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Perimeter and Area Cheeze It Activity

*For this activity every Cheeze It represents 1 foot*

*Cheeze Its will be used to help you solve perimeter and area word problems*

1. You want to find the area and perimeter of your house. Your house is in the shape of a rectangle.
Your house is 4 Cheeze Its by 5 Cheeze Its long. Use your Cheeze Its to help you determine both
the area and perimeter. (Remember your equation for finding the area of a rectangle is h x w, and
your equation for perimeter is 2(a+b).)
a. AREA-

2. You want to find the area and perimeter of the park at school. The park is square shaped. The
park is 7 Cheeze Its by 7Cheeze Its. Use your Cheeze Its and the equations (area- a^2 and
perimeter 4h) to help you determine the perimeter and area of the park.
a. AREA-

3. You want to find the area of a soccer field. The soccer field is shaped like a rectangle. The field is
6 Cheeze Its by 10 Cheeze Its. What is the area?

4. You want to find the perimeter of the parking lot at Target. The parking lot is a rectangle shape. It
is 8 Cheeze Its by 9 Cheeze Its long. What is the perimeter?

5. You want to find the area and perimeter of the Costco store. It is shaped like a square. It is 16
Cheeze Its by 16 Cheeze Its. Solve for area and perimeter.

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