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OK, I hacked out an ADOdb container for PEAR-Auth.

The error handling's

a bit of a mess, but all the methods work.

Copy ADOdb.php to your pear/Auth/Container/ directory.

Use the ADOdb container exactly as you would the DB

container, but specify 'ADOdb' instead of 'DB':

$dsn = "mysql://myuser:mypass@localhost/authdb";
$a = new Auth("ADOdb", $dsn, "loginFunction");

See the "Find Modules" section of the cmake-developer(7) manual page.

For more information about how to contribute modules to CMake, see this page:

*Q_tm* Text object motions

|w| N w N words forward

|W| N W N blank-separated |WORD|s forward
|e| N e forward to the end of the Nth word
|E| N E forward to the end of the Nth blank-separated |WORD|
|b| N b N words backward
|B| N B N blank-separated |WORD|s backward
|ge| N ge backward to the end of the Nth word
|gE| N gE backward to the end of the Nth blank-separated |WORD|

|)| N ) N sentences forward

|(| N ( N sentences backward
|}| N } N paragraphs forward
|{| N { N paragraphs backward
|]]| N ]] N sections forward, at start of section
|[[| N [[ N sections backward, at start of section
|][| N ][ N sections forward,

|/| N /{pattern}[/[offset]]<CR>
search forward for the Nth occurrence of {pattern}
|?| N ?{pattern}[?[offset]]<CR>
search backward for the Nth occurrence of {pattern}
|/<CR>| N /<CR> repeat last search, in the forward direction
|?<CR>| N ?<CR> repeat last search, in the backward direction
|n| N n repeat last search
|N| N N repeat last search, in opposite direction
|star| N * search forward for the identifier under the cursor
|#| N # search backward for the identifier under the cursor
|gstar| N g* like "*", but also find partial matches
|g#| N g# like "#", but also find partial matches
|gd| gd goto local declaration of identifier under the cursor
|gD| gD goto global declaration of id

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