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nL, 2. 1 4 15. 16. v. 18 1. 20. 21 23, 24 2s. 26. 27. 28, 2 30. 3k 22 x. a 36. PIANO / VOCAL SCORE ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Seusical Overt. (Oh, The Thinks You Can Think! Horton Hears @ Who Biggest Blame Fo! biggest Blame Payoff /Gerude MeFuzz Here on Who. Meet Jojo the Who. How to Raise @ Child (Oh, The Thinks You Can Think! Reprise) 1s Pssbte (Pt. 1s Possible (Pt 2) Alone iv the Unverse ‘The One Feather Ti of Miss Gere MePuze / Amayaing Maye. “Amayaing Gertrude (Pt. 2) Amayzing Gertrude (Pt 2) Monkey Arouna / Chasing the Whos. Notice Me, Horton How Lucky You Av. Mayaie's Exit Horton Sits on the Egg / Dilemma / Hunters ag, Nest ant Tree Sold / Mayate in Palm Beach Maya atthe Crus “Amayzing Horton Alone tthe Universe (Reprise) Sota Sliew Gertrude / Espionage (Part 1) Gertrude / Espionage (art 2) A for You The Was Retun/ The People Vasus Horton the Elephant (Pt. 1). ‘The People Versus Harton the Elephant (Pr. 2). opp! Alone in the Universe (Reprise) (On, The Thinks You Can Think! (Finale) Green Eggs ard Harm (Fale ows). Exit Music © 19 ren an tance a eM ne ‘akinesia 10 26 35 50 54 6 n a 8 8 96 107 2108: us 127 Mi 9 154 188 159 163 165 2 3 174 182 180) 198, 208 208 21s Orchestra Warming Up and Tuning On Track One of your Accompaniment and Guide Vocal CD, we hear the orchestra tuning. Following is some information to share with your students Just as athletes must warm up their muscles and prepare their minds for a game or competition, the musicians in an orchestra must warm up their instruments and prepare their minds for a performance. Musicians often arrive in the orchestra pit early: to practice difficult sections of their parts, to look over their music, and to give theit instruments time to adjust to the conditions in the theater. ‘Temperature and humidity affect the sound and pitch of many instruments, causing them to expand or contract slightly. ‘Too sudden a change in temperature can even cause an instrument to break apart! Playing on an instrument also affects its pitch — the flute player literally warms up the flute by blowing into it, the violinist by holding the violin and pulling the bow across the strings. Tuning For the music to sound good, all the players must be in tune with one another. That is, when a trumpeter plays a middle C on her trumpet, it should be the same middle C the cellist plays on his cello. Players make small adjustments to their instruments to make ‘them agree with the instruments around them, The brass and wind players lengthen or shorten the tubing on their instruments; string players loosen ot tighten the strings on theirs. Most instruments can be tuned quickly, but some, like the harp and piano, take a lot longer and must be tuned an hour or more before the performance. After the orchestra has warmed up and a few minutes before the performance begins, the oboe player plays an "A," the note that all the other musicians use as a reference to tune their instruments. Pitch is measured in vibrations: