2.7144
33311 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Gould Plast 147.184 2 0.2 -29.4368
60188 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon 4070 S 408.422 2 0.3 -5.8346
56301 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie KeyTronic E03601U1
72 - Keyboard -
4 Beige 0 12.96
90036 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Chromcraft 513.024 2 0.2 12.8256
36608 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech G 209.97 3 0 71.3898
78745 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1894 10.368 2 0.2 3.6288
10009 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco Do 900.08 4 0 117.0104
75023 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones HTC One M 201.584 2 0.2 20.1584
60653 Central FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bush Birmi 825.174 9 0.3 -117.882
39212 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSanDisk Ul 66.3 3 0 8.619
28314 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 199 30.816 9 0.2 9.63
60505 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Hon Rectan 796.425 7 0.5 -525.6405
95823 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Insertable 12.832 2 0.2 4.3308
50315 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1987 40.46 7 0 19.8254
92105 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieHP Standar 116 8 0 29
75081 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones AT&T 1080 657.552 6 0.2 49.3164
39212 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieRazer Tiam 599.97 3 0 257.9871
92024 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Macally Su 38.24 4 0.2 -9.56
32839 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSanDisk Cr 87.168 3 0.2 10.896
47905 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 341 21.4 5 0 6.206
10035 East OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Fiskars Sof 54.9 5 0 15.372
90049 West TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Ativa MDM8 287.968 4 0.2 97.1892
10024 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Rogers Jumb 40.74 3 0 0.4074
42420 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes S 83.25 3 0 14.985
43229 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Pizza 5.352 3 0.2 1.6056
77840 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Spiral Pho 28.672 8 0.2 10.3936
40475 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon Gobal 105.98 7 0 4.2392
60653 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Computer P 45.528 3 0.2 15.9348
19120 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Standa 7.476 1 0.7 -5.9808
90036 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Economy Ro 330.4 2 0 85.904
90008 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1905 45.36 7 0 21.7728
94122 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Self- 21.792 4 0.2 7.6272
44312 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt DIXON Orio 8.256 4 0.2 0.6192
90049 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 200 12.96 2 0 6.2208
64055 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC DocuBi 1577.94 3 0 757.4112
75220 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Expr 15.008 4 0.6 -12.0064
98105 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech 9 59.98 2 0 26.3912
75150 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 218 5.184 1 0.2 1.8144
11561 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Quartet Om 11.68 2 0 5.4896
33161 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Adams Tele 14.496 3 0.2 4.8924
93309 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Hangi 4.784 1 0.2 1.5548
39212 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Akro Stacki 7.89 1 0 0.3156
68025 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1915 104.85 1 0 50.328
49201 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Avery Hi-Li 3.9 2 0 1.521
94122 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Premium Wri 5.96 2 0 1.6688
43130 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Apple iPho 1169.694 3 0.4 -253.4337
70506 South OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Martin Yale 1665.62 2 0 33.3124
40475 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Dura 2.88 1 0 1.4112
77070 Central OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Value 2.92 1 0.2 0.365
10024 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Dual Level, 465.18 3 0 120.9468
43615 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Standa 22.428 3 0.7 -17.9424
19143 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Crayola Col 2.624 1 0.2 0.4264
19140 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 210 15.552 3 0.2 5.4432
80219 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieKensington 431.928 9 0.2 64.7892
19143 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Southworth 12.448 2 0.2 3.89
21044 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1888 277.4 5 0 133.152
10024 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 29.34 3 0 13.4964
10035 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Arch 139.44 3 0.2 47.061
43055 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery File 6.912 3 0.2 2.5056
75217 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Mi 58.416 2 0.2 16.7946
19134 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Message Bo 16.448 2 0.2 5.5512
78207 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bush Andor 718.116 6 0.3 -71.8116
19120 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders C-Line Peel 9.555 5 0.7 -7.3255
90004 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Hi-T 487.984 2 0.2 152.495
37167 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Berol Giant 40.776 3 0.2 4.5873
31204 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Seth Thoma 142.4 5 0 52.688
94109 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Situations 681.408 12 0.2 42.588
98103 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Ibim 2060.744 7 0.2 643.9825
43229 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHolmes HEP 52.272 3 0.2 9.801
90004 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Multi-Use P 69.52 2 0 19.4656
45503 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery File 9.216 4 0.2 3.3408
90008 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Hi-T 487.984 2 0.2 152.495
90045 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1966 6.48 1 0 3.1752
38109 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Pressb 2.946 2 0.7 -2.0622
48234 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMaxell Pro 104.88 6 0 41.952
46226 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesTripp Lite 638.73 9 0 166.0698
32216 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Sensible S 113.568 2 0.2 -21.294
43017 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Imation Swivel Flash
9.096Drive USB flash
1 drive -
0.2 8 GB
33317 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Convenienc 8.688 3 0.2 2.9322
85301 West OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Elite 5" Sci 33.8 5 0.2 4.225
49201 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Ooma Telo 377.97 3 0 94.4925
2169 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieTRENDnet 5 258.9 10 0 93.204
97301 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 499 27.888 7 0.2 9.0636
45373 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes #10 Self-S 8.872 1 0.2 3.2161
19143 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Woo 127.372 2 0.3 -30.9332
92105 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Executive I 44.46 2 0 14.6718
20735 East OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Advantus M 15.8 4 0 5.056
92503 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Crayola Col 9.84 3 0 3.2472
34952 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Non- 2.694 2 0.7 -2.245
85204 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 4200 25.344 6 0.2 7.92
80219 West TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Lexmark S31 59.994 2 0.7 -45.9954
22153 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Twin L 232.96 7 0 116.48
98115 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tenex V2T-R 141.96 2 0 22.7136
85281 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon File 79.4 5 0.2 5.955
10701 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie KeyTronic 6101163.96
Series - Keyboard -
4 Black 0 70.5028
14609 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Delta 37.93 1 0 6.8274
43615 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Two-To 15.168 2 0.2 3.792
35601 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 31 24.78 6 0 6.9384
75220 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Peel-Off C 23.832 3 0.2 6.5538
75150 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Staple-bas 6.368 2 0.6 -2.5472
90045 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bush Advan 510.24 3 0.2 6.378
98103 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieVerbatim S 11.54 1 0 3.462
98502 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1964 45.68 2 0 21.0128
68104 Central OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Plymouth B 23.55 5 0 1.1775
31907 South OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Letter Slitt 5.04 2 0 0.1512
47201 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Sanford Liq 33.4 5 0 12.358
39212 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing C-Line Cub 18.92 4 0 7.3788
77070 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 314 35.712 8 0.2 2.232
85023 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Ibim 551.985 5 0.7 -459.9875
60653 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Prang Color 7.056 3 0.2 2.205
80219 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHarmony HE 18.72 2 0.2 3.51
19711 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Standard Ro 360.38 2 0 93.6988
20735 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Acco Perma 41.96 2 0 7.9724
10011 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1883 26.38 1 0 12.1348
19711 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Plantronic 129.98 2 0 62.3904
49201 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones LF Elite 3D 10.9 1 0 3.052
10011 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes #10 Gummed 16.52 4 0 7.5992
29730 South OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Advantus M 11.85 3 0 3.792
31907 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon Mobi 118.25 5 0 34.2925
90301 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing GE 48" Flu 198.46 2 0 99.23
79762 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Rediform W 42.784 7 0.2 15.5092
43055 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 34 111.104 7 0.2 8.3328
90049 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Quartet Om 11.68 2 0 5.4896
2149 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper TOPS Carbo 87.6 5 0 42.048
53214 Central FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases O'Sullivan 241.96 2 0 24.196
60623 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Hidd 1.788 3 0.8 -3.0396
77036 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Safco Draft 99.372 2 0.3 -1.4196
77036 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Nokia Lumi 119.96 5 0.2 11.996
33012 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Olson 1013.832 9 0.2 101.3832
94122 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bretford “J 2003.52 6 0.2 -325.572
19140 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Belkin 19" 82.368 2 0.2 -19.5624
29203 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMaxell 74 62.91 3 0 22.6476
33180 South OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Acco Banker 6.912 3 0.2 2.3328
91911 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Rubbermaid 665.88 6 0 106.5408
33180 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones OtterBox D 71.976 3 0.2 8.997
10035 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1912 37.94 2 0 18.2112
66502 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Jawbone MI 273.96 2 0 10.9584
19120 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Panasonic 269.982 3 0.4 40.4973
38109 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper "While you 8.904 3 0.2 3.339
33311 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieTRENDnet 5 41.424 2 0.2 8.2848
43229 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Econo 3.132 2 0.7 -2.61
90045 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Dual Level, 1085.42 7 0 282.2092
77041 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Faber Caste 3.912 1 0.2 1.0269
68104 Central OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Advantus P 29.05 5 0 9.0055
90004 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Vinyl Secti 180.96 6 0.2 67.86
16602 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Pressboard 4.419 3 0.7 -3.3879
10024 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Peel-Off C 29.79 3 0 12.5118
92037 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Recycled St 57.23 1 0 14.3075
33178 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1941 251.64 3 0.2 88.074
27405 South FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Hon 5100 S 523.764 3 0.4 -192.0468
28540 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs SAFCO Foldi 102.592 1 0.2 10.2592
33317 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 317 11.76 5 0.2 1.323
53209 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 515 25.06 2 0 11.7782
62301 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 476 19.824 6 0.2 6.4428
32216 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Jabra SPEA 823.96 5 0.2 51.4975
36608 South FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bretford C 801.96 2 0 200.49
10024 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Pressboard 12.816 3 0.2 4.3254
10011 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Economy Ro 991.2 6 0 257.712
75217 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes Pe 107.44 10 0.2 10.744
48234 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon 4070 S 1458.65 5 0 423.0085
19901 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Executive 76.14 3 0 26.649
43229 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Samsung Gal1049.97 5 0.4 -209.994
85301 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Binder Clip 2.368 2 0.2 0.8288
89031 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Apple iPho 911.984 2 0.2 113.998
37620 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Situations 170.352 3 0.2 10.647
90049 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Non- 7.184 2 0.2 2.245
48187 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Office Imp 501.81 3 0 0
72701 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico EB-1 691.96 4 0 318.3016
65807 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1881 85.96 7 0 40.4012
2169 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Deflect-o 85.3 2 0 14.501
61107 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Premiu 33.568 8 0.8 -53.7088
94122 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon 300 C 4.95 1 0 2.178
78207 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Storex Dur 3.564 3 0.8 -6.237
80229 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech G 447.944 7 0.2 89.5888
60653 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Chromcraft 480.96 3 0.5 -269.3376
10701 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Poly D 40.176 3 0.2 14.5638
92037 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Economy #2 10.64 4 0 2.7664
61821 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon "L" 151.96 5 0.6 -182.352
94122 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieWD My Pass 238 2 0 38.08
46226 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieTRENDnet 5 155.34 6 0 55.9224
92105 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMaxell DVD 148.32 9 0 63.7776
37604 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 23.472 3 0.2 7.6284
33614 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Canvas Sect 38.19 5 0.7 -26.733
62521 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tenex File 49.632 4 0.2 3.7224
85234 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1895 9.568 2 0.2 2.99
37918 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 322 4.368 3 0.2 0.3822
60653 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Clear 12.128 4 0.8 -20.6176
47401 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Plantronics Encore134.85
H101 Dual Earpieces Headset
3 0 37.758
30076 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Sanford Col 8.56 2 0 2.6536
90036 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessoriePlantronic 659.9 2 0 217.767
77036 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieKensington 279.944 7 0.2 48.9902
60440 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Frame 9.98 5 0.8 -16.467
71854 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMaxell 74 48.9 5 0 18.093
78207 Central OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Binder Clip 3.552 3 0.2 1.2432
78539 Central OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Binder Clip 2.368 2 0.2 0.8288
43615 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech G 127.984 2 0.2 25.5968
77520 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 21 10.368 2 0.2 3.6288
19143 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMicro Inno 47.984 2 0.2 -1.1996
90045 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon ProFi 270.34 14 0 75.6952
19143 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBionaire 9 98.112 7 0.2 18.396
77581 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones LG G3 470.376 3 0.2 52.9173
10035 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 203 19.44 3 0 9.3312
85023 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Chromcraft 801.6 5 0.5 -448.896
23320 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Decoflex Ha 61.68 4 0 16.6536
60610 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Polycom CX 359.976 3 0.2 35.9976
60623 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 4200 25.344 6 0.2 7.92
98103 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon Gobal 30.28 2 0 1.2112
78550 Central FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Safco Value 241.332 5 0.32 -14.196
19140 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Binney & Sm 5.472 3 0.2 1.6416
93309 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt OIC #2 Pen 9.4 5 0 2.726
75051 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 28.752 3 0.2 9.3444
46142 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Com 1424.9 5 0 356.225
10024 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Master Cas 14.56 2 0 6.2608
38109 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 2 25.92 5 0.2 9.072
14215 East OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Compact Au 835.17 7 0 16.7034
90036 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 196 17.34 3 0 8.4966
33030 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 194 44.384 1 0.2 15.5344
77506 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt 4009 Highl 6.368 2 0.2 1.0348
11520 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Standar 17.248 2 0.2 6.0368
80219 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones RCA ViSYS 159.984 2 0.2 13.9986
2169 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Telephone 12.7 2 0 5.842
48205 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Advantus P 5.47 1 0 2.3521
94109 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Expr 22.14 3 0 6.4206
37211 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC ProCli 11.277 3 0.7 -8.6457
48227 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Heav 38.28 6 0 17.6088
90045 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 320 12.84 3 0 3.4668
19140 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 348 7.872 3 0.2 0.8856
28806 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 350 7.872 3 0.2 0.8856
10024 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston 168 88.04 4 0 22.8904
80906 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Durabl 40.635 7 0.7 -32.508
78207 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Poly 5.728 8 0.8 -9.1648
90036 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1895 53.82 9 0 24.219
48310 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 34 79.36 4 0 20.6336
10009 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Memo Book, 13.48 2 0 6.74
23223 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Expr 39.92 4 0 11.1776
98105 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Staples 8.94 3 0 4.1124
10024 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Hon 61000 S 53.316 2 0.4 -19.5492
98115 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Master Gia 22.77 3 0 9.7911
90045 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Leat 287.968 4 0.2 -3.5996
90712 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bush Westf 257.499 3 0.15 24.2352
7060 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco 16 2591.56 4 0 621.9744
38401 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Ultra Door 79.12 5 0.2 13.846
2895 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Black 52.96 2 0 20.1248
17602 East OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Compact Au 286.344 3 0.2 -64.4274
33614 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Black 63.552 3 0.2 14.2992
53142 Central FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Rush Hierl 512.94 3 0 97.4586
34952 South FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bush Westf 231.92 5 0.2 5.798
98115 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Cubicl 63.47 11 0 19.041
78207 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Office Imp 637.896 3 0.3 -127.5792
30076 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Staples in 1.78 1 0 0.4984
80027 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 320 6.848 2 0.2 0.5992
90036 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Howard Mil 474.43 11 0 199.2606
19143 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1972 8.448 2 0.2 2.64
54880 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 336 17.12 4 0 4.9648
30318 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAvanti 4.4 542.94 3 0 152.0232
19013 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Padded Fold 170.058 3 0.3 -4.8588
94110 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases O'Sullivan 556.665 5 0.15 6.549
76021 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound 29.664 4 0.2 10.0116
70506 South TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines DYMO CardS 479.97 3 0 239.985
98042 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin 7 Ou 236.88 6 0 66.3264
44052 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 18.693 3 0.7 -14.3313
60623 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tenex Perso 24.816 2 0.2 1.551
94110 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Stacking Tr 24.9 5 0 8.217
94110 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Dana Halog 204.85 5 0 57.358
77070 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Aluminum S 9.156 3 0.8 -13.734
60653 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin 8 Ou 23.992 2 0.8 -62.3792
10035 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Petty Cash 80.88 3 0 39.6312
10011 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Deflect-o 276.69 3 0 49.8042
19134 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Nontoxic C 4.224 3 0.2 1.4784
60610 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes S 646.2 5 0.2 -8.0775
94601 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Gear Head 72.744 7 0.2 -15.4581
60610 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMaxell 4.7 68.112 3 0.2 17.8794
98105 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Data F 25.032 3 0.2 7.8225
19143 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessoriePlantronic 39.992 1 0.2 7.4985
28027 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Prang Draw 20.016 9 0.2 1.7514
28205 South OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Staples 7.52 5 0.2 1.41
75081 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Angle-D Bin 13.14 9 0.8 -21.681
46203 Central TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Hewlett Pac 999.98 2 0 449.991
74012 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones AT&T 1080 821.94 6 0 213.7044
33023 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Howard Mil 220.064 4 0.2 55.016
68104 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Self-Adhesi 7.04 2 0 3.3088
28540 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Anker 36W 47.976 3 0.2 4.7976
97224 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper REDIFORM I 60.048 9 0.2 22.518
62521 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Hi-T 182.994 3 0.8 -320.2395
85023 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 7.857 3 0.7 -6.0237
95823 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Mitel 5320 302.384 2 0.2 30.2384
72401 South FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Hon Metal 638.82 9 0 172.4814
10035 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 473 20.7 2 0 9.936
44312 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage SAFCO Comm221.024 2 0.2 -55.256
41042 South TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Cisco 9971 3080 7 0 1416.8
55407 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 217 32.4 5 0 15.552
77095 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHolmes Visi 2.264 1 0.8 -5.2072
68025 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Staple-bas 15.92 2 0 7.0048
92105 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones GE DSL Phon 159.96 5 0.2 17.9955
77041 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Standar 4.312 2 0.8 -6.8992
10011 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon Shelf 13.96 2 0 0.2792
48227 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Logitech B530 USB Headset - headset -
73.98 2 Full
0 size,
77095 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 501 8.856 3 0.2 2.9889
98105 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Hi-T 1219.96 5 0.2 381.2375
90036 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Rein 3.168 2 0.2 0.99
19120 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieKingston Di 19.04 4 0.2 -1.428
98103 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Ampad Phon 37.44 6 0 16.848
13601 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesStaple hold 35.91 3 0 9.6957
32216 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Delta 91.032 3 0.2 -2.2758
22204 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Dixon Tico 54.66 6 0 18.0378
28205 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Project Tot 67.344 6 0.2 7.5762
98103 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAcco 6 Out 73.28 4 0 21.2512
60623 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC White G 14.48 5 0.8 -23.892
33021 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Easy-stapl 11.952 3 0.2 4.0338
23320 South OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Advantus Pl 45 9 0 21.6
90036 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Performers 112.12 5 0.2 42.045
22304 South OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners OIC Binder 25.06 7 0 12.53
77536 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Bind 6.924 6 0.8 -10.386
19120 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Personal F 37.392 3 0.2 2.337
67212 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 51 18.9 3 0 8.694
48640 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Heav 57.42 9 0 26.4132
94110 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Crayola Ant 12.74 7 0 5.733
11520 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tenex Cont 322.59 3 0 64.518
78745 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Flexib 9.762 3 0.8 -15.1311
19134 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 519 29.24 5 0.2 9.8685
37620 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Wire B 38.088 4 0.7 -27.9312
19140 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieBelkin F8E 47.984 2 0.2 0.5998
60610 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Southworth 15.696 3 0.2 5.1012
31907 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 341 12.84 3 0 3.7236
10035 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Google Nex 539.97 3 0 134.9925
3820 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 476 16.52 4 0 7.5992
80013 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Imation 8GB 169.064
Mini TravelDrive USB
7 2.0 Flash
0.2 Drive
11561 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1997 19.44 3 0 9.3312
91104 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Iris Project 31.92 4 0 8.2992
85204 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 210 31.104 6 0.2 10.8864
93727 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon Shelf 48.86 7 0 0.9772
29203 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 14.2 2 0 6.532
92704 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston Elec 56.3 2 0 15.764
29203 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones AT&T TR1 629.95 5 0 163.787
90045 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound 46.35 5 0 21.7845
94109 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Economy B 14.976 9 0.2 5.4288
77036 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Storex Dura 4.24 5 0.8 -6.36
10035 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech G 319.96 4 0 115.1856
2038 East FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases O'Sullivan 81.94 1 0 20.485
21215 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech 98.16 6 0 9.816
78501 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Pressb 6.874 7 0.8 -10.6547
52240 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Hammermill 9.99 1 0 4.4955
19711 East TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Canon imag10499.97 3 0 5039.986
77070 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1990 21.12 5 0.2 6.6
83704 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bretford C 696.42 2 0 160.1766
92105 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt BOSTON Ran 51.98 2 0 15.0742
90032 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing C-Line Mag 24.7 5 0 10.374
10024 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 486 21.93 3 0 10.3071
19134 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHoneywell 394.816 4 0.2 93.7688
10024 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 486 7.31 1 0 3.4357
2920 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Lumber Cr 49.25 5 0 18.715
60623 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1921 15.984 2 0.2 4.995
40475 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Adams "Whi 9.42 3 0 4.239
46544 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Green Canva 128.4 3 0 64.2
10550 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Park Ridge 62.28 4 0 29.2716
90004 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Smead Alph 9.24 3 0 4.4352
94110 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Safco Value 482.664 8 0.15 85.176
98103 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1939 37.94 2 0 18.2112
62301 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Pressboard 1.964 2 0.8 -3.2406
60623 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Howard Mil 94.428 3 0.6 -42.4926
50322 Central OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Vinyl Coate 45.92 4 0 21.5824
98103 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Del 61.584 1 0.2 -6.9282
47374 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Ink Jet Not 22.48 1 0 10.3408
75220 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Deflect-o 332.028 9 0.6 -348.6294
19143 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper While You W 11.352 3 0.2 4.1151
61107 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Laser 11.416 4 0.8 -18.8364
19134 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 323 9.408 7 0.2 0.7056
98105 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston 182 19.83 1 0 5.949
49505 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1915 209.7 2 0 100.656
90004 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesStaple hold 43.92 4 0 11.8584
22153 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Anker Astr 149.97 3 0 5.9988
90036 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSanDisk Ul 66.3 3 0 8.619
21215 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt BIC Brite L 1.64 1 0 0.738
6824 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders XtraLife Cl 88.08 6 0 40.5168
10011 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Olson 887.103 7 0.1 177.4206
33801 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Mediabridg 55.944 7 0.2 -13.2867
61032 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Easy-stapl 63.312 3 0.2 20.5764
97504 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Flexib 9.762 2 0.7 -6.8334
98103 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global High 196.784 2 0.2 -22.1382
10035 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Recycled In 47.98 2 0 23.99
6824 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Permanent S 13.05 5 0 6.003
56560 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Mi 63.96 4 0 19.8276
31907 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAPC 7 Outl 80.48 1 0 24.144
19143 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Mead 1st Ge 11.673 3 0.7 -7.782
77036 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Laminate O 863.128 8 0.3 -160.2952
98115 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Chromcraft 871.4 4 0 148.138
38301 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Howard Mil 692.472 11 0.2 190.4298
21215 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Howard Mil 207.76 4 0 85.1816
84107 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones PayAnywhe 71.928 9 0.2 6.2937
98105 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Non- 3.592 1 0.2 1.1225
75220 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAcco 7-Out 48.632 2 0.8 -121.58
98105 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes S 323.1 2 0 61.389
8701 East TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines 3D Systems 9099.93 7 0 2365.982
10011 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Adams Writ 11.36 2 0 5.2256
46203 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 487 3.69 1 0 1.7343
77642 Central FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases O'Sullivan 246.1328 2 0.32 -76.0116
37211 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Carina Dou 64.784 1 0.2 -12.9568
77095 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Twin L 33.28 5 0.8 -49.92
90004 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 314 11.16 2 0 2.79
19140 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Nokia Lumi 53.982 3 0.4 -10.7964
97756 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables KI Confere 177.225 5 0.5 -120.513
95610 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Howard Mil 129.39 3 0 54.3438
90032 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Rogers Jumb 54.32 4 0 0.5432
32303 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Samsung Ga4367.896 13 0.2 327.5922
44107 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Faber Caste 3.912 1 0.2 1.0269
75056 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Laser & Ink 59.752 7 0.2 19.4194
98105 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tenex Chai 63.92 4 0 3.196
90032 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Recycled P 7.752 3 0.2 2.8101
90045 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Polycom So 666.344 7 0.2 66.6344
11561 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBlack & De 16.78 2 0 4.195
90045 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Staples in 20.96 2 0 5.24
94110 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Airmail En 167.86 2 0 78.8942
23223 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Wood 82.38 6 0 25.5378
