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Admittedly, tendency of following fashion can put counter-productive impact on the academic grades of

learners. There is no denying the fact that, these days a significant majority of youngsters, being a slave
of fashion , express large propensity to pay a regular visit to salon besides spending prolong hours
reading fashion-related magazines and other articles belongs to same category ,thereby, distracting
themselves from their regular studies. Having developed obsession for such activities, juveniles not only
appear poorly in examination but also less likely to take additional classes since spending time in salons
becomes their topmost priority while paying little or no attention toward studies.

To fortify further, rising demand of college students for branded products has meant that there would
be huge wastage of money. Needless to say, unlike conventional people, the masses who are unaffected
with modern changes, the fashion addicts on other hand, every now and then, compel their parents to
provide them sufficient money so that they can add newly available dresses into their wardrobe. It
directly implies that at times parents have to withdraw money from their saving accounts, or at worst,
they take loans from financers in order to satisfy the demands of the off-springs regarding expensive
commodities regarding fashion.

Nevertheless, amidst the darker aspects of fashion, a handful of merits of the same cannot be
overlooked either. Emphatically, fashion reflects the considerable shift in the society regarding clothing
and ideology. This is to say, clothes which were once considered only meant for males are now being
worn by females such as jeans and shirts, whereby gender discrimination is declining day-by-day.
Moreover, wearing in- trend dresses equip them with extremely high confidence in addition to making
them enable to get a distinctive recognization at both social platforms and their learning institution.

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