the higher the note, the greater number of vibrations per second. The "A" the orchestra tunes to has 440 vibrations per second and thus is called "8-440." This has not always been the case; A-440 has been an. accepted convention only since the middle of the 20% century. What °A" is has varied widely through history, ftom A-423 in the 17th century to A-456 and higher in the 19% ‘The oboe is traditionally the instrument of choice for sounding the tuning note. It is one of the least flexible instruments when it comes to variations in pitch, and its piercing, nasal sound is easy to hear when a lot of other instruments are playing. On track one, the orchestra tunes by sections ~ first the woodwinds, then the brass, and finally the strings and timpani. Listen for the sound of the conductor tapping his baton. on his music stand to indicate that tuning is finished ~ the show is about to begin! @ No.1 SEUSSICAL JR. “Seussical” Overture (teseanesal| Lyris by Lan Ahrens Music by Stephen Flaherty (CUE: Take cue from Director or Stage Manager. OH, THE HUNKS YOU CAN THINK" Dring rc Freely | d. Nat "SEUSSICAL’ OVERTURE -p.2. SEUSSICAL IR tees SSS SEUSSICAL* OVERTURE pe 3. SEUSSICALIR mer "SEUSSICAL’ OVERTURE-pe.& SEUSSICAL IR. * oF a sy i 1 “SEUSSICAL” OVERTURE pe. APPLAUSE SEGUE No.2 SEUSSICAL JR. ‘Oh, The Thinks You Can Think! (oy, Cat The a, see) Les by Lym Abrene Music by Stephen Flair CUE: House lights out, car iv ue nar: Pica ante om Sniper te as tm dee ino seh aca at a ne a coe (The CAT bx “rate te Sutin wey of mination eS WOR ibe sda bt O00 Bright 4", With Mischief CATINTHEHAR , Oh Se alms cn ik OH. THE THINKS. 95.2 SEUSSICAL IR 900 open Jour mind « sy Ab tester aor =" ALL fxr BOM = 2 Beets yoo cantik! Asay nker bo tits cn come op th 8 fel F t : 7 zi [ : rT en uy r opr ? ? ? wee (O8-THE THINKS. ps8 SEUSSICAL IR 4 AML ec BO oy carenoy Nez (OH, THE THINKS... ps. SEUSSICAL IR MR MAYOR MRS. AIAYOR: ‘Winkot an © = dopant up in tet MS Thao a per = son t9 ean beats mfp nine i i 5: GERTRUD at ee - vee We ee ee 6 EE age (Going cn ad-ventmmdown 2 | de-par-eu oll (ovigg om ot-vertuedown Noa (f-THE THINKS... 928 SHUSSICALIR oe . . Se a ~ Nor (OH, THE THINS. 9.9 SEUSSICAL IR LePcte sree te) a Litstesso, Menacing ‘Lt e * ‘rk of 90-80=dy fee menacing. with mac a AID toe in your moma yout fig yoo, li No2 (OW THE TIONS... 9.10 SEUSSICAL I, Wink ans mer of ikt ae MEN: ret 1 be steer than sae! wor (OH, THE THINKS. p12 SEUSSICALIR * a me exreant: ‘* « “ r z wos: crs OF THe FONGLE: Fonte tof WHO. yay, toe fang of 0 Sd he ale of mal. andthe get of a. ey e = GROUP I CAT: oe _Prapeco mse, » sa aa ‘GROUP OW-THETHINES.. 96.13 SEUSSICAL conan “Wink wonder ands far an de you det aus ‘When your inane in de ia te blakof an ye t Noa THE THINS... =p. 14 ‘ot gg (women oh hemiajou wit one h theinsyo0 wl nd ¥ at xs) — ay oe SPUSSICALR = em goin mwa CF THE THINKS... pe 16 SHUSSICAL ay FAST APPLAUSE SEGUE No.3 SEUSSICAL JR. Horton Hears a Who (Corie at, os Hanon Bik Git Chien fhe ge) Ayres by Lynn Aloene Mate by Stopen lakers CUE: Play on applause from No, 2."Oh, The ‘Thinks You Gan Think!" 