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Leah Muhlenkamp

Professor Leonard

English 1201-507

4 May 2022

Student Stress and Anxiety Management

You are walking down the hallway of your school, your friend is talking to you, but you

are not hearing anything they are saying because your mind is racing about everything you have

to do. Questions are filling your head like how hard is this test coming up going to be, are my

grades good enough, how am I going to turn this paper in on time? The thoughts running through

your head never stop. If this event sounds familiar to you, you are not alone and there are things

you can do to help manage your stress and anxiety. Two of the three most troubling mental health

problems in students are stress and anxiety (The College Student's Guide to Stress Management).

Stress and anxiety can instill a sense of worry or fear, as response to a trigger (Anxiety and Stress

Management). Stress and anxiety have been troubling students for a long time. Chronic stress

and anxiety can be detrimental to students' health and academic success. However, there are

things that students can do to manage their stress and anxiety so that it is not or does not become

chronic. Students can self sufficiently manage their stress and anxiety by getting proper nutrition,

participating in the daily recommended amount of exercise, obtaining quality sleep, practicing

meditation, creating a good support system, and finding an outlet.

Students' stress and anxiety have been a problem for much of history, but recently it has

become more of a worry. According to the article and infographic, “The College Student's Guide

to Stress Management” by Purdue University Global, “45% of college students say they

experience more than average stress” (The College Student's Guide to Stress Management). This
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amount of students suffering from chronic stress should not be a normal thing. In the article,

“Anxiety and Stress Management,” which includes a lot of good information about anxiety and

stress in the past few years, the author indicates that the United States has seen a significant rise

in stress and anxiety levels in the twenty-first century (Anxiety and Stress Management). There

are many things in the twenty-first century that have led to this rise. These things include social

media, increased pressure, and more mental health problems all together. Anxiety disorders were

on the top of the list for mental health disorders in the United States in 2021 (Anxiety and Stress

Management). This could be a result of COVID-19. For students, the COVID-19 pandemic

added more stress including academic disruptions and social isolation (Anxiety and Stress

Management). This added to the stressors they already had to deal with like paying for school,

getting good grades, and learning how to live like adults. The recent increase in gun violence

within the past few years has also caused an uptake in stress and anxiety. “According to the

Stress in America 2019 report from the American Psychological Association (APA), for the first

time in the annual report’s history, mass shootings were the most common cause of stress cited

by respondents, with 71 percent of US adults identifying them as significant stressors” (Anxiety

and Stress Management). Students now have to worry about the possibility of school shootings,

adding more stress and anxiety to their lives. School already adds a lot of stress to students and

causes them anxiety, but recent challenges have added to that stress and anxiety. Students need

ways to help themselves manage their stress and anxiety and improve their overall well-being.
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Fg. 1. This chart shows that stress and anxiety was what students struggled with most during the

fall of the 2020 school year (Anderson).

One thing that students can do to help manage their stress and anxiety is to focus on

proper nutrition. The hormone, cortisol plays a major role in stress and anxiety. Some foods

increase cortisol levels, and these foods should be limited when trying to manage stress and

anxiety. There are also foods that contain vitamins and minerals that help reduce stress. These

foods should be added to the diet to help manage stress and anxiety. The article “12 Lifestyle

Habits to Reduce Stress” includes many tips for managing stress and anxiety, and describes that

foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids including many types of fish are found to lower stress (12

Lifestyle Habits to Reduce Stress). Vitamin C is another stress reducer and it not only reduces

stress but also lowers blood pressure (12 Lifestyle Habits To Reduce Stress). Good sources of

vitamin C are fruits and vegetables. When people are stressed they tend to lean towards more
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unhealthy, fatty and sugar filled foods to help comfort themselves, but they should turn to fruits

and vegetables instead since they actually help them. There are multiple things in human diets

that either increase or decrease levels of cortisol. Foods containing probiotics like yogurt reduce

cortisol levels, consequently reducing stress levels (12 Lifestyle Habits To Reduce Stress). Diets

these days consist of limiting calories, cutting carbs, and fasting, all of which have a negative

impact on stress and anxiety. It has been found that cortisol increases as a result of restricting

calories (12 Lifestyle Habits To Reduce Stress). Some might think that carbohydrates are bad for

health, but carbohydrates cause the brain to produce serotonin that induces a calming effect (12

