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Grade 6° Date
Subject ENGLISH Teacher
Learning Objects Comprensión auditiva
OA1. Demostrar comprensión de textos orales adaptados y auténticos simples.
Comprensión de lectura
OA5. Leer y comprender textos literarios (cuentos, poemas, tiras cómicas) y textos no literarios.

TOPIC Present Continuous Tense

Ideal 30 Real
Score Score

I) Match the verbs with the numbers (10)

“A” “B”
1) Talk ____ comprar
2) Walk ____ escribir
3) Go ____ trabajar
4) Read ____ pasear
5) Buy ____ hacer
6) Make ____ llorar
7) Cook ____ hablar
8) Write ____ leer
9) Cry ____ cocinar
10) Work ____ ir

II) Write the number in the blank (10)

(1) Complete sentence (2) Incomplete sentence

____ I am working hard ____ The dog eats

____ Maggy is reading in the garden ____ They are playing volleyball
____ My mom goes to the market
III) Choose the correct alternative in English (10)
1) El perro está caminando en el parque:
a) Dog is walk in the park
b) The dog walks in the park
c) The dog is walking in the park

2) Mi papá está escuchando música pop:

a) My dad listens pop music
b) My dad is listening pop music
c) My dad is listening music pop

3) Mi hermano está dibujando un gato:

a) My brother is drawing a cat
b) My sister is drawing a cat
c) My brother draws a cat

4) Mi amigo está pintando su casa:

a) My friend paints his house
b) My friend is painting his house
c) He is painting his house

5) La niña está alimentando al caballo:

a) The girl feeds the horse
b) The girl is feeding the horse
c) The girl feeding the horse

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