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Indubitably, education has long been enriching people’s knowledge regarding various aspects ranging

from history to science; however, should imparting of same be made compulsory until a juvenile attains
the legal adulthood age (18 years) ?In my aspects of illustration the given viewpoint must be encourage
owing to certain reasons, as will now be discussed.

Admittedly, schools enable a learner to inculcate discipline values while learning in a formal setting
besides providing a chance to get socialize. Needless to say, unlike quitting schooling or taking distance
learning courses, the students who continue being a regular student can end up with imbibing various
virtues including developing an appropriate behavior while adhering to the rules of the premises.
Likewise, learning among the group of students throughout the day not only increases the likelihood of
enrichment of one’s communication skill but also provide them with an opportunity to compete with
counterparts which is a need of the hour. To corroborate, had three-fourths individuals, across the
globe, not given up non-regular schooling, they would not have prevented themselves from early
vocational stress especially in the age of childhood.

Further and even more noticeable, though, spending prolong hours at school instills the sense of
competition among the pupils. It is an acknowledged fact that, high-salaried and reputing professions,
such as becoming a doctor or an engineer, demand an extra effort from the learners wherein they have
to read out the additional sources along with compulsory text book as per their curriculum so as to
achieve the in-depth insights about the chosen stream. Hence, having signed up for part-time
educational courses, the students will be at a loss in terms of sparing insufficient time for visiting library
for enriching their conceptual knowledge or attending a laboratory class for correlating theoretical
principles with practical ones thereby reducing the possibilities of competing with others in same field
with full-time schooling.

Given this argument, it is reasonable to conclude that, the relevance of gaining work experience while
pursing study is irrefutable. Nevertheless, in an effort to vie with others in this day and age of extreme
competition, the proposition of be on full-time education until attaining an adulthood age of 18 must be
encouraged/recognized without any resistance.

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