87105 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Mediabridg 23.976 3 0.2 -5.6943
44312 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Standa 14.952 2 0.7 -11.9616
7060 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Dixon Tico 9.21 3 0 2.3025
10011 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound 42.93 9 0 19.3185
33012 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 208 15.552 3 0.2 5.4432
98052 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Logitech LS21 Speaker
19.99 System -1PC Multimedia
0 6.7966
- 2.1-CH - Wired
32114 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Mi 50.88 6 0.2 14.628
86442 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes #6 3/4 Gum 7.92 1 0.2 2.772
90049 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSony 64GB 107.97 3 0 22.6737
37064 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 217 5.184 1 0.2 1.8144
46368 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Avery Hi-Li 16.28 2 0 6.512
22204 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Adjustable 544.38 3 0 157.8702
94110 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders ACCOHIDE 3 19.824 6 0.2 6.6906
10801 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Leat 631.782 2 0.1 140.396
85204 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Recycl 20.724 2 0.7 -15.1976
43130 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Sterilite O 16.768 2 0.2 1.4672
95207 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Jackery Ba 95.84 4 0.2 34.742
28806 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Durab 19.008 8 0.7 -12.672
37042 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Ibimas 1598.058 7 0.7 -1065.372
60505 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 21 10.368 2 0.2 3.6288
2886 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Easy-stapl 111.96 2 0 54.8604
70506 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones KLD Oscar I 29.16 3 0 8.4564
58103 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston 164 131.94 3 0 35.6238
60623 Central OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Acco Hot Cl 10.528 4 0.2 3.29
46226 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Premium Tr 104.9 5 0 50.352
46514 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Quartet Om 11.68 2 0 5.4896
44240 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHolmes 99% 103.968 6 0.2 16.8948
91776 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tenex Tradi 303.25 5 0 63.6825
42420 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes #10- 4 1/8" 17.48 2 0 8.2156
94110 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston 195 60.45 3 0 16.3215
60035 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Dura 2.88 5 0.8 -4.464
94122 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesStaple hold 43.92 4 0 11.8584
10035 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1968 46.76 7 0 22.4448
75081 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston 164 70.368 2 0.2 6.1572
45503 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes N 25.984 1 0.2 -5.1968
92024 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Polycom So 361.376 2 0.2 27.1032
19120 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global High 172.186 2 0.3 -46.7362
21044 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Blue String 199.9 5 0 89.955
80906 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt SANFORD Ma 11.328 2 0.2 2.5488
10009 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt SANFORD Ma 21.24 3 0 8.0712
19140 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieHP Standar 34.8 3 0.2 2.175
47201 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Ampad Poly 9.08 2 0 4.086
90004 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Staple-on l 5.78 2 0 2.7166
10024 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Message Bo 19.65 3 0 9.039
1841 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Fellowes P 387.99 1 0 182.3553
94122 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Wilson Sig 575.92 2 0.2 71.99
48205 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Recycl 478.24 8 0 219.9904
45011 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Cleat 190.848 3 0.2 -21.4704
43229 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Newell 3-Ho 5.484 4 0.7 -4.0216
60610 Central OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Box C 40.92 5 0.2 3.069
33063 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt BIC Brite Li 15.552 3 0.2 2.3328
30328 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAcco Six-Ou 17.24 2 0 4.4824
87105 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Southworth 27.18 3 0 12.231
74133 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Leat 1805.88 6 0 523.7052
7050 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston Hom 70.95 3 0 18.447
42420 South OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Advantus Pl 20 4 0 9.6
60653 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Heavy-Duty 2.182 1 0.8 -3.6003
77642 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 214 10.368 2 0.2 3.6288
48185 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessoriePlantronic 109.95 1 0 36.2835
47401 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes #10 White 78.35 5 0 36.8245
90032 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon 200 12.56 2 0 4.0192
94109 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Master Cas 25.4 5 0 8.636
94110 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Star 129.568 2 0.2 -12.9568
95123 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1891 244.55 5 0 114.9385
80219 West OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Martin Yale1332.496 2 0.2 -299.8116
80013 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Dana Halog 32.776 1 0.2 3.2776
83704 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders ACCOHIDE 3 3.304 1 0.2 1.1151
10035 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Crayola Ant 16.38 9 0 7.371
19140 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Arml 128.058 3 0.3 -23.7822
44060 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Woo 63.686 1 0.3 -15.4666
73505 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes R 333.09 3 0 23.3163
10024 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 190 24.9 5 0 11.703
90049 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Stockwell P 15.26 7 0 5.0358
77036 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Flexib 16.27 5 0.8 -25.2185
90032 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Chromcraft 418.296 3 0.2 5.2287
43229 East TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Sharp 1540c 659.988 2 0.4 109.998
90032 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bush Andor917.9235 9 0.15 75.5937
19140 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC DocuBi 631.176 4 0.7 -462.8624
94110 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 211 12.96 2 0 6.2208
93309 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 227 12.96 2 0 6.2208
77095 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 225 25.92 5 0.2 9.072
90045 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Seidio BD2 173.656 7 0.2 17.3656
90036 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Lesro Sheff 171.288 3 0.2 -6.4233
65807 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing 3M Polarizi 37.3 2 0 17.158
85023 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Premier Ell 54.792 6 0.7 -40.1808
77070 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tenex Perso 10.784 1 0.2 0.8088
23666 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Exe 290.98 1 0 75.6548
74133 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Dixon Tico 36.44 4 0 12.0252
98105 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper TOPS "Impo 21.4 5 0 10.058
94109 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt BIC Brite L 16.56 4 0 6.9552
32216 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage 24 Capacity 1347.52 8 0.2 84.22
47374 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieEnermax Br 62.31 3 0 22.4316
80027 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Staples 9.432 3 0.2 3.0654
10024 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 499 34.86 7 0 16.0356
13440 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Avaya 5420 269.98 2 0 67.495
43302 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Mi116.832 4 0.2 33.5892
77041 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Binder Pos 2.296 2 0.8 -3.9032
10009 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon GuestS 408.006 2 0.1 72.5344
95336 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Delu 122.352 3 0.2 13.7646
90004 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1974 11.96 2 0 5.8604
98115 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Master Big 15.84 3 0 4.9104
2908 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones i.Sound Po 105.98 2 0 1.0598
60653 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Storex Dura 5.936 7 0.8 -8.904
73120 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Multimedia 325.86 2 0 149.8956
60610 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Pus 383.607 9 0.3 -5.4801
6040 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 5 5.76 2 0 2.8224
90049 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bevis Roun 351.216 3 0.2 4.3902
94122 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Bevis Steel 230.28 3 0.2 23.028
54601 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Flexible Le 56.82 3 0 28.41
29501 South OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Staples 31.56 4 0 14.202
85301 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Lock-Up Eas 8.559 1 0.7 -6.5619
79907 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 49.568 2 0.2 17.9684
78207 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Val 127.869 3 0.3 -9.1335
90049 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Tyvek Side 271.44 3 0 122.148
33023 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Star 419.136 4 0.2 -57.6312
85204 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Acco Perma 100.704 6 0.2 -1.2588
28314 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin F9H 45.216 3 0.2 4.5216
77095 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 10.476 6 0.8 -17.2854
95123 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Executive 76.14 3 0 26.649
67212 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt SANFORD Ma 21.24 3 0 8.0712
90036 West TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Brother DC 479.984 2 0.2 89.997
49201 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Jabra SPEA 657.93 7 0 184.2204
83501 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Person 9.584 1 0.2 3.3544
23666 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Vinyl Secti 113.1 3 0 56.55
10035 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1956 65.78 11 0 32.2322
39401 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMicrosoft 239.7 6 0 105.468
19140 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Nu-Dell Oa 25.632 3 0.2 3.8448
19140 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 487 23.616 8 0.2 7.9704
90045 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell Cha 8.26 2 0 3.7996
94526 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes White Busi 76.58 7 0 38.29
90004 West OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Fiskars Hom 17.76 2 0 4.9728
20016 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt BIC Brite L 33.92 8 0 13.2288
53209 Central OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Stainl 21.81 3 0 5.8887
21215 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Man 150.98 1 0 43.7842
28540 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1991 18.272 1 0.2 5.9384
14609 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Panasonic 45.99 1 0 13.3371
92054 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Wave 47.12 8 0 20.7328
39503 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders XtraLife Cl 31.36 4 0 15.68
32216 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 345 47.616 3 0.2 3.5712
77070 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesEureka The 62.79 3 0.8 -166.3935
77095 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSony Micro 134.376 3 0.2 6.7188
2149 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Polycom VoiceStation
589.9 500 Conference phone
2 0 147.475
90049 West TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Hewlett Pa 2879.952 6 0.2 1007.983
19805 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Personal Fi 77.55 5 0 21.714
38401 South OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Staple rem 8.832 3 0.2 -1.9872
10011 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tenex File 77.55 5 0 20.163
48858 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Cubicl 17.14 2 0 6.1704
94122 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 473 51.75 5 0 24.84
94122 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Sauder Cam 586.398 6 0.15 34.494
94122 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Carina Dou 242.94 3 0 9.7176
90045 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston Scho 123.92 4 0 33.4584
23602 South TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Canon PC-4 1599.92 8 0 751.9624
80525 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Storex Flex 3.168 4 0.7 -2.5344
98105 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Prese 6.368 2 0.2 2.1492
10011 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Geo 145.764 2 0.1 -8.098
23223 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Ampad Poly 13.62 3 0 6.129
10009 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Sta 434.646 3 0.1 62.7822
98103 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1917 440.19 9 0 206.8893
94110 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1891 244.55 5 0 114.9385
8861 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Adams Tele 11.76 2 0 5.7624
94110 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Acco Banker 2.88 1 0 1.3536
61032 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon Port 45.248 2 0.2 3.9592
19140 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Sanford Pri 59.904 2 0.2 14.2272
32216 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 480 3 1 0.2 1.05
33024 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Suede 7.506 9 0.7 -6.0048
98115 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing 24-Hour Ro 79.92 4 0 34.3656
76106 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Dura 11.06 10 0.8 -18.802
48205 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHoneywell 283.14 4 0.1 72.358
19120 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Expr 15.008 2 0.2 1.5008
84321 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Wire B 33.088 4 0.2 11.1672
13021 East OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Acco Hot Cl 29.61 9 0 13.3245
27604 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Jabra Supreme 863.928
Plus Driver Edition Headset
9 0.2 86.3928
19120 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Barricks 18 241.92 4 0.4 -56.448
47374 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Panasonic 440.91 9 0 123.4548
17602 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Press 5.715 5 0.7 -4.7625
85705 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Computer 51.968 2 0.2 10.3936
48205 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Plasti 29.52 4 0 14.4648
78745 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 348 5.248 2 0.2 0.5904
77095 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHolmes HEP 8.712 2 0.8 -19.602
6708 East OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Forge 65.17 7 0 18.8993
90049 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC DocuBi 895.92 5 0.2 302.373
19120 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Roun 0.852 1 0.7 -0.5964
77340 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 224 36.288 7 0.2 12.7008
97206 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Aastra 675 344.704 2 0.2 38.7792
80027 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones VTech DS6 201.584 2 0.2 20.1584
98115 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bevis Oval 521.96 2 0 88.7332
21215 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Rogers Han 8.22 3 0 2.2194
94109 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1894 45.36 7 0 21.7728
90004 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco Stu 947.17 7 0 9.4717
60505 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bevis Roun 268.935 3 0.5 -209.7693
98103 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Staples in 7.58 1 0 2.9562
30605 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 493 14.73 3 0 7.2177
32712 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Stan 9.888 2 0.7 -6.9216
10009 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco Sn 1117.92 4 0 55.896
94110 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 123.144 7 0.2 46.179
75217 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSanDisk Cr 15.576 3 0.2 3.3099
92105 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1880 212.64 6 0 99.9408
10035 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Deluxe 658.746 3 0.1 146.388
4240 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders ACCOHIDE 3 8.26 2 0 3.8822
90805 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 4027 61.06 2 0 28.0876
98115 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 483 9.96 2 0 4.5816
55901 Central OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Advantus M 7.9 2 0 2.528
94110 West OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Elite 5" Sci 25.35 3 0 7.605
98103 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1898 33.4 5 0 16.032
99207 West TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Okidata C3 837.6 3 0.2 62.82
37064 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones ARKON Wind 40.68 3 0.2 -9.153
38301 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Star 209.568 2 0.2 -23.5764
78745 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieAmazonBasi 22.368 4 0.2 6.4308
33024 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Instant 3.882 2 0.7 -2.588
19143 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Insertable 1.908 2 0.7 -1.5264
61832 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Linen 43.372 7 0.8 -69.3952
10009 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Panasonic 783.96 4 0 219.5088
43229 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 487 5.904 2 0.2 1.9926
91911 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Tyvek Inter 182.94 3 0 85.9818
94110 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt BIC Liqua B 27.76 4 0 9.9936
10009 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt BOSTON Ran 25.99 1 0 7.5371
78207 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMaxell 4.7 113.52 5 0.2 29.799
28540 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Things To 25.344 4 0.2 9.1872
94109 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Cardinal Ho 11.952 3 0.2 4.1832
85323 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Plantronics 742.336 8 0.2 83.5128
60610 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Contempor 6.464 1 0.6 -4.04
92025 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 328 23.36 4 0 6.0736
11561 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Staple-on l 8.67 3 0 4.0749
19711 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHolmes Od 100.94 7 0 33.3102
14215 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Situations 63.882 1 0.1 10.647
77070 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Deluxe 683.144 4 0.3 0
67212 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1934 279.9 5 0 137.151
80906 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 313 13.12 5 0.2 1.148
10011 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Ampad Phon 24.96 4 0 11.232
90036 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Howard Mil 43.13 1 0 18.1146
30062 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders 3-ring stap 5.64 3 0 2.7072
32216 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC DocuBi 57.582 3 0.7 -44.1462
19140 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Cisco SPA5 39.594 1 0.4 -7.2589
90008 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1887 37.94 2 0 18.2112
19134 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Quality Par 62.808 3 0.2 21.1977
54703 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1917 195.64 4 0 91.9508
19134 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Erg 380.058 3 0.3 -21.7176
90004 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1920 17.94 3 0 8.073
19134 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound 18.264 3 0.2 6.1641
6360 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 10.36 2 0 5.0764
78207 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHoover Upr 463.248 8 0.8 -1181.282
85364 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Standa 44.856 6 0.7 -35.8848
43229 East TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Texas Instr 30.345 7 0.7 -24.276
90036 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco 3-Hol 14.016 4 0.2 4.9056
40475 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Multi-Use P 69.52 2 0 19.4656
10035 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Binder Pos 13.776 3 0.2 4.4772
54401 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin 8 Ou 245.88 6 0 68.8464
94110 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Frame 39.92 5 0.2 13.473
43017 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Cardinal HO 3.798 2 0.7 -2.6586
42420 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing 9-3/4 Diam 27.58 2 0 11.5836
43402 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Universal R 5.553 3 0.7 -4.0722
38109 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Carina Med 243.92 5 0.2 -54.882
8701 East OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Rubber Ban 14.96 4 0 0.2992
90008 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Non- 7.184 2 0.2 2.245
14609 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco 3-Hol 10.512 3 0.2 3.6792
97301 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Plantronic 263.96 5 0.2 19.797
99301 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Prang Color 5.88 2 0 2.646
94601 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Imag 12.54 3 0 4.5144
90004 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Binding Ma 70.008 3 0.2 24.5028
60302 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 307 10.192 7 0.2 1.0192
7960 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC DocuBi 1793.98 2 0 843.1706
78745 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Jawbone JA 758.352 6 0.2 265.4232
10011 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Canvas Sect 20.368 1 0.2 7.3834
10024 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Mophie Jui 239.97 3 0 67.1916
98103 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Troy 2404.704 6 0.2 150.294
17602 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Blue Parrot B250XT 89.988Professional
2 Grade Wireless
0.4 -14.998
Bluetooth Headset with
77095 Central OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners OIC Thumb 1.824 2 0.2 0.6156
43229 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Imation 32GB Pocket
119.8 Pro USB 3.0 Flash
5 0.2
Drive - 32
GB - Black - 1 P ...
27707 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Advantus R 61.568 2 0.2 4.6176
32503 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Trian 2.214 3 0.7 -1.476
42420 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Letter or L 5.32 2 0 2.6068
92804 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Green Canva 171.2 5 0.2 64.2
48227 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1929 114.2 5 0 52.532
30062 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Pus 182.67 3 0 52.9743
98103 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 317 8.82 3 0 2.5578
44134 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Ital 183.372 2 0.3 -7.8588
97030 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Imprin 26.352 8 0.7 -18.4464
92804 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Iceberg Mo 481.32 4 0 125.1432
10035 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders 3M Organiz 25.92 6 0.2 9.072
77070 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon 4070 S 674.058 3 0.3 -19.2588
3301 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Metal 22.92 4 0 11.0016
45014 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Pressboard 11.808 8 0.7 -8.6592
37604 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes #10- 4 1/8" 18.336 3 0.2 6.6468
98105 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt BOSTON Mod 35.96 2 0 10.4284
77573 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Bulldog Va 67.144 7 0.2 5.8751
20877 East FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bush Westf 173.94 3 0 38.2668
60653 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Binder Pos 2.296 2 0.8 -3.9032
35810 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper 14-7/8 x 1 96.08 2 0 46.1184
1841 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Eberhard Fa 14.88 2 0 3.72
60623 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Lesro Round 91.275 1 0.5 -67.5435
6824 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 214 19.44 3 0 9.3312
10009 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 324 57.75 5 0 16.17
98103 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 309 23.1 2 0 6.93
80013 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes #10 White 12.536 1 0.2 4.2309
84043 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones SmartStand 16.776 3 0.2 1.6776
35401 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 33.74 7 0 15.5204
94109 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco 6- 1325.85 5 0 238.653
19805 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Sta 1268.82 9 0 266.4522
47905 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco Sin 375.34 1 0 18.767
90278 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper 14-7/8 x 1 96.08 2 0 46.1184
98115 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 519 29.24 4 0 13.7428
90045 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Premium Tr 117.488 7 0.2 41.1208
10009 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt BIC Brite L 12.42 3 0 5.2164
48073 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1995 12.96 2 0 6.2208
94109 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin 8-Ou 69.48 1 0 20.844
10009 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Plantronic 85.9 2 0 2.577
89031 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt DIXON Orio 18.06 7 0 4.6956
75007 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Standa 2.512 2 0.8 -4.396
90008 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Grandstre 61.192 1 0.2 6.1192
98103 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Pus 48.712 1 0.2 5.4801
33311 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Instant 7.764 4 0.7 -5.176
38401 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Wi-Ex zBoo 467.04 4 0.2 58.38
2908 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Plantronic 128.85 3 0 3.8655
32216 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs High-Back 207.984 2 0.2 -28.5978
92054 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound 12.9 2 0 6.321
32216 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieEnermax Ac 717.12 9 0.2 152.388
10024 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Pressboard 21.36 5 0.2 7.209
60610 Central OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Office 20.568 3 0.2 1.5426
92646 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Permanent S 5.22 2 0 2.4012
92105 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon Port 84.84 3 0 22.9068
37211 South OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Assorted Co 7.24 5 0.2 1.1765
10009 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 514 14.4 5 0 7.056
80906 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 226 15.552 3 0.2 5.4432
94110 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Suede 6.672 3 0.2 2.1684
60653 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico EPK-2 1889.99 5 0.8 -2929.485
38109 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes #10- 4 1/8" 55.936 8 0.2 18.8784
10011 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Flexib 52.064 4 0.2 18.8732
27604 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesEuro Pro S 48.784 1 0.2 3.6588
90045 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones AT&T 1080 109.592 1 0.2 8.2194
90004 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech 79.99 1 0 28.7964
23602 South OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Hot Fo 69.5 5 0 20.155
90032 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Astroparch 10.56 2 0 5.0688
39212 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMaxell 4. 47.79 3 0 16.2486
47374 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Letter Size 714.3 5 0 207.147
10035 East TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Zebra ZM40 2321.9 2 0 1114.512
19134 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Wire B 9.522 1 0.7 -6.9828
85023 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bestar Clas 209.979 7 0.7 -356.9643
44105 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Vinyl Secti 33.93 3 0.7 -22.62
43615 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon 200 35.168 7 0.2 9.6712
90008 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon 100 10.11 3 0 3.2352
10011 East OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Premier Ele 347.58 3 0 17.379
92037 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSanDisk Cr 72.64 2 0 21.792
73120 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Poly D 33.48 2 0 16.4052
60653 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech W 239.976 3 0.2 53.9946
94109 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 339 8.34 3 0 2.1684
8360 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Novimex Tu 212.94 3 0 25.5528
53209 Central FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases O'Sullivan 687.4 5 0 48.118
98115 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Chromcraft 653.55 3 0 111.1035
60540 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Logitech Illuminated
239.96- Keyboard5 0.2 83.986
19805 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Lesro Sheff 199.836 4 0.3 -37.1124
90036 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Embossed I 67.71 3 0 32.5008
60610 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Fellowes Bl 8.134 7 0.8 -13.8278
98198 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound 18.54 2 0 8.7138
19140 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes White Enve 24.4 2 0.2 7.93
30318 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Tops White 195.64 4 0 91.9508
75217 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieEnermax Ac 398.4 5 0.2 84.66
92553 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1928 26.4 5 0 11.88
19140 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Velobi 99.846 9 0.7 -83.205
40324 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Samsung Gal 699.98 2 0 195.9944
55407 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 43.98 2 0 21.99
19805 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones GE 30524E 391.98 2 0 113.6742
27217 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech W 383.976 3 0.2 81.5949
90008 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 347 21.4 5 0 6.206
48183 Central TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Sharp 1540c 549.99 1 0 274.995
94109 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Hanging Per 62.8 4 0 15.7
90049 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Cardinal Sl 13.904 2 0.2 4.5188
77070 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bush Advan 744.1 5 0.3 -95.67
53209 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Prestige R 18.24 3 0 8.5728
94122 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Sauder Fore 359.499 3 0.15 -29.6058
44105 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 226 20.736 4 0.2 7.2576
28110 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Fr 35.168 4 0.2 8.3524
1852 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1935 105.52 4 0 48.5392
75081 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC White G 5.792 2 0.8 -9.5568
19120 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Samsung C 466.158 7 0.4 -93.2316
80538 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Hammermill 7.968 2 0.2 2.8884
80538 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Bagged Ru 3.024 3 0.2 -0.6048
2895 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Advantus R 51.45 3 0 13.8915
60610 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBionaire 9 14.016 4 0.8 -31.536
93309 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Cardinal Ho 19.152 3 0.2 6.4638
75217 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 333 4.448 2 0.2 0.3336
19140 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Southworth 40.032 6 0.2 12.51
32725 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Iceberg Nes 186.304 4 0.2 13.9728
31907 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieKensington 66.36 4 0 23.226
37211 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 312 42.048 9 0.2 5.256
19134 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes White Busi 52.512 6 0.2 19.692
60610 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Imàge 17.496 9 0.6 -7.4358
75220 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1994 15.552 3 0.2 5.4432
88220 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Non- 10.776 3 0.2 3.3675
19134 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 491 3.304 1 0.2 1.0738
10009 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Belkin Omn 35.48 1 0 0
11572 East OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Vinyl Coate 34.44 3 0 16.1868
70506 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Safco Comm 232.55 5 0 9.302
10009 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables KI Adjustab 464.292 9 0.4 -108.3348
92804 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Nu-Dell Ex 101.12 8 0 37.4144
32725 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Innergie m 107.976 3 0.2 37.7916
10009 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBlack & De 58.73 7 0 14.6825
98103 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Advantus Sl 17.05 5 0 8.184
92105 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 8.096 2 0.2 2.7324
73120 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Master Gia 30.36 4 0 13.0548
10550 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 23.34 3 0 10.9698
94109 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMicrosoft 119.9 2 0 43.164
10009 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Deluxe1317.492 6 0.1 292.776
90045 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Howard Mil 86.26 2 0 29.3284
85224 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Acrylic Sel 8.544 4 0.2 1.9224
11561 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Polycom SoundStation2
1214.85 EX Conference phone
3 0 352.3065
94109 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage File Shuttle 67.78 2 0 16.945
59601 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Iris Project 39.9 5 0 10.374
10011 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Cardinal Po 2.688 1 0.2 0.84
63122 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 28.4 4 0 13.064
60653 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Samsung Ga1001.584 2 0.2 125.198
85345 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Panasonic 105.584 2 0.2 9.2386
98103 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Rush Hierl 1367.84 8 0 259.8896
48180 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Novimex Sw 301.96 2 0 33.2156
91104 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Novimex Tu 170.352 3 0.2 -17.0352
