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Canon Law
Yl %etliocfo[ogica[

by f£ugenio Corecco
translated by Trancesco Turoasi

Duquesne University Press

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Published in French under the title
Theologie du Droit Canon
English Translation
Copyright © 1992 by Duquesne University Press
All Rights Reserved.

No part of this book may be used

or reproduced, in any manner
whatsoever, without written
permission, except in the case ix
of short quotations for use in critical Acknowledgments
articles and reviews. 1
1 The Phenomenological Experience
Published in the United States of America
2 The Unity of Law in Christian 5
by Duquesne University Press Philosophical Thought
600 Forbes Avenue 5
Pittsburgh, PA 15282-0101 Premises in Greco-Roman Philosophy
The Unity of Law and the Stoic
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data 8
Concept of Nature
Corecco.. Eugenio.
[Theologie du droit canon. French] Heterogeneity of Law within Sophistic
The theology of Canon law: a methodological Pluralism
question / Eugenio Corecco; Metaphysical Foundation of the Unity
translated by Francesco Turvasi. of Law in the Synthesis of Plato and
p. cm 15
Translation of: Theologie du droit canon.
Includes bibliographical references (p. ) and index. Eclectic Reception of Greco-Roman
ISBN 0-8207-0238-2 21
Philosophy by the Church Fathers
1. Law (Theology)-History of doctrines. 2. Law-
Philosophy-History. 3. Christianity and law- The Encounter of Divine Positive Law
History. 4. Canon law-History. 21
with Stoic Law
I. Title.
BT96.2.C67 1992 The Unity of Law in the Metaphysical.
and Religious Synthesis of St. Augustme 26
262.9-dc20 91-38559

Published in French under the title
Theologie du Droit Canon
English Translation
Copyright © 1992 by Duquesne University Press
All Rights Reserved.

No part of this book may be used

or reproduced, in any manner
whatsoever, without written
permission, except in the case ix
of short quotations for use in critical Acknowledgments
articles and reviews. 1
1 The Phenomenological Experience
Published in the United States of America
2 The Unity of Law in Christian 5
by Duquesne University Press Philosophical Thought
600 Forbes Avenue 5
Pittsburgh, PA 15282-0101 Premises in Greco-Roman Philosophy
The Unity of Law and the Stoic
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data 8
Concept of Nature
Corecco.. Eugenio.
[Theologie du droit canon. French] Heterogeneity of Law within Sophistic
The theology of Canon law: a methodological Pluralism
question / Eugenio Corecco; Metaphysical Foundation of the Unity
translated by Francesco Turvasi. of Law in the Synthesis of Plato and
p. cm 15
Translation of: Theologie du droit canon.
Includes bibliographical references (p. ) and index. Eclectic Reception of Greco-Roman
ISBN 0-8207-0238-2 21
Philosophy by the Church Fathers
1. Law (Theology)-History of doctrines. 2. Law-
Philosophy-History. 3. Christianity and law- The Encounter of Divine Positive Law
History. 4. Canon law-History. 21
with Stoic Law
I. Title.
BT96.2.C67 1992 The Unity of Law in the Metaphysical.
and Religious Synthesis of St. Augustme 26
262.9-dc20 91-38559

Christology and Trinitarian Doctrine:
Superimposition of Divine and Natural The New "Loci theologici" of Canon Law? 103
Law from Late Antiquity to Scholasticism 29 105
Critical Observations
The Unity of Law in the Distinction 108
between Natural and Supernatural in Catholic Theology
St. Thomas 35 108
Law and Grace
Divine Will as Sole Source of the Unity 112
Methodological Developments
of Law in Ockhamism 39
The Ontological and Epistemological
Rationality as Ultimate Source of Statute
Law in Intellectualism 43
The Synthesis of Christian Thought Bibliography
around the Suarezian Formula: 155
Jus divinum, sive naturale sive positivum 48 Index
3 The Unity of Law in Orthodox, About the Author
Protestant and Catholic Theology 55
The Cultural Background 55
Orthodox Theology 58
The Contemplation of Transcendence 60
Universal and Local Church 62
The Principle of "Economy" 68
Dogma and Law 70
Protestant Theology 77
Law and Gospel 78
The Doctrine of the Two Kingdoms 84
Invisible Church and Visible Church 89
Gospel and Law 94

Christology and Trinitarian Doctrine:
Superimposition of Divine and Natural The New "Loci theologici" of Canon Law? 103
Law from Late Antiquity to Scholasticism 29 105
Critical Observations
The Unity of Law in the Distinction 108
between Natural and Supernatural in Catholic Theology
St. Thomas 35 108
Law and Grace
Divine Will as Sole Source of the Unity 112
Methodological Developments
of Law in Ockhamism 39
The Ontological and Epistemological
Rationality as Ultimate Source of Statute
Law in Intellectualism 43
The Synthesis of Christian Thought Bibliography
around the Suarezian Formula: 155
Jus divinum, sive naturale sive positivum 48 Index
3 The Unity of Law in Orthodox, About the Author
Protestant and Catholic Theology 55
The Cultural Background 55
Orthodox Theology 58
The Contemplation of Transcendence 60
Universal and Local Church 62
The Principle of "Economy" 68
Dogma and Law 70
Protestant Theology 77
Law and Gospel 78
The Doctrine of the Two Kingdoms 84
Invisible Church and Visible Church 89
Gospel and Law 94


I wish to express my deep gratitude to the Pontifical

College Josephinum, whose faculty has given great
support to the publication of this volume. In particu-
lar, I am grateful to Fr. Donald Nesti, C.S.Sp., Pro-
fessor of Systematic Theology, for introducing my
text to the publisher; to Fr. Arthur Espelage, O.F.M.,
Professor of Canon Law, for his expertise in re-
viewing the text; and to Fr. Francesco Turvasi,
M.S.C., Professor of Dogmatic Theology, for pre-
paring the English edition.

- December 1991
Eugenio Corecco


I wish to express my deep gratitude to the Pontifical

College Josephinum, whose faculty has given great
support to the publication of this volume. In particu-
lar, I am grateful to Fr. Donald Nesti, C.S.Sp., Pro-
fessor of Systematic Theology, for introducing my
text to the publisher; to Fr. Arthur Espelage, O.F.M.,
Professor of Canon Law, for his expertise in re-
viewing the text; and to Fr. Francesco Turvasi,
M.S.C., Professor of Dogmatic Theology, for pre-
paring the English edition.

- December 1991
Eugenio Corecco


The Phenomenological

In our human experience, law is perceived as an

external reality that limits our personal freedom and
autonomy. In our daily lives, we feel law to be the
coercive force ofthe organized system of power. Thus,
law seems to be a manipulable reality, a reality that
is determined by the will of powerful and diverse
ideological groups, a reality that is frequently the
expression of the will of intolerant special interest
groups. From the phenomenological perspective,
moreover, law manifests itself as a nonunitary reality.
Its norms - whether their source is the state or an
association, religious or worldly, national or interna-
tional; and whether dictated by positive law or by
custom - are frequently heterogeneous, and these
norms may also reveal themselves to be unjust.
Our human experience of the law includes both


The Phenomenological

In our human experience, law is perceived as an

external reality that limits our personal freedom and
autonomy. In our daily lives, we feel law to be the
coercive force ofthe organized system of power. Thus,
law seems to be a manipulable reality, a reality that
is determined by the will of powerful and diverse
ideological groups, a reality that is frequently the
expression of the will of intolerant special interest
groups. From the phenomenological perspective,
moreover, law manifests itself as a nonunitary reality.
Its norms - whether their source is the state or an
association, religious or worldly, national or interna-
tional; and whether dictated by positive law or by
custom - are frequently heterogeneous, and these
norms may also reveal themselves to be unjust.
Our human experience of the law includes both

The Phenomenological Experience The Phenomenological Experience

this negative aspect and a positive one. In addition to cannot express the profound theological truth and
limiting our own freedom, law is also the indispen- nature of ecclesial communion. The law becomes one
sable instrument for maintaining social living and both of love and of institution, of freedom and of
for guaranteeing order and peace, because it imposes limitation, of divine and of human justice - both of
limits on others. Therefore, law shows itself to be a Gospel and of Law. Thus, the term canonical fre-
crucially important social factor, as it allows both quently evokes the idea of conformism, while con-
individuals and the community to confidently plan tinuity or judicial certainty calls to mind the idea of
for the future, knowing we are protected by juridical preserving the status quo. Law seems to be, then,
continuity and certainty. Not only is law perceived the greatest obstacle to dynamic manifestations of
as the expression of a heteronomous will, then, but the Spirit. Consequently, law becomes an impedi-
also as an element of equilibrium; we experience the ment to the missionary nature of the Church, which
juridicial phenomenon as representing the will of the otherwise stands ready to respond to the changes
strongest, but also as something that transcends and claims of our present sociocultural reality.
individual interests - as justice. The positive elements of the "canonical" expe-
These negative and positive elements of law are rience, however, are fundamental to the Christian ex-
superimposed upon one another. This explains the perience, both on an individual and a comm.unit y
perception that law is a paradoxical experience level. Canonical discipline guarantees the umty of
(WOLF), embodying apparently contradictory values the symbols of faith, of the Sacraments, of the
that cannot be severed from one another. The ne- preaching of the Word, of the ecclesial cons~itu~i~n.
gative aspects of this primordial experience of law Canonical discipline also guarantees the objectivity
have repeatedly given rise to the sociopolitical phe- of the ecclesial experience, as it teaches individual
nomenon of anarchy, while the experience of law's Christians and churches that they must overcome
positive aspects has constantly been contained by the the temptation of individualism and that fidelity
limits of law's utopian and ad absurdum dynamic. to communion is essential for the self-realization of
The experience of canon law often places the the Church. According to canon law, then, the possi-
Christian in a paradoxical situation (RODeO VARELA). bility that the Spirit of the Lord will show itself
The confession of faith - which involves all of a through charism, divorced from all objective bonds,
person's life, to the very root of personal freedom - is a utopian view.
is bound by canonical norms. Divine law, although During the course of history, the paradoxical na-
also manifested in prophecy and charisms, must be ture of the canonical experience has provided fuel
subjected to the interpretation of human law if it is for all the spiritualistic movements - Montanist,
to assume any concrete historical position. Though it Cathar, Franciscan, Hussite - that anticipated the
still remains the law of the mystical Body, this law tensions that exploded in the Protestant Reforma-
takes on associational or state forms that often tion. Allowing itself to be overcome by the same

The Phenomenological Experience The Phenomenological Experience

this negative aspect and a positive one. In addition to cannot express the profound theological truth and
limiting our own freedom, law is also the indispen- nature of ecclesial communion. The law becomes one
sable instrument for maintaining social living and both of love and of institution, of freedom and of
for guaranteeing order and peace, because it imposes limitation, of divine and of human justice - both of
limits on others. Therefore, law shows itself to be a Gospel and of Law. Thus, the term canonical fre-
crucially important social factor, as it allows both quently evokes the idea of conformism, while con-
individuals and the community to confidently plan tinuity or judicial certainty calls to mind the idea of
for the future, knowing we are protected by juridical preserving the status quo. Law seems to be, then,
continuity and certainty. Not only is law perceived the greatest obstacle to dynamic manifestations of
as the expression of a heteronomous will, then, but the Spirit. Consequently, law becomes an impedi-
also as an element of equilibrium; we experience the ment to the missionary nature of the Church, which
juridicial phenomenon as representing the will of the otherwise stands ready to respond to the changes
strongest, but also as something that transcends and claims of our present sociocultural reality.
individual interests - as justice. The positive elements of the "canonical" expe-
These negative and positive elements of law are rience, however, are fundamental to the Christian ex-
superimposed upon one another. This explains the perience, both on an individual and a comm.unit y
perception that law is a paradoxical experience level. Canonical discipline guarantees the umty of
(WOLF), embodying apparently contradictory values the symbols of faith, of the Sacraments, of the
that cannot be severed from one another. The ne- preaching of the Word, of the ecclesial cons~itu~i~n.
gative aspects of this primordial experience of law Canonical discipline also guarantees the objectivity
have repeatedly given rise to the sociopolitical phe- of the ecclesial experience, as it teaches individual
nomenon of anarchy, while the experience of law's Christians and churches that they must overcome
positive aspects has constantly been contained by the the temptation of individualism and that fidelity
limits of law's utopian and ad absurdum dynamic. to communion is essential for the self-realization of
The experience of canon law often places the the Church. According to canon law, then, the possi-
Christian in a paradoxical situation (RODeO VARELA). bility that the Spirit of the Lord will show itself
The confession of faith - which involves all of a through charism, divorced from all objective bonds,
person's life, to the very root of personal freedom - is a utopian view.
is bound by canonical norms. Divine law, although During the course of history, the paradoxical na-
also manifested in prophecy and charisms, must be ture of the canonical experience has provided fuel
subjected to the interpretation of human law if it is for all the spiritualistic movements - Montanist,
to assume any concrete historical position. Though it Cathar, Franciscan, Hussite - that anticipated the
still remains the law of the mystical Body, this law tensions that exploded in the Protestant Reforma-
takes on associational or state forms that often tion. Allowing itself to be overcome by the same

The Phenomenological Experience

spiritualistic temptation, Protestantism soon sub-

divided into a multitude of sects; its spiritualism
often prevented the Protestant movement from
guaranteeing the degree of objectivity necessary for
a fully ecclesial reality.
The experience of law - whether secular or cano-
nical - has been characterized by conflicts between 2
the relative and the absolute, the contingent and the
transcendent, the particular and the universal, his-
tory and eschatology. It was inevitable that this
paradoxical human experience, through its hetero-
geneity, should stimulate philosophical and theologi-
The Unity of Law in
cal reflection on the nature, origin, and intrinsic
unity of the juridical phenomenon. The problem of
Christian Philosophical
the unity of law has become central to the Christian
philosophy of law and to the theology of canon law.
Is there indeed a connection between the often per-
carious law that governs the social cohabitation of
human beings and some set of divine norms? And
can we rely upon such divine law to be confident
that human systems are just and based on solid PREMISES IN GRECO-ROMAN

The need to find a unitary explanation for the ju-

ridical phenomenon emerged early in the Gre~k con-
science. Greek culture was deeply roote.d ~n t~e
mythical, the sacred, and in aristocracy; ~Ithm this
cultural milieu, the Greeks accepted the Idea of the
unicity of law. Law (themisJ is understood by Homer
as the sacred decree of the gods, revealed. to the
kings and the upper class. The aristocracy IS then
also given the task of preserving the law. Eve~ as
a proper system of human legislation is progressively

The Phenomenological Experience

spiritualistic temptation, Protestantism soon sub-

divided into a multitude of sects; its spiritualism
often prevented the Protestant movement from
guaranteeing the degree of objectivity necessary for
a fully ecclesial reality.
The experience of law - whether secular or cano-
nical - has been characterized by conflicts between 2
the relative and the absolute, the contingent and the
transcendent, the particular and the universal, his-
tory and eschatology. It was inevitable that this
paradoxical human experience, through its hetero-
geneity, should stimulate philosophical and theologi-
The Unity of Law in
cal reflection on the nature, origin, and intrinsic
unity of the juridical phenomenon. The problem of
Christian Philosophical
the unity of law has become central to the Christian
philosophy of law and to the theology of canon law.
Is there indeed a connection between the often per-
carious law that governs the social cohabitation of
human beings and some set of divine norms? And
can we rely upon such divine law to be confident
that human systems are just and based on solid PREMISES IN GRECO-ROMAN

The need to find a unitary explanation for the ju-

ridical phenomenon emerged early in the Gre~k con-
science. Greek culture was deeply roote.d ~n t~e
mythical, the sacred, and in aristocracy; ~Ithm this
cultural milieu, the Greeks accepted the Idea of the
unicity of law. Law (themisJ is understood by Homer
as the sacred decree of the gods, revealed. to the
kings and the upper class. The aristocracy IS then
also given the task of preserving the law. Eve~ as
a proper system of human legislation is progressively

Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Premises in Greco-Roman. Philosophy

added, justice (dike) continues to be seen primarily be always equal to itself, but also an ethical-juridical
as a divine instrument rather than a human reality. reality "must be" present on the level of social re-
In the poetical version of Hesiod, when the human lations. The same preoccupation with discovering a
judges pronounce unjust sentences, Dike sits next principle to unify all orders of reality dominates the
to her father, Zeus, and tearfully recounts to him thought of Pythagoras (b. ca. 582 B.C.) for whom both
the wicked thoughts of human beings. the harmonic order of the physical world and the
The idea that an absolute foundation for pos- virtue of justice are ruled by a mathematical rela-
itive laws existed - as a way of relating the tion and, therefore, by a single rational principle
state's positive laws to a dependence on superior (STEFFES).
norms - was first defined in Greek tragedy in the Heraclitus (b. ca. 500 B.C.) accuses Homer and
fifth century B.C. In Sophocles' Antigone (ca. 405 Hesiod of having anthropomorphized divinity and
B.C.), the heroine accepts death rather than dis- argues against Pythagoras by pointing to the expe-
obey those "unwritten laws" that are superior and rience of a visible world dominated by an unrelent-
divine, eternal and immutable. Those who argue ing and merciless struggle of all beings (polemos).
for the existence of an absolute and supreme foun- Unlike Democritus and Epicurus, however, he does
dation for human laws have traditionally seen this not reduce visible reality to a phenomenon of acci-
as the earliest example of the concept of natural dental aggregation deprived of providential or ra-
law in the Greek conscience (FASSO). tional order; he still holds that, behind the reality
We need not ask whether pre-Socratic philosophy of beings - which is continuously fluid in its becom-
offered a transposition from the cosmic order to a ing - there is a hidden harmony. This harmony is
social and juridical one (VERDROSS) or, on the con- guaranteed by the eternal logos which, for Heracli-
trary, from the proper human ethical-political ex- tus, is to be pantheistically identified with God or,
perience to the order of the physical universe. This at least, with a divine emanation (VERDROSS). Since
physical order was sometimes even conceived as a this universal reason is the ordering principle of
"democratic" order (isonomia). We. must note, how- all cosmic reality, it is also the foundation of hu-
ever, that the fundamental preoccupation of the man social life. There is no sphere of justice be-
pre-Socratic philosophy was that a connection cause all human laws (nomoi) are contained within
should at least be established between the cosmic a harmony that places them within a superior
and the social orders, even when the specific issue unity: "All human laws feed on a single divine law"
of their intrinsic interdependence - that is, of the (Fr. 114). Nevertheless, Heraclitus does not define
unity of law - was not yet an explicit concern. This the intrinsic nature of the connection that unifies
preoccupation is already present in Parmenides the hidden and the visible realities. He limits him-
(early fifth century B.C.) when he affirms that not self to the affirmation that humans can discover
only is it absolutely necessary for cosmic reality to the divine logos, substance and principle of all

6 7
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Premises in Greco-Roman. Philosophy

added, justice (dike) continues to be seen primarily be always equal to itself, but also an ethical-juridical
as a divine instrument rather than a human reality. reality "must be" present on the level of social re-
In the poetical version of Hesiod, when the human lations. The same preoccupation with discovering a
judges pronounce unjust sentences, Dike sits next principle to unify all orders of reality dominates the
to her father, Zeus, and tearfully recounts to him thought of Pythagoras (b. ca. 582 B.C.) for whom both
the wicked thoughts of human beings. the harmonic order of the physical world and the
The idea that an absolute foundation for pos- virtue of justice are ruled by a mathematical rela-
itive laws existed - as a way of relating the tion and, therefore, by a single rational principle
state's positive laws to a dependence on superior (STEFFES).
norms - was first defined in Greek tragedy in the Heraclitus (b. ca. 500 B.C.) accuses Homer and
fifth century B.C. In Sophocles' Antigone (ca. 405 Hesiod of having anthropomorphized divinity and
B.C.), the heroine accepts death rather than dis- argues against Pythagoras by pointing to the expe-
obey those "unwritten laws" that are superior and rience of a visible world dominated by an unrelent-
divine, eternal and immutable. Those who argue ing and merciless struggle of all beings (polemos).
for the existence of an absolute and supreme foun- Unlike Democritus and Epicurus, however, he does
dation for human laws have traditionally seen this not reduce visible reality to a phenomenon of acci-
as the earliest example of the concept of natural dental aggregation deprived of providential or ra-
law in the Greek conscience (FASSO). tional order; he still holds that, behind the reality
We need not ask whether pre-Socratic philosophy of beings - which is continuously fluid in its becom-
offered a transposition from the cosmic order to a ing - there is a hidden harmony. This harmony is
social and juridical one (VERDROSS) or, on the con- guaranteed by the eternal logos which, for Heracli-
trary, from the proper human ethical-political ex- tus, is to be pantheistically identified with God or,
perience to the order of the physical universe. This at least, with a divine emanation (VERDROSS). Since
physical order was sometimes even conceived as a this universal reason is the ordering principle of
"democratic" order (isonomia). We. must note, how- all cosmic reality, it is also the foundation of hu-
ever, that the fundamental preoccupation of the man social life. There is no sphere of justice be-
pre-Socratic philosophy was that a connection cause all human laws (nomoi) are contained within
should at least be established between the cosmic a harmony that places them within a superior
and the social orders, even when the specific issue unity: "All human laws feed on a single divine law"
of their intrinsic interdependence - that is, of the (Fr. 114). Nevertheless, Heraclitus does not define
unity of law - was not yet an explicit concern. This the intrinsic nature of the connection that unifies
preoccupation is already present in Parmenides the hidden and the visible realities. He limits him-
(early fifth century B.C.) when he affirms that not self to the affirmation that humans can discover
only is it absolutely necessary for cosmic reality to the divine logos, substance and principle of all

6 7
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Premises in Greco-Roman Philosophy

reality, in the depth of the psyche by means of phil- rational and innate human characteristic. The maxim
osophy, through which we go "from sleep into wake- of Zeno (d. 430 B.C.), "to live in conformity with
one's own self," or "with nature" (CLEANS, d. 223 B.C.),
provided the basis for this new philosophical cur-
The Unity of Law and the Stoic Concept rent (WENZEL). The rational predisposition of human
of Nature beings coincides with nature, or with the universal
and necessary law ruling the cosmos; this law is in
. The fi~st great shift from an objective to a subjec- turn identified with the divine, which pervades the
tive reality came after the time of Alexander the world by forces corresponding to the several orders:
Great (d. 323 B.C.), with the Greek civilization foun- the organic order by physis, the animal by psyche
~ed ~n the polis evolving toward Hellenistic cosmopo- and the human by logos (STIEGLER). In our own ra-
litanism, The individual, having been divested of tional nature, we humans find already preordained
the total ethical-political commitment of the city- moral and the juridical norms. The unity of law is
state, could now profess a more tranquil and serene formally preserved by the affirmation that human
ideal of life (ataraxia) (FASSO). In accordance with law must be a positive translation of universal reason.
this new cultural situation, Epicurus (d. 270 B.C.) This unity ultimately remains abstract and extrin-
posits the "true nature of man" as the foundation sic, however, because universal reason neither im-
of all philosophical thought; this nature is described poses nor requires the abolition of social and juridi-
as being constituted by the instinct for pleasure, cal differences existing among people. Our awareness
power and individualism. The "naturally just" is no of membership in a spiritual kingdom that cannot
longer sought in a reality that is autonomous and be taken away from us does not depend on our con-
external to human reality but in that which hu- crete political situations (VERDROSS).
mans contractually decide in light of their own inter- With Chrysippus (d. 207), a concept of law (no-
ests. This subjectivist tendency, which might have mos) appears that seems to be superior to the
resulted in a destructive positivism, does not go so Heraclitean logos. This refers to the universal rea-
~ar ~s .to break the unity of law. Human laws, by son which guides the course of all things, human and
irrtrinsic necessity, still need to be elaborated by divine, with the same logic of strict necessity proper
reference to that objective reality that is the "true to destiny; indeed this universal reason is to be
nature" of human beings (FLUCKIGER). identified with destiny. Nomos becomes a third form
. With Stoicism's introduction of a new psycholo- of law attached to the traditional distinction of Greek
gical element, Greek philosophy moves further away philosophy between natural (or divine) and positive
from the traditional objectivist view. The sense of law; Chrysippus calls the latter no longer nomos
the just and the unjust is no longer considered an but thesis.
instinctive predisposition, as in Epicurus, but as a The yet unclear trilogy, which had perhaps already
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Premises in Greco-Roman Philosophy

reality, in the depth of the psyche by means of phil- rational and innate human characteristic. The maxim
osophy, through which we go "from sleep into wake- of Zeno (d. 430 B.C.), "to live in conformity with
one's own self," or "with nature" (CLEANS, d. 223 B.C.),
provided the basis for this new philosophical cur-
The Unity of Law and the Stoic Concept rent (WENZEL). The rational predisposition of human
of Nature beings coincides with nature, or with the universal
and necessary law ruling the cosmos; this law is in
. The fi~st great shift from an objective to a subjec- turn identified with the divine, which pervades the
tive reality came after the time of Alexander the world by forces corresponding to the several orders:
Great (d. 323 B.C.), with the Greek civilization foun- the organic order by physis, the animal by psyche
~ed ~n the polis evolving toward Hellenistic cosmopo- and the human by logos (STIEGLER). In our own ra-
litanism, The individual, having been divested of tional nature, we humans find already preordained
the total ethical-political commitment of the city- moral and the juridical norms. The unity of law is
state, could now profess a more tranquil and serene formally preserved by the affirmation that human
ideal of life (ataraxia) (FASSO). In accordance with law must be a positive translation of universal reason.
this new cultural situation, Epicurus (d. 270 B.C.) This unity ultimately remains abstract and extrin-
posits the "true nature of man" as the foundation sic, however, because universal reason neither im-
of all philosophical thought; this nature is described poses nor requires the abolition of social and juridi-
as being constituted by the instinct for pleasure, cal differences existing among people. Our awareness
power and individualism. The "naturally just" is no of membership in a spiritual kingdom that cannot
longer sought in a reality that is autonomous and be taken away from us does not depend on our con-
external to human reality but in that which hu- crete political situations (VERDROSS).
mans contractually decide in light of their own inter- With Chrysippus (d. 207), a concept of law (no-
ests. This subjectivist tendency, which might have mos) appears that seems to be superior to the
resulted in a destructive positivism, does not go so Heraclitean logos. This refers to the universal rea-
~ar ~s .to break the unity of law. Human laws, by son which guides the course of all things, human and
irrtrinsic necessity, still need to be elaborated by divine, with the same logic of strict necessity proper
reference to that objective reality that is the "true to destiny; indeed this universal reason is to be
nature" of human beings (FLUCKIGER). identified with destiny. Nomos becomes a third form
. With Stoicism's introduction of a new psycholo- of law attached to the traditional distinction of Greek
gical element, Greek philosophy moves further away philosophy between natural (or divine) and positive
from the traditional objectivist view. The sense of law; Chrysippus calls the latter no longer nomos
the just and the unjust is no longer considered an but thesis.
instinctive predisposition, as in Epicurus, but as a The yet unclear trilogy, which had perhaps already
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Premises in Greco-Roman Philosophy

surfaced in Aristotle, is articulated more clearly gentium, and ius civile. The ius naturale was at times
in the teaching of Cicero (d. 43 AD.) concerning defined according to rationalistic criteria, as by
the lex aeterna. Both the law of nature, which rules Julius Paulus (early third century AD.), and at other
nonrational beings, and the ethical-juridical or natu- times according to naturalistic criteria, as by Ulpian
ral law, which defines good and evil, depend upon (d. 228). This law was no longer considered to be an
right reason. Ethical-juridical law does not exist absolute and abstract law placed outside history, in
exclusively in the divine spirit; it also manifests the way Greek natural law philosophy had defined
itself in our human reason. In other words, we do it, but was an actually existing law, practiced by
not come to know law empirically or on the basis nations and not bound to absolute metaphysical pre-
of its positive expressions, but we discover law in suppositions (FASSO). Gaius (second century AD.)
our own human nature. Despite its pantheistic defined the ius gentium, insofar as it is applied among
elements, the doctrine of lex aeterna, because of its all nations, as the law that "natural reason estab-
intrinsic unity, was filtered through Lactanicus and lishes for all [people]." By this definition, he estab-
Augustine and carried into the Christian theological lished a parallel with natural law, which, for Stoicism,
system as it moved to establish a connection among was defined as a norm dictated by reason. Therefore,
ius divinum, ius naturale, and ius humanum (FASSO). it became inevitable that ius naturale and ius gen-
Fascination with the concept of lex aeterna led tium should be ever more frequently confused with
Seneca (d. 65 AD.) to affirm that even the Creator each other until Justinian (565 AD.), in the Insti-
and Ruler of the universe is subject to the higher tutiones, established the relationship between the
law of rational necessity. This view gives rise to the two.
dilemma of the relationship between the reality of The problem of the unity of law was not posed
things and God's freedom; this dilemma, more than in philosophical terms by the Romans, but in conc-
a millennium later, forms the basis for the dispute rete and pragmatic ones. They never held natural
between voluntarism and intellectualism (STIEGLER). law to be superior to or more valid than the ius
In Greece, the problem of law, generally faced in gentium or to the ius civile (prerogative of each state)
the context of the study of ethics, had remained in because all three coincide in being a form of histori-
the domain of the philosophers. In Rome, where cal-positive law. Roman aequitas, therefore, is an ap-
jurisprudence and the doctrinal elaboration of law plication of law based on principles which, being
reached the highest peaks of perfection, law became rational and having rational human nature as a
the perogative of jurists who were predominantly point of reference, do not transcend the juridicial
under the influence of Stoicism. In place of the tra- phenomenon itself, but remain immanent in it
ditional distinction physis I nomos, already under- (FEDELE).
mined by the Ciceronian lex aeterna, late Roman Ulpian, by an application of the parameters
jurists formulated the trilogy ius naturale, ius of Stoic philosophy, defines iurisprudentia as

10 11
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Premises in Greco-Roman Philosophy

surfaced in Aristotle, is articulated more clearly gentium, and ius civile. The ius naturale was at times
in the teaching of Cicero (d. 43 AD.) concerning defined according to rationalistic criteria, as by
the lex aeterna. Both the law of nature, which rules Julius Paulus (early third century AD.), and at other
nonrational beings, and the ethical-juridical or natu- times according to naturalistic criteria, as by Ulpian
ral law, which defines good and evil, depend upon (d. 228). This law was no longer considered to be an
right reason. Ethical-juridical law does not exist absolute and abstract law placed outside history, in
exclusively in the divine spirit; it also manifests the way Greek natural law philosophy had defined
itself in our human reason. In other words, we do it, but was an actually existing law, practiced by
not come to know law empirically or on the basis nations and not bound to absolute metaphysical pre-
of its positive expressions, but we discover law in suppositions (FASSO). Gaius (second century AD.)
our own human nature. Despite its pantheistic defined the ius gentium, insofar as it is applied among
elements, the doctrine of lex aeterna, because of its all nations, as the law that "natural reason estab-
intrinsic unity, was filtered through Lactanicus and lishes for all [people]." By this definition, he estab-
Augustine and carried into the Christian theological lished a parallel with natural law, which, for Stoicism,
system as it moved to establish a connection among was defined as a norm dictated by reason. Therefore,
ius divinum, ius naturale, and ius humanum (FASSO). it became inevitable that ius naturale and ius gen-
Fascination with the concept of lex aeterna led tium should be ever more frequently confused with
Seneca (d. 65 AD.) to affirm that even the Creator each other until Justinian (565 AD.), in the Insti-
and Ruler of the universe is subject to the higher tutiones, established the relationship between the
law of rational necessity. This view gives rise to the two.
dilemma of the relationship between the reality of The problem of the unity of law was not posed
things and God's freedom; this dilemma, more than in philosophical terms by the Romans, but in conc-
a millennium later, forms the basis for the dispute rete and pragmatic ones. They never held natural
between voluntarism and intellectualism (STIEGLER). law to be superior to or more valid than the ius
In Greece, the problem of law, generally faced in gentium or to the ius civile (prerogative of each state)
the context of the study of ethics, had remained in because all three coincide in being a form of histori-
the domain of the philosophers. In Rome, where cal-positive law. Roman aequitas, therefore, is an ap-
jurisprudence and the doctrinal elaboration of law plication of law based on principles which, being
reached the highest peaks of perfection, law became rational and having rational human nature as a
the perogative of jurists who were predominantly point of reference, do not transcend the juridicial
under the influence of Stoicism. In place of the tra- phenomenon itself, but remain immanent in it
ditional distinction physis I nomos, already under- (FEDELE).
mined by the Ciceronian lex aeterna, late Roman Ulpian, by an application of the parameters
jurists formulated the trilogy ius naturale, ius of Stoic philosophy, defines iurisprudentia as

10 11
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Premises in Greco-Roman Philosophy

knowledge of things human and divine, science of analogy in Luther's theme of "Law and Gospel"-
the just and unjust. has polarized the thinking of philosophers of law.
Heraclitus, Pythagoras and traditional objectivist
Heterogeneity of Law within Sophistic philosophy were all preoccupied with establishing a
Pluralism convergence or at least some connection between
these two orders. The Sophists, however, took up the
The popularity of Sophism from the fifth century problem that had arisen in Sophocles' Antigone, that
(A.D.) on demonstrates the difficulties Greek philo- of the validity of positive laws that are opposed to
sophy encountered as it attempted to firmly estab- natural or divine "unwritten" laws. In dealing with
lish the unity oflaw ontologically, based on the central this philosophical issue, the Sophists did not limit
concept of nature (physis). Despite its internal con- themselves to standing the "naturally just" in oppo-
tradictions, Sophism is based on an epistemological sition to the "legally just," or with proposing rela-
approach to reality, using a rational criticism like tivistic or natural law solutions. Occasionally, they
that of modern European Illuminism. Sophism de- even proposed the supremacy of human law over
veloped within the cultural ethos of Athenian demo- natural law, thus providing the basis for a first form
cracy, which embodied a great trust in reason and, of juridical positivism (VERDROSS).
consequently, in the rational and humanistic foun- Protagoras (d. 421 B.C.) became the teacher of a
dation of all values. Rhetoric, however - the tool relativism founded on the principle homo-mensural:
of the Sophists - sacrifices universal and absolute The human being is the measure of all values, not
values (FASSO). Rhetoric is not only the art of dis- as an individual or as humankind, but in the sense
cussion and of persuasion used by citizens to promote that the opinion of the assembly of citizens,
the positive order of the state, but is also an instru- changeable over time, is considered to be the sole
ment for the triumph of a given opinion that is made criterion for the validity of positive law. With no
to seem true. space left for a divine or a natural law, the result
Sophism subjected not only particular laws but might have been a radical positivism, if Protagoras
the entire juridical ordering of the state to rational had not tempered his doctrine to guarantee some
criticism for the first time. This brought about the degree of objective unity. Thus, he considers the
clamorous break between the order of nature and sense of justice common to the conscience of all people
the juridical order of the state. A latent tension be- (ethos) as a legacy that, even if it does not allow for
tween the two orders had, of course, long existed. the formulation of univocal positive norms accept-
From this moment on, however, the juxtaposition of able to all, at least allows the creation, with the help
nature and law, of the naturally and the legally just of the wiser rhetoricians, of better laws.
- a juxtaposition that later found a theological Sophism only occasionally produced solutions of
a fully positivistic nature that declared human law

12 13
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Premises in Greco-Roman Philosophy

knowledge of things human and divine, science of analogy in Luther's theme of "Law and Gospel"-
the just and unjust. has polarized the thinking of philosophers of law.
Heraclitus, Pythagoras and traditional objectivist
Heterogeneity of Law within Sophistic philosophy were all preoccupied with establishing a
Pluralism convergence or at least some connection between
these two orders. The Sophists, however, took up the
The popularity of Sophism from the fifth century problem that had arisen in Sophocles' Antigone, that
(A.D.) on demonstrates the difficulties Greek philo- of the validity of positive laws that are opposed to
sophy encountered as it attempted to firmly estab- natural or divine "unwritten" laws. In dealing with
lish the unity oflaw ontologically, based on the central this philosophical issue, the Sophists did not limit
concept of nature (physis). Despite its internal con- themselves to standing the "naturally just" in oppo-
tradictions, Sophism is based on an epistemological sition to the "legally just," or with proposing rela-
approach to reality, using a rational criticism like tivistic or natural law solutions. Occasionally, they
that of modern European Illuminism. Sophism de- even proposed the supremacy of human law over
veloped within the cultural ethos of Athenian demo- natural law, thus providing the basis for a first form
cracy, which embodied a great trust in reason and, of juridical positivism (VERDROSS).
consequently, in the rational and humanistic foun- Protagoras (d. 421 B.C.) became the teacher of a
dation of all values. Rhetoric, however - the tool relativism founded on the principle homo-mensural:
of the Sophists - sacrifices universal and absolute The human being is the measure of all values, not
values (FASSO). Rhetoric is not only the art of dis- as an individual or as humankind, but in the sense
cussion and of persuasion used by citizens to promote that the opinion of the assembly of citizens,
the positive order of the state, but is also an instru- changeable over time, is considered to be the sole
ment for the triumph of a given opinion that is made criterion for the validity of positive law. With no
to seem true. space left for a divine or a natural law, the result
Sophism subjected not only particular laws but might have been a radical positivism, if Protagoras
the entire juridical ordering of the state to rational had not tempered his doctrine to guarantee some
criticism for the first time. This brought about the degree of objective unity. Thus, he considers the
clamorous break between the order of nature and sense of justice common to the conscience of all people
the juridical order of the state. A latent tension be- (ethos) as a legacy that, even if it does not allow for
tween the two orders had, of course, long existed. the formulation of univocal positive norms accept-
From this moment on, however, the juxtaposition of able to all, at least allows the creation, with the help
nature and law, of the naturally and the legally just of the wiser rhetoricians, of better laws.
- a juxtaposition that later found a theological Sophism only occasionally produced solutions of
a fully positivistic nature that declared human law

12 13
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Premises in Greco-Roman. Philosophy

and justice to be identical. Thrasymachus of Chalce- Socratic Greek philosophy's formulation - no longer
don (430-400 B.C.) was, according to Plato, among considers natural law to be an objective reality com-
those who asserted the equivalence of law and mon to all beings and therefore external to humans.
justice. Archelaus (5-6th century B.C.), who did not Rather, natural law is a norm that human beings
belong to the Sophistic school, provided the earliest accept because of their proper rational essence (FASSO).
precise definition of juridicial positivism, in holding Positive law was by now considered to be an ex-
that there is no "naturally just," but only a "legally clusive fruit of human will. In both Hippias and Al-
just." This definition has only been articulated in a cidamas (4th century B.C.), positive law is criticized
doctrinal system in modern times. on the basis of a tendentiously cosmopolitan natural
The religious-mythological view, essentially a volun- law. This natural law's abstractness, however, fre-
taristic one, had sought to guarantee the unity of quently only reflected each philosopher's subjective
law by by affirming its unicity - that is, by con- ideal. Overall, Sophism failed to clarify the formal
sidering law, whether divine, natural, or human, as concept of law or to deduce from law any objective
a single global reality. Positivism has sought to affirm elements that would be valid for all. This led the
this unity in a more formal and extrinsic manner Sophists to confuse natural law with an ideal and
by affirming the unicity of positive law which, being utopian one that was ultimately inadequate for es-
founded only on the will of the human legislator, tablishing an ontological union between this and
cannot escape the contradiction-riddled logic of its positive human law (VERDROSS).
own internal pluralism.
A natural law current within Sophism, headed by Metaphysical Foundation of the Unity of Law
Hippias (485-415 B.C.) opposed the relativists and in the Synthesis of Plato and Aristotle
the positivists. Hippias juxtaposed the precarious-
ness of human law with the existence of "unwritten These Sophists who were the contemporaries of
laws," and he refused to place that which is just Socrates had sought in vain to resolve the antithesis
(dikaion) and that which conforms to positive law physis/nomos, either by establishing a mechanical
(nomimon) on the same level. This school of thought relationship of dependence between the order of
sometimes interpreted cultural law in a naturalis- physical nature and the juridical, or by defining a
tic way, as when Callicles of Plato's Gorgias identi- more intrinsic but still abstract connection, as in
fies the law of nature with the right of the stronger; rationalist natural law theory. Socrates (d. 399) made
laws that seek to limit that right, he declares, are a leap forward by establishing a connection between
contrary to nature and therefore unjust. At other morality and law. By submitting himself to the un-
times, though, the law of nature was interpreted ra- just sentence condemning him to death, he wished
tionally, as an expression of human reason. This to clearly reaffirm the authority of the state, which
interpretation - which represents the apex of pre-

14 15
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Premises in Greco-Roman. Philosophy

and justice to be identical. Thrasymachus of Chalce- Socratic Greek philosophy's formulation - no longer
don (430-400 B.C.) was, according to Plato, among considers natural law to be an objective reality com-
those who asserted the equivalence of law and mon to all beings and therefore external to humans.
justice. Archelaus (5-6th century B.C.), who did not Rather, natural law is a norm that human beings
belong to the Sophistic school, provided the earliest accept because of their proper rational essence (FASSO).
precise definition of juridicial positivism, in holding Positive law was by now considered to be an ex-
that there is no "naturally just," but only a "legally clusive fruit of human will. In both Hippias and Al-
just." This definition has only been articulated in a cidamas (4th century B.C.), positive law is criticized
doctrinal system in modern times. on the basis of a tendentiously cosmopolitan natural
The religious-mythological view, essentially a volun- law. This natural law's abstractness, however, fre-
taristic one, had sought to guarantee the unity of quently only reflected each philosopher's subjective
law by by affirming its unicity - that is, by con- ideal. Overall, Sophism failed to clarify the formal
sidering law, whether divine, natural, or human, as concept of law or to deduce from law any objective
a single global reality. Positivism has sought to affirm elements that would be valid for all. This led the
this unity in a more formal and extrinsic manner Sophists to confuse natural law with an ideal and
by affirming the unicity of positive law which, being utopian one that was ultimately inadequate for es-
founded only on the will of the human legislator, tablishing an ontological union between this and
cannot escape the contradiction-riddled logic of its positive human law (VERDROSS).
own internal pluralism.
A natural law current within Sophism, headed by Metaphysical Foundation of the Unity of Law
Hippias (485-415 B.C.) opposed the relativists and in the Synthesis of Plato and Aristotle
the positivists. Hippias juxtaposed the precarious-
ness of human law with the existence of "unwritten These Sophists who were the contemporaries of
laws," and he refused to place that which is just Socrates had sought in vain to resolve the antithesis
(dikaion) and that which conforms to positive law physis/nomos, either by establishing a mechanical
(nomimon) on the same level. This school of thought relationship of dependence between the order of
sometimes interpreted cultural law in a naturalis- physical nature and the juridical, or by defining a
tic way, as when Callicles of Plato's Gorgias identi- more intrinsic but still abstract connection, as in
fies the law of nature with the right of the stronger; rationalist natural law theory. Socrates (d. 399) made
laws that seek to limit that right, he declares, are a leap forward by establishing a connection between
contrary to nature and therefore unjust. At other morality and law. By submitting himself to the un-
times, though, the law of nature was interpreted ra- just sentence condemning him to death, he wished
tionally, as an expression of human reason. This to clearly reaffirm the authority of the state, which
interpretation - which represents the apex of pre-

14 15
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Premises in Greco-Roman Philosophy

had been undermined by the Sophists' destructive ideal and superindividual essence that transcends the
criticism. By this gesture, however, Socrates did not sensible physis. The just and justice are not consti-
at all intend to assert the absolute priority of positive tuted by single historical decisions, but by the meta-
law, even if unjust, over natural law, nor to appeal physical nature of the transcendent idea of law
to natural law against it. He wished simply to affirm that informs that of justice, of politics and of ethics.
that obedience to positive law is not founded on the Thus, in the final analysis, there is only one true
objective and intrinsic authority that might be law because each natural and positive realization of
attributed to it through a presumed correspondence it - even if, in order to be true, it must necessarily
with a natural law, sophistically understood as an harken back to the transcendental idea - repre-
abstract and ahistorical reality placed above human- sents only an imitation and a trace of the archetype.
kind. Although not a great deal of attention is given to
Law is asserted to comprehend and invest the law within Plato's philosophical system, the problem
moral dimension of humankind with the duties law of the unity of law finds a very organic solution in
should inspire in a given historical situation, such it. There can be no contradiction between positive
as the duty of gratitude toward the Athenian state, (nomos) and natural (physis) law and the transcen-
or of solidarity because one has contractually accepted dent idea of justice because positive law is true only
the democratic order. With Plato and Aristotle, the insofar as it conforms to the natural law founded on
problem of law is definitively lifted not merely from the rational nature of humankind. The rational na-
the physical order to the rational and moral one, but ture of humankind, on the other hand, is a reflection
also to the more properly metaphysical one (STIEGLER). of the transcendent idea of justice which, in its turn,
Plato (d. 347 B.C.) identifies the transcendent idea derives from the idea of the good. This fundamental
of good with being, thereby building his metaphys- position, as abstract and prevalently ethical as So-
ics. For Plato, things participate in a precarious and crates', explains how Plato could deduce a priori, by
imperfect manner (as "traces") in the absolute being innate reminiscence of the intelligible essences, his
of transcendent ideas or essences. The system does own conception of the state, without any regard to
not dissolve into a purely extrinsic dualism because, historical experience. In the same way, he could at-
on the one hand, even if the form is not immanent tribute to law, not a purely juridical function, but
in sensible things, there is immanence in their end a function of a prevalently ethical-pedagogical na-
(telos), that is, in the tension with the transcendent ture (FASSO).
idea; on the other hand, because Plato, by making In Plato's system, there was a risk of dissolving
a voluntarist option, affirms in the Timeus that the visible beings into an inconsistent reality. Aristotle
Demiurge, or God, has willed that the world deter- (d. 322) overcame this problem by attributing the rea-
mined by the ideas should be as similar as possible lity of being - known not by the Platonic reminiscence
to himself (VERDROSS). Nature is, for Plato, the true of notions already apprehended in a former life, but

16 17
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Premises in Greco-Roman Philosophy

had been undermined by the Sophists' destructive ideal and superindividual essence that transcends the
criticism. By this gesture, however, Socrates did not sensible physis. The just and justice are not consti-
at all intend to assert the absolute priority of positive tuted by single historical decisions, but by the meta-
law, even if unjust, over natural law, nor to appeal physical nature of the transcendent idea of law
to natural law against it. He wished simply to affirm that informs that of justice, of politics and of ethics.
that obedience to positive law is not founded on the Thus, in the final analysis, there is only one true
objective and intrinsic authority that might be law because each natural and positive realization of
attributed to it through a presumed correspondence it - even if, in order to be true, it must necessarily
with a natural law, sophistically understood as an harken back to the transcendental idea - repre-
abstract and ahistorical reality placed above human- sents only an imitation and a trace of the archetype.
kind. Although not a great deal of attention is given to
Law is asserted to comprehend and invest the law within Plato's philosophical system, the problem
moral dimension of humankind with the duties law of the unity of law finds a very organic solution in
should inspire in a given historical situation, such it. There can be no contradiction between positive
as the duty of gratitude toward the Athenian state, (nomos) and natural (physis) law and the transcen-
or of solidarity because one has contractually accepted dent idea of justice because positive law is true only
the democratic order. With Plato and Aristotle, the insofar as it conforms to the natural law founded on
problem of law is definitively lifted not merely from the rational nature of humankind. The rational na-
the physical order to the rational and moral one, but ture of humankind, on the other hand, is a reflection
also to the more properly metaphysical one (STIEGLER). of the transcendent idea of justice which, in its turn,
Plato (d. 347 B.C.) identifies the transcendent idea derives from the idea of the good. This fundamental
of good with being, thereby building his metaphys- position, as abstract and prevalently ethical as So-
ics. For Plato, things participate in a precarious and crates', explains how Plato could deduce a priori, by
imperfect manner (as "traces") in the absolute being innate reminiscence of the intelligible essences, his
of transcendent ideas or essences. The system does own conception of the state, without any regard to
not dissolve into a purely extrinsic dualism because, historical experience. In the same way, he could at-
on the one hand, even if the form is not immanent tribute to law, not a purely juridical function, but
in sensible things, there is immanence in their end a function of a prevalently ethical-pedagogical na-
(telos), that is, in the tension with the transcendent ture (FASSO).
idea; on the other hand, because Plato, by making In Plato's system, there was a risk of dissolving
a voluntarist option, affirms in the Timeus that the visible beings into an inconsistent reality. Aristotle
Demiurge, or God, has willed that the world deter- (d. 322) overcame this problem by attributing the rea-
mined by the ideas should be as similar as possible lity of being - known not by the Platonic reminiscence
to himself (VERDROSS). Nature is, for Plato, the true of notions already apprehended in a former life, but

16 17
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Premises in Greco-Roman Philosophy

a posteriori by way of empirical experience concep- common good. The problem, therefore, is not the
tually elaborated by the intellect - not to universal ethical-pedagogical force of the law, but instead in-
and transcendent ideas (universalia ante rem), but volves educating the citizen in the law on which the
to the substantial form that is immanent in each thing state founds itself (FASSO).
(universalia in re). It follows that single beings alone Within public law, Aristotle distinguishes between
can be said to exist. The form that determines single a natural and a positive law. Natural law is valid
beings and brings about their passage from potency everywhere, independently of whether or not it is
to action is, in its immanence in them, the idea that known, and it is deduced from rational human na-
pushes them toward their end (entelechia). In the ture; positive law is founded on positive legislation,
achievement of this end alone do beings realize their and its task is that of historically establishing values
true end, and do humans realize the morality of their that, on the level of natural law, are indifferent (bona
existence. Beings, however, can fully realize their own per aliud, non bona per se). By distinguishing between
proper end only by tending, at the same time, to their distributive and communitative justice and by further
ultimate final cause. Although the pure act (God) is distinguishing, in his teaching on criminal liability,
the act that properly causes, in composite beings, the between error (iuris et facti) and ignorance, Aristotle
passage of potency from one act to another, there made a great contribution to the development of ju-
is in Aristotle no concept of creation. Therefore, less ridical doctrine, even if he did not proceed to a defini-
coherent than Plato, he posits no origin of the ideas tion of the concept of law and to the elaboration of
or forms (VERDROSS). This would eventually be done a general theory.
by the Judaeo-Christian concept of creation. Given It seems that Aristotle had also discerned the ex-
that the perfect precedes the imperfect and that God, istence of a (divine) law of positive character for the
as eternal reality not composed of matter, has the gods (STIEGLER). In any case, he did not deal explicitly
fullness of being and thinks only about himself, God with the internal dependence and unity of this even-
perceives also the forms in himself. tual trilogy, or with the traditional problem of the
The problem of law is also posed in the context relationship between physis and nomos. He did,
of this system founded on the unity of efficient and however, introduce the metaphysical premises that
final cause (WENZEL). Justice is an essentially social Scholasticism would then elaborate fully (SAUTER).
virtue, based on the relation of equality or proportion In his teaching on epikeia (or equity), Aristotle gives
ad alterum. Justice is no longer, as in Plato, total an indication ofthe relationship between natural and
moral virtue and perfection of the soul. For Aristotle, positive law. Natural law, whose contents are not
the state does not constitute itself as the model of analytically developed by Aristotle, is the expression
an absolute ideal of justice, but as the realization of our rational and essentially social human nature.
of an order that is not so much moral as juridical, Natural law, then, functions as the norm (form) for
that can ensure the conditions necessary for the positive law which must, in turn, be intrinsically

18 19
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Premises in Greco-Roman Philosophy

a posteriori by way of empirical experience concep- common good. The problem, therefore, is not the
tually elaborated by the intellect - not to universal ethical-pedagogical force of the law, but instead in-
and transcendent ideas (universalia ante rem), but volves educating the citizen in the law on which the
to the substantial form that is immanent in each thing state founds itself (FASSO).
(universalia in re). It follows that single beings alone Within public law, Aristotle distinguishes between
can be said to exist. The form that determines single a natural and a positive law. Natural law is valid
beings and brings about their passage from potency everywhere, independently of whether or not it is
to action is, in its immanence in them, the idea that known, and it is deduced from rational human na-
pushes them toward their end (entelechia). In the ture; positive law is founded on positive legislation,
achievement of this end alone do beings realize their and its task is that of historically establishing values
true end, and do humans realize the morality of their that, on the level of natural law, are indifferent (bona
existence. Beings, however, can fully realize their own per aliud, non bona per se). By distinguishing between
proper end only by tending, at the same time, to their distributive and communitative justice and by further
ultimate final cause. Although the pure act (God) is distinguishing, in his teaching on criminal liability,
the act that properly causes, in composite beings, the between error (iuris et facti) and ignorance, Aristotle
passage of potency from one act to another, there made a great contribution to the development of ju-
is in Aristotle no concept of creation. Therefore, less ridical doctrine, even if he did not proceed to a defini-
coherent than Plato, he posits no origin of the ideas tion of the concept of law and to the elaboration of
or forms (VERDROSS). This would eventually be done a general theory.
by the Judaeo-Christian concept of creation. Given It seems that Aristotle had also discerned the ex-
that the perfect precedes the imperfect and that God, istence of a (divine) law of positive character for the
as eternal reality not composed of matter, has the gods (STIEGLER). In any case, he did not deal explicitly
fullness of being and thinks only about himself, God with the internal dependence and unity of this even-
perceives also the forms in himself. tual trilogy, or with the traditional problem of the
The problem of law is also posed in the context relationship between physis and nomos. He did,
of this system founded on the unity of efficient and however, introduce the metaphysical premises that
final cause (WENZEL). Justice is an essentially social Scholasticism would then elaborate fully (SAUTER).
virtue, based on the relation of equality or proportion In his teaching on epikeia (or equity), Aristotle gives
ad alterum. Justice is no longer, as in Plato, total an indication ofthe relationship between natural and
moral virtue and perfection of the soul. For Aristotle, positive law. Natural law, whose contents are not
the state does not constitute itself as the model of analytically developed by Aristotle, is the expression
an absolute ideal of justice, but as the realization of our rational and essentially social human nature.
of an order that is not so much moral as juridical, Natural law, then, functions as the norm (form) for
that can ensure the conditions necessary for the positive law which must, in turn, be intrinsically

