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Reagan Mittler

Self-Evaluation Grammar

February 14th through 18th, 2022

Standard: CC.1.2.3.K

Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple meaning words and phrases

based on grade-level reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies and tools.

 Were the materials and activities helpful for student learning?

This week the students were learning about “articles” and how to use them the correct

way. To start off I started out with an intro video so that it can show them more ways they are

supposed to use “A, An and the” the correct way. Some of the students were confused when they

heard about how to use “a” and “an” because of how it would be used with either a vowel or a

consonant. Once the video was completed, I asked the students if they had any more questions

for me to answer and they did not because once the introduction video was over, they understood

when they are supposed to use the articles the correct way. Having the students use their

grammar book is a great way to get them started with new material, but I don’t like to keep them

in their books every day we have class. I like to have other materials for us to use to learn the

materials in class.

Also, I believe that when I have the students learn something new at the beginning of the

week, I will assign them homework on the new material because I want to be able to see that

they understand it. But when we are in the classroom and finish the grammar pages in their

grammar books, I usually will have a fun activity for them to work with a partner. I believe that
the materials I use and have for the students are helpful to their learning because they can work

independently and with a partner and still be able to answer the questions correctly but just with

some minor mistakes. Overall, I believe that the materials I use for the students are very helpful

for them to be able to accomplish new material each week and be able to move onto something

else the week after. The students were able to show that they understood the marital I taught

them by completing the homework and all the grammar pages and the extra practice pages as


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