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•On the theory of value •The problem

of information asymmetry in the Colombian
financial market

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On the theory of value

Carlos Anthony Garcia Daza

Economy student
Pilot university of colombia

The debate of the classics and the natural essence of value.

ABSTRACT: To analyze the theory of value, it is

necessary to consider in the first place, what it matter; to be able to understand
tries to explain. Although its main purpose, with Withoutthefurther
theory of ado,
value oflet's getis into
a classic,
reference to the market, is to determine the forces I need to initially study the pen
that influence the formation of relative prices, thought of the school that, in theory
essentially, the theory of value in economic estuary, laid the foundations of economic liberalism,
classicism seeks to answer two fundamental better called classicism: Physiocracy. The system
questions: what determines the value of a of ideas of the Physiocrats can be summed up in
commodity? And what factors intervene in its this short but deterministic phrase “laissez faire”;1
variation? The “slogan” that made them so famous: “let go,
These questions encouraged the theorists of the Keywords:
let go”, the systemic conception of a harmonious
past to propose various theories in terms of a economy that It is governed by natural principles.
Value, Surplus value,
satisfactory solution to the problem of value. The Physiocracy, Classics,
first outbreaks of a theory of value arise in the Liberalism, Socialism.
context of the nascent mercantilism, due to the
eagerness of the merchants to solve the problems
related to commercial exchange. But it is with the
thought of Quesnay and the Physiocrats that The little motto became so
popular in the classical school that all its authors
it emerges gracefully, finally to be the subject of mention it and dedicate numerous pages of their
lengthy discussions, courtesy of the forerunners writings to its analysis and on several occasions,
and critics of political economy, namely, the its critic François Quesnay was the ideological
classics. With cards on the table and tempers high, leader for the Physiocrats,
we'll cheat to see each author's game and then truth that is manifest in the writings
figure out how we can hope to win this matchup of those who succeeded him; These texts are
against the foremost intellectuals of the old school. practically a reflection of the thought of
this illustrious medical surgeon. Quesnay did

1. Landreth, Harry and Colander, David, History of economic thought: Physiocracy, p.62 2002, Spain,
McGraw Hill Interamericana SAU

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interesting contributions in relation to the abstraction dre of political economy. Smith began to popularize
of a theory of value, suggesting that it was found in with his masterpiece4 the notion of the theory of
the land, whose product, when exchanged, generates value as an explanation of the origin of relative
a surplus for farmers represented in pounds. prices5 (in this context capitalism is on the crest of
Quesnay used mathematics and the scientific method the wave and the market is vigorously established
to explain his theory of value based on what he as the main regulating entity of the price). shift
called "Tableau economique", an accounting model economic system). Although Smith was strongly
in which he explains with creative and amazing influenced by Turgot and defended the order
simplicity the interdependence of economic sectors
and the process where the surplus ends up with the natural of Laissez faire, proposed that the value was
farmers.2 not determined by the value of use (the capacity to
satisfy needs or desires), but by the exchange value
Indeed, Quesnay was not the only physiocrat of a good, here production and goods play a decisive
who formulated a theory regarding value. role. commodity prices .
There is another important contribution made by the
natural successor of the father of physiocracy. Anne Smith divided the formation of relative prices into
Robert Jacques Turgot, great friend of Quesnay two: the natural price and the market prices6
and protector of Physiocratic philosophy, was , stating that the determinant of
this natural successor, who, thanks to his privileged The price of a commodity underlies the costs of
political position, carried out a more detailed study production, which in turn contain the amount of raw
of value.3 Turgot proposed that value was found in materials and inputs needed to produce the
the usefulness of a good, that is, its ability to satisfy commodity, the payment of wages, the capital, and,
needs or desires, affirming with this that value is of course, the remaining profit for the producer. . The
generated in fixed assets ; Moreover, Turgot did not costs must be satisfied by the natural price, which
leave aside the production factor when he proposed led Smith to conclude that the value of a commodity
his theory of value, on the contrary, he affirmed that is formed when it reaches its natural or long-run
another determining factor of price (value) was the equilibrium price.
diminishing returns of land, where wages come to
play an important role. , work and efficiency Another theory of value emerged in the Age of
Enlightenment in opposition to the ideas put forward
by Adam Smith. This new theory was developed by
with which the land is cultivated. who is known as the first professional economist,
Having clarity on the ideas of the Physiocrats, we David Ricardo Rubén. The charismatic and
can start with the economic analysis of value made intellectual aristocrat had studied the ideas of Turgot
by an important character, the philosopher Adam and the writings of Adam Smith, especially his theory
Smith, the first precursor and pa with