48640 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Avery Hi-Li 3.9 2 0 1.521
48205 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs HON 5400 Se 3504.9 5 0 700.98
81001 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Dixon Prang 3.408 1 0.2 0.8946
76706 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders SlimView Po 2.072 2 0.8 -3.5224
94109 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Twin L 53.248 2 0.2 19.968
10024 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Round Ring 4.992 3 0.2 1.6848
90036 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Flat Face 37.68 2 0 15.8256
2895 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 209 45.36 7 0 21.7728
31907 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes D 40.29 3 0 10.0725
32216 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco Sin1801.632 6 0.2 -337.806
19140 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones LG Exalt 748.752 8 0.4 -162.2296
47201 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieCase Logic 199.96 4 0 15.9968
77506 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieV7 USB Nu 167.952 6 0.2 -27.2922
94122 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Peel & See 23.16 2 0 11.58
29203 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Cleat 397.6 5 0 43.736
98031 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Strathmore 158.13 3 0 77.4837
78664 Central OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies High Speed 3930.072 3 0.2 -786.0144
94601 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tensor Co 104.23 7 0 28.1421
13021 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Binney & Sm 9.26 2 0 3.0558
19711 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Dual Level, 465.18 3 0 120.9468
10024 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Portable Pe 36.63 3 0 9.8901
92374 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Advantus R 51.45 3 0 13.8915
48066 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes #10- 4 1/8" 17.48 2 0 8.2156
90049 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1883 79.14 3 0 36.4044
10011 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Prang Dustl 8.4 5 0 4.2
48205 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Harbour Cre 498.26 7 0 134.5302
48234 Central FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Hon Metal 212.94 3 0 57.4938
65807 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAvanti 1.7 706.86 7 0 197.9208
90036 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Eaton Prem 166.44 3 0 79.8912
10011 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders SpineVue Lo 36.56 5 0.2 12.796
94109 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1893 81.98 2 0 40.1702
93727 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders SpineVue Lo 14.624 2 0.2 5.1184
71854 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Star 605.34 6 0 145.2816
94110 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Hon Racetr 210.008 1 0.2 2.6251
46203 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAcco 6 Out 54.96 3 0 15.9384
21044 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing C-Line Cub 164.22 3 0 50.9082
95123 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Stur-D-Stor 332.94 3 0 6.6588
98115 West OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Design 13.68 2 0 3.6936
75007 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Dura 3.318 3 0.8 -5.6406
22204 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery 3 1/2 10.44 1 0 4.8024
90032 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Barricks No 136.464 2 0.2 15.3522
60423 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesFellowes B 20.768 8 0.8 -52.9584
98105 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieHP Standar 43.5 3 0 10.875
19143 East OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Staples 12.576 4 0.2 4.0872
31907 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieCase Logic 249.95 5 0 19.996
23464 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesTripp Lite 182.91 3 0 53.0439
98198 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Catalog Bi 107.648 2 0.2 33.64
18018 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Situations 99.372 2 0.3 -7.098
73120 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1954 10.56 2 0 4.752
91730 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1905 38.88 6 0 18.6624
90032 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound 35.2 5 0 16.544
19120 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1887 45.528 3 0.2 15.9348
77036 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Panasonic 196.776 3 0.2 14.7582
98103 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Adams Tele 11.76 2 0 5.7624
10701 East TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Hewlett-Pac 52.44 4 0 24.1224
94110 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing 6" Cubicle 32.36 4 0 11.6496
90008 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Expr 27.92 4 0 8.0968
33142 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Zipper Ring 3.744 4 0.7 -2.6208
05408 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Safco Cont 715.2 3 0 178.8
72701 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMicrosoft 159.8 4 0 70.312
79762 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Padded Fold 340.116 6 0.3 -9.7176
23464 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1909 105.52 4 0 48.5392
53209 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieRosewill 1 13.48 1 0 1.8872
48234 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage SAFCO Mobi 85.52 2 0 22.2352
55901 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Longer-Life 6.16 2 0 2.9568
98105 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Sterilite S 15.84 3 0 0
80027 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Redi-Strip 21.24 9 0.2 7.434
94122 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1919 163.96 4 0 80.3404
77036 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Geographics 17.904 2 0.2 6.2664
33180 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Plastic Sta 4.464 1 0.2 0.3348
44256 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables KI Adjustab 51.588 1 0.4 -15.4764
55113 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 495 50.4 8 0 23.184
77041 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1934 89.568 2 0.2 32.4684
10701 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tensor Co 14.89 1 0 4.0203
92037 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Poly String 4.08 2 0 1.9176
22153 South FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Hon Rectan 2275.5 10 0 386.835
62521 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs SAFCO Opti 37.296 2 0.3 -1.0656
75043 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Dana Swin 8.544 2 0.6 -7.476
11572 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing 9-3/4 Diam 68.95 5 0 28.959
77095 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Woo 191.058 3 0.3 -46.3998
27834 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 49 9.216 4 0.2 3.3408
94110 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Seth Thoma 64.96 2 0 21.4368
27405 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Stac 187.056 9 0.2 11.691
37918 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Expr 11.808 2 0.2 1.3284
68801 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Adams Tele 15.96 2 0 7.98
90712 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Avery Hi-Li 16.9 5 0 6.253
1841 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Avery Fluor 6.68 2 0 2.004
90049 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 225 19.44 3 0 9.3312
77036 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Cisco SPA5 31.92 2 0.2 2.394
10035 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Premiu 33.568 2 0.2 11.7488
10011 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Howard Mil 63.94 1 0 24.9366
19711 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Acrylic Sel 10.68 4 0 4.0584
98105 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Plast 26.976 4 0.2 8.7672
85254 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Green Bar 307.776 7 0.2 111.5688
11572 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco Ind 244.55 5 0 4.891
75220 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Poly String 1.632 1 0.2 0.5508
14609 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex 25 31.95 1 0 2.2365
90045 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Adjustable 725.84 4 0 210.4936
55125 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Standar 32.34 3 0 15.5232
60068 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1884 143.856 9 0.2 48.5514
75217 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Advantus M 41.92 4 0.2 15.196
71203 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Heavy-Duty 87.28 8 0 41.0216
90004 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Iceberg Nes 279.456 6 0.2 20.9592
94109 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Self- 27.24 5 0.2 9.534
94122 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech 16.36 1 0 1.636
28314 South FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Sauder Corn 198.272 8 0.2 -32.2192
75217 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Standard Ro 720.76 5 0.2 54.057
67212 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Executive I 70.56 6 0 23.9904
97477 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesFellowes M 64.864 4 0.2 6.4864
77041 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Wireless E 151.192 1 0.2 13.2293
98103 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Logitech B530 88.776
USB Headset - headset -
3 Full
0.2 size,7.7679
44312 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1906 85.056 3 0.2 28.7064
48237 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing 3M Polariz 273.96 2 0 71.2296
77041 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1999 15.552 3 0.2 5.4432
98103 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech 98.16 6 0 9.816
19134 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Cameo Buff 348.488 7 0.2 117.6147
90045 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Array Mem 15.54 3 0 7.6146
77070 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 202 25.92 5 0.2 9.072
19143 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Bose Sound 358.2 3 0.4 41.79
72756 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Non- 40.41 9 0 18.5886
90045 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones iHome FM C 167.976 3 0.2 10.4985
98105 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Imprin 26.352 3 0.2 9.5526
19805 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 480 22.5 6 0 10.8
84604 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Adams "Whi 21.98 7 0 9.891
94110 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Nu-Dell Ex 63.2 5 0 23.384
90004 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBravo II M 39 12 0 11.31
43130 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Recycled P 2.907 3 0.7 -2.0349
90004 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bush Somer 556.665 5 0.15 6.549
98103 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSony 64GB 71.98 2 0 15.1158
10024 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders DXL Angle-V 24.672 4 0.2 7.71
90045 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones AT&T 1070 445.96 5 0.2 55.745
94109 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Standard L 87.92 4 0 40.4432
88101 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 10.08 7 0.2 3.528
67212 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Plantronics Encore 224.75
H101 Dual Earpieces Headset
5 0 62.93
60653 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesEuro Pro S 73.176 6 0.8 -197.5752
68104 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC VeloBi 15.36 2 0 7.68
77041 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 212 36.288 7 0.2 12.7008
19134 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones LG Exalt 280.782 3 0.4 -60.8361
90045 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Transl 11.232 3 0.2 3.9312
40475 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1963 26.4 5 0 11.88
6708 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 326 3.52 2 0 1.0208
90045 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Logitech Z-906
Speaker sys - home
5 theater0 - 5.1-CH
90036 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bush Herita 599.165 5 0.15 35.245
94122 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tenex File 46.53 3 0 12.0978
33710 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Telescopin 31.984 2 0.2 1.999
44107 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAvanti 1.7 161.568 2 0.2 16.1568
85224 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 318 8.896 4 0.2 0.6672
90008 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesSanyo Count 1640.7 5 0 459.396
32137 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Advantus Pa 19.52 2 0.2 5.368
10035 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Ibim 588.784 2 0.2 183.995
33458 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt DIXON Orio 2.064 1 0.2 0.1548
85301 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Unpadded 6.368 2 0.2 2.388
10035 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieEnermax Ac 99.6 1 0 36.852
77041 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Quality Par 20.936 1 0.2 7.0659
10035 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Samsung R 33 6 0 8.25
66062 Central OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Compact Au 357.93 3 0 7.1586
89431 West OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Fiskars 8" 86.2 5 0 24.998
61107 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Things To 38.016 6 0.2 13.7808
19143 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Sterilite O 8.384 1 0.2 0.7336
98026 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Acco Glide 19.6 5 0 9.604
94122 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Suede 13.344 6 0.2 4.3368
28806 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco Co 16.272 1 0.2 -3.8646
90032 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Longer-Life 9.24 3 0 4.4352
85254 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Standar 32.34 10 0.7 -23.716
77095 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Memo Book, 16.176 3 0.2 6.066
94109 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Delu 122.352 3 0.2 13.7646
92105 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Deluxe 585.552 3 0.2 73.194
45011 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesEuro-Pro S 123.92 5 0.2 9.294
80134 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing OIC Stackin 13.36 5 0.2 4.008
68025 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco Sin 750.68 2 0 37.534
55369 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 490 44.4 3 0 22.2
19711 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 128.4 3 0 62.916
33180 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Hole 1.869 1 0.7 -1.3083
92105 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Digium D40 103.192 1 0.2 11.6091
33142 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Star 419.136 4 0.2 -68.1096
33178 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 23.472 3 0.2 7.6284
78207 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Non- 3.592 4 0.8 -6.286
32216 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Mediabridg 23.976 3 0.2 -5.6943
77070 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage SimpliFile 18.16 2 0.2 1.816
94122 West OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Staple rem 7.36 2 0 0.1472
19140 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Heav 7.656 4 0.7 -6.1248
43302 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMicrosoft 63.92 2 0.2 19.176
10024 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 349 6.56 2 0 1.9024
19140 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Image 3.312 1 0.2 0.6624
90036 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1925 61.96 2 0 27.882
30080 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Ampad #10 17.92 4 0 8.6016
94122 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Deflect-o S 145.9 5 0 62.737
60653 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1880 56.704 2 0.2 19.1376
97504 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Message Bo 32.896 4 0.2 11.1024
10009 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones RCA H5401R 239.97 3 0 2.3997
35810 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Logitech Z-906
Speaker sys - home
4 theater0 - 5.1-CH
19134 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Chr 239.96 10 0.3 -10.284
95051 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Non- 21.552 6 0.2 7.0044
90805 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound 80.28 12 0 36.9288
90008 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Faber Caste 9.78 2 0 4.0098
93101 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Colored Pu 1.81 1 0 0.6516
10009 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1912 37.94 2 0 18.2112
32216 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones PureGear R 79.96 5 0.2 27.986
75104 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper 14-7/8 x 1 115.296 3 0.2 40.3536
68104 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones ClearOne CHATAttach
2479.96 160 - speaker
4 phone
0 743.988
72209 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech T 179.94 6 0 75.5748
68701 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Fellowes Bl 17.43 3 0 8.0178
60653 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs High-Back 181.986 2 0.3 -54.5958
85705 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables SAFCO Plan 455.97 6 0.5 -218.8656
3301 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tenex Perso 67.4 5 0 17.524
84020 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Copper 25.16 2 0 10.5672
94109 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAcco 6 Out 43.68 3 0 11.7936
77036 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Avery Fluor 2.672 1 0.2 0.334
36116 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Master Cas 10.16 2 0 3.4544
39212 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Stackable T 6.16 2 0 1.9712
89031 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 20 6.48 1 0 3.1104
30318 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Recy 34.54 1 0 17.27
60610 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Col-Erase P 19.456 4 0.2 2.1888
43229 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1893 98.376 3 0.2 35.6613
91104 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Howard Mil 383.64 6 0 122.7648
90004 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 35 6.56 2 0 1.9024
20735 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing 24-Hour Ro 19.98 1 0 8.5914
10024 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Sanford Po 8 5 0 3.44
92037 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Stackable T 6.16 2 0 1.9712
10011 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Iris 3-Draw 83.56 4 0 1.6712
93534 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Stockwell P 10.9 5 0 3.597
59405 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Pressb 6.096 2 0.2 2.2098
94110 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage SimpliFile 34.05 3 0 9.534
8701 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global High 245.98 2 0 27.0578
44105 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Lock-Up Eas 59.913 7 0.7 -45.9333
1841 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Panasonic 391.98 2 0 109.7544
3301 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Presti 68.62 2 0 32.2514
21215 East OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Elite 25.02 3 0 6.5052
43229 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Hunt Bosto 55.984 2 0.2 4.1988
77041 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Portfile Pe 14.16 1 0.2 1.062
10011 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Therma 590.352 6 0.2 206.6232
27405 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Dana Swin 17.088 2 0.2 1.068
10024 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 311 11.05 5 0 2.9835
94109 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesCommercial 7.78 2 0 2.0228
71203 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessoriePlantronic 659.9 2 0 217.767
45231 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSanDisk Ul 53.04 3 0.2 -4.641
98105 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessoriePlantronic 843.9 2 0 371.316
10011 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Belkin 19" 117.96 2 0 5.898
10035 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Dixon Prang 21.3 5 0 8.733
38109 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Advantus Pa 19.52 2 0.2 5.368
92105 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Stur-D-Stor 443.92 4 0 8.8784
54601 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech W 499.95 5 0 174.9825
90032 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMicro Inno 100 4 0 21
98115 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Longer-Life 6.16 2 0 2.9568
33180 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 512 13.872 6 0.2 4.6818
19143 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Iceberg Of 815.292 9 0.4 -339.705
23320 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieEnermax Au 234.45 3 0 103.158
10009 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders 3-ring stap 10.528 7 0.2 3.6848
48104 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Surelock Po 152.8 5 0 76.4
91941 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Square Ring 82.56 5 0.2 28.896
48126 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Career Cubi 60.84 3 0 23.1192
92024 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs SAFCO Arco 1325.76 6 0.2 149.148
44107 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper EcoTones 28.8 9 0.2 10.08
6450 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 318 11.12 4 0 2.8912
31907 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Regenerati 7.04 4 0 3.0976
30076 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Wausau Pap 17.94 3 0 8.7906
98105 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Cardinal Sl 34.76 5 0.2 11.297
7960 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tensor Co 74.45 5 0 20.1015
22304 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Wood 192.22 14 0 69.1992
84106 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 220 19.44 3 0 9.3312
92307 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 221 32.4 5 0 15.552
10009 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1893 40.99 1 0 20.0851
90805 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 343 2.94 1 0 0.7938
97301 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Vinyl Secti 45.24 4 0.7 -30.16
80013 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Electrix 2 21.44 2 0.2 7.504
43055 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston 167 18.656 2 0.2 1.3992
98103 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 486 14.62 2 0 6.8714
83201 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Luxo Adjus 355.36 4 0 92.3936
75081 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes #6 3/4 Gum 15.84 2 0.2 5.544
98105 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 218 12.96 2 0 6.2208
98115 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones I Need's 3d 57.408 6 0.2 5.7408
60610 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tenex Chai 38.976 3 0.6 -50.6688
49423 Central OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Staples 20.44 7 0 9.198
74012 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Heav 6.38 1 0 2.9348
30605 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1990 15.84 3 0 7.128
98105 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Trape 98.352 3 0.2 35.6526
32712 South OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners OIC Colored 14.32 5 0.2 5.191
77070 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Star 275.058 3 0.3 -90.3762
21215 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Manco Dry- 27.36 9 0 9.3024
94109 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Hon 61000 S 71.088 2 0.2 -1.7772
60623 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Twin L 27.396 9 0.8 -42.4638
78041 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 490 11.84 1 0.2 4.44
94109 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1992 35.88 6 0 17.5812
44105 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Brown Kraf 40.752 3 0.2 15.282
43302 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 35 2.624 1 0.2 0.2952
6824 East OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Kleen 11.64 3 0 3.3756
10009 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Poly D 40.176 3 0.2 14.5638
10024 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Black 79.44 3 0 30.1872
60653 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Motorola L 36.792 1 0.2 4.1391
10035 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Sannysis C 5.94 3 0 1.6038
23223 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Steel Perso 177.55 5 0 47.9385
48104 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech G 619.95 5 0 111.591
47905 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Adjustable 81.4 5 0 21.164
97477 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Advantus P 8.72 5 0.2 2.289
94109 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1905 12.96 2 0 6.2208
60653 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage SAFCO Comm331.536 3 0.2 -82.884
10011 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieRazer Krak 899.91 9 0 395.9604
77095 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones ShoreTel S 946.344 7 0.2 118.293
53711 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech G 178.11 3 0 32.0598
6460 East FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Hon Metal 638.82 9 0 185.2578
10024 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 13.92 3 0.2 4.872
90049 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound S 19.36 2 0 9.2928
94109 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Pre-Pun 38.376 3 0.2 13.4316
94533 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1975 12.96 2 0 6.3504
27834 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Cisco SPA3 249.584 2 0.2 31.198
11561 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Belkin Spor 74.95 5 0 36.7255
60089 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Chromcraft 355.455 3 0.5 -184.8366
92037 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 475 44.4 3 0 22.2
40475 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Multip 866.4 4 0 225.264
22153 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 333 5.56 2 0 1.4456
76106 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHoover Rep 3.16 4 0.8 -8.532
27604 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Executive 46.152 3 0.2 12.1149
33012 South TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Texas Instr 32.985 3 0.5 -1.9791
90032 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Iceberg Mo 481.32 4 0 125.1432
92630 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAvanti 4.4 542.94 3 0 152.0232
11561 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Sta 1448.82 10 0.1 209.274
98103 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Belkin 19" 353.88 6 0 17.694
96003 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Toshiba IPT2010-SD
333.576IP Telephone
3 0.2 25.0182
78207 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 50 60.144 6 0.2 20.2986
77070 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Fr 85.2 6 0.2 20.235
1453 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 518 3.15 1 0 1.512
90032 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Value 14.91 3 0 4.6221
65807 Central TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Canon PC10 599.99 1 0 233.9961
76706 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Super Decof 23.968 2 0.2 2.3968
90036 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Comfor 638.288 7 0.2 -31.9144
13021 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Instant 15.528 3 0.2 5.823
94109 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1915 104.85 1 0 50.328
90008 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt 50 Colored 30.48 3 0 7.9248
90049 West TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Vtech AT&T 71.976 3 0.2 24.2919
95928 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 311 2.21 1 0 0.5967
97477 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases O'Sullivan 217.764 6 0.7 -384.7164
32216 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Stackable T 12.32 5 0.2 1.848
93309 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Advantus Pl 35 7 0 16.8
10011 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Dual Level, 1395.54 9 0 362.8404
60610 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Leat 421.372 2 0.3 -6.0196
79907 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Polycom VV 575.968 4 0.2 43.1976
91360 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Square Cre 15.984 2 0.2 1.1988
45503 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 347 10.272 3 0.2 1.1556
75220 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon ProFi 61.792 4 0.2 6.1792
37918 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper RSVP Cards 12.192 3 0.2 4.1148
37421 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Deflect-o 132.224 4 0.2 -18.1808
92037 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Easy-stapl 105.52 4 0 48.5392
10024 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 209 19.44 3 0 9.3312
33614 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieBelkin Sta 11.672 1 0.2 -0.7295
13501 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones ClearSound 279.96 4 0 78.3888
94122 West OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Compact Au 238.62 2 0 4.7724
43229 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin 6 Ou 26.136 3 0.2 1.9602
10035 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 189 419.4 4 0 201.312
47374 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Hon 5100 S 581.96 2 0 104.7528
92105 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech G 519.96 4 0 176.7864
28027 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 494 6.264 3 0.2 2.0358
33178 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Green Canva 64.2 5 0.7 -42.8
90036 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Griffin GC1 57.568 4 0.2 5.7568
98115 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Rogers Prof 83.7 5 0 3.348
22204 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 214 32.4 5 0 15.552
92105 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones RCA ViSYS 415.968 4 0.2 51.996
55113 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHoover Sho 715.64 2 0 178.91
23464 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Tuff Stuff 9.64 2 0 4.7236
75220 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Perma STOR 33.488 7 0.2 -1.2558
94521 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bush Herita 239.666 2 0.15 14.098
72032 South FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Iceberg Of 301.96 2 0 45.294
19120 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1949 7.968 2 0.2 2.8884
72209 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1914 109.92 2 0 53.8608
6450 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesFellowes A 79.47 3 0 22.2516
19143 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 312 4.672 1 0.2 0.584
82001 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Troy 1603.136 4 0.2 100.196
92804 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bush Cubix 1293.488 7 0.2 80.843
47401 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Deflect-o 127.95 3 0 21.7515
31907 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Advantus 1 59.76 1 0 16.7328
72401 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC VeloBi 108.08 7 0 54.04
19140 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 331 11.736 3 0.2 1.0269
1841 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC ProCli 447.86 7 0 219.4514
10011 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1885 192.16 4 0 92.2368
92105 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Troy 801.568 2 0.2 50.098
94109 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Westinghou 28.28 2 0 7.3528
94110 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Non- 14.352 3 0.2 5.0232
2920 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage SAFCO Mobi 42.76 1 0 11.1176
42301 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1902 45.68 2 0 21.0128
21215 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC ProCli 25.06 2 0 11.7782
60610 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1910 38.432 1 0.2 13.4512
30318 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 2.78 1 0 1.3622
90036 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes B 99.87 3 0 23.9688
90049 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 475 44.4 3 0 22.2
47374 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Seth Thoma 71.12 4 0 22.0472
94110 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 9.78 1 0 4.89
94122 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Cardinal Po 24.192 9 0.2 7.56
7090 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Ultra Door 31.56 3 0 10.4148
94122 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 191 59.94 3 0 28.1718
95123 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC VeloBi 24.704 2 0.2 9.264
98115 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Personal Fi 46.53 3 0 13.0284
42301 South OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Titan 25.5 3 0 6.63
10035 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Woodgrain 14.9 5 0 1.043
10011 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bevis Oval 313.176 2 0.4 -120.0508
22153 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 349 22.96 7 0 6.6584
98226 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessoriePlantronic 1099.5 10 0 362.835
35601 South FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables SAFCO Plan 1215.92 8 0 316.1392
72701 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Self-Adhesi 7.31 1 0 3.4357
19120 East FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases O'Sullivan 87.21 3 0.5 -45.3492
98103 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Master Cas 25.4 5 0 8.636
75023 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Jabra Supreme95.992Plus Driver Edition Headset
1 0.2 9.5992
90049 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSanDisk Cr 435.84 12 0 130.752
90032 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Panasonic 211.168 4 0.2 18.4772
90036 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon 200 6.28 1 0 2.6376
50315 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 25.9 5 0 12.691
38671 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Laser & Ink 42.68 4 0 19.6328
77041 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 207 20.736 4 0.2 7.2576
10009 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Sanford Ea 10.5 5 0 2.94
19601 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing GE 4 Foot 23.968 2 0.2 7.7896
94109 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco Stu 676.55 5 0 6.7655
90045 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Master Big 21.12 4 0 6.5472
90004 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Mophie Jui 575.928 9 0.2 57.5928
94109 West OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Kleen 17.22 3 0 5.166
10009 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1893 81.98 2 0 40.1702
92105 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 189 104.85 1 0 50.328
10024 East FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Atlantic M 240.784 1 0.2 30.098
10011 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesKensington 414.96 2 0 124.488
