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Northrise University

30029 Kitwe - Ndola Dual Carriage Highway. P.O Box 240271, Ndola, Zambia.


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Instructor’s Comments:

Assignment 3 2

This assignment is going to review my approved research topic. The reminder of this

paper is structured as follows; In the first section, the paper will describe my population in two

parts; targeted and study population. The next section will describe my sample; the sampling

technique, how I will arrive at my sample and the concept of data saturation and if it is

applicable to my study. The third section will discuss data collection; the tool and the

approaches. The fourth section will then discuss data analysis, either qualitative or quantitative

and outline the steps in the chosen data analysis.

Marketing Intelligence

Marketing intelligence is the data which is relevant to company’s external market. It is

gathered and analyzed for a specific purpose that is to take decision to analyses the opportunity

prevailing the market environment (Aaker, 2011). It is generally done when the business wants

to enter into new market. When the firm plans to enter into new market it needs to formulate a

marketing plan as well as penetration strategies. The present report covers the customer’s

purchase decision making process. Along with this, the study includes the factors which

influence the buyer’s purchase decisions. Further, the study investigates market research

techniques and methods of assessing customer response. At last, the current report tries to assess

the market size trendsIn this analysis, they covered four areas:

Competitor landscape

They identified the top-ranking podcast recording software companies to understand their

product features, pricing model, sales funnel, marketing tactics, and customer demographics.

Assignment 3 3

After gathering competitor information, they worked with their product team to gain a

deep understanding of their own product including key features, how it was like competitor

products, and what differentiated it from competitor products. They also learned about up-and-

coming features launching later in the year.

Market analysis

Next, the team did research to understand the overall valuation and growth potential of

the podcast recording software market. They learned podcast listenership has grown over the past

decade and is expected to grow more in coming years, which could lead to more podcasts being

produced. With seeing growth and investment in the podcasting space, along with increased

interest in people wanting to start podcasts, marketers at JKL learn there is a potential market for

new, or up-and-coming podcasters who want easy-to-use software.

Customer base

Finally, the JKL marketing team reached out to a focus group of their current customers

to understand their relationship to the product. The customers walk them through their podcast

production workflow using JKL software and share what features they love, along with what

new features or changes they would like to see. After going through this exercise, JKL has

gained valuable insight into their competitive landscape, product features to highlight, market

growth opportunities, and ways to keep their current customer base engaged and using the


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