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Nama Jurnal _ : Global Energy Interconnection Penerl : Australian National University Peni : Cheng Cheng, Andrew Blakers, Matthew Stocks, Bin lu ‘Alamat Jurnal _: hipsAw.sciencedrectcomjoumialgiobal-energyrinterconnection Indeks scupos : Q1 SJR 10.1016/).gloei.2019.11.013 Alamat ttps:l/ Volume 2 Nomor 5 Tahun Terbit 2019 Halaman 47, Reviwer M. Zainul Rusdi NIM : 1910816310018 4. JUDUL ARTIKEL GLOBAL ENERGY INTERCONNECTION :PUMPED HYDRO ENERGY STORAGE AND 100 % RENEWABLE ELECTRICITY FOR EAST ASIA. INTERKONEKSI ENERGI GLOBAL : PUMPED HYDRO ENERGY STORAGE DAN 100% LISTRIK TERBARUKAN UNTUK ASIA TIMUR, 2. PENDAHULUAN Pengurangan biaya yang cepat telah menyebabkan penyebaran Iuas teknologi terbarukan seperti solar fotovoltaik (PV) dan angin secara global, Penyimpanan tambahan diperlukan ketika pangsa PV surya dan angin dalam listrik produksi meningkat menjadi 50-10%. Penyimpanan energi hidro yang dipompa merupakan 97% dari kapasitas global daya tersimpan dan lebih dari 99% energi yang tersimpan dan merupakan metode penyimpanan energi terdepan. Opsi penyimpanan energi hidro yang dipompa di luar sungai,interkoneksi yang kuat di area yang Iuas, dan manajemen permintaan dapat mendukung sistem kelistrikan yang sangat terbarukan dibiaya yang sedethana. Asia Timur memiliki sumber energi hidro yang dipompa dari angin, matahari, dan di luar sungai, yang diidentifikasi dipompa potensi penyimpanan energi hidro 100 kali lebih besar dari yang dibutuhkan untuk mendukung 100% energi terbarukan di Asia Timur, Studi ini berkontribusi pada diskusi seputar mencapai tujuan 100% energi terbarukan di Asia ‘Timur sebagai berikut: 1, Ini memberikan ringkasan angin dan matahari yang tersedia sumber daya. 2. Ini menunjukkan bahwa lahan yang cukup tersedia untuk suplai Konsumsi listrik Asia Timur saat ini dari PV dan angin, Ini_mengidentifikasi solusi yang Iuas, matang, dan berbiaya rendah untuk masalah penyimpanan untuk mendukung tingkat tinggi angin variabel dan pasokan energi PV di Asia Timur, dibentuk PHES. Dipindai dengan CamScanner 4, Ini memperkirakan persyaratan penyimpanan untuk mendukung 100% listrik terbarukan di Asia Timur, dan menunjukkan bahwa persyaratan ini adalah sebagian kecil dari PHES yang tersedia. 3. KAJIANTEORI A. ANGIN Asia Timur memiliki sumber daya angin yang melimpah dibandingkan dengan seluruh dunia. Ini adalah salah satu daerah dengan yang tercepat penyebaran angin, dengan kapasitas terpasang 120 W per kapita pada akhir 2018, dibandingkan dengan kapasitas global 74W per kapita . Cina, dengan yang terbesar terpasang kapasitas, memimpin pembangkit tenaga angin global dengan pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan. Pada tahun 2018, lebih dari 40% dari jaringan global kapasitas angin baru disumbangkan oleh Cina, sebagian besar darat tetapi terdi ribusi dengan baik di seluruh provinsi. Meskipun pangsa pembangkit angin saat ini di Asia Timur rendah, Jepang dan Korea Selatan berencana untuk membuat signifikan investasi energi angin lepas pantai untuk memanfaatkan sumber daya yang melimpah sumber daya angin di sepanjang garis pantai. B SOLAR Asia Timur juga memiliki sumber daya surya yang melimpah. Terbaik lokasi untuk tenaga surya berada di Cina utara dan barat dan Mongolia, di mana kepadatan penduduknya relatif rendah, Cina Barat juga memiliki tenaga surya, angin, dan sumber daya hidro yang dipompa. Pentingnya PV surya dalam sistem energi masa depan adalah terkenal di Asia Timur. Jepang memiliki target untuk memasok 7% dati kebutuhan listrik nasionalnya oleh PV surya pada tahun 2030, sementara China menargetkan 105 GW solar PV pada tahun 2020. Total konsumsi listrik di Asia Timur adalah 7.300.000 GWhi/tahun, Dengan asumsi faktor kapasitas rata-rata dari 18%, sistem PV surya dengan kapasitas terukur 4.630 GW diperlukan untuk memenuhi seluruh kebutuban listrik di Timur Asia. Ini berarti area panel gabungan seluas 23.000 km? atau 14 m? per orang dengan asumsi efisiensi panel 20%. PV surya dapat digunakan tidak hanya di tanah tetapi juga di atap dan permul ‘menampung 1,9 juta sistem PV skala kecil, dengan kapasitas gabungan 10 GW. Penerapan tata an air, Misalnya, lebih dari 20% rumah tanga Australia saat ini surya atap diharapkan akan terus berlanjut dalam dekade berikutnya. Operator Pasar Energi ‘Australia mengharapkan pembangkit listrik dari PV atap di Australia akan mencapai 23 TWh pada tahun 2030, memasok 11% dari kebutuhan listrik tahunan dalam kelistrikan nasional pasar. ©. PENYIMPANAN ENERGI HIDRO YANG Di POMPA 1. Peran pompa