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We did not support any group but me and 3 others went out and collected some trash out at

Boulder creek. We went there on April 19th and started around 4:50 and were out there four
roughly two hours. We picked up roughly two bags of trash. Here’s me on the left holding our
first bag and Tyler grabbing more things for our second bag. I posted a reaction photo of myself
afterwards in the Engineering Center while typing this up to prove I was there. I have the same
blue shirt and white shorts.
The activity was to collect any trash we saw out at Boulder creek along Arapahoe and it went
well. I chose this activity because I care for the environment and want public places to be clean
for all of us to enjoy. We impacted the community of Boulder and for anyone visiting the creek
where they can enjoy a more clean landscape. Other participants in the group enjoyed the work
and were willing to do as much as possible in the given time frame. We also got people thanking
us as they were passing by.

I felt a little nervous about trying to find where we could collect trash and who I would be
working with since I was working with a random group of other students in the class. Once it
was done however, I felt fulfilled in the work we did. I felt that I made a good connection with the
people I worked with and realized that it's important to collect trash and keep our planet clean as
we continue to aim for the stars. I do have plans to get into future community service, especially
once I graduate from CU in May.

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