18 19
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Reception of Greco-Roman Philosophy by Church Fathers

rational. In the doctrine of epikeia, the fundamental this concept and made it the foundation of a neutral
difference between Platonic and Aristotelian concepts natural (or divine) law - a law that exists independ-
oflaw emerges. The teacher, Plato, gives only passing ently of all faith in a personal being, but which is
attention to epikeia. He considers it a corruption or the source and origin of juridical order. This meta-
a merciful concession, opposed to true law, because, physically open conception embraces the whole force
as a restrictive interpretation of the law, it places of the classical idea of nature. This idea of nature
itself even further away from the ideal norm which overcame the crisis of Sophism - a crisis that is
is, by its very nature, general. The disciple Aristotle, frequently and unjustly exaggerated (ROMMEN) _
however, considers it rather as a positive correction and was then mediated by Plato and Aristotle, who
because, in creating a law historically more fitting replaced physis with metaphysis as the foundation
for a specific and concrete end of the individual sub- of juridical reality. This classical idea of nature de-
ject, epikeia realizes a truer law (HAMEL). As a veloped, therefore, so that it was incompatible with
consequence, epikeia is contradictory only in relations the existence of divine law (STIEGLER). Such a law
to the written law (WITTMANN). appeared in the philosophy of law with the emer-
Aristotle shared with Socrates a profound sense gence of Christian thought. This development raised
of the concrete and historical dimension of things; again the question of the unity of law, a question
this led him to seek the existence of being not in the Greeks had often resolved merely formally or ex-
Plato's transcendent ideas, but in their individual and trinsically, even on the level ofthe relationship between
concrete forms. This same attitude not only allowed physis and nomos - that is, between natural and
him to leave behind the abstract and rationalistic positive law.
conception of natural law that was held by the Sophists,
but also led him to consider natural law a historically
mutable reality rather than an absolute and fixed ECLECTIC RECEPTION OF GRECO-RoMAN
reality. This explains how Aristotle could accept the PHILOSOPHY BY THE CHURCH FATHERS
institution of slavery, which Stoicism alone had se-
riously called into question (FASSO). The Encounter of Divine Positive Law with
In conclusion, it must be acknowledged that the Stoic Law
notion of nature, polyhedric and inexhaustible in its
meaning and contents, is the imperishable gift of The most important contribution of Old Testament
Greek culture to the western philosophy of law. In juridical thought has been the presentation of God
its widest application, this notion embraces the to- as the immediate and personal source of law. Al-
tality of beings, from the lifeless and material to the though the history of the Jewish people extends back
spiritual ones, until it becomes the abstract concept over more than a millennium before the coming of
of the essence of all things. Greek philosophy seized Christ, the uncompromising determination and

20 21
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Reception of Greco-Roman Philosophy by Church Fathers

rational. In the doctrine of epikeia, the fundamental this concept and made it the foundation of a neutral
difference between Platonic and Aristotelian concepts natural (or divine) law - a law that exists independ-
oflaw emerges. The teacher, Plato, gives only passing ently of all faith in a personal being, but which is
attention to epikeia. He considers it a corruption or the source and origin of juridical order. This meta-
a merciful concession, opposed to true law, because, physically open conception embraces the whole force
as a restrictive interpretation of the law, it places of the classical idea of nature. This idea of nature
itself even further away from the ideal norm which overcame the crisis of Sophism - a crisis that is
is, by its very nature, general. The disciple Aristotle, frequently and unjustly exaggerated (ROMMEN) _
however, considers it rather as a positive correction and was then mediated by Plato and Aristotle, who
because, in creating a law historically more fitting replaced physis with metaphysis as the foundation
for a specific and concrete end of the individual sub- of juridical reality. This classical idea of nature de-
ject, epikeia realizes a truer law (HAMEL). As a veloped, therefore, so that it was incompatible with
consequence, epikeia is contradictory only in relations the existence of divine law (STIEGLER). Such a law
to the written law (WITTMANN). appeared in the philosophy of law with the emer-
Aristotle shared with Socrates a profound sense gence of Christian thought. This development raised
of the concrete and historical dimension of things; again the question of the unity of law, a question
this led him to seek the existence of being not in the Greeks had often resolved merely formally or ex-
Plato's transcendent ideas, but in their individual and trinsically, even on the level ofthe relationship between
concrete forms. This same attitude not only allowed physis and nomos - that is, between natural and
him to leave behind the abstract and rationalistic positive law.
conception of natural law that was held by the Sophists,
but also led him to consider natural law a historically
mutable reality rather than an absolute and fixed ECLECTIC RECEPTION OF GRECO-RoMAN
reality. This explains how Aristotle could accept the PHILOSOPHY BY THE CHURCH FATHERS
institution of slavery, which Stoicism alone had se-
riously called into question (FASSO). The Encounter of Divine Positive Law with
In conclusion, it must be acknowledged that the Stoic Law
notion of nature, polyhedric and inexhaustible in its
meaning and contents, is the imperishable gift of The most important contribution of Old Testament
Greek culture to the western philosophy of law. In juridical thought has been the presentation of God
its widest application, this notion embraces the to- as the immediate and personal source of law. Al-
tality of beings, from the lifeless and material to the though the history of the Jewish people extends back
spiritual ones, until it becomes the abstract concept over more than a millennium before the coming of
of the essence of all things. Greek philosophy seized Christ, the uncompromising determination and

20 21
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Reception of Greco-Roman Philosophy by Church Fathers

energy with which every juridical norm has cons- foundation for positive law to be reintroduced. The
tantly been referred back to Yahweh represents an apostle Paul devalued the function of law, juxtaposed
extraordinary phenomenon of cultural continuity to God's justice, but did not deny the possibility of
(RAPAPORT). Jewish law is never the eternal logos, a rational knowledge of God and of natural law
immutable and hidden in the nature of the cosmos (FUCHS). Consequently, at the dawn of Christianity,
or in the rational nature of humankind; rather, it the problem of the rational value of law, far from
is a law revealed by God as his will and command, having been eliminated, was inserted into the great
communicated to Moses and the prophets and and central theological theme of the paradoxical re-
summarized in the Decalogue. lationship of law and grace, a theme charged with
In the Jewish conception, there is no place for the antinomian polarities. This polarity has undergone
idea of a rational foundation of law (SCHONFELD) or a fracture in two opposite directions, first with Pelagius
consequently, for a distinction between positive and and then with Luther's theme of "Law and Gospel."
natural law. While the legalistic superimpositions of With the progressive development of the consti-
the rabbis obfuscated the essential and synthetic tutional and disciplinary organization of the Church
character of Jewish law, the intervention ofthe proph- (which produced its own canon law, related, as law
ets further deepened its socioreligious character. By and as institution, to the Roman one) and with the
preaching holiness and the conversion of the heart, slower but irreversible affirmation of a new Chris-
the prophets dismantled the role of exterior practice tian society, the philosophical and theological con-
and provoked an interiorization of the ethical-juridi- frontation with the paradoxical experience of the
cal experience (STIEGLER). This process of interior juridical phenomenon and with Greco-Roman culture
deepening, however, eliminated all traces of natural became inevitable. There was an instinctive rejec-
law and accentuated the voluntaristic aspect of law tion of the earliest antinomian (Marcion), spiritual-
even to the point of identifying the observance of the istic (Montanus) and millenaristic (Papias) move-
law with obedience to the will of God (FASSO). ments, an innate initial hostility toward the pagan
The idea of divine immediacy in the establishment and, more importantly, the persecuting Roman state,
of law was taken up again in the New Testament; and an awareness that Christianity held a peculiar
Christ, the eternal incarnate logos, has come to re- supernatural conception of ethics. All these factors
store the original nature (or law) through the power assured that the fathers of the Church, from the
of extending ethical-juridical norms and of render- earliest apologists on, would exercise a most careful
ing them binding on the new people of God (LANNE). vigilance and criticism toward Roman jurisprudence
Having received and summarized the Decalogue in and the philosophical-juridical culture of antiquity.
the precept of the love of God and neighbor, which This vigilant position evolved only gradually, as the
has continued to find expression in the Golden Rule, Empire came under Christian influence, and only
the New Testament allowed the question of a rational

22 23
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Reception of Greco-Roman Philosophy by Church Fathers

energy with which every juridical norm has cons- foundation for positive law to be reintroduced. The
tantly been referred back to Yahweh represents an apostle Paul devalued the function of law, juxtaposed
extraordinary phenomenon of cultural continuity to God's justice, but did not deny the possibility of
(RAPAPORT). Jewish law is never the eternal logos, a rational knowledge of God and of natural law
immutable and hidden in the nature of the cosmos (FUCHS). Consequently, at the dawn of Christianity,
or in the rational nature of humankind; rather, it the problem of the rational value of law, far from
is a law revealed by God as his will and command, having been eliminated, was inserted into the great
communicated to Moses and the prophets and and central theological theme of the paradoxical re-
summarized in the Decalogue. lationship of law and grace, a theme charged with
In the Jewish conception, there is no place for the antinomian polarities. This polarity has undergone
idea of a rational foundation of law (SCHONFELD) or a fracture in two opposite directions, first with Pelagius
consequently, for a distinction between positive and and then with Luther's theme of "Law and Gospel."
natural law. While the legalistic superimpositions of With the progressive development of the consti-
the rabbis obfuscated the essential and synthetic tutional and disciplinary organization of the Church
character of Jewish law, the intervention ofthe proph- (which produced its own canon law, related, as law
ets further deepened its socioreligious character. By and as institution, to the Roman one) and with the
preaching holiness and the conversion of the heart, slower but irreversible affirmation of a new Chris-
the prophets dismantled the role of exterior practice tian society, the philosophical and theological con-
and provoked an interiorization of the ethical-juridi- frontation with the paradoxical experience of the
cal experience (STIEGLER). This process of interior juridical phenomenon and with Greco-Roman culture
deepening, however, eliminated all traces of natural became inevitable. There was an instinctive rejec-
law and accentuated the voluntaristic aspect of law tion of the earliest antinomian (Marcion), spiritual-
even to the point of identifying the observance of the istic (Montanus) and millenaristic (Papias) move-
law with obedience to the will of God (FASSO). ments, an innate initial hostility toward the pagan
The idea of divine immediacy in the establishment and, more importantly, the persecuting Roman state,
of law was taken up again in the New Testament; and an awareness that Christianity held a peculiar
Christ, the eternal incarnate logos, has come to re- supernatural conception of ethics. All these factors
store the original nature (or law) through the power assured that the fathers of the Church, from the
of extending ethical-juridical norms and of render- earliest apologists on, would exercise a most careful
ing them binding on the new people of God (LANNE). vigilance and criticism toward Roman jurisprudence
Having received and summarized the Decalogue in and the philosophical-juridical culture of antiquity.
the precept of the love of God and neighbor, which This vigilant position evolved only gradually, as the
has continued to find expression in the Golden Rule, Empire came under Christian influence, and only
the New Testament allowed the question of a rational

22 23
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Reception of Greco-Roman. Philosophy by Church Fathers

occasionally resulted in forms of naive optimism, as pre-Socratic and Stoic philosophers, did not develop
with Gregory the Wonderworker. an organic doctrine capable of metaphysically ren-
The Greek fathers were more interested in natu- dering plausible their teaching on law. This also
ral law theory than the Latin ones. Certain of the becomes clear in relation to the central problem of
doctrinal safeguards guaranteed by Paul (SCHILLING), the unity of law. Tertullian, Origen, Cyril of Alex-
these church fathers also received - with many in- andria (d. 444), and Gregory of Nazianzen (d. 390)
stitutes of the ius gentium and civile - the Greek resolved this issue by a curt denial of the validity
idea of a natural law dictated by reason. of state law that does not conform to the natural one.
Clearly, the Judeo-Christian doctrine of creation But the problem is posed in ethical terms (Tertul-
and the consequent strongly voluntaristic view oflaw lian speaks of an offense to God) rather than juridi-
represented both the greatest obstacle and .the most cal-ontological ones.
effective corrective to the process of receptIOn of ra- Symptomatic of canon law's establishment as a
tionalist natural law theory. As a result, there was specifically Christian juridical reality is John Chry-
a tolerance for the daring synthesis between the sostom's opinion that a derogation of positive law is
Judeo-sacral and the Stoic views, elaborated by possible not only when the good of humanity should
Tertullian (d. after 220 AD.), who was the first demand it, but also when it should be required for
Christian author to use the concept of natural law, the good of the Church. In this way, the Church begins
Origen (d. ca. 254), Lactantius (d. first half of fourth to be considered the criterion for evaluating positive
century), Clement of Alexandria (d. ca. 216-7) and and natural law.
John Chrysostom (d. 407). Tertullian conceived ofthe The problem is taken up again by St. Ambrose (d.
law promulgated by God as a positive codification 397 AD.). Although his illustrious past as a high
of natural law; in this, he followed the example of imperial functionary had convinced him of the pro-
the Hellenistic Judaism of Philo of Alexandria (d. ca. found harmony between Roman and natural law, he
50 AD.) The fathers also began to distinguish be- strongly defended the priority of canon law (censio
tween a primary natural law, valid before the. Fall, ecclesiastica) over imperial law (VON CAMPENHAUSEN)
and the secondary natural law that had been mtro- and, against Ulpian, he held that the prince is not
duced after original sin. legibus solutus. Ambrose's dependence on Seneca,
The individualistic and Stoic component was cor- from whom he borrowed the scheme of the four car-
rected by the provision of a more altruistic and social dinal virtues and made it a definite part of Christian
dimension of natural law; the nationalistic compo- ethics, and his reliance on Cicero's De officiis, helped
nent of the Old Testament was eliminated by ac- him to develop a high sense of the unity of law and
knowledging, along the lines of the Stoic model of morality, a unity on which he impressed a social
the logos, the universal validity of ethi~al. law rather than a utilitarian value.
(FLUCKIGER). The early fathers, like the majority of The elaboration of a Christian natural law, refined

24 25
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Reception of Greco-Roman. Philosophy by Church Fathers

occasionally resulted in forms of naive optimism, as pre-Socratic and Stoic philosophers, did not develop
with Gregory the Wonderworker. an organic doctrine capable of metaphysically ren-
The Greek fathers were more interested in natu- dering plausible their teaching on law. This also
ral law theory than the Latin ones. Certain of the becomes clear in relation to the central problem of
doctrinal safeguards guaranteed by Paul (SCHILLING), the unity of law. Tertullian, Origen, Cyril of Alex-
these church fathers also received - with many in- andria (d. 444), and Gregory of Nazianzen (d. 390)
stitutes of the ius gentium and civile - the Greek resolved this issue by a curt denial of the validity
idea of a natural law dictated by reason. of state law that does not conform to the natural one.
Clearly, the Judeo-Christian doctrine of creation But the problem is posed in ethical terms (Tertul-
and the consequent strongly voluntaristic view oflaw lian speaks of an offense to God) rather than juridi-
represented both the greatest obstacle and .the most cal-ontological ones.
effective corrective to the process of receptIOn of ra- Symptomatic of canon law's establishment as a
tionalist natural law theory. As a result, there was specifically Christian juridical reality is John Chry-
a tolerance for the daring synthesis between the sostom's opinion that a derogation of positive law is
Judeo-sacral and the Stoic views, elaborated by possible not only when the good of humanity should
Tertullian (d. after 220 AD.), who was the first demand it, but also when it should be required for
Christian author to use the concept of natural law, the good of the Church. In this way, the Church begins
Origen (d. ca. 254), Lactantius (d. first half of fourth to be considered the criterion for evaluating positive
century), Clement of Alexandria (d. ca. 216-7) and and natural law.
John Chrysostom (d. 407). Tertullian conceived ofthe The problem is taken up again by St. Ambrose (d.
law promulgated by God as a positive codification 397 AD.). Although his illustrious past as a high
of natural law; in this, he followed the example of imperial functionary had convinced him of the pro-
the Hellenistic Judaism of Philo of Alexandria (d. ca. found harmony between Roman and natural law, he
50 AD.) The fathers also began to distinguish be- strongly defended the priority of canon law (censio
tween a primary natural law, valid before the. Fall, ecclesiastica) over imperial law (VON CAMPENHAUSEN)
and the secondary natural law that had been mtro- and, against Ulpian, he held that the prince is not
duced after original sin. legibus solutus. Ambrose's dependence on Seneca,
The individualistic and Stoic component was cor- from whom he borrowed the scheme of the four car-
rected by the provision of a more altruistic and social dinal virtues and made it a definite part of Christian
dimension of natural law; the nationalistic compo- ethics, and his reliance on Cicero's De officiis, helped
nent of the Old Testament was eliminated by ac- him to develop a high sense of the unity of law and
knowledging, along the lines of the Stoic model of morality, a unity on which he impressed a social
the logos, the universal validity of ethi~al. law rather than a utilitarian value.
(FLUCKIGER). The early fathers, like the majority of The elaboration of a Christian natural law, refined

24 25
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Reception of Greco-Roman Philosophy by Church Fathers

by contact with Stoicism, favored the insertion of the the lex aeterna subjectively, a priori, and discovers
Church into the Greco-Roman world. But it also pro- its reflection in the lex naturalis, which Augustine
voked a progressive aggravation of the problem of identifies with the ius gentium. Natural law is no
the compatibility of such a law with the one of grace longer equal to the lex aeterna; it is only a trace or
(divine law), whose salvific function risked being a rational transcription that we humans, wounded
deprived of meaning. St. Ambrose attempted to solve by original sin, come to know in its essential traits
this problem by positing a concordance between Law (extrema lineamenta). The eternal law becomes, there-
and Grace and by holding that the extension of God's fore, the ordo ordinans of natural law, of the ordo
positive law had become necessary after humankind ordinatus, specified by God first through the lex
had abandoned the practice of natural law. hebraeorum and then through the lex veritatis of the
New Testament, which, in its turn, is the ordo or-
The Unity of Law in the Metaphysical and dinans of the lex temporalis or law of the state (VER-
Religious Synthesis of St. Augustine DROSS).
Within this Platonic metaphysical inspiration but
St. Augustine (d. 430 A.D.) was also influenced by without defining further its ontological dynamic
Cicero, but his views underwent other developments Augustine establishes a relationship demonstratin~
as a result of contact with Pelagius (d. 427 A.D.). the unity of law. In this relationship, Augustine rig-
From Cicero, he borrows the notion of lex aeterna orously asserts the lex temporalis to be subordinate
and, transforming it theistically, he gives this notion to the naturalis and both of these in turn to the lex
the Christian feasibility that will allow it, through aeterna. This allows him to deny the validity of a
the mediation of Peter Lombard (d. 1160), to become positive law that fails to conform to natural law or
the key concept in the medieval philosophy of law. to the lex aeterna.
Breaking with Stoicism, which had identified the lex While the lex aeterna looks toward the realization
aeterna with the lex naturae and had conceived the of eternal life, positive law lends itself to the crea-
latter as a substantially equal emanation of divine tion of a worldly order. The general ethical order is,
reason in human reason, Augustine traces a clear therefore, to be divided into two distinct planes that
distinction between ratio divina and ratio humana. foreshadow the clear distinction that will be made
The lex aeterna, as immutable as God himself, is no by St. Thomas between the natural and the super-
longer seen as either the transcendent idea of Plato, natural order. Morality is the vertical plane where
or Cicero's autonomously existing universal and ~umans move internally toward absolute duty, that
impersonal reason (fatum); rather, it is the plan for IS, toward the lex aeterna; law is the horizontal and
the creation and rule of the world contained in God's external plane that does not generate love and whose
intelligence. Human reason, created by God, knows end may also be achieved by coercion. Moreover, the
state, whose function is now reduced to a purely

Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Reception of Greco-Roman Philosophy by Church Fathers

by contact with Stoicism, favored the insertion of the the lex aeterna subjectively, a priori, and discovers
Church into the Greco-Roman world. But it also pro- its reflection in the lex naturalis, which Augustine
voked a progressive aggravation of the problem of identifies with the ius gentium. Natural law is no
the compatibility of such a law with the one of grace longer equal to the lex aeterna; it is only a trace or
(divine law), whose salvific function risked being a rational transcription that we humans, wounded
deprived of meaning. St. Ambrose attempted to solve by original sin, come to know in its essential traits
this problem by positing a concordance between Law (extrema lineamenta). The eternal law becomes, there-
and Grace and by holding that the extension of God's fore, the ordo ordinans of natural law, of the ordo
positive law had become necessary after humankind ordinatus, specified by God first through the lex
had abandoned the practice of natural law. hebraeorum and then through the lex veritatis of the
New Testament, which, in its turn, is the ordo or-
The Unity of Law in the Metaphysical and dinans of the lex temporalis or law of the state (VER-
Religious Synthesis of St. Augustine DROSS).
Within this Platonic metaphysical inspiration but
St. Augustine (d. 430 A.D.) was also influenced by without defining further its ontological dynamic
Cicero, but his views underwent other developments Augustine establishes a relationship demonstratin~
as a result of contact with Pelagius (d. 427 A.D.). the unity of law. In this relationship, Augustine rig-
From Cicero, he borrows the notion of lex aeterna orously asserts the lex temporalis to be subordinate
and, transforming it theistically, he gives this notion to the naturalis and both of these in turn to the lex
the Christian feasibility that will allow it, through aeterna. This allows him to deny the validity of a
the mediation of Peter Lombard (d. 1160), to become positive law that fails to conform to natural law or
the key concept in the medieval philosophy of law. to the lex aeterna.
Breaking with Stoicism, which had identified the lex While the lex aeterna looks toward the realization
aeterna with the lex naturae and had conceived the of eternal life, positive law lends itself to the crea-
latter as a substantially equal emanation of divine tion of a worldly order. The general ethical order is,
reason in human reason, Augustine traces a clear therefore, to be divided into two distinct planes that
distinction between ratio divina and ratio humana. foreshadow the clear distinction that will be made
The lex aeterna, as immutable as God himself, is no by St. Thomas between the natural and the super-
longer seen as either the transcendent idea of Plato, natural order. Morality is the vertical plane where
or Cicero's autonomously existing universal and ~umans move internally toward absolute duty, that
impersonal reason (fatum); rather, it is the plan for IS, toward the lex aeterna; law is the horizontal and
the creation and rule of the world contained in God's external plane that does not generate love and whose
intelligence. Human reason, created by God, knows end may also be achieved by coercion. Moreover, the
state, whose function is now reduced to a purely

Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Divine and Natural Law from Antiquity to Scholasticism

earthly one, is not to punish all sin, but only those value to the earthly city, even going so far as to call
crimes that disturb the peaceful coexistence of human it civitas diabuli; at others, he grants it a certain
beings. By attributing a preventive purpose to penal importance, but only on the condition that it realize
sanctions, Augustine synthesized earlier positions that Christian justice in obedience to the will of God. The
had considered them medicinal (Plato) and pedagogi- Church appears at times as a mystical body and
cal (Aristotle) means, or as instruments to be used communion of saints; at others, as a visible and
with mildness (Stoicism) (STIEGLER). historical institution. From this sometimes impre-
Although he distinguished law and morality with cisely detailed vision (in which Luther would find
extreme clarity, Augustine caused no break between ample inspiration for the doctrine of the two king-
the two. Indeed, law is not merely a part of morality, doms and of the two churches), there emerges the
but also a fulfillment of it because it renders mo- tension, latent in Christian thought from the earliest
rality binding even on the external plane (SCHILLING). times, between eschatology and history, faith and
What has ensued is a demythologization of the idea reason, grace and nature.
of the state that appeared in Greek philosophy. The Augustine, while defining sin in reaction to both
state is no longer the sacral community which, by the external law and God's will, neither separated
its fundamental ethical value (which Aristotle alone reason and will in God nor juxtaposed them to each
had rendered more specifically juridical), invests all other. This explains how he could influence in equal
human relations; now, the making of provisions toward measure both the intellectualistic and the voluntaris-
the inferior spiritual and supernatural end has passed tic schools in the Middle Ages.
firmly to the Church (FASSO).
In the evolution of St. Augustine's thought, the
clash with Pelagius also played a very important role. SUPERIMPOSITION OF DIVINE AND NATURAL
Pelagius had affirmed the goodness of human nature LAW FROM LATE ANTIQUITY TO
and the validity of salvation through good works SCHOLASTICISM
performed in accordance with rational natural law
and without the assistance of grace. Persuaded that The end of classical antiquity and the beginning
natural law theory could lead to Pelagianism, Au- of the early Middle Ages were profoundly marked
gustine, in opposition to his earlier views, no longer by three events. First, the collection of the Eastern
accentuates the normative nature of the lex aeterna conciliar canons and the papal decretals of the fifth
understood as reason, but stresses only the binding century (384-498) were translated into Latin, mer-
character of God's will. This voluntaristic develop- iting Dyonisius Exiguus (d. ca. 550) the title "father
ment is reflected when, in the De civitate Dei, Au- of canon law." Second, the great eclectic compen-
gustine evaluates the relative functions of the state dium of past Christian juridical doctrine, compiled
and of the Church. At times, he seems to deny all by Isidore of Seville (d. 636), was published in the

28 29
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Divine and Natural Law from Antiquity to Scholasticism

earthly one, is not to punish all sin, but only those value to the earthly city, even going so far as to call
crimes that disturb the peaceful coexistence of human it civitas diabuli; at others, he grants it a certain
beings. By attributing a preventive purpose to penal importance, but only on the condition that it realize
sanctions, Augustine synthesized earlier positions that Christian justice in obedience to the will of God. The
had considered them medicinal (Plato) and pedagogi- Church appears at times as a mystical body and
cal (Aristotle) means, or as instruments to be used communion of saints; at others, as a visible and
with mildness (Stoicism) (STIEGLER). historical institution. From this sometimes impre-
Although he distinguished law and morality with cisely detailed vision (in which Luther would find
extreme clarity, Augustine caused no break between ample inspiration for the doctrine of the two king-
the two. Indeed, law is not merely a part of morality, doms and of the two churches), there emerges the
but also a fulfillment of it because it renders mo- tension, latent in Christian thought from the earliest
rality binding even on the external plane (SCHILLING). times, between eschatology and history, faith and
What has ensued is a demythologization of the idea reason, grace and nature.
of the state that appeared in Greek philosophy. The Augustine, while defining sin in reaction to both
state is no longer the sacral community which, by the external law and God's will, neither separated
its fundamental ethical value (which Aristotle alone reason and will in God nor juxtaposed them to each
had rendered more specifically juridical), invests all other. This explains how he could influence in equal
human relations; now, the making of provisions toward measure both the intellectualistic and the voluntaris-
the inferior spiritual and supernatural end has passed tic schools in the Middle Ages.
firmly to the Church (FASSO).
In the evolution of St. Augustine's thought, the
clash with Pelagius also played a very important role. SUPERIMPOSITION OF DIVINE AND NATURAL
Pelagius had affirmed the goodness of human nature LAW FROM LATE ANTIQUITY TO
and the validity of salvation through good works SCHOLASTICISM
performed in accordance with rational natural law
and without the assistance of grace. Persuaded that The end of classical antiquity and the beginning
natural law theory could lead to Pelagianism, Au- of the early Middle Ages were profoundly marked
gustine, in opposition to his earlier views, no longer by three events. First, the collection of the Eastern
accentuates the normative nature of the lex aeterna conciliar canons and the papal decretals of the fifth
understood as reason, but stresses only the binding century (384-498) were translated into Latin, mer-
character of God's will. This voluntaristic develop- iting Dyonisius Exiguus (d. ca. 550) the title "father
ment is reflected when, in the De civitate Dei, Au- of canon law." Second, the great eclectic compen-
gustine evaluates the relative functions of the state dium of past Christian juridical doctrine, compiled
and of the Church. At times, he seems to deny all by Isidore of Seville (d. 636), was published in the

28 29
Divine and Natural Law from Antiquity to Scholasticism
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought
law could not be declared abstractly and, in deriving
Etymologiae. Here, in addition to the views of the
positive law from natural law, one had to consider
church fathers, those of the Roman juriconsults were
the exigencies and customs of each group and each
also fully elaborated for the first time. And finally,
this era was marked by the encounter of Christian nation. However, the fact that the equivocal natu-
ralistic and Stoic-Ulpianean conception of natural law
thought with the spirit of Germanic law.
Among the fundamental attributes of Germanic as natural instinct did endure from the early Middle
Ages to the time of the Scholastics was not unrelated
law to first stand out was the strong religious and
to the material concreteness of Germanic law. On
sacred component that emerged in such institutes
this point also, Isidore made a step forward by omit-
as the trial by ordeal (judgment of God) or of the
ting the reference to animals from the Ulpianean
treuga Dei, but especially in the leges barbarorum,
in which the law's dependence on God is program- definition of natural law. Perhaps unwittingly, Isidore
thereby allowed for the beginning of a process of
matically declared. Other basic traits of Germanic
law included the priority assigned to custom over refining the naturalistic conception of natural law.
This conception, with its pantheistic overtones, had
written law; the concrete character oflaw, no longer
considered abstractly, as by the Romans, but as an presented one of the more difficult obstacles to the
attribute of things and persons; a popular component acceptance of the Greek physis in Christian thought.
- on the strength of which the prince is no longer Stephen of Tournai (d. 1203), six centuries later, would
considered to be, like the Roman emperor, legibus eliminate all possibility of misunderstanding by firmly
solutus - making law national, but also potentially denying the juridical competency of animals.
cosmopolitan, demonstrating the fact that feudal There was even greater historical significance in
society was structured along a horizontal and not a the fact that Isidore of Seville, following the reli-
vertical hierarchy. These attributes were easily gious-sacral line of the fathers (FASSO) - who had
integrated by, and provoked further developments in, not succeeded in producing a clear distinction be-
tween philosophy and theology - once again identified
Christian juridical thought, a thought based on the
divine immediacy and unity of law, on the strong natural with divine law. This same superimposition
wou~d surprisingly allow Gratian to continue defining
theological value of tradition and on the contempo-
raneously universal and particular structure of the the LUS naturale as that law "quod in lege et evangelio
continetur" [that is contained in the law and the
gospel] (WENGER). Beginning with this premise it was
Isidore of Seville (560-636 A.D.), taking up again . . '
inevitable that, even at the level of ethics and law
an idea of St. Augustine's, had already expressly
underlined the customary and dynamic element of Gratian should develop a sacral and voluntaristic
Germanic law. This was later done also by Gratian option, thus affirming in another dictum that, in
(d. ca. 1142) and Sicardus ofCremona (d. 1216). Isidore natural law, "nihil aliud praecipatur, quam quod
held that the dependence of positive law on natural Deus vult fieri, nihilque vetitur, quam quod Deus

Divine and Natural Law from Antiquity to Scholasticism
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought
law could not be declared abstractly and, in deriving
Etymologiae. Here, in addition to the views of the
positive law from natural law, one had to consider
church fathers, those of the Roman juriconsults were
the exigencies and customs of each group and each
also fully elaborated for the first time. And finally,
this era was marked by the encounter of Christian nation. However, the fact that the equivocal natu-
ralistic and Stoic-Ulpianean conception of natural law
thought with the spirit of Germanic law.
Among the fundamental attributes of Germanic as natural instinct did endure from the early Middle
Ages to the time of the Scholastics was not unrelated
law to first stand out was the strong religious and
to the material concreteness of Germanic law. On
sacred component that emerged in such institutes
this point also, Isidore made a step forward by omit-
as the trial by ordeal (judgment of God) or of the
ting the reference to animals from the Ulpianean
treuga Dei, but especially in the leges barbarorum,
in which the law's dependence on God is program- definition of natural law. Perhaps unwittingly, Isidore
thereby allowed for the beginning of a process of
matically declared. Other basic traits of Germanic
law included the priority assigned to custom over refining the naturalistic conception of natural law.
This conception, with its pantheistic overtones, had
written law; the concrete character oflaw, no longer
considered abstractly, as by the Romans, but as an presented one of the more difficult obstacles to the
attribute of things and persons; a popular component acceptance of the Greek physis in Christian thought.
- on the strength of which the prince is no longer Stephen of Tournai (d. 1203), six centuries later, would
considered to be, like the Roman emperor, legibus eliminate all possibility of misunderstanding by firmly
solutus - making law national, but also potentially denying the juridical competency of animals.
cosmopolitan, demonstrating the fact that feudal There was even greater historical significance in
society was structured along a horizontal and not a the fact that Isidore of Seville, following the reli-
vertical hierarchy. These attributes were easily gious-sacral line of the fathers (FASSO) - who had
integrated by, and provoked further developments in, not succeeded in producing a clear distinction be-
tween philosophy and theology - once again identified
Christian juridical thought, a thought based on the
divine immediacy and unity of law, on the strong natural with divine law. This same superimposition
wou~d surprisingly allow Gratian to continue defining
theological value of tradition and on the contempo-
raneously universal and particular structure of the the LUS naturale as that law "quod in lege et evangelio
continetur" [that is contained in the law and the
gospel] (WENGER). Beginning with this premise it was
Isidore of Seville (560-636 A.D.), taking up again . . '
inevitable that, even at the level of ethics and law
an idea of St. Augustine's, had already expressly
underlined the customary and dynamic element of Gratian should develop a sacral and voluntaristic
Germanic law. This was later done also by Gratian option, thus affirming in another dictum that, in
(d. ca. 1142) and Sicardus ofCremona (d. 1216). Isidore natural law, "nihil aliud praecipatur, quam quod
held that the dependence of positive law on natural Deus vult fieri, nihilque vetitur, quam quod Deus

Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Divine and Natural Law from Antiquity to Scholasticism

prohibet fieri" [nothing whatsoever must be com- (WOLF). Within the context of a hierarchically organ-
manded except what God wills, and nothing must ized feudal structure, this movement evidently stimu-
be forbidden except what God prohibits] (D. 9 c. 11). lated the effort already begun by the fathers to define
At the same time, and adhering to Augustinian natural law according to a hierarchical order. Thus,
tradition, Gratian also furthered the phenomenon of William of Auxerre (d. 1231-1237) distinguished
the interiorization oflaw, both by more clearly defining among a ius naturale generalissimum, generalius et
the distinction between sin and crime (defined no speciale, while St. Bonaventure (d. 1274) affirmed the
longer in relation to social disorder, but by reference existence of absolutely valid principles and principles
to the scandal caused within the Church) and by valid for the economy of salvation and, therefore,
establishing the principle, nulla poena sine culpa, as necessary only before and after the Fall. This specu-
a fundamental development of penal canon law. By lative effort toward a reductio ad unum, based on
holding, moreover, that coercion is not essential to an even more precise set of values (FLOCKIGER), was
the notion of law, Gratian contributed to the per- contemporaneous with the dawning awareness of the
manent embedding of this doctrine in Christian political and religious unity of the sacrum romanum
juridical thought (STIEGLER). imperium. As a juridical consequence, the theory -
The preoccupation with guaranteeing the unity of in the formula attributed to Irnerius (twelfth cen-
law grew steadily throughout the Middle Ages. This tury), of the unum esse ius, cum unum sit imperium
happened because the prominent authors - even - of the necessity of a single common law, valid for
when, with varying degrees of awareness, they of- all nations, emerged. Indeed, the juridical unity of
fered divergent fundamental options, both intellec- Christendom was achieved when, after long discus-
tualistic and voluntaristic - did not deny the pos- sion, canon law was accepted, with Justinian's Ro-
sibility of the coexistence of divine and natural law. man law, as universally valid. The formula of the
Moreover, they repeatedly affirmed the invalidity of utrumque ius expressed the conviction that a two-
positive laws that were opposed to natural law, such pronged but single law existed, universally valid and
laws being defined as vana et irrita by Gratian, and founded in divine law (FASSO).
the impossibility of dispensing positive law from the In any case, the impossibility of achieving a per-
precepts of natural law, as was held, for example, fect synthesis centered around the Golden Rule, if
by Huguccio (d. 1210). not, as was attempted by Simon of Bisignano (d. early
There was also a great attempt by St. Anselm thirteenth century), around the theological concept
(d. 1109), Hugh of St. Victor (d. 1141), Alexander of of caritas. Undoubtedly, this lack of synthesis also
Hales (d. 1245) and others, to synthesize natural law, involved the inability of the pre-Scholastics to pro-
along the lines ofthe most authentic biblical tradition, duce a unitary definition of natural law and to
around a single supreme principle from which ever distinguish it from the ius divinum positivum, the
less general norms could be progressively derived latter being first so named by Abelard (d. 1142).

32 33
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Divine and Natural Law from Antiquity to Scholasticism

prohibet fieri" [nothing whatsoever must be com- (WOLF). Within the context of a hierarchically organ-
manded except what God wills, and nothing must ized feudal structure, this movement evidently stimu-
be forbidden except what God prohibits] (D. 9 c. 11). lated the effort already begun by the fathers to define
At the same time, and adhering to Augustinian natural law according to a hierarchical order. Thus,
tradition, Gratian also furthered the phenomenon of William of Auxerre (d. 1231-1237) distinguished
the interiorization oflaw, both by more clearly defining among a ius naturale generalissimum, generalius et
the distinction between sin and crime (defined no speciale, while St. Bonaventure (d. 1274) affirmed the
longer in relation to social disorder, but by reference existence of absolutely valid principles and principles
to the scandal caused within the Church) and by valid for the economy of salvation and, therefore,
establishing the principle, nulla poena sine culpa, as necessary only before and after the Fall. This specu-
a fundamental development of penal canon law. By lative effort toward a reductio ad unum, based on
holding, moreover, that coercion is not essential to an even more precise set of values (FLOCKIGER), was
the notion of law, Gratian contributed to the per- contemporaneous with the dawning awareness of the
manent embedding of this doctrine in Christian political and religious unity of the sacrum romanum
juridical thought (STIEGLER). imperium. As a juridical consequence, the theory -
The preoccupation with guaranteeing the unity of in the formula attributed to Irnerius (twelfth cen-
law grew steadily throughout the Middle Ages. This tury), of the unum esse ius, cum unum sit imperium
happened because the prominent authors - even - of the necessity of a single common law, valid for
when, with varying degrees of awareness, they of- all nations, emerged. Indeed, the juridical unity of
fered divergent fundamental options, both intellec- Christendom was achieved when, after long discus-
tualistic and voluntaristic - did not deny the pos- sion, canon law was accepted, with Justinian's Ro-
sibility of the coexistence of divine and natural law. man law, as universally valid. The formula of the
Moreover, they repeatedly affirmed the invalidity of utrumque ius expressed the conviction that a two-
positive laws that were opposed to natural law, such pronged but single law existed, universally valid and
laws being defined as vana et irrita by Gratian, and founded in divine law (FASSO).
the impossibility of dispensing positive law from the In any case, the impossibility of achieving a per-
precepts of natural law, as was held, for example, fect synthesis centered around the Golden Rule, if
by Huguccio (d. 1210). not, as was attempted by Simon of Bisignano (d. early
There was also a great attempt by St. Anselm thirteenth century), around the theological concept
(d. 1109), Hugh of St. Victor (d. 1141), Alexander of of caritas. Undoubtedly, this lack of synthesis also
Hales (d. 1245) and others, to synthesize natural law, involved the inability of the pre-Scholastics to pro-
along the lines ofthe most authentic biblical tradition, duce a unitary definition of natural law and to
around a single supreme principle from which ever distinguish it from the ius divinum positivum, the
less general norms could be progressively derived latter being first so named by Abelard (d. 1142).

32 33
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Natural and Supernatural in St. Thomas

Indeed, pre-Scholastic theologians and canonists ontologically plausible solution only in St. Thomas
continued to include in their works, as in the Decretum, Aquinas (d. 1274). By producing a synthesis of the
all the conceptions of natural law elaborated by the Aristotelian empirical-conceptual method with the
Greeks and transmitted by the fathers. Frequently, theological and Platonistic one of Augustine. Thomas
these writers were aware of the reciprocal incongru- merited not only the title of doctor angelicus, but also
ence of the sacral (identifying natural law with divine that of doctor communis (VERDROSS).
law), the naturalistic (identifying it with natural
instinct) and the rationalistic (defining it as a law
dictated by human reason) conceptions of natural law. THE UNITY OF LAW IN THE DISTINCTION
With the success of Aristotelianism through the BETWEEN NATURAL AND SUPERNATURAL IN
work of St. Albert the Great (d. 1280), it became ST. THOMAS
possible to elaborate a clearer distinction not only
between reason and faith and philosophy and the- St. Thomas takes from Aristotle the ilemorphistic
ology, but also between natural and divine positive system and emphasizes the final cause. The entelechy
law. This was, after all, a distinction already pro- intrinsic to the nature of things is the principle that
pounded by Ruphinus (d. 1192) a century earlier. The dominates the structure of beings (VERDROSS). This
task of assigning their own academic categorizations ontological tension, which drives the imperfect being
to the various concepts of law was performed by St. toward its metaphysical perfection, becomes the foun-
Albert himself. Natural law in its Platonic form, con- dation of ethics. Human beings can fully realize their
ceived of as "natural justice" (that is, as a cosmic ethical-metaphysical identities only by reaching their
natural justice), because of its ethical importance, final end, God, who has created humankind in his
was placed under the heading of metaphysics or the own image and likeness. In St. Thomas, Aristotelian
science of nature. The naturalistic Stoic-Ulpianean teleology becomes transcendence.
view, transmitted by Isidore of Seville and Gratian, From Cicero and St. Augustine, on the other hand,
was eliminated because it was incompatible with the St. Thomas receives the idea of the lex aeterna, which
exclusively anthropological character of law. The ra- coincides with the rational plan God uses to lead the
tionalistic concept, understood as a norm dictated by world toward its final end. Human beings know the
reason and held by Albert to be the only true form lex aeterna only mediately, through the ontological
of natural law, was assigned to philosophy. Finally, irradiation of it that they find in their own rational
the ius diuinum positiuum, also issuing from the nature.
tradition of Isidore and Gratian, was attributed to In interpreting the fundamental inclinations of our
theology (FASSO). own rational human nature - which we must evalu-
The problem of the relationship between and ate by using the principle of equality and proportion,
the unity of natural and divine law would find an but also by taking into account contingent historical

34 35
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Natural and Supernatural in St. Thomas

Indeed, pre-Scholastic theologians and canonists ontologically plausible solution only in St. Thomas
continued to include in their works, as in the Decretum, Aquinas (d. 1274). By producing a synthesis of the
all the conceptions of natural law elaborated by the Aristotelian empirical-conceptual method with the
Greeks and transmitted by the fathers. Frequently, theological and Platonistic one of Augustine. Thomas
these writers were aware of the reciprocal incongru- merited not only the title of doctor angelicus, but also
ence of the sacral (identifying natural law with divine that of doctor communis (VERDROSS).
law), the naturalistic (identifying it with natural
instinct) and the rationalistic (defining it as a law
dictated by human reason) conceptions of natural law. THE UNITY OF LAW IN THE DISTINCTION
With the success of Aristotelianism through the BETWEEN NATURAL AND SUPERNATURAL IN
work of St. Albert the Great (d. 1280), it became ST. THOMAS
possible to elaborate a clearer distinction not only
between reason and faith and philosophy and the- St. Thomas takes from Aristotle the ilemorphistic
ology, but also between natural and divine positive system and emphasizes the final cause. The entelechy
law. This was, after all, a distinction already pro- intrinsic to the nature of things is the principle that
pounded by Ruphinus (d. 1192) a century earlier. The dominates the structure of beings (VERDROSS). This
task of assigning their own academic categorizations ontological tension, which drives the imperfect being
to the various concepts of law was performed by St. toward its metaphysical perfection, becomes the foun-
Albert himself. Natural law in its Platonic form, con- dation of ethics. Human beings can fully realize their
ceived of as "natural justice" (that is, as a cosmic ethical-metaphysical identities only by reaching their
natural justice), because of its ethical importance, final end, God, who has created humankind in his
was placed under the heading of metaphysics or the own image and likeness. In St. Thomas, Aristotelian
science of nature. The naturalistic Stoic-Ulpianean teleology becomes transcendence.
view, transmitted by Isidore of Seville and Gratian, From Cicero and St. Augustine, on the other hand,
was eliminated because it was incompatible with the St. Thomas receives the idea of the lex aeterna, which
exclusively anthropological character of law. The ra- coincides with the rational plan God uses to lead the
tionalistic concept, understood as a norm dictated by world toward its final end. Human beings know the
reason and held by Albert to be the only true form lex aeterna only mediately, through the ontological
of natural law, was assigned to philosophy. Finally, irradiation of it that they find in their own rational
the ius diuinum positiuum, also issuing from the nature.
tradition of Isidore and Gratian, was attributed to In interpreting the fundamental inclinations of our
theology (FASSO). own rational human nature - which we must evalu-
The problem of the relationship between and ate by using the principle of equality and proportion,
the unity of natural and divine law would find an but also by taking into account contingent historical

34 35
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Natural and Supernatural in St. Thomas

circumstances - we formulate dynamically the norms will and reason are two different faculties, unity is
of natural law. Thomas, in the wake of the preceding guaranteed by the fact that right practical reason,
tradition, also elaborated a supreme and synthetic which is precisely that by which humans participate
principle of natural law and identified it with the in the divine essence, cannot propose to the will a
twofold duty of love of God and of neighbor (which law other than that dictated by divine reason itself.
logically precedes that of the Golden Rule). From this, The undeniable rationalistic inclination of St.
then , must be derived the other norms which, after Thomas also emerges from the prevalently meta-
all, are already presupposed or contained, explicitly physical approach he uses to discuss the lex aeterna,
or implicitly, in the Decalogue. as if it, like the natural law, were placed over the
From natural law, to which Thomas at times as- world only to direct it toward its natural end. In truth,
signs also the ius gentium, is derived human law, even if Thomas does not establish an explicit hier-
per modum conclusionis and determinationis or, in archical relationship between lex aeterna and ius
the case of indifferent values, per modum additionis. divinum (distinguished in ius naturale and ius divi-
Human law, therefore, does not issue from the na- num positivum) - as will be done three and a half
ture of things with the same "mechanicity" as natu- centuries later by Suarez - he is certainly aware
ral law; it arises from common agreement or from that the lex divina, like the lex naturalis, consists
the (reasonable) command of the prince. The conclu- merely in participation, if of a higher type in the lex
sion remained that a human law opposed to the natu- aeterna: "lex divinitus data, per quam lex aeterna
ral one, aside from lacking an ethically binding force, participatur altiori modo" [the divine law, through
could not exist as law at all, at least in logic; such which the eternal law participates in a fuller way]
human law is a corruptio legis that places itselfoutside (I-II, q.91 a.5).
the juridical sphere. Next to the metaphysical unity of the trilogy lex
St. Thomas, indulging in a certain intellectual aeterna / naturalis / humana resulting from the
optimism, assigns to reason a primacy over the will, symbiosis of the ilemorphistic system and theonomic
because the activity of the will presupposes that of Christian one, Thomas places the theological unity
reason. However, in holding that the will is neces- that exists between lex aeterna and lex divina (posi-
sary for the promulgation of the law, defined as tioa). This is revealed by God not only to guide us
ordinatio rationis, Thomas assigns to the will a primacy toward our supernatural end, but also to provide for
of its own in relation to the freedom of human action the imperfections of human laws. The ontological
(MANSER), so avoiding in some measure a rigid in- relationship between lex aeterna and lex divina re-
tellectualism. The ontological presupposition of this sults from Thomas's theological system, which is
equilibrium is the identity in God between will and founded on the affirmation of the connaturality of
reason; because of this identity, God can only will reason and faith and of the superiority of faith over
that which is rational. At the human level, where reason. This is expressed by the principle, "gratia

36 37
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Natural and Supernatural in St. Thomas

circumstances - we formulate dynamically the norms will and reason are two different faculties, unity is
of natural law. Thomas, in the wake of the preceding guaranteed by the fact that right practical reason,
tradition, also elaborated a supreme and synthetic which is precisely that by which humans participate
principle of natural law and identified it with the in the divine essence, cannot propose to the will a
twofold duty of love of God and of neighbor (which law other than that dictated by divine reason itself.
logically precedes that of the Golden Rule). From this, The undeniable rationalistic inclination of St.
then , must be derived the other norms which, after Thomas also emerges from the prevalently meta-
all, are already presupposed or contained, explicitly physical approach he uses to discuss the lex aeterna,
or implicitly, in the Decalogue. as if it, like the natural law, were placed over the
From natural law, to which Thomas at times as- world only to direct it toward its natural end. In truth,
signs also the ius gentium, is derived human law, even if Thomas does not establish an explicit hier-
per modum conclusionis and determinationis or, in archical relationship between lex aeterna and ius
the case of indifferent values, per modum additionis. divinum (distinguished in ius naturale and ius divi-
Human law, therefore, does not issue from the na- num positivum) - as will be done three and a half
ture of things with the same "mechanicity" as natu- centuries later by Suarez - he is certainly aware
ral law; it arises from common agreement or from that the lex divina, like the lex naturalis, consists
the (reasonable) command of the prince. The conclu- merely in participation, if of a higher type in the lex
sion remained that a human law opposed to the natu- aeterna: "lex divinitus data, per quam lex aeterna
ral one, aside from lacking an ethically binding force, participatur altiori modo" [the divine law, through
could not exist as law at all, at least in logic; such which the eternal law participates in a fuller way]
human law is a corruptio legis that places itselfoutside (I-II, q.91 a.5).
the juridical sphere. Next to the metaphysical unity of the trilogy lex
St. Thomas, indulging in a certain intellectual aeterna / naturalis / humana resulting from the
optimism, assigns to reason a primacy over the will, symbiosis of the ilemorphistic system and theonomic
because the activity of the will presupposes that of Christian one, Thomas places the theological unity
reason. However, in holding that the will is neces- that exists between lex aeterna and lex divina (posi-
sary for the promulgation of the law, defined as tioa). This is revealed by God not only to guide us
ordinatio rationis, Thomas assigns to the will a primacy toward our supernatural end, but also to provide for
of its own in relation to the freedom of human action the imperfections of human laws. The ontological
(MANSER), so avoiding in some measure a rigid in- relationship between lex aeterna and lex divina re-
tellectualism. The ontological presupposition of this sults from Thomas's theological system, which is
equilibrium is the identity in God between will and founded on the affirmation of the connaturality of
reason; because of this identity, God can only will reason and faith and of the superiority of faith over
that which is rational. At the human level, where reason. This is expressed by the principle, "gratia