air dalam energi terbarukan ‘sistem kelistrikan Karena sifat intermiten PV surya dan angin, sejumlah besar kapasitas penyimpanan diperlukan saat berbagi PV surya dan listrik yang dihasilkan angin naik Dipindai dengan CamScanner menjadi 50%- 100% . Sistem penyimpanan energi hidro yang dipompa (PHES) dan baterai sejauh ini merupakan teknik penyimpanan terkemuka. Sistem PHES menyimpan kelebihan listrik dengan memompa air menanjak ke reservoir atas, Dengan melepaskan ait melalui turbin, energi yang tersimpan dipulhkan. PHES merupakan 97% daya tersimpan global (160 GW) dan lebih dari 99% energi yang tersimpan karena efisiensi perjalanan pulang pergi yang tinggi (sekitar 80%) dan biaya rendah. PHES bisa berbasis sungai atau di luar sungai. Namun, fasilitas berbasis sungai konvensional dibatasi oleh ketersediaan air, upaya pengendalian banjir, dan lingkungan pertimbangan dan karena itu memiliki potensi terbatas untuk pengembangan masa depan. Atlas hidro yang dipompa global Para penulis baru-baru ini melakukan global penilaian situs PHES di luar sungai yang layak dengan menganalisis topografi setiap 1 derajat yaitu dari 60 derajat Utara hingga 56 derajat Selatan dan diidentifikasi 616.000 situs yang menjanjikan dengan potensi penyimpanan gabungan 23 juta GWh (Gbr. 5) menggunakan algoritma GIS yang dijelaskan dalam . Setiap sistem PHES yang teridentifikasi mencakup reservoir atas, reservoir yang lebih rendah, dan rute terowongan hipotetis yang menghubungkan dua reservoir (Gbr. 6). Setiap pasangan diberi peringkat dari A hingga E sesuai dengan perkiraan biaya. . Potensi hidro terpompa di Asia Timur Sistem hidro yang dipompa juga menawarkan start hitam, cepat mulai (20-200 deti an kemampuan inersia sistem di samping penyimpanan, memungkinkan mereka untuk Gigunakan untuk layanan tambahan yang sebelumnya disediakan oleh batubara dan gas. Berbeda dengan energi penyimpanan, daya penyimpanan tidak terbatas kapasitas dapat ditambahkan secara efektif ke PHES di luar sungai sistem. Daya penyimpanan tergantung pada penampang area pengangkutan air dan kapasitas daya dari pompa/turbin, generator, dan gardu induk. itu tidak tergantung langsung pada volume reservoir, meskipun daya yang lebih tinggi output akan menyebabkan penipisan lebih cepat dari air di waduk atas. Dengan demikian, daya penyimpanan dan energi penyimpanan dapat sebagian besar dipisahkan, dan kebutuhan energi dan daya apat bertemu secara manditi D._PERTIMBANGAN TERHADAPLINGKUNGAN Sistem PHES di luar sungai sangat banyak lebih kecil daripada sistem konvensional di Untuk satu juta orang, penyimpanan 20 GWh setara dengan 2-4 km2 kebutuhan lahan untuk reservoir atas dan bawah, Hal ini dapat diabaikan dibandingkan dengan kebutuhan lahan sistem surya dan angin yang didukung oleh PHES . Waduk yang menimpa kawasan lindung dan kawasan perkotaan telah dikeluarkan dari atlas. Situs yang teridentifikasi juga akan tidak Dipindai dengan CamScanner menimbulkan ancaman terhadap £, KESIMPULAN tem sungai yang ada. PY surya dan angin memimpin transisi ke sumber energi terbarukan, terhitung lebih dari 60% dari kapasitas baru yang ditambahkan secara global. Pengurangan biaya berkelanjutan akan mengarah pada peningkatan penyebaran PV surya dan angin secara global. Pompa air adalah pembangkit listrik yang berbiaya rendah, berskala besar, dan solusi penyimpanan yang digunakan secara luas dengan biaya yang diketahui, Itu persyaratan penyimpanan untuk sistem kelistrikan 100% terbarukan adalah sekitar 20 GWh per juta orang berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan untuk Australia, Sementara pangsa saat ini pembangkit terbarukan rendah, wilayah di Asia Timur ‘memiliki sumber daya matahari, angin, dan PHES yang cukup untuk perusahaan besar penyebaran energi terbarukan dalam dekade berikutnya. Dipindai dengan CamScanner \blune 2 Nate Gabe 2010 (ne-c) Do! 100164 gow 2010.11 018 Global Energy Interconnection Contents lists avaiable at ScienceDirect tas tee confer etter tonne KeAi Pumped hydro energy storage and 100 % £ renewable electricity for East Asia Cheng Cheng! Andrew Blakers', Matthew Stocks', Bin Lu' | Research School of Electrical, Energy, and Materials Engineering, Australian National University, Canberra, 2601, Australia Abstract: Rapid cost reductions have led to the widespread deployment of renewable technologies such as solar photovoltaics (PV) and wind globally. Adcitional storage is needed when the share of solar PV and wind in electricity production rises to 50-100%. Pumped hydro energy storage constitutes 97% of the global capacity of stored