28205 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes E 387.72 5 0.2 -67.851
66212 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Standard Ro 360.38 2 0 93.6988
85204 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones AT&T 8410 552 10 0.2 34.5
74133 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables KI Adjustab 429.9 5 0 111.774
10035 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1975 12.96 2 0 6.3504
19143 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1927 20.544 6 0.2 6.42
39401 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Advantus E 185.58 6 0 76.0878
90049 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC DocuBi2357.488 7 0.2 884.058
43229 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Acco Perma 64.96 5 0.2 -4.06
83605 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Sta 338.352 3 0.2 4.2294
85023 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Electrix I 87.96 3 0.2 7.6965
33142 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Trape 12.294 1 0.7 -8.6058
90004 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing C-Line Mag 19.76 4 0 8.2992
12180 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Arml 109.764 2 0.1 8.5372
2740 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Plantronic 128.85 3 0 3.8655
29501 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Deflect-o 127.95 3 0 21.7515
90049 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1929 68.52 3 0 31.5192
90008 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Rediform V 14.9 5 0 7.152
90049 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tenex B1-RE 91.96 2 0 15.6332
43229 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin F5C 91.92 5 0.2 11.49
70065 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesStaple hold 17.34 2 0 4.6818
75104 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Redi-Strip 7.08 3 0.2 2.478
2908 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieV7 USB Nu 69.98 2 0 4.8986
43130 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAvanti 1.7 646.272 8 0.2 64.6272
98115 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Alliance R 8.4 5 0 0.336
28540 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Deluxe Cha 18.48 2 0.2 6.006
90049 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 35 9.84 3 0 2.8536
33142 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Com 239.24 1 0.2 23.924
3060 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Master Big 21.12 4 0 6.5472
10011 East OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Fiskars Sof 54.9 5 0 15.372
90036 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Master Cas 15.24 3 0 5.1816
75007 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesFellowes P 19.568 2 0.8 -52.8336
40324 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Coloredge 42.6 3 0 16.614
90008 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Wilson Elec 859.2 3 0.2 75.18
85635 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Nu-Dell Flo 14.368 2 0.2 3.9512
37918 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Star 314.352 3 0.2 -35.3646
85705 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing GE 48" Flu 238.152 3 0.2 89.307
55407 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bush Cubix 692.94 3 0 173.235
33142 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Hangi 16.146 9 0.7 -12.9168
77036 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 19 173.488 7 0.2 54.215
53209 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 324 57.75 5 0 16.17
43130 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1970 11.952 3 0.2 4.0338
78539 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Wire B 2.068 1 0.8 -3.4122
10009 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 11.36 2 0 5.3392
19120 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMaxell Pro 27.968 2 0.2 6.992
14609 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Steel Perso 142.04 4 0 38.3508
92037 West TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Brother DC 1199.96 5 0.2 224.9925
19120 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 499 23.904 6 0.2 7.7688
38134 South OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Hot Fo 88.96 8 0.2 10.008
90712 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Geo 518.272 8 0.2 -97.176
19120 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 486 17.544 3 0.2 5.9211
78745 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes S 152.688 2 0.2 -26.7204
90008 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC DocuBi 153.552 3 0.2 51.8238
10011 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieEnermax Au 468.9 6 0 206.316
77070 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco Lo 151.056 9 0.2 7.5528
79424 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Copper 25.16 5 0.6 -11.322
77095 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 6.216 6 0.8 -9.6348
92627 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Staple-bas 29.22 3 0 12.8568
30076 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 202 6.48 1 0 3.1104
80538 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Rein 1.188 2 0.7 -0.99
10035 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Valuta 272.646 3 0.1 18.1764
19143 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bevis Boat 314.532 2 0.4 -83.8752
33178 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Dixon Prang 13.632 4 0.2 3.5784
75051 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin Prem 19.432 2 0.8 -49.5516
60653 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Smead Alph 6 2 0.2 2.1
44134 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Leat 1474.802 7 0.3 -21.0686
94061 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 41.904 6 0.2 14.1426
10011 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Xiaomi Mi3 2279.96 4 0 592.7896
97477 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Mophie Jui 191.976 3 0.2 19.1976
60610 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Advantus R 61.568 2 0.2 4.6176
76021 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Message Bo 20.96 4 0.2 6.812
90036 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieKingston D 44.75 5 0 8.5025
10009 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Valu 327.996 6 0.1 54.666
94109 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC VeloBi 49.408 4 0.2 18.528
23464 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Fr 53.25 3 0 20.7675
10011 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Pus 767.214 14 0.1 161.9674
37087 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1893 163.96 5 0.2 59.4355
90045 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Barricks 18 161.28 2 0.2 12.096
91911 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston Heav 192.8 4 0 55.912
78501 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieVerbatim S 27.696 3 0.2 3.462
33021 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1898 32.064 6 0.2 11.2224
94110 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases O'Sullivan 205.666 2 0.15 -12.098
93454 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Advantus R 115.44 3 0 30.0144
6040 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1914 274.8 5 0 134.652
68104 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound 20.07 3 0 9.2322
95123 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 332 11.76 4 0 3.1752
94122 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 332 11.76 4 0 3.1752
94109 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Ooma Telo 201.584 2 0.2 12.599
90805 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Novimex Tu 340.704 6 0.2 -34.0704
31907 South FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Hon Metal 354.9 5 0 88.725
94110 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bush Herita 1198.33 10 0.15 70.49
90004 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Rogers Delu 87.92 4 0 0.8792
19120 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Computer 51.968 2 0.2 10.3936
74133 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Tyvek Top 81.54 3 0 38.3238
90049 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes St 772.68 4 0 108.1752
33801 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Cisco 8x8 I 323.976 3 0.2 28.3479
77036 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1916 117.456 3 0.2 44.046
90008 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Personal Cr 22.96 2 0 11.2504
22153 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1898 13.36 2 0 6.4128
10035 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Laser 34.248 3 0.2 11.5587
65807 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 26.7 5 0 12.549
29203 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Com 1690.04 4 0 422.51
97206 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Fabr 403.92 5 0.2 25.245
19120 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Stanley Co 106.8 10 0.2 10.68
10035 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon Mobi 70.95 3 0 20.5755
60016 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Cisco SPA 383.84 4 0.2 47.98
10035 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Luxo Adjus 799.56 9 0 207.8856
98103 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Sterilite O 31.44 3 0 8.4888
77095 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1931 25.92 5 0.2 9.072
19143 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Mitel MiVo 329.988 2 0.4 -76.9972
47201 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Black Print 63.77 7 0 28.6965
60201 Central TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Canon PC941439.968 4 0.2 485.9892
92307 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Sta 563.92 5 0.2 7.049
43229 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Panasonic 235.152 8 0.4 -47.0304
43302 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Magna Visu 7.712 2 0.2 1.7352
77095 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Black Print 51.016 7 0.2 15.9425
43302 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes B 51.168 2 0.2 -6.396
98103 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Fellowes P 2793.528 9 0.2 942.8157
98632 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Staples 18.24 3 0 9.12
90278 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes #10- 4 1/8" 7.64 1 0 3.7436
10035 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Executive 68.16 3 0 27.9456
40214 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Mediabridg 29.97 3 0 0.2997
48183 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones iKross Blue 125.7 6 0 35.196
90045 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 48 56.7 9 0 26.082
37075 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Executive 72.704 4 0.2 19.0848
97206 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bush Cubix 66.294 1 0.7 -103.8606
75061 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Logitech B530 88.776
USB Headset - headset -
3 Full
0.2 size,7.7679
44105 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Panasonic 110.376 4 0.4 -20.2356
50701 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Staples in 30.32 4 0 11.8248
98105 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Star 177.568 2 0.2 8.8784
19120 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Recycled In 57.576 3 0.2 21.591
10009 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 26.336 4 0.2 9.2176
95123 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Clea 166.5 3 0 21.645
90008 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders XtraLife Cl 11.744 1 0.2 3.8168
3301 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Advantus E 247.44 8 0 101.4504
38401 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Plast 18.24 2 0.7 -14.592
98006 West OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Elite 5" Sci 25.35 3 0 7.605
98105 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 334 119.04 6 0 30.9504
47201 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Satellite S 43.41 1 0 19.9686
60623 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesStaple hold 2.394 1 0.8 -6.3441
30062 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 226 58.32 9 0 27.9936
36116 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Acrylic Sel 21.36 8 0 8.1168
75023 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 511 9.856 4 0.2 3.4496
33319 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Plastic 3.444 1 0.7 -2.5256
43229 East OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Premier Au 384.592 2 0.2 -81.7258
10009 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Security-Ti 22.92 3 0 11.2308
47374 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Roun 11.36 4 0 5.5664
98115 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Prestige R 14.592 3 0.2 4.9248
11561 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery Addre 41.4 4 0 19.872
61107 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC ProCli 442.372 7 0.8 -729.9138
31907 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Cover 34.5 3 0 15.525
74133 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Bind 28.85 5 0 14.425
37211 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Ampad Evid 3.488 2 0.2 1.1772
2138 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Cisco SPA3 311.98 2 0 93.594
94601 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Anker Astr 39.992 1 0.2 -7.9984
60067 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieEnermax Br 116.312 7 0.2 23.2624
98105 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Image 12.42 3 0 4.4712
45231 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 501 5.904 2 0.2 1.9926
43302 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Ultra Comm 63.824 2 0.2 9.5736
90049 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Tyvek Inter 304.9 5 0 143.303
44107 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Chromcraft 661.176 2 0.4 -231.4116
37087 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Apple iPho 239.976 3 0.2 17.9982
94122 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Hon 2111 In 502.488 3 0.2 -87.9354
95928 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Del 915.136 4 0.2 102.9528
24153 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Star 701.96 2 0 168.4704
90008 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Logitech B530 88.776
USB Headset - headset -
3 Full
0.2 size,7.7679
10024 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Trap 33.552 1 0.2 12.582
1915 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHoover Upr 1737.18 6 0 503.7822
92024 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Plastic Bi 36.36 3 0.2 12.2715
94109 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Contempora 25.83 3 0 9.5571
60623 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Trape 24.588 3 0.8 -38.1114
75220 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Panasonic 195.96 5 0.2 19.596
78415 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1925 74.352 3 0.2 23.235
10035 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1923 6.68 1 0 3.2064
97405 West OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Serrated B 17.584 7 0.2 -4.1762
93030 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Deflect-o 127.95 3 0 21.7515
6824 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes St 579.51 3 0 81.1314
49201 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Hunt Power 151.92 4 0 45.576
92677 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones PayAnywhe 39.96 5 0.2 3.4965
32216 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 220 10.368 2 0.2 3.6288
10550 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Recycled P 7.752 3 0.2 2.8101
48640 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Security-Ti 15.28 2 0 7.4872
19711 East TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Texas Instr 65.97 3 0 31.0059
94109 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1898 33.4 5 0 16.032
48185 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon Fold 13.98 1 0 4.0542
10011 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1881 49.12 4 0 23.0864
90008 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Executive I 47.04 4 0 15.9936
10035 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Samsung H 87.8 4 0 43.9
43130 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco Ind 156.512 4 0.2 -35.2152
19711 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMicrosoft 119.85 3 0 52.734
10024 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 478 24.55 5 0 12.0295
94109 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Twin L 12.176 1 0.2 4.4138
75217 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Adva 108.4 5 0.6 -105.69
33178 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Polycom So 361.376 2 0.2 27.1032
19120 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Fellowes Tw 2.412 1 0.7 -2.01
10011 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBlack & De 8.39 1 0 2.0975
19120 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco Lo 83.92 5 0.2 -13.637
98103 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Pressboard 19.68 5 0.2 6.888
90032 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston Elec 56.3 2 0 15.764
97477 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Dixon Tico 51.016 7 0.2 8.2901
98059 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Vinyl Secti 150.8 5 0.2 56.55
10009 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Panasonic 41.22 1 0 11.1294
95123 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Twin L 133.12 5 0.2 49.92
75051 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Expr 38.08 5 0.6 -29.512
10009 East FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Hon Metal 113.568 2 0.2 12.7764
10009 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Magnifier 83.92 4 0 21.8192
38109 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Leat 561.584 2 0.2 70.198
19143 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 511 4.928 2 0.2 1.7248
90004 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Expr 14.76 2 0 4.2804
6708 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech G 99.99 1 0 41.9958
85224 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Alliance Su 49.792 8 0.2 -11.8256
45503 East FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bush Andor 299.975 5 0.5 -167.986
78745 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 32.784 4 0.8 -52.4544
48234 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1972 10.56 2 0 4.752
22153 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Cameo Buff 311.15 5 0 146.2405
10011 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Strathmore 14.62 2 0 6.7252
75217 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 350 5.248 2 0.2 0.5904
3301 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Ativa D5772 824.95 5 0 247.485
70506 South FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Sauder Cam 241.96 2 0 33.8744
27604 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Avaya 462 177.48 3 0.2 19.9665
99207 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon 4700 S 569.568 2 0.2 7.1196
77041 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Com 899.43 5 0.3 -12.849
40214 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Presti 102.93 3 0 48.3771
33021 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC VeloBi 11.52 5 0.7 -7.68
85224 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1941 83.88 1 0.2 29.358
19120 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones AT&T 17929 108.576 4 0.4 -25.3344
74133 Central OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Fiskars Sof 21.96 2 0 6.1488
84020 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Mi 111.93 7 0 34.6983
94601 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Novimex Hi 454.272 8 0.2 -73.8192
1841 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 200 19.44 3 0 9.3312
19120 East TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Canon imag8399.976 4 0.4 1119.997
28540 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Acco Perma 25.984 2 0.2 -1.624
60610 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Adams Tele 23.52 5 0.2 8.526
83201 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon 400 C 35 4 0 14.7
75023 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bretford C 974.988 4 0.3 -97.4988
10024 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Star 589.41 5 0.1 -6.549
10024 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt BIC Liqua B 34.7 5 0 12.492
60623 Central OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Binder Clip 7.104 6 0.2 2.4864
77095 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Howard Mil 103.5 5 0.6 -77.625
6450 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco PRESST 10.76 2 0 5.1648
60025 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Samsung Ru 158.376 3 0.2 13.8579
77036 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Binney & Sm 3.44 2 0.2 0.559
94110 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon Port 56.56 2 0 15.2712
10009 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Plantronics CS 135.99
50-USB - headset -
1 Convertible,
0 36.7173
21215 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt OIC #2 Pen 3.76 2 0 1.0904
40214 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing G.E. Longer 13.28 2 0 6.3744
37087 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Portfile Pe 84.96 6 0.2 6.372
90008 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMaxell 74 68.46 7 0 25.3302
2908 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Deluxe Rol 2079.4 5 0 582.232
48234 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Samsung Ru 131.98 2 0 35.6346
77070 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Round Speci 100.24 10 0.2 33.831
38401 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHoover Win 871.8 3 0.2 87.18
19140 East FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Sauder Corn 61.96 4 0.5 -53.2856
33024 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 4.554 3 0.7 -3.4914
10011 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Chromcraft 384.768 2 0.4 -115.4304
28540 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHoneywell E 962.08 4 0.2 156.338
10011 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 228 32.4 5 0 15.552
19120 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Seth Thoma 103.936 4 0.2 16.8896
32839 South FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases O'Sullivan 289.568 2 0.2 10.8588
77095 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Imation 8gb Micro 24
Traveldrive 2Usb 2.0 Flash
0.2 Drive-2.7
40214 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Expr 20.94 3 0 6.0726
44256 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Polycom CX 539.964 6 0.4 -107.9928
10011 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Deluxe Rol 1247.64 3 0 349.3392
60653 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 311 5.304 3 0.2 0.4641
19143 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1947 19.136 4 0.2 5.98
10009 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1908 279.9 5 0 137.151
94109 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Fluorescent 23.88 6 0 8.1192
94122 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Leather Tas 218.352 3 0.2 0
49201 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC DocuBi 5443.96 4 0 2504.222
19120 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Permanent S 10.08 2 0.2 3.276
2886 East TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Hewlett Pac 1999.96 4 0 899.982
10024 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Desktop 3- 216.4 4 0 56.264
79907 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Staple-on l 6.936 3 0.2 2.3409
55901 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 310 8.8 5 0 2.552
14215 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC DocuBi2152.776 3 0.2 726.5619
37918 South FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Lesro Round 328.59 3 0.4 -147.8655
19711 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones ClearOne Communications
158.99 CHAT1 70 OC Speaker
0 41.3374
98103 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1933 73.68 6 0 34.6296
44105 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Premium Tr 58.17 5 0.7 -46.536
60126 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Novimex Sw 634.116 6 0.3 -172.1172
55044 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Stac 155.88 6 0 38.97
10035 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global High 327.564 4 0.1 21.8376
90036 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1898 13.36 2 0 6.4128
60653 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech W 319.968 4 0.2 71.9928
14215 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Every-D1522.638 9 0.1 169.182
95661 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Ames Color 419.9 5 0 197.353
76017 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesFellowes 8 33.62 5 0.8 -90.774
1841 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco PRESS 16.14 3 0 7.9086
76706 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Hi-T 243.992 4 0.8 -426.986
77095 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Prang Dustl 2.688 2 0.2 1.008
98105 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1965 11.96 2 0 5.8604
7060 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes St 563.4 4 0 67.608
90008 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Imation Bio 2GB
USB Flash Drive
8 Imation Corp
0 440.7648
22204 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones AT&T CL82 173.94 6 0 50.4426
98103 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Polycom VV1007.944 7 0.2 75.5958
98105 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1986 6.68 1 0 3.2064
98026 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Logitech Illuminated
179.97- Keyboard3 0 86.3856
24153 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Berol Giant 101.94 6 0 29.5626
33445 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 476 9.912 3 0.2 3.2214
94110 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 324 34.65 3 0 9.702
10024 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Premium Tr 33.568 2 0.2 11.7488
46203 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Model L Ta 125.93 7 0 35.2604
43229 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders XtraLife Cl 11.76 5 0.7 -7.84
32216 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Presstex Fl 1.365 1 0.7 -0.91
20735 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Metal 60.72 3 0 23.6808
80022 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Carina Med 146.352 3 0.2 -32.9292
92704 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Alliance B 5.94 3 0 0
20735 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Pizazz Glob 89.82 6 0 25.1496
90049 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Fellowes Tw 19.296 3 0.2 6.03
40214 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Delu 191.96 2 0 51.8292
90045 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bush Herita 239.666 2 0.15 14.098
65807 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 23 32.4 5 0 15.552
94109 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Expr 41.88 6 0 12.1452
77590 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bevis Roun 102.438 1 0.3 -13.1706
10024 East TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines HP Designje 6999.96 4 0 2239.987
98006 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1999 12.96 2 0 6.2208
10024 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones PureGear R 279.86 14 0 134.3328
27893 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Pressboard 7.38 5 0.7 -5.412
98115 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Exe 698.352 3 0.2 52.3764
65807 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin 5 O 54.48 1 0 15.2544
94109 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieRazer Tiam 199.99 1 0 85.9957
28205 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 68.541 11 0.7 -52.5481
10011 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt American P 6.99 3 0 2.0271
44052 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Hon 94000 1421.664 8 0.4 -734.5264
46203 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Premium Tr 125.88 6 0 60.4224
97756 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones AT&T 1080 438.368 4 0.2 38.3572
97477 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bretford R 564.195 3 0.5 -304.6653
76017 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Premier Ell 42.616 7 0.8 -68.1856
85234 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Toshiba IPT2010-SD
333.576IP Telephone
3 0.2 25.0182
1841 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston 182 39.66 2 0 11.898
23464 South FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Lesro Sheff 356.85 5 0 60.6645
75061 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1914 219.84 5 0.2 79.692
8360 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Cubicl 42.85 5 0 15.426
31907 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Recycled Ea 29.84 2 0 13.428
90032 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Linen 49.568 2 0.2 17.3488
92024 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Hunt Power 265.86 7 0 79.758
22901 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tensor Bru 67.96 4 0 12.2328
46226 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Crayola Ant 10.92 6 0 4.914
85023 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Westinghou 46.872 7 0.2 3.5154
6450 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Crate-A-Fil 10.9 1 0 2.834
53132 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 3.6 2 0 1.728
90008 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing OIC Stackin 20.04 6 0 8.8176
61701 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco Do 180.016 1 0.2 -15.7514
90032 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco Sn 1117.92 4 0 55.896
94109 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Maxell LTO Ultrium
111.96- 800 GB 4 0 21.2724
77095 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Manco Dry- 12.16 5 0.2 2.128
53209 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco 3-Hol 17.52 4 0 8.4096
70601 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Satellite S 477.51 11 0 219.6546
21215 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Green Bar 164.88 3 0 80.7912
53132 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Mi 47.97 3 0 14.8707
10024 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico EB-1 415.176 3 0.2 134.9322
92024 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound 16.34 2 0 7.6798
27893 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Dana Fluor 163.136 4 0.2 20.392
90805 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Plantronics CS217.584
50-USB - headset -
2 Convertible,
0.2 19.0386
33311 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Geemarc A 519.68 7 0.2 58.464
21215 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 479 7.83 3 0 3.6018
87124 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs SAFCO Arco 883.84 4 0.2 99.432
95207 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 273.92 8 0.2 99.296
43229 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 325 9.912 3 0.2 1.239
60076 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Rubbermaid 266.352 6 0.6 -292.9872
71901 South OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Advantus Pl 30 6 0 14.4
27534 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAcco 6 Out 34.944 3 0.2 3.0576
90032 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMicrosoft 149.95 5 0 31.4895
3060 East OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Staples 14.82 6 0 6.9654
98103 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners OIC Bulk Pa 10.47 3 0 4.8162
47374 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1906 177.2 5 0 83.284
33180 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Ultra Door 50.496 6 0.2 8.2056
37167 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Self- 6.129 3 0.7 -4.4946
80013 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 194 177.536 4 0.2 62.1376
33142 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 486 11.696 2 0.2 3.9474
94122 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliances3M Replacem 113.76 3 0 44.3664
60623 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage SAFCO Mobi 102.624 3 0.2 7.6968
90008 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Task 122.136 3 0.2 -13.7403
3820 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1920 35.88 6 0 16.146
43017 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech W 479.952 6 0.2 107.9892
10009 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Nokia Lumi 629.95 5 0 163.787
10035 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Clear Mylar 14.952 1 0.2 5.0463
7501 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Arml 121.96 2 0 20.7332
8701 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Two-To 47.4 5 0 18.96
27405 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Sanford 52 32.776 1 0.2 2.4582
10035 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Safco Indus 272.94 3 0 0
10035 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Sta 253.764 2 0.1 31.0156
60623 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Self-Adhesi 29.24 5 0.2 9.8685
60653 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs DMI Arturo 317.058 3 0.3 -18.1176
8701 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Performers 196.21 7 0 98.105
31907 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt SANFORD Ma 35.4 5 0 13.452
85023 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Multicolor 419.4 5 0.2 146.79
90004 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Tuff Stuff 7.712 2 0.2 2.7956
10024 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Ampad Gold 17.64 4 0 8.1144
78207 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon Base 93.456 3 0.2 -17.523
10009 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessoriePlantronic 449.91 9 0 157.4685
21215 East FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Sauder Camd 344.94 3 0 31.0446
19143 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon 200 20.096 4 0.2 3.0144
30318 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Adva 129.93 3 0 12.993
27707 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston 164 140.736 4 0.2 12.3144
95661 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Round Ring 8.32 5 0.2 2.808
95823 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Expr 9.98 1 0 2.7944
6824 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Premium Tr 62.94 3 0 30.2112
60610 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Neat Ideas 21.488 2 0.2 1.6116
77041 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Exec 20.104 2 0.6 -16.5858
85023 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables KI Confere 35.445 1 0.5 -24.1026
91767 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessoriePlantronic 99.98 2 0 34.993
30318 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Hammermill 9.96 2 0 4.8804
98208 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Tuff Stuff 3.856 1 0.2 1.3978
77095 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper White Dual 98.376 3 0.2 35.6613
19140 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Instant 3.882 2 0.7 -2.588
98105 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Wave 6.24 3 0 2.6208
61604 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Computer P 1.68 5 0.8 -2.688
90036 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesFellowes 8 168.1 5 0 43.706
36116 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes White Busi 98.46 9 0 49.23
47905 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Acco Perma 32.48 2 0 4.872
10009 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Samsung Ru 197.97 3 0 53.4519
10024 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesEureka Sani 17.48 4 0 4.5448
60610 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Avery Fluor 8.016 3 0.2 1.002