2. Anzil, Federico, Physiocracy, Based on the books History of Economic Theory and its Method (Ekelund
and Hebert). Retrieved on April 28, 2009 from: http:// fisiocracia
3. University of Malaga, Los fisiócratas, retrieved on April 24, 2009 from: http:// cursecon/
texts/ Sieveking/ s2.1.htm
4. An investigation into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations.
5. Landreth, Harry, and Colander David, A History of Economic Thought: Adam Smith, Smith, and Relative
Prices, pp. 94-95. 2002, Spain, McGraw Hill Interamericana SAU
6. The market price is determined in the short run by the forces of competition.

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relation to value based on the cost of labor in a the land exposing the hypothetical case of the
primitive society.7 Ricardo judged it confusing two lands of different fertility, where the rent is
and impractical when applying it to reality, so he paid according to the time necessary for its
had to give it a new direction and a new dynamic. harvest, which in turn leads us to infer that the
amount of work also determines wages and not
For David Ricardo “The value of a commodity, on the contrary, as Smith thought.
that is, the amount of any other commodity for
which it is exchanged, depends on the relative Despite working so hard on his theory of value
amount of labor necessary for its production and based on the quantity of work fixed by
not on the greater or lesser remuneration paid for an invariant measure of clock hours, David
it. this work.”8 Ricardo deals in his theory of value Ricardo found that there were other determining
with topics such as labor, land rent, and capital factors in the formation of relative prices such as
losses. To explain it generally, one must first scarcity, profits, and
understand what David Ricardo meant by the rents, which in the short term would generate
relative amount of labor needed to produce a fluctuations in the prices of merchandise. Even
good. with this Ricardo concluded that even though the
amount of labor was not the only force that caused
In analyzing Smith's labor theory of value, Ricardo the variation of prices, it was the most important
identified the flaws that Smith had since it constituted a significant percentage in
when developing your hypothesis. While in relation to the other
Smith's theory there appear three necessary factors that caused changes that in practice were
variables to measure the amount of work,9 David insignificant in said variation.10 Note that Ricardo
Ricardo's theory of value only appreciates a deviates somewhat from the orthodoxy regarding
constant understood in “hours of work necessary” the formation of relative prices, however, later he
for production; Since Ricardo maintained that comes to dominate the thought of another great
capital was accumulated labour, it was also theorist of the political economy: John Stuart Mill,
necessary to include in the price of the commodity who guides the theory of value towards a more
both the amount of work done directly by the “Smithian” approach, so to speak.
worker and the indirect work done by capital, both
variables measured in clock hours, solving thus “He presented a theory of value based on the
the measurement problem that Adam Smith had cost of production in which monetary costs
with his three variables. fundamentally represent the real costs or
disutilities of work and abstinence.”11
As for the rent of land, Ricardo found that when
applying his theory of value to Turgot's diminishing JS Mill assumed that in most cases the value of a
returns, labor was the factor that determined the good or service varies according to the monetary
rental value of land. investment that was necessary for its production.

7. Landreth, Harry, and Colander David, A History of Economic Thought: Adam Smith, The Labor Cost Theory of
Value in a Primitive Society, pp. 95-97. 2002, Spain, McGraw Hill Interamericana SAU
8. David Ricardo, On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, p. eleven.
9. Time, Ingenuity and Difficulty.
10. Landreth, Harry and Colander David, A History of Economic Thought: Ricardo and Malthus, Did Ricardo Advocate
the Labor Theory of Value? pp. 131-132. 2002, Spain, McGraw Hill Interamericana SAU
11. John Stuart Mill, On Liberty, ed. From People, London, Longmans Green, 1913, p. 448.