power and over 99% of stored energy and is the leading method of energy storage. Off-iver pumped hycro eneray storage options, strong interconnections over large areas, and demand management can support a highly renewable electricity system at ‘a modest cost. East Asia has abundant wind, solar, and offriver pumped hydro energy resources, The identified pumped hydro energy storage potential is 100 times more than required to support 100% renewable energy in East Asia. Keywords: Photovoltaics, Wind energy. Pumped hydro energy storage, 100% renewable energy. and the retirement of ex 1 Introduction ing coal-fired generators. East Asia comprises 22% of the world’s population and Increasing concems regarding climate change and rapid cost reductions have led to the widespread deployment of renewable energy globally. One third of the global power capacity is now provided by renewables, mainly solar photovoltaics (PV) and wind, In 2018, the net new deployment of solar PV and wind reached 143 gigawatts (GW) and surpassed the other resources (Fig. 1), This trend is expected to continue in the 2020s considering the continuously decreasing cost of solar PV and wind energy Received: 18 June 20191 Accepted: 20 July 2019/ Published: 25 October 2019 1 Cheng Cheng Matthew Stocks (Chong Chengl @anu edu au Matthew Stocks’ au Andrew Blakers Bin tw AndrewBlakers@anuedusu ‘Bin nt some of the world’s fastest growing economies. (In this paper, Republic of Korea is referred to as South Korea ‘Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is referred to as Fig, 1 Global net new generation capacity added in 2015- 2018 by technology type [1] 20%.$1170 2019 Gt EnsryItersomneton Delo snd Coperatn Ogaiatin.Prodxtion and sting by Else BV. on hal of KSA Cmmunistion Coy Lid Ths i open aces tile under he CC HY-NE-ND cee (hp. cestecommorsocenesty-mnit 36 Dipindai dengan CamScanner (eng Cheng Papel yo eer snag and 10 renewable cet for Fast Asia North Korea) The installed renewable capacity per capita and the renewable share of electricity generation in these regions are demonstrated in Fig. 2. While China and Japan are leading the installed renewable capacity per capita (blue bars), deployment of renewable enerey in East Asia in terms of renewables’ share in electricity generation (green bars) is below the global average (green line) [2] jw. ‘Chien Japon Soh Kns Roth Res Meee talled renewable capacity per capita in 2018 (blue, left axis) and renewables’ share of electricity generation, (green, right axis) in East Asia [2-6]. The horizontal blue and green lines represent global averages for per capita renewable electricity generation and renewable ‘electricity share, respectively. The renewables” share of electricity generation in North Korea is estimated based ‘om average capacity fuetors ‘To facilitate the transition to renewable energy, a series of renewable targets for the next decade (by 2030) have been set in East Asia: 20% renewable energy in South Korea, 22-24% in Japan, 30% in Mongolia, and 35% in China [2]. Solar PY and wind are expected to dominate this transition in most regions as they are cheap, mature, and not constrained by fuel availability, environmental considerations, raw materials supply, water supply, or security issues The transition to renewable energy will be achieved through the electrification of the transport and heating sectors by replacing the internal combustion engines with electric motors, and replacing the current use of gas, and LPG in space heating, water heating, and cooking with cleaner and more efficient electric heat pumps and electric cooking appliances. In the longer term, renewable electrification of industrial processes and aviation and shipping can nearly eliminate the use of gas, oil, and coal and remove 75-85% of greenhouse gas emissions [1]. Energy storage, strong interconnection aver large areas, and demand management can support a highly renewable electricity system at a modest cost [7]. East Asia has abundant wind and solar resourees and off-iver pumped hydro energy storage (PHES) eapacity Australia sets a good example for the East Asian ‘countries, as Australia’s energy systems are experiencing a rapid and large-scale transition to renewable energy. New solar PV and wind capacities are being installed at arate of 250 Wiyr per capita, which is 4-5 times faster than in China, Japan, the European Union, and the United States (Fig, 3) ‘The Australian experience demonstrates the feasibility of the rapid deployment of solar PV and wind at a low cost in an isolated industrialized