Lifestyle Habits To Reduce Stress). Low levels of carbohydrates and high amounts of caffeine

both cause increased levels of cortisol, leading to increased stress and anxiety (12 Lifestyle

Habits To Reduce Stress). Fasting causes blood sugar to drop, increasing irritability, thus

increasing stress (12 Lifestyle Habits To Reduce Stress). Proper diets with beneficial foods can

lower stress and anxiety (Anxiety and Stress Management). When working on managing stress

and anxiety, it is important to include cortisol reducing foods, high vitamin foods, and a proper

amount of carbohydrates in a daily diet. It is also important to remember to not excessively limit

calories or limit when food is consumed. All of these nutrition tips limit stress and anxiety.

Along with having a balanced diet students should also make sure to get the

recommended amount of exercise to lessen their stress and anxiety. The feel-good chemicals

called endorphins are released during exercise (The College Student's Guide to Stress

Management). These chemicals can reduce stress and anxiety and cause a feeling of satisfaction.

“Most experts recommend 150 minutes of aerobic activity per week” (The College Student's

Guide to Stress Management). Even just a short brisk walk can make an impact (The College

Student's Guide to Stress Management). Exercise completed on a regular basis helps boost
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people's mood, make people less self conscious, and more happy overall (Anxiety and Stress

Management). When people feel good about themselves and how they look it reduces stress and

anxiety about their image. Exercising outside in nature can also relieve stress and anxiety (12

Lifestyle Habits To Reduce Stress). Simply being in a green atmosphere can reduce stress and

anxiety and boost your mood (12 Lifestyle Habits To Reduce Stress). Exercising outside allows

for fresh air intake and relaxation. Students do not have a lot of free time due to their intense

studies but they should make it a routine to participate in some form of physical exercise a few

times per week at a minimum. Creating a routine helps give the mind something to focus on and

makes people more likely to complete the task. Exercise is good for overall health and is

beneficial when it comes to managing stress and anxiety.

Sleep is also an important key factor in managing stress and anxiety. Between a lack of

sleep increasing stress, and stress contributing to insufficient sleep, it can be hard to figure out

how to get adequate sleep, but sleep psychologists can help with that (12 Lifestyle Habits To

Reduce Stress). Sleep helps reduce levels of cortisol and adrenaline (12 Lifestyle Habits To

Reduce Stress). These hormones are contributors to stress and anxiety so it is helpful to lower the

amount of them. It is recommended that everyone get at least seven to nine hours of sleep, but if

that does not happen, it is also recommended that people take short naps that occur no more than

twice a day to make up for missed hours of sleep (12 Lifestyle Habits To Reduce Stress).

Receiving the recommended amount of sleep decreases stress and anxiety and also improves the

immune system (12 Lifestyle Habits To Reduce Stress). Getting daily exercise can help with

good sleep hygiene (Anxiety and Stress Management). Using energy while exercising makes

people more tired and allows them to fall asleep easier. Turning off screens, not eating or

drinking immediately before bed, and making the room dark and quiet allows the brain to relax
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and helps with quality sleep and a good routine (Anxiety and Stress Management). Sleep is

important for health overall, but it is very important for managing stress and anxiety.

Mindfulness meditation is another skill to try when managing stress and anxiety.

