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Top Notch 1 Final Test

1-Put the verb in the simple present or present continuous:

a-Excuse-me ____________________ (you/speak) English?
b-Where’s Tom? ___________________ (he have) a shower.
c- ______________ (I /not/watch) Tv very often.
d-Listen! Somebody ____________ (sing).
e-How often _______________ (you/ read) newspaper?
f-Martin _____________ (not/usually/drive) to work. He _____________ (usually/walk)

2-Complete the sentences with the correct verb in the past:

a-Last year she _____________ (be) 22, so she ____________ (be) 23 now.
b-Tim ________________ (buy) some clothes yesterday.
c-We were so tired, so we _________(stay) long at the party.
d-Did you phone Chris this morning? No, I _______________ (have) time.
e-Why weren’t you at the meeting yesterday? I _____________ (know) about it.

3-Complete the sentences with comparatives and superlatives:

a-Emma is 25. Gary is 24. Emma ____________________________________.
b-She is a very popular singer. She is ________________________ in the country.
c-It was a very happy day. It was _________________________ of my life.
d-Yesterday I felt terrible. Today I feel ok. I feel _____________________________.
e-It was a very cold day. I t was ___________________________of the year.
4-Complete the sentences with should and a verb:

a-When you play tennis, ____________________ the ball.

b-It’s late and you are very tired. ______________________ to bed.
c-________________________ plenty of fruits and vegetables.
d-If you have time, _____________________ the Science Museum. It’s very interesting.
e-When you’re driving. _________________________ a seat belt.
f-It’s too far to walk from here to the station. _____________________ a taxi.

5-Complete the sentences with can’t or couldn’t and a verb.


a-I was tired but I _____________________.

b- I wasn’t hungry yesterday. I ______________________ dinner.
c-Kate doesn’t know what to do. She ______________________.
d-I wanted to speak to Martin yesterday, but I ______________________ him.
e-James _______________________ to the concert next Saturday. He has to work.
f-Paula ___________________ to the meeting last week. She was ill.

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