36 37
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Divine Will as Source of the Unity of Law

perficit, non destruit, naturam." Reason is called to and terminus iuris (point of reference for legal
prepare the preambula of faith and to explain its obligation). As a consequence, St. Thomas recognized
truths. In its negative form, this relationship of unity sociality, equality (which distinguishes itself in
is defined by St. Thomas's emphatic affirmation that distributive, commutative and legal justice) and
a human law contrary to the divine one, nullo modo necessity as features of law.
licet observare.
By distinguishing courageously between the natu-
ral and the supernatural planes, Thomas resolved
the doubt raised by the fathers concerning the compati- UNITY OF LAW IN OCKHAMISM
bility of natural law with the divine (positive) one.
In addition, he also definitively eliminated the possible The equilibrium established by St. Thomas between
pantheistic elements concealed in identifying natural reason and will was broken almost immediately by
with divine law, as had been done by Isidore of Seville the radicalization of voluntaristic theses. The ques-
and Gratian. By making this distinction, St. Thomas tion, for example, was asked: Is the juridical order
preserved both the rationalistic element of Stoic nat- an immutable realization of the lex aeterna existing
ural law theory and the religious and sacral one of in God's intellect, or is it the mutable result of the
the -Iudeo-Christian tradition (FASs6). It ought not positive command of his will, not bound to the ratio
to be forgotten, however, that this religious element divina? While rationalism places God's freedom in
had already been received in the Patristic and jeopardy, voluntarism runs the risk of denying the
Scholastic concept of lex aeterna, which implies the intrinsic reality of things (STIEGLER).
affirmation of God's role as immediate and personal Voluntarism has its philosophical roots in the
source of law. Thomas reached the apex of the nominalism of Boetius (d. 524 A.D.) who, in the ap-
plic~tion of a rigid realism of neo- Platonic origin, had
Scholastic reflection on law and formulated a series
of important conclusions (SCHONFELD). He distin- demed all real content to Aristotelian categories. The
guished between law - whose intersubjective universalia, which later became a major concern of
dimension regulates the exterior actions of humans the Middle Ages, are only nomina - that is con-
. '
ventional and abstract notions of the intellect, empty
- and morality, while reaffirming in any case their
fundamental unity because ofthe principle that human of real content. Individual beings alone (universalia
laws also bind in the forum conscientiae. Thomas held post rem) really exist. Metaphysics is replaced by a
that coercion was not an essential element in the system in which the essence of things is established
notion of law, but only a moment of conditional in each case by God's will. Thus, God does not will
necessity. He differentiated between objective and something because it is good, but something is good
subjective law, between subiectum (the human alone) because it is willed by God: quod Deus vult, hoc est
and obiectum (always other than the human), titulus iustum! The Aristotelian-Thomistic telos, intrinsically
placed by God in created things (entelechia) yields
38 39
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Divine Will as Source of the Unity of Law

perficit, non destruit, naturam." Reason is called to and terminus iuris (point of reference for legal
prepare the preambula of faith and to explain its obligation). As a consequence, St. Thomas recognized
truths. In its negative form, this relationship of unity sociality, equality (which distinguishes itself in
is defined by St. Thomas's emphatic affirmation that distributive, commutative and legal justice) and
a human law contrary to the divine one, nullo modo necessity as features of law.
licet observare.
By distinguishing courageously between the natu-
ral and the supernatural planes, Thomas resolved
the doubt raised by the fathers concerning the compati- UNITY OF LAW IN OCKHAMISM
bility of natural law with the divine (positive) one.
In addition, he also definitively eliminated the possible The equilibrium established by St. Thomas between
pantheistic elements concealed in identifying natural reason and will was broken almost immediately by
with divine law, as had been done by Isidore of Seville the radicalization of voluntaristic theses. The ques-
and Gratian. By making this distinction, St. Thomas tion, for example, was asked: Is the juridical order
preserved both the rationalistic element of Stoic nat- an immutable realization of the lex aeterna existing
ural law theory and the religious and sacral one of in God's intellect, or is it the mutable result of the
the -Iudeo-Christian tradition (FASs6). It ought not positive command of his will, not bound to the ratio
to be forgotten, however, that this religious element divina? While rationalism places God's freedom in
had already been received in the Patristic and jeopardy, voluntarism runs the risk of denying the
Scholastic concept of lex aeterna, which implies the intrinsic reality of things (STIEGLER).
affirmation of God's role as immediate and personal Voluntarism has its philosophical roots in the
source of law. Thomas reached the apex of the nominalism of Boetius (d. 524 A.D.) who, in the ap-
plic~tion of a rigid realism of neo- Platonic origin, had
Scholastic reflection on law and formulated a series
of important conclusions (SCHONFELD). He distin- demed all real content to Aristotelian categories. The
guished between law - whose intersubjective universalia, which later became a major concern of
dimension regulates the exterior actions of humans the Middle Ages, are only nomina - that is con-
. '
ventional and abstract notions of the intellect, empty
- and morality, while reaffirming in any case their
fundamental unity because ofthe principle that human of real content. Individual beings alone (universalia
laws also bind in the forum conscientiae. Thomas held post rem) really exist. Metaphysics is replaced by a
that coercion was not an essential element in the system in which the essence of things is established
notion of law, but only a moment of conditional in each case by God's will. Thus, God does not will
necessity. He differentiated between objective and something because it is good, but something is good
subjective law, between subiectum (the human alone) because it is willed by God: quod Deus vult, hoc est
and obiectum (always other than the human), titulus iustum! The Aristotelian-Thomistic telos, intrinsically
placed by God in created things (entelechia) yields
38 39
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Divine Will as Source of the Unity of Law

its place to an extrinsic finality. As a consequence, subtilis is not reason, as for Thomas, but love. The
ethics are also no longer founded in metaphysics, but metaphysical-religious nature of this polyhedrous
in obedience to the will of God. category saved Duns Scotus from falling into a radi-
Voluntaristic nominalism arose in reaction to the cal positivism. Love, which resides in God's will, is
potentially impersonal and neutral character of the the superior ethical principle. However, love mani-
Stoic-rationalist natural law theory that had occa- fests itself at the level of natural law, in an abstract
sionally affected certain branches of Scholasticism. sense, only in the first two precepts of the Decalogue:
Nominalism not only rediscovered, in all its power, the love of God and the love of neighbor. God, who
the biblical idea of the immediacy of God in the pro- may change all other social norms, cannot dispense
duction of law, but it also had the distinction of ori- with the observance of these precepts. Moreover, these
enting theological research toward the empirical two commandments seem to find their foundation not
analysis of nature, so creating the cultural prerequi- in reason, but in the obligation to obey God's will.
sites for the birth of modern experimental science. Duns Scotus saved in extremis the existence of natural
Medieval objectivism was replaced by a subjectivism law and the unity of law through the principle that
that conferred a more existential dimension on ethics human norms, in order to be valid, must be consona
and allowed for a more circumstantiated evaluation primis principiis - that is, consonant with God's love.
of the specific individual and of history. However, the doctor subtilis came close to assuming
The grafting of the Franciscan religious voluntar- a positivist position with the thesis that obedience
ism of Augustinian inspiration onto the nominalist to an unjust human law takes priority over the
tradition through Roscellinus of Compiegne (d. obligation to follow one's own erroneous conscience.
1120-1125), Abelard (d. 1142), St. Bonaventure (d. Nominalist empiricism acquired greater rigidity
1274) and Roger Bacon (d. ca. 1292) received its first with William of Ockham (d. 1349). The instrument
systematic elaboration in the work of John Duns of knowledge is no longer, as in Thomism, the ca-
Scotus (d. 1308). In opposition to St. Thomas, who pacity of reason for abstraction, but empirical expe-
had defined as a fictitious abstraction the possibility rience (GRABMANN); God and supernatural truths, not
that God, de potentia absoluta, might act against the being subject to philosophical investigation, can be
order of his own wisdom, Duns Scotus held that God accepted by homo in via only through faith. They
does not act de potentia ordinata because he is not can be known truly only in the beatific vision, that
subject to any law and, therefore, not even to the is, by homo in patria. Recta ratio is no longer the
lex aeterna. Given that the voluntas is superior to autonomous instrument by which humans, knowing
the ratio, God wills that which he wills without any the essences of things, come to know God, but the
other motive than his own will, whose formal limits instrument through which God makes his will known
are set only by the principle of contradiction. to humans. Reason, then, is essentially left with the
The central category of the system of the doctor task of rendering plausible the fact that it is

40 41
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Divine Will as Source of the Unity of Law

its place to an extrinsic finality. As a consequence, subtilis is not reason, as for Thomas, but love. The
ethics are also no longer founded in metaphysics, but metaphysical-religious nature of this polyhedrous
in obedience to the will of God. category saved Duns Scotus from falling into a radi-
Voluntaristic nominalism arose in reaction to the cal positivism. Love, which resides in God's will, is
potentially impersonal and neutral character of the the superior ethical principle. However, love mani-
Stoic-rationalist natural law theory that had occa- fests itself at the level of natural law, in an abstract
sionally affected certain branches of Scholasticism. sense, only in the first two precepts of the Decalogue:
Nominalism not only rediscovered, in all its power, the love of God and the love of neighbor. God, who
the biblical idea of the immediacy of God in the pro- may change all other social norms, cannot dispense
duction of law, but it also had the distinction of ori- with the observance of these precepts. Moreover, these
enting theological research toward the empirical two commandments seem to find their foundation not
analysis of nature, so creating the cultural prerequi- in reason, but in the obligation to obey God's will.
sites for the birth of modern experimental science. Duns Scotus saved in extremis the existence of natural
Medieval objectivism was replaced by a subjectivism law and the unity of law through the principle that
that conferred a more existential dimension on ethics human norms, in order to be valid, must be consona
and allowed for a more circumstantiated evaluation primis principiis - that is, consonant with God's love.
of the specific individual and of history. However, the doctor subtilis came close to assuming
The grafting of the Franciscan religious voluntar- a positivist position with the thesis that obedience
ism of Augustinian inspiration onto the nominalist to an unjust human law takes priority over the
tradition through Roscellinus of Compiegne (d. obligation to follow one's own erroneous conscience.
1120-1125), Abelard (d. 1142), St. Bonaventure (d. Nominalist empiricism acquired greater rigidity
1274) and Roger Bacon (d. ca. 1292) received its first with William of Ockham (d. 1349). The instrument
systematic elaboration in the work of John Duns of knowledge is no longer, as in Thomism, the ca-
Scotus (d. 1308). In opposition to St. Thomas, who pacity of reason for abstraction, but empirical expe-
had defined as a fictitious abstraction the possibility rience (GRABMANN); God and supernatural truths, not
that God, de potentia absoluta, might act against the being subject to philosophical investigation, can be
order of his own wisdom, Duns Scotus held that God accepted by homo in via only through faith. They
does not act de potentia ordinata because he is not can be known truly only in the beatific vision, that
subject to any law and, therefore, not even to the is, by homo in patria. Recta ratio is no longer the
lex aeterna. Given that the voluntas is superior to autonomous instrument by which humans, knowing
the ratio, God wills that which he wills without any the essences of things, come to know God, but the
other motive than his own will, whose formal limits instrument through which God makes his will known
are set only by the principle of contradiction. to humans. Reason, then, is essentially left with the
The central category of the system of the doctor task of rendering plausible the fact that it is

40 41
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Rationality as Source of Law in Intellectualism

necessary to obey the absolutely free and arbitrary (as Luther would two centuries later) as to intrin-
will of God (FASSO). Morality now resides exclusively sically separate human law from the divine one.
in obeying God's will. Ockham's political views notwithstanding, he was
In the more polemical expressions of his thought not able to separate himself totally from the cultural
(KOLMEL), it appears that Ockham eliminated even environment of the later Middle Ages and to entirely
the last remains of a rational natural law. Thus, in abandon the Thomistic doctrine of the natura non
relation to Duns Scotus, the venerabilis inceptor takes deleta; as a consequence, despite his mistrust of
a radical step forward by holding that even the first metaphysics, he is compelled to preserve, at least
two precepts of the Decalogue have a contingent and formally, an intrinsic relationship between transcen-
positive character. If there were no logical contra- dence and the world.
diction, God could also command that he should be It was inevitable that the imbalance caused by the
hated (VERDROSS). Natural law, whether explicitly voluntaristic rigidity of the viscerally antimetaphysi-
or implicitly, is wholly contained in Scripture and, cal via moderna should trespass from the philosophi-
therefore, can no longer be distinguished from divine cal into the theological sphere. Gabriel Biel
law. All law, insofar as it finds its ultimate source (1420-1495), a pure voluntarist in ethics but an in-
in the will of God, may be called divine law. tellectualist as to the foundation of natural law,
Nevertheless, Ockham is as emphatic as all me- completed the process with regard to soteriology a
dieval authors in affirming the nullity of human laws, century and a half after Ockham. In this, Biel was
whether civil or canonical, that do not conform both a forerunner of Martin Luther (1483-1546), over
to divine law and to an "open" reason (ratio aperta whom, in fact, he was to have great influence (OTT).
or recta). By this latter requirement, Ockham dem- If sin cannot be qualified as such because of the in-
onstrated that he could not free himself wholly from trinsic immorality of the action, then justification
the Thomistic tradition (OTT). Apart from this cannot be the reward for any human merit, but only
affirmation, Ockham preserved the unity of law not a nonimputation of fault by God. The Protestant
so much by establishing an intrinsic metaphysical doctrine of predestination, already anticipated by
relationship among divine, natural and human law, Wycliff (d. 1384), was to be the extreme consequence
but by shifting the problem onto the unicity of law. of this radical Ockhamism (ROMMEN).
Divine law, in his scheme, makes all things the
expression of God's will.
Although Ockham affirms nominalistically and
conceptually that there is no ontological connection IN INTELLECTUALISM
between immanence and transcendence, between the Gregory of Rimini (d. 1358) made an attempt to
world and God (where the relationship is not estab- reestablish a balance between will and reason by
lished by reason, but by faith), he did not go so far introducing some rationalist elements of the via

42 43
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Rationality as Source of Law in Intellectualism

necessary to obey the absolutely free and arbitrary (as Luther would two centuries later) as to intrin-
will of God (FASSO). Morality now resides exclusively sically separate human law from the divine one.
in obeying God's will. Ockham's political views notwithstanding, he was
In the more polemical expressions of his thought not able to separate himself totally from the cultural
(KOLMEL), it appears that Ockham eliminated even environment of the later Middle Ages and to entirely
the last remains of a rational natural law. Thus, in abandon the Thomistic doctrine of the natura non
relation to Duns Scotus, the venerabilis inceptor takes deleta; as a consequence, despite his mistrust of
a radical step forward by holding that even the first metaphysics, he is compelled to preserve, at least
two precepts of the Decalogue have a contingent and formally, an intrinsic relationship between transcen-
positive character. If there were no logical contra- dence and the world.
diction, God could also command that he should be It was inevitable that the imbalance caused by the
hated (VERDROSS). Natural law, whether explicitly voluntaristic rigidity of the viscerally antimetaphysi-
or implicitly, is wholly contained in Scripture and, cal via moderna should trespass from the philosophi-
therefore, can no longer be distinguished from divine cal into the theological sphere. Gabriel Biel
law. All law, insofar as it finds its ultimate source (1420-1495), a pure voluntarist in ethics but an in-
in the will of God, may be called divine law. tellectualist as to the foundation of natural law,
Nevertheless, Ockham is as emphatic as all me- completed the process with regard to soteriology a
dieval authors in affirming the nullity of human laws, century and a half after Ockham. In this, Biel was
whether civil or canonical, that do not conform both a forerunner of Martin Luther (1483-1546), over
to divine law and to an "open" reason (ratio aperta whom, in fact, he was to have great influence (OTT).
or recta). By this latter requirement, Ockham dem- If sin cannot be qualified as such because of the in-
onstrated that he could not free himself wholly from trinsic immorality of the action, then justification
the Thomistic tradition (OTT). Apart from this cannot be the reward for any human merit, but only
affirmation, Ockham preserved the unity of law not a nonimputation of fault by God. The Protestant
so much by establishing an intrinsic metaphysical doctrine of predestination, already anticipated by
relationship among divine, natural and human law, Wycliff (d. 1384), was to be the extreme consequence
but by shifting the problem onto the unicity of law. of this radical Ockhamism (ROMMEN).
Divine law, in his scheme, makes all things the
expression of God's will.
Although Ockham affirms nominalistically and
conceptually that there is no ontological connection IN INTELLECTUALISM
between immanence and transcendence, between the Gregory of Rimini (d. 1358) made an attempt to
world and God (where the relationship is not estab- reestablish a balance between will and reason by
lished by reason, but by faith), he did not go so far introducing some rationalist elements of the via

42 43
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Rationality as Source of Law in Intellectualism

antiqua into voluntarism. This attempt led, in turn, Roman philosophy was now being impeded both by
to an intellectualist response. the biblical doctrine of the immediacy of God in
By distinguishing between the lex indicativa, which the production of law and by the Patristic and
points out good and evil, and the lex imperitiva, which Thomistic teachings on the unity oflaw. In this con-
commands the performance of good and the avoid- text, Vasquez, a strong supporter of the notion of
ance of evil, Gregory of Rimini reached the conclu- natura pura in theology, distinguished between a lex
sion that sin is already committed when the lex in- naturalis primaria, furnished by the rational nature
dicativa is violated, even before God intervenes with of human beings, and a lex naturalis secondaria,
the command of his lex imperitiva. Moreover, Ockham's furnished by reason. On the basis of this distinction,
disciple held that the violation of a recta aliqua ratio, Vasquez held that primary natural law and the
whether angelic or human, constitutes a sin, even essences of things, even if they have their origins
if, ''per impossibile ratio divina sive Deus ipse non in God, are preordained by his ratio. Thus, things
esset" [through an absurdity divine mind or God himself exist as autonomous realities, independently of
did not exist] (Sent. I d. 34 a.2). This hypothesis whether or not God wills and knows them. God's
became famous later, not only because it was received freedom consists only in the fact that he may decide
by Biel and, three centuries later, by Hugo Grotius whether or not to create them; if he chooses to cre-
(d. 1645), the founder of modern rationalist natural ate them, God must respect their already preconsti-
law theory, but because, above all, already in the tuted model. The unity of law is no longer guaran-
late Middle Ages this did not seem to be blasphe- teed, as in Thomism, by the fact that primary natural
mous. For ethics (or, if one prefers, natural law), in law, or rational human nature, exists in an ontologi-
the late Middle Ages begins that process of seculari- cal participation in the lex aeterna, but by the fact
zation that is completed only by modern rationalism that the divine Spirit directly illuminates the judg-
or juridical positivism, with the definitive elimination ment of the human intellect, that is, the secondary
of God as the immediate source of natural law. natural law. As Biel had suggested, the immediacy
A further progression was achieved by Gabriel of God in the production of law and in the unity of
Vasquez (d. 1601), who separated reason as a sub- law are no longer bound together directly, in the
jective element from the rational human nature. intrinsic relationship existing between lex aeterna
Vasquez held that the ultimate criterion of morality and lex naturalis, but only indirectly, through the
is not reason as Thomistically understood because it divine illumination of human reason.
is too easily subject to error; rather, morality is defined The final logical conclusions of this intellectual-
by the rational nature of human beings as an objective ism limiting God's freedom were also formulated in
reality. Consequently, only that which corresponds Spain by the jurist Fernandus Vazquez de Menchaca
with rational human nature is moral and just. (d. 1589). His thesis held that reason and natural
Any return to the rationalistic views of Greco- law coincide so that the second is the self-sufficient
product of the first.
44 45
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Rationality as Source of Law in Intellectualism

antiqua into voluntarism. This attempt led, in turn, Roman philosophy was now being impeded both by
to an intellectualist response. the biblical doctrine of the immediacy of God in
By distinguishing between the lex indicativa, which the production of law and by the Patristic and
points out good and evil, and the lex imperitiva, which Thomistic teachings on the unity oflaw. In this con-
commands the performance of good and the avoid- text, Vasquez, a strong supporter of the notion of
ance of evil, Gregory of Rimini reached the conclu- natura pura in theology, distinguished between a lex
sion that sin is already committed when the lex in- naturalis primaria, furnished by the rational nature
dicativa is violated, even before God intervenes with of human beings, and a lex naturalis secondaria,
the command of his lex imperitiva. Moreover, Ockham's furnished by reason. On the basis of this distinction,
disciple held that the violation of a recta aliqua ratio, Vasquez held that primary natural law and the
whether angelic or human, constitutes a sin, even essences of things, even if they have their origins
if, ''per impossibile ratio divina sive Deus ipse non in God, are preordained by his ratio. Thus, things
esset" [through an absurdity divine mind or God himself exist as autonomous realities, independently of
did not exist] (Sent. I d. 34 a.2). This hypothesis whether or not God wills and knows them. God's
became famous later, not only because it was received freedom consists only in the fact that he may decide
by Biel and, three centuries later, by Hugo Grotius whether or not to create them; if he chooses to cre-
(d. 1645), the founder of modern rationalist natural ate them, God must respect their already preconsti-
law theory, but because, above all, already in the tuted model. The unity of law is no longer guaran-
late Middle Ages this did not seem to be blasphe- teed, as in Thomism, by the fact that primary natural
mous. For ethics (or, if one prefers, natural law), in law, or rational human nature, exists in an ontologi-
the late Middle Ages begins that process of seculari- cal participation in the lex aeterna, but by the fact
zation that is completed only by modern rationalism that the divine Spirit directly illuminates the judg-
or juridical positivism, with the definitive elimination ment of the human intellect, that is, the secondary
of God as the immediate source of natural law. natural law. As Biel had suggested, the immediacy
A further progression was achieved by Gabriel of God in the production of law and in the unity of
Vasquez (d. 1601), who separated reason as a sub- law are no longer bound together directly, in the
jective element from the rational human nature. intrinsic relationship existing between lex aeterna
Vasquez held that the ultimate criterion of morality and lex naturalis, but only indirectly, through the
is not reason as Thomistically understood because it divine illumination of human reason.
is too easily subject to error; rather, morality is defined The final logical conclusions of this intellectual-
by the rational nature of human beings as an objective ism limiting God's freedom were also formulated in
reality. Consequently, only that which corresponds Spain by the jurist Fernandus Vazquez de Menchaca
with rational human nature is moral and just. (d. 1589). His thesis held that reason and natural
Any return to the rationalistic views of Greco- law coincide so that the second is the self-sufficient
product of the first.
44 45
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Rationality as Source of Law in Intellectualism

Thus at the end of the Middle Ages, in a repe- Ockhamism of the natura totaliter deleta, which
tition of the experience ofthe Stoic-Ciceronian model, eliminates all possibility of a rational natural law)
law was separated from metaphysics. This left the with the subjectivism that had emerged in the in-
field ready for Hugo Grotius (1583-1645), who would tellectualism of Gabriel Biel, Martin Luther would
find much inspiration in the Thomism mediated by radicalize the problem. Revelation as such - that
Spanish moral theology, a theology that tended to is, the lex Dei or Christi or ius divinum - is a Word
humanistically deepen the anthropological subjective pronounced by God no longer ad nos, with a formal
dimension of ethics. This theology was also marked, and objective binding force (as Catholic theology
however, by a strong theological conception of the would continue to hold); it is, rather, a Verbum Dei
extrinsic relationship between nature and grace. in nos, whose binding force depends on the way in
Grotius would provide the basis for the new natural which the individual accepts it in faith, interius in
law, different from the Scholastic conception because corde.
it is no longer considered a fruit of the ontological With the axioms sola fide, sola gratia and sola
participation of rational human nature in the lex scriptura, a truly radical religious voluntarism be-
aeterna. Instead, natural law is the exclusive prod- gins (ROMMEN). Having broken the intrinsic ontologi-
uct of a human reason that is not connected to the cal relationship between faith and reason, between
intellect or will of God, or even to his very existence, the natural and the supernatural, the philosophy of
and not bound, therefore, by any supernatural or theo- law becomes incapable of finding a role as ancilla
logical presupposition (FASSO). in the mystery of salvation. From the Renaissance
The transition from philosophical intellectualism and the Reformation onward, the philosophy of law
to soteriological theology was also initiated by Biel. has continued to develop, but it has been sustained
Given that the divine promulgation of a law does no by reason alone and, therefore, it has recidivously
more than confirm that which we humans already issued into juridical positivism.
know through our scintilla conscientiae or sinderesis, By separating, on the theological level, divine from
the Decalogue, which is binding because of its in- human law and rendering impossible an incarnation
trinsic rationality, is materially natural law while of divine law in the human, Luther exacerbated the
being divine positive law only in a formal sense (OTT). antinomy between faith and reason, the invisible
Therefore, even the law of the Old Testament - and, and the visible Church, law and love. This allowed
ultimately, the entire ius divinum positivum - Christian thought to face the problem of law no
becomes binding only subjectively (interius in corde), longer in a philosophical-theological context, but in
as corresponding (consonans) to the exigencies of an exclusively theological one. Luther uncon-
natural law or to rational human nature. sciously created the preconditions for a theology
By combining a radical voluntarism (a conse- of law that would also become a theology of canon
quence of the doctrine that had already emerged in law; this development would first take place in

46 47
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Rationality as Source of Law in Intellectualism

Thus at the end of the Middle Ages, in a repe- Ockhamism of the natura totaliter deleta, which
tition of the experience ofthe Stoic-Ciceronian model, eliminates all possibility of a rational natural law)
law was separated from metaphysics. This left the with the subjectivism that had emerged in the in-
field ready for Hugo Grotius (1583-1645), who would tellectualism of Gabriel Biel, Martin Luther would
find much inspiration in the Thomism mediated by radicalize the problem. Revelation as such - that
Spanish moral theology, a theology that tended to is, the lex Dei or Christi or ius divinum - is a Word
humanistically deepen the anthropological subjective pronounced by God no longer ad nos, with a formal
dimension of ethics. This theology was also marked, and objective binding force (as Catholic theology
however, by a strong theological conception of the would continue to hold); it is, rather, a Verbum Dei
extrinsic relationship between nature and grace. in nos, whose binding force depends on the way in
Grotius would provide the basis for the new natural which the individual accepts it in faith, interius in
law, different from the Scholastic conception because corde.
it is no longer considered a fruit of the ontological With the axioms sola fide, sola gratia and sola
participation of rational human nature in the lex scriptura, a truly radical religious voluntarism be-
aeterna. Instead, natural law is the exclusive prod- gins (ROMMEN). Having broken the intrinsic ontologi-
uct of a human reason that is not connected to the cal relationship between faith and reason, between
intellect or will of God, or even to his very existence, the natural and the supernatural, the philosophy of
and not bound, therefore, by any supernatural or theo- law becomes incapable of finding a role as ancilla
logical presupposition (FASSO). in the mystery of salvation. From the Renaissance
The transition from philosophical intellectualism and the Reformation onward, the philosophy of law
to soteriological theology was also initiated by Biel. has continued to develop, but it has been sustained
Given that the divine promulgation of a law does no by reason alone and, therefore, it has recidivously
more than confirm that which we humans already issued into juridical positivism.
know through our scintilla conscientiae or sinderesis, By separating, on the theological level, divine from
the Decalogue, which is binding because of its in- human law and rendering impossible an incarnation
trinsic rationality, is materially natural law while of divine law in the human, Luther exacerbated the
being divine positive law only in a formal sense (OTT). antinomy between faith and reason, the invisible
Therefore, even the law of the Old Testament - and, and the visible Church, law and love. This allowed
ultimately, the entire ius divinum positivum - Christian thought to face the problem of law no
becomes binding only subjectively (interius in corde), longer in a philosophical-theological context, but in
as corresponding (consonans) to the exigencies of an exclusively theological one. Luther uncon-
natural law or to rational human nature. sciously created the preconditions for a theology
By combining a radical voluntarism (a conse- of law that would also become a theology of canon
quence of the doctrine that had already emerged in law; this development would first take place in

46 47
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Synthesis of Thought Around Suarezian Formula

Protestantism and then, after Rudolph Sohm's (d. regulates all his works ad extra. Although the lex
1917) failure to create an irremediable antinomy aeterna is ut sic obligativa - that is, sufficient to
between Church and law, in the Catholic sphere. bind - it binds exterius only when it is promulgated
by another law. The law that promulgates it ad ex-
tra and from which it is, therefore, formally distinct,
THE SYNTHESIS OF CHRISTIAN THOUGHT is the ius divinum; from the ius divinum derive, as
AROUND THE SUAREZIAN FORMULA: participation at the natural and supernatural levels
"Jus DIVINUM, SIVE NATURALE, SIVE POSITIVUM" (participatio excellentior), the ius naturale and the
ius divinum positivum. The Suarezian triad - ius
When Franciscus Suarez (1548-1617) produced divinum, sive naturale, sive positivum - replaces the
a synthesis of Christian juridical thought in his Thomistic one and becomes the common patrimony
powerful Tractatus de Legibus ac Deo Legislatore of Catholic theology and of canon law, as it was received
(1612), Gabriel Vasquez had already declared the in the former Codex [uris Canonici (cc. 27. 2 and
immenence of ethics in a human nature identified 1509).
with reason, and Martin Luther had already denied The priority ofthe supernatural end over the natu-
the soteriological character of the visible Church, ral one, already affirmed by St. Thomas, is sponta-
so rendering divine and human law incompatible neously translated by Suarez on the institutional
with each other. The preoccupation with correcting level, conforming to the spirit of his times. If the
the intellectualistic rationalism of Vazquez and state has the function of educating good citizens, the
with controversially opposing the spirit of Luther's Church, which enjoys an indirect power over the
thought allowed Suarez to elaborate a synthesis of State, has the function of rendering people good.
Thomism and Ockhamism. At the level of an analysis that is more metaphysi-
Suarez continued to enjoy the illusion, which the cal than political or institutional, Suarez succeeds
Peace of Augsburg (1555) had not yet dispelled, of in maintaining a great equilibrium between volun-
a political-religious unity of Christendom. He also ac- tarism and intellectualism. Law is now considered
cepted the idea of the global dependence of all things as the joint result of intellect and will, which in God
on the will of God and, therefore, tendentially also are an actus simplex. Consequently, the doctor
from the ius divinum, an idea advanced by Ockha- eximius affirms, against Gregory of Rimini, that na-
mism and strengthened by the doctrine of the Re- turallaw is not only indicativa boni et mali, but also
formers. These factors led Suarez to build his system imperativa. Human reason, indeed, can conceive God
around a verticalism whose nature is theological and only as he who binds us to the observance of that
moral rather than philosophical. which is dictated by his own divine reason (De legibus,
At the centre of the new synthesis, as in Thomism, II, 6 and I, 5). Around this point, Suarez synthesizes
is the lex aeterna, which is identified with God and with deep logical unity the traditional doctrine that

Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Synthesis of Thought Around Suarezian Formula

Protestantism and then, after Rudolph Sohm's (d. regulates all his works ad extra. Although the lex
1917) failure to create an irremediable antinomy aeterna is ut sic obligativa - that is, sufficient to
between Church and law, in the Catholic sphere. bind - it binds exterius only when it is promulgated
by another law. The law that promulgates it ad ex-
tra and from which it is, therefore, formally distinct,
THE SYNTHESIS OF CHRISTIAN THOUGHT is the ius divinum; from the ius divinum derive, as
AROUND THE SUAREZIAN FORMULA: participation at the natural and supernatural levels
"Jus DIVINUM, SIVE NATURALE, SIVE POSITIVUM" (participatio excellentior), the ius naturale and the
ius divinum positivum. The Suarezian triad - ius
When Franciscus Suarez (1548-1617) produced divinum, sive naturale, sive positivum - replaces the
a synthesis of Christian juridical thought in his Thomistic one and becomes the common patrimony
powerful Tractatus de Legibus ac Deo Legislatore of Catholic theology and of canon law, as it was received
(1612), Gabriel Vasquez had already declared the in the former Codex [uris Canonici (cc. 27. 2 and
immenence of ethics in a human nature identified 1509).
with reason, and Martin Luther had already denied The priority ofthe supernatural end over the natu-
the soteriological character of the visible Church, ral one, already affirmed by St. Thomas, is sponta-
so rendering divine and human law incompatible neously translated by Suarez on the institutional
with each other. The preoccupation with correcting level, conforming to the spirit of his times. If the
the intellectualistic rationalism of Vazquez and state has the function of educating good citizens, the
with controversially opposing the spirit of Luther's Church, which enjoys an indirect power over the
thought allowed Suarez to elaborate a synthesis of State, has the function of rendering people good.
Thomism and Ockhamism. At the level of an analysis that is more metaphysi-
Suarez continued to enjoy the illusion, which the cal than political or institutional, Suarez succeeds
Peace of Augsburg (1555) had not yet dispelled, of in maintaining a great equilibrium between volun-
a political-religious unity of Christendom. He also ac- tarism and intellectualism. Law is now considered
cepted the idea of the global dependence of all things as the joint result of intellect and will, which in God
on the will of God and, therefore, tendentially also are an actus simplex. Consequently, the doctor
from the ius divinum, an idea advanced by Ockha- eximius affirms, against Gregory of Rimini, that na-
mism and strengthened by the doctrine of the Re- turallaw is not only indicativa boni et mali, but also
formers. These factors led Suarez to build his system imperativa. Human reason, indeed, can conceive God
around a verticalism whose nature is theological and only as he who binds us to the observance of that
moral rather than philosophical. which is dictated by his own divine reason (De legibus,
At the centre of the new synthesis, as in Thomism, II, 6 and I, 5). Around this point, Suarez synthesizes
is the lex aeterna, which is identified with God and with deep logical unity the traditional doctrine that

Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Synthesis of Thought Around Suarezian Formula

had already surfaced in the thinking of the church circumstances in which natural law is to be applied,
fathers. Given that natural law contains a real ele- the first principles remain the same but may com-
ment of obligation, it is binding even before it is mand different things.
promulgated by a human law and, therefore, renders With St. Thomas, the bonum commune had become
any contrary positive norm invalid and never allows the fundamental criterion of natural law. In response
for dispensation. In opposition to Vazquez, Suarez to St. Augustine, who had Platonistically believed
reaffirms a more Thomistic metaphysical position; he that in God there exist plures rationes rerum, Thomas
denies that natural law can be the exclusive and had held that the lex aeterna is unique because the
autonomous expression of rational human nature bonum commune, of which this law is the ratio, is
regarded separately from human reason or as a unique and all things are to be ordered for this com-
secondary natural law. For Suarez, the ontological mon good. Suarez develops this concept as he analyzes
connection with the lex aeterna is not guaranteed it in greater depth. On the one hand, he holds that
indirectly through the divine illumination of the the bonum commune does not include the bonum com-
human intellect, but directly, because otherwise munitatis alone, but also the felicitas singulorum and,
natural law would not exist, si Deus non daretur. correspondingly, that the felicitas singulorum is not
Reason is merely the organ of our rational human conceivable except in relation to the bonum commu-
nature; it has the function of discovering the fun- nitatis. On the other hand, he asserts that there is
damental principles of natural law in this nature. not only a bonum commune, but also a bonum commune
Natural law is understood in such a way that it also omnium nationum.
includes all logically necessary conclusions. In the Thus, Suarez takes up again and develops the
footsteps of St. Augustine, St. Thomas, and the Span- questions that had been posed to Christian juridical
ish moral theologians of his times, Suarez, with a thought by the discovery of the New World and by
profound sense of individual reality, avoided all the Protestant Reformation. These questions regard-
abstractions (FASSO). He formulated the teaching that ing natural law had first been faced by Franciscus
would become classic in later Catholic thought on de Vitoria (d. 1546) who, by transforming the ius
both the problem of the intrinsic unity of natural law gentium into a ius inter gentes, had become the father
and on the question of the absolute validity of this of modern international law (VERDROSS). Suarez holds
same law. Law divides itself into three groups of that the nations of the world represent not only a
norms: the general ones (honestum est faciendum), physical unity, but also a moral and political one;
the more particular ones (Deus est colendus) and those therefore, they require a single juridical order. It
that are more difficult to apprehend (condemna- seems, however, that the theologian from Coimbra
tion of adultery). While stressing firmly the immu- who, with great perspicacity, foretells the constitu-
tability, universality and unbreakability of natural tion of an international body endowed with coercive
law, Suarez affirmed that, depending on the human power intends to base international law on the

50 51
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Synthesis of Thought Around Suarezian Formula

had already surfaced in the thinking of the church circumstances in which natural law is to be applied,
fathers. Given that natural law contains a real ele- the first principles remain the same but may com-
ment of obligation, it is binding even before it is mand different things.
promulgated by a human law and, therefore, renders With St. Thomas, the bonum commune had become
any contrary positive norm invalid and never allows the fundamental criterion of natural law. In response
for dispensation. In opposition to Vazquez, Suarez to St. Augustine, who had Platonistically believed
reaffirms a more Thomistic metaphysical position; he that in God there exist plures rationes rerum, Thomas
denies that natural law can be the exclusive and had held that the lex aeterna is unique because the
autonomous expression of rational human nature bonum commune, of which this law is the ratio, is
regarded separately from human reason or as a unique and all things are to be ordered for this com-
secondary natural law. For Suarez, the ontological mon good. Suarez develops this concept as he analyzes
connection with the lex aeterna is not guaranteed it in greater depth. On the one hand, he holds that
indirectly through the divine illumination of the the bonum commune does not include the bonum com-
human intellect, but directly, because otherwise munitatis alone, but also the felicitas singulorum and,
natural law would not exist, si Deus non daretur. correspondingly, that the felicitas singulorum is not
Reason is merely the organ of our rational human conceivable except in relation to the bonum commu-
nature; it has the function of discovering the fun- nitatis. On the other hand, he asserts that there is
damental principles of natural law in this nature. not only a bonum commune, but also a bonum commune
Natural law is understood in such a way that it also omnium nationum.
includes all logically necessary conclusions. In the Thus, Suarez takes up again and develops the
footsteps of St. Augustine, St. Thomas, and the Span- questions that had been posed to Christian juridical
ish moral theologians of his times, Suarez, with a thought by the discovery of the New World and by
profound sense of individual reality, avoided all the Protestant Reformation. These questions regard-
abstractions (FASSO). He formulated the teaching that ing natural law had first been faced by Franciscus
would become classic in later Catholic thought on de Vitoria (d. 1546) who, by transforming the ius
both the problem of the intrinsic unity of natural law gentium into a ius inter gentes, had become the father
and on the question of the absolute validity of this of modern international law (VERDROSS). Suarez holds
same law. Law divides itself into three groups of that the nations of the world represent not only a
norms: the general ones (honestum est faciendum), physical unity, but also a moral and political one;
the more particular ones (Deus est colendus) and those therefore, they require a single juridical order. It
that are more difficult to apprehend (condemna- seems, however, that the theologian from Coimbra
tion of adultery). While stressing firmly the immu- who, with great perspicacity, foretells the constitu-
tability, universality and unbreakability of natural tion of an international body endowed with coercive
law, Suarez affirmed that, depending on the human power intends to base international law on the

50 51
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Synthesis of Thought Around Suarezian Formula

customary law created by the several states rather Suarez follows this biblical Christian interioriza-
than on natural law as de Vitoria did (FASSO). tion of law, but not without superimposing the moral
Suarez was profoundly at ease in the culture of plane on the juridical one. He introduces the excep-
his times, both in its developments of the modern tio a voluntate principis, of clear Platonic and volun-
concept of an absolutist territorial state and in its taristic inspiration, as a third case of epikeia along
expression of an ecclesiology oriented toward insti- with the first two, objective in nature, elaborated by
tutional problems. As a consequence, Suarez places Aristotle and St. Thomas and based on the exceptio
great importance on the role of the human legisla- a potestate (HAMEL).
tor, whether secular or ecclesiastical, in the process In opposition to Marsilius of Padua (d. 1342-43),
ofthe production oflaw (STIEGLER). In this same area, Jan Hus (d. 1415) and to the Protestant reformers,
however, he follows preceding Christian thought Suarez sought to provide a theoretical framework for
while, at the same time, his tendency toward volun- both secular and ecclesiastical power. His theologi-
tarism is allowed to surface. This voluntarism is en- cal argumentation found an a posteriori guarantee
couraged at the philosophical level by the fact that, in Scripture rather than a locus theologicus capable
while in God the unity between reason and will is of generating an original ecclesiological system. It was
perfect and constitutes a simple act, in humans the inevitable, therefore, that the difference between the
same unity is complex because we can only proceed secular and the ecclesiastical legislator should be
cum successione et discursu [step by step and by summarized in the principle that the Church alone
making distinction]. has the power to exact from its members the per-
In contrast with the teaching of the Defensor Pacis formance of interior acts. This principle was even-
regarding the indirect divine origin of state power, tually received in the former Codex Juris Canonici.
Suarez holds that the human legislator, still consid- Christian juridical thought had always faced the
ered as minister Dei, receives the power to govern problem of secular and canon law by using the same
the state, insofar as it is a societas perfecta, directly formal concept of law and by applying the same
from God. Suarez, therefore, in line with the most methodological process. With Suarez, this process
authentic Christian tradition, not only considers the reached the apex of its development. Medieval theo-
prince as legibus solutus, but also attributes to him logians and canonists had developed a formal con-
the power to bind his subjects in conscience. More- cept of law based on a substantially philosophical
over, following Castro (d. 1558) and Medina (d. 1578), ontology and gnosiology. When discussed theologi-
Suarez attributes to the prince the power of deriving cally, the corrective criterion of an "elevation" to the
from his own intention even the nature (sub graoi supernatural was applied to this concept of law.
or sub levi) of the obligation imposed by the law, or Through Suarez's mediation, this became the view
the nonbinding nature of the same in conscience (leges of law underlying the entire juridical system of the
mere peonales). former Codex Juris Canonici. This concept had

52 53
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought Synthesis of Thought Around Suarezian Formula

customary law created by the several states rather Suarez follows this biblical Christian interioriza-
than on natural law as de Vitoria did (FASSO). tion of law, but not without superimposing the moral
Suarez was profoundly at ease in the culture of plane on the juridical one. He introduces the excep-
his times, both in its developments of the modern tio a voluntate principis, of clear Platonic and volun-
concept of an absolutist territorial state and in its taristic inspiration, as a third case of epikeia along
expression of an ecclesiology oriented toward insti- with the first two, objective in nature, elaborated by
tutional problems. As a consequence, Suarez places Aristotle and St. Thomas and based on the exceptio
great importance on the role of the human legisla- a potestate (HAMEL).
tor, whether secular or ecclesiastical, in the process In opposition to Marsilius of Padua (d. 1342-43),
ofthe production oflaw (STIEGLER). In this same area, Jan Hus (d. 1415) and to the Protestant reformers,
however, he follows preceding Christian thought Suarez sought to provide a theoretical framework for
while, at the same time, his tendency toward volun- both secular and ecclesiastical power. His theologi-
tarism is allowed to surface. This voluntarism is en- cal argumentation found an a posteriori guarantee
couraged at the philosophical level by the fact that, in Scripture rather than a locus theologicus capable
while in God the unity between reason and will is of generating an original ecclesiological system. It was
perfect and constitutes a simple act, in humans the inevitable, therefore, that the difference between the
same unity is complex because we can only proceed secular and the ecclesiastical legislator should be
cum successione et discursu [step by step and by summarized in the principle that the Church alone
making distinction]. has the power to exact from its members the per-
In contrast with the teaching of the Defensor Pacis formance of interior acts. This principle was even-
regarding the indirect divine origin of state power, tually received in the former Codex Juris Canonici.
Suarez holds that the human legislator, still consid- Christian juridical thought had always faced the
ered as minister Dei, receives the power to govern problem of secular and canon law by using the same
the state, insofar as it is a societas perfecta, directly formal concept of law and by applying the same
from God. Suarez, therefore, in line with the most methodological process. With Suarez, this process
authentic Christian tradition, not only considers the reached the apex of its development. Medieval theo-
prince as legibus solutus, but also attributes to him logians and canonists had developed a formal con-
the power to bind his subjects in conscience. More- cept of law based on a substantially philosophical
over, following Castro (d. 1558) and Medina (d. 1578), ontology and gnosiology. When discussed theologi-
Suarez attributes to the prince the power of deriving cally, the corrective criterion of an "elevation" to the
from his own intention even the nature (sub graoi supernatural was applied to this concept of law.
or sub levi) of the obligation imposed by the law, or Through Suarez's mediation, this became the view
the nonbinding nature of the same in conscience (leges of law underlying the entire juridical system of the
mere peonales). former Codex Juris Canonici. This concept had

52 53
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought

undergone no substantial modifications since 'I'ri-

dentine times, although neo-Scholasticism attempted
to reintroduce it in a new dress, more consonant with
the requirements of modern thought. The magiste-
rium of the Church made ample use of it in the
Syllabus and in the social encyclicals, in the fre-
quently polemical attempt to dialogue with the mo-
dern currents in the philosophy of law (STIEGLER). 3
Given the more or less explicit premise, at work
from the early Middle ages on, that canon law is valid
not only for the Church but also for Christendom,
the awareness that a theological doctrine of canon
law needs to be developed - free from the preoc-
The Unity of Law in
cupation of being, at the same time, a philosophy
(or, eventually, a theology) valid also for secular law
Orthodox, Protestant
- has been able to emerge only in the last 25 years.
This awareness was stimulated by Protestant the-
and Catholic Theology
ology and the openness to pluralism brought about
by Vatican II.


The specific and divergent responses of Orthodox,

Protestant and Catholic theologies regarding the
nature of canon law may be gathered only when we
consider the fundamental cultural options in which
these theologies become historically embedded even
as they preserve, in diverse ways, the substance of
a Christian discourse. As human beings, we always
begin from these cultural options when we seek to
interpret the world, searching for the truth about
ourselves and the meaning of our own history.
Humankind is forever attempting to evade "the

54 55
Unity of Law in Christian Philosophical Thought

undergone no substantial modifications since 'I'ri-

dentine times, although neo-Scholasticism attempted
to reintroduce it in a new dress, more consonant with
the requirements of modern thought. The magiste-
rium of the Church made ample use of it in the
Syllabus and in the social encyclicals, in the fre-
quently polemical attempt to dialogue with the mo-
dern currents in the philosophy of law (STIEGLER). 3
Given the more or less explicit premise, at work
from the early Middle ages on, that canon law is valid
not only for the Church but also for Christendom,
the awareness that a theological doctrine of canon
law needs to be developed - free from the preoc-
The Unity of Law in
cupation of being, at the same time, a philosophy
(or, eventually, a theology) valid also for secular law
Orthodox, Protestant
- has been able to emerge only in the last 25 years.
This awareness was stimulated by Protestant the-
and Catholic Theology
ology and the openness to pluralism brought about
by Vatican II.


The specific and divergent responses of Orthodox,

Protestant and Catholic theologies regarding the
nature of canon law may be gathered only when we
consider the fundamental cultural options in which
these theologies become historically embedded even
as they preserve, in diverse ways, the substance of
a Christian discourse. As human beings, we always
begin from these cultural options when we seek to
interpret the world, searching for the truth about
ourselves and the meaning of our own history.
Humankind is forever attempting to evade "the

54 55
Unity of Law in Theology The Cultural Background

diabolical circle of cosmic appearances" without rest- to eschatology and prophecy (VON BALTHASAR).
ing within it, "like the serpent which bites its own Christianity, because of its incarnational principle,
tail" (VON BALTHASAR). This attempt has constantly precludes all possibility of escape from the world,
resulted in two solutions which, despite the variety whether toward the heights or by great leaps for-
of specific forms and contents, are in some way ward. Christians are called to take up the mandate
continuously recurring. The first is the Eastern way, for the world without surrendering to the tempta-
which, faced with the absolute nature of being, ac- tion of achieving salvation by purely human means;
cepts the absolute relativity of history. This leads to the only salvation meaningful to them is that of God
an attempt to escape from the contingent nature of made flesh. They cannot offer consolation to anyone
history, in order to return to the original purity of by reference to the contemplation of some Platonic
the "divine." Here, the divine is conceived as an indis- archetype or by the promise of a perfect tomorrow.
tinct, homogeneous and infinite reality that tran- Christians know that they must begin to change the
scends all that is human. This philosophical elevation, world immediately, by welcoming grace as a force
perpendicular to the horizontal direction of history, that surpasses their own strength and with a hope
allows a Platonistic overcoming of earthly contra- that stands against all the hopes of our time because
diction. In living a history-less eschatology, however, it is grounded in the resurrection of Christ and of
this way of thinking ultimately betrays our human all those who have died.
destiny to make the world our own (EVDOKIMOV). The incarnational principle, however, comes to be
The second way, the Western one, bases itself on interpreted with all the rigor of the Catholic tradi-
our human desire to gather the ultimate destiny of tion. In metaphysics, Catholic theology receives the
ourselves and of reality from the concreteness of ilemorphistic Aristotelian and Thomistic view sum-
our own history. This way of thinking tends to marized in the principle "universalia in rebus," as
identify God with history, which is understood as a opposed to the "universalia ante res" (Platonism) or
plan that we humans realize and in which we live to the universalia post res (nominalism). According
without eschatological perspective. First reflected to this principle, form becomes incarnated in matter;
in Judaic Messianism, this view was taken up in on this basis, with extreme doctrinal coherence and
the West by Karl Marx (1818-1883) who, by put- without any break in methodological continuity,
ting forth the idea of progress, gave form to the Catholic theology makes the passage both from
most conscious and shrewd expression of the Prom- Chalcedonian Christology - common to all the great
ethean myth. Positivist determinism, on the basis Christian confessions - to the Church as institu-
of historical dialectic, has produced only a pitiless tion, and from the justifying and uncreated grace of
forward pushing pragmatism. This pragmatism is God to sanctifying and created grace. On the strength
barely overcome by the principle of hope advanced of this view - which reflects the Latin cultural
by E. Bloch which, however, ultimately refers back values of concreteness and balance - Christians are

56 57
Unity of Law in Theology The Cultural Background

diabolical circle of cosmic appearances" without rest- to eschatology and prophecy (VON BALTHASAR).
ing within it, "like the serpent which bites its own Christianity, because of its incarnational principle,
tail" (VON BALTHASAR). This attempt has constantly precludes all possibility of escape from the world,
resulted in two solutions which, despite the variety whether toward the heights or by great leaps for-
of specific forms and contents, are in some way ward. Christians are called to take up the mandate
continuously recurring. The first is the Eastern way, for the world without surrendering to the tempta-
which, faced with the absolute nature of being, ac- tion of achieving salvation by purely human means;
cepts the absolute relativity of history. This leads to the only salvation meaningful to them is that of God
an attempt to escape from the contingent nature of made flesh. They cannot offer consolation to anyone
history, in order to return to the original purity of by reference to the contemplation of some Platonic
the "divine." Here, the divine is conceived as an indis- archetype or by the promise of a perfect tomorrow.
tinct, homogeneous and infinite reality that tran- Christians know that they must begin to change the
scends all that is human. This philosophical elevation, world immediately, by welcoming grace as a force
perpendicular to the horizontal direction of history, that surpasses their own strength and with a hope
allows a Platonistic overcoming of earthly contra- that stands against all the hopes of our time because
diction. In living a history-less eschatology, however, it is grounded in the resurrection of Christ and of
this way of thinking ultimately betrays our human all those who have died.
destiny to make the world our own (EVDOKIMOV). The incarnational principle, however, comes to be
The second way, the Western one, bases itself on interpreted with all the rigor of the Catholic tradi-
our human desire to gather the ultimate destiny of tion. In metaphysics, Catholic theology receives the
ourselves and of reality from the concreteness of ilemorphistic Aristotelian and Thomistic view sum-
our own history. This way of thinking tends to marized in the principle "universalia in rebus," as
identify God with history, which is understood as a opposed to the "universalia ante res" (Platonism) or
plan that we humans realize and in which we live to the universalia post res (nominalism). According
without eschatological perspective. First reflected to this principle, form becomes incarnated in matter;
in Judaic Messianism, this view was taken up in on this basis, with extreme doctrinal coherence and
the West by Karl Marx (1818-1883) who, by put- without any break in methodological continuity,
ting forth the idea of progress, gave form to the Catholic theology makes the passage both from
most conscious and shrewd expression of the Prom- Chalcedonian Christology - common to all the great
ethean myth. Positivist determinism, on the basis Christian confessions - to the Church as institu-
of historical dialectic, has produced only a pitiless tion, and from the justifying and uncreated grace of
forward pushing pragmatism. This pragmatism is God to sanctifying and created grace. On the strength
barely overcome by the principle of hope advanced of this view - which reflects the Latin cultural
by E. Bloch which, however, ultimately refers back values of concreteness and balance - Christians are

56 57
Unity of Law in Theology Orthodox Theology

immediately bound to cooperate in a work of salvation feudal system, was different in its clash with illu-
"in" and "of' this world. They live eschatology in the minist Western states. We must also consider the
historical present even as they are aware of the fact that theological questions about the existence
impossibility of its fulfillment in history itself. and the nature of canon law, raised by the Protes-
It is only by not avoiding implicit or explicit ideas tant Reformation and imposed by it on the attention
of Monophysite or Nestorian nature that it is pos- of Catholic theology, have remained fundamentally
sible to evaluate the juridical-institutional dimension extraneous to Orthodoxy. The Eastern Church has
of the Church as a necessary phenomenon of the never surrendered to the temptation of separating
incarnation of the formal binding force of word and the visible Church from the invisible one. In contrast
sacrament. This dimension cannot be reduced to a to the Latin Church's propensity to pay great atten-
system of juridical norms always to be sidestepped tion to earthly ecclesial realities, the Orthodox Church
in the name of another theological reality (principle has always preferred to contemplate the ontology of
of "economy"), nor to a purely sociological phenome- the celestial realities.
non, intrinsically unnecessary for salvation in faith In any case, there are many modern authors, both
and simply inevitable because of inescapable histori- Eastern and Western, such as Evdokimov and Heiler,
cal necessity ("mit eisernder Notwendigkeit," SOHM). who have faced the question of the theological na-
ture of canon law. Their discourse, however, is prin-
cipally marked by the preoccupation with comparing
ORTHODOX THEOLOGY the Eastern tradition to the Latin one. While these
authors consider the Latin tradition to be affected
There are various historical reasons to explain why
by excessive legalism, their conclusions do not reach
Orthodoxy, aside from vague remarks emerging from
the same level of cultural and theological analysis
the debate about the institute of economy, has never
as corresponding Catholic and Protestant attempts.
explicitly examined the problem of the theological
In any event, these attempts to examine canon law
foundations of canon law. First, it must be pointed
can be interpreted correctly only if one succeeds in
out that the system of symphonic superimposition
placing them within both the larger nexus mys-
of Church and state, first elaborated by Justinian
teriorum proper to the Eastern theological system and
and lasting into the twentieth century, has never led
the real juridical practice lived by the ancient and
the Orthodox Church to claim juridical autonomy for
modern Orthodox Church. It would clearly be simplistic
itself. The fundamental institutional autonomy ofthe
- especially if one intended to give an assessment
Church was never denied by the Byzantine empire,
of relative worth - to reduce the different ecclesial
nor by the Ottoman one, nor by any modern state,
experiences, as some have done, and to present the
at least until World War II. The experience of the
Protestant Church as the Church of doctrine, the
Western Church, while similar under the medieval
Catholic Church as the one of law and the Orthodox

58 59
Unity of Law in Theology Orthodox Theology

immediately bound to cooperate in a work of salvation feudal system, was different in its clash with illu-
"in" and "of' this world. They live eschatology in the minist Western states. We must also consider the
historical present even as they are aware of the fact that theological questions about the existence
impossibility of its fulfillment in history itself. and the nature of canon law, raised by the Protes-
It is only by not avoiding implicit or explicit ideas tant Reformation and imposed by it on the attention
of Monophysite or Nestorian nature that it is pos- of Catholic theology, have remained fundamentally
sible to evaluate the juridical-institutional dimension extraneous to Orthodoxy. The Eastern Church has
of the Church as a necessary phenomenon of the never surrendered to the temptation of separating
incarnation of the formal binding force of word and the visible Church from the invisible one. In contrast
sacrament. This dimension cannot be reduced to a to the Latin Church's propensity to pay great atten-
system of juridical norms always to be sidestepped tion to earthly ecclesial realities, the Orthodox Church
in the name of another theological reality (principle has always preferred to contemplate the ontology of
of "economy"), nor to a purely sociological phenome- the celestial realities.
non, intrinsically unnecessary for salvation in faith In any case, there are many modern authors, both
and simply inevitable because of inescapable histori- Eastern and Western, such as Evdokimov and Heiler,
cal necessity ("mit eisernder Notwendigkeit," SOHM). who have faced the question of the theological na-
ture of canon law. Their discourse, however, is prin-
cipally marked by the preoccupation with comparing
ORTHODOX THEOLOGY the Eastern tradition to the Latin one. While these
authors consider the Latin tradition to be affected
There are various historical reasons to explain why
by excessive legalism, their conclusions do not reach
Orthodoxy, aside from vague remarks emerging from
the same level of cultural and theological analysis
the debate about the institute of economy, has never
as corresponding Catholic and Protestant attempts.
explicitly examined the problem of the theological
In any event, these attempts to examine canon law
foundations of canon law. First, it must be pointed
can be interpreted correctly only if one succeeds in
out that the system of symphonic superimposition
placing them within both the larger nexus mys-
of Church and state, first elaborated by Justinian
teriorum proper to the Eastern theological system and
and lasting into the twentieth century, has never led
the real juridical practice lived by the ancient and
the Orthodox Church to claim juridical autonomy for
modern Orthodox Church. It would clearly be simplistic
itself. The fundamental institutional autonomy ofthe
- especially if one intended to give an assessment
Church was never denied by the Byzantine empire,
of relative worth - to reduce the different ecclesial
nor by the Ottoman one, nor by any modern state,
experiences, as some have done, and to present the
at least until World War II. The experience of the
Protestant Church as the Church of doctrine, the
Western Church, while similar under the medieval
Catholic Church as the one of law and the Orthodox

58 59
Unity of Law in Theology Orthodox Theology

one as the Church of worship (SEEBERG). It is transfiguration (CLEMENT). In his fuga mundi [flight
nevertheless impossible to deny the profound resis- from the world], the Orthodox monk finds inspira-
tance of the Orthodox Church to any attempt at tion not only in the ascetic ideals typical ofthe primitive
constricting the mystery of salvation within institu- Church, but also in the cultural dualism of Eastern
tional and juridical schemes. spirituality of Platonic inspiration (LOUVARIS). In the
mysticism of the theosis or divination of the human
The Contemplation of Transcendence being - the final goal of Christian purification -
Orthodox spirituality has been able to transfigure also
Orthodox theology has always emphasized tran- the contemplative experience of Eastern peoples.
scendence. After contact with third century neo- Orthodox theology begins with a different anthro-
Platonism, but especially after the medieval Helle- pological perspective (BETH) and with a cultural
nistic-Byzantine reorganization that followed its infrastructure of Platonic derivation. It also main-
encounter with the Slavic peoples, Eastern Christi- tains, however, a fundamental Pauline inspiration
anity assumed a profound mystical value. This stood (CLEMENT). Consequently, this theology does not follow
in marked contrast to the Western Church's assump- the deductive type of conceptual knowledge valued
tion regarding the sacral but concrete mentality of by the West, but seeks sapiential knowledge which,
the Germanic nations. instead of the desire to define, feels the need to avoid .
Although it is now possible to evaluate Orthodox definitions (CONGAR). An icon does not assert an
spirituality - especially in today's church - with- existence of its own because it does not claim to be
out concentrating on monasticism alone, there is no an incarnation, but merely a sensible sign of invisible
doubt that it was in monasticism that the religious transcendence. The icon attests to God's presence in
genius of the Christian East emerged in its most the world by representing the irrational archetypes
paradigmatic manner. Eastern monasticism differed of intelligible reality without pretending to materi-
from the Benedictine way because it was not guided alize or reify them. The rigor of Orthodox canons
by the desire to possess and dominate earthly re- safeguards the spiritual from any possible objectiv-
ality through labor. Instead, it was driven by the ization (EVDOKIMOV).
desire to establish, above all, a relationship of the In the icon, it is not the ilemorphistic principle
individual person with God (SEEBERG). Thus, Ortho- of the universalia in rebus that is expressed, but the
dox spirituality culminates in an aristocraticism in- Platonic universalia ante res. In the same way,
spired by the personal charisms of the monk who Orthodox theology refuses to conceptually define the
breaks with the social world because he hopes not mysterious, but preserves mystery in all its postu-
for the world's transformation from within through lative force. Thus, Eastern theology makes the pas-
his own labor, but only in the possibility of its sage of salvation from the divine to the human by
paths quite different from those of Latin theology.