country. Australia is expected 10 achieve 50% renewable electricity by 2024 and 100% renewable electricity by 2032 if the current installation rate (approximately 6 GW per year for @ population of 25 million people) is sustained [1]. The replacement of coal-fired generators with renewable solar PV and wind technology is also expected to contribute to the continuous decrease in greenhouse gas emissions 2 a Fig. 3 Annual renewable energy deployment rate per capi by region. Data for Australia (2018 and 2019) are from the Australian Clean Energy Regulator [8] and data for other regions (2018) are from IRENA [9] ‘This study contributes to the discussions around achieving the goal of 100% renewable energy in East Asia as follows It provides a summary of available wind and solar 2. It demonstrates that sufficient land is available to supply current East Asian electricity consumption from PV and wind. 3.1 identifies a vast, mature, and low-cost solution {o the problem of storage to support high levels of variable wind and PV energy supply in East Asia, in the form of PHES, 4 Itestimates the storage requirements to support 100% renewable electricity in East Asia, and demonstrates that this requirement is a small fraction of the available PHES a7 Dipindai dengan CamScanner Global Energy interconnection 2 Solar and wind resources in East Asia 2.4 Wind Fast Asia has abundant wind resources compared to the rest of the world. It is one of the regions with the fastest wind deployment, with an installed capacity of 120 W per capita by the end of 2018, compared to the global capacity of 74W per capita [9]. China, with the largest installed capacity, is leading the global wind power generation with continued growth. In 2018, over 40% of the global net new wind capacity was contributed by China [9], mostly onshore but well-listributed across the provinces. Although the current share of wind generation in East Asia is low, Japan and South Korea are planning to make significant investments in offshore wind energy to utilize the abundant wind resources along the coastline [10-11]. 22 Solar East Asia also has abundant solar resourees. The best locations for solar power are in northern and western China and Mongolia, where the population density is relatively ow, Western China also has excellent solar, wind, and pumped hydro resources ‘The significance of solar PV in future energy systems is vwell recognized in East Asia Japan has a target of supplying 7% of its national electricity demand by solar PV by 2030, while China is aiming at 105 GW solar PV by 2020. The total electricity consumption in East Asia is 7,300,000 GWhiyr, Assuming an average capacity factor of 18%, solar PV systems with a rated capacity of 4,630 GW are required to meet the entire electricity demand in East Asia. This translates to a combined pane! area of 23,000 km* or 14 me per person assuming a panel efficiency of 20% Solar PV can be deployed not only on the ground but also on rooftops and water surfaces. For example, over 20% of Australian households currently host 1.9 million small- seale PV systems, with a combined capacity of 10 GW [12]. Deployment of rooftop solar systems is expected to continue in the next decade. The Australian Energy Market Operator is expecting the electricity generation from rooftop PV in Australia to reach 23 TWh by 2030 (13). supplying 11% of the annual electricity demand in the national electricity market AAs discussed in Section 2.1, wind energy systems are also highly prospective in East Asia. Onshore wind turbines alienate negligible land (only the towers and access roads) and offshore turbines alienate no land. If we assume that half of the electricity demand in East Asia is met through wind energy and roof-mounted PV panels occupying. negligible land, while the other half is supplied from PV 388 panels mounted on the ground and water bodies that have ‘a spacing of 3:1, the total area required to supply 100% of East Asia’s electricity demand is 35,000 km, equivalent to (0.3% of the total land area or 11.5% of the total water area (lakes, reservoirs rivers). Detailed information by region is presented in Table 1, The region has a vast amount of land and water area that can host wind farms and roofiops for the large-scale deployment of renewable energy technologies that would supply most or all of the electricity demand in East Asia {le Requremen fr lar supply 10% eeiy Sum a Es Gon eu Terri ss ares tata toni cdr in estar 2 te miscemento war mea f Recon PVenpeciy tndana ter (GW) required = ns seat ee ee