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Mo 1

Kevin Mo

Dr. Monsour

SLA 400 75

28 March 2022

Rachel Carson: Silent Spring

The chapter titled “Obligation to Endure” seemed to have the most impact on me because

of how connected it is to me and everyone really. There was one quote in the chapter that stood

out to me the most and it was by Albert Shweitzer and it said “Man can hardly even recognize

the devils of his own creations”. This quote made me think about how true it is that most of the

time humans do not think about the long term consequences of their actions. Sure some people

look at the long term consequences but if it does not impact them or they can not see it right

away then it has the same effect as if they did not think about it. Mankind has become so

advanced from what it was just one hundred years ago and we are growing at such a fast pace

that people were just excited with the results. Now that we have grown out of our rapid pace of

developing, people are starting to see the impact that our actions have caused. Rachel Carson is

one of them and she states that we have an obligation to work through our deficiencies we might

have had and to get back to some of our standards and ethical reasoning we had. If we do not

endure this time then we will have even more severe consequences.

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