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These days fathers stay at home while mothers workoutside.

What could be the reasons?

Is it positive or negative development?

The world has gradually been heading towards the establishment of egalitarian society where all the
genders can be treated equally without any discrimination, at least for last 3 decades. The reasons
pertaining to this development are varied; however, in my viewpoint, it must be acknowledged as a
negative or positive trend owing to certain reasons.

Admittedly, women are considered are as competent as males in each and every domain of life.
Needless to say, unlike primitive times, wherein the females had to confine themselves in a room and
were compelled to keep a distance from joining any type of learning centers, the modern society has
more literate women than men who can vie against their counterparts with courage, determination and
preservation, in fact, in male previously dominated fields such as joining an army or taking up a labor job
of loading or unloading commodities. Besides, are males not only taking cooking lessons on basis of their
interest but also nursing centers are packed with male candidates, a scenario which is an opposite
reflection of previous roles of gender.

Although the role assumed by both gender is changing day by day, the capability and patience level of
man is not at par with mothers when it comes to bringing up a child in addition to looking after the
whole family. Inarguably, the males who, more often than not, tend to possess aggressive behavior are
more likely to be impatient and verbally inappropriate while handling a crying baby or giving medicines
to elderly people on daily basis. Nonetheless, the females, being an embodiment of love and affection,
have innate capability to nurture their off-spring in an efficient manner from a period of birth until
adulthood thereby questioning the role of father being a child rarer.

Given this argument, it is reasonable to conclude that the relevance of unbiased society is irrefutable in
this day and age. Nevertheless, considering the incapability of males from handling a new born baby to
imparting virtues of affinity and patience, the rising shift in roles of genders must be re-examined
without any equivocation.

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