ee Nonh ° 0.06% 54% 01% coe Mega 30a tative 480 OK 3 Pumped hydro energy storage 3.1 The role of pumped hydro in a highly renewable electricity system Duc to the intermittent nature of solar PV and wind, a large amount of storage capacity is required when the share of solar PV and wind generated electricity rises to 50%— 100% [7]. Pumped hydro energy storage (PHES) systems ‘and batteries are by far the leading storage techniques. PHES systems store excess electricity by pumping water uphill to the upper reservoir. By releasing the water through the turbine, the stored energy is recovered. PHES constitutes 97% of global stored power (160 GW) and over 99% of stored energy due to its high round-trip efficiency (around 80%) and low cost. PHES can either be river-based or off-river. However, conventional river-based facilities are constrained by ‘water availability, flood control efforts, and environmental considerations and therefore have limited potential for future development. Off-river PHES utilizes a pair of artificial reservoirs at different altitudes (100-1,200 m altitude difference or “head’) to circulate water indefinitely Dipindai dengan CamScanner in a closed loop. The reservoirs are usually separated by a few kilometers and are connected by a pipe or a tunnel (Fig. 4), As the reservoirs are not river-based, there is no need for flood control, which would otherwise incur additional costs Moreover, less land is required for off-river PHES and the heads are also higher because of the larger number of available sites [1] Fig. 4 Presenzano (Italy) PHES system (S00 m head, 1 GW power, and 6 GWh storage) showing twin off-river reservoirs, (Google Farth image) ‘The storage potential of PHES is proportional to the volume of the upper reservoir, the head, and the round-trip efficiency. For example, a PHES system with tin 2,000,000 m* reservoirs, a 700 m head, and 80% round-trip efficiency can store 3 GWh of energy and operate at 500 MW of power generation for 6 h Batteries are ideal for small-scale (residential and electric vehicles) and short-term storage (sub-seconds to hours), but they are expensive for balancing a large-scale highly renewable electric grid. One of the largest batteries in the world has a storage energy of 0.13 GWh and storage power of 0.1 GW [14], whereas the Snowy 2.0 pumped hydro project has a storage energy of 350 GWh and rated power of2 GW [15] 3.2 Global pumped hydro atlas ‘The authors have recently carried out a global assessment of Viable off-river PHES sites by analyzing the topography of every 1 degree which is from 60 degrees North to 56 degrees South [16] and identified 616,000 promising sites with a combined storage potential of 23 million GWh (Fig, 5) using GIS algorithms described in [17] Each identified PHES system includes an upper reservoir, a lower reservoir, and a hypothetical tunnel route connecting the two reservoirs (Fig. 6). Each pair is ranked from A to E according to the estimated costs [18]. This is shown in the maps with red points representing Class A sites and primrose points representing Class E sites. The cost of Class A pair is roughly half of that of a Class E pair Generally, off-river PHES systems with a higher water/ rock ratio (the volume of the rock needed to be moved to dam a given volume of water), larger head, larger slope between the reservoirs (head-to-horizontal separation ratio), and lower storage power are more cost-effective and therefore are ranked higher. For each identified site, detailed zoomable maps and spreadsheets containing all site attributes are available: altitude, head, latitude, longitude, slope, water volume, rock volume, water area, dam wall length, water/rock ratio, energy storage potential, and approximate relative cost (classes A-E). Fig. 5. Distribution of global pumped hydro sites identified with GIS analysis, 616,000 sites were identified with a combined storage capacity of23 million GWh Fig, 6 Two pairs of class A (red dots/world-class) off-river pumped hydro sites in southern China. The upper and lower reservoirs are colored light and dark blue, respectively. ‘The blue lines represent the hypothetical tunnel routes. The head for these two pairs is approximately 600 m. The storage potential is 150 GWh per pair witha storage time of 18 h. Image eredit: Data ‘61 hosting and Bing Map background 3.3 Pumped hydro potential in East Asia East Asia houses 123,630 promising sites with a combined storage capacity of 4 million GWh (Fig. 7), which is equivalent to 2,400 GWh per million people As a comparison, a