7g ig Kew Tie aly nine hse pitt sg40: "Sane Rr Wao! ‘eve pee Tes miso fondest rp fee Ne HORTON HEARS AWHO-p.2 SHUSSICALIR JUNGLE CITIZENS: ot Whoa hc Nos HORTON HEARS A WHO. pz 3 SEUSSICAL IR J00: can os = HORTON: ‘ear e010 ter nt Yes, Hor vo Horton Hess 8 Whnt— On he tele a (CETIZENS OF THE JUNGLE (NOMEN + IRD CIRLS HORTON: lps ce) S ts + “ 2 9 ampomeet: = Py HoRroS: BIRD GIRL 2: og BIRD GIRL No HORTON HEARS A WHO-pe 6 SBUSSICAL IR “Hep ie you? And where IRD GIRLS: ssn. (HORTON a po Gat owing pt SBUSSICAL IR secver fond ll of 2 ell speck of dt ta fs ace opel So you wim 1 ik? r = 9 Pin Mosse seo on tp of that sll speck of dst Some por Ui-te person ws en sen.ty ‘Mok shee matte seri os Freely e-hng ith fear Het! bhw te he poate has 90 way 1 se Noa HORTON HEARS A WHO pe § ‘SUSSICAL IR Pi Meso % moRro%s) eee, Te a ™ oe woe a lod lend Pay m Pe Te ee Acct em tere Tid JONGLE CITIZENS: np vie: Gomis Wot who! hownditun-an! What Soak whet what mp SS yg ompomsy ve Nos HORTON HEARS AWHO- ps. 9 SEUSSICALIR, wo oto. ump cuts, vs. . SEUSSICALJR. ae iggest Blame Fool cows eee eg Ben oe = lacy sto CUE: SOUR KANGAROO: Humpf! Humpfed a voice. Miley Stephen Florey sen, +, SOUR KANGAROO: I | YouneKaNcanoo: | ATempo - Driving A EOC RANEAROO: > ‘ > [BIGGEST RLAMEFOOL- pe 3 . . one . é = 2 3 - ss 7s oF Seyi eee ee ue af ma cxeney MOCBSTALAME FOOL 4 SPUSSICALIR. TKERSHAM BROTHERS: WICK #2, 6: es wick ns NA "WA Laue 4 voke, "HAY Layed sme o- ten, “HAY HATHA Lashed te Wiersham Boss Moline fet eco hne foo ia he Jungle of Nook ant cm-l the Nos BIGGEST BLAME FOOL 9-5 SEDSSICALIR ici Yes dunk! es sont Eo leptce tw of Nos Cae hes zit Not BIGGEST BLAME FOOL-pe 9 SEUSSICALIR Big-po time feok nthe Den-pe of Nol mot BIGGEST BLAME FOOL SEUSSICALIR Ned SIGOEST BLAME FOOL. 12 SEUSSICALIR No BIGGEST BLAME FOOL p13 SeUSSICALIR ERR: . Bigg ne ink in the Jum-gle of Nol Hes the want we eer mv Now [BIGOEST BLAME FOOL-p. 6 SBUSSICALIR sta cies) (BHCKS. + YERTLIE) @ No.5 SBUSSICALIR. Biggest Blame Playoff / Gertrude M¢Fuzz Sie Karen, Gert Wk Bets ge Cees) pris by Lyn Ahrens CUE: Play on applause fom No.4 "Biggest Blame Foor” Mio by Scpen Peery AB Faster ws oodht —We Wo = a Bee ok ot Bev WW eet dug es diet Nos IGGEST BLAME PLAYOFF ps2 sHUssiCaL Ftc of May — IGGEST BLAME PLAYOFF -e.3 SEUSSICALIR. fal came who see 4 Oi a te a a . (CERRUDE n HORTON alee) [IGGEST BLAME PLAYOFF-pe + “Pen he ee ag radian MAYOR: se) MAYOR: ofa at won ‘uta ‘And gos bo now emer ie ony? Bowes ren Sno a asic v7, 3 eg vs. No.6 SEUSSICAL JR. Here on Who (oto Me gr Hara, Cen OF Wo) rls by La oes Misc by Sepen Fler Me ‘Isanyone there? ‘Who are you? GD, dod tere 2 2 | NR-MAYOR Te ei ew, ne HERE ON WHO -p22 SEUSSICALIR ssa MENS, Nos ERE ON WHO -p.3 SEUSSICALIR (re nt WHO ypu treed) Nos HERE ON WHO - pe 5 SEUSSICALIR. be "alpeutay ia mgr Te tis wit WOMENS a co THiRSon: 0101 Now HERE ON WHO =p 6 SEUSSICALIR Noe HERE ON WHO ps. 8 SPUSSICAL IR “THE GRINCH Now HERE ON WHO -p. 10 SEUSSICAL IR nas ERE ON WHO

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