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1. Kenapa diadakan Draught Survey.
2. Pihak-pihak terlibat.
3. Akurasi Draught Survey.

B. Dasar-dasar prinsip Draught Survey.

1. Prinsip Archimedes.
2. Prinsip buoyancy.

C. Displacement dan Volume displacement.

D. Menghitung Volume Displacement.

1. Simson Rules.
2. Block Coefficient ; Area Coefficient; Deadweight Coefficient.

E. Berat
1. Light Ship.
2. Deductible weight.
3. Pengetian Contant.
4. Cargo deadweight.

F. Density media cairan :

1. Air Laut ( Sea/salt water)
2. Air Tawar(Fresh Water)
3. Air payau (Dock Water)

G. Draught kapal.
1. Fore Aft Mean.
2. Trim
3. Heel kapal.

H. Ukuran-ukuran kapal.

I. Plimsol Mark.
1. Summer
2. Winter
3. Tropical
4. Fresh Water
5. Winter North Atlantic.

J. Data-data Draught Survey.

2. Draught Mark.
3. DWT Scale/table.
4. TPC/Ton Per Cm Immersion.
5. FWA/DWA Fresh/Dock water Allowance.
6. MCT / Moment Change of Trim.
7. Center of Floation.

K. L angkah-langkah Draught Survey.

1. Pembacaan draught.
2. Pengambilan data density air laut.
3. Pengaambilan data2 berat/weight diatas kapal.
4. Ship’s data stability.
5. Koreksi2 draught survey.
6. Pembacaan table.
7. Perhitungan Displacement kapalèCorrected displaacement.
8. Initial & final Draught Survey.
9. Perhitungan muatan.

L. Praktek Perhitungan Draught Survey

M. Alat-alat Draught Survey.

N. Kondisi dan syarat-syarat Draught Survey.

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