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Write Around Trinity

By: Reese Tanis

Option 1: Write ten words that describe you. Now describe yourself again but do not use
those 10 words.

The ten words that would describe me would be brave, observer, happy, anxious, friend,
ambitious, trustworthy, irritable, daughter, flawed.

I am human. I go into every day ready to take on a new adventure even with the risks I
may endure. I watch the people around me and adapt to how they act and how they are
feeling. I like looking around. It gives me a nice sense of security about my surroundings.
I go out every day with a smile on my face. I have this feeling of sunshine radiating out
of my body when I'm feeling myself, usually with the people I care about or when I am
doing something I enjoy deeply. I get nervous sometimes and worry about events that are
happening soon. I get sweaty and clammy and I am not quite able to control my
breathing. I feel a pressure on my chest that holds me down. It could be for seconds,
minutes, or even days until the pressure is lifted. I become a portion of the person I am
just for maybe one miniature event. I make connections with other people around me. I
know them and have a good relationship with them. I want to make sure they are okay
before me. Even if it means hurting me in the process. I take on every available
opportunity open to me. I want to fill my life up to the point of maximum overload just to
say I did something and make people proud. I sit down and pay full attention to what is
happening. I listen and hear about different problems. I keep secrets locked in my head
coming out for no one. I reach my tipping point very easily. I will become red in the face,
hands clenched, and ready to make someone's day turn upside down even if it's from the
tiniest thing. I am shaped by two people. These two incredible figures have taught me all
I know. From how to stand, walk, tie my shoes, and so much more. I wouldn't be here
today without them. But above all I am a person who is growing up. I will make
mistakes. I will fall and stumble and trip but I will always get up again because that is
who I am. I am human.

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