According to Taylor Foley, author of “Stress Reduction Through Mindfulness Meditation in

Student Registered Nurse Anesthetists,” students see a decrease in anxiety when participating in

mindfulness mediation programs (285). Academic benefits have been found to be a result of

meditation as well, including less test anxiety and better grade performance (Foley 288). All of

the studies completed in this article showed stress and anxiety decreased due to meditation

(Foley 286). Some mindfulness practices include yoga, deep-breathing, and sensory deprivation

tanks (Anxiety and Stress Management). Using guided meditation apps or meditation videos is a

great way to get started (12 Lifestyle Habits to Reduce Stress). Anyone can try meditation and it

would be beneficial to make it a routine to either start or end the day with some form of

meditation. Meditation allows people to block out intrusive thoughts and focus on the now.

Having a good support system and the connection is also essential to managing stress and

anxiety. When struggling with stress and anxiety people tend to want to isolate themselves, but

that is the opposite of what they need. Isolation is yet another thing that increases cortisol levels

(12 Lifestyle Habits to Reduce Stress). Socialization is a necessity to decrease stress levels and a

need in order to improve the overall quality of life. A study completed in China and discussed in

the article “Assessing Social Support Impact on Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Among

Undergraduate Students in Shaanxi Province During the Covid-19 Pandemic in China” which is

about China students’ stress and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic, found that people who

do not have a lot of support struggle more with mental health including stress and anxiety (Kun

Guo et al.). Connections with people help lower stress levels so it is important to stay connected
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with friends and family (12 Lifestyle Habits to Reduce Stress). Facetiming, calling, texting, and

in person talks are all ways to stay connected. Simply having someone trustworthy to talk to can

be stress relieving. Students can talk to teachers, friends, family, and or counselors. Most

colleges provide on campus counselors that students can meet face to face, over zoom, or on a

phone call. Social support creates resilience in people, helping them get through tough times and

manage their stress and anxiety (Kun Guo et al.). During the Covid-19 pandemic, students were

struggling extremely since they did not have the resilience from their social support. “Cultivating

resilience can have a major impact on a person's sense of mental and emotional well-being”

(Anxiety and Stress Management). The study done in China also found that female students had

more support from family and peers and as a result had less stress and anxiety and male students

had less support from family and peers and more stress and anxiety as a result (Kun Guo et al.).

This supports the fact that social support reduces stress and anxiety in students. Students should

surround themselves with positive and encouraging people who help limit their stress instead of

adding to it.

Finding an outlet like a new hobby, a sport, or something else that is enjoyable can help

divert students' focus from their stress and anxiety. Students can often get caught up in their

studies and forget to do things that they enjoy. Focusing on an outlet diverts from intrusive

thoughts and worry (12 Lifestyle Habits to Reduce Stress). Putting the focus on something

enjoyable and stress free takes the mind away from the stressful things. As mentioned in the

article “The College Student’s Guide To Stress Management” “You need a break most when you

believe you do not have time for a break” (The College Student’s Guide To Stress Management).

Simply taking a quick break and listening to music can be helpful to de-stress. Listening to

upbeat music can be a mood booster and listening to slower, more relaxing music can calm the
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mind (12 Lifestyle Habits to Reduce Stress). Both of these types of music allow the body and

mind to release stress. An outlet is a great way to escape from stress and anxiety. An outlet can

also make people happy and make them look forward to something they can do every day.

Stress and anxiety can not only be detrimental to students' mental health but also their

physical health (Anxiety and Stress Management). Ongoing stress can cause problems in the

brain, heart, and other major parts of the body. A few of the problems chronic stress can cause

include, diseases of the heart, cancer, and diabetes (12 Lifestyle Habits to Reduce Stress). These

are just some of the terrible illnesses that can come about from uncontrolled stress and anxiety.

The hormone cortisol which causes stress when at high levels also causes health problems if it

stays at a high level for a long period of time (12 Lifestyle Habits to Reduce Stress). People who

have elevated levels of cortisol may notice weight gain, gastrointestinal problems, or other health

problems (12 Lifestyle Habits to Reduce Stress). Their immune system may also become weak

which makes it easier for them to catch illnesses (12 Lifestyle Habits to Reduce Stress).

