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Isabella Leggett

HDF 190
Learning Contract
My main goal when I started HDF 190 was to become a better public speaker by
becoming more comfortable with myself, more outgoing, and by branching out. I knew that the
only way I would achieve this goal was by putting myself in uncomfortable positions to give me
the opportunity to grow and improve. Taking the initiative to do this is difficult because I am a
big introvert, but considering that my top strengths are achiever, discipline, and analytical, and
my first value is love of learning, I knew that I was capable and would be proud of myself if I
reached my goal. That is why I chose to be a Leadership Ambassador for my learning contract. I
was analytical in choosing my experience based on my goals, disciplined by picking an activity
that would challenge me, and determined to achieve my goals. As a Leadership Ambassador, I
went to the Welcome Days for admitted students from 8:30 to 12:00 on March 27, April 9, and
April 23. My job was to connect with admitted students and their families, as well as recruit
them for the Leadership Institute and Leadership Studies Minor. Talking to new people is
difficult for me, but as the hours went on, I got more comfortable. By the third welcome day, I
wasn’t timid at all. I grew and was able to confidently approach people. I connected so much
with one family that I exchanged numbers with an incoming student who reminds me of myself a
year ago- introverted, nervous, and shy. I assured her that I will support her and help her get
through her first semester, as my peer leaders did with me. Her mother was so appreciative that I
informed them about institute and the minor because just like me, these programs are what she
needs to help her to branch out. This was a rewarding experience because it felt like I came full
circle. I first learned about the institute and the minor when I attended my Rhody Day Trip. I
knew instantly that it would be something I’m interested in and want to pursue. Informing
incoming students who are in the place that I was a year ago allowed me to measure my growth
and reflect on how far I’ve come this year. I saw how comfortably I was able to speak to new
people and how eager I was to make friends with my peers who worked at the booth. The old me
would’ve kept to myself and done what I had to do to receive credit for this assignment. But the
improved me made the most out of this experience and took advantage of the social aspect of it.
It sounds cliché, but I learned that I could do anything, no matter how difficult it is for me. I
learned new people skills that will help me when I work at the daycare or volunteer at the
physical therapy place where I need to make small talk with patients. By being a Leadership
Ambassador, I became more confident in myself and my abilities, improved my social skills, got
more comfortable with speaking in front of a crowd, and had fun making friends during the
process. I accomplished all the goals that I had hoped to achieve.

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