60 61
Unity of Law in Theology Orthodox Theology

one as the Church of worship (SEEBERG). It is transfiguration (CLEMENT). In his fuga mundi [flight
nevertheless impossible to deny the profound resis- from the world], the Orthodox monk finds inspira-
tance of the Orthodox Church to any attempt at tion not only in the ascetic ideals typical ofthe primitive
constricting the mystery of salvation within institu- Church, but also in the cultural dualism of Eastern
tional and juridical schemes. spirituality of Platonic inspiration (LOUVARIS). In the
mysticism of the theosis or divination of the human
The Contemplation of Transcendence being - the final goal of Christian purification -
Orthodox spirituality has been able to transfigure also
Orthodox theology has always emphasized tran- the contemplative experience of Eastern peoples.
scendence. After contact with third century neo- Orthodox theology begins with a different anthro-
Platonism, but especially after the medieval Helle- pological perspective (BETH) and with a cultural
nistic-Byzantine reorganization that followed its infrastructure of Platonic derivation. It also main-
encounter with the Slavic peoples, Eastern Christi- tains, however, a fundamental Pauline inspiration
anity assumed a profound mystical value. This stood (CLEMENT). Consequently, this theology does not follow
in marked contrast to the Western Church's assump- the deductive type of conceptual knowledge valued
tion regarding the sacral but concrete mentality of by the West, but seeks sapiential knowledge which,
the Germanic nations. instead of the desire to define, feels the need to avoid .
Although it is now possible to evaluate Orthodox definitions (CONGAR). An icon does not assert an
spirituality - especially in today's church - with- existence of its own because it does not claim to be
out concentrating on monasticism alone, there is no an incarnation, but merely a sensible sign of invisible
doubt that it was in monasticism that the religious transcendence. The icon attests to God's presence in
genius of the Christian East emerged in its most the world by representing the irrational archetypes
paradigmatic manner. Eastern monasticism differed of intelligible reality without pretending to materi-
from the Benedictine way because it was not guided alize or reify them. The rigor of Orthodox canons
by the desire to possess and dominate earthly re- safeguards the spiritual from any possible objectiv-
ality through labor. Instead, it was driven by the ization (EVDOKIMOV).
desire to establish, above all, a relationship of the In the icon, it is not the ilemorphistic principle
individual person with God (SEEBERG). Thus, Ortho- of the universalia in rebus that is expressed, but the
dox spirituality culminates in an aristocraticism in- Platonic universalia ante res. In the same way,
spired by the personal charisms of the monk who Orthodox theology refuses to conceptually define the
breaks with the social world because he hopes not mysterious, but preserves mystery in all its postu-
for the world's transformation from within through lative force. Thus, Eastern theology makes the pas-
his own labor, but only in the possibility of its sage of salvation from the divine to the human by
paths quite different from those of Latin theology.

60 61
Unity of Law in Theology Orthodox Theology

Orthodoxy rejects, first, the notion of created grace Unlike Vatican II ecclesiology, which has not hesi-
which, being replaced by a concept of the adoptive tated to define the local church as a portio Ecclesiae
filiation of God, allows the idea of meritorious ex- universalis (LG 23.2), Orthodoxy avoids considering
piation to be introduced into the process of justifi- the local church as part of the universal one (AFA-
cation (EVDOKIMOV). Secondly, Orthodoxy refuses the NASSIEFF). Instead, it stresses that all the particu-
Scholastic notion of ex opere operato which, in its lar churches are equal in manifesting the plentitude
turn, develops into that of transubstantiation - a of the universal one. In the same way that there is
concept that Eastern Christians accept only with a consubstantiality of all persons in salvation, there
much resistance (HEILER). These doctrines are based is also a Eucharistic consubstantiality of the local
on the ilemorphistic principle of efficient causality; churches in the image of the most holy Trinity
in them, there emerges the typical Latin attempt to (CLEMENT). If it is true that the local Church does
rigorously and deductively apply the principle of the not realize the universal one except by living in
incarnation to all aspects of the economy of salva- communion with all the others (sobornost) and that
tion. Orthodox theology prefers the idea of the dei- all these together form the universal Church, it is
fying transmutation of theosis, where God commu- also true that the communion of the churches among
nicates himself to humans not through his "essence," themselves does not additively create a greater
under the heading of the analogia entis, but through plentitude (EVDOKIMOV).
his "uncreated energies" (according to the doctrine Despite the substantial convergence of these two
of Gregory Palamas) in a superabundance of plen- ecclesiologies, one cannot fail to note the significant
titude which, being personal, overcomes any need differences. Vatican II affirms with equal force the
for created mediation (CLEMENT). principles that the universal Church realizes itself
Within this cultural framework, it was inevitable in the particular one and, at the same time, is
that Orthodox theology, in facing the problem of canon constituted by the particular ones, " ... in quibis et
law, should not allow itself to be guided by the idea ex quibis una et unica Ecclesia universalis existit"
of fixing the incarnation of dogmatic truth in the [ ... in these and formed out of them that the one
juridical norm, an idea typical of Latin theology. and unique Catholic Church exists] (LG 23.1). Ortho-
dox ecclesiology Platonically tends to stress, more uni-
Universal and Local Church laterally, that the universal Church, ever the same
and identical with itself, assumes the function of the
The same Platonically derived reticence predicta- archetype that realizes itself in the particular with-
bly emerges also on the ecclesiological level, both in out ever being constituted as such by the plurality
the way Orthodox theology establishes the rela- of particular churches ("ex quibus"). For Vatican II
tionship between universal and local Church and in ecclesiology, it is essential that the universal Church,
how it conceives authority within the Church itself. as archetype, should be ontologically constituted by

62 63
Unity of Law in Theology Orthodox Theology

Orthodoxy rejects, first, the notion of created grace Unlike Vatican II ecclesiology, which has not hesi-
which, being replaced by a concept of the adoptive tated to define the local church as a portio Ecclesiae
filiation of God, allows the idea of meritorious ex- universalis (LG 23.2), Orthodoxy avoids considering
piation to be introduced into the process of justifi- the local church as part of the universal one (AFA-
cation (EVDOKIMOV). Secondly, Orthodoxy refuses the NASSIEFF). Instead, it stresses that all the particu-
Scholastic notion of ex opere operato which, in its lar churches are equal in manifesting the plentitude
turn, develops into that of transubstantiation - a of the universal one. In the same way that there is
concept that Eastern Christians accept only with a consubstantiality of all persons in salvation, there
much resistance (HEILER). These doctrines are based is also a Eucharistic consubstantiality of the local
on the ilemorphistic principle of efficient causality; churches in the image of the most holy Trinity
in them, there emerges the typical Latin attempt to (CLEMENT). If it is true that the local Church does
rigorously and deductively apply the principle of the not realize the universal one except by living in
incarnation to all aspects of the economy of salva- communion with all the others (sobornost) and that
tion. Orthodox theology prefers the idea of the dei- all these together form the universal Church, it is
fying transmutation of theosis, where God commu- also true that the communion of the churches among
nicates himself to humans not through his "essence," themselves does not additively create a greater
under the heading of the analogia entis, but through plentitude (EVDOKIMOV).
his "uncreated energies" (according to the doctrine Despite the substantial convergence of these two
of Gregory Palamas) in a superabundance of plen- ecclesiologies, one cannot fail to note the significant
titude which, being personal, overcomes any need differences. Vatican II affirms with equal force the
for created mediation (CLEMENT). principles that the universal Church realizes itself
Within this cultural framework, it was inevitable in the particular one and, at the same time, is
that Orthodox theology, in facing the problem of canon constituted by the particular ones, " ... in quibis et
law, should not allow itself to be guided by the idea ex quibis una et unica Ecclesia universalis existit"
of fixing the incarnation of dogmatic truth in the [ ... in these and formed out of them that the one
juridical norm, an idea typical of Latin theology. and unique Catholic Church exists] (LG 23.1). Ortho-
dox ecclesiology Platonically tends to stress, more uni-
Universal and Local Church laterally, that the universal Church, ever the same
and identical with itself, assumes the function of the
The same Platonically derived reticence predicta- archetype that realizes itself in the particular with-
bly emerges also on the ecclesiological level, both in out ever being constituted as such by the plurality
the way Orthodox theology establishes the rela- of particular churches ("ex quibus"). For Vatican II
tionship between universal and local Church and in ecclesiology, it is essential that the universal Church,
how it conceives authority within the Church itself. as archetype, should be ontologically constituted by

62 63
Unity of Law in Theology Orthodox Theology

the plurality of particular churches. This is a quali- of particular churches, becomes binding in itself -
tative value and not an additive or quantitative one, not because of any eventual acknowledgment or later
and it is of a sociocultural or geographical nature. reception by autocephalous churches which, in this
In fact, this is similar to the implicit principles under- way, would be the only ones to exercise a binding
lying the conceptions of the Oikumene that the East authority on the juridical level. Catholicity is seen
has frequently advanced, and which the modern by Orthodoxy as an exemplary and formal cause
rationalist and illuminist West has translated into which, dividing itself equally among all the particu-
the category of pluralism. lar churches, generates unity among them (EVDOKI-
From the Latin theological perspective, the hy- MOV). The Latin Church, on the other hand, tends to
pothesis that a single particular church may freely stress the dependence of authentic truth on the struc-
realize the universal one could not be advanced, tural and juridical unity of the churches themselves.
because the latter is not an abstract idea, but an In Russian ecclesiology, especially - perhaps
ecclesial reality that is not only historically concrete, because Protestant structures of thought are echoed
but which is also issues ontologically from the com- in it - infallibility is unilaterally considered as
munion of all the particular churches. The Church belonging to the Church; therefore, there is a lack
of Jerusalem, for example, existed as the only Church, of an absolute criterion of truth (BULGAKOV). In this
particular and universal at the same time; but this view, the ecumenical council- or, in the same way,
was true only on the historical plane and not on the the Bishop of Rome - cannot bind ex sese, but only
theological one, as the entire plurality of particular post factum (AFANASSIEFF). The decrees of a council,
churches was already embryonically present in the although they are held by Eastern theology to be di-
Apostolic "college." rectly inspired by the Holy Spirit (KARMIRIS), bind
This ecclesiological conception has precise impli- immediately only at the level of discipline. At the
cations for the nature of the communion existing substantial level, they remain in suspension until the
among the particular churches. The communio moment of their reception by the whole Church. In-
Ecclesiarum is not only mystical but also structural deed, an ecumenical council does not exist because
and, therefore, juridical. Latin theology, with its it is constituted by the accredited representatives of
marked sense for institutions, has defined this fact all the particular churches, but because it witnesses
in terms of communio hierarchica. Indeed, all that to faith and reveals truth. It is not juridical unity,
which is structural is also juridically binding in and determined first by the formal authority of the bish-
of itself. It follows that an ecumenical council can- ops gathered in council, that guarantees the defi-
not be considered, as Orthodoxy holds, merely as a nition of dogma; rather, the guarantee is found only
place where mutual love is practiced (EVDOKIMOV); in the truth itself, which is continuously made to
it is rather a place where the structure of the univer- emerge by the presence of the Spirit.
sal Church, necessarily resulting from the plurality This vision of the dynamic of conciliar decisions

64 65
Unity of Law in Theology Orthodox Theology

the plurality of particular churches. This is a quali- of particular churches, becomes binding in itself -
tative value and not an additive or quantitative one, not because of any eventual acknowledgment or later
and it is of a sociocultural or geographical nature. reception by autocephalous churches which, in this
In fact, this is similar to the implicit principles under- way, would be the only ones to exercise a binding
lying the conceptions of the Oikumene that the East authority on the juridical level. Catholicity is seen
has frequently advanced, and which the modern by Orthodoxy as an exemplary and formal cause
rationalist and illuminist West has translated into which, dividing itself equally among all the particu-
the category of pluralism. lar churches, generates unity among them (EVDOKI-
From the Latin theological perspective, the hy- MOV). The Latin Church, on the other hand, tends to
pothesis that a single particular church may freely stress the dependence of authentic truth on the struc-
realize the universal one could not be advanced, tural and juridical unity of the churches themselves.
because the latter is not an abstract idea, but an In Russian ecclesiology, especially - perhaps
ecclesial reality that is not only historically concrete, because Protestant structures of thought are echoed
but which is also issues ontologically from the com- in it - infallibility is unilaterally considered as
munion of all the particular churches. The Church belonging to the Church; therefore, there is a lack
of Jerusalem, for example, existed as the only Church, of an absolute criterion of truth (BULGAKOV). In this
particular and universal at the same time; but this view, the ecumenical council- or, in the same way,
was true only on the historical plane and not on the the Bishop of Rome - cannot bind ex sese, but only
theological one, as the entire plurality of particular post factum (AFANASSIEFF). The decrees of a council,
churches was already embryonically present in the although they are held by Eastern theology to be di-
Apostolic "college." rectly inspired by the Holy Spirit (KARMIRIS), bind
This ecclesiological conception has precise impli- immediately only at the level of discipline. At the
cations for the nature of the communion existing substantial level, they remain in suspension until the
among the particular churches. The communio moment of their reception by the whole Church. In-
Ecclesiarum is not only mystical but also structural deed, an ecumenical council does not exist because
and, therefore, juridical. Latin theology, with its it is constituted by the accredited representatives of
marked sense for institutions, has defined this fact all the particular churches, but because it witnesses
in terms of communio hierarchica. Indeed, all that to faith and reveals truth. It is not juridical unity,
which is structural is also juridically binding in and determined first by the formal authority of the bish-
of itself. It follows that an ecumenical council can- ops gathered in council, that guarantees the defi-
not be considered, as Orthodoxy holds, merely as a nition of dogma; rather, the guarantee is found only
place where mutual love is practiced (EVDOKIMOV); in the truth itself, which is continuously made to
it is rather a place where the structure of the univer- emerge by the presence of the Spirit.
sal Church, necessarily resulting from the plurality This vision of the dynamic of conciliar decisions

64 65
Unity of Law in Theology Orthodox Theology

undoubtedly points out the profound nature of the Because Orthodoxy begins by affirming that Christ
episcopal office, which consists in rendering witness alone is head of the Church, any juridical hyposta-
to - rather than in voluntaristically deciding what tization - whether monocratic or collegial in type
is - truth. Nevertheless, this view overlooks the fact - becomes impossible not only at the level of the
that the value of the witness offered within the universal Church, but also at that of the particular
communio hierarchica, which flows from the Apos- one. Even at the the eparchial level, it is Christ who
tolic succession, has a juridical binding force in it- guides the Church through the bishop. This does not
self, as the locutio Dei attestans itself. In acknowl- exhaust the whole plentitude of the Church, al-
edging a relationship of hierarchical subordination though the bishop is the membrum praecipuum with-
among particular churches within the great auto- out whom the Church could not exist, in the same
cephalous ecclesial realities while, at the same time, way that human beings cannot exist without breath,
denying all jurisdictional primacy within the patri- or the world exist without the sun (Confessio Dosithei).
archal pentarchy, Orthodoxy undoubtedly falls into Given that the universal Church, as archetypal
a contradiction. While we should not unduly empha- reality, is not constituted by the existence of the
size this contradiction, it must be acknowledged that particular churches, and given that it is not possible
the Orthodox image of the universal Church trans- to hypostatize the authority of the Church in the
lates itself into the negation of an institutional person of the pope or, therefore, of the bishop, it is
authority, whether ecumenical councilor bishop of inevitable that the council cannot enjoy a juridical
Rome, within the Church that might define the truth power ex sese, but only post factum - that is, after
of dogma in a stringent manner. reception by the Church itself, whose sole head is
At the same time, it would be incorrect to affirm Christ.
that Orthodox theology does not recognize that the From these premises, it becomes clear that the
Church, prolongation and continuation of the incar- ultimate problem for Orthodoxy resides in its being
nation of Christ in history (KARMIRIS), has a real role unable to accept the idea that dogma may translate
in the mediation of salvation. Nevertheless, Ortho- itself in juridical terms in the same way that the
doxy firmly affirms that no human person may be icon, in its symbolic expressiveness, cannot be trans-
considered head of the Church because Christ alone lated by rational categories. Latin theology, in turn,
is the head (HEILER), thus betraying its reticence has established a total identity between theological
before the juridical-institutional phenomenon. Thus, and juridical truth in the dogma of the primacy
it is symptomatic that Eastern theology never framed of papal jurisdiction; in this theology, juridical for-
the distinction, which arose in the West especially mulation and theological truth are coessential
with the School of the ius publicum ecclesiasticum, (CONGAR).
between the postestas Ecclesiae propria and the
postestas vicaria that is exercised in Christ's name.

66 67
Unity of Law in Theology Orthodox Theology

undoubtedly points out the profound nature of the Because Orthodoxy begins by affirming that Christ
episcopal office, which consists in rendering witness alone is head of the Church, any juridical hyposta-
to - rather than in voluntaristically deciding what tization - whether monocratic or collegial in type
is - truth. Nevertheless, this view overlooks the fact - becomes impossible not only at the level of the
that the value of the witness offered within the universal Church, but also at that of the particular
communio hierarchica, which flows from the Apos- one. Even at the the eparchial level, it is Christ who
tolic succession, has a juridical binding force in it- guides the Church through the bishop. This does not
self, as the locutio Dei attestans itself. In acknowl- exhaust the whole plentitude of the Church, al-
edging a relationship of hierarchical subordination though the bishop is the membrum praecipuum with-
among particular churches within the great auto- out whom the Church could not exist, in the same
cephalous ecclesial realities while, at the same time, way that human beings cannot exist without breath,
denying all jurisdictional primacy within the patri- or the world exist without the sun (Confessio Dosithei).
archal pentarchy, Orthodoxy undoubtedly falls into Given that the universal Church, as archetypal
a contradiction. While we should not unduly empha- reality, is not constituted by the existence of the
size this contradiction, it must be acknowledged that particular churches, and given that it is not possible
the Orthodox image of the universal Church trans- to hypostatize the authority of the Church in the
lates itself into the negation of an institutional person of the pope or, therefore, of the bishop, it is
authority, whether ecumenical councilor bishop of inevitable that the council cannot enjoy a juridical
Rome, within the Church that might define the truth power ex sese, but only post factum - that is, after
of dogma in a stringent manner. reception by the Church itself, whose sole head is
At the same time, it would be incorrect to affirm Christ.
that Orthodox theology does not recognize that the From these premises, it becomes clear that the
Church, prolongation and continuation of the incar- ultimate problem for Orthodoxy resides in its being
nation of Christ in history (KARMIRIS), has a real role unable to accept the idea that dogma may translate
in the mediation of salvation. Nevertheless, Ortho- itself in juridical terms in the same way that the
doxy firmly affirms that no human person may be icon, in its symbolic expressiveness, cannot be trans-
considered head of the Church because Christ alone lated by rational categories. Latin theology, in turn,
is the head (HEILER), thus betraying its reticence has established a total identity between theological
before the juridical-institutional phenomenon. Thus, and juridical truth in the dogma of the primacy
it is symptomatic that Eastern theology never framed of papal jurisdiction; in this theology, juridical for-
the distinction, which arose in the West especially mulation and theological truth are coessential
with the School of the ius publicum ecclesiasticum, (CONGAR).
between the postestas Ecclesiae propria and the
postestas vicaria that is exercised in Christ's name.

66 67
Unity of Law in Theology Orthodox Theology

The Principle of "Economy" there are no valid sacraments outside the one
(Orthodox) Church (DUMONT), Orthodoxy's acknowl-
The principle of economy is perhaps the one that edgments or denials of the validity of the sacraments
most clearly gives rise to the different conception of of Baptism and Orders celebrated in heterodox
law held by the East. In its widest acception, the churches was very uncertain and frequently contra-
principle of ecclesiastical economy signifies the trans- dictory. This phenomenon finds its roots not only in
position of divine pedagogy and the methodology of contingent political motivations but also undoubtedly
salvation history onto the historical situation of the in the fact that Eastern theology, in contrast to the
Church. God, who wishes to render human beings Latin one, has never been able to distinguish precisely
perfect in holiness by raising them to divine com- between order and jurisdiction. The failure to make
munion in theosis, realizes this plan in patience, mercy such a distinction was probably due to the endurance
and forgiveness (MEILIA). This is the clear doctrinal of the system of relative ordinations. Indeed, the same
premise, inspired especially by St. Basil, upon which uncertainty concerning the validity of the sacraments
both East and West have based the doctrine and was also experienced in the West until the latter half
practice of economy. It cannot be denied, however, of the twelfth century (STICKLER), until theology fi-
that, in Orthodox theology, doctrine and practice have nally distinguished formally and terminologically
been and remain imprecise and fluid. Some modern the existence of two functions in the one sacra po-
theologians emphatically stress the specific Ortho- testas. The first function, that of order, is conferred
dox nature of economy. Nevertheless, on the basis with the sacrament, and so can never be lost and,
of the definition of this institute that these theolo- therefore, can always be exercised validly; the sec-
gians offer (e.g. KOTSONIS), it would be difficult to ond function, that of jurisdiction, is conferred by
isolate substantial differences between it and those the missio canonica, and in the system of absolute
institutes of Latin canon law, (such as dispensation, ordination can always be lost.
epikeia, aequitas, privilege) that the more refined Explaining how the Orthodox Church has been
Western juridical expertise has used to sort and able to accept or reject the validity of sacraments
distinguish, from the Middle Ages on, the diverse celebrated extra muros at different times, or those
juridical elements that make it possible to translate celebrated at the same time in different heterodox
the idea of economy institutionally (CONGAR). churches, is a preoccupation that clearly arises in
Undeniably, the Eastern and Western ways of the more extreme and divergent doctrines about econ-
understanding the phenomenon of law are pro- omy. According to Thomson, ancient and modern
foundly different than the more widely accepted Greek theologians hold that economy not only:
classical definitions of equity produced by Orthodox 1) may render invalid that which is valid, but can-
doctrine. Beginning with the strongly held view that not render valid that which is invalid; or 2) cannot
render invalid that which is valid, nor render valid

68 69
Unity of Law in Theology Orthodox Theology

The Principle of "Economy" there are no valid sacraments outside the one
(Orthodox) Church (DUMONT), Orthodoxy's acknowl-
The principle of economy is perhaps the one that edgments or denials of the validity of the sacraments
most clearly gives rise to the different conception of of Baptism and Orders celebrated in heterodox
law held by the East. In its widest acception, the churches was very uncertain and frequently contra-
principle of ecclesiastical economy signifies the trans- dictory. This phenomenon finds its roots not only in
position of divine pedagogy and the methodology of contingent political motivations but also undoubtedly
salvation history onto the historical situation of the in the fact that Eastern theology, in contrast to the
Church. God, who wishes to render human beings Latin one, has never been able to distinguish precisely
perfect in holiness by raising them to divine com- between order and jurisdiction. The failure to make
munion in theosis, realizes this plan in patience, mercy such a distinction was probably due to the endurance
and forgiveness (MEILIA). This is the clear doctrinal of the system of relative ordinations. Indeed, the same
premise, inspired especially by St. Basil, upon which uncertainty concerning the validity of the sacraments
both East and West have based the doctrine and was also experienced in the West until the latter half
practice of economy. It cannot be denied, however, of the twelfth century (STICKLER), until theology fi-
that, in Orthodox theology, doctrine and practice have nally distinguished formally and terminologically
been and remain imprecise and fluid. Some modern the existence of two functions in the one sacra po-
theologians emphatically stress the specific Ortho- testas. The first function, that of order, is conferred
dox nature of economy. Nevertheless, on the basis with the sacrament, and so can never be lost and,
of the definition of this institute that these theolo- therefore, can always be exercised validly; the sec-
gians offer (e.g. KOTSONIS), it would be difficult to ond function, that of jurisdiction, is conferred by
isolate substantial differences between it and those the missio canonica, and in the system of absolute
institutes of Latin canon law, (such as dispensation, ordination can always be lost.
epikeia, aequitas, privilege) that the more refined Explaining how the Orthodox Church has been
Western juridical expertise has used to sort and able to accept or reject the validity of sacraments
distinguish, from the Middle Ages on, the diverse celebrated extra muros at different times, or those
juridical elements that make it possible to translate celebrated at the same time in different heterodox
the idea of economy institutionally (CONGAR). churches, is a preoccupation that clearly arises in
Undeniably, the Eastern and Western ways of the more extreme and divergent doctrines about econ-
understanding the phenomenon of law are pro- omy. According to Thomson, ancient and modern
foundly different than the more widely accepted Greek theologians hold that economy not only:
classical definitions of equity produced by Orthodox 1) may render invalid that which is valid, but can-
doctrine. Beginning with the strongly held view that not render valid that which is invalid; or 2) cannot
render invalid that which is valid, nor render valid

68 69
Unity of Law in Theology Orthodox Theology

that which is invalid; but may also, 3) render invalid Church only a ministerial power (ALIVISATOS,
that which is valid, but not render valid that which CONGAR). This presupposition is undoubtedly one of
is invalid; or 4) render invalid that which is valid the elements that explains the tendentially positiv-
and valid that which is invalid. istic conception of canon law in Orthodoxy as it is
Clearly, it is not possible to judge these antinomic presented by Evdokimov and confirmed by Heiler.
solutions without taking into account the fact that It is symptomatic that the Eastern theologians'
Eastern theology has never been as determined as discussion of canon law does not find its term of ref-
Latin theology to distinguish between an invalid and erence in the juridical system as such, but in the
an illicit legal act or transaction. The Orthodox Church, canons - that is, in the several positive norms. Their
moreover, despite the acribeia with which the letter discussion does not make the distinction between ius
of dogma is defended and the intransigent fidelity and lex. This empiricism undoubtedly facilitates the
with which tradition is preserved, has always been fundamental affirmation, peremptory but ambiguous,
distinguished by the tolerance and freedom it allows that canons do not have a dogmatic character, nor
to theological opinions and by the elasticity with can they be erected into a dogmatic system, because
which it applies economy at the moral and canonical- there is an otherness of planes and a constitutive
disciplinary level. diversity between dogma and law. The two are not
to be confused (MARTINI and IPPOLITI). According to
Dogma and Law Evdokimov, the reason for this diversity resides in
the fact that, between dogma and law, there is only
This phenomenon of the balancing of opposites a relationship of functional reciprocity. In this view,
seems to be rooted in a deeper ecclesiological dis- the canons are the external and visible expression
articulation. The Orthodox Church imposes on itself of the dogmas, as if the juridical dimension existed
a great discretion in regard to the translation of the only as an external dimension of the Church and did
truths of dogma into conceptual terms. Faced by not belong, in the same way as dogma, to the
mystery, the Orthodox Church prefers to be engulfed metaphysical essence of the history of salvation. As
by the silence of apophania (EVDOKIMOV). Sacrament, a result, this external order is conceived in function
grace, and, consequently, canonical discipline, are of dogmatic teaching, with the task of organizing the
considered as realities more immanent to the Church charismatic element and of preserving it from any
than revealed truth itself. Thus, Eastern theologians deviation that might touch upon the immutable
unanimously acknowledge that the Church may essence of the Church. Clearly, this functional
exercise a more extensive lordship and power of reciprocity is such that it risks emptying the insti-
disposition over the sacraments and over grace than tutional element of the Church of all intrinsic and
is granted by Latin theology, which gives to the direct soteriological value, degrading it to a purely
formal element in the service of another reality,

70 71
Unity of Law in Theology Orthodox Theology

that which is invalid; but may also, 3) render invalid Church only a ministerial power (ALIVISATOS,
that which is valid, but not render valid that which CONGAR). This presupposition is undoubtedly one of
is invalid; or 4) render invalid that which is valid the elements that explains the tendentially positiv-
and valid that which is invalid. istic conception of canon law in Orthodoxy as it is
Clearly, it is not possible to judge these antinomic presented by Evdokimov and confirmed by Heiler.
solutions without taking into account the fact that It is symptomatic that the Eastern theologians'
Eastern theology has never been as determined as discussion of canon law does not find its term of ref-
Latin theology to distinguish between an invalid and erence in the juridical system as such, but in the
an illicit legal act or transaction. The Orthodox Church, canons - that is, in the several positive norms. Their
moreover, despite the acribeia with which the letter discussion does not make the distinction between ius
of dogma is defended and the intransigent fidelity and lex. This empiricism undoubtedly facilitates the
with which tradition is preserved, has always been fundamental affirmation, peremptory but ambiguous,
distinguished by the tolerance and freedom it allows that canons do not have a dogmatic character, nor
to theological opinions and by the elasticity with can they be erected into a dogmatic system, because
which it applies economy at the moral and canonical- there is an otherness of planes and a constitutive
disciplinary level. diversity between dogma and law. The two are not
to be confused (MARTINI and IPPOLITI). According to
Dogma and Law Evdokimov, the reason for this diversity resides in
the fact that, between dogma and law, there is only
This phenomenon of the balancing of opposites a relationship of functional reciprocity. In this view,
seems to be rooted in a deeper ecclesiological dis- the canons are the external and visible expression
articulation. The Orthodox Church imposes on itself of the dogmas, as if the juridical dimension existed
a great discretion in regard to the translation of the only as an external dimension of the Church and did
truths of dogma into conceptual terms. Faced by not belong, in the same way as dogma, to the
mystery, the Orthodox Church prefers to be engulfed metaphysical essence of the history of salvation. As
by the silence of apophania (EVDOKIMOV). Sacrament, a result, this external order is conceived in function
grace, and, consequently, canonical discipline, are of dogmatic teaching, with the task of organizing the
considered as realities more immanent to the Church charismatic element and of preserving it from any
than revealed truth itself. Thus, Eastern theologians deviation that might touch upon the immutable
unanimously acknowledge that the Church may essence of the Church. Clearly, this functional
exercise a more extensive lordship and power of reciprocity is such that it risks emptying the insti-
disposition over the sacraments and over grace than tutional element of the Church of all intrinsic and
is granted by Latin theology, which gives to the direct soteriological value, degrading it to a purely
formal element in the service of another reality,

70 71
Unity of Law in Theology Orthodox Theology

the charismatic one, as if charismatic reality were becomes manifest in the binding force of total reality.
the sole substantial element of the Church's con- It has been justly observed that the otherness
stitution. between the two planes, the dogmatic and the ju-
These deductions are not consciously developed by ridical, is established by Evdokimov in accordance
Evdokimov. In rendering them explicit, however, we with a Platonic model (MARTINI and IPPOLITI). Dogmas
can clarify Eastern theology's approach to the prob- represent the immutable of revelation; the canons
lem of canon law. Canon law is considered a condi- represent that which is moveable in the historical
tional or additional element that does not have a forms. Eastern theology is as conscious as Catholic
soteriological consistency of its own because it exists and Protestant theologies of the historicity of dog-
only in relation to another reality, which is therefore matic formulations (CLEMENT). This being the case,
the only one that counts from the point of view of the use of the Platonic model clearly reveals the ten-
substance. Canon law, therefore, is ultimately seen dentially dualistic positivism with which the East
merely as a socioecclesial superstructure - that is, faces the juridical experience. The institute of eccle-
a reality whose truth resides elsewhere, that is, in siastical economy is the most characteristic manifes-
dogma. tation of this dualistic positivism (DUMONT). In more
A similar conception may perhaps be advanced for recent attempts, probably because of a preoccupation
modern state law, in which the value of ethics, under- with establishing convergent views, economy is
stood as a higher justice, is juxtaposed to positive described according to a model similar to that of Latin
law, which is considered to be a less perfect mani- dispensation. If we leave these attempts aside, the
festation of true justice. In canon law, such a con- analogy between economy and the detachment or un-
ception is not possible because neither dogma nor concern for ecclesial realities will be clear; this is how
morality, insofar as they are capable of pointing out the Orthodox Church looks at secular earthly reali-
theological truth, are necessarily superior to canon ties. Its affirmative response to the cosmos is, indeed,
law, as if they were its sole reason for, or source only a relative one because, in the Pauline sense,
of, existence. Canon law is a reality in which the this is considered ephemeral and as the theater of
Church's experience and tradition become insti- a purely provisional existence (LOUVARIS).
tutionalized; experience and tradition are not abso- Especially at the turn of the century, grave ac-
lutely reducible to a purely doctrinal experience. cusations of quietism were leveled against the Or-
Canon law, therefore, bears in itself at least a part thodox Church by both Catholics and Protestants.
of revealed truth, capturing a sense of truth with Without necessarily agreeing with these accusations,
a logic and autonomy of means that are proper to one may legitimately note that, with regard to its
canon law. In its relation to the ecclesial reality, deepest tendencies and intentions, Orthodoxy cer-
canon law is not a sociological superstructure; it is tainly is not oriented toward the sociopolitical involve-
an essential element through which the Church ment of the Church in the world, even as it affirms

72 73
Unity of Law in Theology Orthodox Theology

the charismatic one, as if charismatic reality were becomes manifest in the binding force of total reality.
the sole substantial element of the Church's con- It has been justly observed that the otherness
stitution. between the two planes, the dogmatic and the ju-
These deductions are not consciously developed by ridical, is established by Evdokimov in accordance
Evdokimov. In rendering them explicit, however, we with a Platonic model (MARTINI and IPPOLITI). Dogmas
can clarify Eastern theology's approach to the prob- represent the immutable of revelation; the canons
lem of canon law. Canon law is considered a condi- represent that which is moveable in the historical
tional or additional element that does not have a forms. Eastern theology is as conscious as Catholic
soteriological consistency of its own because it exists and Protestant theologies of the historicity of dog-
only in relation to another reality, which is therefore matic formulations (CLEMENT). This being the case,
the only one that counts from the point of view of the use of the Platonic model clearly reveals the ten-
substance. Canon law, therefore, is ultimately seen dentially dualistic positivism with which the East
merely as a socioecclesial superstructure - that is, faces the juridical experience. The institute of eccle-
a reality whose truth resides elsewhere, that is, in siastical economy is the most characteristic manifes-
dogma. tation of this dualistic positivism (DUMONT). In more
A similar conception may perhaps be advanced for recent attempts, probably because of a preoccupation
modern state law, in which the value of ethics, under- with establishing convergent views, economy is
stood as a higher justice, is juxtaposed to positive described according to a model similar to that of Latin
law, which is considered to be a less perfect mani- dispensation. If we leave these attempts aside, the
festation of true justice. In canon law, such a con- analogy between economy and the detachment or un-
ception is not possible because neither dogma nor concern for ecclesial realities will be clear; this is how
morality, insofar as they are capable of pointing out the Orthodox Church looks at secular earthly reali-
theological truth, are necessarily superior to canon ties. Its affirmative response to the cosmos is, indeed,
law, as if they were its sole reason for, or source only a relative one because, in the Pauline sense,
of, existence. Canon law is a reality in which the this is considered ephemeral and as the theater of
Church's experience and tradition become insti- a purely provisional existence (LOUVARIS).
tutionalized; experience and tradition are not abso- Especially at the turn of the century, grave ac-
lutely reducible to a purely doctrinal experience. cusations of quietism were leveled against the Or-
Canon law, therefore, bears in itself at least a part thodox Church by both Catholics and Protestants.
of revealed truth, capturing a sense of truth with Without necessarily agreeing with these accusations,
a logic and autonomy of means that are proper to one may legitimately note that, with regard to its
canon law. In its relation to the ecclesial reality, deepest tendencies and intentions, Orthodoxy cer-
canon law is not a sociological superstructure; it is tainly is not oriented toward the sociopolitical involve-
an essential element through which the Church ment of the Church in the world, even as it affirms

72 73
Unity of Law in Theology Orthodox Theology

that the world is to be seriously assumed to be the The claim of the Latin Church that it wishes to
ethical instrument created by God for the realiza- establish, with absolute precision, a fully articulated
tion of his kingdom (LOUVARIS). Even as generous a correspondence between the awareness of dogma and
political proposal as Feodero's, which based its pro- the juridical order derives from the different Latin
gram on the slogan "the dogma of the Trinity is our understanding of dogma itself. For the Latins, dogma
political program," is unable to hide a certain Platonic is not so much a model to be contemplated in order
innocence. The most authentically Orthodox temp- to reach the transcendence of the triune God, a God
tation, which emerges most strikingly in monasti- whose "energies" can invest humans directly and
cism, is undoubtedly that of abandoning the world divinize them in theosis, without the need of media-
to the logic of its own history (HEILER). Assuredly, tion through created grace. In the Latin view, dogma
this tendency has been one of the causes that has tends to be a categoric reality having in itself a formal
allowed the long coexistence of the Orthodox Church binding force which, in accordance with the dynamic
first with the empire and then with the state (SEEBERG). proper of ilemorphistic incarnation, necessarily finds
Essentially, the Orthodox Church tends toward definition in law. According to this view, the formal
the contemplation of dogma as reflected in the sym- juridical value of canon law does not exhaust itself
bolic splendor of the icon and as read through an in the legal authority typical of secular law, which
"allegorized" ontology (DANIELOU), because transcen- could not, in any case, monistically claim to be the
dence is the only true reality (LOUVARIS). In the most sole model of juridical reality. The legal authority
authentic Orthodox conception, the Church is a of canon law is like that of the locutio Dei attestans,
mystical reality placed squarely in the beyond which manifests itself through the particular mo-
(SEEBERG) that transcends even its own institu- dalities of sacrament and word - that is, of divine
tional reality (LOUVARIS). Thus, if examined from the positive law. And canon law, without any break in
outside, the Church "may cause surprise through a metaphysical continuity, is the historical definition
certain relaxation of the forms and may give the idea of divine positive law.
of a certain neglect of earthly things" (EVDOKIMOV). A paradigmatic example of the diversity between
It is not for nothing that only a conditional authority Eastern and Latin evaluations of the relationship
is granted to the law of order (ZANKOW). The canoni- between dogma and law is that of the indissolubility
cal rule - rather than being seen as an instrument of marriage. The Latin Church has assumed the
through which a correspondence between dogma and indissolubility of marriage as a given even on the
practice may be sought - is considered only as a juridical level, holding the binding force of its theo-
model or "therapeutic ordinance" (Council of Con- logical-moral value to be indivisible from the juridi-
stantinople II) that should be adapted to a personal cal-institutional one. The Orthodox Church, on the
and, therefore, unique destiny within an economy of other hand, although proclaiming with absolute
mercy (CLEMENT). dogmatic persuasion the indissoluable structure of

74 75
Unity of Law in Theology Orthodox Theology

that the world is to be seriously assumed to be the The claim of the Latin Church that it wishes to
ethical instrument created by God for the realiza- establish, with absolute precision, a fully articulated
tion of his kingdom (LOUVARIS). Even as generous a correspondence between the awareness of dogma and
political proposal as Feodero's, which based its pro- the juridical order derives from the different Latin
gram on the slogan "the dogma of the Trinity is our understanding of dogma itself. For the Latins, dogma
political program," is unable to hide a certain Platonic is not so much a model to be contemplated in order
innocence. The most authentically Orthodox temp- to reach the transcendence of the triune God, a God
tation, which emerges most strikingly in monasti- whose "energies" can invest humans directly and
cism, is undoubtedly that of abandoning the world divinize them in theosis, without the need of media-
to the logic of its own history (HEILER). Assuredly, tion through created grace. In the Latin view, dogma
this tendency has been one of the causes that has tends to be a categoric reality having in itself a formal
allowed the long coexistence of the Orthodox Church binding force which, in accordance with the dynamic
first with the empire and then with the state (SEEBERG). proper of ilemorphistic incarnation, necessarily finds
Essentially, the Orthodox Church tends toward definition in law. According to this view, the formal
the contemplation of dogma as reflected in the sym- juridical value of canon law does not exhaust itself
bolic splendor of the icon and as read through an in the legal authority typical of secular law, which
"allegorized" ontology (DANIELOU), because transcen- could not, in any case, monistically claim to be the
dence is the only true reality (LOUVARIS). In the most sole model of juridical reality. The legal authority
authentic Orthodox conception, the Church is a of canon law is like that of the locutio Dei attestans,
mystical reality placed squarely in the beyond which manifests itself through the particular mo-
(SEEBERG) that transcends even its own institu- dalities of sacrament and word - that is, of divine
tional reality (LOUVARIS). Thus, if examined from the positive law. And canon law, without any break in
outside, the Church "may cause surprise through a metaphysical continuity, is the historical definition
certain relaxation of the forms and may give the idea of divine positive law.
of a certain neglect of earthly things" (EVDOKIMOV). A paradigmatic example of the diversity between
It is not for nothing that only a conditional authority Eastern and Latin evaluations of the relationship
is granted to the law of order (ZANKOW). The canoni- between dogma and law is that of the indissolubility
cal rule - rather than being seen as an instrument of marriage. The Latin Church has assumed the
through which a correspondence between dogma and indissolubility of marriage as a given even on the
practice may be sought - is considered only as a juridical level, holding the binding force of its theo-
model or "therapeutic ordinance" (Council of Con- logical-moral value to be indivisible from the juridi-
stantinople II) that should be adapted to a personal cal-institutional one. The Orthodox Church, on the
and, therefore, unique destiny within an economy of other hand, although proclaiming with absolute
mercy (CLEMENT). dogmatic persuasion the indissoluable structure of

74 75
Unity of Law in Theology Protestant Theology

marriage, has never considered it necessary to trans- to these realities. Rationalism therefore becomes a
late this indissolubility onto the juridical plane. dualistic dynamic. According to Orthodox theology,
Orthodoxy applies the principle of economy, which in order to save the acribeia, it is sufficient that, in
is formally ruled by the criterion of equilibrium. This the use of economy, the absolute value of dogma not
tends to guarantee the proportion between the ce- be put in doubt; dogma must remain the archetype
lestial and earthly elements, between transcendence toward which all may address themselves. Neverthe-
and immanence (LOUVARIS), and therefore induces less, this is ultimately impossible, except through a
caution about the sacramental nature of marriage sort of Platonic abstraction. In the Latin Church, from
after divorce (MEILIA). the Protestant Reformation to the present, this same
The Orthodox Church, despite its dogmatic ac- abstraction has led to the reemergence of the the-
ribeia, possesses a liberalism that allows it to accept sis, implicit in all the spiritualist movements of
an almost limitless pluralism of theological opinions. antiquity and of the Middle Ages, of the superiority
The same transcendent/immanent dualism that is of love and of charism over law and its formulations.
implicit in this liberalism emerges also in the practice The genius of the Western Church, which is more
of economy at the ethical and juridical-disciplinary concerned with pedagogy and morality than with
level. It is true that the second marriage, by econ- mysticism, has always sought to define the binding
omy, is granted not through an administrative act, value of doctrinal truth by the operative concreteness
as is the case with Latin dispensation, but on the of the juridical norm, incarnating the whole moral
basis of a general law on marriage (L'HUILLIER), so and operative potential charge of theological truth
as to avoid the danger of empireia. Nevertheless, it in the juridical system.
is evident that the law of divorce reveals in itself
the dynamic appropriate to economy. This procedure,
which is mediated through law, makes evident the PROTESTANT THEOLOGY
extrinsic nature and, therefore, the ultimate positiv-
ism with which Orthodoxy faces the phenomenon of Even with the intense theological efforts that
law. have been made in recent decades, contemporary
The equilibrium between the celestial and the Protestantism continues to perceive canon law as a
earthly tends to be independent of the resulting in- worldly and positivist phenomenon. This perception
carnation of the celestial in the earthly. Therefore, paradoxically issues from late medieval predesti-
the earthly retains an autonomy of its own. This national eschatology, in the tradition of Judaeo-
phenomenon, even when it is not the fruit of a hidden Western Messianism. Protestant theology, while
pessimism regarding the ethical value of earthly acknowledging that canon law is an unavoidable
ecclesial realities, is the result of an ill-concealed ra- human praxis, is ultimately incapable of granting
tionalism that grants an autonomous human worth any salvific worth to it. This fundamental inability

76 77
Unity of Law in Theology Protestant Theology

marriage, has never considered it necessary to trans- to these realities. Rationalism therefore becomes a
late this indissolubility onto the juridical plane. dualistic dynamic. According to Orthodox theology,
Orthodoxy applies the principle of economy, which in order to save the acribeia, it is sufficient that, in
is formally ruled by the criterion of equilibrium. This the use of economy, the absolute value of dogma not
tends to guarantee the proportion between the ce- be put in doubt; dogma must remain the archetype
lestial and earthly elements, between transcendence toward which all may address themselves. Neverthe-
and immanence (LOUVARIS), and therefore induces less, this is ultimately impossible, except through a
caution about the sacramental nature of marriage sort of Platonic abstraction. In the Latin Church, from
after divorce (MEILIA). the Protestant Reformation to the present, this same
The Orthodox Church, despite its dogmatic ac- abstraction has led to the reemergence of the the-
ribeia, possesses a liberalism that allows it to accept sis, implicit in all the spiritualist movements of
an almost limitless pluralism of theological opinions. antiquity and of the Middle Ages, of the superiority
The same transcendent/immanent dualism that is of love and of charism over law and its formulations.
implicit in this liberalism emerges also in the practice The genius of the Western Church, which is more
of economy at the ethical and juridical-disciplinary concerned with pedagogy and morality than with
level. It is true that the second marriage, by econ- mysticism, has always sought to define the binding
omy, is granted not through an administrative act, value of doctrinal truth by the operative concreteness
as is the case with Latin dispensation, but on the of the juridical norm, incarnating the whole moral
basis of a general law on marriage (L'HUILLIER), so and operative potential charge of theological truth
as to avoid the danger of empireia. Nevertheless, it in the juridical system.
is evident that the law of divorce reveals in itself
the dynamic appropriate to economy. This procedure,
which is mediated through law, makes evident the PROTESTANT THEOLOGY
extrinsic nature and, therefore, the ultimate positiv-
ism with which Orthodoxy faces the phenomenon of Even with the intense theological efforts that
law. have been made in recent decades, contemporary
The equilibrium between the celestial and the Protestantism continues to perceive canon law as a
earthly tends to be independent of the resulting in- worldly and positivist phenomenon. This perception
carnation of the celestial in the earthly. Therefore, paradoxically issues from late medieval predesti-
the earthly retains an autonomy of its own. This national eschatology, in the tradition of Judaeo-
phenomenon, even when it is not the fruit of a hidden Western Messianism. Protestant theology, while
pessimism regarding the ethical value of earthly acknowledging that canon law is an unavoidable
ecclesial realities, is the result of an ill-concealed ra- human praxis, is ultimately incapable of granting
tionalism that grants an autonomous human worth any salvific worth to it. This fundamental inability

76 77
Unity of Law in Theology Protestant Theology

has its deep roots in the juxtaposition Luther estab- the formula "Law and Grace" as more consonant with
lished at a soteriological level between "Law and the fundamental tendencies of Latin theology.
Gospel." On the plane of the history of salvation, this The dominant preoccupation of Augustinian and
juxtaposition has found definition in the cosmic vision Thomistic theology had been to establish both the
of the two kingdoms and, on the ecclesiological plane, unity between law and grace and the continuity of
it has resulted in the unbridgeable dualism between content between the Old and the New Law. The Old
the "hidden" Church and the universal or visible one. Law does not stand in opposition to the New because
Protestant "hyper-eschatology" (EVDOKIMOV), which its essential contents endure even under the rule of
is immanent in the distinction between Law and grace. The New Law, on the other hand, differentiates
Gospel, results, on the philosophical and cultural plane, itself from the Old because it is no longer extrinsecus
in the legitimization of a historical praxis that lacks posita - that is, imposed by intimidation on sinful
an eschatological dimension. Moreover, within the humans - but is intrinsecus data, handed down along
ecclesiological experience, this hypereschatology falls with the grace that gives us the strength to fulfill
into the vision of a "hidden" Church that is so the law in the joy and freedom of love. St. Thomas,
spiritualized that it transcends the history of the taking into account Pauline texts that are neglected
visible and sociological Church, without providing any by Luther, goes so far as to establish an identity
means of establishing an intrinsic relationship be- between Law and Gospel, using the synthetic formula
tween these two realities. In the Reformed theological of the nova lex evangelii: "Lex nova est ipsa gratia
system, the cosmic doctrine of the two kingdoms (seu ipsa praesentia) Spiritus sancti, quae (qui) datur
takes logical priority over that of the two Churches. Christi fidelbus" [New law of the gospel: "The New
This explains why Protestantism, until very recent law is the very grace (that is, the very presence) of
times and in opposition to the Catholic tradition, has the Holy Spirit which (who) is given to the Christian
preferred to turn to the theology of law rather than faithful] (S.Th. I-II, q.106 a.L), In any case, grace
to that of canon law. is law only in an analogical sense because the essence
of the New Law does not reside formally on its legal
Law and Gospel character, but in the fact that it is given as grace.
In defining Christ as grace, Catholic theology has
It is well known that Luther saw the central wanted to underline the fact that the process of
point of the mystery of salvation in the theme of justification transforms a person internally. Grace is
"Law and Gospel" (JOEST). In Pauline theology, the seen as an ontological reality communicated to
New Testament theme had resulted in the dialec- individuals in order to give them the strength to
tical formulation of "Law and Christ." In reelabo- fulfill the New Law, without abolishing the Old.
rating this theme, Catholic tradition had preferred Grace provides a progression from the natural to
the supernatural law.