study on Australia indicated that the storage required to balance a 100% renewable electricity system supplying 25 million people is 500 GWh [7]. Using the Australian “rule of thumb,” these 123,630 identified 319 Dipindai dengan CamScanner Global Energy interconnection sites are 120 times more than required to support 100% renewable electricity in East Asia, ‘The identified offriver PHES potential in terms of GWh per million people for regions in East Asia is shown in Fig, 10. All regions have significantly more PHES capacities than requited (blue bars). All regions except South Korea have sufficient world-class (Class A) PHES sites to support 100% renewable electricity (green bars), However, South Korea has 1225 GWh or 24 GWh per million people of Class B capacity asa substitute, which is only 25% more expensive, Fig. 7 123,630 off-iver pumped hydro sites with a combined storage eapacity of 4 millon GWh identified in Bast Asia (eae AE Cae tage Fig, 8 Energy storage potential (GWh per million people in log scale) for East Asia. As a guide, the amount of storage required to support 100% renewable electricity in Australia is about 20 GWh per milion people [7]. Most regions have hundreds of imes more storage than required ‘to support high levels of variable wind and solar PV Offriver PHES sites in China are well-listributed, Most of the sites are in the western and southern parts including Guizhou, Guangxi, Fujian, Gansu, Sichuan, Inner Mongolia, and Xinjiang. In western China, the solar and wind resources are also abundant, Many high voltage transmission lines (HVDCIHCAC) have been built oF are under construction, allowing the load centers in the east and south to have aceess to energy storage facilites, and solar and wind resources in 390 the west and northwest. Widespread solar PV, wind, and PHES across large areas allow stable and reliable power ‘output as the local weather effects are smoothed out Pumped hydro systems also offer black start, rapid start (20-200s), and system inertia capability in addition to storage, allowing them to be utilized for ancillary services that were previously provided by coal and gas, In contrast to storage energy, unlimited storage power capacity can be effectively added to off-river PHES systems. Storage power depends on the cross-sectional area of the water conveyance and the power capacity of the ump/turbine, generator, and switchyard. It does not depend directly on the reservoir Volume, although a higher power ‘output will cause more rapid depletion of the water in the ‘upper reservoir, Thus, storage power and storage energy can be largely decoupled, and energy and power requirements, ‘can be met independently Mongolia has low population density and low energy ‘consumption per capita, but excellent wind, solar, and PHES resources. It would be easy for Mongolia to achieve 100% renewable electricity by following the Australian pathway Its, however, more difficult for other East Asian regions ‘The storage requirement per million people is likely to be higher in these regions due to the relatively small land areas ‘and smaller solar and wind resources. While local solar and wind resources can provide large amounts of energy, Other East Asian countries can also access the enormous wind and solar resources of ‘western China and Mongolia via connection with HVDC submarine cables. Other clean energy sources, such as imported renewable hydrogen, geothermal, biomass, tidal, ‘or nuclear may play a small role in the transition fo zero- carbon economies. However, their cost is likely to be higher than that of PV and wind sourced locally or delivered from Central Asia by an HVDC cable. 4 Environmental considerations ‘The reservoirs in off. iver PHES systems are much smaller than for conventional on-river systems. For one million people, 20 GWh of storage is equivalent to 2-4 km’ of land required for both upper and lower reservoirs. This is negligible compared to the land requirements for the solar and wind systems supported by PHES [1]. Reservoirs ‘that impinge protected areas and urban areas have already been excluded from the atlas. The identified sites will also introduce no threat to existing river systems, The amount of water required for a renewable electricity grid supported by solar PV, wind, PHES, and large intereonneetion is much less than that for a corresponding Dipindai dengan CamScanner Cheng Cheng et Pumped ho ee 1c and 00% renewable coal-based system as cooling towers are avoided [19]. Water requited by PHES are for the initial fill (approximately 20 GL per million people) and the occasional replacement of evaporation losses (negligible). Assuming PHES is phased in over the next 20 yr, then the water required for the initial fill is 3 L/d per person, which is much less than the current water use in the electricity and gas industries [1]. 