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Day 1 → Place pictures around the room

→ Agree/disagree statement activity
→ KWL chart-
- → Define Holocaust

Day 2 → Introduce Holocaust term & vocabulary

Nazi, propaganda, discrimination, persecution
→ Antisemitism
→ Show video from USHMM
→ Journal entry: How did the Nazis show their discrimination against the Jewish people
(give examples)

Day 3→ Hitler’s rise to power and the Nazi party

Hitler blamed the Jewish people for losing the First World war. He decided in order to make the
world better, he needed to get rid of the Jewish people and other races of people who he didn't
think were worthy.
→ English: The Holocaust by Twinkl French : La Shoha (comprehensions that Semia uploaded)
→****Gallery Walk with Coloured Background Information Cards-if time permits otherwise we
can move it to next week

Day 4→ Nuremberg laws

→ Kristallnacht (
→ Identification with yellow star
→ Gallery walk, look at what are human rights and which ones do these events go against

Day 5→Print images of propaganda, separate kids into groups, have them look at various images
and write down what they see, what message do you take away from this image, what
consequences the image could have, how they think it created a climate of indifference against
the Jewish people.
→ Maybe watch video of survivor talking about propaganda

Day 6→ Introduce new vocabulary about phase 2: ghetto, resistance, Gestapo and phase 3:
concentration camps, deportation,

- Explain term ‘ghetto’ (Following Germany’s invasion of Poland in September 1939, Jews
were forced to live in ghettos. Living conditions in the ghetto were horrendous. Most of the
quarter had neither running water nor a sewer system. Hard labor, overcrowding, and
starvation were the dominant features of life. The overwhelming majority of ghetto
residents worked in German factories and received only meager food rations. More than 20
percent of the ghetto's population died as a direct result of the harsh living conditions)

- Show the location of different ghettos on the map

( )

- Show video of images of ghetto ( )

- Read on girl’s diary entry from being inside a ghetto and discuss:

- Then transition into how Jews were then deported to concentration camps.
- Explain concentration camps, show pictures from Aviva and Semia’s trips to Poland.

Video of Auschwitz today

Concentration camps:

1. Auschwitz 2. Bergen-Belsen 3. Buchenwald 4. Dora

5. Esterwegen 6. Flossenbürg 7. Mauthausen 8. Majdanek
9. Neuengamme 10. Ravensbrück 11. Riga 12. Sachsenhause
13. Stutthof 14. Vaivara

Day 7→ Phase 4: Liberation, death marches, allies

● Discuss the end of the war (phase 4)
● The purpose of the death marches
● which countries helped liberate
● 7th heaven episode - response to the episode
○ How does this video make me feel?
○ What is the video about?
● Try to find a video on allies
● Beginning of allies

**By late 1944 and early 1945, the Nazi military force was collapsing, and Nazi troops were forced
to retreat on all fronts. Although it was clear that Nazi Germany was facing defeat, thousands of
concentration camp prisoners were still dying. The Nazis were already trying to cover over the
traces of their crimes. The Nazis did not want the concentration camp prisoners to be liberated by
the advancing Allied troops. The death marches took place from summer 1944 until the last days
of the German Reich, in May 1945. The death marches were forced evacuation where the Jewish
people were being forced to walk from their concentration camp that they were in to other places
by foot, no matter the condition. The Holocaust ended in May 1945. It ended with the military
defeat of Nazi Germany and its European collaborators in World War II. Although the liberation of
Nazi camps was not a primary objective of the Allied military campaign, Soviet, US, British, and
Canadian troops freed prisoners from their SS guards. They provided them with food and badly
needed medical support and collected evidence for war crimes trials.

Day 8→ allies, Korczak, Schindler, warsaw ghetto uprising

Righteous Among the Nations: During World War II many Jews went into hiding to escape Nazi
concentration camps.For some, hiding Jews was a profitable business. But there were a select few
who could not turn their backs on their fellow human beings, no matter the cost. These
non-Jewish people who risked their own lives to save the Jews from Nazi persecution are referred
to as The Righteous Among the Nations. In most cases these individuals never intended to become
a rescuer, the opportunity often presented itself by a simple knock at the door. It took great
courage for a Jew to knock on a door, not knowing if the person on the other side would be willing
to help. The title Righteous Among the Nations is given by Yad Vashem, world center for Holocaust
research, by Israeli law to find and honor non-Jews whose lives were endangered by the act of
saving Jews during the Holocaust.

Link to video of a Holocaust survivor meeting a former Nazi:

When a former Nazi meets a Holocaust survivor

Children meet the man who saved them during the Holocaust

Warsaw ghetto uprising→ The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was an armed rebellion of Jews in
Warsaw, Poland, against Nazis in 1943, to keep the Nazis from sending more Jews to be killed at
the Treblinka death camp. The revolt lasted from April 19 until it was crushed by the Germans on
May 16.

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