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Summary of the Artifact:

The artifact that I feel best represents Standard 9: Professional Learning and Ethical
Practice is a self-evaluation I completed during my student teaching placement. The
self-evaluation is based on the Danielson Framework. For the self-evaluation, I graded
myself using one of the three criteria (Not Acceptable, Acceptable, or Proficient.) At the
end of the evaluation, I also completed a series of reflective questions that my
supervisor then reviewed.


Self-reflection is a key component of teaching. Developing effective lessons requires

consideration and planning. In my student teaching placement, we were required to
write reflections after teaching our lessons. Writing reflections was a helpful way for me
to note my strengths and weaknesses during the lessons. I would then use my
reflections to help me plan my future lessons. Similarly, after completing my
self-evaluation I made a few changes to my teaching practice to focus on improving my
areas of weakness.

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