78 79
Unity of Law in Theology Protestant Theology

has its deep roots in the juxtaposition Luther estab- the formula "Law and Grace" as more consonant with
lished at a soteriological level between "Law and the fundamental tendencies of Latin theology.
Gospel." On the plane of the history of salvation, this The dominant preoccupation of Augustinian and
juxtaposition has found definition in the cosmic vision Thomistic theology had been to establish both the
of the two kingdoms and, on the ecclesiological plane, unity between law and grace and the continuity of
it has resulted in the unbridgeable dualism between content between the Old and the New Law. The Old
the "hidden" Church and the universal or visible one. Law does not stand in opposition to the New because
Protestant "hyper-eschatology" (EVDOKIMOV), which its essential contents endure even under the rule of
is immanent in the distinction between Law and grace. The New Law, on the other hand, differentiates
Gospel, results, on the philosophical and cultural plane, itself from the Old because it is no longer extrinsecus
in the legitimization of a historical praxis that lacks posita - that is, imposed by intimidation on sinful
an eschatological dimension. Moreover, within the humans - but is intrinsecus data, handed down along
ecclesiological experience, this hypereschatology falls with the grace that gives us the strength to fulfill
into the vision of a "hidden" Church that is so the law in the joy and freedom of love. St. Thomas,
spiritualized that it transcends the history of the taking into account Pauline texts that are neglected
visible and sociological Church, without providing any by Luther, goes so far as to establish an identity
means of establishing an intrinsic relationship be- between Law and Gospel, using the synthetic formula
tween these two realities. In the Reformed theological of the nova lex evangelii: "Lex nova est ipsa gratia
system, the cosmic doctrine of the two kingdoms (seu ipsa praesentia) Spiritus sancti, quae (qui) datur
takes logical priority over that of the two Churches. Christi fidelbus" [New law of the gospel: "The New
This explains why Protestantism, until very recent law is the very grace (that is, the very presence) of
times and in opposition to the Catholic tradition, has the Holy Spirit which (who) is given to the Christian
preferred to turn to the theology of law rather than faithful] (S.Th. I-II, q.106 a.L), In any case, grace
to that of canon law. is law only in an analogical sense because the essence
of the New Law does not reside formally on its legal
Law and Gospel character, but in the fact that it is given as grace.
In defining Christ as grace, Catholic theology has
It is well known that Luther saw the central wanted to underline the fact that the process of
point of the mystery of salvation in the theme of justification transforms a person internally. Grace is
"Law and Gospel" (JOEST). In Pauline theology, the seen as an ontological reality communicated to
New Testament theme had resulted in the dialec- individuals in order to give them the strength to
tical formulation of "Law and Christ." In reelabo- fulfill the New Law, without abolishing the Old.
rating this theme, Catholic tradition had preferred Grace provides a progression from the natural to
the supernatural law.

78 79
Unity of Law in Theology Protestant Theology

Moving within the nominalist and voluntarist ho- deeply than in the usus politicus, so convincing them
rizons of the late Middle Ages, Luther defines Christ of their own sinfulness. For Luther, this is the usus
as Gospel. His view emphasizes the non imputatio praecipuus legis because, considering that humans
of sin. Here, grace is a purely extrinsic, even if salvific, ever remain sinners, the law is essentiallyaccusans
presence of Christ in the person. By substituting the (WOLF). The third use, the tertius usus seu in renatis
formula of "Law and Grace" with that of "Law and (or paraeneticus), held by John Calvin to be the usus
Gospel," Luther, for whom the "supreme are of Chris- praecipuus, is that by which law, thanks to Christ's
tianity" consisted of being able to distinguish be- presence and aid, calls believers to a new life by giving
tween law and grace, wanted to give expression to them indications for salvation. Luther avoided treating
a twofold protest. First, he wished to condemn the this tertius usus because he held that justification
Roman Church for having buried God's word and law on the strength of the Gospel is already, by itself,
under the law and word of the Church. Scholastic the root of a new life; where Christ is present, there
theology was his second object of protest, for it had is always birth and newness of life.
replaced the idea of justification on the strength of The notion of the tertius usus implies a view very
God's justice alone with the idea of justification also near to the Catholic one of the gratia eleuans, but
by virtue of meritorious works done under the law the dispute that arose in the middle of the sixteenth
and with the aid of created sanctifying grace. Luther century with regard to this issue drove Luther's
would not admit that the economy of sola gratia followers to radicalize their position by separating
might decay into a religious system still founded on the process of justification from that of santifica-
law , where the works of natural law - even if done tion. Philipp Melancton (1497-1560) tended to reduce
with the aid of grace - are required for justifica- justification to a simple amnesty by which God re-
tion. The works of natural law are not good in them- gards the sinners as if they were just; Nikolaus von
selves; they become good when done in obedience to Amsdorff (1483-1565) held that good works are
God who has saved us. Works, therefore, do not harmful for the sanctification of the believer, while
transform the person internally, but serve only to G. Major, on the contrary, affirmed them to be nec-
make manifest to others the miracle of God's for- essary. Faced by these contradictions, authors such
giveness of sins. as A Poach and A Otho antinomianly asserted that,
In following Luther, Protestant theology has dis- since good works are spontaneously born of faith, law
tinguished three uses of law. The first is the usus and its manifestations are superfluous. The formula
politicus in which, by God's will, law is imposed by concordiae of 1580 put an end to the controversy
the prince to impede the further corruption of huma- and provided the doctrinal bases for Protestant ortho-
nity and a degeneration into chaos. The second is doxy by turning again toward Luther's initial posi-
the usus theologicus seu spiritualis (or elenchthicus), tions (LAD). Luther, however, by affirming that the
by which law touches persons internally and more good works done under the law are merely the fruit

80 81
Unity of Law in Theology Protestant Theology

Moving within the nominalist and voluntarist ho- deeply than in the usus politicus, so convincing them
rizons of the late Middle Ages, Luther defines Christ of their own sinfulness. For Luther, this is the usus
as Gospel. His view emphasizes the non imputatio praecipuus legis because, considering that humans
of sin. Here, grace is a purely extrinsic, even if salvific, ever remain sinners, the law is essentiallyaccusans
presence of Christ in the person. By substituting the (WOLF). The third use, the tertius usus seu in renatis
formula of "Law and Grace" with that of "Law and (or paraeneticus), held by John Calvin to be the usus
Gospel," Luther, for whom the "supreme are of Chris- praecipuus, is that by which law, thanks to Christ's
tianity" consisted of being able to distinguish be- presence and aid, calls believers to a new life by giving
tween law and grace, wanted to give expression to them indications for salvation. Luther avoided treating
a twofold protest. First, he wished to condemn the this tertius usus because he held that justification
Roman Church for having buried God's word and law on the strength of the Gospel is already, by itself,
under the law and word of the Church. Scholastic the root of a new life; where Christ is present, there
theology was his second object of protest, for it had is always birth and newness of life.
replaced the idea of justification on the strength of The notion of the tertius usus implies a view very
God's justice alone with the idea of justification also near to the Catholic one of the gratia eleuans, but
by virtue of meritorious works done under the law the dispute that arose in the middle of the sixteenth
and with the aid of created sanctifying grace. Luther century with regard to this issue drove Luther's
would not admit that the economy of sola gratia followers to radicalize their position by separating
might decay into a religious system still founded on the process of justification from that of santifica-
law , where the works of natural law - even if done tion. Philipp Melancton (1497-1560) tended to reduce
with the aid of grace - are required for justifica- justification to a simple amnesty by which God re-
tion. The works of natural law are not good in them- gards the sinners as if they were just; Nikolaus von
selves; they become good when done in obedience to Amsdorff (1483-1565) held that good works are
God who has saved us. Works, therefore, do not harmful for the sanctification of the believer, while
transform the person internally, but serve only to G. Major, on the contrary, affirmed them to be nec-
make manifest to others the miracle of God's for- essary. Faced by these contradictions, authors such
giveness of sins. as A Poach and A Otho antinomianly asserted that,
In following Luther, Protestant theology has dis- since good works are spontaneously born of faith, law
tinguished three uses of law. The first is the usus and its manifestations are superfluous. The formula
politicus in which, by God's will, law is imposed by concordiae of 1580 put an end to the controversy
the prince to impede the further corruption of huma- and provided the doctrinal bases for Protestant ortho-
nity and a degeneration into chaos. The second is doxy by turning again toward Luther's initial posi-
the usus theologicus seu spiritualis (or elenchthicus), tions (LAD). Luther, however, by affirming that the
by which law touches persons internally and more good works done under the law are merely the fruit

80 81
Unity of Law in Theology Protestant Theology

of the acceptance of the Gospel in faith, provided such great theological works of the nineteenth century
room for the doctrine that the works of the law are as those of Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768-1834),
not necessary for salvation, not even as a conditio Albrecht Ritschl (1823-1889) and Adolf Harnack
a posteriori. (1851-1930). This development was, of course, closely
From these positions, the theme of law progres- related to the radical shift in eschatology that took
sively shifts toward moral theology and natural ethics. place at the same time in both Protestant theology
Melancton had already rediscovered the value of and philosophical-social thought.
natural law and had partially reappropriated the Ar- Luther's eschatology, dramatically present in his
istotelian tradition. The fact that all peoples had at doctrine of simul iustus et peccator (PRENTER), was
all times known natural law was proof for him that the direct consequence of the juxtaposition posited
human reason, although obfuscated after the original between Law and Gospel. Luther affirmed the thesis
Fall, has not become totally corrupt. It follows that of human nature's irreparable corruption of the
the relationship between the two kingdoms is not only kingdom of the left hand and, consequently, of hu-
extrinsic, as Luther had believed, but also intrinsic, man or state law. He also asserted the radical other-
and allows the establishment of a bridge between the ness of the hidden Church in regard to the visible
law of God and that of nature. one and, therefore, the soteriological irrelevance of
The rationalist school of modern natural law canon law. By these assertions, he encouraged a pro-
theory, which, became important in the seventeenth foundly pessimistic conception not only of the world,
century with Hugo Grotius (1583-1645) and Samuel but also of the visible Church; the latter was now
Pufendorf(1632-1694), returned to this doctrinal tra- deprived of the necessary intrinsic elements that
dition. This school transmitted many of the substan- could make it the locus for the verification of faith
tial elements of Scholastic theology; nevertheless, in history. This development furnished the premises
with Christian Thomasius (1655-1728), it developed for the progressive slide of the most advanced
features of Lutheran and Calvinist orthodoxy: the Protestantism toward a conception of history wholly
cultural isolationism, the acknowledgment of reason devoid of eschatology.
as the sole source of natural law, and the denial of Within Protestantism, eschatology became the
the existence of all forms of divine law. Inevitably, inheritance either of the more orthodox currents or,
therefore, the problem of the value of law was elimi- especially in its millenarian and apocalyptic mani-
nated from the soteriological context of justification festations, of pietism and of the antiestablishment
and from Christology, falling into the hands of phi- ecclesial movements throughout the world that
losophy and legal theory (IWAND). As a result, it is separated from official national churches and broke
not surprising to find that the theological theme of into sects and free churches. The dominant Protes-
Law and Gospel, which had made such a prominent tant theology, on the other hand, having been influ-
appearance with the Reformation, found no space in enced by the Enlightenment and liberal rationalism,

82 83
Unity of Law in Theology Protestant Theology

of the acceptance of the Gospel in faith, provided such great theological works of the nineteenth century
room for the doctrine that the works of the law are as those of Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768-1834),
not necessary for salvation, not even as a conditio Albrecht Ritschl (1823-1889) and Adolf Harnack
a posteriori. (1851-1930). This development was, of course, closely
From these positions, the theme of law progres- related to the radical shift in eschatology that took
sively shifts toward moral theology and natural ethics. place at the same time in both Protestant theology
Melancton had already rediscovered the value of and philosophical-social thought.
natural law and had partially reappropriated the Ar- Luther's eschatology, dramatically present in his
istotelian tradition. The fact that all peoples had at doctrine of simul iustus et peccator (PRENTER), was
all times known natural law was proof for him that the direct consequence of the juxtaposition posited
human reason, although obfuscated after the original between Law and Gospel. Luther affirmed the thesis
Fall, has not become totally corrupt. It follows that of human nature's irreparable corruption of the
the relationship between the two kingdoms is not only kingdom of the left hand and, consequently, of hu-
extrinsic, as Luther had believed, but also intrinsic, man or state law. He also asserted the radical other-
and allows the establishment of a bridge between the ness of the hidden Church in regard to the visible
law of God and that of nature. one and, therefore, the soteriological irrelevance of
The rationalist school of modern natural law canon law. By these assertions, he encouraged a pro-
theory, which, became important in the seventeenth foundly pessimistic conception not only of the world,
century with Hugo Grotius (1583-1645) and Samuel but also of the visible Church; the latter was now
Pufendorf(1632-1694), returned to this doctrinal tra- deprived of the necessary intrinsic elements that
dition. This school transmitted many of the substan- could make it the locus for the verification of faith
tial elements of Scholastic theology; nevertheless, in history. This development furnished the premises
with Christian Thomasius (1655-1728), it developed for the progressive slide of the most advanced
features of Lutheran and Calvinist orthodoxy: the Protestantism toward a conception of history wholly
cultural isolationism, the acknowledgment of reason devoid of eschatology.
as the sole source of natural law, and the denial of Within Protestantism, eschatology became the
the existence of all forms of divine law. Inevitably, inheritance either of the more orthodox currents or,
therefore, the problem of the value of law was elimi- especially in its millenarian and apocalyptic mani-
nated from the soteriological context of justification festations, of pietism and of the antiestablishment
and from Christology, falling into the hands of phi- ecclesial movements throughout the world that
losophy and legal theory (IWAND). As a result, it is separated from official national churches and broke
not surprising to find that the theological theme of into sects and free churches. The dominant Protes-
Law and Gospel, which had made such a prominent tant theology, on the other hand, having been influ-
appearance with the Reformation, found no space in enced by the Enlightenment and liberal rationalism,

82 83
Unity of Law in Theology Protestant Theology

spiritualized eschatology so radically as to deprive form of law is the ius divinum. In the intellectualist
it of all relevance, whether theologically or cultur- view of the system, the dominant role is assigned
ally, as happened with large sections of the pietis- to the ratio divina, which gives origin to that lex ae-
tic movement. The so-called cultural Protestantism, terna from which the ratio humana derives the
with its inclinations toward Darwinist evolutionism fundamental principles of natural law. In the volun-
and Christian socialism (PRENTER) - represented tarist view, which stresses the biblical idea of divine
by the more illustrious thinkers of the nineteenth immediacy in the production of law, the dominant
century, such as Weiss, Albrecht, Sohm and the role is assigned to the voluntas Dei as immediate
others cited earlier - was then able to substitute source of natural law. In both these views, which find
history for eschatology and to identify the kingdom their balance in Thomistic realism, the dependence
of God with the religious, cultural, political and social of the lex humana on natural law and the dependence
progress immanent in the destiny of the world. of natural on divine law allows for the tracing of all
human justice to a single source, divine law. The ius
The Doctrine of the Two Kingdoms humanum is derived, through the mediation of natu-
rallaw, from divine law and, therefore, is valid only
if it is consonant with first principles (STIEGLER).
The Middle Ages, in continuity with the Gelasian
Luther, inspired by the Augustinian distinction
doctrine of the "two powers," had developed a uni-
between the civitas Dei and the earthly city and under
tary system for explaining the ordering of the world.
the influence especially ofthe voluntarist nominalism
For the community of Christians, God has instituted
of Gabriel Biel, chose to replace this order by another
a single spiritual temporal kingdom, the Christian
and turned the system over on its head. According
republic; within this, there exist two separate, but
to Luther, the order of salvation is constituted by
reciprocally ordered, structures. The ecclesial hier-
two kingdoms. The spiritual kingdom, to which the
archy, culminating in the Roman pontiff, the supreme
believing Christian belongs, is governed by God's
head of the universal Church, guides Christendom
right hand, founded on faith and is guided by charity.
in the spiritual sphere; the temporal hierarchy,
The temporal kingdom, to which the nonbeliever
represented by the emperor of the Holy Roman
belongs, is governed by God's left hand. It is ruled
Empire, guides it in the secular sphere. The unitary
by reason totaliter deleta and is dominated by human
nature of this theological-political system is guaran-
power. Between the kingdom of the right hand, or
teed by the superiority - spiritual, at least, if not
corpus Christi mysticum, and the kingdom of the
necessarily jurisdictional (Gregory VII) - of the altar
left hand, or corpus babilonicum, which was created
over the throne. There is, moreover, a correspond-
by God in his ira misericordiae after the Fall in
ingly unitary conception of law.
order to avoid humanity's degradation into total
In this system, the ultimate foundation of every
"chaos," there is an insurmountable abyss.

84 85
Unity of Law in Theology Protestant Theology

spiritualized eschatology so radically as to deprive form of law is the ius divinum. In the intellectualist
it of all relevance, whether theologically or cultur- view of the system, the dominant role is assigned
ally, as happened with large sections of the pietis- to the ratio divina, which gives origin to that lex ae-
tic movement. The so-called cultural Protestantism, terna from which the ratio humana derives the
with its inclinations toward Darwinist evolutionism fundamental principles of natural law. In the volun-
and Christian socialism (PRENTER) - represented tarist view, which stresses the biblical idea of divine
by the more illustrious thinkers of the nineteenth immediacy in the production of law, the dominant
century, such as Weiss, Albrecht, Sohm and the role is assigned to the voluntas Dei as immediate
others cited earlier - was then able to substitute source of natural law. In both these views, which find
history for eschatology and to identify the kingdom their balance in Thomistic realism, the dependence
of God with the religious, cultural, political and social of the lex humana on natural law and the dependence
progress immanent in the destiny of the world. of natural on divine law allows for the tracing of all
human justice to a single source, divine law. The ius
The Doctrine of the Two Kingdoms humanum is derived, through the mediation of natu-
rallaw, from divine law and, therefore, is valid only
if it is consonant with first principles (STIEGLER).
The Middle Ages, in continuity with the Gelasian
Luther, inspired by the Augustinian distinction
doctrine of the "two powers," had developed a uni-
between the civitas Dei and the earthly city and under
tary system for explaining the ordering of the world.
the influence especially ofthe voluntarist nominalism
For the community of Christians, God has instituted
of Gabriel Biel, chose to replace this order by another
a single spiritual temporal kingdom, the Christian
and turned the system over on its head. According
republic; within this, there exist two separate, but
to Luther, the order of salvation is constituted by
reciprocally ordered, structures. The ecclesial hier-
two kingdoms. The spiritual kingdom, to which the
archy, culminating in the Roman pontiff, the supreme
believing Christian belongs, is governed by God's
head of the universal Church, guides Christendom
right hand, founded on faith and is guided by charity.
in the spiritual sphere; the temporal hierarchy,
The temporal kingdom, to which the nonbeliever
represented by the emperor of the Holy Roman
belongs, is governed by God's left hand. It is ruled
Empire, guides it in the secular sphere. The unitary
by reason totaliter deleta and is dominated by human
nature of this theological-political system is guaran-
power. Between the kingdom of the right hand, or
teed by the superiority - spiritual, at least, if not
corpus Christi mysticum, and the kingdom of the
necessarily jurisdictional (Gregory VII) - of the altar
left hand, or corpus babilonicum, which was created
over the throne. There is, moreover, a correspond-
by God in his ira misericordiae after the Fall in
ingly unitary conception of law.
order to avoid humanity's degradation into total
In this system, the ultimate foundation of every
"chaos," there is an insurmountable abyss.

84 85
Unity of Law in Theology Protestant Theology

This dualism is ultimately overcome in the unity the secular. For St. Thomas, natural law had issued
of the will of God, who has willed both kingdoms. from principles that human reason could discover in
Thus they do not exist purely as two heterogeneous the lex divina, the eternal plan preexisting in the
realities. The relationship between them, however, is ratio Dei. For Luther, there is no longer a partici-
no longer intrinsic, but has become entirely extrinsic patio legis aeternae in human reason. Divine natural
(voluntarism). God still rules the world with his word; law is merely the juridical will of the God who
this, however, is no longer the verbum Dei ad nos commands and who will sit in judgment at the end
of the Middle Ages, but has become a verbum Dei of the world. The voluntarism of the late Middle Ages
in nobis (subjectivism). That portion of humanity that is conjoined in Luther with the eschatology of spiri-
hears the word spiritualiter is granted God's justice tualist movements. If human beings can no longer
in gift: these are the iniusti iustificati. The rest, who reach God by reason, but only in faith, God can reach
hear God's word only carnaliter, distance themselves them with his will and his law. This law , however ,
from God and fall into damnation: these are the becomes binding only by a person's interior adhesion
iniusti non iustificati. to it. The secular natural law that is produced by
To this dualism, there corresponds also a dualistic reason, even if it is willed by God, is wholly marked
conception of law. In the kingdom of God, the lex by human logic and by human justice: the justice
caritatis, seu spiritualis or the lex Christi rules; this of the Decalogue, the lex Moysis, is no longer a part
is addressed to the homo interior and can be per- of divine natural law for Luther, but is only an an-
ceived only with the intellectus fidei. This wholly thropomorphic and dim image of God's justice.
spiritual lex fidei requires a purely interior conver- Modern interpretations of Luther's thought run
sion; external behavior is simply its spontaneous along two opposing paths. Some believe they can
consequence (Christian freedom). In the kingdom of affirm that, even for the Wittenberg reformer, secu-
the unbelievers, the regnum diaboli, the lex Christi lar natural law and the state are ultimately subject
is no longer understood. Consequently, the law made to Christ's lordship (HECKEL); others hold that the
by the state is no longer rooted in love but founded dualism between the kingdom of the right hand and
purely in power; it is addressed to the homo exterior that of the left hand is so radical as to exclude the
and requires only external adhesion. This latter law possibility that the Gospel might furnish concrete in-
is only a deceptive shadow of the divine one and, dications for the juridical ordering of the state and
thus, is absolutely incapable of conquering human of society (ALTHAUS). Whatever the correct position
selfishness because, instead of granting forgive- may be, the fact remains that in very recent times,
ness, it threatens vengeance and administers pen- the tendency of Lutheranism has been to rigorously
alties - even the penalty of death. separate Gospel and law, Church and state. This
In juxtaposition to the medieval tradition, then, leaves to the state and to secular law a boundless
Luther speaks of two natural laws: the spiritual and autonomy with regard to the Gospel. This profound

86 87
Unity of Law in Theology Protestant Theology

This dualism is ultimately overcome in the unity the secular. For St. Thomas, natural law had issued
of the will of God, who has willed both kingdoms. from principles that human reason could discover in
Thus they do not exist purely as two heterogeneous the lex divina, the eternal plan preexisting in the
realities. The relationship between them, however, is ratio Dei. For Luther, there is no longer a partici-
no longer intrinsic, but has become entirely extrinsic patio legis aeternae in human reason. Divine natural
(voluntarism). God still rules the world with his word; law is merely the juridical will of the God who
this, however, is no longer the verbum Dei ad nos commands and who will sit in judgment at the end
of the Middle Ages, but has become a verbum Dei of the world. The voluntarism of the late Middle Ages
in nobis (subjectivism). That portion of humanity that is conjoined in Luther with the eschatology of spiri-
hears the word spiritualiter is granted God's justice tualist movements. If human beings can no longer
in gift: these are the iniusti iustificati. The rest, who reach God by reason, but only in faith, God can reach
hear God's word only carnaliter, distance themselves them with his will and his law. This law , however ,
from God and fall into damnation: these are the becomes binding only by a person's interior adhesion
iniusti non iustificati. to it. The secular natural law that is produced by
To this dualism, there corresponds also a dualistic reason, even if it is willed by God, is wholly marked
conception of law. In the kingdom of God, the lex by human logic and by human justice: the justice
caritatis, seu spiritualis or the lex Christi rules; this of the Decalogue, the lex Moysis, is no longer a part
is addressed to the homo interior and can be per- of divine natural law for Luther, but is only an an-
ceived only with the intellectus fidei. This wholly thropomorphic and dim image of God's justice.
spiritual lex fidei requires a purely interior conver- Modern interpretations of Luther's thought run
sion; external behavior is simply its spontaneous along two opposing paths. Some believe they can
consequence (Christian freedom). In the kingdom of affirm that, even for the Wittenberg reformer, secu-
the unbelievers, the regnum diaboli, the lex Christi lar natural law and the state are ultimately subject
is no longer understood. Consequently, the law made to Christ's lordship (HECKEL); others hold that the
by the state is no longer rooted in love but founded dualism between the kingdom of the right hand and
purely in power; it is addressed to the homo exterior that of the left hand is so radical as to exclude the
and requires only external adhesion. This latter law possibility that the Gospel might furnish concrete in-
is only a deceptive shadow of the divine one and, dications for the juridical ordering of the state and
thus, is absolutely incapable of conquering human of society (ALTHAUS). Whatever the correct position
selfishness because, instead of granting forgive- may be, the fact remains that in very recent times,
ness, it threatens vengeance and administers pen- the tendency of Lutheranism has been to rigorously
alties - even the penalty of death. separate Gospel and law, Church and state. This
In juxtaposition to the medieval tradition, then, leaves to the state and to secular law a boundless
Luther speaks of two natural laws: the spiritual and autonomy with regard to the Gospel. This profound

86 87
Unity of Law in Theology Protestant Theology

"disharmony" in Luther's teaching (WOLF) may have Invisible Church and Visible Church
been at the root of the profound "demonization" of
German politics from the nineteenth century onward. Analogous to the doctrine of the two kingdoms,
The religious and cultural debate in the centuries Luther also formulated that of the two Churches
following the Reformation has been characterized by thereby establishing the profound separation betwee~
divergent tendencies on the theoretical level. In sev- the Church abscondita or spiritualis and the univer-
eral paradoxical ways, however, these tendencies salone. Subsequent commentators have expressed
have practically converged in a progressive abandon- this juxtaposition in terms of the visible and invis-
ment of the world, giving it over to the logic of its ible Church.
own dynamic of secularization. On the one hand, there Luther proceeded from the doctrine ofthe complete
has been no dearth of movements which, within the corruption of human nature and denaturalized that
Pietist movement, have theorized the necessity of concept of communio spiritualis that was a part of
withdrawal from all worldly and political engagement late medieval penitential theology. This allowed him
in order to cultivate a subjective interiority, reflecting to develop the concept of ecclesia abscondita, seu
eschatalogical expectations of a Messianic and mil- spiritualis. Such a Church is the community of the
lenarian nature. On the other hand, there has been just, whose members are known only to God, and
the success of the political projects that were born it is wholly distinct from the external and sociologi-
of the encounter of Protestantism with the ration- cal organization of Christianity, which is the uni-
alism of the Enlightenment; in the modern state, versal Church, to which belong all the baptized,
territorial and absolutist, the state and its laws have even if they are sinners. The first, the community
been considered the exclusive sphere of a sovereign of the just, is the vital principle; the second, the uni-
and immanent human reason. Until the end of the versal Church, is the field of action of the spiritual
last century, these views found theological backing Church. In the first, only divine law is binding (Ecclesia
in the works of theologians such as Hernest Troeltsch vivit iure divino); it is a spiritual law that relates
(1865-1923) and Friedrich Naumann (1860-1919). only to each person's interior sphere. The invisible
Such writers continue to interpret the doctrine of the Church cannot act as legislator because it does not
two kingdoms as a total separation between Chris- have that power itself; it limits itself to the prom-
tianity and politics. They can therefore make the ulgation of Christ's judgment in penance and excom-
assertion that, if the Beatitudes are to rule in the munication. This right is only meant for the invisible
former, the latter is to be dominated by the power Church, and functions that are to be exercised by
of law (SCHOLLER). the external and juridical organization of the uni-
versal Church should not be associated with the
invisible Church. For in the visible Church, only
human or canon law holds sway, and it can bind

88 89
Unity of Law in Theology Protestant Theology

"disharmony" in Luther's teaching (WOLF) may have Invisible Church and Visible Church
been at the root of the profound "demonization" of
German politics from the nineteenth century onward. Analogous to the doctrine of the two kingdoms,
The religious and cultural debate in the centuries Luther also formulated that of the two Churches
following the Reformation has been characterized by thereby establishing the profound separation betwee~
divergent tendencies on the theoretical level. In sev- the Church abscondita or spiritualis and the univer-
eral paradoxical ways, however, these tendencies salone. Subsequent commentators have expressed
have practically converged in a progressive abandon- this juxtaposition in terms of the visible and invis-
ment of the world, giving it over to the logic of its ible Church.
own dynamic of secularization. On the one hand, there Luther proceeded from the doctrine ofthe complete
has been no dearth of movements which, within the corruption of human nature and denaturalized that
Pietist movement, have theorized the necessity of concept of communio spiritualis that was a part of
withdrawal from all worldly and political engagement late medieval penitential theology. This allowed him
in order to cultivate a subjective interiority, reflecting to develop the concept of ecclesia abscondita, seu
eschatalogical expectations of a Messianic and mil- spiritualis. Such a Church is the community of the
lenarian nature. On the other hand, there has been just, whose members are known only to God, and
the success of the political projects that were born it is wholly distinct from the external and sociologi-
of the encounter of Protestantism with the ration- cal organization of Christianity, which is the uni-
alism of the Enlightenment; in the modern state, versal Church, to which belong all the baptized,
territorial and absolutist, the state and its laws have even if they are sinners. The first, the community
been considered the exclusive sphere of a sovereign of the just, is the vital principle; the second, the uni-
and immanent human reason. Until the end of the versal Church, is the field of action of the spiritual
last century, these views found theological backing Church. In the first, only divine law is binding (Ecclesia
in the works of theologians such as Hernest Troeltsch vivit iure divino); it is a spiritual law that relates
(1865-1923) and Friedrich Naumann (1860-1919). only to each person's interior sphere. The invisible
Such writers continue to interpret the doctrine of the Church cannot act as legislator because it does not
two kingdoms as a total separation between Chris- have that power itself; it limits itself to the prom-
tianity and politics. They can therefore make the ulgation of Christ's judgment in penance and excom-
assertion that, if the Beatitudes are to rule in the munication. This right is only meant for the invisible
former, the latter is to be dominated by the power Church, and functions that are to be exercised by
of law (SCHOLLER). the external and juridical organization of the uni-
versal Church should not be associated with the
invisible Church. For in the visible Church, only
human or canon law holds sway, and it can bind

88 89
Unity of Law in Theology Protestant Theology

humans only exteriorly. Because the law of the visi- does not bind the believers in conscience. Although
ble Church merely regulates the relationship between Luther acknowledged the concrete need for canon law,
Church and individuals and of individuals among he irreparably severed it from divine law. The
themselves, it exists on exactly the same level as the affirmation of belief in the Catholic Church (credo
law of the state. ecclesiam catholicam) applies only to the ecclesia ab-
In theory, only the just are called to the creation sondita.
of canon law, which retains its juridical character The juridical organization of the universal Church
even if, unlike the law of the state, it cannot assume pertains to the duly constituted ecclesiastical or-
the binding character that is proper to law. If saints gans. Nevertheless, in case of disorder - and only
were the only members ofthe universal Church, canon then - the prince as membrum praecipuum ec-
law would be superfluous because it is not intrin- clesiae (Melanchton), may intervene in the process.
sically necessary for salvation. Its justification is a Thus, already in 1525, Luther had asked the princes
purely moral one: it serves to assist the weak in the to take the juridical organization of the Church into
name of Christian charity. The binding force of the their own hands and tutelage. In Germany, from that
Church's precepts does not proceed from the formal time until the end of the First World War, this juridi-
character of either the law or of authority as such, cial power remained in the hands of the state so
but only from charity. Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), that canon law was substituted by ecclesiastical law
in speaking of the law of the state, had been able (Staatskirchenrecht) .
to say: ''Auctoritas, non veritas, facit ius" [Power, not Not only the believers, but also those Christians
truth, makes right]. For Luther, one would have to who have lost their faith, live in the worldly king-
say: "Caritas, non auctoritas, facit ius" [Charity, not dom, that of the left hand. In Luther's doctrine,
power, makes right] (HECKEL). therefore, the visible Church is not to be identified
The fact that canon law is sanctioned and controlled with the worldly kingdom. The visible or universal
by the believing faithful, who also have some part Church, rather, is a reality that stands between the
in the hidden Church, saves the principle of evan- kingdom of the right hand, this being identified with
gelical freedom and establishes an external connec- the invisible Church, and that of the left hand; it
tion with divine law. Nevertheless, there is no longer is a corpus permixtum. The invisible Church does
a guarantee of intrinsic unity between the two not need any human law; the visible one, on the other
Churches. Canon law, is therefore, sui generis; it hand, for empirical and sociological reasons, does
shares the trait of being an order of love with the need a canon law. In Luther's thought - and even
divine law of the invisible Church, yet it is similar more especially, in Calvin's - this law preserves an
to state law because it refers only to the homo ex- ecclesial dimension that differentiates it from secu-
terior. Finally, however, it differs from both of these lar law. Nevertheless, neither canon law nor the
other laws because, being a purely human law, it universal Church has any value in the order of

90 91
Unity of Law in Theology Protestant Theology

humans only exteriorly. Because the law of the visi- does not bind the believers in conscience. Although
ble Church merely regulates the relationship between Luther acknowledged the concrete need for canon law,
Church and individuals and of individuals among he irreparably severed it from divine law. The
themselves, it exists on exactly the same level as the affirmation of belief in the Catholic Church (credo
law of the state. ecclesiam catholicam) applies only to the ecclesia ab-
In theory, only the just are called to the creation sondita.
of canon law, which retains its juridical character The juridical organization of the universal Church
even if, unlike the law of the state, it cannot assume pertains to the duly constituted ecclesiastical or-
the binding character that is proper to law. If saints gans. Nevertheless, in case of disorder - and only
were the only members ofthe universal Church, canon then - the prince as membrum praecipuum ec-
law would be superfluous because it is not intrin- clesiae (Melanchton), may intervene in the process.
sically necessary for salvation. Its justification is a Thus, already in 1525, Luther had asked the princes
purely moral one: it serves to assist the weak in the to take the juridical organization of the Church into
name of Christian charity. The binding force of the their own hands and tutelage. In Germany, from that
Church's precepts does not proceed from the formal time until the end of the First World War, this juridi-
character of either the law or of authority as such, cial power remained in the hands of the state so
but only from charity. Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), that canon law was substituted by ecclesiastical law
in speaking of the law of the state, had been able (Staatskirchenrecht) .
to say: ''Auctoritas, non veritas, facit ius" [Power, not Not only the believers, but also those Christians
truth, makes right]. For Luther, one would have to who have lost their faith, live in the worldly king-
say: "Caritas, non auctoritas, facit ius" [Charity, not dom, that of the left hand. In Luther's doctrine,
power, makes right] (HECKEL). therefore, the visible Church is not to be identified
The fact that canon law is sanctioned and controlled with the worldly kingdom. The visible or universal
by the believing faithful, who also have some part Church, rather, is a reality that stands between the
in the hidden Church, saves the principle of evan- kingdom of the right hand, this being identified with
gelical freedom and establishes an external connec- the invisible Church, and that of the left hand; it
tion with divine law. Nevertheless, there is no longer is a corpus permixtum. The invisible Church does
a guarantee of intrinsic unity between the two not need any human law; the visible one, on the other
Churches. Canon law, is therefore, sui generis; it hand, for empirical and sociological reasons, does
shares the trait of being an order of love with the need a canon law. In Luther's thought - and even
divine law of the invisible Church, yet it is similar more especially, in Calvin's - this law preserves an
to state law because it refers only to the homo ex- ecclesial dimension that differentiates it from secu-
terior. Finally, however, it differs from both of these lar law. Nevertheless, neither canon law nor the
other laws because, being a purely human law, it universal Church has any value in the order of

90 91
Unity of Law in Theology Protestant Theology

salvation. Consequently, although the state does not ought not to be ignored. Epikeia, a key concept for
enjoy any power over Christians merely by virtue the comprehension of any doctrinal position on law
of its own authority, believers are nevertheless to (HARING), represented a positive correction of human
submit freely to the prince's power in the name of law for Aristotle; Plato considered it a corruption in
Christian charity. They must assume temporal offices, respect to the archetype of justice (HAMEL). Moving
even if this entails facing the temptations of the from the metaphysical to the more properly theologi-
regnum diaboli. According to the doctrine of the two cal plane, Luther in turn considered all forms of hu-
kingdoms, the political commitment of the Christian man law, whether canonical or secular, as deceptive
is no longer a structural implication of faith, but only shadows of the divine law. For Luther, divine law
of charity (HECKEL). This helps to explain how transcends the human law but cannot possibly exer-
Protestantism, in the name of an eschatology that cise an intrinsic influence on it, in the same way that
saves at the end of time, could so easily surrender the true and hidden Church transcends the visible
to the temptation of facing the world. Protestant Church without becoming incarnate in it.
moralism, according to Max Weber, has greatly The acceptance of the nominalist and voluntaris-
stressed the value of professional ethics, but it has tic theses of the late Middle Ages (Duns Scotus, Ock-
frequently given up the attempt to transform politi- ham, Biel) had driven Protestantism to abandon
cal and economic structures on the basis of faith. canon and secular law to a process not merely of pro-
During the four centuries since the Reformation, found scientific investigation, but also of purely ratio-
the teachings of the Reformers on canon law have nal and worldly positivization. Left in the hands of
undergone a profound transformation. Under the secular power, canon law becomes ecclesiastical law
influence of the Pietistic conception of Thomasius, and undergoes a profound internal metamorphosis
who denied the existence of any divine law, the because of the rigorous application, especially in
following principle was formulated: the invisible the nineteenth century, first of juridical-Pandectis-
Church is free of all law, whether divine or human; tic methods and then of the historical methods of
the visible one, on the other hand, because of em- secular juridical science. The inevitable hypertrophy
pirical necessity, must accept a human law that ever suffered by ecclesiastical law, proportionally inverse
more frequently finds its source in the state, given to its intrinsic ecclesial value, brought about, on the
that the state had come to be considered the sole institutional plane, the juridical absorption of the
source of law (WOLF). Severed from the ius divinum, Church into the structure of the state and its trans-
human law can no longer bind the Christian as such. formation into a State-Church (Staatskirche). On the
In this way, the inevitable antinomy between law academic plane, the same process resulted in the
and charity, between the Church oflaw and the Church elimination of every formal difference between
of love, between law and Gospel, is born. canon and secular law.
The ultimately Platonic source of this antinomy At the end of the last century, Rudolph Sohm loudly

92 93
Unity of Law in Theology Protestant Theology

salvation. Consequently, although the state does not ought not to be ignored. Epikeia, a key concept for
enjoy any power over Christians merely by virtue the comprehension of any doctrinal position on law
of its own authority, believers are nevertheless to (HARING), represented a positive correction of human
submit freely to the prince's power in the name of law for Aristotle; Plato considered it a corruption in
Christian charity. They must assume temporal offices, respect to the archetype of justice (HAMEL). Moving
even if this entails facing the temptations of the from the metaphysical to the more properly theologi-
regnum diaboli. According to the doctrine of the two cal plane, Luther in turn considered all forms of hu-
kingdoms, the political commitment of the Christian man law, whether canonical or secular, as deceptive
is no longer a structural implication of faith, but only shadows of the divine law. For Luther, divine law
of charity (HECKEL). This helps to explain how transcends the human law but cannot possibly exer-
Protestantism, in the name of an eschatology that cise an intrinsic influence on it, in the same way that
saves at the end of time, could so easily surrender the true and hidden Church transcends the visible
to the temptation of facing the world. Protestant Church without becoming incarnate in it.
moralism, according to Max Weber, has greatly The acceptance of the nominalist and voluntaris-
stressed the value of professional ethics, but it has tic theses of the late Middle Ages (Duns Scotus, Ock-
frequently given up the attempt to transform politi- ham, Biel) had driven Protestantism to abandon
cal and economic structures on the basis of faith. canon and secular law to a process not merely of pro-
During the four centuries since the Reformation, found scientific investigation, but also of purely ratio-
the teachings of the Reformers on canon law have nal and worldly positivization. Left in the hands of
undergone a profound transformation. Under the secular power, canon law becomes ecclesiastical law
influence of the Pietistic conception of Thomasius, and undergoes a profound internal metamorphosis
who denied the existence of any divine law, the because of the rigorous application, especially in
following principle was formulated: the invisible the nineteenth century, first of juridical-Pandectis-
Church is free of all law, whether divine or human; tic methods and then of the historical methods of
the visible one, on the other hand, because of em- secular juridical science. The inevitable hypertrophy
pirical necessity, must accept a human law that ever suffered by ecclesiastical law, proportionally inverse
more frequently finds its source in the state, given to its intrinsic ecclesial value, brought about, on the
that the state had come to be considered the sole institutional plane, the juridical absorption of the
source of law (WOLF). Severed from the ius divinum, Church into the structure of the state and its trans-
human law can no longer bind the Christian as such. formation into a State-Church (Staatskirche). On the
In this way, the inevitable antinomy between law academic plane, the same process resulted in the
and charity, between the Church oflaw and the Church elimination of every formal difference between
of love, between law and Gospel, is born. canon and secular law.
The ultimately Platonic source of this antinomy At the end of the last century, Rudolph Sohm loudly

92 93
Unity of Law in Theology Protestant Theology

protested this state ofthings (RODeo VARELA). Sohm's Revolution and its destruction of the sociopolitical
criticism was founded on two ideological presuppo- structures of the Ancien Regime. This phenomenon
sitions which, although quite different, were both caused the downfall of structures that had been
profoundly rooted in the religion and voluntaristic considered vital not only by the Catholic church, but
spirit of Protestantism: first, the spiritualist view, also by the Protestant church, and forced the churches
according to which the Church is a purely charismatic to find a new historical starting point. Moreover, Ro-
society; second, the positivist view, according to which manticism led German Protestantism to rediscover
law is a monistic reality and there can be no diver- not only its own origins, but also its own ecclesial
sity of nature between canon and secular law because conscience. This starkly revealed the distance that
the state is the sole source of juridical norms (Hegel). had come to exist between the constitutional and
Beginning with a discussion of these views, Sohm juridical structures imposed by the Illuminist state
rendered explicit the doctrinal implications of the and the theological substance of the Church. The
disharmonic system of the two kingdoms and all its attempts at episcopal and synodal or presbyteral
inexorable consequences. On the one hand, against restoration of the last century were supported by sev-
Luther, he held that there is no difference between eraljurists, such as Stahl and Puchta and, eventually,
the visible or universal Church and the kingdom of also by the foremost exponents of the Berlin historical
the left hand, identifying the sociological Church with school, such as Richter, Friedberg, Hinschius and
the world. On the other hand, he coherently denied Kahl. Remaining bound academically by a monistic
not only that the Church may accept a divine law, conception of law, however, these jurists went no
which had already been eliminated by juridical further than to abstractly assert the autonomy of the
science, but also a human law, since the latter could Church in regard to the state, without considering
only be of secular derivation. With the central thesis the possibility of making this concrete by asserting
of his Kirchenrecht I (1892), according to which "the the autonomy of canon law in respect to the law of
nature of canon law is in contradiction with the na- the state (RODeo VARELA).
ture of the Church," Sohm, for the first time in the Sohm's radical revolt defined the ultimate theo-
history of theology, posed the theological problem of logical and juridical terms of the problem: what are
canon law. He did this in such radical and explicit the theological and methodological justifications of
terms that no respite was allowed for canonists, canon law? Is it possible that the need to clarify the
whether Protestant or Catholic, even to our own day problem was imposed, even more than by academic
(MORSDORF). concerns, by the political developments in church and
state relations that had taken place in the ensuing
Gospel and Law decades? The principle of the separation of church
The definitive disintegration of the medieval and state had been affirmed under the aegis of
order in Europe was brought about by the French the Liberal revolution and by the programmatic

94 95
Unity of Law in Theology Protestant Theology

protested this state ofthings (RODeo VARELA). Sohm's Revolution and its destruction of the sociopolitical
criticism was founded on two ideological presuppo- structures of the Ancien Regime. This phenomenon
sitions which, although quite different, were both caused the downfall of structures that had been
profoundly rooted in the religion and voluntaristic considered vital not only by the Catholic church, but
spirit of Protestantism: first, the spiritualist view, also by the Protestant church, and forced the churches
according to which the Church is a purely charismatic to find a new historical starting point. Moreover, Ro-
society; second, the positivist view, according to which manticism led German Protestantism to rediscover
law is a monistic reality and there can be no diver- not only its own origins, but also its own ecclesial
sity of nature between canon and secular law because conscience. This starkly revealed the distance that
the state is the sole source of juridical norms (Hegel). had come to exist between the constitutional and
Beginning with a discussion of these views, Sohm juridical structures imposed by the Illuminist state
rendered explicit the doctrinal implications of the and the theological substance of the Church. The
disharmonic system of the two kingdoms and all its attempts at episcopal and synodal or presbyteral
inexorable consequences. On the one hand, against restoration of the last century were supported by sev-
Luther, he held that there is no difference between eraljurists, such as Stahl and Puchta and, eventually,
the visible or universal Church and the kingdom of also by the foremost exponents of the Berlin historical
the left hand, identifying the sociological Church with school, such as Richter, Friedberg, Hinschius and
the world. On the other hand, he coherently denied Kahl. Remaining bound academically by a monistic
not only that the Church may accept a divine law, conception of law, however, these jurists went no
which had already been eliminated by juridical further than to abstractly assert the autonomy of the
science, but also a human law, since the latter could Church in regard to the state, without considering
only be of secular derivation. With the central thesis the possibility of making this concrete by asserting
of his Kirchenrecht I (1892), according to which "the the autonomy of canon law in respect to the law of
nature of canon law is in contradiction with the na- the state (RODeo VARELA).
ture of the Church," Sohm, for the first time in the Sohm's radical revolt defined the ultimate theo-
history of theology, posed the theological problem of logical and juridical terms of the problem: what are
canon law. He did this in such radical and explicit the theological and methodological justifications of
terms that no respite was allowed for canonists, canon law? Is it possible that the need to clarify the
whether Protestant or Catholic, even to our own day problem was imposed, even more than by academic
(MORSDORF). concerns, by the political developments in church and
state relations that had taken place in the ensuing
Gospel and Law decades? The principle of the separation of church
The definitive disintegration of the medieval and state had been affirmed under the aegis of
order in Europe was brought about by the French the Liberal revolution and by the programmatic

94 95
Unity of Law in Theology Protestant Theology

Constitution of Frankfurt (1848). Although that this "additive" solution (DOMBOIS), even though he
constitution was soon laid to rest by the triumph of has attempted to free himself from Luther's
the radical reaction and by the kulturkampf, the ecclesiological dualism. Although he abandons the
principle eventually found institutional embodiment terminological juxtaposition of Church of the spirit
in the Weimar Constitution (1918) and in that of Bonn and Church of the law by affirming that the entire
(1949). Article 140 of the latter again asserted the Church belongs to the content of faith, he merely
abolition of the system of the State-Church and the substitutes a distinction between the Church as
right of "religious associations" to free self ordering community and the Church as a society. Formally,
and administration. These principles made it neces- canon law finds its validity not in its being "law,"
sary for Protestant churches to promulgate their own but only in its lack of contradiction to the nature
constitutions, founded no longer on secular law, but of the Church. If canon law were to rely on state
on canon law. Responsibility for the juridical organi- law, it would be unable to guarantee the fidelity of
zation of the Church, handed to the state by the the Church to the Gospel or the Church's independ-
Reformers, four centuries later has returned to the ence from the state. Canon law, nevertheless, remains
competence of the Church. a purely human and sociological law; its function is
The first theoretical attempts to again provide a to serve the external discipline of the Church
theological legitimization of canon law followed the (WEHRHAN).
line of Luther's doctrine of the two kingdoms and The disharmony in Luther's doctrine, according to
the two Churches. Under Schleiermacher's cultural which the visible Church is a corpus permixtum
and terminological influence, Gunther Holstein has inadequately distinct from the kingdom of the left
drawn a distinction between the Church of the spirit, hand, has not allowed these authors to avoid all
which is the body of Christ, and the Church of law, compromise with secular law. Having rejected Sohm's
which is a sociohistorical manifestation and the clear identification of the visible Church with the
locus for the juridical organization of the members world, they have had to recognize that secular law,
of the Church. Although not contradictory, the two as the law of the kingdom of the left hand, is willed
Churches are not identical because legislative power by God.
does not belong to the sociological Church, as if in The incoherence inherent in Luther's dualism and
a democracy, but to the Church of the spirit. Canon the Nazi experience - which starkly revealed all the
law, therefore, is a confessional and confessing law dangers inherent in the traditional institutional union
(bekennendes Kirchenrecht) that cannot make use of between church and state in Protestantism - induced
the institutes found in state, communal or parlia- Karl Barth (1886-1968) to reject these early and
mentary law, even if, in common with every other failed attempts to justify canon law theologically.
form oflaw, canon law has a purely human character. Barth proposed again that the central problem is the
Hans Liermann has also been unable to overcome theological justification of secular law and not of

96 97
Unity of Law in Theology Protestant Theology

Constitution of Frankfurt (1848). Although that this "additive" solution (DOMBOIS), even though he
constitution was soon laid to rest by the triumph of has attempted to free himself from Luther's
the radical reaction and by the kulturkampf, the ecclesiological dualism. Although he abandons the
principle eventually found institutional embodiment terminological juxtaposition of Church of the spirit
in the Weimar Constitution (1918) and in that of Bonn and Church of the law by affirming that the entire
(1949). Article 140 of the latter again asserted the Church belongs to the content of faith, he merely
abolition of the system of the State-Church and the substitutes a distinction between the Church as
right of "religious associations" to free self ordering community and the Church as a society. Formally,
and administration. These principles made it neces- canon law finds its validity not in its being "law,"
sary for Protestant churches to promulgate their own but only in its lack of contradiction to the nature
constitutions, founded no longer on secular law, but of the Church. If canon law were to rely on state
on canon law. Responsibility for the juridical organi- law, it would be unable to guarantee the fidelity of
zation of the Church, handed to the state by the the Church to the Gospel or the Church's independ-
Reformers, four centuries later has returned to the ence from the state. Canon law, nevertheless, remains
competence of the Church. a purely human and sociological law; its function is
The first theoretical attempts to again provide a to serve the external discipline of the Church
theological legitimization of canon law followed the (WEHRHAN).
line of Luther's doctrine of the two kingdoms and The disharmony in Luther's doctrine, according to
the two Churches. Under Schleiermacher's cultural which the visible Church is a corpus permixtum
and terminological influence, Gunther Holstein has inadequately distinct from the kingdom of the left
drawn a distinction between the Church of the spirit, hand, has not allowed these authors to avoid all
which is the body of Christ, and the Church of law, compromise with secular law. Having rejected Sohm's
which is a sociohistorical manifestation and the clear identification of the visible Church with the
locus for the juridical organization of the members world, they have had to recognize that secular law,
of the Church. Although not contradictory, the two as the law of the kingdom of the left hand, is willed
Churches are not identical because legislative power by God.
does not belong to the sociological Church, as if in The incoherence inherent in Luther's dualism and
a democracy, but to the Church of the spirit. Canon the Nazi experience - which starkly revealed all the
law, therefore, is a confessional and confessing law dangers inherent in the traditional institutional union
(bekennendes Kirchenrecht) that cannot make use of between church and state in Protestantism - induced
the institutes found in state, communal or parlia- Karl Barth (1886-1968) to reject these early and
mentary law, even if, in common with every other failed attempts to justify canon law theologically.
form oflaw, canon law has a purely human character. Barth proposed again that the central problem is the
Hans Liermann has also been unable to overcome theological justification of secular law and not of

96 97
Unity of Law in Theology Protestant Theology

canon law. In his famous lecture delivered at Utrecht and supplants this with the vision of a single kingdom
in 1936, Barth sought to escape the blind alley in of God. Christ stands at the center of this kingdom,
which Lutheran theology had found itself when pur- and all of reality is placed around this center in
suing the theme of "law and Gospel"; he inverted the concentric circles. The Church stands closer to the
terms of the question to "Gospel and law." Two years center; the state stands farther away. Thus, there
later, Barth again took up the theme in the program, is no longer an absolute difference between church
"justification and law," and he proposed no longer and state, nor can their relationship be seen, in ac-
a dualistic vision of the world, but a unitary one. cordance with the Catholic tradition, as if the Church
Here, the Church and the state, with their respective were founded on divine law and the state on the
juridical orders, are placed within the one existing natural one. Barth substitutes the analogia entis with
reality, which is the salvific one of justification in the analogia fidei. This means that all of reality -
Christ (SCHULLER). not only the Church, but also the state and law as
Barth directly confronts historicism and legal the regulation of human intersubjective relations -
positivism, which had suffered an extreme loss of pres- may also be understood in the context of the rela-
tige with the rise of Nazism. Barth's background is tionship of justification established by God with
that of dialectical theology, in which the central humankind. This single reality can only be known
problem is that of establishing the nature of the through faith and not by philosophy. No human
Godlhuman relationship and whose starting point is metaphysics - whether Platonic, Aristotelian or
not in the theologia naturalis, but in the realization Hegelian - is capable of defining the nature of the
that God is God in that he faces human persons with state.
their own limits. Rational ontology and natural law Ernst Wolf came to share Barth's radical pessi-
are not useful in the understanding of God's other- mism concerning natural law and went further by
ness; revelation alone can formulate binding affirm- adding that the theology of the state and oflaw cannot
ations. Paralleling the biblical concepts of creation, even rest on the Stoic metaphysic found in Calvin-
original sin and reconciliation, the category of justifi- ism, as the witness of Scripture cannot be used to
cation is the one that best expresses the nature of confirm the results of rational investigation. More-
the relationship, not only of God with the Christian, over, he asserts that theology must be, above all,
but also of God with the human person. Justification critical of philosophy (SCHOLLER).
takes place through Christ who, aside from being the Reappropriating again Calvin's ecclesiology, Barth
ontological foundation, is also the gnosis of all created shifts the focus of attention from the universal Church
reality. to the local one. The community of Christians (Chris-
In greater agreement with the Calvinist than tengemeindei, by being closer to Christ, is capable
with the Lutheran tradition, Barth abandons the of better understanding the meaning and nature of
doctrine of the two kingdoms and the two Churches the political community (Bilrgergemeinde), that is, of