Although stress and anxiety comes from the brain, it affects all aspects of the body.

Stress and anxiety are mental health problems that many students struggle with. Students

struggling with stress and anxiety do not get the chance to perform at their best. With intrusive

thoughts running through students' minds, they cannot put the full amount of focus on their

schoolwork that they would normally be able to (Anxiety and Stress Management). The heavy

workload of school and personal life, plus the push for students to be perfect and the feeling of

constant comparison to others cause students so much stress and anxiety. Mental health should

be prioritized over grades or performance in school. If students do not feel like getting proper

nutrition, participating in the daily recommended amount of exercise, obtaining quality sleep,
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practicing meditation, creating a good support system, and finding an outlet is enough for them,

they can always seek a doctor's help and participate in counseling and or receive medication to

help. Medication is not a cure for stress and anxiety, but it can help decrease the effects and help

people complete their day to day tasks (Anxiety and Stress Management). Students should not be

ashamed to ask for help. Unfortunately, mental health treatment is not always readily accessible

to everyone (Anxiety and Stress Management). That is why students should try these stress

management skills to help themselves. There are many ways to receive help to make it through

the struggles of stress and anxiety.

Some people would say that students do not have time to do all of these things. Students

do have time, they just have to make managing their stress and anxiety a priority. If they put in

the time to get their stress and anxiety under control they will be more likely to live a happier

life. Endorphin hormones are stress reducing hormones that increase happiness. These hormones

are increased through some of the stress and anxiety management skills introduced in this paper.

Cortisol hormones on the other hand are stress inducing and can also cause other health

problems. These hormones can be reduced through some of the tips discussed here. Other people

would say that stress is good for motivation. “Although some degree of stress is necessary for

motivation and higher performance levels, unmanaged stress can contribute to illness,

dissatisfaction, and substance use” (Foley 284). Yes, stress can be a motivator, but too much

chronic stress and anxiety can cause the opposite of motivation. There is no situation where

students struggling with stress and anxiety is a healthy or normal situation. These tips give them

options to try to control their stress and anxiety themselves.

When students are stressed or struggling with anxiety they need to focus on the things

they can control to help manage their stress and anxiety. Those things include getting proper
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nutrition, participating in the daily recommended amount of exercise, obtaining quality sleep,

practicing meditation, creating a good support system, and finding an outlet. With proper

nutrition, cortisol levels get balanced out and there can be an increased release of serotonin.

Exercise causes an increase in endorphins and a release of tension. Quality sleep reduces cortisol

and adrenaline levels. Meditation centers and relaxes the mind. A good support system builds

resilience and limits cortisol levels. Finally, an outlet allows students to take a break and distract

themselves. All of these things are ways students can manage their stress and anxiety and

improve their quality of life.

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Works Cited

Anderson, Greta. “A Generation Defined by the Pandemic.” Inside Higher Ed, 15 Oct. 2020,


"Anxiety and Stress Management." Gale Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection, Gale, 2021.

Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints,

&xid=30b0d9c0. Accessed 10 Mar. 2022.

Foley, Taylor. “Stress Reduction Through Mindfulness Meditation in Student Registered Nurse

Anesthetists.” AANA Journal, vol. 89, no. 4, Aug. 2021, pp. 284–89. EBSCOhost,

Guo, Kun, et al. “Assessing Social Support Impact on Depression, Anxiety, and Stress among

Undergraduate Students in Shaanxi Province during the COVID-19 Pandemic of China.”

PLoS ONE, vol. 16, no. 7, July 2021, pp. 1–10. EBSCOhost,

“The College Student's Guide to Stress Management.” Purdue Global, 17 May 2018,

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"Twelve Lifestyle Habits To Reduce Stress." CNN Wire, 8 Feb. 2021, p. NA. Gale In Context:

Opposing Viewpoints,

6ae425. Accessed 10 Mar. 2022.

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