92704 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Lesro Round 146.04 1 0.2 -12.7785
90640 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSony Micro 27.88 2 0 3.9032
91360 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 4027 152.65 5 0 70.219
8360 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 333 11.12 4 0 2.8912
90503 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesSanyo Count 1640.7 5 0 459.396
45373 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Stan 14.832 3 0.7 -10.3824
22153 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Imation 30456 USB Flash
20.7 Drive 8GB
3 0 1.656
92020 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Com 478.48 2 0.2 47.848
90036 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper TOPS Money 32.04 4 0 14.418
85023 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones iHome FM C 55.992 1 0.2 3.4995
60423 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1937 76.864 2 0.2 26.9024
90045 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing GE 4 Foot 59.92 4 0 27.5632
53132 Central FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Atlantic M 1565.88 6 0 407.1288
72209 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Personal Fi 62.04 4 0 17.3712
90008 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Rediform S 28.14 3 0 13.5072
78207 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 201 10.368 2 0.2 3.6288
90004 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Durab 12.672 2 0.2 4.752
60610 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 483 11.952 3 0.2 3.8844
98105 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 190 4.98 1 0 2.3406
77705 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Standar 10.78 5 0.8 -17.248
23320 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 50 25.06 2 0 11.7782
75217 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing C-Line Cub 131.376 6 0.6 -95.2476
98105 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Troy 2003.92 5 0.2 125.245
55407 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Pagoda 2567.84 8 0 770.352
45503 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Mi 37.056 4 0.2 8.8008
90032 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Telephone 19.05 3 0 8.763
31907 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones I Need's 3d 95.68 8 0 26.7904
44107 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Person 10.782 3 0.7 -7.9068
60540 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global High 602.651 7 0.3 -163.5767
10009 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieRazer Krak 559.93 7 0 167.979
92646 West TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Hewlett Pa 2399.96 5 0.2 839.986
60653 Central OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Advantus Pl 16 4 0.2 5.6
94513 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Staple mag 10.68 1 0 2.8836
48183 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Square Ring 41.28 2 0 19.8144
98103 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Samsung Ga1001.584 2 0.2 125.198
29406 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Expr 14.76 2 0 4.2804
43229 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Suede 2.502 3 0.7 -2.0016
98103 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bush Westf 115.96 2 0 25.5112
94109 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes Mo 186.54 3 0 50.3658
90049 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Logitech MX Performance
159.56 Wireless
4 Mouse0 59.0372
33407 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Speck Produ 55.984 2 0.2 4.1988
60623 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Economy Ro 132.16 1 0.2 9.912
95823 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Star 1403.92 5 0.2 70.196
98115 West OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Stiletto Ha 28.8 3 0 0.864
19143 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 24.588 2 0.7 -18.0312
93101 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesTripp Lite 356.79 7 0 99.9012
10011 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Brown Kraf 16.98 1 0 8.49
36830 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Dot Matrix 491.55 5 0 240.8595
10035 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Avoid Verb 23.66 7 0 10.8836
90032 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 495 18.9 3 0 8.694
94109 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Mobile Per 93.68 4 0 25.2936
19140 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Griffin GC3 13.494 1 0.4 -2.249
79907 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSanDisk Ul 95.976 3 0.2 -10.7973
60653 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Deflect-o 84.272 2 0.6 -75.8448
79907 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1902 36.544 2 0.2 11.8768
98105 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieCherry 142 479.72 4 0 52.7692
10009 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC ProCli 102.368 2 0.2 37.1084
90032 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Motorola 623.96 5 0.2 38.9975
19711 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 11.12 4 0 5.4488
10011 East FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases O'Sullivan 523.92 5 0.2 -26.196
95661 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners OIC Binder 2.48 2 0 1.1656
60505 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage SAFCO Comm221.024 2 0.2 -55.256
10011 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Data F 58.408 7 0.2 18.2525
75217 Central TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines NeatDesk D 479.988 2 0.4 55.9986
90008 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Pressboard 11.808 3 0.2 4.1328
90004 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Laser & Ink 21.34 2 0 9.8164
31907 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Cardinal Ho 36.4 5 0 17.108
94110 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Personal Fi 15.51 1 0 4.3428
92503 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt 12 Colored 7.8 3 0 2.106
29203 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Poly String 10.2 5 0 4.794
10011 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Mitel MiVo 824.97 3 0 214.4922
98632 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Value 24.85 5 0 7.7035
85023 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Akro Stacki 12.624 2 0.2 -2.5248
77095 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Prismacolor 31.744 2 0.2 8.3328
85234 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 501 5.904 2 0.2 1.9926
72401 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones OtterBox D 59.98 2 0 17.994
30318 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound 48.87 9 0 23.9463
90036 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 19 154.9 5 0 69.705
10024 East OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Binder Clip 5.92 4 0 2.8416
48227 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 24.1 5 0 11.086
33311 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHoover Upr 1158.12 5 0.2 130.2885
79605 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHoover Com 1.392 2 0.8 -3.7584
23666 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHolmes Rep 44.43 3 0 18.6606
89115 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHoover Com 31.08 4 0 8.3916
61107 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 13.84 4 0.8 -22.144
92677 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1966 12.96 2 0 6.3504
40214 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin 8-Ou 208.44 3 0 62.532
61761 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Star 366.744 4 0.3 -110.0232
90045 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Deflect-o 289.24 7 0 26.0316
77642 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 2000 5.184 1 0.2 1.8144
10009 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Comfor 205.164 2 0.1 13.6776
60623 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Dana Swin 8.544 2 0.6 -7.476
45503 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco D-Rin 12.828 2 0.7 -8.9796
10035 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Non- 17.96 5 0.2 5.837
93905 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases O'Sullivan 148.257 3 0.15 15.6978
40475 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesFellowes P 146.76 3 0 38.1576
10035 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 487 25.83 7 0 12.1401
80219 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1976 15.552 3 0.2 5.4432
10024 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Grandstre 227.46 6 0 65.9634
10011 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Permanent S 5.22 2 0 2.4012
68025 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Strathmore 33.9 5 0 15.594
10011 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Staple mag 28.14 3 0 7.8792
92105 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Lifetime Ad 523.392 3 0.2 52.3392
33801 South TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Brother DC 479.984 2 0.2 89.997
30080 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 219 12.96 2 0 6.2208
10009 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Safco Steel 166.72 2 0 41.68
19134 East TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Canon PC-4 599.97 5 0.4 69.9965
75217 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1978 9.248 2 0.2 3.3524
94521 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bevis 36 x 99.592 1 0.2 2.4898
37211 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 200 15.552 3 0.2 5.4432
80013 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Dixon Tico 14.576 2 0.2 2.3686
92804 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Laser 209.6 5 0.2 68.12
84062 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 12.144 3 0.2 4.0986
97477 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Peel & See 27.792 3 0.2 10.422
97301 West OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Kleen 6.208 2 0.2 0.6984
14609 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin 6 Ou 32.67 3 0 8.4942
90008 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Standard Ro 1261.33 7 0 327.9458
90049 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 228 38.88 6 0 18.6624
75081 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Pressboard 1.964 2 0.8 -3.2406
93727 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Great Whit 5.98 1 0 2.691
60653 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 196 9.248 2 0.2 3.3524
78501 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 339 4.448 2 0.2 0.3336
98105 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Manila Rec 54.9 5 0 26.901
28205 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Heavy-Duty 22.911 7 0.7 -17.5651
94521 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Nontoxic C 3.52 2 0 1.6896
19013 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Metal 8.595 5 0.7 -6.303
90004 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes B 99.87 3 0 23.9688
89431 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 319 79.36 4 0 23.808
90032 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Panasonic 119.96 1 0.2 7.4975
42420 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Easy-stapl 106.32 3 0 49.9704
62521 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech W 479.952 6 0.2 89.991
10009 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Surelock Po 146.688 6 0.2 55.008
10011 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1906 318.96 9 0 149.9112
10009 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1906 212.64 6 0 99.9408
85254 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 23.472 3 0.2 8.802
79109 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Easy-stapl 19.648 2 0.2 6.6312
19140 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Angle-D Bin 6.57 3 0.7 -5.037
92704 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage 24 Capacity 421.1 2 0 105.275
43055 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Erg 760.116 6 0.3 -43.4352
10035 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Gear Head 25.98 2 0 0.7794
89015 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Global Adap 1685.88 6 0 320.3172
98103 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1925 61.96 2 0 27.882
10009 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1903 17.94 3 0 8.7906
98103 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Cardinal Sl 13.904 2 0.2 4.5188
37167 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC DocuBi 67.194 1 0.7 -51.5154
98105 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1947 41.86 7 0 18.837
10035 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing OIC Stackin 10.02 3 0 4.4088
30318 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1965 17.94 3 0 8.7906
19711 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Tops Wireb 16.45 5 0 7.567
37211 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Fr 35.168 4 0.2 8.3524
47374 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables KI Adjustab 257.94 3 0 67.0644
33180 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 7.23 5 0.7 -5.784
63301 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMaxell 4.7 113.52 4 0 46.5432
23464 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Executive 111.15 5 0 48.906
19140 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Nortel Mer 776.85 5 0.4 -181.265
11561 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper IBM Multi- 92.94 3 0 41.823
77070 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Polycom SoundStation2
971.88 EX Conference phone
3 0.2 109.3365
35401 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Situations 141.96 2 0 35.49
85204 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Lesro Round 182.55 2 0.5 -135.087
28540 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Eaton Prem 88.768 2 0.2 31.0688
60610 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliances3M Replacem 53.088 7 0.8 -108.8304
31907 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tenex B1-RE 275.88 6 0 46.8996
7050 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Color-Coded 4.91 1 0 2.4059
90032 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Rogers Delu 87.92 4 0 0.8792
60623 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Toshiba IPT2010-SD
222.384IP Telephone
2 0.2 16.6788
23223 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Southworth 21.84 3 0 10.92
12180 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 247.84 8 0 121.4416
2908 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Home/Office 69.52 2 0 17.38
94122 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 32 11.52 4 0 3.2256
10009 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Star 145.764 2 0.1 3.2392
94109 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSony 64GB 107.97 3 0 22.6737
77070 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSony 64GB 143.96 5 0.2 1.7995
19140 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Black Avery 2.202 2 0.7 -1.5414
21215 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones BlueLounge 89.97 3 0 25.1916
30605 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Dixon Prang 12.78 3 0 5.2398
43130 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMicro Inno 40 2 0.2 0.5
90032 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Fellowes Bl 23.24 5 0.2 7.553
21215 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Fabr 908.82 9 0 227.205
77095 Central OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acco Side- 5.552 2 0.2 -1.041
92024 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Panasonic 203.976 3 0.2 25.497
33012 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Non- 5.388 4 0.7 -4.49
30318 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco Do 1350.12 6 0 175.5156
98103 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Solid 19.54 2 0 7.2298
90036 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 347 21.4 5 0 6.206
10035 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 330 11.96 2 0 3.1096
33311 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Wi-Ex zBoo 116.76 1 0.2 14.595
14609 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tenex Chai 756.8 5 0 75.68
60174 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Master Cas 8.736 3 0.6 -4.8048
10024 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Manco Dry- 6.08 2 0 2.0672
94109 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Dax Clear 17.46 2 0 5.9364
85023 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Crayola Ant 2.912 2 0.2 0.91
98115 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Riverleaf S 30.18 3 0 13.8828
93010 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 478 14.73 3 0 7.2177
48205 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 321 16.4 5 0 4.756
94109 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 317 8.82 3 0 2.5578
19140 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Hi-T 274.491 3 0.7 -228.7425
10035 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Jensen SMPS-640 137.94
- speaker phone
3 0 35.8644
60623 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieKingston D 40.68 3 0.2 -7.119
94122 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Panasonic 110.376 3 0.2 12.4173
19134 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1988 123.92 5 0.2 38.725
94122 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Clear Mylar 89.712 6 0.2 30.2778
6824 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC VeloBi 30.88 2 0 15.44
10011 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Coloredge 113.6 8 0 44.304
90049 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 32 8.64 3 0 2.4192
19143 East TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Brother MF 341.991 3 0.7 -319.1916
95123 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon 200 43.96 7 0 18.4632
91104 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Two-To 66.36 7 0 26.544
19134 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs HON 5400 Se 4416.174 9 0.3 -630.882
90049 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt SANFORD Ma 49.56 7 0 18.8328
90032 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Sensible S 354.9 5 0 17.745
43229 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 495 15.12 3 0.2 4.914
90008 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech W 119.98 2 0 35.994
33021 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 484 9.216 4 0.2 3.3408
48066 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1991 68.52 3 0 31.5192
54880 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAcco 7-Out 364.74 3 0 109.422
91360 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Sanford Ea 14.7 7 0 4.116
19134 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones LF Elite 3D 32.7 5 0.4 -6.54
22153 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston 179 181.86 7 0 50.9208
77095 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Star 155.372 2 0.3 -35.5136
38401 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Recycled Ea 13.428 3 0.7 -11.19
28027 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1882 89.568 2 0.2 32.4684
95123 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Sauder Fore 273.666 2 0.15 -12.8784
27405 South OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Martin-Yal 20.608 2 0.2 -4.3792
59601 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Panasonic 339.96 5 0.2 42.495
33311 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieRazer Krak 799.92 10 0.2 239.976
94110 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Griffin GC3 35.984 2 0.2 4.498
85364 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Imation 16GB185.528
Mini TravelDrive7USB 2.0 Flash
0.2 48.7011
21044 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Fellowes P 2541.98 2 0 1270.99
85364 West TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Swingline 599.985 5 0.7 -479.988
60653 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 3.036 3 0.8 -5.0094
44105 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt BIC Brite Li 25.92 5 0.2 3.888
94110 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieVerbatim 25 46.36 4 0 15.2988
73120 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Imation 30456 USB Flash
6.9 Drive 8GB
1 0 0.552
77095 Central TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Epson TM-T 559.71 3 0.4 -121.2705
94122 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage File Shuttle 305.01 9 0 76.2525
37211 South TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Okidata C6 649 2 0.5 -272.58
90036 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Cubicl 59.99 7 0 21.5964
98006 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Metal 20.24 1 0 7.8936
77036 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston Hom 37.84 2 0.2 2.838
19143 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon ProFi 77.24 5 0.2 7.724
60016 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables BPI Confer 292.1 4 0.5 -175.26
33437 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Valu 97.184 2 0.2 6.074
75023 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bush Advan 890.841 3 0.3 -152.7156
95123 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie KeyTronic E03601U172 - Keyboard -
4 Beige 0 12.96
10024 East OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Plymouth B 14.13 3 0 0.7065
48227 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Bindin 64.75 5 0 29.1375
33178 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Zipper Ring 1.872 2 0.7 -1.3104
60068 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Wilson Elec 286.4 1 0.2 25.06
10024 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Panasonic 43.92 3 0 12.7368
10011 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Chromcraft 142.182 1 0.4 -37.9152
97123 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound 19.608 3 0.2 6.6177
10009 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Plantronic 979.95 5 0 264.5865
60623 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper "While you 8.904 3 0.2 3.339
10024 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Magnifier 41.96 2 0 10.9096
99301 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesEureka The 400.8 5 0 112.224
91505 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Clea 111 2 0 14.43
60623 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Charco 22.752 6 0.6 -8.532
17602 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Cisco Smal 61.542 1 0.4 -13.3341
33614 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Executive I 67.36 2 0.2 10.104
10024 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessoriePlantronic 843.9 2 0 371.316
90045 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tenex Perso 15.51 1 0 3.8775
10035 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Harbour Cre 192.186 3 0.1 36.3018
10009 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 32 5.76 2 0 1.6128
30318 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Metal Foldi 67.88 2 0 18.3276
10009 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes B 191.88 6 0 19.188
32216 South FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables BoxOffice 721.875 6 0.45 -420
77095 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliances3.6 Cubic F 176.772 3 0.8 -459.6072
53209 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Instant 38.82 6 0 19.41
95351 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Mi 111.79 7 0 43.5981
44107 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Geemarc A 445.44 8 0.4 -81.664
19134 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 476 16.52 5 0.2 5.369
94109 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1947 29.9 5 0 13.455
48205 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Fellowes P 116.4 8 0 52.38
85023 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 310 1.408 1 0.2 0.1584
19143 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones ClearSound 251.964 6 0.4 -50.3928
90036 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 206 19.44 3 0 9.3312
19140 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Wireless E 340.182 3 0.4 -73.7061
33180 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders VariCap6 E 15.57 3 0.7 -11.937
27604 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 514 4.608 2 0.2 1.6704
67846 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Digium D40 257.98 2 0 74.8142
90805 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon Fold 153.78 11 0 44.5962
92037 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Prepun 36.024 3 0.2 11.7078
61701 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Stanley Bos 54.336 4 0.2 5.4336
98115 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Decoflex Ha 92.52 6 0 24.9804
28314 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 347 10.272 3 0.2 1.1556
68104 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Rogers Jumb 40.74 3 0 0.4074
37421 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Deluxe 390.368 2 0.2 48.796
45014 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper IBM Multi- 74.352 3 0.2 23.235
90049 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Adams "Whi 15.7 5 0 7.065
10024 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bevis Oval 313.176 2 0.4 -120.0508
45014 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesEureka San 795.408 6 0.2 59.6556
60610 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1949 35.856 9 0.2 12.9978
98103 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Howard Mil 43.13 1 0 14.6642
10011 East OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme 10" Ea 70.12 4 0 21.036
93010 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bush Andor509.9575 5 0.15 41.9965
60653 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery File 11.52 5 0.2 4.176
90032 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing 36X48 HA 167.84 8 0 11.7488
43615 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Riverside 172.11 1 0.4 -94.6605
10011 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieCase Logic 99.98 2 0 7.9984
97224 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones LG G3 156.792 1 0.2 17.6391
19134 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs SAFCO Arco 386.68 2 0.3 -5.524
19143 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesTripp Lite 195.104 4 0.2 21.9492
77070 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Val 85.246 2 0.3 -6.089
39212 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Pressb 11.43 3 0 5.3721
85023 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Super Band 4.464 3 0.2 -0.9486
93030 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Pressb 9.144 3 0.2 3.0861
98105 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Pressboard 21.36 5 0.2 7.209
98042 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Expr 46.9 5 0 13.132
90049 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Transl 18.72 5 0.2 6.552
92105 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 51 18.9 3 0 8.694
78521 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 195 10.688 2 0.2 3.7408
60610 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 2 5.184 1 0.2 1.8144
37918 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Executive I 88.92 5 0.2 14.4495
77036 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell Cha 9.912 3 0.2 3.2214
60440 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Geemarc A 148.48 2 0.2 16.704
60623 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 498 9.248 4 0.2 3.1212
22980 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Konftel 250 Conference phone -
569.64 2 Charcoal 0black
90004 West TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Canon PC-4 639.968 4 0.2 215.9892
98105 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMicrosoft N 538.92 9 0 80.838
93277 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Eberhard Fa 14.88 2 0 3.72
90008 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesStaple hold 87.84 8 0 23.7168
90045 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Dax Clear 34.92 4 0 11.8728
10011 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Easy-stapl 14.94 3 0 7.0218
19143 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Hidd 3.576 4 0.7 -2.8608
84043 West TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Hewlett Pac 1499.95 5 0 449.985
60653 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt BIC Brite L 13.568 4 0.2 3.2224
42420 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Del 2573.82 9 0 746.4078
92646 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Globe Weis 12.78 1 0 5.751
10011 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Bind 18.464 4 0.2 6.924
19140 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Woo 445.802 7 0.3 -108.2662
58103 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Staples in 2.48 1 0 0.868
3820 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1903 29.9 5 0 14.651
92105 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1996 12.96 2 0 6.2208
90032 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Seth Thoma 106.68 6 0 33.0708
13501 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones iOttie HLC 119.94 6 0 5.997
77070 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1953 10.272 3 0.2 3.21
92683 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Suede 4.448 2 0.2 1.4456
90036 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Manco Dry- 6.08 2 0 2.0672
8401 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 23.36 2 0 11.68
60076 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Twin L 12.176 4 0.8 -18.8728
94122 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones AT&T CL82 46.384 2 0.2 5.2182
43229 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1950 9.248 2 0.2 3.3524
40475 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders XtraLife Cl 29.36 2 0 13.5056
43130 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Recycled Ea 8.952 2 0.7 -7.46
97030 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Peel & See 21.728 7 0.2 7.6048
94109 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 71.88 6 0 33.0648
80501 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Rubbermaid 266.352 3 0.2 -13.3176
27834 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global High 196.784 2 0.2 -22.1382
90004 West OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Tagit 29.7 3 0 8.019
77041 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tensor Bru 13.592 2 0.6 -14.2716
94109 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1880 70.88 2 0 33.3136
80219 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Letter Size 114.288 1 0.2 12.8574
77340 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Motorola D 719.952 6 0.2 71.9952
77036 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Executive I 21.204 3 0.6 -11.6622
10024 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Peel & See 34.74 3 0 17.37
19134 East FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bestar Clas 349.965 7 0.5 -216.9783
47201 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1909 158.28 6 0 72.8088
11561 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesKensington 533.94 3 0 154.8426
17602 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Deluxe 170.786 1 0.3 0
60610 Central FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Safco Value 198.744 4 0.3 0
80219 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Logitech MX Performance
63.824 Wireless
2 Mouse 0.2 13.5626
98103 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Delu 435.168 4 0.2 -59.8356
77070 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Logitech LS21 47.976
Speaker System -3PC Multimedia
0.2 8.3958
- 2.1-CH - Wired
90045 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Prang Color 26.46 9 0 11.907
23602 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon Base 194.7 5 0 9.735
90036 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Stur-D-Stor 221.96 2 0 4.4392
98115 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMaxell 74 41.94 2 0 15.0984
68104 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Every-D 563.94 3 0 112.788
7960 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesSanyo Count 2625.12 8 0 735.0336
19143 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes Hi 422.856 3 0.2 15.8571
10024 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Novimex Tu 127.764 2 0.1 2.8392
22153 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Samsung Ga 3499.93 7 0 909.9818
95661 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Cubicl 17.31 3 0 5.193
61107 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston KS 128.744 7 0.2 12.8744
19134 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing 6" Cubicle 58.248 9 0.2 11.6496
48234 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Premium Tr 146.86 7 0 70.4928
90004 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Jabra SPEA 225.576 3 0.2 22.5576
97477 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 313 5.248 2 0.2 0.4592
2908 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 213 12.96 2 0 6.2208
60623 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing 36X48 HA 25.176 3 0.6 -33.3582
75220 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Economy Ro 264.32 2 0.2 19.824
94122 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 2 25.92 4 0 12.4416
92553 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 220 19.44 3 0 9.3312
67846 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound 9.54 2 0 4.293
10035 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Value 14.91 3 0 4.6221
32839 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Trian 6.642 9 0.7 -4.428
13601 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound 18.54 2 0 8.7138
90032 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Chromcraft 189.576 1 0.2 9.4788
90004 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Logitech Mobile 539.92
Speakerphone5P710e - speaker
0.2 47.243
19711 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin 7 Ou 39.48 1 0 11.0544
48234 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHarmony Air 850.5 5 0.1 245.7
85023 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesFellowes C 325.632 6 0.2 28.4928
78521 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Airmail En 335.72 5 0.2 113.3055
40214 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs DMI Arturo 1207.84 8 0 314.0384
19711 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 34 59.52 3 0 15.4752
81001 West TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Zebra GK42 703.71 6 0.7 -938.28
90036 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs GuestStack 892.224 3 0.2 89.2224
27834 South TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines 3D Systems 1299.99 2 0.5 -571.9956
94110 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Roun 4.544 2 0.2 1.6472
43302 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Riverside F 1548.99 9 0.4 -464.697
75081 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech K 119.448 3 0.2 -13.4379
35810 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 316 19.56 4 0 5.4768
89115 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Contem 80.96 4 0 29.1456
90049 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin F9G 106.96 2 0 31.0184
44107 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC ProCli 76.776 4 0.7 -53.7432
68025 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Standar 53.9 5 0 25.872
77340 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Howard Mil 76.728 3 0.6 -53.7096
90036 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 334 99.2 5 0 25.792
28806 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Fluorescent 15.92 5 0.2 2.786
71111 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tenex Chai 129.92 4 0 10.3936
2908 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Plast 30.4 1 0 13.984
2149 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1977 40.08 6 0 19.2384
91730 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesEureka The 152.94 3 0 41.2938