98 99
Unity of Law in Theology Protestant Theology

canon law. In his famous lecture delivered at Utrecht and supplants this with the vision of a single kingdom
in 1936, Barth sought to escape the blind alley in of God. Christ stands at the center of this kingdom,
which Lutheran theology had found itself when pur- and all of reality is placed around this center in
suing the theme of "law and Gospel"; he inverted the concentric circles. The Church stands closer to the
terms of the question to "Gospel and law." Two years center; the state stands farther away. Thus, there
later, Barth again took up the theme in the program, is no longer an absolute difference between church
"justification and law," and he proposed no longer and state, nor can their relationship be seen, in ac-
a dualistic vision of the world, but a unitary one. cordance with the Catholic tradition, as if the Church
Here, the Church and the state, with their respective were founded on divine law and the state on the
juridical orders, are placed within the one existing natural one. Barth substitutes the analogia entis with
reality, which is the salvific one of justification in the analogia fidei. This means that all of reality -
Christ (SCHULLER). not only the Church, but also the state and law as
Barth directly confronts historicism and legal the regulation of human intersubjective relations -
positivism, which had suffered an extreme loss of pres- may also be understood in the context of the rela-
tige with the rise of Nazism. Barth's background is tionship of justification established by God with
that of dialectical theology, in which the central humankind. This single reality can only be known
problem is that of establishing the nature of the through faith and not by philosophy. No human
Godlhuman relationship and whose starting point is metaphysics - whether Platonic, Aristotelian or
not in the theologia naturalis, but in the realization Hegelian - is capable of defining the nature of the
that God is God in that he faces human persons with state.
their own limits. Rational ontology and natural law Ernst Wolf came to share Barth's radical pessi-
are not useful in the understanding of God's other- mism concerning natural law and went further by
ness; revelation alone can formulate binding affirm- adding that the theology of the state and oflaw cannot
ations. Paralleling the biblical concepts of creation, even rest on the Stoic metaphysic found in Calvin-
original sin and reconciliation, the category of justifi- ism, as the witness of Scripture cannot be used to
cation is the one that best expresses the nature of confirm the results of rational investigation. More-
the relationship, not only of God with the Christian, over, he asserts that theology must be, above all,
but also of God with the human person. Justification critical of philosophy (SCHOLLER).
takes place through Christ who, aside from being the Reappropriating again Calvin's ecclesiology, Barth
ontological foundation, is also the gnosis of all created shifts the focus of attention from the universal Church
reality. to the local one. The community of Christians (Chris-
In greater agreement with the Calvinist than tengemeindei, by being closer to Christ, is capable
with the Lutheran tradition, Barth abandons the of better understanding the meaning and nature of
doctrine of the two kingdoms and the two Churches the political community (Bilrgergemeinde), that is, of

98 99
Unity of Law in Theology Protestant Theology

the state and its juridical ordering. Because the to the communio sanctorum and as prophecy in
state has the function of guaranteeing an external respect to the law of the state.
juridical order that makes possible the preaching of The Barthian theme of "Gospel and law" has been
the Gospel, the Church cannot remain neutral in its taken up not only by Ernst Wolf, but also by Jacques
regard and, in a subsidiary way, is invested with a Ellul, who has introduced a clear distinction between
political responsibility (politischer Gottesdienst). natural law and the philosophy of law. Pointing out
In consonance with the whole Protestant tradition, the chronic failure of the philosophy of law in more
Barth rigorously reaffirms that, in the Church, the than 2,000 years of history, Ellul affirms that natural
primary operating subject is not the community of reason, totaliter deleta, is incapable of making valid
Christians as such, but Christ himself. The commu- and definitive assertions about natural law. Most im-
nity, therefore, has not a law unto itself, and canon portantly, this law, like religion and the state, exists
law must be formed in the obedience of the Chris- as a human phenomenon and precedes any attempt
tian community to Christ. Nevertheless, it remains at theoretical reflection about it. Thus, any judgment
a purely human law because the obedience of the regarding the worth that human justice and natural
Church remains, at best, equivocal, imperfect and law may have before God pertains to theology and
provisional. Its law is distinct from that of the state not to philosophy. This examination of natural law
because it does not have the formal binding force that by reference to Christ's revelation allows for the
is proper to law; it remains purely an order tKirche- formulation of a theological foundation for any form
nordnung) that is ever reformable (ecclesia semper of law, whether of the state or canonical. In any case,
reformanda). Since the law of the state is born at in the face of God's justice, human justice will always
an even greater distance from Christ, it is even less remain a non-law. It is only within the context of
coherent and prophetic than canon law. Ecclesiastical justification, where the human being is simul iustus
law produced by the state is, therefore, radically et peccator, that human law, by an act of grace, is
incapable of providing the Church with an adequate clothed with the justice of God.
juridical organization. Barth and Wolf had denied all substance to natu-
In any case, canon law, like every other form of ral law; on the other hand, they had granted an
law, is irreparably human because it is valid only important role to natural conceptuality and the
for the time that separates the Church from the immanent rationality of theological thought (SCHU-
end of the world. Without facing directly the prob- LLER). To avoid this contradiction, Ellul seeks to do
lem of whether canon law, in the formal aspect, is without all intellectualistic presuppositions and for-
a phenomenon substantially different from state mulates an option that is strongly nominalistic and
law, Barth affirms that it is a sui generis law be- voluntaristic. In particular, he attempts to eliminate
cause it is essentially a liturgical law, subject to the those presuppositions that had emerged in the
indications of Scripture and valid only as a "service" Scholastic tradition with Gabriel Vasquez and in

100 101
Unity of Law in Theology Protestant Theology

the state and its juridical ordering. Because the to the communio sanctorum and as prophecy in
state has the function of guaranteeing an external respect to the law of the state.
juridical order that makes possible the preaching of The Barthian theme of "Gospel and law" has been
the Gospel, the Church cannot remain neutral in its taken up not only by Ernst Wolf, but also by Jacques
regard and, in a subsidiary way, is invested with a Ellul, who has introduced a clear distinction between
political responsibility (politischer Gottesdienst). natural law and the philosophy of law. Pointing out
In consonance with the whole Protestant tradition, the chronic failure of the philosophy of law in more
Barth rigorously reaffirms that, in the Church, the than 2,000 years of history, Ellul affirms that natural
primary operating subject is not the community of reason, totaliter deleta, is incapable of making valid
Christians as such, but Christ himself. The commu- and definitive assertions about natural law. Most im-
nity, therefore, has not a law unto itself, and canon portantly, this law, like religion and the state, exists
law must be formed in the obedience of the Chris- as a human phenomenon and precedes any attempt
tian community to Christ. Nevertheless, it remains at theoretical reflection about it. Thus, any judgment
a purely human law because the obedience of the regarding the worth that human justice and natural
Church remains, at best, equivocal, imperfect and law may have before God pertains to theology and
provisional. Its law is distinct from that of the state not to philosophy. This examination of natural law
because it does not have the formal binding force that by reference to Christ's revelation allows for the
is proper to law; it remains purely an order tKirche- formulation of a theological foundation for any form
nordnung) that is ever reformable (ecclesia semper of law, whether of the state or canonical. In any case,
reformanda). Since the law of the state is born at in the face of God's justice, human justice will always
an even greater distance from Christ, it is even less remain a non-law. It is only within the context of
coherent and prophetic than canon law. Ecclesiastical justification, where the human being is simul iustus
law produced by the state is, therefore, radically et peccator, that human law, by an act of grace, is
incapable of providing the Church with an adequate clothed with the justice of God.
juridical organization. Barth and Wolf had denied all substance to natu-
In any case, canon law, like every other form of ral law; on the other hand, they had granted an
law, is irreparably human because it is valid only important role to natural conceptuality and the
for the time that separates the Church from the immanent rationality of theological thought (SCHU-
end of the world. Without facing directly the prob- LLER). To avoid this contradiction, Ellul seeks to do
lem of whether canon law, in the formal aspect, is without all intellectualistic presuppositions and for-
a phenomenon substantially different from state mulates an option that is strongly nominalistic and
law, Barth affirms that it is a sui generis law be- voluntaristic. In particular, he attempts to eliminate
cause it is essentially a liturgical law, subject to the those presuppositions that had emerged in the
indications of Scripture and valid only as a "service" Scholastic tradition with Gabriel Vasquez and in

100 101
Unity of Law in Theology Protestant Theology

modern natural law tradition with Grotius. These Christology and Trinitarian Doctrine: The
presuppositions had allowed for the affirmation that, New "Loci Theologici" of Canon Law?
"etsi non daretur Deus, esset tamen iustitia"
(SCHOLLER). Ellul affirms, instead, that human jus- The Barthian exploration of "justification and
tice exists only as an expression of the judgment of law," by its inexhorable condemnation of natural
God, because only that which is consonant with the law, had resulted in an impasse. Some jurists of the
will of God is just. Nevertheless, human justice is postwar period, having accepted that a theology of
not static; it is dynamic because it manifests itself state and canon law could not be developed on the
in God's present and concrete judgment, and it is sole basis of revelation or without granting a role
a pure act of grace (dynamic voluntarism). to metaphysics, have sought new methodological
In conclusion, it must be noted that Barth, by turn- approaches, without explicitly addressing the other
ing Luther's position around, affirms that law does fundamental questions traditional in Protestant
not stand in contradiction to the Gospel. There is theology. Despite substantial systematic and concep-
unity between them because law is also revealed by tual differences, these authors, in disagreement with
God in Christ. Both are expressions of the grace that Sohm, directly confront the problem of the theology
is God's word. Thus, there is opposition only if there of canon law without first facing the question of the
is an "ill-understood" law. In itself, law is no more theology oflaw in general. Methodologically, they also
than the necessary form of the Gospel whose content place the problem of canon law before, or at least
is grace. In stressing the unity between Gospel and on the same level with, the ecclesiological problem
law and in again including canon law in the contents (STEINMULLER).
of faith, Barth makes a great leap forward toward Symptomatic of the discomfort caused by Barth is
St. Augustine and St. Thomas's conception ofthe nova the fact that Johannes Heckel has again proposed,
lex evangelii. Nevertheless, Barth is not able to as locus theologicus ofcanon law, the Lutheran doctrine
reestablish the unity between divine and human law. ofthe two kingdoms, and he presents this as a faithful
Even as he turns around the theme of Law and Gospel interpretation of Luther. Nevertheless, Heckel is not
and abandons Luther's cosmological and ecclesiologi- able to provide a theological principle to show that
cal dualism, Barth, in the final analysis, accentuates divine law, or lex charitatis, heteronomous with respect
the Protestant dualism between the natural and the to human law, necessarily postulates the existence
supernatural and between reason and faith. The of the canon law of the particular church, this being
separation between human law and the the divine in turn a purely human law (RODCO VARELA).
one is a purely institutional consequence of this Heckel attempts, in line with Gunther Holstein and
dualism. Hans Liermann, to provide more than a purely socio-
logical justification in order to root canon law more

102 103
Unity of Law in Theology Protestant Theology

modern natural law tradition with Grotius. These Christology and Trinitarian Doctrine: The
presuppositions had allowed for the affirmation that, New "Loci Theologici" of Canon Law?
"etsi non daretur Deus, esset tamen iustitia"
(SCHOLLER). Ellul affirms, instead, that human jus- The Barthian exploration of "justification and
tice exists only as an expression of the judgment of law," by its inexhorable condemnation of natural
God, because only that which is consonant with the law, had resulted in an impasse. Some jurists of the
will of God is just. Nevertheless, human justice is postwar period, having accepted that a theology of
not static; it is dynamic because it manifests itself state and canon law could not be developed on the
in God's present and concrete judgment, and it is sole basis of revelation or without granting a role
a pure act of grace (dynamic voluntarism). to metaphysics, have sought new methodological
In conclusion, it must be noted that Barth, by turn- approaches, without explicitly addressing the other
ing Luther's position around, affirms that law does fundamental questions traditional in Protestant
not stand in contradiction to the Gospel. There is theology. Despite substantial systematic and concep-
unity between them because law is also revealed by tual differences, these authors, in disagreement with
God in Christ. Both are expressions of the grace that Sohm, directly confront the problem of the theology
is God's word. Thus, there is opposition only if there of canon law without first facing the question of the
is an "ill-understood" law. In itself, law is no more theology oflaw in general. Methodologically, they also
than the necessary form of the Gospel whose content place the problem of canon law before, or at least
is grace. In stressing the unity between Gospel and on the same level with, the ecclesiological problem
law and in again including canon law in the contents (STEINMULLER).
of faith, Barth makes a great leap forward toward Symptomatic of the discomfort caused by Barth is
St. Augustine and St. Thomas's conception ofthe nova the fact that Johannes Heckel has again proposed,
lex evangelii. Nevertheless, Barth is not able to as locus theologicus ofcanon law, the Lutheran doctrine
reestablish the unity between divine and human law. ofthe two kingdoms, and he presents this as a faithful
Even as he turns around the theme of Law and Gospel interpretation of Luther. Nevertheless, Heckel is not
and abandons Luther's cosmological and ecclesiologi- able to provide a theological principle to show that
cal dualism, Barth, in the final analysis, accentuates divine law, or lex charitatis, heteronomous with respect
the Protestant dualism between the natural and the to human law, necessarily postulates the existence
supernatural and between reason and faith. The of the canon law of the particular church, this being
separation between human law and the the divine in turn a purely human law (RODCO VARELA).
one is a purely institutional consequence of this Heckel attempts, in line with Gunther Holstein and
dualism. Hans Liermann, to provide more than a purely socio-
logical justification in order to root canon law more

102 103
Unity of Law in Theology Protestant Theology

deeply in the structure of the economy of salvation. paradigmatic relationship emerge from the biblical
His has not been the only such attempt. Erick Wolf categories in which God has expressed himself, and
has proposed Christology as the new locus theolo- which are mostly juridical in origin - such as
gicus for a theology of canon law. His Christocracy justification, grace, testament, witness and aposto-
is distinguished from Barth's because it receives the late. The fact that God, in his relationship with
findings of a new-Kantian and phenomenological- humankind, should descend into history is an act of
existentialist philosophy as local presuppositions. In grace. Canon law, whose locus theologicus is the Tri-
Wolfs view, divine law is essentially structured as nity, is, then, a law of grace (Recht der Gnadei. The
"brotherly lordship" of Christ over humankind (brud- ecclesiological weak point of this system lies in the
erschaftliche Herrschaft). Divine law, finding defini- fact that Dombois, adhering to the subjectivistic
tion in the Bible as Christian brotherhood, determines Protestant tradition, ultimately makes the existence
the nature both of canon law, which is therefore a of the Church as an institution dependent on its
law of neighbor (Recht des Ntichsten), and of the acceptatio by humankind. Hence, it follows that canon
Church, which is the historical locus in which the law has a purely human character and, once again,
Christian's paradoxical experience is realized. Within can be justified only on the basis of anthropology
these formal limits, canon law, in its material con- (RODeO VARELA).
tents, continues to be a purely human law.
Hans Dombois takes the same approach. He be- Critical Observations
lieves the failure of Protestant and Catholic theology
to resolve the problem of the law of the Church can The central point of convergence between modern
be attributed to the exclusive use of abstract juridi- Protestant theology of canon law and Catholic the-
cal categories (STEINMULLER). He substitutes anthro- ology is the affirmation that canon law is a dimension
pological-phenomenological concepts such as existence, of the Church that is indissolubly bound to dogma.
person, structure, history and relationship. The human As an ecclesial reality, therefore, not only does canon
person, determined by the model of trinitarian law belong to the content of faith - from which Lu-
relations, is constituted by four fundamental rela- ther had ejected it - but it is also at the very core
tionships: with God, man, woman and things; at the ofthe issues that have garnered most of the attention
institutional level, these become Church, state, of modern theology. Nevertheless, to pass silently over
marriage and property. The institution is born of a the deep divergences that still exist would be a facile
dynamic founded on traditio and acceptation which, surrender to the temptation of ecumenical ironicism.
on the ecclesiological plane, become ordinatio and The problem of canon law was raised by Luther's
iurisdictio. The institutionalization of the God/human doctrine of the two kingdoms and the two Churches
relationship in the Church is then the model for all and by the opposition he established between Law
other relationships. The juridical dimensions of this and Gospel. These views resulted in Sohm's radical

104 105
Unity of Law in Theology Protestant Theology

deeply in the structure of the economy of salvation. paradigmatic relationship emerge from the biblical
His has not been the only such attempt. Erick Wolf categories in which God has expressed himself, and
has proposed Christology as the new locus theolo- which are mostly juridical in origin - such as
gicus for a theology of canon law. His Christocracy justification, grace, testament, witness and aposto-
is distinguished from Barth's because it receives the late. The fact that God, in his relationship with
findings of a new-Kantian and phenomenological- humankind, should descend into history is an act of
existentialist philosophy as local presuppositions. In grace. Canon law, whose locus theologicus is the Tri-
Wolfs view, divine law is essentially structured as nity, is, then, a law of grace (Recht der Gnadei. The
"brotherly lordship" of Christ over humankind (brud- ecclesiological weak point of this system lies in the
erschaftliche Herrschaft). Divine law, finding defini- fact that Dombois, adhering to the subjectivistic
tion in the Bible as Christian brotherhood, determines Protestant tradition, ultimately makes the existence
the nature both of canon law, which is therefore a of the Church as an institution dependent on its
law of neighbor (Recht des Ntichsten), and of the acceptatio by humankind. Hence, it follows that canon
Church, which is the historical locus in which the law has a purely human character and, once again,
Christian's paradoxical experience is realized. Within can be justified only on the basis of anthropology
these formal limits, canon law, in its material con- (RODeO VARELA).
tents, continues to be a purely human law.
Hans Dombois takes the same approach. He be- Critical Observations
lieves the failure of Protestant and Catholic theology
to resolve the problem of the law of the Church can The central point of convergence between modern
be attributed to the exclusive use of abstract juridi- Protestant theology of canon law and Catholic the-
cal categories (STEINMULLER). He substitutes anthro- ology is the affirmation that canon law is a dimension
pological-phenomenological concepts such as existence, of the Church that is indissolubly bound to dogma.
person, structure, history and relationship. The human As an ecclesial reality, therefore, not only does canon
person, determined by the model of trinitarian law belong to the content of faith - from which Lu-
relations, is constituted by four fundamental rela- ther had ejected it - but it is also at the very core
tionships: with God, man, woman and things; at the ofthe issues that have garnered most of the attention
institutional level, these become Church, state, of modern theology. Nevertheless, to pass silently over
marriage and property. The institution is born of a the deep divergences that still exist would be a facile
dynamic founded on traditio and acceptation which, surrender to the temptation of ecumenical ironicism.
on the ecclesiological plane, become ordinatio and The problem of canon law was raised by Luther's
iurisdictio. The institutionalization of the God/human doctrine of the two kingdoms and the two Churches
relationship in the Church is then the model for all and by the opposition he established between Law
other relationships. The juridical dimensions of this and Gospel. These views resulted in Sohm's radical

104 105
Unity of Law in Theology Protestant Theology

denial, as well as the inversion of the terms that Barth it formulates instead a direct relationship between
proposed, which was not a satisfactory solution to God and the human conscience. Canon law remains
the problem. Barth was successful in again placing an inexhorably human law, incapable of binding the
secular and canon law within the content of faith, conscience of the Christian. A significant reason for
inserting them as elements proposed and judged by this is the fact that canon law, not being granted
revelation in Christ, which is justification. Neverthe- a natural existence as an anthropological reality, also
less, because of his opposition to natural law and cannot be granted a soteriological existence. The
philosophy, Barth was unable to reestablish that unity antinomy between Law and Gospel deprives the law
among divine, natural and human law that had been of all soteriological value. This devaluation cannot
asserted by the Middle Ages. The thesis of the unicity be overcome by a simple inversion of the terms, as
of the kingdom of God centered around Christ was Barth thought, or by making the value of the law
not sufficient to eliminate the dualism between divine dependent on the Gospel. The problem of the value
and human law. In the Barthian view, divine law of canon law cannot be resolved unless one first resolves
is wholly transcendent, while human law remains that of the relation between reason and faith, the
a purely human reality. Thus, the dualism simply natural and the supernatural, history and eschatol-
moves from ecclesiology to law. ogy. Even in some streams of Protestantism that were
The more recent attempts of Erick Wolf and Hans wary of the liberal rationalism of the eighteenth and
Dombois to resolve this problem have not been suc- nineteenth centuries and of eliminating this ration-
cessful, either. In both writers, a platonic element alism from eschatological history, a vision of escha-
emerges, as divine law - whether structured as tology persists that is wholly projected toward the
Christ's "fraternal lordship" or as a "trinitary rela- future. In respect to the phenomenon of law, such
tionship" - is seen solely as a model according to a vision gives rise to a positivism analogous to that of
which human law must structure itself, with the Orthodoxy, in which eschatology can become simply
external assistance of biblical indicators (biblische an escape toward transcendence. Such traditions
Weisung). In Protestant theology, and especially with tend to abandon history to its own worldly logic.
Calvin, these biblical indicators (Weisung) have sub- At a basic level, Protestantism asks whether or
stituted the principle of the incarnation for human not a theology can be developed without regard to
law. any ontological-philosophical background. In particu-
Essentially, Protestant theology, from Luther to lar, insofar as law is concerned, the problem is whether
modern theologians, has understood divine law in a theology of law must be primarily a theology of
such a spiritualized sense that it is impossible to see canon law, or whether it is necessary to make the
how it might be binding for the historical Church. theology of canon law dependent on a theology oflaw.
Protestant theology is unable to establish a binding
relationship between the Christian and the Church;

106 107
Unity of Law in Theology Protestant Theology

denial, as well as the inversion of the terms that Barth it formulates instead a direct relationship between
proposed, which was not a satisfactory solution to God and the human conscience. Canon law remains
the problem. Barth was successful in again placing an inexhorably human law, incapable of binding the
secular and canon law within the content of faith, conscience of the Christian. A significant reason for
inserting them as elements proposed and judged by this is the fact that canon law, not being granted
revelation in Christ, which is justification. Neverthe- a natural existence as an anthropological reality, also
less, because of his opposition to natural law and cannot be granted a soteriological existence. The
philosophy, Barth was unable to reestablish that unity antinomy between Law and Gospel deprives the law
among divine, natural and human law that had been of all soteriological value. This devaluation cannot
asserted by the Middle Ages. The thesis of the unicity be overcome by a simple inversion of the terms, as
of the kingdom of God centered around Christ was Barth thought, or by making the value of the law
not sufficient to eliminate the dualism between divine dependent on the Gospel. The problem of the value
and human law. In the Barthian view, divine law of canon law cannot be resolved unless one first resolves
is wholly transcendent, while human law remains that of the relation between reason and faith, the
a purely human reality. Thus, the dualism simply natural and the supernatural, history and eschatol-
moves from ecclesiology to law. ogy. Even in some streams of Protestantism that were
The more recent attempts of Erick Wolf and Hans wary of the liberal rationalism of the eighteenth and
Dombois to resolve this problem have not been suc- nineteenth centuries and of eliminating this ration-
cessful, either. In both writers, a platonic element alism from eschatological history, a vision of escha-
emerges, as divine law - whether structured as tology persists that is wholly projected toward the
Christ's "fraternal lordship" or as a "trinitary rela- future. In respect to the phenomenon of law, such
tionship" - is seen solely as a model according to a vision gives rise to a positivism analogous to that of
which human law must structure itself, with the Orthodoxy, in which eschatology can become simply
external assistance of biblical indicators (biblische an escape toward transcendence. Such traditions
Weisung). In Protestant theology, and especially with tend to abandon history to its own worldly logic.
Calvin, these biblical indicators (Weisung) have sub- At a basic level, Protestantism asks whether or
stituted the principle of the incarnation for human not a theology can be developed without regard to
law. any ontological-philosophical background. In particu-
Essentially, Protestant theology, from Luther to lar, insofar as law is concerned, the problem is whether
modern theologians, has understood divine law in a theology of law must be primarily a theology of
such a spiritualized sense that it is impossible to see canon law, or whether it is necessary to make the
how it might be binding for the historical Church. theology of canon law dependent on a theology oflaw.
Protestant theology is unable to establish a binding
relationship between the Christian and the Church;

106 107
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

CATHOLIC THEOLOGY in the fact that it is given as fullness of charity: "Lex

nova est ipsa gratia (sea ipsa praesentia) Spiritus
Law and Grace sancti, quae (qui) datur Christi fidelibus" [The New
Law is the very grace (that is, the very presence)
The response of Catholic theology to the problem of the Holy Spirit which (who) is given to the Christian
of canon law is also to be included within the wider faithful] (S: Th. I-II, q. 106, a. 1). There is no analogia
discussion of justification, a discussion that is crys- nominum, therefore, even between the Old and the
tallized in Luther around the juxtaposition of Law New Law because, if it is true that Christ is not
and Gospel and, in the Catholic tradition, in that only mediator but also legislator, as the Council of
of Law and Grace. Trent affirmed (Sess. IV de iustif., can. 31), he is
What does "Law and Gospel" mean for Catholic certainly not the type of legislator that Moses was.
theology? Gottlieb Sohngen is one of the very few It is impossible, therefore, to justify the existence of
Catholic authors who has faced the question analyti- canon law in the same way as the Old Law, as Luther
cally and in dialectical relationship with Protestant- attempted to do, merely as a bulwark against con-
ism. According to this German theologian, the first cupiscence and sin. Canon law belongs to the Chris-
necessary acknowledgment is that, in Catholic the- tian experience in a positive way, under the sign of
ology, as in Protestant, the conjunction and does not the fullness of charity and grace. It belongs to the
mean also because the intrinsic nature of the two tradition in the same manner as dogma, which, as
realities is not identical. The essence of the law resides we have seen, is not a heterogeneous reality in res-
in its imperative character, while that of the Gospel pect to law; just as salvation does not come from the
and of grace resides in a participation of God in the formal imperative force of the Church's juridical
heart ofthe human person. Thus, there is no analogia order, law does not come from the pedagogical force
nominum by which it may be said that the law is of dogma, but exclusively from grace.
also Gospel and the Gospel is also law, but only an Grace, then, comprehends law and not vice versa,
analogia relationis (BARTH) established by the fact because the fulfillment of the law is not the efficient
that the imperative of the new law - which is not cause of grace. Medieval canonists had already pre-
law simply because it is formally law - finds its cisely understood that grace transcends law when
foundation in grace and charity. This relationship was they dared to identify the aequitas canonica with
expressed by St. Thomas, who used the formula "nova God himself: "Nihil aliud est aequitas canonica quam
lex evangelii," thereby offering a synthesis of the Deus" [Canonical equity is nothing else than God]
preceding tradition expressed in St. Augustine's, "da (Bolognese Gloss). Thus, the nature of aequitas can-
quod iubes et iube quod vis." onica is profoundly different from the "Roman," as
Thus, the novelty of the new law does not reside it makes reference not only to the norms contained
in its being more perfect than the ancient one, but in positive law, but also to other principles, such as

108 109
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

CATHOLIC THEOLOGY in the fact that it is given as fullness of charity: "Lex

nova est ipsa gratia (sea ipsa praesentia) Spiritus
Law and Grace sancti, quae (qui) datur Christi fidelibus" [The New
Law is the very grace (that is, the very presence)
The response of Catholic theology to the problem of the Holy Spirit which (who) is given to the Christian
of canon law is also to be included within the wider faithful] (S: Th. I-II, q. 106, a. 1). There is no analogia
discussion of justification, a discussion that is crys- nominum, therefore, even between the Old and the
tallized in Luther around the juxtaposition of Law New Law because, if it is true that Christ is not
and Gospel and, in the Catholic tradition, in that only mediator but also legislator, as the Council of
of Law and Grace. Trent affirmed (Sess. IV de iustif., can. 31), he is
What does "Law and Gospel" mean for Catholic certainly not the type of legislator that Moses was.
theology? Gottlieb Sohngen is one of the very few It is impossible, therefore, to justify the existence of
Catholic authors who has faced the question analyti- canon law in the same way as the Old Law, as Luther
cally and in dialectical relationship with Protestant- attempted to do, merely as a bulwark against con-
ism. According to this German theologian, the first cupiscence and sin. Canon law belongs to the Chris-
necessary acknowledgment is that, in Catholic the- tian experience in a positive way, under the sign of
ology, as in Protestant, the conjunction and does not the fullness of charity and grace. It belongs to the
mean also because the intrinsic nature of the two tradition in the same manner as dogma, which, as
realities is not identical. The essence of the law resides we have seen, is not a heterogeneous reality in res-
in its imperative character, while that of the Gospel pect to law; just as salvation does not come from the
and of grace resides in a participation of God in the formal imperative force of the Church's juridical
heart ofthe human person. Thus, there is no analogia order, law does not come from the pedagogical force
nominum by which it may be said that the law is of dogma, but exclusively from grace.
also Gospel and the Gospel is also law, but only an Grace, then, comprehends law and not vice versa,
analogia relationis (BARTH) established by the fact because the fulfillment of the law is not the efficient
that the imperative of the new law - which is not cause of grace. Medieval canonists had already pre-
law simply because it is formally law - finds its cisely understood that grace transcends law when
foundation in grace and charity. This relationship was they dared to identify the aequitas canonica with
expressed by St. Thomas, who used the formula "nova God himself: "Nihil aliud est aequitas canonica quam
lex evangelii," thereby offering a synthesis of the Deus" [Canonical equity is nothing else than God]
preceding tradition expressed in St. Augustine's, "da (Bolognese Gloss). Thus, the nature of aequitas can-
quod iubes et iube quod vis." onica is profoundly different from the "Roman," as
Thus, the novelty of the new law does not reside it makes reference not only to the norms contained
in its being more perfect than the ancient one, but in positive law, but also to other principles, such as

108 109
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

God himself and the Gospel (FEDELE). not a simple non imputatio of sin, but an external
If it is true that the Gospel is not also law, it is personal presence of Christ. Therefore, while grace
also true that the Gospel does not exist without law. leaves believers unchanged internally (simul iustus
As was true of the Old Testament, the New Law also et peccatori, it involves them and renders them ca-
is not given without the promise of grace, and grace pable of loving, in the sense that Christ himself
is not given without the precepts of God. In the New works in them (PANNENBERG). For Catholic theology,
Testament, grace cannot endure without the works conversely, grace is a created supernatural reality
of charity. Not even for Luther does the sola fide infused in human beings as an inherent quality
principle mean that faith can exist without works. (gratis creata habitualis) which, diverging from
The difference between the doctrine of the Reform- Orthodox doctrine, is not to be identified with God
ers and that of the Catholics, as fixed by the Council (energies). Grace is a force that leads believers to act
of Trent (cc. 29, 30), resides in the fact that, for Catho- in cooperation with God (fides charitate fermata), so
lics, works are not only a necessary consequence of meriting also an increase of such cooperation. The
faith, but a real and proper condition for salvation. Protestant notion of non imputatio, while not denying
In the two theological positions there are, therefore, the real efficacy of grace, rejects its being in some
points of convergence: salvation is granted by grace, way causal and an ontological reality inherent in the
and works are necessary. For the Reformers, good human person. Rather, people are involved as
works - which are not good because they save, but instruments of God's action and not as collaborators.
only because they are done in obedience to God - Moreover, the same view may be discerned on the
are necessary only as a consequence. Moreover, good ecclesial plane, where the Church does not have its
works are not to the advantage of those who do them, own subjectivity because the sole operating subjects
but to others who can see the miracle worked by God are Christ and the Holy Spirit.
in salvation. For Catholics, on the other hands, works Having posited the premise that grace does not
are necessary, at least as an a posteriori condition, become ontologically "incarnate" in human nature as
even if they can be achieved by the believer only gratia creata and that the hidden Church has no
through the force of grace and faith, so that salva- necessary correspondence with the universal or vis-
tion should not turn into damnation. This does not ible one, Protestant theology cannot establish a
mean that God forgives the sin of humans after they connection between divine and human law. As good
have forgiven others; rather, it is only the strength works are only an external consequence of grace, so
of the fact that God has forgiven them that believers canon law is only an external consequence of the
are able to, and must, forgive others (SOHNGEN). hidden Church. If canon law is necessary, it is so
This difference in the conception of the conditio only on the sociological plane and not on the onto-
derives from different ways of understanding grace. logical one. Like good works, canon law has no specific
Especially in modern Protestant teaching, grace is value in itself. Like the Sacraments, canon law is

110 111
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

God himself and the Gospel (FEDELE). not a simple non imputatio of sin, but an external
If it is true that the Gospel is not also law, it is personal presence of Christ. Therefore, while grace
also true that the Gospel does not exist without law. leaves believers unchanged internally (simul iustus
As was true of the Old Testament, the New Law also et peccatori, it involves them and renders them ca-
is not given without the promise of grace, and grace pable of loving, in the sense that Christ himself
is not given without the precepts of God. In the New works in them (PANNENBERG). For Catholic theology,
Testament, grace cannot endure without the works conversely, grace is a created supernatural reality
of charity. Not even for Luther does the sola fide infused in human beings as an inherent quality
principle mean that faith can exist without works. (gratis creata habitualis) which, diverging from
The difference between the doctrine of the Reform- Orthodox doctrine, is not to be identified with God
ers and that of the Catholics, as fixed by the Council (energies). Grace is a force that leads believers to act
of Trent (cc. 29, 30), resides in the fact that, for Catho- in cooperation with God (fides charitate fermata), so
lics, works are not only a necessary consequence of meriting also an increase of such cooperation. The
faith, but a real and proper condition for salvation. Protestant notion of non imputatio, while not denying
In the two theological positions there are, therefore, the real efficacy of grace, rejects its being in some
points of convergence: salvation is granted by grace, way causal and an ontological reality inherent in the
and works are necessary. For the Reformers, good human person. Rather, people are involved as
works - which are not good because they save, but instruments of God's action and not as collaborators.
only because they are done in obedience to God - Moreover, the same view may be discerned on the
are necessary only as a consequence. Moreover, good ecclesial plane, where the Church does not have its
works are not to the advantage of those who do them, own subjectivity because the sole operating subjects
but to others who can see the miracle worked by God are Christ and the Holy Spirit.
in salvation. For Catholics, on the other hands, works Having posited the premise that grace does not
are necessary, at least as an a posteriori condition, become ontologically "incarnate" in human nature as
even if they can be achieved by the believer only gratia creata and that the hidden Church has no
through the force of grace and faith, so that salva- necessary correspondence with the universal or vis-
tion should not turn into damnation. This does not ible one, Protestant theology cannot establish a
mean that God forgives the sin of humans after they connection between divine and human law. As good
have forgiven others; rather, it is only the strength works are only an external consequence of grace, so
of the fact that God has forgiven them that believers canon law is only an external consequence of the
are able to, and must, forgive others (SOHNGEN). hidden Church. If canon law is necessary, it is so
This difference in the conception of the conditio only on the sociological plane and not on the onto-
derives from different ways of understanding grace. logical one. Like good works, canon law has no specific
Especially in modern Protestant teaching, grace is value in itself. Like the Sacraments, canon law is

110 111
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

merely a signum fidei, not an efficacious instrumen- juxtaposition of nature and grace, reason and faith,
tal cause of grace. Clearly, the parallel between law history and eschatology, "law and Gospel." The Catholic
and sacrament excludes the application of the prin- tradition, on the other hand, even amidst a variety
ciple of ex opere opera to to law. of interpretations, has always preserved the unity
In hylemorphic Aristotelian and Thomistic meta- of these elements. This unity is not simply extrinsic,
physics, the Catholic tradition has found an onto- by way of the unity of God's will, but also intrinsic.
logical and logical framework for rationally justify- The fact that law has always been considered an
ing its own form of belief in the mystery of salva- indispensable condition for salvation explains how
tion. Consequently, if only by analogy and dif- the Catholic Church, "from a constitutional point of
ferentiation, this tradition has applied the princi- view, has never lived on precarious juridical bases"
ple of incarnation - which finds its paradigmatic (RODeo VARELA). It is not surprising, therefore, that
plenitude only in Christ - to all levels of the economy the Catholic Church, whether in medieval Christen-
of salvation. Thus, this principle is applied rigorously dom or in times of state absolutism, has always as-
not only to created grace, the Church and the serted its own constitutional structure and juridical
Sacraments, but also to canon law. Divine law is order, rooted in divine law and, therefore, autono-
present in canon law not purely as formal background mous. When the liberal nineteenth century state
from which the admonitory indication proceeds, but imposed separation, the problem for the Catholic
also as an ontological substratum. It is true that, Church was not that of finding a new constitutional
as St. Thomas says of the Sacraments, all institu- framework to support its religious existence socio-
tional realities in which grace becomes "incarnate" logically, as was the case for the Protestant Church.
- such as the Church, the Sacraments, dogma and Instead, the Catholic problem was that of defending,
law - are merely signa fidei. Nevertheless, this is as in previous times, the preexistence and the theo-
true because these realities are structurally effica- logical and institutional autonomy ofits juridical order.
cious signs of God's own grace. Because the appli- Even the antinomian crisis that has hit the modern
cation of the principle of incarnation leads to such Church, in the final analysis, has not placed the ex-
conclusions, the Catholic tradition has clearly been istence of institutions and of law in doubt, but has
able to view eschatology as a reality that is not only required a historical reformulation and a renewed
present in history, but which also constitutes the grounding of these elements in theology. Proof of this
ultimate truth of history. lies in the enormous production of legislation that
has taken place in the particular churches over the
Methodological Developments last few years. Through the participation of modern
synodal and pastoral institutions, these legislative
The ecclesiological and juridical dualism of the conclusions have been sustained - even by the more
Protestant Reformation has its roots in Luther's

112 113
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

merely a signum fidei, not an efficacious instrumen- juxtaposition of nature and grace, reason and faith,
tal cause of grace. Clearly, the parallel between law history and eschatology, "law and Gospel." The Catholic
and sacrament excludes the application of the prin- tradition, on the other hand, even amidst a variety
ciple of ex opere opera to to law. of interpretations, has always preserved the unity
In hylemorphic Aristotelian and Thomistic meta- of these elements. This unity is not simply extrinsic,
physics, the Catholic tradition has found an onto- by way of the unity of God's will, but also intrinsic.
logical and logical framework for rationally justify- The fact that law has always been considered an
ing its own form of belief in the mystery of salva- indispensable condition for salvation explains how
tion. Consequently, if only by analogy and dif- the Catholic Church, "from a constitutional point of
ferentiation, this tradition has applied the princi- view, has never lived on precarious juridical bases"
ple of incarnation - which finds its paradigmatic (RODeo VARELA). It is not surprising, therefore, that
plenitude only in Christ - to all levels of the economy the Catholic Church, whether in medieval Christen-
of salvation. Thus, this principle is applied rigorously dom or in times of state absolutism, has always as-
not only to created grace, the Church and the serted its own constitutional structure and juridical
Sacraments, but also to canon law. Divine law is order, rooted in divine law and, therefore, autono-
present in canon law not purely as formal background mous. When the liberal nineteenth century state
from which the admonitory indication proceeds, but imposed separation, the problem for the Catholic
also as an ontological substratum. It is true that, Church was not that of finding a new constitutional
as St. Thomas says of the Sacraments, all institu- framework to support its religious existence socio-
tional realities in which grace becomes "incarnate" logically, as was the case for the Protestant Church.
- such as the Church, the Sacraments, dogma and Instead, the Catholic problem was that of defending,
law - are merely signa fidei. Nevertheless, this is as in previous times, the preexistence and the theo-
true because these realities are structurally effica- logical and institutional autonomy ofits juridical order.
cious signs of God's own grace. Because the appli- Even the antinomian crisis that has hit the modern
cation of the principle of incarnation leads to such Church, in the final analysis, has not placed the ex-
conclusions, the Catholic tradition has clearly been istence of institutions and of law in doubt, but has
able to view eschatology as a reality that is not only required a historical reformulation and a renewed
present in history, but which also constitutes the grounding of these elements in theology. Proof of this
ultimate truth of history. lies in the enormous production of legislation that
has taken place in the particular churches over the
Methodological Developments last few years. Through the participation of modern
synodal and pastoral institutions, these legislative
The ecclesiological and juridical dualism of the conclusions have been sustained - even by the more
Protestant Reformation has its roots in Luther's

112 113
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

critical grassroots members of the ecc1esial commu- are many more or less heterogeneous variants of
nity. the idea of law in the different branches of biblical,
The problem for Catholic theology, then, is not to historical, or systematic theology. Thus, in soteriol-
theologically prove the existence of canon law be- ogy, we treat God's justice; in sacramental theology
cause, in the final analysis, this is not even an aca- and in ecc1esiology, ordo and apostolic succession are
demic question. Rather, the task is to provide a theo- touched upon; in moral theology, there are discus-
logically correct justification of a reality that already sions dedicated to de lege and to de iustitia et iure.
belongs to the content of faith, if not always at the Moreover, in areas such as political theology, there
level of practice, at least at that of theoretical con- are even attempts to implicitly grant a central her-
sciousness. The problem, therefore, is one of method. meneutical function to the category of law in the
Canon law must be justified not on the basis of treatment of theology as a whole. The science of canon
natural law or of social presuppositions, but from a law itself, however, provides no theological definition
purely theological starting point. The precise isola- of its own obiectum formale quod. It is satisfied with
tion within the nexus mysteriorum of the locus founding itself on the notion of law underlying the
theologicus of ecc1esial law would serve to eliminate 1917 Codex Iuris Canonici (CIC), which was formu-
from public discussion the existence, affirmed in lated by Suarez as a synthesis of preceding Chris-
practice in popular treatments of the subject, of an tian philosophical thought.
antinomy between law and freedom, institution and Medieval and modern canonical science define law
charism, law and grace. as the category of the iustum, or of the objectum
It must be acknowledged that modern theological virtutis justitiae. It is evident that this definition,
and canon law studies, with rare exceptions, have being philosophical in origin, is not able to explain
found themselves defenseless when trying to formu- the internal juridical structure of the Church. Can-
late a necessary and plausible response to criticism onists have sought to establish the connection with
within the Church. Canonists have especially felt the its soteriological dimension by determining the sub
lack of a unitary theological notion of law. Such a gravi or sub levi obligations imposed on the Chris-
notion could become an interpretive category to use tian conscience by canon law (RODeO VARELA). The
in synthetizing all the elements involved in theology's most evident expression of this approach is found in
traditional approach to the concepts oflaw and justice. Suarez; he not only established, with Bartolomeo
This unitary concept of law could also establish the Medina and Thomas de Vio Cajetan, that the state
exact relationship between the Church and law, with may bind the fulfillment of external actions in con-
law as the element that determines the Church's science, but also that the ecclesiastical legislator may
sacramental being and existence as the signum impose the performance of purely internal acts as
elevatum in nationibus. an obligation. An example of the latter contained
Rouco Varela has observed very astutely that there in the 1917 CIC (can. 593) is the injunction to the

114 115
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

critical grassroots members of the ecc1esial commu- are many more or less heterogeneous variants of
nity. the idea of law in the different branches of biblical,
The problem for Catholic theology, then, is not to historical, or systematic theology. Thus, in soteriol-
theologically prove the existence of canon law be- ogy, we treat God's justice; in sacramental theology
cause, in the final analysis, this is not even an aca- and in ecc1esiology, ordo and apostolic succession are
demic question. Rather, the task is to provide a theo- touched upon; in moral theology, there are discus-
logically correct justification of a reality that already sions dedicated to de lege and to de iustitia et iure.
belongs to the content of faith, if not always at the Moreover, in areas such as political theology, there
level of practice, at least at that of theoretical con- are even attempts to implicitly grant a central her-
sciousness. The problem, therefore, is one of method. meneutical function to the category of law in the
Canon law must be justified not on the basis of treatment of theology as a whole. The science of canon
natural law or of social presuppositions, but from a law itself, however, provides no theological definition
purely theological starting point. The precise isola- of its own obiectum formale quod. It is satisfied with
tion within the nexus mysteriorum of the locus founding itself on the notion of law underlying the
theologicus of ecc1esial law would serve to eliminate 1917 Codex Iuris Canonici (CIC), which was formu-
from public discussion the existence, affirmed in lated by Suarez as a synthesis of preceding Chris-
practice in popular treatments of the subject, of an tian philosophical thought.
antinomy between law and freedom, institution and Medieval and modern canonical science define law
charism, law and grace. as the category of the iustum, or of the objectum
It must be acknowledged that modern theological virtutis justitiae. It is evident that this definition,
and canon law studies, with rare exceptions, have being philosophical in origin, is not able to explain
found themselves defenseless when trying to formu- the internal juridical structure of the Church. Can-
late a necessary and plausible response to criticism onists have sought to establish the connection with
within the Church. Canonists have especially felt the its soteriological dimension by determining the sub
lack of a unitary theological notion of law. Such a gravi or sub levi obligations imposed on the Chris-
notion could become an interpretive category to use tian conscience by canon law (RODeO VARELA). The
in synthetizing all the elements involved in theology's most evident expression of this approach is found in
traditional approach to the concepts oflaw and justice. Suarez; he not only established, with Bartolomeo
This unitary concept of law could also establish the Medina and Thomas de Vio Cajetan, that the state
exact relationship between the Church and law, with may bind the fulfillment of external actions in con-
law as the element that determines the Church's science, but also that the ecclesiastical legislator may
sacramental being and existence as the signum impose the performance of purely internal acts as
elevatum in nationibus. an obligation. An example of the latter contained
Rouco Varela has observed very astutely that there in the 1917 CIC (can. 593) is the injunction to the

114 115
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

religious to strive toward perfection. Such an ap- of the philosophy of the state so as to be able to apply
proach in defining the formal notion of the law is them to the Church. This attempt used a preconceived
clearly insufficient for establishing a connection be- and secular view of law, extraneous to the so-called
tween theology and philosophy; at most, it does so hierarchological passages of the New Testament.
with regard to philosophy and moral theology. The Moreover, this ambiguity has a clear connection
resulting ambiguity has created a profitless confusion with the theological nature of those times, when the
between the methodological and epistemological basis principal preoccupation was the demonstration of
of canon law and that of moral theology. the correspondence of reason with revelation.
In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the The fact that the nineteenth century inverted the
natural law theorists of the ius publicum furnished problem in order to demonstrate the correspondence
the instrument used by the illuminist and liberal state of revelation with reason explains the progress
to impose its own exclusive territorial and juridical achieved by the ius publicum ecclesiasticum with the
sovereignty on all sectors of social and ecclesiastical Roman School of Camillo Tarquini (1810-1874) and
life. Catholic forces responded to this substantial and Felice Cavagnis (1841-1906). They eliminated the
methodological challenge by creating the new science more glaring elements of the Wurzburg School natu-
of the ius publicum ecclesiasticum (DE LA HERA). Its rallaw theory from their works, seeking a better -
novelty resided in the elaboration of a juridical if still clearly artificial - scriptural and theological
discipline that used a different methodology than clas- foundation for their treatises. In the final analysis,
sical canon law. For the first time, in the study of however, the connection between the Church as perfect
the ius publicum internum, the problem of the nature society and ecclesial law rests not on the internal
of the law of the Church was faced, finally bypassing structure of the Church as such but, voluntaristically
the medieval status quaestionis. and extrinsically, on the will of Christ. Christ would
The central category of the treatises of the ius have wished to constitute the Church both as perfect
publicum ecclesiasticum, concerning the societas per- society and as juridical society.
fecta, did not mediate a theological understanding Despite an attempt to overcome them, the same
of ecclesiallaw. This failure was due to its grounding methodological limitations are discernible in the canon
in natural law theory and to its acceptance of the law studies of Georg Phillips (1804-1872). In line with
axiomatic assertion "ubi societas ibi et ius" as the German Romanticism and the political restoration
major premise of the syllogism that proves the ex- of the first half of the nineteenth century, Phillips
istence of ecclesiallaw. Aside from also being ofnatu- defined the Church by substituting the category of
ral law origins, this premise uses the same formal societas perfecta with the biblical one of regnum: the
concept of law as the preceding canon law tradition. Church is Christ's kingdom on earth. Starting with
This methodological ambiguity arose from the desire a political and institutional preconception of "king-
to find scriptural confirmation for the basic principles dom," this German canonist deduced the existence

116 117
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

religious to strive toward perfection. Such an ap- of the philosophy of the state so as to be able to apply
proach in defining the formal notion of the law is them to the Church. This attempt used a preconceived
clearly insufficient for establishing a connection be- and secular view of law, extraneous to the so-called
tween theology and philosophy; at most, it does so hierarchological passages of the New Testament.
with regard to philosophy and moral theology. The Moreover, this ambiguity has a clear connection
resulting ambiguity has created a profitless confusion with the theological nature of those times, when the
between the methodological and epistemological basis principal preoccupation was the demonstration of
of canon law and that of moral theology. the correspondence of reason with revelation.
In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the The fact that the nineteenth century inverted the
natural law theorists of the ius publicum furnished problem in order to demonstrate the correspondence
the instrument used by the illuminist and liberal state of revelation with reason explains the progress
to impose its own exclusive territorial and juridical achieved by the ius publicum ecclesiasticum with the
sovereignty on all sectors of social and ecclesiastical Roman School of Camillo Tarquini (1810-1874) and
life. Catholic forces responded to this substantial and Felice Cavagnis (1841-1906). They eliminated the
methodological challenge by creating the new science more glaring elements of the Wurzburg School natu-
of the ius publicum ecclesiasticum (DE LA HERA). Its rallaw theory from their works, seeking a better -
novelty resided in the elaboration of a juridical if still clearly artificial - scriptural and theological
discipline that used a different methodology than clas- foundation for their treatises. In the final analysis,
sical canon law. For the first time, in the study of however, the connection between the Church as perfect
the ius publicum internum, the problem of the nature society and ecclesial law rests not on the internal
of the law of the Church was faced, finally bypassing structure of the Church as such but, voluntaristically
the medieval status quaestionis. and extrinsically, on the will of Christ. Christ would
The central category of the treatises of the ius have wished to constitute the Church both as perfect
publicum ecclesiasticum, concerning the societas per- society and as juridical society.
fecta, did not mediate a theological understanding Despite an attempt to overcome them, the same
of ecclesiallaw. This failure was due to its grounding methodological limitations are discernible in the canon
in natural law theory and to its acceptance of the law studies of Georg Phillips (1804-1872). In line with
axiomatic assertion "ubi societas ibi et ius" as the German Romanticism and the political restoration
major premise of the syllogism that proves the ex- of the first half of the nineteenth century, Phillips
istence of ecclesiallaw. Aside from also being ofnatu- defined the Church by substituting the category of
ral law origins, this premise uses the same formal societas perfecta with the biblical one of regnum: the
concept of law as the preceding canon law tradition. Church is Christ's kingdom on earth. Starting with
This methodological ambiguity arose from the desire a political and institutional preconception of "king-
to find scriptural confirmation for the basic principles dom," this German canonist deduced the existence

116 117
Catholic Theology
Unity of Law in Theology

of a juridical order in the Church, founded on the is considered by the Italian School as the final end
unity of ecclesiastical power. of the canonical system (FEDELE). Members of the
The limitations ofthe modern and lay Italian canon Italian School (D'AVACK) and of the Roman Curia
law school, from the theological perspective, are much School (BIDAGOR, BERTRAMS, ROBLEDA), wishing to
more serious. Sharing the juridical and apologetic overcome the excessively eschatalogical and individu-
aims of the ius publicum ecclesiasticum, this school alistic (and, therefore, juridically extrinsic) elements
has attempted to demonstrate the juridical validity of the salus animarum, attempted to provide a cor-
ofthe canonical order with respect to that of the state. rection by substituting this concept with that of bo-
Despite being one of the most brilliant efforts ever num commune ecclesiae. The problem, however,
made by canon lawyers, this attempt represents a remains unsolved. The bonum commune ecclesiae is
regression. Basing itself on the underlying category not theological but sociopolitical in origin.
of the societas perfecta, it has sought to found canon The canonists of the School in Navarre have ac-
law on the canonical system itself, but without the cepted the radical incapacity of the doctrine of "the
theoretical acceptance of something like Kelsen's "pure juridical order" to resolve the basic theological prob-
theory of law" (Reine Rechtslehre). The concept of lem of canon law. The first generation of them in-
"primary juridical order" underlies the School's whole tended to pursue the technical and scientific work
scientific foundation. of their Italian teachers and colleagues by a further
Although this concept does not seem to derive from adaptation of the "general theory," especially in regard
any philosophical presuppositions, it is borrowed - to constitutional law (Lex fundamentalis). Therefore,
after the rejection of the more objectionable features these canonists have felt the need to provide, in the
- from the German Pandectistics of the last cen- postconciliar environment, a more solid th~ological
tury which, having come out of juridical positivism, infrastructure for canonical science. Not without a
developed the science of the "general theory of law" certain parallelism with modern Protestant doctrine,
(allgemeine Rechtslehre). However, when Italian cano- the canonists of Navarre have sought the locus the-
nists have been faced with the need to account for ologicus in Christology and ecclesiology, taking as
the specific nature of canon law with respect to state their central category that of "the people of God"
law, they have had to acknowledge the "epistemo- (HERVADA and LOMBARDIA), or that of the mystery
logical incapacity of their methodology (RODCO ofthe Trinity (VILADRICH). The Italian positivist origin
VARELA). Thus, declaring that the problem of the of the new attempt, nevertheless, has reemerged. The
theological foundation of canon law is a parajuridi- canonists of Navarre, using a monistic concept oflaw,
cal problem, they have left its solution to theology have been forced to admit that, from the epistemo-
(DE LA HERA). logical perspective, canon law is not a theological
The problem has emerged most clearly in the science, but a juridical one. The theological infrastruc-
discussion of the theme of salus animarum , which ture, therefore, risks remaining a purely formal limit.