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production, emphasizing wages paid to jobs not take into account the amount of direct work done
performed inefficiently, by the worker and the amount of indirect work
production losses and refraining from spending done by capital; since capital (in this case
the profit generated in order to re-invest machines) is the product of the labor of other
in the production process. It should be noted that workers, it is necessary to appreciate this amount
Mill's analysis in relation to supply and demand of labor.12
(where both must exist but only supply determines Upon completing his analysis, Marx reaches
the price), corroborates his theory of value directed conclusions diametrically opposed to classicism
towards the real costs of production, however he regarding the problem of value, instituting man
assumed that these costs were constant in his through his work as the only generator of value.
analysis of industrial production, thereby neglecting Marx introduced into his theory of value the
marginal production. themes of surplus value and exploitation that
occur during the production process, where a
As we can see, the classics were in a passionate worker is stimulated and pressured, even using
and antithetical debate that over time would violence, to be more productive during a regular
become inflamed because of their supporters. We period of work. under; By understanding these two
have found affinity in the concepts we will be able to understand the
positions of Smith and JS Mill - with certain and questions of the qualification of the work and the
punctual discrepancies - followed by Ricardo's physical effort that it included.
antagonism with his labor theory of value, which Marx in the development of his ideological system.
would be redeemed by the author that I will Finally we realize that in the classical school there
analyze below, extolling the fact that this are two conflicting positions to explain the value,
distinguished character broke with the dominant namely, the
British line of economic thought, being of German production costs against the amount of work, but
origin and becoming the most vigorous and intrepid in all the authors the orientation and dynamics
critic of capitalism. applied to argue these two positions vary. Perhaps
the problem can be solved through dialectics.
Karl Hienrich Marx, a neo-Hegelian idealist,
passionate lover of the academy and of a firm There are fundamental productive forces that
revolutionary position, studied the writings of the govern the dynamics of the economy, of which we
English economist David Ricardo to formulate his could say that they are the generators of pure
famous labor theory of value. Marx changed the value, these in turn are sources of social welfare.
perspective that Ricardo used to analyze his However, with the classical school a new thought
theory when he introduced the issue of job and a new spirit appear that give rise to a system
qualification and physical effort, although keeping that revolutionizes the method of assigning the
the labor measurement in clock hours. In an values generated by the productive forces:
attempt to solve the problem of value, Marx Capitalism, where the notion of individual
oriented his theory in relation to the amount of accumulation of wealth prevails. . Sponsoring the
labor socially necessary to produce a good, which, system we find the rise of manufacturing and
laughing, explains with this that in order to agribusiness, where the rationale for economic
determine the exchange value of said good, it is growth

12. Landreth, Harry, and Colander David, A History of Economic Thought: Karl Marx and His Critique of Classical
Economics, Marx's Labor Theory of Value, pp. 198-201. 2002, Spain, McGraw Hill Interamericana SAU

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it exists in Free Enterprise and the maximization him of the judgment of the price to the cost of
of utility from the mass production of commodities, production or of work; it consists in relating man
namely the market. In this context, two opposing to his habitat based on a common objective;
philosophies flourish: the Because the economy was born to generate well-
capitalist (who thinks in terms of the market) and being for all human beings, I intend to emphasize
the worker (who thinks in terms of his well-being); the fact that goods cannot continue to be treated
quality vs. Technology, at this point it is possible as merchandise that is measured by what it cost
to identify an analogy linked to the to produce them and by the profit they must
paradox of diamonds and water, which by the represent, but rather as what they are. really
way no classical author could solve. "goods", generators of happiness for man.
It may seem like an affront: Man vs. Machines,
well, it's not like that. Man belongs to mother The desire of the classics to formulate a theory
earth and is part of her nature, he is related to his of value arose from materialism, individualistic
habitat, in the same way man must respect what thought and the concentration of wealth and
he is part of, therefore, he cannot be in conflict productive forces in the hands of a libertine
bourgeoisie, which with its wielded power exerts
with that to which it corresponds and with which a titanic influence.
it has been fertilized from the beginning. Human harmful on the economy to impose their profane
beings cannot create anything, they only try to be interests to the detriment of the masses. These
able to interpret and transform the nature that potential capitalists have alienated us from our
contains them for benefit, the will and our conscience so that we say laissez
The problem is that the relationship must be faire to the amoral market and the petty exploiter.
reciprocal. We do not know what the future holds Is this system perhaps a new slavery? Let's not
for us, what we do know is that it will generate forget that “he who doesn't move, doesn't feel the
changes that will differentiate it forever from the chains”.13 The moment is approaching for man
to emancipate himself from individualism and
present, the question is, will we still exist to live them?
In short, the most adequate theory to define begin to think in favor of the welfare of his equals
the value underlies the tendency to rescue him and of his habitat.
as a generator of well -being and to liberate

Seeing the truth we experience the essence of freedom and life!

However, Victor Hugo said:

"The truth is like the light of the sun, which when it comes
out allows us to see everything clearly, but it never lets
itself be seen directly"

13. Rose Luxemburg

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