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Evidencia: Construcción de un glosario técnico en inglés para el área ocupacional

Aprendiz: Jenny Paola Ramirez Cuéllar

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA

Centro de Gestión y Desarrollo Sostenible Sur Colombiano, Pitalito- Huila

Ficha de Caracterización: Análisis y Desarrollo de Sistemas de Información


Instructor: Ernesto Betancourth

Abril de 2022

They are very important need de concepts of the words that we found in our day to
day, because exist word that we don’t meet, and this can cause that we don’t
understand the significate or message of the text that we are read and not can
finish our document.
In the actually, exist different forms to understand a document or specific word with
the dictionaries or web page that content the significate of the words that exist
around in the world, in different idioms, languages or significates.

It is an organized collection of
information, which is stored electronically
in an information system. This is the best
way to store the Company's information.

This is the process in which
through codes, letters, that resolve
a problem by means of a
computer, to the data base.

This is a sequence of indications or

instructions defining that resolve an
system problem.
This is the best that to do, for to have


Person that use the services of a

professional or a company regularly.
This person requests a product,
service or need, to be carried out by
the company.

They are geometrics designs that to do
with the objective to represented
graphically ideas processes, solutions;
to facilitate her understanding.

This is a device or system informatic

that to save, to distribute and supplies
information other computers that
required it.


This is the best form to save yours

records, and important documents, in a
data base remote.
Currently is the most popular form to save
information. Storage in the cloud as good
as local storage like cpu.


They are the needs to the

“stakeholders” that require that the
system to do to satisfactory form.
Define the functions that the system
can do.

This is a unity of a data base that

content information. This unity is a
representation of a object, person,
company, etc.; of the real world an
has attributes that to do difference
to the rest entities.

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