Catholic Theology
Unity of Law in Theology

of a juridical order in the Church, founded on the is considered by the Italian School as the final end
unity of ecclesiastical power. of the canonical system (FEDELE). Members of the
The limitations ofthe modern and lay Italian canon Italian School (D'AVACK) and of the Roman Curia
law school, from the theological perspective, are much School (BIDAGOR, BERTRAMS, ROBLEDA), wishing to
more serious. Sharing the juridical and apologetic overcome the excessively eschatalogical and individu-
aims of the ius publicum ecclesiasticum, this school alistic (and, therefore, juridically extrinsic) elements
has attempted to demonstrate the juridical validity of the salus animarum, attempted to provide a cor-
ofthe canonical order with respect to that of the state. rection by substituting this concept with that of bo-
Despite being one of the most brilliant efforts ever num commune ecclesiae. The problem, however,
made by canon lawyers, this attempt represents a remains unsolved. The bonum commune ecclesiae is
regression. Basing itself on the underlying category not theological but sociopolitical in origin.
of the societas perfecta, it has sought to found canon The canonists of the School in Navarre have ac-
law on the canonical system itself, but without the cepted the radical incapacity of the doctrine of "the
theoretical acceptance of something like Kelsen's "pure juridical order" to resolve the basic theological prob-
theory of law" (Reine Rechtslehre). The concept of lem of canon law. The first generation of them in-
"primary juridical order" underlies the School's whole tended to pursue the technical and scientific work
scientific foundation. of their Italian teachers and colleagues by a further
Although this concept does not seem to derive from adaptation of the "general theory," especially in regard
any philosophical presuppositions, it is borrowed - to constitutional law (Lex fundamentalis). Therefore,
after the rejection of the more objectionable features these canonists have felt the need to provide, in the
- from the German Pandectistics of the last cen- postconciliar environment, a more solid th~ological
tury which, having come out of juridical positivism, infrastructure for canonical science. Not without a
developed the science of the "general theory of law" certain parallelism with modern Protestant doctrine,
(allgemeine Rechtslehre). However, when Italian cano- the canonists of Navarre have sought the locus the-
nists have been faced with the need to account for ologicus in Christology and ecclesiology, taking as
the specific nature of canon law with respect to state their central category that of "the people of God"
law, they have had to acknowledge the "epistemo- (HERVADA and LOMBARDIA), or that of the mystery
logical incapacity of their methodology (RODCO ofthe Trinity (VILADRICH). The Italian positivist origin
VARELA). Thus, declaring that the problem of the of the new attempt, nevertheless, has reemerged. The
theological foundation of canon law is a parajuridi- canonists of Navarre, using a monistic concept oflaw,
cal problem, they have left its solution to theology have been forced to admit that, from the epistemo-
(DE LA HERA). logical perspective, canon law is not a theological
The problem has emerged most clearly in the science, but a juridical one. The theological infrastruc-
discussion of the theme of salus animarum , which ture, therefore, risks remaining a purely formal limit.

Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

Canonistic doctrine would stay within this limit in anthropology. It follows that the unity between the
order to avoid technical and juridical solutions irrec- internal and external metaphysical-sacramental ele-
oncilable with ecclesiology. The theological infra- ments of the Church is justified from a neo-Scholas-
structure does not affect the notion of canon law itself. tic philosophical standpoint.
Pedro Lombardia's dependence on secular juridical Thus, the natural law principle "ubi societas ibi
science explains how he can say that the central et ius" reemerges under a different cloak. Indeed, the
problem of the Church's constitution is that of defin- external structure not only poses the formal condi-
ing the fundamental rights of Christians. This ori- tions for exercising law - already ontologically present
entation of the School of Navarre seems not to be in the internal structure of the economy of salvation
totally surpassed by its new generation of canonists. and of the Church - but it creates that law, providing
Although some (Robleda, Bonnet) make strong it with a real content. According to Bertrams,
arguments to the contrary, it does not seem that the fundamental rights, rooted in baptism, are not only
extremely unitary system elaborated by Wilhelm suspended in their exercise, but do not even exist
Bertrams overcomes preceding methodological limi- when Christians place themselves outside the exter-
tations, even though, as far as content is concerned, nal juridical order established by the Church. Not-
he abandons the well-trod paths of the ius publicum withstanding Bertrams' strong consciousness of canon
ecclesiasticum and of the Italian School in order to law the motivations he sets forth to establish a bond
confront a clearly theological thematic. The funda- between Church and law remain on the level of philo-
mental theological assumption of his system emerges sophical methodology, not a theological one.
from a long Catholic tradition, namely, that which A theology of canon law that makes recourse to
describes the Church as a human society elevated philosophy in order to provide the ultimate rational
to the supernatural sphere (AYMANS). From the on- motivation for its existence is much weaker if meta-
tological and systematic point of view, the central physical order is replaced by sociological order. While
point of the system consists of demonstrating that, a methodological regression of this type is not pos-
in the Church as in any human society, the internal sible within Protestant theology, it is taking place
metaphysical structure cannot become actualized among Catholics, concurrently with the antijuridical
without the external sociojuridical structure, in the positions of the postconciliar period, in the program
same way that the soul cannot become manifest in of"de-theologization" and "de-juridicization" proposed
the person without the mediation of the body (GUND- by the journal Concilium. This program is founded
LACH). The juridical dimension, therefore, comes from on the principle of "the universality of the theolo-
the external structure of the Church, and it is imposed gical" and of "the relativity of the canonical" (RODCO
by the fact that the internal structure of the human VARELA). According to Jimenez Urresti, it finds
being tends to express itself in social forms - a correspondence in formal logic because of the doc-
concept universally acknowledged by philosophical trinal character of theological language, which tends

120 121
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

Canonistic doctrine would stay within this limit in anthropology. It follows that the unity between the
order to avoid technical and juridical solutions irrec- internal and external metaphysical-sacramental ele-
oncilable with ecclesiology. The theological infra- ments of the Church is justified from a neo-Scholas-
structure does not affect the notion of canon law itself. tic philosophical standpoint.
Pedro Lombardia's dependence on secular juridical Thus, the natural law principle "ubi societas ibi
science explains how he can say that the central et ius" reemerges under a different cloak. Indeed, the
problem of the Church's constitution is that of defin- external structure not only poses the formal condi-
ing the fundamental rights of Christians. This ori- tions for exercising law - already ontologically present
entation of the School of Navarre seems not to be in the internal structure of the economy of salvation
totally surpassed by its new generation of canonists. and of the Church - but it creates that law, providing
Although some (Robleda, Bonnet) make strong it with a real content. According to Bertrams,
arguments to the contrary, it does not seem that the fundamental rights, rooted in baptism, are not only
extremely unitary system elaborated by Wilhelm suspended in their exercise, but do not even exist
Bertrams overcomes preceding methodological limi- when Christians place themselves outside the exter-
tations, even though, as far as content is concerned, nal juridical order established by the Church. Not-
he abandons the well-trod paths of the ius publicum withstanding Bertrams' strong consciousness of canon
ecclesiasticum and of the Italian School in order to law the motivations he sets forth to establish a bond
confront a clearly theological thematic. The funda- between Church and law remain on the level of philo-
mental theological assumption of his system emerges sophical methodology, not a theological one.
from a long Catholic tradition, namely, that which A theology of canon law that makes recourse to
describes the Church as a human society elevated philosophy in order to provide the ultimate rational
to the supernatural sphere (AYMANS). From the on- motivation for its existence is much weaker if meta-
tological and systematic point of view, the central physical order is replaced by sociological order. While
point of the system consists of demonstrating that, a methodological regression of this type is not pos-
in the Church as in any human society, the internal sible within Protestant theology, it is taking place
metaphysical structure cannot become actualized among Catholics, concurrently with the antijuridical
without the external sociojuridical structure, in the positions of the postconciliar period, in the program
same way that the soul cannot become manifest in of"de-theologization" and "de-juridicization" proposed
the person without the mediation of the body (GUND- by the journal Concilium. This program is founded
LACH). The juridical dimension, therefore, comes from on the principle of "the universality of the theolo-
the external structure of the Church, and it is imposed gical" and of "the relativity of the canonical" (RODCO
by the fact that the internal structure of the human VARELA). According to Jimenez Urresti, it finds
being tends to express itself in social forms - a correspondence in formal logic because of the doc-
concept universally acknowledged by philosophical trinal character of theological language, which tends

120 121
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

to offer definitions, and the pragmatic nature of ju- rallaw, beginning with the consideration of its prac-
ridicallanguage, which tends to merely prescribe and tical unavoidability because an ecclesial community
provide practical judgments. This latter assumption that rejects "order" exposes itself to the risk of self-
is incorrect; it confuses juridical science, which destruction.
certainly tends to provide definitions at the level of The program of Concilium, without supporting itself
"general theory," with certain aspects of legislative by an explicit theory, tendentially reduces canon law
technique. to a purely extrinsic element. Canon law is postu-
This system, however, as it has recently been lated by the need for socioecclesial fellowship and
redefined by Peter Huizing, is founded on a doctrinal held to be incapable of determining Christian exis-
eclecticism that renders it incapable of providing a tence intrinsically and structurally, except for the
significant answer to the theological problematic posed merely ethical plane. Concilium limits itself to point-
by the ecclesial juridical phenomenon. According to ing out, empirically, the dualism that exists between
Huizing, the function of canon law - defined by the institution and charism, without attempting a re-
category of "service" borrowed by Protestant theol- sponse of its own, and entrusts the extrinsic task
ogy (Calvin, Barth) - is to resolve the ever-emergent of resolving the ensuing conflict to ecclesial "order."
conflicts between the Church of love and the Church Such an approach betrays too clearly a lack of logic
of law, between charism and institution. in thought and method that does not enable this
Moreover, the capacity of canon law to bind Chris- program to bear a theological analysis.
tians in conscience, without being able to force them Contemporaneously with the attempts of Bert-
- even through the institute of excommunication _ rams, of the School of Navarre, and of Concilium,
is not motivated by a normativity intrinsic to theo- some theologians and canonists have tried another
logical reality, but by a neo-Kantian moralism that methodological approach. They propose the mystery
is unconnected with metaphysics. of the Incarnation as the theological locus from which
Thus, the binding force of the canonical norm does to deduce an intrinsic relationship between the socio-
not seem to be derived from the metaphysical and sacramental structure of the Church and canon law.
theological structure of the law itself because the As we have seen, the merit of identifying the inser-
ultimate normative source is not even constituted by tion point of canon law in Christology belongs to
the Church as institution, but by the Holy Spirit, Phillips and to his fascination with the new eccle-
to whom the fundamental function of the discretio siology of the University of Tubingen. However, Phil-
spirituum is transcendentally attributed. Therefore, lips had seized only a partial aspect of this ecclesio-
no juridical character is formally attributed to the logy - namely that of the kingship of Christ - and
notion of canon law, but merely that of being a function had interpreted it within the parameters of secular
of order (Kirchenordnung). Its existence, moreover, public law. The Tubingen professors, on the other
is justified sociologically and on the basis of natu- hand, tended to place the problem of the relation-

122 123
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

to offer definitions, and the pragmatic nature of ju- rallaw, beginning with the consideration of its prac-
ridicallanguage, which tends to merely prescribe and tical unavoidability because an ecclesial community
provide practical judgments. This latter assumption that rejects "order" exposes itself to the risk of self-
is incorrect; it confuses juridical science, which destruction.
certainly tends to provide definitions at the level of The program of Concilium, without supporting itself
"general theory," with certain aspects of legislative by an explicit theory, tendentially reduces canon law
technique. to a purely extrinsic element. Canon law is postu-
This system, however, as it has recently been lated by the need for socioecclesial fellowship and
redefined by Peter Huizing, is founded on a doctrinal held to be incapable of determining Christian exis-
eclecticism that renders it incapable of providing a tence intrinsically and structurally, except for the
significant answer to the theological problematic posed merely ethical plane. Concilium limits itself to point-
by the ecclesial juridical phenomenon. According to ing out, empirically, the dualism that exists between
Huizing, the function of canon law - defined by the institution and charism, without attempting a re-
category of "service" borrowed by Protestant theol- sponse of its own, and entrusts the extrinsic task
ogy (Calvin, Barth) - is to resolve the ever-emergent of resolving the ensuing conflict to ecclesial "order."
conflicts between the Church of love and the Church Such an approach betrays too clearly a lack of logic
of law, between charism and institution. in thought and method that does not enable this
Moreover, the capacity of canon law to bind Chris- program to bear a theological analysis.
tians in conscience, without being able to force them Contemporaneously with the attempts of Bert-
- even through the institute of excommunication _ rams, of the School of Navarre, and of Concilium,
is not motivated by a normativity intrinsic to theo- some theologians and canonists have tried another
logical reality, but by a neo-Kantian moralism that methodological approach. They propose the mystery
is unconnected with metaphysics. of the Incarnation as the theological locus from which
Thus, the binding force of the canonical norm does to deduce an intrinsic relationship between the socio-
not seem to be derived from the metaphysical and sacramental structure of the Church and canon law.
theological structure of the law itself because the As we have seen, the merit of identifying the inser-
ultimate normative source is not even constituted by tion point of canon law in Christology belongs to
the Church as institution, but by the Holy Spirit, Phillips and to his fascination with the new eccle-
to whom the fundamental function of the discretio siology of the University of Tubingen. However, Phil-
spirituum is transcendentally attributed. Therefore, lips had seized only a partial aspect of this ecclesio-
no juridical character is formally attributed to the logy - namely that of the kingship of Christ - and
notion of canon law, but merely that of being a function had interpreted it within the parameters of secular
of order (Kirchenordnung). Its existence, moreover, public law. The Tubingen professors, on the other
is justified sociologically and on the basis of natu- hand, tended to place the problem of the relation-

122 123
Unity of Law in Theology
Catholic Theology

ship of Christ, Church and society within the whole social and visible dimension of the Church as totality
perspective of the mystery of Christ and of the Church. of the mystery of the Incarnation and the existence
The mystery of the Church was considered to be the of the juridical dimension. Clearly, the doctrinal as-
prolongation in history of the Incarnation of Christ. sumption of such a bond by the magisterium, even
The Tubingen insights were to remain unexploited if perfectly valid in content, has not been able to
for the better part of a century, until Mystici cor- render theoretically plausible the existence of law it-
poris, for several reasons. First, a historical and sys- self. First, the Council, not having redefined the
tematic preoccupation dominated the Pandectian study formal concept of canon law theologically, was forced
of canon law with Hinschius, Scherer and Wernz. to borrow it implicitly from the social philosophy of
Second, after the codification, an exegetical and the Church. Second, if it is true that the mystery
manualistic pragmatism was prevalent within of the Incarnation postulates the visibility of the
canonistic studies. The most important reason, Church, then it is not true that such a visibility
however, was the modernist crisis, which contributed necessarily postulates juridicity because, as Sohm has
to keeping the academic prestige of the ius publicum held, such a visibility could also express itselfthrough
ecclesiasticum intact until Vatican II. a purely charismatic structure. It follows that juridi-
Pre-Vatican II authors such as Salaverri, Stickler cal normativity is ultimately derived from the social
and Heimerl attempted to place the ultimate root of structure of human social life as it exists before its
the social character of the Church within the mys- assumption in the mystery of the Incarnation. The
tery of the Incarnation of the Son of God. They affirm imprint of natural law theory remains profoundly
that Christ, by becoming incarnate, has taken on and present.
involved himself with human nature in all its The terms of the problem do not change even if
dimensions, including the sociocommunal one that the mystery of the Incarnation is substituted with
is fulfilled within the Church (STICKLER). They also that of the presence of the Holy Spirit in the
assert that such a root is suggested by the fact that Church, as was attempted by the magisterium itself.
the Church, as the historical moment of the working (See the Address by Paul VI to the Second Inter-
out of salvation, also continues to mediate Christ's national Congress of Canon Law, 1973.) To resolve
intervention soteriologically, on the strength of the this problem, it is not sufficient to affirm that "all
Church's normative imperativity (HEIMERL). the juridical and institutional elements" - in the
This methodological line, which attempts to over- same way, in any case, as the charismatic elements
come the extrinsic nature of alternative methodolo- - "are sacred because they are vivified by the Holy
gies, has been approved by Vatican II, at least Spirit," nor that "the Spirit and law, in their very
implicitly. In the constitution Lumen gentium source, form a union," by which "the polarity between
(n. 8) and in the decree Optatam totius (n. 16), an the spiritual and supernatural character and the
indissoluble bond has been established between the juridical and institutional one of the Church, far from
Unity of Law in Theology
Catholic Theology

ship of Christ, Church and society within the whole social and visible dimension of the Church as totality
perspective of the mystery of Christ and of the Church. of the mystery of the Incarnation and the existence
The mystery of the Church was considered to be the of the juridical dimension. Clearly, the doctrinal as-
prolongation in history of the Incarnation of Christ. sumption of such a bond by the magisterium, even
The Tubingen insights were to remain unexploited if perfectly valid in content, has not been able to
for the better part of a century, until Mystici cor- render theoretically plausible the existence of law it-
poris, for several reasons. First, a historical and sys- self. First, the Council, not having redefined the
tematic preoccupation dominated the Pandectian study formal concept of canon law theologically, was forced
of canon law with Hinschius, Scherer and Wernz. to borrow it implicitly from the social philosophy of
Second, after the codification, an exegetical and the Church. Second, if it is true that the mystery
manualistic pragmatism was prevalent within of the Incarnation postulates the visibility of the
canonistic studies. The most important reason, Church, then it is not true that such a visibility
however, was the modernist crisis, which contributed necessarily postulates juridicity because, as Sohm has
to keeping the academic prestige of the ius publicum held, such a visibility could also express itselfthrough
ecclesiasticum intact until Vatican II. a purely charismatic structure. It follows that juridi-
Pre-Vatican II authors such as Salaverri, Stickler cal normativity is ultimately derived from the social
and Heimerl attempted to place the ultimate root of structure of human social life as it exists before its
the social character of the Church within the mys- assumption in the mystery of the Incarnation. The
tery of the Incarnation of the Son of God. They affirm imprint of natural law theory remains profoundly
that Christ, by becoming incarnate, has taken on and present.
involved himself with human nature in all its The terms of the problem do not change even if
dimensions, including the sociocommunal one that the mystery of the Incarnation is substituted with
is fulfilled within the Church (STICKLER). They also that of the presence of the Holy Spirit in the
assert that such a root is suggested by the fact that Church, as was attempted by the magisterium itself.
the Church, as the historical moment of the working (See the Address by Paul VI to the Second Inter-
out of salvation, also continues to mediate Christ's national Congress of Canon Law, 1973.) To resolve
intervention soteriologically, on the strength of the this problem, it is not sufficient to affirm that "all
Church's normative imperativity (HEIMERL). the juridical and institutional elements" - in the
This methodological line, which attempts to over- same way, in any case, as the charismatic elements
come the extrinsic nature of alternative methodolo- - "are sacred because they are vivified by the Holy
gies, has been approved by Vatican II, at least Spirit," nor that "the Spirit and law, in their very
implicitly. In the constitution Lumen gentium source, form a union," by which "the polarity between
(n. 8) and in the decree Optatam totius (n. 16), an the spiritual and supernatural character and the
indissoluble bond has been established between the juridical and institutional one of the Church, far from
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

becoming a source of tension, is always oriented to- posed by modern Catholic theology, Klaus Morsdorf
ward the good of the Church, which is interiorly ani- has sought the theological point of insertion of ec-
mated and exteriorly sealed by the Holy Spirit" clesial law within the very elements that constitute
(L'Osservatore Romano 1973, n. 213). This statement the Church - that is, in word and sacrament. Word
already presupposes the existence of ecclesiallaw. The and symbolic sign, as primordial and structurally re-
juridical cannot be derived directly from the Holy Spir- ciprocal elements of human communication, have al-
it without the institutional mediation of the Church. ways been used by world culture as fit instruments
It is impossible to avoid noting that these two for the expression of juridical content. Christ, by
methodological positions do not overcome either the placing himself within the dynamic of the history of
theological dynamic - here reemerging between the salvation - in which God has already manifested
lines - of the elevation of the Church as human himself through word and symbolic acts - has
society to the supernatural sphere, or the voluntaris- rendered explicit their whole binding force. And, by
tic solution, according to which it is Christ and the virtue of the Incarnation itself, Christ has impressed
Holy Spirit who directly will the juridicity of the an ultimate value on word and sign - that is, a
Church. Nor would it be possible, clearly, to dem- sacramental value in the fundamental sense of the
onstrate that the juridical dimension of the Church expression. The word becomes kerygma and the symbol
is already present in the structural elements through a sacramental sign of the presence of God. Word and
which Christ and the Holy Spirit are present with- sacrament address the most intimate part ofthe human
in, and give life to, the Church. As Christ and the person and require a response; by becoming incar-
Holy Spirit act in obedience to the specific modalities nate, Christ has given the word and sacrament a
through which the Father has become manifest in definitive value for human existence.
history, we must ask why God has willed and chosen In Morsdorf's position, the key element of all Ca-
such modalities. Thus, the problem poses itself at tholic fundamental theology emerges - that of the
an earlier stage and coincides with the ultimate ques- locutio Dei attestans. Against Sohm's Protestant
tion of every theological system, and the answer offered doctrine, Morsdorf enters into a direct polemic, re-
is always either realistic or voluntaristic. What must affirming the thesis that word and sacrament do not
be avoided in specific cases is the acceptance for bind humans to give their adhesion because of a
convenience's sake ofa voluntarist solution that defines subjectively perceived intrinsic truth, but because of
the existence of law in the Church, insofar as this the very fact that God has spoken and manifest-
is a particular problem, as dependent on the will of ed himself. Word and sacrament, which therefore
Christ, because it is impossible to offer another organic have a formal binding force, generate from their
response internal to a fundamental theological option. intrinsic structure a new form of social aggregation,
Avoiding both the natural law and voluntarist destined to be the sign of God's presence in the world.
solutions inherent in the christological positions pro- Thus, the Church is a kerygmatic and sacramental

126 127
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

becoming a source of tension, is always oriented to- posed by modern Catholic theology, Klaus Morsdorf
ward the good of the Church, which is interiorly ani- has sought the theological point of insertion of ec-
mated and exteriorly sealed by the Holy Spirit" clesial law within the very elements that constitute
(L'Osservatore Romano 1973, n. 213). This statement the Church - that is, in word and sacrament. Word
already presupposes the existence of ecclesiallaw. The and symbolic sign, as primordial and structurally re-
juridical cannot be derived directly from the Holy Spir- ciprocal elements of human communication, have al-
it without the institutional mediation of the Church. ways been used by world culture as fit instruments
It is impossible to avoid noting that these two for the expression of juridical content. Christ, by
methodological positions do not overcome either the placing himself within the dynamic of the history of
theological dynamic - here reemerging between the salvation - in which God has already manifested
lines - of the elevation of the Church as human himself through word and symbolic acts - has
society to the supernatural sphere, or the voluntaris- rendered explicit their whole binding force. And, by
tic solution, according to which it is Christ and the virtue of the Incarnation itself, Christ has impressed
Holy Spirit who directly will the juridicity of the an ultimate value on word and sign - that is, a
Church. Nor would it be possible, clearly, to dem- sacramental value in the fundamental sense of the
onstrate that the juridical dimension of the Church expression. The word becomes kerygma and the symbol
is already present in the structural elements through a sacramental sign of the presence of God. Word and
which Christ and the Holy Spirit are present with- sacrament address the most intimate part ofthe human
in, and give life to, the Church. As Christ and the person and require a response; by becoming incar-
Holy Spirit act in obedience to the specific modalities nate, Christ has given the word and sacrament a
through which the Father has become manifest in definitive value for human existence.
history, we must ask why God has willed and chosen In Morsdorf's position, the key element of all Ca-
such modalities. Thus, the problem poses itself at tholic fundamental theology emerges - that of the
an earlier stage and coincides with the ultimate ques- locutio Dei attestans. Against Sohm's Protestant
tion of every theological system, and the answer offered doctrine, Morsdorf enters into a direct polemic, re-
is always either realistic or voluntaristic. What must affirming the thesis that word and sacrament do not
be avoided in specific cases is the acceptance for bind humans to give their adhesion because of a
convenience's sake ofa voluntarist solution that defines subjectively perceived intrinsic truth, but because of
the existence of law in the Church, insofar as this the very fact that God has spoken and manifest-
is a particular problem, as dependent on the will of ed himself. Word and sacrament, which therefore
Christ, because it is impossible to offer another organic have a formal binding force, generate from their
response internal to a fundamental theological option. intrinsic structure a new form of social aggregation,
Avoiding both the natural law and voluntarist destined to be the sign of God's presence in the world.
solutions inherent in the christological positions pro- Thus, the Church is a kerygmatic and sacramental

126 127
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

community that has the same binding value globally "ontological and epistemological" statute of ecclesial
as the word and sacrament from which it is geneti- law and, therefore, also of the methodological one.
cally constituted. The incarnational principle finds The fundamental premise for isolating the ontologi-
its realization in the Church, even if it is not com- cal element from the theological perspective is that
pletely identified with Christ's Incarnation, through the problem should not be approached through the
the mediation of word and sacrament, thus giving application of a philosophical preconception of the
a primordial sacramental value to the whole eccle- formal notion oflaw. Canon law, unlike secular law,
sial reality. The incarnational principle guarantees, is not generated by "a dynamism spontaneous
therefore, the necessary relationship that exists ('biological') to human social life," but by the specific
between the Church and canon law. one inherent in the nature of the Church, whose
Importantly, Morsdorf identified a secure locus social nature is genetically produced by grace and
theologicus, even if not an exclusive one. More im- is knowable only through faith.
portantly, however, he applied a rigorously theologi- The second assumption at work here is that the
cal method, without making concessions to phil- problem of the juridical ecclesial phenomenon is not
osophical postulates. On the other hand, he leaves to be faced by focusing merely on one particular aspect
the problem of the formal theological meaning of the of the mystery of the Church, such as Christ's "act
notion of law unresolved. That Morsdorf has not of foundation," the categories "people of God" and
resolved the problem satisfactorily emerges from the "mystical body," Word and Sacrament. According to
frequently cited definition of canon law he provides: Rouco Varela, it is necessary to proceed progressively,
"eine theologische Disziplin mit iuristicher Methode." taking into account all the essential connections that
If it is true that, in order to avoid the positivistic constitute the mystery of the Church. The first key
option, the method must be defined on the basis of moment is the definition of the Church as "people
the nature of the object and not vice versa, in what of God." This theological category is not meant to
sense is it possible to apply the juridical method to offer once more the possibility of justifying the exis-
a theological reality? tence of Church law by recourse to the natural law
principle, "ubi societas ibi et ius." The importance of
The Ontological and Epistemological Statute this category resides, rather, in the fact that it com-
pels us to provide an anthropological meaning for
The most lucid attempt to overcome this antinomy the notion of "law" and allows us to avoid an exces-
has been undertaken recently by Antonio Rouco Varela, sive spiritualization of the ius divinum. Excessive
one of the pioneers of the theology of canon law. spiritualization has been a problem for Protestant
Without pretending to provide a truly formal theo- theology, from Luther to those modern authors who
logical definition of canon law, the Salamanca canonist have sought a direct theological connection in the
proposes a list of elements for the elaboration of the transcendental categories of Christology and of the

128 129
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

community that has the same binding value globally "ontological and epistemological" statute of ecclesial
as the word and sacrament from which it is geneti- law and, therefore, also of the methodological one.
cally constituted. The incarnational principle finds The fundamental premise for isolating the ontologi-
its realization in the Church, even if it is not com- cal element from the theological perspective is that
pletely identified with Christ's Incarnation, through the problem should not be approached through the
the mediation of word and sacrament, thus giving application of a philosophical preconception of the
a primordial sacramental value to the whole eccle- formal notion oflaw. Canon law, unlike secular law,
sial reality. The incarnational principle guarantees, is not generated by "a dynamism spontaneous
therefore, the necessary relationship that exists ('biological') to human social life," but by the specific
between the Church and canon law. one inherent in the nature of the Church, whose
Importantly, Morsdorf identified a secure locus social nature is genetically produced by grace and
theologicus, even if not an exclusive one. More im- is knowable only through faith.
portantly, however, he applied a rigorously theologi- The second assumption at work here is that the
cal method, without making concessions to phil- problem of the juridical ecclesial phenomenon is not
osophical postulates. On the other hand, he leaves to be faced by focusing merely on one particular aspect
the problem of the formal theological meaning of the of the mystery of the Church, such as Christ's "act
notion of law unresolved. That Morsdorf has not of foundation," the categories "people of God" and
resolved the problem satisfactorily emerges from the "mystical body," Word and Sacrament. According to
frequently cited definition of canon law he provides: Rouco Varela, it is necessary to proceed progressively,
"eine theologische Disziplin mit iuristicher Methode." taking into account all the essential connections that
If it is true that, in order to avoid the positivistic constitute the mystery of the Church. The first key
option, the method must be defined on the basis of moment is the definition of the Church as "people
the nature of the object and not vice versa, in what of God." This theological category is not meant to
sense is it possible to apply the juridical method to offer once more the possibility of justifying the exis-
a theological reality? tence of Church law by recourse to the natural law
principle, "ubi societas ibi et ius." The importance of
The Ontological and Epistemological Statute this category resides, rather, in the fact that it com-
pels us to provide an anthropological meaning for
The most lucid attempt to overcome this antinomy the notion of "law" and allows us to avoid an exces-
has been undertaken recently by Antonio Rouco Varela, sive spiritualization of the ius divinum. Excessive
one of the pioneers of the theology of canon law. spiritualization has been a problem for Protestant
Without pretending to provide a truly formal theo- theology, from Luther to those modern authors who
logical definition of canon law, the Salamanca canonist have sought a direct theological connection in the
proposes a list of elements for the elaboration of the transcendental categories of Christology and of the

128 129
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

mystery of the Trinity. Moreover, the fact that the "tolerates law as an element determinant in its life,
Church, besides being "people of God," is also the or whether consent is to be extended to it for more
"mystical body of Christ" offers the Christological or less contingent historical reasons," or whether the
element necessary to qualify the social and visible Church needs law "because of a proper internal ne-
nature of the Church not on the basis of secular cessity as a community which lives a human con-
parameters - as Bellarmine had done in compar- dition, or because of sin." The question for Rouco
ing the visibility of the Church to that of the Republic Varela is, rather, whether "the Church as such,
of Venice - but on the basis of the structure of the beginning with that by which it is positively consti-
sacrament. The visibility of the Church is sacramen- tuted, needs law for internal necessity, that is, in
tal in nature. order to be itself as sacrament of Christian salvation
Third, it is necessary to take into account the fact which lives of the breath of the Holy Spirit in faith,
that the Church is a community founded on Word hope and charity." In addition, Rouco Varela has at-
and Sacrament, whose ultimate binding force is tempted to enlarge the perspective of reflection on
addressed not only to the homo interior, but to the the entire mystery of salvation as it becomes concrete
whole anthropological reality, internal and external, within the Church, which is its definitive modality.
of the human person. Lastly, Rouco Varela under- Although Rouco Varela does propose to return to
lines the impossibility, in evaluating the juridicity the topic in a more analytic manner, it seems op-
ofthe Church, of overlooking the principle of apostolic portune to stress even now that a list of the con-
succession as guarantee of the present authenticity stitutive elements of the ontological statute of canon
of the canonical injunctions of the Church. It follows law (people of God, mystical body, etc.) requires a
that the "ontological statute" of canon law must be detailed evaluation of the "specific theological
determined by beginning with its function of "express- weight" of each such element in the process of
ing as a consequence of the Incarnation" the dimen- establishing the formal binding force of the ec-
sion through which the Church, as "sacrament of clesial juridical phenomenon. In particular, it
salvation in Christ," involves itself in a binding social seems that the formal principle of apostolic succession
manner, or with its function as "the structural di- presupposes the existence of Word and Sacrament.
mension implicit in ecclesial communion." The Church is not juridically binding by force of
Rouco Varela borrows his central methodological the apostolic succession - to which, by diverse cri-
approach from Morsdorf's work; nevertheless, his teria, Protestant churches and even certain charis-
system is superior to the latter in two ways. In the matic ecclesial communities can establish a connec-
first place, it has rendered explicit with extreme tion - except in the sense that apostolic succession
stringency the status quaestionis to which the the- guarantees the authenticity of the juridical injunc-
ology of canon law must today provide an answer. tion already ontologically rooted in the fundamentally
The question is no longer merely whether the Church sacramental structure of the Church.

130 131
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

mystery of the Trinity. Moreover, the fact that the "tolerates law as an element determinant in its life,
Church, besides being "people of God," is also the or whether consent is to be extended to it for more
"mystical body of Christ" offers the Christological or less contingent historical reasons," or whether the
element necessary to qualify the social and visible Church needs law "because of a proper internal ne-
nature of the Church not on the basis of secular cessity as a community which lives a human con-
parameters - as Bellarmine had done in compar- dition, or because of sin." The question for Rouco
ing the visibility of the Church to that of the Republic Varela is, rather, whether "the Church as such,
of Venice - but on the basis of the structure of the beginning with that by which it is positively consti-
sacrament. The visibility of the Church is sacramen- tuted, needs law for internal necessity, that is, in
tal in nature. order to be itself as sacrament of Christian salvation
Third, it is necessary to take into account the fact which lives of the breath of the Holy Spirit in faith,
that the Church is a community founded on Word hope and charity." In addition, Rouco Varela has at-
and Sacrament, whose ultimate binding force is tempted to enlarge the perspective of reflection on
addressed not only to the homo interior, but to the the entire mystery of salvation as it becomes concrete
whole anthropological reality, internal and external, within the Church, which is its definitive modality.
of the human person. Lastly, Rouco Varela under- Although Rouco Varela does propose to return to
lines the impossibility, in evaluating the juridicity the topic in a more analytic manner, it seems op-
ofthe Church, of overlooking the principle of apostolic portune to stress even now that a list of the con-
succession as guarantee of the present authenticity stitutive elements of the ontological statute of canon
of the canonical injunctions of the Church. It follows law (people of God, mystical body, etc.) requires a
that the "ontological statute" of canon law must be detailed evaluation of the "specific theological
determined by beginning with its function of "express- weight" of each such element in the process of
ing as a consequence of the Incarnation" the dimen- establishing the formal binding force of the ec-
sion through which the Church, as "sacrament of clesial juridical phenomenon. In particular, it
salvation in Christ," involves itself in a binding social seems that the formal principle of apostolic succession
manner, or with its function as "the structural di- presupposes the existence of Word and Sacrament.
mension implicit in ecclesial communion." The Church is not juridically binding by force of
Rouco Varela borrows his central methodological the apostolic succession - to which, by diverse cri-
approach from Morsdorf's work; nevertheless, his teria, Protestant churches and even certain charis-
system is superior to the latter in two ways. In the matic ecclesial communities can establish a connec-
first place, it has rendered explicit with extreme tion - except in the sense that apostolic succession
stringency the status quaestionis to which the the- guarantees the authenticity of the juridical injunc-
ology of canon law must today provide an answer. tion already ontologically rooted in the fundamentally
The question is no longer merely whether the Church sacramental structure of the Church.

130 131
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

One of the most paradoxical results of Vatican II, Within this perspective, both the cultural function
whose subtle antijuridical vein might have raised exercised directly by medieval canon law on the
other expectations, has been that of provoking a ri- development of the philosophy and general theory
gorous renewal of canonical science - a renewal of law, and the apologetic function formerly per-
which, nevertheless, theological science has not yet formed by the jus publicum ecclesiasticum are
noticed. Within this renewal - which moves along indirectly reclaimed by the prophetic force of the
several lines and is, in many ways, independent of theological datum enunciated by ecclesial law itself.
the work of preparing of the new codification, - the The first preoccupation of this new canonical
formation of a new science of canon law begins to ap- science orientation has been to provide a theologi-
pear. This could lead canonical science, after the clas- cal justification for the existence of canon law, with
sical medieval one and the post-Triedentine one of a view toward elaborating a proper theology of
the jus publicum ecclesiasticum, into the third phase canon law that cannot fail to touch on the question
of its history. of methodology. Our analysis of the methodological
The first phase, having begun with Gratian's approaches of Catholic canon law, from the mid-
methodological and systematic distinction of canon seventeenth century until today, in establishing the
law from theology, issued in the acknowledgement doctrinal presuppositions necessary to found the ex-
of canon law as the general science of law within istence of ecclesial law in theology, clearly demon-
Christendom, where the law of the Decretals, together strates how every attempt has remained incomplete.
with the Roman one, enjoyed the authority of com- None has been able to establish a precise "theologi-
mon law. The jus publicum ecclesiasticum, formed cal statute" of canon law. The magisterium itself
as a new science after the Reformation, contempo- has provided indications that the problem of the
raneous with the birth of the modern absolutist state theological foundation of ecclesial law must be faced
of natural law origin, has developed a confessional within a global framework, namely, that of a theol-
juridical system whose primary function has been to ogy of canon law (CORECCO). Moreover, the lack of
guarantee apologetically the right of citizenship of a theology of canon law that can precisely fix the
the Catholic Church within the secularized cultural ontological and epistemological statutes and, conse-
environment of the modern age. quently, the methodology proper to canonical
Aside from the diverse methodologies followed, the science, will unavoidably render the present reform
fundamental tendency of postconciliar canonical of the Code, a priori, merely interlocutory.
science is to again provide the science of canon law In effect, the problem is one of overcoming the
with a more precise theological identity, which must methodological preconception from which this medie-
necessarily issue in the elaboration of ajuridical system val formula polemically issued: "Legista sine canoni-
exclusively conceived as an ecclesial juridical order bus parum, canonista sine legibus nihil valet" [A
- that is, as a law internal to the Catholic Church. legislator without laws has little value; a canonist

132 133
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

One of the most paradoxical results of Vatican II, Within this perspective, both the cultural function
whose subtle antijuridical vein might have raised exercised directly by medieval canon law on the
other expectations, has been that of provoking a ri- development of the philosophy and general theory
gorous renewal of canonical science - a renewal of law, and the apologetic function formerly per-
which, nevertheless, theological science has not yet formed by the jus publicum ecclesiasticum are
noticed. Within this renewal - which moves along indirectly reclaimed by the prophetic force of the
several lines and is, in many ways, independent of theological datum enunciated by ecclesial law itself.
the work of preparing of the new codification, - the The first preoccupation of this new canonical
formation of a new science of canon law begins to ap- science orientation has been to provide a theologi-
pear. This could lead canonical science, after the clas- cal justification for the existence of canon law, with
sical medieval one and the post-Triedentine one of a view toward elaborating a proper theology of
the jus publicum ecclesiasticum, into the third phase canon law that cannot fail to touch on the question
of its history. of methodology. Our analysis of the methodological
The first phase, having begun with Gratian's approaches of Catholic canon law, from the mid-
methodological and systematic distinction of canon seventeenth century until today, in establishing the
law from theology, issued in the acknowledgement doctrinal presuppositions necessary to found the ex-
of canon law as the general science of law within istence of ecclesial law in theology, clearly demon-
Christendom, where the law of the Decretals, together strates how every attempt has remained incomplete.
with the Roman one, enjoyed the authority of com- None has been able to establish a precise "theologi-
mon law. The jus publicum ecclesiasticum, formed cal statute" of canon law. The magisterium itself
as a new science after the Reformation, contempo- has provided indications that the problem of the
raneous with the birth of the modern absolutist state theological foundation of ecclesial law must be faced
of natural law origin, has developed a confessional within a global framework, namely, that of a theol-
juridical system whose primary function has been to ogy of canon law (CORECCO). Moreover, the lack of
guarantee apologetically the right of citizenship of a theology of canon law that can precisely fix the
the Catholic Church within the secularized cultural ontological and epistemological statutes and, conse-
environment of the modern age. quently, the methodology proper to canonical
Aside from the diverse methodologies followed, the science, will unavoidably render the present reform
fundamental tendency of postconciliar canonical of the Code, a priori, merely interlocutory.
science is to again provide the science of canon law In effect, the problem is one of overcoming the
with a more precise theological identity, which must methodological preconception from which this medie-
necessarily issue in the elaboration of ajuridical system val formula polemically issued: "Legista sine canoni-
exclusively conceived as an ecclesial juridical order bus parum, canonista sine legibus nihil valet" [A
- that is, as a law internal to the Catholic Church. legislator without laws has little value; a canonist

132 133
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

without laws has no value]. This reflects the cultural canon law is also juridical, so its juridical reality is
background of a Christendom in which the function also theological without any possibility of dichotomy.
of canon law was not limited to the ecclesial sphere, This means that the theological reality does not so
but extended also to the secular one because it much oppose itself to juridical reality as such, but
pretended to contain a universal normative worth. to a juridical reality that would pretend to be purely
The "theologization" and "sacramentalization" of anthropological and rational. This suggests the de-
canon law do not lead to its "de-juridization" because fect of method that besets canonical science, namely
the normativity that issues from the Church - as believing that, having demonstrated the existence of
is evident in the institute of excommunication - is the theological statute of canon law, it is still possible
an unambiguous index of juridical authenticity, that to treat it, from the juridical perspective, as a worldly
is, of the existence of an injunction that binds the reality. Canonical science must rigorously apply the
intersubjective relations of Christians as they face theological method, leaving to the juridical one the
ecclesial authority and each other. Indeed, there exists role of a purely auxiliary discipline, as has been
no more strongly binding and imperative reality than asserted by modern juridical science. The connection
the fact that God makes himself manifest to human between divine law and the canonical human law can
beings through the historical concreteness of the be established only within the logic and method-
Church. To attribute a formal juridical force to the ology proper to faith.
reality of the Church is not merely to attempt a human Even if the conviction has been diversely mani-
conceptual approximation, but to intensify and render fested, canonical science has always been conscious
absolute the normativity of ecclesial law, at least in that, with respect to secular law, that of the Church
its founding elements, with respect to that ofthe state. is a sui generis law. Modern literature, however, goes
Canon law has a binding force much greater than further and begins to more stringently express the
that of secular law, as it is more profoundly rooted impossibility of continuing to consider secular law
in the normativity of the ius dioinum, which is not as analogatum princeps of the ecclesial one. More-
primarily natural, but positive - that is, of reve- over, the use of the analogy itself begins to be ques-
lation. In fact, it is a law that, unlike the secular tioned. If it allows negatively for the grasping of the
one, does not pretend to require obedience at a merely diversity between the two juridical orders, it is
ethical level; canon law goes to the very level of the insufficient to define positively the specific nature of
ultimate and supernatural destiny of human beings ecclesial law and is even less fit to explain a general
and their salvation. It is, therefore, different from theory of more than juridical character, as has been
secular law in the whole totality of its elements, not amply done.
only as a theological reality, but also as a juridical Inevitably, the search for a new ontological and
one. epistemological statute of canon law brings to the
In the same way that the theological reality of fore the perennially key problems of juridical science:

134 135
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

without laws has no value]. This reflects the cultural canon law is also juridical, so its juridical reality is
background of a Christendom in which the function also theological without any possibility of dichotomy.
of canon law was not limited to the ecclesial sphere, This means that the theological reality does not so
but extended also to the secular one because it much oppose itself to juridical reality as such, but
pretended to contain a universal normative worth. to a juridical reality that would pretend to be purely
The "theologization" and "sacramentalization" of anthropological and rational. This suggests the de-
canon law do not lead to its "de-juridization" because fect of method that besets canonical science, namely
the normativity that issues from the Church - as believing that, having demonstrated the existence of
is evident in the institute of excommunication - is the theological statute of canon law, it is still possible
an unambiguous index of juridical authenticity, that to treat it, from the juridical perspective, as a worldly
is, of the existence of an injunction that binds the reality. Canonical science must rigorously apply the
intersubjective relations of Christians as they face theological method, leaving to the juridical one the
ecclesial authority and each other. Indeed, there exists role of a purely auxiliary discipline, as has been
no more strongly binding and imperative reality than asserted by modern juridical science. The connection
the fact that God makes himself manifest to human between divine law and the canonical human law can
beings through the historical concreteness of the be established only within the logic and method-
Church. To attribute a formal juridical force to the ology proper to faith.
reality of the Church is not merely to attempt a human Even if the conviction has been diversely mani-
conceptual approximation, but to intensify and render fested, canonical science has always been conscious
absolute the normativity of ecclesial law, at least in that, with respect to secular law, that of the Church
its founding elements, with respect to that ofthe state. is a sui generis law. Modern literature, however, goes
Canon law has a binding force much greater than further and begins to more stringently express the
that of secular law, as it is more profoundly rooted impossibility of continuing to consider secular law
in the normativity of the ius dioinum, which is not as analogatum princeps of the ecclesial one. More-
primarily natural, but positive - that is, of reve- over, the use of the analogy itself begins to be ques-
lation. In fact, it is a law that, unlike the secular tioned. If it allows negatively for the grasping of the
one, does not pretend to require obedience at a merely diversity between the two juridical orders, it is
ethical level; canon law goes to the very level of the insufficient to define positively the specific nature of
ultimate and supernatural destiny of human beings ecclesial law and is even less fit to explain a general
and their salvation. It is, therefore, different from theory of more than juridical character, as has been
secular law in the whole totality of its elements, not amply done.
only as a theological reality, but also as a juridical Inevitably, the search for a new ontological and
one. epistemological statute of canon law brings to the
In the same way that the theological reality of fore the perennially key problems of juridical science:

134 135
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

those of the formal definitions of the notions of right incapable of finding a connection with reality and
and of law. It is significant that St. Thomas did not with history.
analyze the problem of law with the typical approach A prephilosophical and pretheological notion of law,
of the jurist or the canonist, but with that of the in use in all human culture, allows both philosophers
philosopher-theologian. Although he confronted only and theologians to engage in a reciprocally intelligible
some essential elements of the question, he never- discourse, even if they use different definitions of law.
theless noted the fundamental ones of the definition Canon law, unlike secular law, is not generated by
of law (I-II, q. 90 ff.) and that of right (II-II, q. 57). "the (biological) spontaneous dynamism of human
In addition, given that canonical science no longer existence," but by the specific social dynamism in-
wishes to define itself as a juridical science and but herent in the very nature of ecclesial communion,
as a theological one, it must face the problem of the whose sociality is genetically produced not by human
formal definition of its own subject quod - that is, nature, but by grace. Grace, then, establishes other
of its own notion of law. Medieval and modern ca- intersubjective and structural relationships that are
nonical science have defined law by starting with the appropriate to the constitution of the Church and are
category of iustum and of the obiectum virtutis ius- knowable only through faith.
titiae, but it is clear that these, being of philosophi- The ultimate end of the canonical order is not
cal origin, are not able to adequately explain the simply that of guaranteeing the bonum commune
juridical dimension specific to the Church. ecclesiae, but of realizing communio. Indeed, canoni-
Canonical science can no longer be satisfied with cal order is the specific modality by which intersub-
handing down, without renewed examination, the jective relations and those relations that exist on a
notion of law underlying the CIC, formulated by more structural level between the particular churches
Suarez as a synthesis of the entire philosophical- and the universal one become binding. The reality
juridical thought of Scholasticism. Thus, the funda- of the communio, therefore, has a binding force with-
mental presupposition for a theological understand- in the ecclesial community that goes beyond the po-
ing of the ontological stature of ecclesial law is that tentially purely mystical limits of Eastern sobornost.
we must not rely on a philosophical preconception It follows that the principle of communio must be
of the fundamental notion of law. However, the need considered as the formal principle of canon law -
to avoid such a philosophical preconception does not that is, of the nova lex euangelii, the starting point
mean, as Coccopalmerio seems to argue, that it is for defining the juridical structure of canonical in-
possible to derive the notion of canon law from an stitutes at both the formal and material levels. The
exclusive examination of the social structure of the ultimate juridical certainty of the canonical order,
Church. Given that the essence of the Church is indeed, is not guaranteed by the littera legis itself
knowable only by faith, such a process risks the - as happens with the order of the state, in which
failure of the analogia entis, rendering any theology juridical epikeia is not possible - but from the

136 137
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

those of the formal definitions of the notions of right incapable of finding a connection with reality and
and of law. It is significant that St. Thomas did not with history.
analyze the problem of law with the typical approach A prephilosophical and pretheological notion of law,
of the jurist or the canonist, but with that of the in use in all human culture, allows both philosophers
philosopher-theologian. Although he confronted only and theologians to engage in a reciprocally intelligible
some essential elements of the question, he never- discourse, even if they use different definitions of law.
theless noted the fundamental ones of the definition Canon law, unlike secular law, is not generated by
of law (I-II, q. 90 ff.) and that of right (II-II, q. 57). "the (biological) spontaneous dynamism of human
In addition, given that canonical science no longer existence," but by the specific social dynamism in-
wishes to define itself as a juridical science and but herent in the very nature of ecclesial communion,
as a theological one, it must face the problem of the whose sociality is genetically produced not by human
formal definition of its own subject quod - that is, nature, but by grace. Grace, then, establishes other
of its own notion of law. Medieval and modern ca- intersubjective and structural relationships that are
nonical science have defined law by starting with the appropriate to the constitution of the Church and are
category of iustum and of the obiectum virtutis ius- knowable only through faith.
titiae, but it is clear that these, being of philosophi- The ultimate end of the canonical order is not
cal origin, are not able to adequately explain the simply that of guaranteeing the bonum commune
juridical dimension specific to the Church. ecclesiae, but of realizing communio. Indeed, canoni-
Canonical science can no longer be satisfied with cal order is the specific modality by which intersub-
handing down, without renewed examination, the jective relations and those relations that exist on a
notion of law underlying the CIC, formulated by more structural level between the particular churches
Suarez as a synthesis of the entire philosophical- and the universal one become binding. The reality
juridical thought of Scholasticism. Thus, the funda- of the communio, therefore, has a binding force with-
mental presupposition for a theological understand- in the ecclesial community that goes beyond the po-
ing of the ontological stature of ecclesial law is that tentially purely mystical limits of Eastern sobornost.
we must not rely on a philosophical preconception It follows that the principle of communio must be
of the fundamental notion of law. However, the need considered as the formal principle of canon law -
to avoid such a philosophical preconception does not that is, of the nova lex euangelii, the starting point
mean, as Coccopalmerio seems to argue, that it is for defining the juridical structure of canonical in-
possible to derive the notion of canon law from an stitutes at both the formal and material levels. The
exclusive examination of the social structure of the ultimate juridical certainty of the canonical order,
Church. Given that the essence of the Church is indeed, is not guaranteed by the littera legis itself
knowable only by faith, such a process risks the - as happens with the order of the state, in which
failure of the analogia entis, rendering any theology juridical epikeia is not possible - but from the

136 137
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

communio that informs it. Thus, within the canoni- in which the Church is considered as a human society
cal system, one can speak of juridical certainty only raised to the supernatural order. It follows that the
by analogy. Moreover, if the point of reference were ultimate point of reference of these definitions, des-
the modern state order, it would have to be denied. pite the inevitable reference to revelation, is provided
The radical diversity existing between the bonum by the philosophical preconceptions of Christian
commune ecclesiae, understood philosophically, and thought with regard to human sociality and law.
communio, a theological reality founded in revela- Therefore, it is not surprising that the state of the
tion, is qualitative - as qualitative as the gap that question has remained substantially identical with
exists in the analogy between the lex Moysis and the that posited by Thomas in the treatise De legibus
nova lex evangelii, or grace. This gap is created by in the Summa. Although waverings have been caused
the fact that grace, having become ontologically "in- by emphasizing the element of the voluntas (with
carnate" in the human person, inserts the person in respect to the Thomistic definition centered around
a new relationship with God and with other people the ratio), there has been a preoccupation with
- that is, into the relationship of communion. Thus, clarifying the ecclesial or technical perspective of
grace is the new and specifically ecclesial modality canon law with respect to Thomas's general defini-
ofthe existence ofthe ius divinum, the root of a visible tion of law.
sociality different from all forms of merely human The Thomastic definition is composed of four
sociality. Further, grace is all the more binding, not elements: reason, legislator, common good and prom-
only at the ethical but also at the structural level, ulgation. This definition is undoubtedly provided by
because it claims to mediate salvation, or God's jus- the elementordinatio rationis. What did Thomas mean
tice, by incarnating it and working through the by defining the law as ordinatio rationis? One of the
institution "Church." most complete and precise attempts to isolate the
The problem of the nature of canon law cannot global meaning, within Thomistic theology, of the
be resolved without a new formal definition of the treatise De legibus (composed by Thomas in the full
concept of canon law itself. The CIC of 1917 and 1983 maturity of his thought) is undoubtedly that of the
did not provide a definition of canon law, but many Protestant Ulrich Kuhn. Kuhn adopts a dialectical
authors use the classic one of St. Thomas, "quaedam position in relation to other attempts. He does not
rationis ordinatio ad bonum commune, ab eo qui curam limit himself - beyond the fact that he is not always
communitatis habet, promulgata" [ordinance of reason successful in differentiating theology from theologia
for the common good, promulgated by the one who naturalis - to isolating the philosophical dimension
has charge of the community] (II-II, q. 9 a. 4 c.), of the treatise on law, but points out its theological
as the core and substance of their own definitions. value. We have come to share the opinion of Kuhn
Against the background of such definitions, however, who, in line with Dempf and Grabmann, holds that
there emerges a theology of the so-called "elevation," the treatise De legibus represents the key point of