28205 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMaxell 74 23.472 3 0.2 4.9878
2908 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1917 195.64 4 0 91.9508
48640 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesKensington 186.732 1 0.1 41.496
14609 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Black Avery 26.424 9 0.2 9.5787
49201 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Chromcraft 1568.61 9 0 329.4081
23434 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin 8 Ou 179.94 3 0 50.3832
94513 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Alphabetica 88.8 6 0 44.4
98103 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Stac 167.888 7 0.2 14.6902
77036 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper White Dual 163.96 5 0.2 59.4355
1841 East TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Canon PC10 1199.98 2 0 467.9922
48234 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1950 11.56 2 0 5.6644
84057 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Avery Hi-Li 11.68 2 0 4.2048
19120 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex 25 40.776 3 0.2 0.5097
85204 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Samsung H 87.8 5 0.2 32.925
28314 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Computer 77.952 3 0.2 15.5904
90032 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesFellowes 8 250.26 6 0 72.5754
19140 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex 25 40.776 3 0.2 0.5097
80906 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper It's Hot Me 29.6 5 0.2 9.25
90032 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMicrosoft 159.96 4 0 51.1872
10009 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 34 59.52 3 0 15.4752
94109 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHoover Co 40.74 3 0 12.222
78745 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Com 179.886 1 0.3 -2.5698
44105 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHoover Sho 286.256 1 0.2 17.891
10009 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Avery Hi-Li 17.52 3 0 6.3072
79907 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt DIXON Tico 17.856 4 0.2 4.2408
32303 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Logitech VX Revolution
431.976 Cordless
3 Laser Mouse
0.2 -75.5958
for Notebooks (Black)
98103 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Woo 291.136 4 0.2 -25.4744
75220 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Jet-Pak Rec 114.848 4 0.2 35.89
77070 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1977 10.688 2 0.2 3.7408
45503 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper TOPS Voice 15.232 4 0.2 5.5216
98103 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt BIC Brite L 12.42 3 0 5.2164
98105 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 202 19.44 3 0 9.3312
10024 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 70.368 4 0.2 26.388
28205 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 310 12.672 9 0.2 1.4256
21215 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones invisibleS 89.95 5 0 43.176
94110 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Tops Wireb 6.58 2 0 3.0268
85705 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Samsung H 35.12 2 0.2 13.17
90036 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 203 25.92 4 0 12.4416
6708 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Prese 7.96 2 0 3.7412
60610 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMaxell 4. 25.488 2 0.2 4.779
11561 East OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Bagged Ru 7.56 6 0 0.3024
22204 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Seth Thoma 60.84 3 0 19.4688
28540 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Dana Swin 17.088 2 0.2 1.068
43229 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt OIC #2 Pen 3.008 2 0.2 0.3384
28205 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1938 268.24 7 0.2 93.884
14215 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones LF Elite 3D 43.6 4 0 12.208
77041 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Eureka Rec 15.552 3 0.2 5.4432
38109 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1909 42.208 2 0.2 13.7176
75023 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1998 10.368 2 0.2 3.6288
97301 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Prang Draw 2.224 1 0.2 0.556
31907 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 74.52 9 0 35.0244
21044 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 312 17.52 3 0 5.256
97206 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Premium Wri 7.152 3 0.2 0.7152
32303 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1968 26.72 5 0.2 9.352
92503 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Apple iPho 1039.728 2 0.2 90.9762
43130 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Ibimas 456.588 2 0.7 -304.392
94109 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Poly String 6.12 3 0 2.8764
92553 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesStaple hold 10.98 1 0 2.9646
23320 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesEureka The 203.92 4 0 55.0584
60623 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Prem 8.568 3 0.8 -14.5656
28205 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon Port 45.248 2 0.2 3.9592
10009 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 485 25.06 2 0 11.7782
60653 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Recycl 2.89 1 0.8 -4.7685
19120 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco PRESS 4.842 3 0.7 -3.3894
60623 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 1.8 5 0.8 -2.88
75217 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech W 39.984 2 0.2 -1.4994
89115 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1930 32.4 5 0 15.876
79109 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Vtech CS6 307.168 4 0.2 30.7168
6457 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco PRESS 26.9 5 0 13.181
10035 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes #10 White 47.01 3 0 22.0947
19120 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco Stu 324.744 3 0.2 -77.1267
93727 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Contem 40.48 2 0 14.5728
37064 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 510 12 4 0.2 4.2
27604 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders XtraLife Cl 30.828 7 0.7 -24.6624
20735 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound 4.77 1 0 2.1465
90049 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Riverside P 1497.666 2 0.15 140.9568
89031 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Panasonic K 113.22 3 0 29.4372
94109 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Binder Clip 11.84 8 0 5.6832
2920 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Recycled D 592.74 6 0 160.0398
38301 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tenex Perso 111.672 9 0.2 6.9795
19711 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 340 8.64 3 0 2.5056
90036 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Iceberg Nes 232.88 5 0.2 17.466
13440 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Fabr 90.882 1 0.1 15.147
60610 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones ClearOne Communications
508.768 CHAT
4 70 OC Speaker
0.2 38.1576
92105 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs SAFCO Opti 63.936 3 0.2 6.3936
77036 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones I Need's 3d 19.136 2 0.2 1.9136
33407 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Crayola Col 13.12 5 0.2 2.132
90045 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Iceberg Of 241.568 2 0.2 -15.098
98103 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Sup 307.136 4 0.2 -11.5176
50315 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Poly String 6.12 3 0 2.8764
10024 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin F5C 45.96 2 0 13.788
22204 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Durabl 58.05 3 0 26.703
78577 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Hon 61000 S 124.404 4 0.3 -21.3264
22204 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1988 154.9 5 0 69.705
77070 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Two-To 16.192 2 0.6 -6.8816
75061 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Akro Stacki 18.936 3 0.2 -3.7872
60653 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Astroparch 8.448 2 0.2 2.9568
90049 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1949 9.96 2 0 4.8804
39401 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesEureka The 320.64 4 0 89.7792
10024 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Pre-Pun 25.584 2 0.2 8.9544
44221 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC VeloBi 18.528 4 0.7 -12.352
98103 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieKingston D 17.9 2 0 3.401
85204 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage SAFCO Boltl 272.736 3 0.2 -64.7748
84106 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1888 166.44 3 0 79.8912
90045 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound 13.38 2 0 6.1548
28540 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Imation 8gb Micro 24
Traveldrive 2Usb 2.0 Flash
0.2 Drive-2.7
44107 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Security-Ti 24.448 4 0.2 8.8624
92630 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Smead Alph 6.16 2 0 2.9568
97206 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1930 31.104 6 0.2 11.2752
28205 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 518 5.04 2 0.2 1.764
60505 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tenex Chai 242.176 4 0.6 -302.72
19140 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Global Adap 337.176 2 0.4 -118.0116
80229 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 344 13.344 6 0.2 1.0008
95616 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1931 32.4 5 0 15.552
72701 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 327 19.89 9 0 5.3703
10011 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 13.92 3 0.2 4.35
26003 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Stan 82.4 5 0 40.376
38109 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin Prem 272.048 7 0.2 30.6054
77036 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1886 76.64 2 0.2 26.824
75217 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 4.464 1 0.2 1.674
94122 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHoover Sho 715.64 2 0 178.91
95037 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Hon 4060 S 268.704 3 0.2 6.7176
60174 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Delta 30.344 2 0.6 -31.8612
44105 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Letter/Lega 25.696 2 0.2 1.9272
10024 East TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Hewlett-Pa 3404.5 5 0 1668.205
19140 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global High 344.372 4 0.3 -93.4724
75043 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Hunt Power 30.384 1 0.2 3.798
92024 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Prem 22.848 2 0.2 7.4256
6708 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon ProFi 38.62 2 0 10.8136
21044 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Arch 174.3 3 0 81.921
33021 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Vtech CS6 383.96 5 0.2 38.396
22153 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Heav 22.32 4 0 10.7136
10035 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMaxell 4.7 2.97 3 0 1.3365
75217 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Safco Draft 298.116 6 0.3 -4.2588
10024 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 319 59.52 3 0 17.856
97206 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Bevis Steel 230.28 3 0.2 23.028
94513 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 23.36 2 0 11.68
92037 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Task 81.424 2 0.2 -9.1602
75081 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 39.582 9 0.8 -59.373
79907 Central OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Plymouth B 18.84 5 0.2 -3.5325
10035 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Accohide Po 5.984 2 0.2 2.244
2151 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Rogers Prof 66.96 4 0 2.6784
95928 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Delu 435.168 4 0.2 -59.8356
33023 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco Co 81.36 5 0.2 -19.323
90049 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper REDIFORM I 33.36 4 0 16.68
80219 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bush Westfi 90.882 3 0.7 -190.8522
19134 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Cisco IP P 519.792 4 0.4 -112.6216
39212 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Samsung Ga 659.97 3 0 197.991
90045 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Heav 5.104 1 0.2 1.6588
77095 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Message Bo 16.448 2 0.2 5.5512
7011 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesKensington 81.92 4 0 22.1184
60623 Central OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Staples 15.12 5 0.2 4.914
98115 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Round Ring 8.32 5 0.2 2.808
11561 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones invisibleS 89.95 5 0 43.176
53081 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Permanent S 25.2 4 0 11.592
33433 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Twin L 39.936 4 0.7 -26.624
80013 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 4.896 3 0.7 -3.4272
92037 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMicrosoft 199.75 5 0 87.89
98105 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Rege 12.18 7 0 3.8976
52001 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Cisco SPA5 263.96 4 0 76.5484
90032 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech W 299.94 6 0 128.9742
1852 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Cisco IP Phone 7961G
271.9 VoIP phone -
2 Dark gray
0 78.851
98270 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Alliance Su 93.36 12 0 0.9336
73120 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco Stu 541.24 4 0 5.4124
19134 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1909 126.624 6 0.2 41.1528
80013 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Griffin GC3 125.944 7 0.2 15.743
10009 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC DocuBi 663.92 5 0.2 207.475
43130 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Nu-Dell Ex 60.672 6 0.2 12.8928
95351 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Panasonic 52.792 1 0.2 4.6193
63116 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBlack & De 83.9 10 0 20.975
75217 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAcco 6 Out 4.992 3 0.8 -12.9792
10035 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Deflect-o 210.68 2 0 50.5632
78207 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSanDisk Ul 106.08 6 0.2 -9.282
79109 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Executive 23.076 3 0.6 -10.9611
77041 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1884 47.952 3 0.2 16.1838
1841 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Standa 37.68 6 0 16.956
31907 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin 7-O 41.91 3 0 10.8966
90032 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Sauder Face 435.999 3 0.15 5.1294
98115 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Padded Fold 388.704 6 0.2 38.8704
2138 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Mi 63.88 4 0 24.9132
84106 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Trape 295.056 9 0.2 106.9578
10035 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHoneywell 393.25 5 0 129.7725
44221 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Trian 2.214 3 0.7 -1.476
28403 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Strathmore 16.272 3 0.2 5.2884
10035 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAvanti 1.7 706.86 7 0 197.9208
19140 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Durab 5.97 5 0.7 -4.577
10009 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 315 17.94 3 0 4.485
19134 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Standa 2.655 1 0.7 -1.8585
90049 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Hot File 7- 892.35 5 0 267.705
11561 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1881 61.4 5 0 28.858
14609 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones AT&T SB67 263.96 4 0 71.2692
94109 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech G 239.97 3 0 86.3892
77340 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage SAFCO Boltl 454.56 5 0.2 -107.958
30344 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Stack 27.42 3 0 9.3228
10009 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Premiu 134.272 8 0.2 46.9952
97477 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 477 146.544 6 0.2 47.6268
22204 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Aluminum 61.1 5 0 18.33
28403 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHarmony HE 28.08 3 0.2 5.265
85364 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 351 10.496 4 0.2 1.1808
92404 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Large Capa 39.92 2 0.2 12.974
21215 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAcco Six-Ou 77.58 9 0 20.1708
98103 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Advantus R 269.36 7 0 70.0336
94110 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery File 5.76 2 0 2.8224
10035 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Panasonic 109.9 5 0 32.97
98115 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Staple-bas 23.88 3 0 10.5072
87105 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon Mobi 118.25 5 0 34.2925
90045 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieKingston D 26.85 3 0 5.1015
90045 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 476 8.26 2 0 3.7996
77041 Central FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Sauder Miss 89.0664 1 0.32 -17.0274
19140 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Del 215.544 4 0.3 -58.5048
60623 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Peel & See 55.584 6 0.2 20.844
76903 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Situations 248.43 5 0.3 -17.745
77506 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Colorific W 20.64 5 0.2 2.322
90049 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Electrix F 148.02 3 0 41.4456
67846 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes B 33.29 1 0 7.9896
90045 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1919 204.95 5 0 100.4255
60653 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Every-D 526.344 4 0.3 -75.192
94110 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Magnifier 41.96 2 0 10.9096
19134 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Globe Weis 30.672 3 0.2 9.585
95351 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Low 161.568 2 0.2 -28.2744
77070 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders UniKeep Vi 2.934 3 0.8 -4.9878
60610 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Seth Thoma 64.96 5 0.6 -43.848
92503 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMaxell 74 41.94 2 0 15.0984
75081 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tenex Tradi 72.78 3 0.6 -70.9605
90008 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1881 36.84 3 0 17.3148
33801 South FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables BPI Confer 562.2925 7 0.45 -255.5875
10035 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon 200 C 56.52 9 0 21.4776
19140 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 326 11.264 8 0.2 1.2672
92037 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 508 14.73 3 0 7.2177
73505 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHoneywell 471.9 6 0 155.727
24153 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Easy-stapl 49.12 4 0 23.0864
92704 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery File 20.16 7 0 9.8784
57701 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 10.68 2 0 5.0196
98115 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Acco Perma 32.48 2 0 4.872
6457 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieWD My Pass 238 2 0 38.08
21215 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bush Andor 239.372 2 0.3 -23.9372
92105 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieWD My Pass 595 5 0 95.2
79762 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1959 16.032 3 0.2 5.6112
6460 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMicrosoft 199.75 5 0 87.89
7109 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Comfor 227.96 2 0 36.4736
10035 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesFellowes P 293.52 6 0 76.3152
92105 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Contempor 96.96 6 0 33.936
94122 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Laminate O 863.128 7 0.2 -32.3673
98105 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Hon 5100 S 2036.86 7 0 366.6348
39212 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Panasonic K 264.18 7 0 68.6868
90049 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 49 2.88 1 0 1.4112
60623 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1943 156.512 4 0.2 52.8228
10035 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Sortfiler M 128.34 6 0 37.2186
90008 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieKensington 474.95 5 0 142.485
98198 West TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Hewlett Pac 999.98 2 0 449.991
97477 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Balt Split 277.5 4 0.5 -188.7
19120 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bevis Oval 1252.704 8 0.4 -480.2032
60653 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Flat Face 22.608 3 0.6 -10.1736
60623 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1909 63.312 3 0.2 20.5764
60623 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 7.824 1 0.2 2.934
10024 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Adams Phon 62.82 9 0 29.5254
20852 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 202 19.44 3 0 9.3312
10011 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1905 38.88 6 0 18.6624
27707 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Dura 6.048 7 0.7 -4.2336
93101 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Spiral Pho 8.96 2 0 4.3904
37918 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Maxell LTO Ultrium
89.568- 800 GB 4 0.2 -1.1196
60610 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Data F 10.43 5 0.8 -18.2525
10024 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes D 67.15 5 0 16.7875
32114 South FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bretford C 191.5155 1 0.45 -76.6062
37211 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Ibimas 1369.764 6 0.7 -913.176
37211 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesEureka The 81.568 2 0.2 7.1372
75220 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Executive 44.46 5 0.6 -17.784
37130 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 6.336 4 0.7 -4.6464
75217 Central OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Colored Pu 4.344 3 0.2 0.8688
76017 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Akro Stacki 12.624 2 0.2 -2.5248
91104 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper IBM Multi- 185.88 6 0 83.646
2149 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1939 189.7 10 0 91.056
12180 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Deflect-o 82.64 2 0 7.4376
30328 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Bulldog Va 35.97 3 0 9.7119
95123 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage File Shuttle 169.45 5 0 42.3625
32216 South OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Kleencut F 3.328 2 0.2 0.416
32216 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Woodgrain 4.768 2 0.2 -0.7748
10009 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 23.744 2 0.2 8.3104
94122 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones BlackBerry 806.336 8 0.2 50.396
31907 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Space Solut 344.91 3 0 10.3473
60505 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesTripp Lite 70.97 5 0.8 -191.619
19134 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones ClearOne CHATAttach
743.988 160 - speaker
2 phone
0.4 -123.998
60653 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Performers 11.212 2 0.8 -16.818
98103 West TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Hewlett Pac 299.99 1 0 89.997
48066 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper White Dual 368.91 9 0 180.7659
72701 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1958 19.44 3 0 9.3312
28540 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Heavy-Duty 13.092 4 0.7 -10.0372
10035 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesKensington 122.94 3 0 30.735
19901 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Square Cre 19.98 2 0 5.1948
60505 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Balt Split 69.375 1 0.5 -47.175
10009 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon 4700 S 2563.056 8 0.1 313.2624
92020 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Every-D 387.136 4 0.2 4.8392
45503 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 320 3.424 1 0.2 0.2996
10550 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Dual Level, 1085.42 7 0 282.2092
44107 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Universal 43.056 9 0.2 15.6078
33614 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Durab 3.762 3 0.7 -2.7588
31907 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco Do 675.06 3 0 87.7578
28540 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Tyvek Top 65.232 3 0.2 22.0158
60174 Central TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Star Micro 600.53 2 0.3 137.264
33180 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 229 31.104 6 0.2 10.8864
45373 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Plastic 10.332 3 0.7 -7.5768
98103 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Binder Pos 18.368 4 0.2 5.9696
10011 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Panasonic 299.9 2 0 74.975
22204 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Redi-Strip 26.55 9 0 12.744
28205 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Stackable T 4.928 2 0.2 0.7392
95661 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Economy #2 7.98 3 0 2.0748
48234 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Tyvek Side 180.96 2 0 81.432
90036 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Logitech Z-906
Speaker sys - home
5 theater0 - 5.1-CH
94110 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Motorola L 73.584 2 0.2 8.2782
93309 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables SAFCO Plan 486.368 4 0.2 36.4776
74133 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 202 32.4 5 0 15.552
94122 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 325 37.17 9 0 11.151
77036 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Recycled St 137.352 3 0.2 8.5845
31907 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Artistic In 62.72 4 0 24.4608
77573 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Deluxe 512.358 3 0.3 -14.6388
27217 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Pencil and 1.752 1 0.2 0.1533
10009 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Personal F 11.21 1 0 3.363
75220 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston Elec 45.04 2 0.2 4.504
77095 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Recyc 15.624 2 0.8 -24.9984
11561 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesDisposable 8.74 2 0 2.2724
33012 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Decoflex Ha 61.68 5 0.2 5.397
60505 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Poly 2.864 4 0.8 -4.5824
7109 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1886 143.7 3 0 68.976
10024 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMaxell CD- 7.88 4 0 2.5216
1810 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Personal F 11.21 1 0 3.363
19711 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Twin L 299.52 9 0 149.76
22204 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Avery Hi-Li 7.7 2 0 3.157
35601 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1983 23.92 4 0 11.7208
92345 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Woo 436.704 6 0.2 -38.2116
23320 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 192 32.4 5 0 15.552
90036 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesKensington 61.44 3 0 16.5888
35810 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Sterilite O 73.36 7 0 19.8072
37918 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 505 59.2 5 0.2 22.2
1841 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon 200 31.4 5 0 13.188
19134 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Career Cubi 32.448 2 0.2 7.3008
30605 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Deflect-o G 186.54 3 0 41.0388
59405 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon Simpl 87.08 7 0 24.3824
79907 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 319 31.744 2 0.2 3.968
34741 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Samsung Ga 751.984 2 0.2 84.5982
98105 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Mitel 5320 604.768 4 0.2 60.4768
95051 West OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Desig 27.36 4 0 7.3872
90049 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bretford R 902.712 3 0.2 33.8517
93727 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Safco Value 120.666 2 0.15 21.294
76106 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Standa 4.984 1 0.8 -8.4728
98105 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Howard Mil 82.26 3 0 33.7266
94110 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Acco Perma 29.74 1 0 4.461
94110 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAcco 6 Out 87.36 6 0 23.5872
33068 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAPC 7 Outl 64.384 1 0.2 8.048
77095 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Carina 42" 64.784 1 0.2 -14.5764
60653 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Ampad Poly 10.896 3 0.2 3.405
94109 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones i.Sound Po 84.784 2 0.2 -20.1362
77036 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Harbour Cre 241.5 4 0.3 0
6484 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMicropad 59.97 3 0 14.9925
94601 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Pressboard 11.808 3 0.2 4.1328
6040 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Acco Perma 16.24 1 0 2.436
7050 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesFellowes Su 76.12 2 0 22.0748
44312 East OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners OIC Colored 17.184 6 0.2 6.2292
90032 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Adams Tele 11.76 2 0 5.7624
6810 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Wood 27.46 2 0 9.8856
2038 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Jensen SMPS-640 137.94
- speaker phone
3 0 35.8644
28403 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1913 310.688 7 0.2 108.7408
77095 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC VeloBi 7.68 5 0.8 -11.52
45503 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Star 155.372 2 0.3 -35.5136
85301 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Neat Ideas 10.744 1 0.2 0.8058
10009 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Arch 232.4 5 0.2 78.435
90036 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1883 105.52 4 0 48.5392
19711 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing 36X48 HA 83.92 4 0 5.8744
92404 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Recycl 110.528 4 0.2 38.6848
27217 South FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Hon Racetr 630.024 4 0.4 -199.5076
24153 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt 4009 Highl 27.86 7 0 9.1938
75217 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bevis Tradi 933.408 4 0.3 -173.3472
76017 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 214 51.84 10 0.2 18.144
52302 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Easy-stapl 106.32 3 0 49.9704
98105 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Velobi 147.92 5 0.2 46.225
8701 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Imation 8gb Micro 45
Traveldrive 3Usb 2.0 Flash
0 Drive4.95
45231 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC VeloBi 18.432 8 0.7 -12.288
80229 West OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Desig 10.944 2 0.2 0.9576
48066 Central OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Staple rem 4.36 2 0 0.1744
85281 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSanDisk Ul 62.352 6 0.2 -10.9116
19601 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon "L" 303.92 5 0.2 -30.392
55124 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Space Solu 129.3 2 0 6.465
21215 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Howard Mil 274.2 10 0 112.422
78415 Central OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Revere Box 6.048 4 0.2 -1.3608
89115 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 45.584 11 0.2 16.5242
44105 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMaxell 4. 25.488 2 0.2 4.4604
98105 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Green Canva 136.96 4 0.2 51.36
60623 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Seidio BD2 49.616 2 0.2 4.9616
43229 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Ampad Gold 10.584 3 0.2 3.4398
85705 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1883 84.416 4 0.2 27.4352
19120 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Wilson Sig 431.94 2 0.4 -71.99
2920 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables KI Adjustab 240.744 4 0.3 -13.7568
94122 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Samsung Ga 1679.96 5 0.2 125.997
77070 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global High 344.372 4 0.3 -93.4724
90049 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Nortel Busi 222.384 2 0.2 22.2384
60653 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Task 106.869 3 0.3 -29.0073
77070 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 25.68 3 0.8 -39.804
6010 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 25.3 5 0 11.891
49423 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Smead Alph 7.5 2 0 3.6
87105 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones AT&T TR1 302.376 3 0.2 22.6782
80027 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieBelkin Sta 46.688 4 0.2 -2.918
10024 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Perma STOR 17.94 3 0 3.0498
6360 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHoneywell 370.14 3 0 144.3546
94122 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Heav 8.928 2 0.2 3.1248
46060 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Balt Solid 2678.94 6 0 241.1046
37042 South FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases O'Sullivan 387.136 4 0.2 -14.5176
33021 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon Simpl 9.952 1 0.2 0.9952
17403 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Tuf-Vin Bin 37.896 4 0.7 -29.0536
85204 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1882 44.784 1 0.2 16.2342
10024 East TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Star Micro 1035.8 4 0 269.308
94110 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 335 5.76 2 0 1.6704
90036 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Hammermill 19.98 2 0 8.991
68104 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Griffin GC1 35.98 2 0 10.0744
19120 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt BIC Liqua B 16.656 3 0.2 3.3312
10024 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 473 20.7 2 0 9.936
