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Technology in our lives

Would you imagine a life without cellphones? Obviously many people would say “NO”.
Technology has become a crucial part of our lives. It has changed everything, from the
way we communicate to the way we transport. Nowadays most jobs require the use of
technology to complete their purpose. Although technology helps us everyday, it can
produce bad habits in our lives. 

The way students get information it's very easy that students don't care about reading
it, just copy and paste it. Hence, the quality of self-learning has fallen so much that
students don't know what they are studying. That’s why people nowadays are less
aware of general culture. It's notorious how easy access has changed our learning

Also, technology has changed the way we communicate. Although technology has
helped us to communicate with someone despite the distance, kids nowadays don't
have enough human interaction because they dont get together with friends in person.
Therefore, there are a lot of young boys who can't speak properly. 

And last but not least, one of the biggest problems is the dependency. From kids to
adults, many people need to check their cell phone at least one time per day. The
constant use of cellphone has become a habit, and if we don't use it, it can't produce
anxiety and compulsion. That’s why the dependency it's a big issue.

The big benefits of technology are undeniable, it the biggest weapon nowadays. But
also we can deny the problems that it can produce to us.

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