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FE ee eee Te El ORY Coreen trates Art Practices in the Philippines Contemporary art practices are actual practices of the arts in everyday life. They are expressed in different ways, by an individual or by a collaboration of several artists. We have viewed and discussed individual works of Filipino artists in the preceding chapters. We are already familiar with how they are made and how they are exhibited. The form and content of an artwork that is done by an individual artist are products of a single person’s thoughts and emotions. But how about collaborative works of art? Whose thoughts and emotions are being displayed in them? One example of a collaboration product is Jose Tence Ruiz’s Shoal on page 35. The idea is the brainchild of Ruiz, but the execution of the entire artwork has been done by several artists. This type of collaboration showcases an idea from a single person. A sample of a complete collaboration — an anthology of artworks that showcases different ideas from different persons — can be seen in the Chapel of the Holy Sacrifice in the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City. Four national artists were involved in creating the circular chapel: the design of the building by Arch. Leandro Locsin; the main crosses at the altar carved by Napoleon Abueva; the Stations of the Cross painted by Vicente Manansala; and the mosaic floor surrounding the altar done by Arturo Luz. Facade of the Chapel of the Holy Sacrifice in the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City , Quezon City. 005, the i in 0 a Lege was Fecognized as a National Historical Landmark by the sion my vi te and a Cultural Treasure by the National Museum of ihe Philippines. “According to Ambeth Ocampo, Chairman of the National Historical jpstitute, the Chapel of the Holy Sacrifice “is a masterpiece of artistry and ingenuity.” festivals and Rituals: Representations of Philippine Arts Perhaps one collaborative art that is common to every region is the festival. The Philippines have festivals of every kind: festivals honoring patron saints (a carry-over from the Catholic Spanish-colonial tradition), thanksgiving for a bountiful harvest, commemoration of an event, and tribute to a special occasion or a local specialty. The Pane for festivals have become a collaborative art that involves many art forms styles. A festival may be composed of street-dancing, singing competitions, architectural decors like floats, and a lot more. Some of these festivals have become tourist attractions. The Sinulog Festival in Cebu is one of them. It is held every third of January to honor the image of the Sto. Nifio de Cebu, which.was brought by the Spaniards when they. landed in Mactan in 1521. The Dinagyang Festival of Iloilo, celebrated every fourth Sunday of January, is also in honor of the Sto. Nifio, commemorating the arrival of Malay settlers in Panay and the selling of the island to them by the Atis. Another festival that honors the Sto. Nifio is the Ati-Atihan in Kalibo, Aklan. Held on the third Sunday of January, it features a parade of drumbeating Ati-Atihans (make-believe Atis) and the cry of “hala bira!” k The Pahiyas of Lucban, Quezon, is held annually on May 15 and honors San Isidro Labrador, the patron saint of farmers. Houses along the procession route are decorated | with the colorful Aiping made of colored and cooked rice dough with a leaf-shape design. In Marinduque, the most popular festival is the Moriones Festival. It outdoor theatrical performance that reenacts the story of Longinus, the centurion who pierced the side of Jesus Christ on the cross. This festival is held during the Holy Week of Lent. The Pamulinawen Festival in Laoag, Ilocos Norte, honors Our Lady of Peace | every tenth of February. In Piat, Cagayan, the Sambali Fiesta honors Our Lady of Piat ina week-long festival during the last week of June. It also commemorates the Sambali tribe, who converted to Christianity. : ‘ The Hermosa Festival in Zamboanga, also known as Fiesta Pilar, is a month-long festival held in October, honoring the image of Our Lady of the Pillar.

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