49505 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Poly D 83.7 5 0 41.013
98115 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing 12-1/2 Dia 199.8 10 0 71.928
93727 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1982 45.68 2 0 21.0128
22204 South TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines HP Designje 8749.95 5 0 2799.984
90049 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Brites Rubb 5.94 3 0 0.1188
79424 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper TOPS 4 x 6 60.736 8 0.2 20.4984
80501 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieWD My Pass 165.6 3 0.2 -6.21
10701 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 345 59.52 3 0 15.4752
90045 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Square Cre 15.984 2 0.2 1.1988
90049 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 204 12.96 2 0 6.2208
79109 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Star 366.744 4 0.3 -110.0232
75217 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Pressboard 8.856 9 0.8 -14.1696
48205 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMaxell 4. 175.23 11 0 61.3305
10035 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Pre-Pun 25.584 2 0.2 8.9544
77041 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Deflect-o 73.784 2 0.6 -77.4732
32839 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 227 20.736 4 0.2 7.2576
41042 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Quartet Om 17.52 3 0 8.2344
10009 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 322 3.64 2 0 0.9828
75034 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Nu-Dell Ex 30.336 6 0.6 -17.4432
7501 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tensor "Her 12.99 1 0 1.5588
43229 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Ultra Door 54.992 14 0.2 8.9362
53209 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Cyber Acou 12.99 1 0 0.2598
94109 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Adams Tele 55.86 7 0 27.93
43229 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones OtterBox D 44.376 2 0.4 -7.396
90008 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Lea 241.424 2 0.2 -36.2136
48227 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper REDIFORM I 33.36 4 0 16.68
31907 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 508 9.82 2 0 4.8118
94122 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Imation Clip USB flash
56.4 drive - 83GB 0 3.384
19143 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Aluminum S 18.312 4 0.7 -12.208
90008 West TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Hewlett Pac 479.984 2 0.2 59.998
19140 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco Lo 33.568 2 0.2 1.6784
10035 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech G 199.98 2 0 83.9916
31907 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Two-To 20.24 1 0 8.7032
90049 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Mi 39 3 0 17.55
80013 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Deflect-O G 24.64 4 0.2 4.004
77041 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 479 6.264 3 0.2 2.0358
60623 Central TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Brother DC 719.976 3 0.2 134.9955
35601 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieAnker Ultr 239.92 8 0 23.992
22153 South FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Iceberg Of 1056.86 7 0 158.529
33317 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech G 447.944 7 0.2 89.5888
77041 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Wireless E 453.576 3 0.2 39.6879
53209 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Exe 1454.9 5 0 378.274
32771 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco PRESST 4.842 3 0.7 -3.5508
75056 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Apple EarP 67.176 3 0.2 6.7176
45373 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 227 31.104 6 0.2 10.8864
11550 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico EB-1 968.744 7 0.2 314.8418
75081 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1962 10.272 3 0.2 3.21
77041 Central TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines StarTech.c 998.85 5 0.4 -199.77
10035 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Easy-stapl 24.56 2 0 11.5432
94110 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Revere Box 5.67 3 0 0.1134
34952 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHoover Por 14.336 4 0.2 0.896
3301 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Luxo Profe 102.3 1 0 26.598
55901 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Office Imp 607.52 2 0 97.2032
40214 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 479 2.61 1 0 1.2006
78666 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Contempora 10.332 3 0.6 -5.9409
92025 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Standar 17.248 2 0.2 6.0368
19134 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 11.088 7 0.7 -8.1312
90049 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Logitech P710e
Mobile Speakerphone
5 0 244.6155
19140 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes N 51.968 2 0.2 -10.3936
19120 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Premium Wri 4.768 2 0.2 0.4768
11550 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Letter or L 7.98 3 0 3.9102
80634 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 18.688 2 0.2 7.008
32216 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech G 191.976 3 0.2 38.3952
22204 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Storex Dur 11.88 2 0 5.346
94122 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Legal 67.136 4 0.2 25.176
93727 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 4.32 3 0.2 1.512
89502 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Panasonic 475.944 7 0.2 59.493
78207 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Imation Clip USB flash
30.08 drive - 82GB 0.2 -5.264
2740 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieVerbatim 25 23.18 2 0 7.6494
10035 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Seth Thoma 56.96 2 0 21.0752
93030 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieKensington 82.95 5 0 29.0325
90036 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 345 39.68 2 0 10.3168
94601 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech W 479.97 3 0 177.5889
98026 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 487 7.38 2 0 3.4686
90004 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Lesro Sheff 399.672 7 0.2 -14.9877
10024 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Adjustable 65.12 4 0 16.9312
75217 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Linden 10" 30.56 5 0.6 -19.864
37064 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesFellowes B 20.768 2 0.2 2.3364
85023 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon Simpl 39.808 4 0.2 3.9808
33178 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Catalog Bi 121.104 6 0.7 -100.92
80906 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Southworth 15.696 3 0.2 5.1012
10011 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Mobile Per 70.26 3 0 18.9702
18018 East FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Safco Value 177.45 5 0.5 -78.078
19140 East FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bush Somer 130.98 2 0.5 -89.0664
40214 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Hunt Bosto 174.95 5 0 45.487
98105 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Luxo Econ 139.58 7 0 39.0824
53142 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech 399.95 5 0 143.982
42420 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders ACCOHIDE 3 12.39 3 0 5.8233
75217 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Ibimas 760.98 5 0.8 -1141.47
85345 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Vinyl Secti 67.86 6 0.7 -45.24
28540 South OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners OIC Binder 31.504 11 0.2 11.814
90032 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Padded Fold 194.352 3 0.2 19.4352
37211 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Pus 97.424 2 0.2 10.9602
28205 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes Hi 704.76 5 0.2 26.4285
98103 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners OIC Thumb 5.7 5 0 2.679
60623 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Durab 0.836 1 0.8 -1.3376
45231 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound 30.96 6 0.2 11.223
33311 South FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases O'Sullivan 723.92 5 0.2 -81.441
77041 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Wood 21.968 4 0.6 -15.9268
90712 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Flat Face 94.2 5 0 39.564
94122 West OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Tagit 49.5 5 0 13.365
19140 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 31 16.52 5 0.2 1.652
98115 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 55.36 4 0.2 19.376
90036 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Easy-stapl 17.12 4 0 7.704
44105 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon "L" 182.352 3 0.2 -18.2352
62521 Central OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Vinyl Coate 18.368 2 0.2 6.1992
76063 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Hon 2111 In 517.405 5 0.3 -81.3065
77070 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco PRESS 8.608 8 0.8 -13.3424
23223 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHoneywell E 2104.55 7 0 694.5015
22204 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMaxell 4. 47.79 3 0 16.2486
94122 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt DIXON Orio 5.16 2 0 1.3416
92024 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Imation USB 2.021.21
Swivel Flash Drive USB flash
7 0 drive -
4.45414 GB - Pink
13601 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Letter/Lega 96.36 6 0 25.0536
90036 West OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Premier Ele 231.72 2 0 11.586
19140 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Eldon Spac 8.016 3 0.2 1.1022
44312 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Cisco IP P 259.896 2 0.4 -56.3108
94110 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieNETGEAR N7 450 5 0 162
49505 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1993 19.44 3 0 9.5256
94109 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bretford R 300.904 1 0.2 11.2839
37211 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones HTC One 239.976 3 0.2 26.9973
19120 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHoover Rep 3.552 2 0.2 0.444
77041 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Griffin GC1 115.136 8 0.2 11.5136
89502 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Sterling Ru 4.71 1 0 0
10009 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Sup 172.764 2 0.1 13.4372
90008 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones OtterBox C 79.968 4 0.2 -17.9928
92037 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bevis Oval 626.352 3 0.2 -23.4882
94110 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Sauder Fore 359.499 3 0.15 -29.6058
92105 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Belkin iPho 71.952 6 0.2 5.3964
44035 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Prestige R 1.824 1 0.7 -1.3984
77070 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAPC 7 Outl 64.384 4 0.8 -160.96
33178 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1898 37.408 7 0.2 13.0928
98115 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Deluxe Cha 46.2 4 0 21.252
37130 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMaxell CD- 4.728 3 0.2 0.7092
63116 Central OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme 10" Ea 52.59 3 0 15.777
98105 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1997 19.44 3 0 9.3312
10024 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Acco Perma 64.96 4 0 9.744
55125 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Hot File 7- 535.41 3 0 160.623
37421 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders 3M Organiz 8.1 5 0.7 -5.94
19140 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt BIC Brite L 13.248 4 0.2 3.6432
70506 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Panasonic 73.2 5 0 21.228
46226 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Poly 10.74 3 0 5.1552
97123 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing 9-3/4 Diam 11.032 1 0.2 3.0338
2138 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 341 17.12 4 0 4.9648
92105 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Antis 210.58 2 0 12.6348
10009 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Fellowes P 3050.376 3 0.2 1143.891
32303 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Snap-A-Way 93.248 4 0.2 31.4712
43615 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 501 17.712 6 0.2 5.9778
21044 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin F9H 37.68 2 0 10.5504
30318 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Fellowes P 1270.99 1 0 635.495
95823 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Project Tot 14.03 1 0 4.0687
76106 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Eldon Spac 5.344 2 0.2 0.7348
43229 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieNETGEAR N7 288 4 0.2 57.6
80027 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Lunatik TT5 146.952 3 0.2 9.1845
27604 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliances3.6 Cubic F 942.784 4 0.2 94.2784
10024 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHoover Por 26.88 6 0 6.72
60623 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 311 3.536 2 0.2 0.3094
77340 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Airf 528.43 5 0.3 0
10024 East FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bush Andor 287.976 3 0.2 7.1994
97301 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Portable Pe 29.304 3 0.2 2.5641
77070 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Panasonic 55.328 2 0.2 6.2244
83301 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Heav 20.416 4 0.2 6.6352
37918 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 474 4.608 2 0.2 1.6704
85023 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Panasonic 195.96 5 0.2 19.596
28110 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Exe 698.352 3 0.2 52.3764
23223 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders SlimView Po 46.62 9 0 21.4452
77041 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Pyle PMP3 537.544 7 0.2 47.0351
90008 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 516 14.62 2 0 6.8714
84057 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 226 12.96 2 0 6.2208
05408 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Nortel Mer 1294.75 5 0 336.635
19134 East TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Hewlett Pa 1799.97 5 0.4 239.996
60623 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1959 10.688 2 0.2 3.7408
73120 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Samsung C 221.98 2 0 62.1544
10035 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieVerbatim 25 34.77 3 0 11.4741
84106 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 102.72 3 0.2 37.236
13501 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Contem 40.48 2 0 14.5728
19134 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Velobi 33.282 3 0.7 -27.735
90004 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Rediform S 37.52 4 0 18.0096
49201 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHoneywell E 207.144 3 0.1 48.3336
85301 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Star 266.352 3 0.2 13.3176
19805 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Nortel Mer 307.98 2 0 89.3142
78745 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1941 335.52 4 0.2 117.432
32839 South TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Canon Imag 959.984 2 0.2 311.9948
19601 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Colored En 8.856 3 0.2 2.8782
19134 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 474 6.912 3 0.2 2.5056
77095 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1898 26.72 5 0.2 9.352
63301 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1981 10.56 2 0 4.752
46203 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes St 386.34 2 0 54.0876
98115 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Durab 33.44 10 0.2 11.704
22801 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing 12-1/2 Dia 39.96 2 0 14.3856
14609 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Ibimas 1217.568 2 0.2 456.588
30328 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tenex Perso 15.51 1 0 3.8775
90004 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston Hom 70.95 3 0 18.447
94110 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech 9 89.97 3 0 39.5868
55407 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes D 67.15 5 0 16.7875
43229 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Fellowes Tw 7.236 3 0.7 -6.03
27604 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Geemarc A 74.24 1 0.2 8.352
10011 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 197 123.92 4 0 55.764
19143 East OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Hot Fo 55.6 5 0.2 6.255
83642 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Instan 21.312 3 0.2 7.992
95823 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech M 209.94 6 0 39.8886
28205 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Plantronics Encore35.96
H101 Dual Earpieces Headset
1 0.2 3.596
7501 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 503 31.05 3 0 14.904
22204 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAcco 6 Out 36.27 3 0 10.881
60653 Central FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bush Herita 493.43 5 0.3 -70.49
92037 West TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Okidata B4 686.4 2 0.2 77.22
98105 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Prese 15.92 5 0.2 5.373
43229 East TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Hewlett-Pac 101.994 2 0.7 -71.3958
77095 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 21.99 5 0.8 -32.985
75061 Central OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Premier Ele 185.376 2 0.2 -34.758
7960 East TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Lexmark 20 480 4 0 225.6
90008 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper TOPS Carbo 192.72 11 0 92.5056
60505 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieKingston D 50.12 7 0.2 -0.6265
27707 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones PayAnywhe 15.984 2 0.2 1.3986
43229 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 6.528 4 0.7 -4.5696
90036 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage SAFCO Comm 276.28 2 0 0
95207 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tenex "The 629.64 9 0 107.0388
65203 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Panasonic 449.97 3 0 220.4853
31907 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Val 121.78 2 0 30.445
92037 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs GuestStack 2676.672 9 0.2 267.6672
77590 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables SAFCO Plan 489.23 2 0.3 41.934
90004 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Luxo Profe 312.03 3 0 43.6842
22153 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Ativa D5772 494.97 3 0 148.491
62521 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Executive I 32.064 3 0.6 -12.8256
10009 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 477 30.53 1 0 14.0438
94110 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones I Need's 3d 66.976 7 0.2 6.6976
92553 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1991 182.72 8 0 84.0512
2149 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 519 21.93 3 0 10.3071
37421 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech M 95.976 3 0.2 15.5961
78745 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Hot File 7- 856.656 6 0.2 107.082
23464 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Luxo Adjus 177.68 2 0 46.1968
14701 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech 159.98 2 0 57.5928
33134 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Samsung H 52.68 3 0.2 19.755
28601 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Press 4.572 4 0.7 -3.81
61107 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Nokia Lumi 1439.968 4 0.2 143.9968
98103 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 334 99.2 5 0 25.792
77340 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Chromcraft 609.98 4 0.3 -113.282
53209 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tensor Tra 99.95 5 0 22.9885
54302 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Westinghou 16.74 2 0 4.3524
19120 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1981 12.672 3 0.2 3.96
90008 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Sanford 52 204.85 5 0 53.261
33161 South OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Serra 7.632 3 0.2 -1.8126
97206 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Rein 4.158 7 0.7 -3.465
60505 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Comfor 239.358 3 0.3 -47.8716
94109 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Green Bar 164.88 3 0 80.7912
94110 West OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Value 10.95 3 0 3.285
2740 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 214 19.44 3 0 9.3312
92037 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin 7-O 13.97 1 0 3.6322
38301 South FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bevis Roun 934.956 6 0.4 -249.3216
32216 South FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases O'Sullivan 155.456 4 0.2 -7.7728
92024 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1900 8.56 2 0 3.852
33012 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon 400 C 21 3 0.2 5.775
77070 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Blue Parrot B250XT
5 Grade Wireless
0.2 37.495
Bluetooth Headset with
23464 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing 3M Polariz 273.96 2 0 71.2296
77070 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Zipper Ring 1.248 2 0.8 -1.9344
19120 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieNETGEAR N7 72 1 0.2 14.4
38109 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco Ind 39.128 1 0.2 -8.8038
44107 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Rogers Han 19.728 9 0.2 1.7262
10011 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Airf 271.764 2 0.1 60.392
19120 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech G 47.496 1 0.2 -1.1874
90008 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bush Westf 344.981 7 0.15 28.4102
75220 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 22 36.288 7 0.2 12.7008
7050 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Dura 5.76 2 0 2.8224
75220 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Print 1.72 1 0.8 -2.838
60441 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Flip- 8.952 2 0.8 -14.7708
60623 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesCommercial 2.334 3 0.8 -6.3018
28540 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Seth Thoma 77.952 3 0.2 12.6672
65807 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Rege 9.68 2 0 3.7752
94110 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSony 32GB 104.75 5 0 21.9975
38401 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Mi 18.528 2 0.2 4.4004
33021 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1955 91.36 5 0.2 29.692
75081 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones OtterBox C 35.184 2 0.2 12.3144
77041 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Easy-stapl 56.704 2 0.2 19.1376
19140 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Star 458.43 5 0.3 -124.431
85023 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders SpineVue Lo 8.226 3 0.7 -6.0324
30328 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieKingston Di 5.95 1 0 0.833
99207 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSanDisk Ul 239.94 6 0 26.3934
53209 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Decoflex Ha 92.52 6 0 24.9804
45014 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound 3.816 1 0.2 1.1925
35810 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 26.16 4 0 12.8184
77036 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieHypercom 100.8 2 0.2 21.42
10011 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Floodlight 135.8 7 0 66.542
90008 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Prang Draw 13.9 5 0 3.753
88220 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Plast 13.488 2 0.2 4.3836
83201 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Adams Tele 17.64 3 0 8.6436
22153 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieCase Logic 99.98 2 0 7.9984
43615 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jone 166.92 13 0.7 -116.844
80525 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Dana Halog 98.328 3 0.2 9.8328
10024 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Star 117.882 1 0.1 1.3098
10035 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieAmazonBasi 20.97 3 0 9.0171
1752 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing C-Line Mag 14.82 3 0 6.2244
10801 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Cardinal Sl 13.904 2 0.2 4.5188
98103 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHoneywell 314.6 4 0 103.818
48227 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Deluxe 487.96 2 0 146.388
72701 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC DocuBi 1793.98 2 0 843.1706
62301 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Accohide Po 2.992 4 0.8 -4.488
10035 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 192 25.92 4 0 12.4416
77095 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Motorola H 55.176 3 0.2 -12.4146
48205 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Ibimas 9892.74 13 0 4946.37
85224 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Hon 2111 In 73.915 1 0.5 -45.8273
33021 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Deflect-o 337.088 4 0.2 16.8544
90049 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesKensington 61.44 3 0 16.5888
94122 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie NETGEAR AC1750
Dual Band Gigabit Smart
3 0 WiFi
94086 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Accohide Po 5.984 2 0.2 2.244
10011 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston 168 66.03 3 0 17.1678
90004 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound 10.86 2 0 5.3214
94122 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 308 3.36 2 0 0.84
92704 West OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Fiskars Sof 21.96 2 0 6.1488
98103 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Fr 21.98 2 0 8.5722
10011 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Olson 2621.322 11 0.1 553.3902
90045 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Nu-Dell Oa 74.76 7 0 23.9232
98103 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Hon Non-Fol 1115.17 7 0 334.551
92024 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Performers 89.696 4 0.2 33.636
10035 East OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Staples 36.48 6 0 18.24
60653 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1951 322.192 13 0.2 100.685
22801 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieVerbatim S 23.08 2 0 6.924
20852 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones AT&T 17929 90.48 2 0 23.5248
98198 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Leat 215.976 3 0.2 -2.6997
19134 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing C-Line Cub 11.352 3 0.2 2.6961
47201 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Recycled E 24.56 2 0 6.8768
65807 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 16.56 2 0 7.7832
42420 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage SAFCO Comm 828.84 6 0 0
44107 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Insertable 7.218 3 0.7 -5.5338
68104 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieBelkin F8E 89.97 3 0 18.8937
42420 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Cleat 318.08 4 0 34.9888
92704 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones OtterBox D 143.952 6 0.2 17.994
22153 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 318 5.56 2 0 1.4456
23434 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco Ind 146.73 3 0 2.9346
90049 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico EB-1 276.784 2 0.2 89.9548
77041 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHoover Com 93.032 2 0.8 -251.1864
27511 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Cisco Smal 246.168 3 0.2 21.5397
45503 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Safco Indus 295.4 5 0.2 -62.7725
40214 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Trav-L-File 348.56 8 0 104.568
45373 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1999 15.552 3 0.2 5.4432
48227 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Polycom CX 299.98 2 0 83.9944
47401 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 213 32.4 5 0 15.552
75081 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Clarity 537 369.544 7 0.2 27.7158
77041 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Lumber Cr 23.64 3 0.2 5.319
76117 Central OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Fiskars Spr 22.368 2 0.2 1.6776
23223 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Pastel Pink 36.4 5 0 17.472
90049 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Motorola 623.96 5 0.2 38.9975
19140 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Wilson Elec 429.6 2 0.4 -93.08
90036 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 488 22.05 7 0 10.584
90032 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesFellowes B 90.86 7 0 26.3494
94109 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Southworth 7.78 1 0 3.501
19120 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Binding Ma 78.759 9 0.7 -57.7566
77070 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Staple-bas 9.552 3 0.6 -3.8208
88001 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt BIC Brite L 8.28 2 0 3.4776
77070 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Iris 3-Draw 50.136 3 0.2 -11.2806
97756 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Trap 88.074 7 0.7 -58.716
44105 East FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases O'Sullivan 301.47 3 0.5 -241.176
20707 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Wood 27.46 2 0 9.8856
92037 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Toshiba IPT2010-SD555.96IP Telephone
5 0.2 41.697
27893 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes B 129.552 3 0.2 -22.6716
33710 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Surelock Po 18.336 2 0.7 -12.224
60089 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Logitech Gaming
G510s - Keyboard
7 0.2 95.1888
90049 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieRazer Krak 159.98 2 0 47.994
10011 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones LF Elite 3D 43.6 4 0 12.208
89115 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 8.288 2 0.2 3.0044
60540 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Transl 2.808 3 0.8 -4.4928
05408 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech W 99.98 2 0 42.9914
48234 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 138.56 4 0 66.5088
85323 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Dixon Tico 14.576 2 0.2 2.3686
19140 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon 500 19.312 2 0.2 3.1382
89115 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 195 40.08 6 0 19.2384
4401 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesEureka The 101.96 2 0 27.5292
37075 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Tuff Stuff 4.338 3 0.7 -3.0366
54703 Central FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bush Westfi 405.86 7 0 32.4688
60610 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMaxell 4.7 2.376 3 0.2 0.7425
92037 West TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Okidata MB 4476.8 4 0.2 503.64
39212 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1964 319.76 14 0 147.0896
93030 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tenex Chai 31.96 2 0 1.598
98031 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones OtterBox D 71.976 3 0.2 8.997
37211 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Recy 31.086 3 0.7 -20.724
10035 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones SmartStand 13.98 2 0 3.9144
92683 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Polycom VoiceStation
707.88 500 Conference phone
3 0.2 44.2425
18103 East OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Staple rem 3.488 2 0.2 -0.6976
78207 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Premiu 29.372 7 0.8 -46.9952
85323 West OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Office 47.992 7 0.2 3.5994
95123 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Southworth 39.96 2 0 19.1808
8861 East FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases O'Sullivan 120.98 1 0 12.098
10011 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Person 28.752 3 0.2 10.0632
90004 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Sanford Col 23.04 8 0 6.912
6460 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Colorific W 15.48 3 0 4.4892
61701 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieKensington 39.816 3 0.2 7.4655
98105 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Letter/Lega 16.06 1 0 4.1756
52601 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Pastel Pink 7.28 1 0 3.4944
95661 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 223 19.44 3 0 9.3312
94110 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Luxo Econ 39.88 2 0 11.1664
19120 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Self-Adhesi 20.664 7 0.2 6.9741
90049 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 222 32.4 5 0 15.552
79762 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHolmes Rep 13.762 1 0.8 -24.7716
55407 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Security-Ti 15.28 2 0 7.4872
19120 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Iris Project 44.688 7 0.2 3.3516
70506 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 52 11.07 3 0 5.2029
77803 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Standa 7.536 6 0.8 -13.188
90008 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin 5 O 381.36 7 0 106.7808
90049 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Prang Dustl 6.72 4 0 3.36
90045 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Cardinal HO 15.192 3 0.2 5.5071
85023 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC DocuBi 946.764 6 0.7 -694.2936
90036 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Ultra Door 94.68 9 0 31.2444
43229 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Deflect-o 147.568 2 0.2 -3.6892
32303 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Easy-stapl 56.784 7 0.2 20.5842
94122 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Hidd 14.304 6 0.2 4.6488
94109 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 350 9.84 3 0 2.8536
10009 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Presstex Fl 3.64 1 0.2 1.365
52302 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC White G 115.84 8 0 54.4448
90008 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Catalog Bi 107.648 2 0.2 33.64
71603 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMicrosoft 199.95 5 0 63.984
65203 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Val 60.89 1 0 15.2225
57401 Central OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Titan 25.5 3 0 6.63
98103 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Leat 215.976 3 0.2 -2.6997
48227 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs High-Back 389.97 3 0 35.0973
38109 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Mead 1st Ge 11.673 3 0.7 -7.782