138 139
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

communio that informs it. Thus, within the canoni- in which the Church is considered as a human society
cal system, one can speak of juridical certainty only raised to the supernatural order. It follows that the
by analogy. Moreover, if the point of reference were ultimate point of reference of these definitions, des-
the modern state order, it would have to be denied. pite the inevitable reference to revelation, is provided
The radical diversity existing between the bonum by the philosophical preconceptions of Christian
commune ecclesiae, understood philosophically, and thought with regard to human sociality and law.
communio, a theological reality founded in revela- Therefore, it is not surprising that the state of the
tion, is qualitative - as qualitative as the gap that question has remained substantially identical with
exists in the analogy between the lex Moysis and the that posited by Thomas in the treatise De legibus
nova lex evangelii, or grace. This gap is created by in the Summa. Although waverings have been caused
the fact that grace, having become ontologically "in- by emphasizing the element of the voluntas (with
carnate" in the human person, inserts the person in respect to the Thomistic definition centered around
a new relationship with God and with other people the ratio), there has been a preoccupation with
- that is, into the relationship of communion. Thus, clarifying the ecclesial or technical perspective of
grace is the new and specifically ecclesial modality canon law with respect to Thomas's general defini-
ofthe existence ofthe ius divinum, the root of a visible tion of law.
sociality different from all forms of merely human The Thomastic definition is composed of four
sociality. Further, grace is all the more binding, not elements: reason, legislator, common good and prom-
only at the ethical but also at the structural level, ulgation. This definition is undoubtedly provided by
because it claims to mediate salvation, or God's jus- the elementordinatio rationis. What did Thomas mean
tice, by incarnating it and working through the by defining the law as ordinatio rationis? One of the
institution "Church." most complete and precise attempts to isolate the
The problem of the nature of canon law cannot global meaning, within Thomistic theology, of the
be resolved without a new formal definition of the treatise De legibus (composed by Thomas in the full
concept of canon law itself. The CIC of 1917 and 1983 maturity of his thought) is undoubtedly that of the
did not provide a definition of canon law, but many Protestant Ulrich Kuhn. Kuhn adopts a dialectical
authors use the classic one of St. Thomas, "quaedam position in relation to other attempts. He does not
rationis ordinatio ad bonum commune, ab eo qui curam limit himself - beyond the fact that he is not always
communitatis habet, promulgata" [ordinance of reason successful in differentiating theology from theologia
for the common good, promulgated by the one who naturalis - to isolating the philosophical dimension
has charge of the community] (II-II, q. 9 a. 4 c.), of the treatise on law, but points out its theological
as the core and substance of their own definitions. value. We have come to share the opinion of Kuhn
Against the background of such definitions, however, who, in line with Dempf and Grabmann, holds that
there emerges a theology of the so-called "elevation," the treatise De legibus represents the key point of

138 139
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

the entire ethic to which, in consonance with his gen- This strongly anthropocentric premise emerges
eral conception of the relationship between nature also in the treatise on law - considered to be an
and grace, Thomas provides a greater breadth than instrument through which God aids humans
that found in merely natural ethics. This ethic leads externally (I-II, p. 90, prol.) - in which Thomas takes
humans constantly toward their supernatural final his definition of law not so much from the eternal
end, the beatitudo aeterna. or the divine law, but from the human one that could
The theological breadth of the treatise De legibus be borrowed from the political models of the Christian
is especially evidenced by two elements. There is first and Roman traditions. Defining the law as ordinatio
the fact that St. Thomas, although he defines the rationis, Thomas distances himself from the sacral
law as ordinatio rationis, considers such a definition and voluntaristic Franciscan tradition of St. Bonav-
valid not only for human and natural law, but also enture (eventually taken up by Scotus and Ockham)
for the lex aeterna and for the lex divina. As we have in order to make a clear choice in favor of the ratio,
seen, the lex aeterna is a concept borrowed from Cicero anthropocentrically considered as the supreme prin-
through Augustine, who had already transformed it ciple of human acts (I-II, q. 9 a. 1 c.). Law does not
theistically, thus allowing it to become the central bind through the force of a commanding will, whether
idea around which all medieval ethical-juridical transcendent or human, that demands obedience;
thought gravitated. And, at the level of ontological rather, it binds through the rigor of a syllogism of
and historical reflection, all other forms of law flow practical human reason.
toward the lex divina. Indeed, the lex nova, prepared Although there is no theology of canon law in the
by the vetus, is considered to be the definitive form Summa, it cannot be doubted that Thomas would
of the lex divina as the supernatural order of the have analogically applied his general definition
economy of salvation. The lex nova clearly compre- founded on the ordinatio rationis to such a theology.
hends, assumes and reclaims the lex aeterna and the Leaving aside speculations as to how he would have
naturalis. In the lex nova, Thomas resolves the applied his general theory of law to canon law, it
apparent antinomy between law and grace. Never- is clear that the fundamental problem of developing
theless, the ethics of the Summa, because of a more a theology of canon law is that posed by the central
mature Aristotelian inspiration, reveal not so much element of the definition itself - that is, by the
a heterotheonomic starting point as an anthropologi- ordinatio rationis. In what sense is the lex canonica
cal one. This preserves a transcendental and eschato- an ordinatio rationis? We must place this within the
logical perspective, but it finds its basic presuppo- context of a Christian culture in which Thomas could
sition in the affirmation ofthe natural ethical capacity place all prelates, whether temporales or spiritualis,
of the human person, and it finds expression in the on the same level without causing any ambiguities.
doctrine of the virtues, particularly the cardinal ones Thomas considered that all Christendom was
filtered through Aristotle from Plato. ultimately to be ruled and governed by the lex aeterna,

140 141
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

the entire ethic to which, in consonance with his gen- This strongly anthropocentric premise emerges
eral conception of the relationship between nature also in the treatise on law - considered to be an
and grace, Thomas provides a greater breadth than instrument through which God aids humans
that found in merely natural ethics. This ethic leads externally (I-II, p. 90, prol.) - in which Thomas takes
humans constantly toward their supernatural final his definition of law not so much from the eternal
end, the beatitudo aeterna. or the divine law, but from the human one that could
The theological breadth of the treatise De legibus be borrowed from the political models of the Christian
is especially evidenced by two elements. There is first and Roman traditions. Defining the law as ordinatio
the fact that St. Thomas, although he defines the rationis, Thomas distances himself from the sacral
law as ordinatio rationis, considers such a definition and voluntaristic Franciscan tradition of St. Bonav-
valid not only for human and natural law, but also enture (eventually taken up by Scotus and Ockham)
for the lex aeterna and for the lex divina. As we have in order to make a clear choice in favor of the ratio,
seen, the lex aeterna is a concept borrowed from Cicero anthropocentrically considered as the supreme prin-
through Augustine, who had already transformed it ciple of human acts (I-II, q. 9 a. 1 c.). Law does not
theistically, thus allowing it to become the central bind through the force of a commanding will, whether
idea around which all medieval ethical-juridical transcendent or human, that demands obedience;
thought gravitated. And, at the level of ontological rather, it binds through the rigor of a syllogism of
and historical reflection, all other forms of law flow practical human reason.
toward the lex divina. Indeed, the lex nova, prepared Although there is no theology of canon law in the
by the vetus, is considered to be the definitive form Summa, it cannot be doubted that Thomas would
of the lex divina as the supernatural order of the have analogically applied his general definition
economy of salvation. The lex nova clearly compre- founded on the ordinatio rationis to such a theology.
hends, assumes and reclaims the lex aeterna and the Leaving aside speculations as to how he would have
naturalis. In the lex nova, Thomas resolves the applied his general theory of law to canon law, it
apparent antinomy between law and grace. Never- is clear that the fundamental problem of developing
theless, the ethics of the Summa, because of a more a theology of canon law is that posed by the central
mature Aristotelian inspiration, reveal not so much element of the definition itself - that is, by the
a heterotheonomic starting point as an anthropologi- ordinatio rationis. In what sense is the lex canonica
cal one. This preserves a transcendental and eschato- an ordinatio rationis? We must place this within the
logical perspective, but it finds its basic presuppo- context of a Christian culture in which Thomas could
sition in the affirmation ofthe natural ethical capacity place all prelates, whether temporales or spiritualis,
of the human person, and it finds expression in the on the same level without causing any ambiguities.
doctrine of the virtues, particularly the cardinal ones Thomas considered that all Christendom was
filtered through Aristotle from Plato. ultimately to be ruled and governed by the lex aeterna,

140 141
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

and the ratio humana was held to be, in fact, al- theological nature of ecclesial law.
ready informed by faith. To speak of the ordinatio A canonical science that is called to give account of
rationis, therefore, did not create any problems, despite its own scientific identity, clarifying the ontological
the emphatically rationalistic content of Thomistic and methodological statute of its own obiectum quod,
Scholasticism. The most burning problem was not must be able to render radically explicit the analogical
that of the juxtaposition of ratio and fides - given meaning that the Thomistic definition of law has for
that the subordination of ratio to fides was acknowl- its own concept of norm. Ifthe concept of ratio changes
edged, and philosophy was peacefully considered as in meaning when applied to God - both because it
ancilla to theology - but the juxtaposition of ratio loses all discursive value and because it no longer
and voluntas within the pendular tension between even preserves univocally the meaning of intellectus
the intellectualist and voluntarist traditions of as affirmed in human cognitive potency (because in
thought. God the intellectus is affirmed only to be formally
In a cultural environment like the modern one, distinguished from voluntas) - then it is clear also
on the other hand, faith - not only insofar as it sur- that the notion of ratio, when referred to the lex
passes the force of human rationality, but also in- canonica as the necessary human derivation of the
sofar as it informs rationality in order to help it fulfill lex divina, cannot preserve the same meaning it has
its original function - is no longer accepted as a in relation to the lex humana.
point of reference of the bonum commune. Rather, As understood in its primarily philosophical value,
ratio, freed from all structural connection with faith, the lex aeterna corresponds to human positive law
has become the ultimate and unappealable criterion as ordinatio rationis. Understood in its primarily
of all human action. In such an environment, canoni- theological value, however - that is, as lex divina
cal science can no longer continue to define the lex revelata, which is no longer the projection of human
canonica as ordinatio rationis without creating a gross rationality or intelligence in God, but merely the
ambiguity concerning its own scientific identity. The incommunicable nature of the intelligere proper to
fact that this definition has been transmitted by modern God - the lex aeterna can no longer correspond to
canonical science - without bothering to stress its the ratio as a human discursive or intellectual modality
radically analogical nature - may not be surprising. but must correspond to another cognitive modality.
In fact, until very recently, science either has taken The ratio divina - which, as we have seen, means
the methodological approach of the jus publicum ec- motivation or cause (Wesensgrund or Sinnstruktur)
clesiasticum (whose primary reference point has of all realities contained in God's salvific plan - finds
ultimately been natural law), or the approach of the its analogatum minor not in ratio but in faith. In-
"general theory" (borrowed from modern juridical deed, faith does not know through a person's discur-
science), or that of exegetical canon law, which was sive modality, which is motivated by the intrinsic
never meant to go to the root of the problem of the demonstrative force of ratio, whether practical or

142 143
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

and the ratio humana was held to be, in fact, al- theological nature of ecclesial law.
ready informed by faith. To speak of the ordinatio A canonical science that is called to give account of
rationis, therefore, did not create any problems, despite its own scientific identity, clarifying the ontological
the emphatically rationalistic content of Thomistic and methodological statute of its own obiectum quod,
Scholasticism. The most burning problem was not must be able to render radically explicit the analogical
that of the juxtaposition of ratio and fides - given meaning that the Thomistic definition of law has for
that the subordination of ratio to fides was acknowl- its own concept of norm. Ifthe concept of ratio changes
edged, and philosophy was peacefully considered as in meaning when applied to God - both because it
ancilla to theology - but the juxtaposition of ratio loses all discursive value and because it no longer
and voluntas within the pendular tension between even preserves univocally the meaning of intellectus
the intellectualist and voluntarist traditions of as affirmed in human cognitive potency (because in
thought. God the intellectus is affirmed only to be formally
In a cultural environment like the modern one, distinguished from voluntas) - then it is clear also
on the other hand, faith - not only insofar as it sur- that the notion of ratio, when referred to the lex
passes the force of human rationality, but also in- canonica as the necessary human derivation of the
sofar as it informs rationality in order to help it fulfill lex divina, cannot preserve the same meaning it has
its original function - is no longer accepted as a in relation to the lex humana.
point of reference of the bonum commune. Rather, As understood in its primarily philosophical value,
ratio, freed from all structural connection with faith, the lex aeterna corresponds to human positive law
has become the ultimate and unappealable criterion as ordinatio rationis. Understood in its primarily
of all human action. In such an environment, canoni- theological value, however - that is, as lex divina
cal science can no longer continue to define the lex revelata, which is no longer the projection of human
canonica as ordinatio rationis without creating a gross rationality or intelligence in God, but merely the
ambiguity concerning its own scientific identity. The incommunicable nature of the intelligere proper to
fact that this definition has been transmitted by modern God - the lex aeterna can no longer correspond to
canonical science - without bothering to stress its the ratio as a human discursive or intellectual modality
radically analogical nature - may not be surprising. but must correspond to another cognitive modality.
In fact, until very recently, science either has taken The ratio divina - which, as we have seen, means
the methodological approach of the jus publicum ec- motivation or cause (Wesensgrund or Sinnstruktur)
clesiasticum (whose primary reference point has of all realities contained in God's salvific plan - finds
ultimately been natural law), or the approach of the its analogatum minor not in ratio but in faith. In-
"general theory" (borrowed from modern juridical deed, faith does not know through a person's discur-
science), or that of exegetical canon law, which was sive modality, which is motivated by the intrinsic
never meant to go to the root of the problem of the demonstrative force of ratio, whether practical or

142 143
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

speculative. Rather, the knowledge achieved by faith ratio to fides; or from above, from the ordinatio fidei
comes through accepting the authority of the locutio to the ordinatio rationis. In the latter case, however,
Dei attestans or of gratia. In faith, knowledge is not it is clear that the determinant element in the ana-
brought about by human logic; rather, the ratio divina logy is not the philosophical one of being, but the
itself is the ultimate "reason" or "cause" of all things. theological one of faith. This does not mean that
The ratio divina expresses itself ad extra as ordinatio canonical science, as a theological discipline, may
or as the authority of God. Human persons partici- exist without any connection to philosophical and
pate in the ratio divina through gratia, or the infused metaphysical perspectives, as some branches of mo-
supernatural virtue of faith. This means that they dern Protestant theology of law seem to believe. Al-
know the lex divina, define it historically and incar- though the analogia fidei is the fundamental epis-
nate it in time, not by the stringent logic of the temological criterion, this does not mean that one
syllogism formulated by their own ratio, but by force can do without the analogia entis in theology. It is
of divine motivation or of the formal authority of the one thing to note that natural law has too often
Word of God. The impulse of gratia leads human become dominant over divine law, as with the jus
persons to accept that Word in the act of faith. publicum ecclesiasticum school, and to propose that
If it is possible, in the philosophy of law, to work this be limited to an exclusively ecclesial conception.
with a notion of law that is metaphysically conceived The elimination of the analogia entis from canonical
as ordinatio rationis, by applying the analogia entis, science, however, would be something else entirely.
then the proper analogy in theology is that of faith. To substitute fides for ratio in the definition of canon
It follows, therefore, that a general theory of canon law does not imply the elimination of the analogia
law cannot be developed on the basis of a metaphysi- entis as an epistemological criterion, as faith cannot
cal definition of law in which a philosophical pre- be rooted in historical reality without this. This
conception of law itself is necessarily present. It fol- substitution simply postulates the elimination of
lows, further, that the ultimate criterion of knowl- natural law (or, in any case, its relativization), as
edge of the nature of law itself cannot be the ratio a typical product of human rationality that mayor
humana, but only faith. Faith operates at the level may not be informed by faith, as an obligatory step
of human cognitive faculty. The existence of the ana- in the process that creates the positive canonical
logia between ratio and fides is justified by the fact norm.
that, in both cases, a cognitive process is involved. The unity between positive divine law and human
The nature of this cognitive process of the faith, canon law need not necessarily be established by the
however, is profoundly different from that of human mediation of natural law. In theology, the question
reason, even in its motivation or cause. is not, as in philosophy, that of establishing the in-
The analogy between lex divina and lex canonica, trinsic interdependence of divine law, rationally
then, works on various levels: from below, as from knowable under the name of lex aeterna, and human

144 145
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

speculative. Rather, the knowledge achieved by faith ratio to fides; or from above, from the ordinatio fidei
comes through accepting the authority of the locutio to the ordinatio rationis. In the latter case, however,
Dei attestans or of gratia. In faith, knowledge is not it is clear that the determinant element in the ana-
brought about by human logic; rather, the ratio divina logy is not the philosophical one of being, but the
itself is the ultimate "reason" or "cause" of all things. theological one of faith. This does not mean that
The ratio divina expresses itself ad extra as ordinatio canonical science, as a theological discipline, may
or as the authority of God. Human persons partici- exist without any connection to philosophical and
pate in the ratio divina through gratia, or the infused metaphysical perspectives, as some branches of mo-
supernatural virtue of faith. This means that they dern Protestant theology of law seem to believe. Al-
know the lex divina, define it historically and incar- though the analogia fidei is the fundamental epis-
nate it in time, not by the stringent logic of the temological criterion, this does not mean that one
syllogism formulated by their own ratio, but by force can do without the analogia entis in theology. It is
of divine motivation or of the formal authority of the one thing to note that natural law has too often
Word of God. The impulse of gratia leads human become dominant over divine law, as with the jus
persons to accept that Word in the act of faith. publicum ecclesiasticum school, and to propose that
If it is possible, in the philosophy of law, to work this be limited to an exclusively ecclesial conception.
with a notion of law that is metaphysically conceived The elimination of the analogia entis from canonical
as ordinatio rationis, by applying the analogia entis, science, however, would be something else entirely.
then the proper analogy in theology is that of faith. To substitute fides for ratio in the definition of canon
It follows, therefore, that a general theory of canon law does not imply the elimination of the analogia
law cannot be developed on the basis of a metaphysi- entis as an epistemological criterion, as faith cannot
cal definition of law in which a philosophical pre- be rooted in historical reality without this. This
conception of law itself is necessarily present. It fol- substitution simply postulates the elimination of
lows, further, that the ultimate criterion of knowl- natural law (or, in any case, its relativization), as
edge of the nature of law itself cannot be the ratio a typical product of human rationality that mayor
humana, but only faith. Faith operates at the level may not be informed by faith, as an obligatory step
of human cognitive faculty. The existence of the ana- in the process that creates the positive canonical
logia between ratio and fides is justified by the fact norm.
that, in both cases, a cognitive process is involved. The unity between positive divine law and human
The nature of this cognitive process of the faith, canon law need not necessarily be established by the
however, is profoundly different from that of human mediation of natural law. In theology, the question
reason, even in its motivation or cause. is not, as in philosophy, that of establishing the in-
The analogy between lex divina and lex canonica, trinsic interdependence of divine law, rationally
then, works on various levels: from below, as from knowable under the name of lex aeterna, and human

144 145
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

law, through the mediation of the lex naturalis. Rather, allow us to understand the rational noncontra-
the problem is that of establishing an intrinsic dictory nature - that is, the rationally binding value
connection between the ius divinum positivum, as - of the ius divinum, knowable only through faith.
a transcendent and supernatural divine reality Canon law must be defined as ordinatio fidei be-
knowable only through faith, and human canon law. cause it is not produced by anyone human legis-
Given that canon law is produced by the Church, it lator but by the Church, whose decisive epistemo-
participates in the nature of the Church. And, al- logical criterion is faith and not reason. Further, as
though incarnate and immanent in history, ius divinum a human and historical knowing subject, the Church
remains a supernatural reality knowable in its essence is endowed with human rationality, socialized not
only though faith. according to human criteria but according to the
In terms of methodology, this means that the modality of the communio ecclesiae et ecclesiarum.
juridical method, as an expression of human ration- It follows that the Church's human rationality re-
ality, cannot be applied autonomously to canon law, mains intrinsically informed by faith, because the
but only subordinately. However, this is also true for Church's function is not merely to produce a juri-
all the methodologies of the other human sciences, dical order that is compatible with the philosophical
such as philosophy, natural ethics, exegesis, history concept of justice, but to produce an order derived
or sociology, when they are treated as auxiliary sciences from the theological notion of communio. In this
of theology. We must observe that this is not merely order, the dynamics of the institutionalization of
an extrinsic, but an intrinsic subordination of these intersubjective relationships is radically different
disciplines to faith. Faith cannot be considered as from that of any merely human social reality.
a purely external boundary within which juridical The priority of faith over reason is not realized
science can move autonomously, as long as it does only when the Church discovers or acknowledges
not trespass beyond the limits of theology. Such a the supreme principles of the ius divinum, on the
methodology would allow canon law to be treated as strength of its charism. The priority is also realized
a secular reality. when the Church applies itself to the "incarnation"
For canon law to remain an authentically eccle- of these principles in the particular historical, social
sial reality without secular compromises, faith and cultural situation in which it lives, by means
must be the ultimate principle that intrinsically of positive juridical norms and by making use of the
informs its method. Philosophy's function is to elabo- lumen rationis - that is, or the juridical method.
rate the preambula fidei, seeking to understand and Indeed, there can be no dichotomy between the
intelligibly develop the rational noncontradictory epistemological level of the supreme principles and
nature of revealed truth. Likewise, juridical science's the operative level where concrete juridical norms
function is to elaborate positive canonical norms that are produced, because there is no dichotomy between

146 147
Unity of Law in Theology Catholic Theology

law, through the mediation of the lex naturalis. Rather, allow us to understand the rational noncontra-
the problem is that of establishing an intrinsic dictory nature - that is, the rationally binding value
connection between the ius divinum positivum, as - of the ius divinum, knowable only through faith.
a transcendent and supernatural divine reality Canon law must be defined as ordinatio fidei be-
knowable only through faith, and human canon law. cause it is not produced by anyone human legis-
Given that canon law is produced by the Church, it lator but by the Church, whose decisive epistemo-
participates in the nature of the Church. And, al- logical criterion is faith and not reason. Further, as
though incarnate and immanent in history, ius divinum a human and historical knowing subject, the Church
remains a supernatural reality knowable in its essence is endowed with human rationality, socialized not
only though faith. according to human criteria but according to the
In terms of methodology, this means that the modality of the communio ecclesiae et ecclesiarum.
juridical method, as an expression of human ration- It follows that the Church's human rationality re-
ality, cannot be applied autonomously to canon law, mains intrinsically informed by faith, because the
but only subordinately. However, this is also true for Church's function is not merely to produce a juri-
all the methodologies of the other human sciences, dical order that is compatible with the philosophical
such as philosophy, natural ethics, exegesis, history concept of justice, but to produce an order derived
or sociology, when they are treated as auxiliary sciences from the theological notion of communio. In this
of theology. We must observe that this is not merely order, the dynamics of the institutionalization of
an extrinsic, but an intrinsic subordination of these intersubjective relationships is radically different
disciplines to faith. Faith cannot be considered as from that of any merely human social reality.
a purely external boundary within which juridical The priority of faith over reason is not realized
science can move autonomously, as long as it does only when the Church discovers or acknowledges
not trespass beyond the limits of theology. Such a the supreme principles of the ius divinum, on the
methodology would allow canon law to be treated as strength of its charism. The priority is also realized
a secular reality. when the Church applies itself to the "incarnation"
For canon law to remain an authentically eccle- of these principles in the particular historical, social
sial reality without secular compromises, faith and cultural situation in which it lives, by means
must be the ultimate principle that intrinsically of positive juridical norms and by making use of the
informs its method. Philosophy's function is to elabo- lumen rationis - that is, or the juridical method.
rate the preambula fidei, seeking to understand and Indeed, there can be no dichotomy between the
intelligibly develop the rational noncontradictory epistemological level of the supreme principles and
nature of revealed truth. Likewise, juridical science's the operative level where concrete juridical norms
function is to elaborate positive canonical norms that are produced, because there is no dichotomy between

146 147
Unity of Law in Theology

the spiritual and the sociological Church. The unity

of epistemology and praxis around the principle of
faith distinguishes the Church from all other know-
ing subjects and distinguishes the canonical method
from all other human juridical methodologies.


Manassieff, N. (1960). "L'Eglise qui preside dans l'Amour,"

in La Primaute de Pierre dans l'Eglise Orthodoxe, Paris-
Aymans, W. (1966). "Papst und Bischofskollegium als
Trager der kirchlichen Hirtengewalt. Gedanken zu einer
Schrift gleichen Titels von W. Bertrams," in Archiv fur
katholisches Kirchenrecht.
Aymans, W. and Morsdorf, K. (1991). Kanonisches Recht,
Lehrbuch aufgrund des Codex Juris Canonici, Band I,
Alivisatos, H. S. (1932). "Das kanonische Recht in der
orthodoxen Kirche," in Ekklesia X. Die orthodoxe Kirche
auf dem Balkan und in Vorderasien, Gotha.
Althaus, P. (1956). "Die heiden Regimente hei Luther.
Bemerkungen zu Johannes Heckels Lex Charitatis," in
Theologische Literaturzeitung.
Barth, K. (1955). Die Ordnung der Gemeinde. Zur dogma-
tischen Grundlegung des Kirchenrechts, Munchen.
Bertrams, W. (1969). Quaestiones fundamentales iuris ca-
nonici, Roma.
Beth, K. (1902). Die orientalische Christenheit der Mittel-
meerliinder, Berlin.
Bidagor, R. (1947). "EI espiritu del derecho canonico," in
Revista Espanola de Derecho Canonico.
Bulgakov, S. (1959). L'Orthodoxie, Paris.
Clement, O. (1965). L'Eglise orthodoxe, Paris.

148 149
Unity of Law in Theology

the spiritual and the sociological Church. The unity

of epistemology and praxis around the principle of
faith distinguishes the Church from all other know-
ing subjects and distinguishes the canonical method
from all other human juridical methodologies.


Manassieff, N. (1960). "L'Eglise qui preside dans l'Amour,"

in La Primaute de Pierre dans l'Eglise Orthodoxe, Paris-
Aymans, W. (1966). "Papst und Bischofskollegium als
Trager der kirchlichen Hirtengewalt. Gedanken zu einer
Schrift gleichen Titels von W. Bertrams," in Archiv fur
katholisches Kirchenrecht.
Aymans, W. and Morsdorf, K. (1991). Kanonisches Recht,
Lehrbuch aufgrund des Codex Juris Canonici, Band I,
Alivisatos, H. S. (1932). "Das kanonische Recht in der
orthodoxen Kirche," in Ekklesia X. Die orthodoxe Kirche
auf dem Balkan und in Vorderasien, Gotha.
Althaus, P. (1956). "Die heiden Regimente hei Luther.
Bemerkungen zu Johannes Heckels Lex Charitatis," in
Theologische Literaturzeitung.
Barth, K. (1955). Die Ordnung der Gemeinde. Zur dogma-
tischen Grundlegung des Kirchenrechts, Munchen.
Bertrams, W. (1969). Quaestiones fundamentales iuris ca-
nonici, Roma.
Beth, K. (1902). Die orientalische Christenheit der Mittel-
meerliinder, Berlin.
Bidagor, R. (1947). "EI espiritu del derecho canonico," in
Revista Espanola de Derecho Canonico.
Bulgakov, S. (1959). L'Orthodoxie, Paris.
Clement, O. (1965). L'Eglise orthodoxe, Paris.

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152 153

Abelard, 33, 40 108-48, 121, 122

Afanassieff, N., 63, 65 Catholic theology and, 111-19;
Albert the Great, Saint, 34 De Legibus and, 135-47; divine
Alexander of Hales, 32 will and, 39-42; dogma in,
Alivastos, H.S., 71 70-77; grace and law, 108-12;
Althaus, P., 87 methodological developments,
Ambrose, Saint, 25, 26, 34 112-28; ontological statute,
Anselm, Saint, 32 128-48; and ontological!
Antigone, 6 epistemological statute, 128-48;
Aristotle, 10, 18-21, 28, 93, 140 philosophical implications,
metaphysical foundations of 120-28; and Protestant
law and, 15-20 theology, 101-09; Protestant
Augustine, Saint, 29, 30, 50, 51 versus Catholic views, 110-13;
102, 108-09 Thomistic analyses, 35-39,
unity of law and, 26-28 135-48; trinitarianism and,
Aymans, W., 120 103-05, see also Law
Castro, 52
Barth, K, 97-102, 103, 104, Catholic theology, 5-15, 57-58,
106, 107, 108, 122 108-48 and Canon law,
Beatitudes, 88 111-19; divine will and, 39-42;
Bellarmine, 130 dogma in, 70-77;
Bertrams, W., 119, 120-21, 123 epistemological issues, 128-48;
Beth, K, 61 faith and knowledge, 135-37;
Bidagor, R., 119 grace and law, 108-12; "Loci
Biel, Gabriel, 43, 47, 85, 93 theologici" of Canon Law,
Bloch, E., 56 103-05; methodological
Bonaventure, Saint, 33, 40, 141 developments, 112-28; natural
Bonn Constitution, 96 law and, 25-26; ontological
Bulgakov, S., 65 statute, 128-48; rationality as
source of, 43-48; salvation and,
Calvin, John, 81, 91, 98-99, 112-13, see also Canon Law;
106, 122 Divine law; Law; Orthodox
Canon law, 21-30, 57-58, theology


Abelard, 33, 40 108-48, 121, 122

Afanassieff, N., 63, 65 Catholic theology and, 111-19;
Albert the Great, Saint, 34 De Legibus and, 135-47; divine
Alexander of Hales, 32 will and, 39-42; dogma in,
Alivastos, H.S., 71 70-77; grace and law, 108-12;
Althaus, P., 87 methodological developments,
Ambrose, Saint, 25, 26, 34 112-28; ontological statute,
Anselm, Saint, 32 128-48; and ontological!
Antigone, 6 epistemological statute, 128-48;
Aristotle, 10, 18-21, 28, 93, 140 philosophical implications,
metaphysical foundations of 120-28; and Protestant
law and, 15-20 theology, 101-09; Protestant
Augustine, Saint, 29, 30, 50, 51 versus Catholic views, 110-13;
102, 108-09 Thomistic analyses, 35-39,
unity of law and, 26-28 135-48; trinitarianism and,
Aymans, W., 120 103-05, see also Law
Castro, 52
Barth, K, 97-102, 103, 104, Catholic theology, 5-15, 57-58,
106, 107, 108, 122 108-48 and Canon law,
Beatitudes, 88 111-19; divine will and, 39-42;
Bellarmine, 130 dogma in, 70-77;
Bertrams, W., 119, 120-21, 123 epistemological issues, 128-48;
Beth, K, 61 faith and knowledge, 135-37;
Bidagor, R., 119 grace and law, 108-12; "Loci
Biel, Gabriel, 43, 47, 85, 93 theologici" of Canon Law,
Bloch, E., 56 103-05; methodological
Bonaventure, Saint, 33, 40, 141 developments, 112-28; natural
Bonn Constitution, 96 law and, 25-26; ontological
Bulgakov, S., 65 statute, 128-48; rationality as
source of, 43-48; salvation and,
Calvin, John, 81, 91, 98-99, 112-13, see also Canon Law;
106, 122 Divine law; Law; Orthodox
Canon law, 21-30, 57-58, theology

Index Index

Cavagnis, F., 117 Dombois, H., 97, 104-05, 106 Hamel, E., 20, 53, 93 theology and, 70-77;
Chalcedonian Christology, 57 Dualism, 85-87 Haring, J., 92, 93 epistemological issues, 128-48;
Charity, 90 Dumont, P., 69 Harnack, Adolf, 83 Germanic, 30-32; grace in
Christocracy, of Eric Wolf, 104 Duns Scotus, John, 40, 41, 93 Heckel, J., 87, 90, 92, 103 Catholic theology and, 108-12;
Christology, trinitarian doctrine Dyonisius Exigus, 29 Hegel, G., 94 and Gospel, 13, 23, 78-83, 98,
and, 103-05 Heiler, F., 59, 66, 71, 74 105, 107; and Grace, 108-12,
Chrysippus, 9 "Economy" principle, 58, 68-70 Heimerl, H., 124 140, Greco-Roman philosophy
Chrysostom, John, 25 Ellul, J., 101, 102 Heraclitus, 7 and, 5-21; heterogenity of,
Cicero, 10, 25, 26, 35 Epicurus,8 Hervada, J., 119 12-15; "Loci theologici" of
Cleans, 9 Epikeia, 20, 53, 68, 93, 137 Hesiod, 6, 7 Canon Law, 103-05;
Clement, 0., 61, 62, 63, 73, 74 Epistemological statute, 128-48 Hinschius, 95, 124 metaphysical foundations of,
Coccopalmeria, F., 136 Eschatology, 56, 57, 58, 78, Hippias, 14, 15 15-20; ontological statute,
Codex Iuris Cononici, 49, 53, 83-84, 87, 92, 107; Hobbes, T., 90 128-48; philosophical premises,
115, 136, 138 hypereschatology, 78; Holstein, G., 96 5-15; Rouco Varela's theories
Confessio Dosithei, 67 ontological/epistemological Homer, 7 of, 128-33; St. Augustine and,
Congar, Y.; 61, 66, 67, 70, 71 statute, 128-48; in Orthodox Huizing, P., 122 26-28; Thomastic definition of,
Constitution of Frankfurt, 95, 96 theology, 60-77; in Protestant Hus, Jan, 53 139; transcendence and, 60-62;
Corecco, E., 133 theology, 77-103; of salvation Hypereschatology, 78 "ubi societas ibi et ius"
Council of Constantinople II, 74 and sacraments, 112-13; principle, 121, 122; unity of
Council of Trent, 110 Tubingen school, 123-25 Incarnational principle, 57, 58 law in St. Thomas, 35-39, see
Cyril of Alexandria, 25 Evdokimov, P., 56, 59, 61, 62, Intellectualism, law and, 43-48 also Divine law
63, 64, 65, 70, 71-72, 73, 74, Invisible church, visible church Lex aeterna, 10, 26, 27, 28, 35,
Danielou, J., 74 78 versus, 47, 83, 88-94 37, 38, 39, 48-49, 50, 85, 141,
D'Avack, P., 119 Ippoliti, A., 71, 73 143, 145
De La Hera, A., 116, 119 Fass6, G., 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, Irnerius, 33 L'Huillier, P., 76
De Legibus (St. Thomas), 139-47 W,W,~,~,~,~,~,~, Isidore of Seville, 29-30, 31, 34, Liermann, H., 96-97
de Menchaca, Fernandus 50 38 Local Church, and universal
Vazquez, 45, 46 Fedele, P., 11, 110 Ius diuinum, 48-53, 85, 92, 134, Church, 62-67
Defensor Pacis, 52 Fliickiger, W., 8, 24, 33 138, 146, 147 "Loci theologici," of Canon Law,
Dempf,139 Iwand, H.J., 82 103-05
Divine law, 2-3, 29-35, 50-67, Gaius, 11 Lombard, P., 26
89, 142-47 Germanic law, 30-32 Joest, W., 78 Louvaris, N., 73, 74, 76
De Legibus, 139-47; Germanic romanticism, 117-18 Judaic Messianism, 56 Luther, Martin, 13, 43, 47, 78,
Ockhamism, 39-42; Ghirlanda, G. Justinian, 58 79-83, 85-91, 93-94, 96-98,
phenomenology of, 2-3; in Golden rule, 21-23, 36 102, 103, 105, 106, 108, 109,
protestant theology, 102-07; Grabmann, 41, 139 Kahl,95 110, 129
Protestant versus Catholic Grace, theological views of, Karmiris, J.M., 65, 66
views, 1l0-13; stoic law 1l0-12 Kolmel, W., 42 Major, C., 81
contrasted with, 21-26; Gratian, 30, 31-32, 38, 132 Kotsonis, H., 68 Manser, G.M., 36
superimposition of, 29-35; Greco-Roman law, 5-21 Kuhn, D., 139 Marcion,23
trinitarianism and, 103-05; philosophical premises, 5-15; Marsilius of Padua, 53
unity of law in St. Thomas, Sophistic pluralism and, 12-15 Lanne, D.E., 22 Martini, L., 71, 73
35-39, see also Law Greco-Roman philosophy, see Latin tradition, 59-66 Marriage, 75-76
Divine Positive Law, Stoic law Greco-Roman law see also Orthodox theology Marx, Karl, 56
versus, 21-25 Gregory of Nazianzen, 25 Lau, 81 Medina, 52
Divine will, in Ockhamism, Gregory of Rimini, 43-44, 49 Law, Meilia, E., 68, 76
39-42 Gregory VII, 84 Chrisology and, 103-05; of the Melanchton, Philipp, 81, 82, 91
Dogma, in orthodox theology, Grotius, Hugo, 46, 82, 102 Decretals, 132; divine will and, Monasticism, 60-61
70-77 Gundlach, G., 120 39-42; dogma in orthodox Monophysite nature, 58

156 157
Index Index

Cavagnis, F., 117 Dombois, H., 97, 104-05, 106 Hamel, E., 20, 53, 93 theology and, 70-77;
Chalcedonian Christology, 57 Dualism, 85-87 Haring, J., 92, 93 epistemological issues, 128-48;
Charity, 90 Dumont, P., 69 Harnack, Adolf, 83 Germanic, 30-32; grace in
Christocracy, of Eric Wolf, 104 Duns Scotus, John, 40, 41, 93 Heckel, J., 87, 90, 92, 103 Catholic theology and, 108-12;
Christology, trinitarian doctrine Dyonisius Exigus, 29 Hegel, G., 94 and Gospel, 13, 23, 78-83, 98,
and, 103-05 Heiler, F., 59, 66, 71, 74 105, 107; and Grace, 108-12,
Chrysippus, 9 "Economy" principle, 58, 68-70 Heimerl, H., 124 140, Greco-Roman philosophy
Chrysostom, John, 25 Ellul, J., 101, 102 Heraclitus, 7 and, 5-21; heterogenity of,
Cicero, 10, 25, 26, 35 Epicurus,8 Hervada, J., 119 12-15; "Loci theologici" of
Cleans, 9 Epikeia, 20, 53, 68, 93, 137 Hesiod, 6, 7 Canon Law, 103-05;
Clement, 0., 61, 62, 63, 73, 74 Epistemological statute, 128-48 Hinschius, 95, 124 metaphysical foundations of,
Coccopalmeria, F., 136 Eschatology, 56, 57, 58, 78, Hippias, 14, 15 15-20; ontological statute,
Codex Iuris Cononici, 49, 53, 83-84, 87, 92, 107; Hobbes, T., 90 128-48; philosophical premises,
115, 136, 138 hypereschatology, 78; Holstein, G., 96 5-15; Rouco Varela's theories
Confessio Dosithei, 67 ontological/epistemological Homer, 7 of, 128-33; St. Augustine and,
Congar, Y.; 61, 66, 67, 70, 71 statute, 128-48; in Orthodox Huizing, P., 122 26-28; Thomastic definition of,
Constitution of Frankfurt, 95, 96 theology, 60-77; in Protestant Hus, Jan, 53 139; transcendence and, 60-62;
Corecco, E., 133 theology, 77-103; of salvation Hypereschatology, 78 "ubi societas ibi et ius"
Council of Constantinople II, 74 and sacraments, 112-13; principle, 121, 122; unity of
Council of Trent, 110 Tubingen school, 123-25 Incarnational principle, 57, 58 law in St. Thomas, 35-39, see
Cyril of Alexandria, 25 Evdokimov, P., 56, 59, 61, 62, Intellectualism, law and, 43-48 also Divine law
63, 64, 65, 70, 71-72, 73, 74, Invisible church, visible church Lex aeterna, 10, 26, 27, 28, 35,
Danielou, J., 74 78 versus, 47, 83, 88-94 37, 38, 39, 48-49, 50, 85, 141,
D'Avack, P., 119 Ippoliti, A., 71, 73 143, 145
De La Hera, A., 116, 119 Fass6, G., 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, Irnerius, 33 L'Huillier, P., 76
De Legibus (St. Thomas), 139-47 W,W,~,~,~,~,~,~, Isidore of Seville, 29-30, 31, 34, Liermann, H., 96-97
de Menchaca, Fernandus 50 38 Local Church, and universal
Vazquez, 45, 46 Fedele, P., 11, 110 Ius diuinum, 48-53, 85, 92, 134, Church, 62-67
Defensor Pacis, 52 Fliickiger, W., 8, 24, 33 138, 146, 147 "Loci theologici," of Canon Law,
Dempf,139 Iwand, H.J., 82 103-05
Divine law, 2-3, 29-35, 50-67, Gaius, 11 Lombard, P., 26
89, 142-47 Germanic law, 30-32 Joest, W., 78 Louvaris, N., 73, 74, 76
De Legibus, 139-47; Germanic romanticism, 117-18 Judaic Messianism, 56 Luther, Martin, 13, 43, 47, 78,
Ockhamism, 39-42; Ghirlanda, G. Justinian, 58 79-83, 85-91, 93-94, 96-98,
phenomenology of, 2-3; in Golden rule, 21-23, 36 102, 103, 105, 106, 108, 109,
protestant theology, 102-07; Grabmann, 41, 139 Kahl,95 110, 129
Protestant versus Catholic Grace, theological views of, Karmiris, J.M., 65, 66
views, 1l0-13; stoic law 1l0-12 Kolmel, W., 42 Major, C., 81
contrasted with, 21-26; Gratian, 30, 31-32, 38, 132 Kotsonis, H., 68 Manser, G.M., 36
superimposition of, 29-35; Greco-Roman law, 5-21 Kuhn, D., 139 Marcion,23
trinitarianism and, 103-05; philosophical premises, 5-15; Marsilius of Padua, 53
unity of law in St. Thomas, Sophistic pluralism and, 12-15 Lanne, D.E., 22 Martini, L., 71, 73
35-39, see also Law Greco-Roman philosophy, see Latin tradition, 59-66 Marriage, 75-76
Divine Positive Law, Stoic law Greco-Roman law see also Orthodox theology Marx, Karl, 56
versus, 21-25 Gregory of Nazianzen, 25 Lau, 81 Medina, 52
Divine will, in Ockhamism, Gregory of Rimini, 43-44, 49 Law, Meilia, E., 68, 76
39-42 Gregory VII, 84 Chrisology and, 103-05; of the Melanchton, Philipp, 81, 82, 91
Dogma, in orthodox theology, Grotius, Hugo, 46, 82, 102 Decretals, 132; divine will and, Monasticism, 60-61
70-77 Gundlach, G., 120 39-42; dogma in orthodox Monophysite nature, 58

156 157
Index Index
Montanus, 23 Pragmatism, 56 Schuller, 88, 98, 99, 101, 102 Trinitarian doctrine, 103-05
Morsdorf, K., 94, 127, 128-30 Prenter, R., 83, 84 Seeberg, E., 60, 74 Tubingen school, 123-25
Protagoras, 13 Seneca, 10 "Two kingdoms," 84-88
Natural law, 6, 9, 21, 23, 25-26 Protestant Reformation. See Sicardus of Cremona, 30
"ubi societas ibi et ius" Reformation Sive Naturale, 48-53 Universal Church, local Church
principle, 121, see also Law Protestant theology, 3, 4, 54, Simon of Bisignano, 33 and, 62-67
Natural versus supernatural, 77-106; gospel and, 78-83; Sive Positivum, 48-53 Urresti, Jimenez, 121, 122
35-39 grace in, 110-13; invisible Socrates, 15, 16, 17, 20
Nestorian nature, 58 church, 88-94; "Loci theologici" Sohm, R., 48, 58, 84, 93-95, 97, Vana et irrita, 32
of Canon Law, 103-05; 105, 125, 127, 128 Vasquez, Gabriel, 44-45, 48, 101
Ockham. See William of "trinitarian doctrine, 103-05; Sohngen, Gottlieb, 108, 110 Vatican II, 54, 63, 124, 132
Ockham two kingdoms, 84-88; visible Verdross, A., 6, 7, 9, 12, 15, 16,
Sophism, 12-15, 16, 20, 21
Ockhamism, divine will and, church and, 88-94 Sophocles, 6, 13 18, 27, 34, 35, 36, 42
39-42 Puchta,95 Stahl,95 Victor, Saint, 32
Oikumene, 64 Pufendorf, Samuel, 82 Steffes, J.P., 7 Viladrich, P.J., 119
Ontological statute, 128-48 Pythogoras, 7 Steinmuller, W., 102, 103, 104 Visible church, and invisible
Origen,25 church, 88-94
Stephen of Tournai, 31
Orthodox Church theology, Rapaport, M.W., 22 Voluntarism, 39, 40, 52, 85, 86,
Stickler, AM., 69, 124
55-76 Rationality, Stiegler, A, 9, 16, 19, 21, 22, 87, 126, 142
celestial and earthly in, 76-77; as source of laws, 43-48; von Amsdorff, Nikolaus, 81
28, 32, 39, 52, 54, 85
dogma and law, 70-77; supernaturalism and, 36-38 Stoicism, 20, 26, 99; Divine von Balthasar, H.U., 56, 57
"economy" principle in, 68-70; Recht der Gnade, 105 Positive Law and, 21-25, 28; von Campenhausen, H., 25
transcendence, 60-62 Recht des Nachten, 104 philosophical premises, 5-8,
Otho, A, 81 Reformation (Protestant), 3, 47, 10-11 Weber, Max, 92
Ott, G., 42, 46 51, 77, 82, 88, 92, 112 Wehrhan,97
Suarez, Franciscus, 48-55, 115,
Reingrabner, 96 136 Weimar Constitution (1918), 96
Pannenberg, W., 111 Richter, 95 Suarezian formula, 48-54 Weisung, 106
Papias,23 Ritschl, Albrecht, 83 Symphonic superimposition, of Wenzel, H., 9, 18
Parmenides, 6 Robleda, 0., 119, 120 Wernz, 124
church and state, 58
Peace of Augsburg, 48 Rommen, H., 21, 43, 46 William of Auxerre, 33
Phenomenological experience, Roscellinus of compiegne, 40 Tarquini, Camillo, 117 William of Ockham, 41-43, 44,
1-4 Rouco Varela, A, 2, 93, 94,95, 93, 141
Tertullian, 25
Philipps, G., 84, 117, 123 103, 105, 113, 114-15, 118, Thomas, Saint, 26-27, 35-39, Wittman, M., 20
Philosophy, 120, 121, 128-33; theories of, 50, 51, 79, 86-88, 102, 108, Wolf, E., 2, 33, 88, 92, 101, 104,
epistemological issues, 128-148; 128-33 132-46; on the Sacraments, 106
Greco-Roman philosophy and Russian ecclesiology, 65 112; unity of law in, 35-39 Wurzburg School (of natural
law, 5-15, metaphysical Ruphinus, 34 Thomasius, Christian, 82 law), 117, 118
foundations of law, 15-20; Thomson, F.J., 69, 70
Sophistic pluralism, 12-15; Sacraments, 111-13 Thrasymachus, 14 Zankow, S., 74
stoicism, 5-8; see also Greco- Salvation, 66 Transcendence, in Orthodox Zeno,9
Roman law Sauter, J., 19 theology, 60-62, 76, 107
Pietism, 83, 84, 88, 92 Schererr, 124
Plato, metaphysical foundations Schilling, 0., 24, 28
of law and, 15-20,28,92,93 Schleiermacher, Fredrich, 83, 96
Platonism, 57, 60, 61, 73, 77, 92 Scholasticism, 38, 40, 62, 101,
Poach, A, 81 136, 142
Positive law, 9, 21, 134 Schonfeld, W., 22, 38
Positivist determinism, 56 School of Navarre, 123, 124

158 159
Index Index
Montanus, 23 Pragmatism, 56 Schuller, 88, 98, 99, 101, 102 Trinitarian doctrine, 103-05
Morsdorf, K., 94, 127, 128-30 Prenter, R., 83, 84 Seeberg, E., 60, 74 Tubingen school, 123-25
Protagoras, 13 Seneca, 10 "Two kingdoms," 84-88
Natural law, 6, 9, 21, 23, 25-26 Protestant Reformation. See Sicardus of Cremona, 30
"ubi societas ibi et ius" Reformation Sive Naturale, 48-53 Universal Church, local Church
principle, 121, see also Law Protestant theology, 3, 4, 54, Simon of Bisignano, 33 and, 62-67
Natural versus supernatural, 77-106; gospel and, 78-83; Sive Positivum, 48-53 Urresti, Jimenez, 121, 122
35-39 grace in, 110-13; invisible Socrates, 15, 16, 17, 20
Nestorian nature, 58 church, 88-94; "Loci theologici" Sohm, R., 48, 58, 84, 93-95, 97, Vana et irrita, 32
of Canon Law, 103-05; 105, 125, 127, 128 Vasquez, Gabriel, 44-45, 48, 101
Ockham. See William of "trinitarian doctrine, 103-05; Sohngen, Gottlieb, 108, 110 Vatican II, 54, 63, 124, 132
Ockham two kingdoms, 84-88; visible Verdross, A., 6, 7, 9, 12, 15, 16,
Sophism, 12-15, 16, 20, 21
Ockhamism, divine will and, church and, 88-94 Sophocles, 6, 13 18, 27, 34, 35, 36, 42
39-42 Puchta,95 Stahl,95 Victor, Saint, 32
Oikumene, 64 Pufendorf, Samuel, 82 Steffes, J.P., 7 Viladrich, P.J., 119
Ontological statute, 128-48 Pythogoras, 7 Steinmuller, W., 102, 103, 104 Visible church, and invisible
Origen,25 church, 88-94
Stephen of Tournai, 31
Orthodox Church theology, Rapaport, M.W., 22 Voluntarism, 39, 40, 52, 85, 86,
Stickler, AM., 69, 124
55-76 Rationality, Stiegler, A, 9, 16, 19, 21, 22, 87, 126, 142
celestial and earthly in, 76-77; as source of laws, 43-48; von Amsdorff, Nikolaus, 81
28, 32, 39, 52, 54, 85
dogma and law, 70-77; supernaturalism and, 36-38 Stoicism, 20, 26, 99; Divine von Balthasar, H.U., 56, 57
"economy" principle in, 68-70; Recht der Gnade, 105 Positive Law and, 21-25, 28; von Campenhausen, H., 25
transcendence, 60-62 Recht des Nachten, 104 philosophical premises, 5-8,
Otho, A, 81 Reformation (Protestant), 3, 47, 10-11 Weber, Max, 92
Ott, G., 42, 46 51, 77, 82, 88, 92, 112 Wehrhan,97
Suarez, Franciscus, 48-55, 115,
Reingrabner, 96 136 Weimar Constitution (1918), 96
Pannenberg, W., 111 Richter, 95 Suarezian formula, 48-54 Weisung, 106
Papias,23 Ritschl, Albrecht, 83 Symphonic superimposition, of Wenzel, H., 9, 18
Parmenides, 6 Robleda, 0., 119, 120 Wernz, 124
church and state, 58
Peace of Augsburg, 48 Rommen, H., 21, 43, 46 William of Auxerre, 33
Phenomenological experience, Roscellinus of compiegne, 40 Tarquini, Camillo, 117 William of Ockham, 41-43, 44,
1-4 Rouco Varela, A, 2, 93, 94,95, 93, 141
Tertullian, 25
Philipps, G., 84, 117, 123 103, 105, 113, 114-15, 118, Thomas, Saint, 26-27, 35-39, Wittman, M., 20
Philosophy, 120, 121, 128-33; theories of, 50, 51, 79, 86-88, 102, 108, Wolf, E., 2, 33, 88, 92, 101, 104,
epistemological issues, 128-148; 128-33 132-46; on the Sacraments, 106
Greco-Roman philosophy and Russian ecclesiology, 65 112; unity of law in, 35-39 Wurzburg School (of natural
law, 5-15, metaphysical Ruphinus, 34 Thomasius, Christian, 82 law), 117, 118
foundations of law, 15-20; Thomson, F.J., 69, 70
Sophistic pluralism, 12-15; Sacraments, 111-13 Thrasymachus, 14 Zankow, S., 74
stoicism, 5-8; see also Greco- Salvation, 66 Transcendence, in Orthodox Zeno,9
Roman law Sauter, J., 19 theology, 60-62, 76, 107
Pietism, 83, 84, 88, 92 Schererr, 124
Plato, metaphysical foundations Schilling, 0., 24, 28
of law and, 15-20,28,92,93 Schleiermacher, Fredrich, 83, 96
Platonism, 57, 60, 61, 73, 77, 92 Scholasticism, 38, 40, 62, 101,
Poach, A, 81 136, 142
Positive law, 9, 21, 134 Schonfeld, W., 22, 38
Positivist determinism, 56 School of Navarre, 123, 124

158 159
About the Author

Eugenio Corecco is Bishop of Lugano, Switzerland,

and has been adviser of the Papal Council for the
interpretation of the legislative texts since 1984. He
has also served as chair of the Consociatio Interna-
tionalis Studio Juris Canonici Promovendo since
1987. Formerly, he was professor of canon law at the
University of Fribourg in Switzerland.

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