5 Conclusion Solar PV and wind are leading the transition to renewable energy sourees, accounting for over 60% of the slobal newly added capacity. Continued cost reductions will lead to increasing deployment of solar PV and wind slobally. Pumped hydro is a low-cost, large-scale, and widely deployed storage solution with a known cost. The storage requirement for a 100% renewable electricity system is approximately 20 GWh per million people based on the analysis performed for Australia. While the current share of renewable generation is low, regions in East Asia have sufficient solar, wind, and PHES resources for the large deployment of renewables in the following decades. Acknowledgements Support from the Energy Transition Hub (hitps:/Avww energy-transition-hub org/), the Australia Indonesia Centre (hitps:/faustraliaindonesiacentre org/), and the Australian Renewable Energy Agency ( aul) is, sratefully acknowledged. AREMI is supported by ARENA. and Data6. Special thanks to Mats Henrikson of Data61 (https://www.data6 Lesiro au/) for mounting the data on AREMLI, We also thank to David Singleton, This work has been partially supported by the Australian Government through the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) Responsibility for the views, information or advice expressed. herein is not accepted by the Australian Government. References [1] Blakers A, Stocks M, Lu B, et al (2019) Pathway to 100% Renewable Eletriity. IEEE Joural of Photovoliacs, 99:1-6 [2]. REN21 (2019) Renewables 2019 Global Status Report Renewables Now, Paris: REN21 Secretariat. tps: ren2I. netwp-contentuploads/201940S/gst_2014 _full_rsporten pl. Accessed 6 Oct 2019 [B]_ Korea Energy Ageney (KEA) (2019) KIREC Seoul 2019. In Seer. KIREC Seoul 2019. hp /www ktee2019 krsubd about Il, Accessed 6 Oct 2019 [1] ISEP (2019) Share of Renewable Energy Power in Japan, 2018 (Preliminary Report) Insite fr Sustainable Energy Policies (SEP), Toisyo. ups fw seporpen/T17. 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His research interests include renewable energy 4 Z > systems, electric vehicles, pumped hydro ‘energy storage and heat pumps. He is @ member of the Golden Key Intemational Honour Society Andrew Blakers received the bachelor degree from Australian National University ‘Canberra, ACT, Australia, in 1978, and the PRD. degre fem the Universiy of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia, in 1984. He is a Professor of Engineering with Austalian National University He was a Humboldt Fellow ‘and has held Australian Research Council QEI and Senior Research Fellowships. His research interests include silicon Photovoltaic solar cells and renewable energy systems. He i Fellow of the Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, the Institute of Energy, and the Institute of Physics. He isa Public Policy Fellow athe Austalian National University aw Matthew Stocks received the bachelor degree from the Australian National University Canberra, ACT, Australia, in 1992, and the Ph.D. degree from the Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia, in 2000 He is a researeh fellow in the Research School of Electrical, Energy and Materials Engineering at the ANU having spent ten ‘years in industry developing the ANU invented SLIVER solar cell technology. His research interests are high efficieney photovoltaics and the use of renewable electricity at seale to deearbonise energy systems. He was part of the REIOO team that won the Eureka Prize for Environmental Science in 2018, ‘Bin Lu received the bachelor and master depres from Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei ‘Ching, in 2003 and 2009, and the PhD. depree fom Australian National University, Canbera, ACT, Australi, in 2019. He is a Research Fellow at the Australian National University Fe was previously a Senior Electrical Engineer with a decade of work experience in ee systems design and providing consulting services to government and industry. His research interests include energy market modelling, renewable energy’ resource assessment, Geographic Tnformation ‘System application development, electrical system design and power system analysis, (Editor Dawei Wat Dipindai dengan CamScanner

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