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Philosophy Of Teaching

Marisela Bengston

Paris Junior College

EDUC 1301.200

Professor Daron Bilyeu

February 28, 2022


Philosophy of Education

Reflecting to when I was student, the biggest thing I can remember is being in high

school and taking a course called “Ready Set Teach!”. Getting to be hands on in a classroom and

learn at my own pace was a phenomenal experience. Being able to pick a grade of my desire and

co teach while in high school is such a memorable thing. During this time, I got to sit with small

groups of students at a time and do their journals with them. Doing this internship while in high

school was something that helped me choose teaching was my calling. Teachers can teach all day

long, but I truly believe that teachers could do more for their students. There is so much more a

student can learn than just giving a textbook to a student or doing paperwork. I believe that

everyone learns differently and at different paces. Some teachers teach in such a way that strictly

follows the guidelines they are given, without bringing in fun, and physical hands-on learning at

their own pace. This can cause students to lose focus in a classroom.

The philosophers that have touched me the most is A.S Neill and Maxine Greene. They

believe that students learn best by choosing their own preferred medium, meaning that students

learn best doing what consist of their likely and doing so at their own pace. These two specific

philosophers believe that students determine the pace and direction of their own learning. They

believed that accepting personal responsibility to understand ones unique individually. Neill and

Greene believed that creating a free, open, and stimulating environment was the best way to

learn. They believed that students should determine the pace and direction of their own leaning.

Becoming teachers is something we all have in common, simply because we want

to inspire students’ success in and out of the classroom. We want to encourage students that even

when it gets tough in a classroom to keep pushing through. That even when you feel like giving

up there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We want our students to believe they can and will

accomplish anything and everything they set their minds to.

I believe that teachers need to take the approach of teaching from a student’s perspective.

Find out what they like, their interest and desires and incorporate those into the learning

environment. Common core subjects can be taught in a variety of different ways other than

sitting at a desk. They can be taught through hands on, physically doing what the students desire.

Do students need due dates? Yes, but make them widely available and spread out. Teach the

subject but allow the student to determine how they want to learn it. I believe if we encourage

students to learn what they are interested in as well as learn at their own paste the overall

engagement in a classroom would be better. As educators we need to remember that not all

students learn the same. I believe we need to get to know our students, their interests and their

learning styles to have the best success when teaching. After all, my dream is to inspire my

students the way they have inspired me.

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