89031 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Master Cas 14.56 2 0 5.5328
11520 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Comfor 102.582 1 0.1 6.8388
10035 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Metal 32.088 7 0.2 11.2308
10024 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing OIC Stackin 10.02 3 0 4.4088
42420 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC DocuBi 1577.94 3 0 757.4112
87105 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Dixon Ticon 255.85 7 0 112.574
33445 South OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Advantus R 184.704 6 0.2 13.8528
19140 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 483 15.936 4 0.2 5.1792
98105 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases O'Sullivan 163.88 2 0 40.97
23223 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHoover Co 67.9 5 0 20.37
33407 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Embossed I 72.224 4 0.2 25.2784
80525 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 519 11.696 2 0.2 3.9474
53132 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Star 392.94 3 0 43.2234
28110 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Executive 18.176 1 0.2 4.7712
75081 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Plastic 6.888 3 0.8 -11.0208
19134 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Com1079.316 6 0.3 -15.4188
94109 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1891 48.91 1 0 22.9877
19901 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 351 9.84 3 0 2.8536
76706 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Suede 0.556 1 0.8 -0.9452
21740 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Angle-D Bin 43.8 6 0 20.586
44105 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper HP Office R 13.872 3 0.2 5.0286
78501 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieTRENDnet 5 41.424 2 0.2 8.2848
87505 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 323 8.4 5 0 2.184
94110 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 35 6.56 2 0 1.9024
10024 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Deluxe Hea 146.688 8 0.2 45.84
75220 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 511 4.928 2 0.2 1.7248
48234 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Advantus 1 418.32 7 0 117.1296
19140 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Clearsound 118.782 3 0.4 -27.7158
75007 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMicrosoft N 47.904 1 0.2 -2.994
10009 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1977 13.36 2 0 6.4128
77041 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Two-To 11.376 3 0.6 -5.688
90036 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1909 211.04 8 0 97.0784
98026 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Two-To 80.96 4 0 34.8128
94110 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHolmes Visi 45.28 4 0 15.3952
10035 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 15.56 2 0 7.3132
97477 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Wilson Elec 859.2 3 0.2 75.18
40324 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesFellowes P 195.68 4 0 50.8768
33065 South FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Bush Somer 314.352 3 0.2 -15.7176
94110 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners OIC Colored 17.9 5 0 8.771
94110 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Accohide Po 2.992 1 0.2 1.122
92503 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Cardinal E 51.184 7 0.2 19.194
45373 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables SAFCO Plan 455.97 5 0.4 -106.393
92553 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Deflect-o 842.72 8 0 202.2528
98115 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders ACCOHIDE 3 13.216 4 0.2 4.4604
60623 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs GuestStack 520.464 2 0.3 -14.8704
49201 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 207 19.44 3 0 9.3312
10024 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Standar 43.12 5 0.2 15.092
98105 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders C-Line Peel 30.576 6 0.2 10.3194
63301 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1899 11.56 2 0 5.6644
11561 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Green Canva 68.48 2 0.2 25.68
8701 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1939 37.94 2 0 18.2112
20735 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global High 272.97 3 0 43.6752
43229 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tensor "Her 41.568 4 0.2 -4.1568
91104 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Blue Parrot B250XT
7 Grade Wireless
0.2 52.493
Bluetooth Headset with
98105 West OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Box C 61.38 6 0 15.9588
90045 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMicro Inno 50 2 0 10.5
7017 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Mi 31.8 3 0 13.674
54703 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Adjustable 32.56 2 0 8.4656
60610 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Grip Seal 7.072 2 0.2 2.3868
33614 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Computer P 45.528 3 0.2 15.9348
10009 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 226 25.92 4 0 12.4416
85204 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Flat Face 120.576 8 0.2 33.1584
05408 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 191 79.92 4 0 37.5624
77070 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Recycled St 228.92 5 0.2 14.3075
60505 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones PowerGen D 7.992 1 0.2 2.5974
80219 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global High 582.336 8 0.2 -29.1168
10011 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Ooma Telo 629.95 5 0 157.4875
60004 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 332 14.112 6 0.2 1.2348
23602 South OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 31.12 4 0 14.6264
85705 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Acrylic Sel 4.272 2 0.2 0.9612
10024 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Chromcraft 209.148 2 0.4 -66.2302
19134 East OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Translucent 7.92 5 0.2 1.683
60653 Central TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Hewlett-Pac 574.91 2 0.3 156.047
10035 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieWD My Pass 1071 9 0 171.36
19143 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Heavy-Duty 3.273 1 0.7 -2.5093
85301 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Mini 13-1/2 104.696 1 0.2 6.5435
90036 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs HON 5400 Se2803.92 5 0.2 0
77041 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Recycl 6.816 2 0.8 -11.5872
98115 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Motorola 249.584 2 0.2 15.599
28314 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 2 10.368 2 0.2 3.6288
77041 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesFellowes Su 15.224 2 0.8 -38.8212
94122 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones VTech DS6 604.752 6 0.2 60.4752
10035 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs HON 5400 Se 3785.292 6 0.1 420.588
98105 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt SANFORD Ma 35.4 5 0 13.452
14215 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Radi 199.9 5 0 39.98
77340 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Multip 1212.96 8 0.3 -69.312
75081 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Mitel MiVo 1099.96 5 0.2 82.497
19134 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Self-Adhesi 5.904 2 0.2 1.9926
85345 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Imation Clip USB flash
30.08 drive - 82GB 0.2 -5.264
19143 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Pressb 2.946 2 0.7 -2.0622
92054 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 201 12.96 2 0 6.2208
19134 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Polycom So 285.576 4 0.4 -57.1152
60623 Central OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Hot Fo 22.24 2 0.2 2.502
10035 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Strathmore 14.62 2 0 6.7252
44240 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAcco 6 Out 48.36 5 0.2 6.045
32216 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt 50 Colored 16.256 2 0.2 1.2192
75019 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Jackery Ba 95.84 4 0.2 34.742
46203 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 476 12.39 3 0 5.6994
46226 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1895 35.88 6 0 16.146
74133 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Electrix A 477.3 5 0 138.417
98052 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 481 12.32 4 0 5.9136
94109 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco PRESST 8.608 2 0.2 3.0128
99207 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Eldon Gobal 136.26 9 0 5.4504
90032 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAcco Smart 186.15 3 0 55.845
37421 South TEC-MA-10Technolog Machines Penpower W 91.475 1 0.5 -1.8295
27405 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSony 8GB C 27.192 3 0.2 0.3399
94122 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston Heav 144.6 3 0 41.934
10024 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Southworth 34.44 3 0 17.22
90712 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones RCA Visys 321.552 6 0.2 20.097
40214 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Star 701.96 2 0 168.4704
43229 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Zebra Zazzl 19.456 4 0.2 3.4048
19711 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 492 17.28 6 0 7.9488
98115 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tenex Chai 31.96 2 0 1.598
10024 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Presti 164.688 6 0.2 55.5822
60653 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 501 5.904 2 0.2 1.9926
60543 Central OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Acco Hot Cl 13.16 5 0.2 4.1125
75220 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage SimpliFile 18.16 2 0.2 1.816
19134 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieRazer Tiam 319.984 2 0.2 91.9954
90008 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Crayola Col 19.68 6 0 6.4944
77036 Central FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Sauder Cam 781.864 10 0.32 -137.976
26003 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Chromcraft 673.344 3 0.3 -76.9536
7501 East OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Stockwell P 6.54 3 0 2.1582
97206 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Wilson Elec 572.8 2 0.2 50.12
35810 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston Mod 197.05 7 0 59.115
94110 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC ProCli 2022.272 8 0.2 682.5168
73120 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Storex Dura 38.16 9 0 19.08
74012 Central FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Hon Practic 1592.85 7 0 350.427
92691 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Mi 120 6 0 46.8
46142 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Ampad Gold 4.41 1 0 2.0286
53209 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Nu-Dell Flo 26.94 3 0 11.3148
94109 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Dana Swin 32.04 3 0 8.01
13440 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Barrel Sha 32.13 9 0 8.3538
10009 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Motorola 1091.93 7 0 272.9825
48127 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Stanley Co 26.7 2 0 7.476
10024 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Dixon Prang 38.34 9 0 15.7194
60623 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC VeloBi 9.264 3 0.8 -13.896
75217 Central FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Atlantic M 204.6664 1 0.32 -6.0196
54915 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessoriePlantronic 1649.75 5 0 544.4175
32216 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1887 91.056 6 0.2 31.8696
60653 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Staples in 54.208 14 0.2 8.8088
43402 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Belkin Spor 26.982 3 0.4 4.0473
94110 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesFellowes M 81.08 4 0 22.7024
90049 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Safco Comm 93.02 2 0 3.7208
60623 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones RCA ViSYS 323.976 3 0.2 36.4473
98115 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Premiu 83.92 5 0.2 29.372
77705 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Iris Project 12.768 2 0.2 0.9576
98103 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Easy-stapl 52.76 2 0 24.2696
75217 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Multi-Use P 55.616 2 0.2 5.5616
10011 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Metal Foldi 427.644 14 0.1 80.7772
60610 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Expr 8.856 3 0.6 -6.8634
94110 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Atlantic M 477.666 2 0.15 84.294
2908 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Avoid Verb 16.9 5 0 7.774
85023 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Chr 191.968 7 0.2 16.7972
77095 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 505 35.52 3 0.2 13.32
47201 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMaxell 4.7 1.98 2 0 0.891
19134 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1900 6.848 2 0.2 2.14
95123 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Bind 13.848 3 0.2 5.193
19140 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Iceberg Mo 577.584 6 0.2 43.3188
22153 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Imation Secure Drive +
151.96 Hardware
4 Encrypted
0 USB flash
36.4704 drive - 16 GB
80020 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Aluminum 68.432 7 0.2 8.554
43229 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Seth Thoma 71.12 5 0.2 9.779
3301 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1935 184.66 7 0 84.9436
77095 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing G.E. Longer 5.312 2 0.6 -1.5936
43055 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie Imation 16GB 132.52
Mini TravelDrive5USB 2.0 Flash
0.2 34.7865
90045 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Adams Tele 11.76 2 0 5.7624
33614 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Lea 1125.488 7 0.2 98.4802
68025 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Anker 36W 79.96 4 0 22.3888
43229 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Accohide Po 6.732 6 0.7 -4.488
91767 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Ultra Door 31.56 3 0 10.4148
78207 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Novimex Sw 105.686 1 0.3 -28.6862
10035 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Wilson Sig 1079.85 3 0 323.955
19120 East OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Ideal Clam 9.648 6 0.2 3.4974
10024 East FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases DMI Eclips 400.784 1 0.2 -5.0098
48234 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Neat Ideas 53.72 4 0 13.9672
33142 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1944 31.008 1 0.2 11.2404
94521 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Recycled P 61.12 5 0.2 22.156
60653 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Carina Med 195.136 4 0.2 -43.9056
60090 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Hunt Power 121.536 4 0.2 15.192
60610 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Black Prin 17.472 3 0.2 5.6784
77506 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Imag 24.7 5 0.6 -9.88
10024 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1980 8.56 2 0 3.852
95123 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAcco Six-Ou 25.86 3 0 6.7236
95823 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Seth Thoma 60.84 3 0 19.4688
97477 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAcco Smart 35.208 1 0.2 2.6406
76063 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1997 41.472 8 0.2 14.5152
72401 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1886 239.5 5 0 114.96
23464 South OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Design 34.2 5 0 9.234
14609 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Hon 2111 In 376.866 3 0.4 -213.5574
23320 South OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesEureka Han 197.72 4 0 55.3616
43130 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieSanDisk Ul 70.72 4 0.2 -6.188
10024 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Telephone 21.6 6 0 9.936
90045 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tenex Carp 282.84 4 0 19.7988
39212 South OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Staples 11.68 4 0 5.256
95695 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Polycom CX 239.984 2 0.2 23.9984
98115 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin F5C 22.98 1 0 6.894
90049 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 346 5.76 2 0 1.6704
43402 East TEC-CO-10Technolog Copiers Hewlett Pac 899.982 3 0.4 74.9985
43130 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHoover Com 16.704 6 0.2 1.2528
75220 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin F9G 21.392 2 0.8 -54.5496
79424 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1899 9.248 2 0.2 3.3524
48227 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders UniKeep Vi 14.67 3 0 6.7482
43055 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1923 37.408 7 0.2 13.0928
10011 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Avery Hidd 7.152 3 0.2 2.3244
55407 Central OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesHolmes Rep 90.64 8 0 38.9752
2149 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieWD My Pass 177 3 0 30.09
98105 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Howard Mil 137.54 2 0 55.016
90032 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1899 11.56 2 0 5.6644
28027 South FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Chromcraft 4297.644 13 0.4 -1862.312
98103 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell Cha 20.65 5 0 9.499
85301 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Mi 89.544 7 0.2 12.3123
55433 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Recycled St 221.16 4 0 57.5016
90045 West FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases DMI Eclips 3406.664 8 0.15 160.3136
85705 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech W 95.984 2 0.2 11.998
10035 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Computer 97.44 3 0 35.0784
91767 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Smead Alph 18.75 5 0 9
93101 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Samsung Ga3023.928 9 0.2 226.7946
94109 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Space Solu 193.95 3 0 9.6975
92503 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 218 12.96 2 0 6.2208
90049 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon Radi 119.94 3 0 23.988
92672 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Recycled P 18.088 7 0.2 6.5569
35601 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 499 14.94 3 0 6.8724
27405 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 309 64.68 7 0.2 8.085
94568 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Samsung R 22 5 0.2 1.375
19143 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1952 7.968 2 0.2 2.6892
77095 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes B 26.632 1 0.2 1.3316
93309 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Executive I 41.6 4 0 14.144
47374 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Laser & Ink 64.02 6 0 29.4492
10009 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt American P 6.99 3 0 2.0271
94122 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Fellowes S 323.1 2 0 61.389
94122 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 49 8.64 3 0 4.2336
90032 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieKensington 16.59 1 0 5.8065
92037 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Dixon My Fi 35.1 6 0 10.179
76017 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Instant 11.646 9 0.8 -17.469
23223 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 230 32.4 5 0 15.552
10035 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 326 7.04 4 0 2.0416
77041 Central FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Atlantic M 613.9992 3 0.32 -18.0588
6824 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage SAFCO Mobi 470.36 11 0 122.2936
94110 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Array Mem 31.08 6 0 15.2292
45503 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin F5C 73.536 4 0.2 9.192
48234 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Dot Matrix 491.55 5 0 240.8595
19140 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Charco 30.336 4 0.2 9.48
90301 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound 22.83 3 0 10.7301
93405 West OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Assorted Co 3.62 2 0 1.1946
19805 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Avery Pers 11.54 1 0 5.5392
94122 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders JM Magazin 39.624 3 0.2 13.8684
90045 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Star 242.136 3 0.2 12.1068
19143 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tenex Anti 273.568 2 0.2 -34.196
94122 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC VeloBi 57.584 2 0.2 20.1544
19134 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Boston 167 37.312 4 0.2 2.7984
77041 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Anker 36W 79.96 5 0.2 7.996
17602 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage SAFCO Comm221.024 2 0.2 -55.256
54302 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Two-To 18.96 2 0 7.584
10024 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon Every-D 326.646 3 0.1 39.9234
10011 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Lock-Up Eas 296.712 13 0.2 100.1403
61701 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Security-Ti 12.224 2 0.2 4.4312
83704 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech T 89.97 3 0 37.7874
1852 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin 8 Ou 286.86 7 0 80.3208
98115 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Standa 10.048 2 0.2 3.14
90049 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Newell 347 34.24 8 0 9.9296
23666 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Safco Chai 500.24 13 0 145.0696
19134 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper 1/4 Fold Pa 5.88 1 0.2 1.9845
68104 Central TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Cisco 8x8 I 269.98 2 0 72.8946
90032 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Dual Level, 310.12 2 0 80.6312
05408 East FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Riverside P 4404.9 5 0 1013.127
92037 West OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Round Speci 62.65 5 0 29.4455
19711 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 518 9.45 3 0 4.536
60505 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Airmail En 268.576 4 0.2 90.6444
90008 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Hon Practic 364.08 2 0.2 9.102
60653 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Wood 10.984 2 0.6 -7.9634
3820 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech G 159.98 2 0 57.5928
60610 Central OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Avery Fluor 5.344 2 0.2 0.668
98115 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Zipper Ring 2.496 1 0.2 0.9048
23223 South OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 05222 8.26 2 0 3.7996
94109 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Office Star 1403.92 5 0.2 70.196
72762 South OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Binney & Sm 4.3 2 0 1.419
98103 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech 239.97 3 0 86.3892
90036 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Plantronics Cordless Phone
139.8 Headset with
5 0.2In-line
Volume - M214C
6457 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Pressboard 9.84 2 0 4.7232
49505 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Imprin 54.9 5 0 26.901
94122 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper REDIFORM I 50.04 6 0 25.02
33012 South FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases O'Sullivan 339.92 5 0.2 8.498
19143 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1925 123.92 5 0.2 38.725
30318 South TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Cisco IP Phone 7961G
135.95 VoIP phone -
1 Dark gray
0 39.4255
78207 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC DocuBi2177.584 8 0.8 -3701.893
11561 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Wi-Ex zBoo 437.85 3 0 131.355
7501 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1889 274.8 5 0 134.652
40214 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Flexib 48.81 3 0 23.9169
23666 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Stac 149.9 5 0 40.473
77070 Central FUR-BO-10Furniture Bookcases Atlantic M 1023.332 5 0.32 -30.098
77070 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 56.064 6 0.2 21.024
60610 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Cardinal HO 3.798 3 0.8 -5.8869
43615 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt BIC Brite Li 10.368 2 0.2 1.5552
95240 West OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Hot Fo 97.3 7 0 28.217
10024 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Economy B 3.328 2 0.2 1.2064
33311 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Seth Thoma 45.568 2 0.2 9.6832
27604 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Val 194.848 4 0.2 12.178
60623 Central OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 2.112 2 0.8 -3.3792
97206 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1995 25.92 5 0.2 9.072
7017 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 215 25.92 4 0 12.4416
33710 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1951 173.488 7 0.2 54.215
94122 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesTripp Lite 152.91 3 0 42.8148
10035 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Space Solu 129.3 2 0 6.465
28205 South FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Fabr 242.352 3 0.2 15.147
77705 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieRazer Krak 319.968 4 0.2 95.9904
75220 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1949 3.984 1 0.2 1.4442
45503 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech W 895.944 7 0.2 190.3881
77571 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon 400 C 14 4 0.6 -6.3
90805 West OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Ampad Evid 10.9 5 0 5.123
62521 Central OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 513 15.936 4 0.2 5.1792
90008 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAcco Six-Ou 43.1 5 0 11.206
95240 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Prismacolor 39.68 2 0 16.2688
10009 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon 200 12.56 2 0 4.0192
94109 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing DAX Copper 50.32 4 0 21.1344
31907 South OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Array Parc 43.68 6 0 20.9664
98103 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Bush Advan 3393.68 8 0 610.8624
47374 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tenex Perso 67.4 5 0 17.524
10009 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Dual Level, 1085.42 7 0 282.2092
45040 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Howard Mil 68.704 2 0.2 16.3172
60623 Central OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Adjustable 290.336 2 0.2 32.6628
10024 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 221 6.48 1 0 3.1104
44134 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Blue String 63.968 2 0.2 19.99
10035 East OFF-SU-10Office SuppSupplies Acme Serra 6.36 2 0 0.0636
44105 East OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Tennsco 6- 848.544 4 0.2 -21.2136
10035 East FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Leather Tas 573.174 7 0.1 63.686
44105 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Easy-stapl 85.056 3 0.2 28.7064
30188 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Transl 14.04 3 0 6.7392
90008 West OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Staple env 11.16 2 0 5.58
47905 Central OFF-FA-10 Office SuppFasteners Alliance B 5.94 3 0 0
10024 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1952 9.96 2 0 4.6812
13501 East TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech 79.99 1 0 28.7964
8701 East OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Dixon Tico 8.94 3 0 2.4138
53209 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Speediset C 20.62 2 0 9.6914
60623 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMaxell Pro 153.824 11 0.2 38.456
60653 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1892 62.016 2 0.2 22.4808
45014 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Electrix H 466.32 3 0.2 34.974
45503 East FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Chromcraft 330.588 1 0.4 -143.2548
80027 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Recycled D 237.096 3 0.2 20.7459
75007 Central FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing GE General 25.128 3 0.6 -6.9102
92804 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Flat Face 131.88 7 0 55.3896
40475 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Stan 115.36 7 0 56.5264
93101 West FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Global Lea 362.136 3 0.2 -54.3204
52302 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1997 12.96 2 0 6.2208
10035 East OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Blue String 39.98 1 0 17.991
77803 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Novimex Sw 528.43 5 0.3 -143.431
44312 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Acco Expan 5.742 3 0.7 -4.5936
60653 Central TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieKensington 191.968 4 0.2 28.7952
10035 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Wilson Jon 49.848 3 0.2 16.8237
94122 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing 6" Cubicle 24.27 3 0 8.7372
92404 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Universal R 9.872 2 0.2 3.4552
14304 East TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Cisco SPA1 164.85 3 0 47.8065
19120 East OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesBelkin 7-O 33.528 3 0.2 2.5146
2920 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Presti 102.93 3 0 48.3771
90049 West FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables Hon 61000 S 71.088 2 0.2 -1.7772
10009 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Eldon 500 60.35 5 0 19.9155
94122 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Mi 223.58 14 0 87.1962
92804 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Carina Min 998.82 9 0 29.9646
98103 West OFF-ST-10 Office SuppStorage Rogers Jumb 40.74 3 0 0.4074
19120 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1971 3.424 1 0.2 1.07
46203 Central FUR-CH-10Furniture Chairs Hon 4070 S 1925.88 6 0 539.2464
90045 West OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Ibico Recy 55.264 2 0.2 20.724
10801 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Wirebound 46.35 5 0 21.7845
85224 West OFF-AR-10Office SuppArt Avery Hi-Li 9.344 2 0.2 1.8688
41042 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog Accessorie KeyTronic E03601U1
18 - Keyboard -
1 Beige 0 3.24
77041 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Xerox 1919 65.584 2 0.2 23.7742
19140 East OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper Eureka Rec 10.368 2 0.2 3.6288
19711 East FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Electrix 2 13.4 1 0 6.432
7060 East OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders Fellowes Tw 40.2 5 0 18.09
30080 South OFF-BI-10 Office SuppBinders GBC Recycl 119.56 2 0 54.9976
77041 Central OFF-EN-10Office SuppEnvelopes Cameo Buff 99.568 2 0.2 33.6042
90032 West TEC-PH-10Technolog Phones Avaya 5410 271.96 5 0.2 27.196
70506 South FUR-TA-10Furniture Tables KI Adjustab 85.98 1 0 22.3548
45014 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Avery 476 16.52 5 0.2 5.369
49505 Central OFF-PA-10Office SuppPaper RSVP Cards 35.56 7 0 16.7132
11561 East OFF-LA-10 Office SuppLabels Self-Adhes 31.5 10 0 15.12
90008 West TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieMemorex Mi 36.24 1 0 15.2208
30605 South TEC-AC-10 Technolog AccessorieLogitech G 79.99 1 0 28.7964
33180 South FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Ultra Door 25.248 3 0.2 4.1028
92627 West FUR-FU-10Furniture Furnishing Tenex B1-RE 91.96 2 0 15.6332
92683 West OFF-AP-10Office SuppAppliancesAcco 7-Out 243.16 2 0 72.948
L.p. Kraj Handlowiec Kod zamówienia Data zamówienia Wartość zamówienia Manager
1 Polska Kowalski PL2390 9/10/2004 85,000.00 zł White
2 Niemcy Nowak D12345 9/15/2004 56,000.00 zł Buchanan
3 Niemcy Zielińska D23454 11/5/2004 25,000.00 zł Buchanan
4 Szwecja Kowalski SWE679 6/23/2004 56,000.00 zł Smith
5 Norwegia Zielińska NOR820 10/20/2004 47,000.00 zł Smith
6 Dania Nowak DN0976 5/5/2004 100,000.00 zł Collins
7 Holandia Kowalski ND0456 3/20/2004 65,000.00 zł Collins
8 Szwecja Zielińska SWE123 4/1/2004 92,000.00 zł Smith
9 Norwegia Korcz NOR564 2/10/2004 80,000.00 zł Smith
10 Francja Nowak F435678 5/10/2004 45,000.00 zł Collins
11 Finlandia Zielińska FIN675 6/20/2004 39,000.00 zł Smith
12 Włochy Kowalski I00987 8/15/2004 47,000.00 zł McManus
13 Grecja Nowak GR1200 8/5/2004 59,000.00 zł McManus
14 Austria Korcz AS0909 1/20/2004 120,000.00 zł White
15 Szwajcaria Kowalski SW4447 2/28/2004 45,000.00 zł White
16 Włochy Korcz I89090 6/6/2004 60,000.00 zł McManus
17 Niemcy Banasik D09765 6/15/2004 82,000.00 zł Buchanan
18 Austria Banasik AS1234 9/30/2004 91,000.00 zł White
19 Hiszpania Zielińska SP7700 10/10/2004 72,000.00 zł Collins
20 Grecja Banasik GR4545 3/25/2004 68,000.00 zł McManus
21 Polska Zielińska PL2456 2/15/2004 30,000.00 zł White
22 Norwegia Banasik NOR709 7/20/2004 50,000.00 zł Smith
Kraj Region
Niemcy Region 1 Korzystając z funkcji WYSZUKAJ.PIONOWO oraz
Szwecja Region 2 zamieszczonych tabeli pomocniczych ustal menedżera
odpowiedzialnego za dane zamówienie (formuła wymaga
Norwegia Region 2 dwukrotnego uzycia funkcji WYSZUKAJ.PIONOWO).
Dania Region 3
Holandia Region 3
Francja Region 3
Finlandia Region 2
Włochy Region 4
Grecja Region 4
Austria Region 5
Szwajcaria Region 5
Hiszpania Region 3
Polska Region 5

Region Manager
Region 1 Buchanan
Region 2 Smith
Region 3 Collins
Region 4 McManus
Region 5 White
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Korzystając z funkcji Wyszuk
sty 122.00 zł 122.37 zł 122.73 zł 123.10 zł 123.47 zł stwórz "automat" pozwalaj
lut 124.00 zł 124.37 zł 124.75 zł 125.12 zł 125.49 zł G17 wyniku sprzedaży na p
możliwych do wybrania w k
mar 126.00 zł 126.38 zł 126.76 zł 127.14 zł 127.52 zł rozwijana - poprawność dan
kwi 128.00 zł 128.38 zł 128.77 zł 129.16 zł 129.54 zł
maj 130.00 zł 130.39 zł 130.78 zł 131.17 zł 131.57 zł
cze 132.00 zł 132.40 zł 132.79 zł 133.19 zł 133.59 zł
lip 134.00 zł 134.40 zł 134.81 zł 135.21 zł 135.62 zł
sie 136.00 zł 136.41 zł 136.82 zł 137.23 zł 137.64 zł
wrz 138.00 zł 138.41 zł 138.83 zł 139.25 zł 139.66 zł
paź 140.00 zł 140.42 zł 140.84 zł 141.26 zł 141.69 zł
lis 142.00 zł 142.43 zł 142.85 zł 143.28 zł 143.71 zł
gru 144.00 zł 144.43 zł 144.87 zł 145.30 zł 145.74 zł

rok miesiąc
Wartość sprzedaży wynosi

Korzystając z funkcji Wyszukaj pionowo oraz Podaj pozycję,
stwórz "automat" pozwalający na wyswietlenie w komórce
G17 wyniku sprzedaży na podstawie miesiąca i roku
możliwych do wybrania w komórkach D17 i E17 (lista
rozwijana - poprawność danych).

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