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ICFAI BUSINESS SCHOOL] ON “ANALYSING THE FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE CHOICE OF B2B CUSTOMERS FOR YOGA INORDER TO EFFECTIVELY SEGMENT AND TARET CUSTOMERS OF JIYONWALL” AT ATYONWALL OPC PRIVATE LIMITED ‘Yeo Relax Rejuvenate Revitalize BY METTU VENKATA SUBBA REDDY 21BSP3494 ON ANALYSING THE FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE CHOICE OF B2B ‘CUSTOMERS FOR YOGA INORDER TO EFFECTIVELY SEGMENT AND TARET CUSTOMERS OF JTYONWALL” AT JTYONWALL OPC PRIVATE LIMITED By Mettu Venkata Subba Reddy 21BSP3494 ‘A report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement of PGPM program of IBS Banglore I B S* Lied sda d tak he ee Submitted under guidance of Prof Sunil Pillai Mr. Ajay kumar Faculty Guide Business Development Manager Company guide Acknowledgement T would like to thank JIYONWALL OPC PRIVATE LTD for giving me the opportunity to work in their esteemed organization. I would like to thank IBS BANGALORE for giving me the opportunity of internship as a part of curriculum, which helped me learn a lot and commence this Project in the first place, to do the necessary research work. Tam deeply indebted to my supervisors Prof Sunil Pillai (Faculty-In-Charge) and Mr. Ajay Kumar (Company Guide) for their help, stimulating suggestions and encouragement during this time. Also, T would like to thank Ms. Sudha (CEO) for their consistent support. Tam forever indebted to my Parents & Friends who stood by me, providing necessary support, inspiration, time and guidance throughout my life. I would take this opportunity to express my gratitude towards all of them who have contribute directly or indirectly toward this project. M. venkata subba reddy 21BSP3494 Table of Contents Introduction Industry profile ‘Company prot Achievements of Jiyonwall:- Plans offered by Jiyonwall Progress of project till date SWOT Analysis Reference SYNOPSIS ‘The project on “ANALYSING THE FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE CHOICE OF B2B CUSTOMERS FOR YOGA INORDER TQ EFFECTIVELY SEGMENT AND TARET (CUSTOMERS OF JIYONWALL ‘AS a part of my PGPM program curriculum I got the opportunity to do my internship training programat JIYONWALL OPC PRIVATE LTD, itis an online yoga training platform which offers various packages at reasonable prices. The company had certified trainers, who well experienced In this report I am going ta give detailed information about my job and the experience of past 2 months, I have learnt about Sales and marketing in which we have to generate leads. And in task-2 we have to do research of companies and also promotional startegies of the respective company Mr. Ajay Kumar he is an business development manager of Jiyonwall, He gives the complete ide lines of how to Interact with people, how we should do the work. Introduction Industry profile:- ‘Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle science, whieh focuses an bringing harmony between mind and body. It is an art and science of healthy living. The word ‘Yoga’ is derived from the Sanskrit root “Yuj", meaning “to join’ or “to yoke" or “to unite’. As per Yogic scriptures the practice of Yoga leads ta the union of individual consciousness with that of the Universal Consciousness, indicating a perfect harmony between the mind and body, Man & Nature. According ta modem scientists, everything in the universe is just a manifestation of the same quantum firmament. One who experiences this oneness of existence is said to be in yoga, and is termed as a yor altained to a state of freedom referred to as mukti, nirvana ‘or moksha, Thus the ain of Yoga is Self-realization, to overcome all kinds of sufferings leading to ‘the state of liberation’ (Moksha) or ‘freedom’ (Kaivalya). Living with freedom in all walks of li ch and harmony shall be the main objectives of Yoga practice. “Yoga” also refers to an inner science comprising of a variety of methods through which human beings can realize this union and achieve mastery over their destiny. Yoga, being widely considered as an ‘immortal cultural outcome’ of Indus Saraswati Valley civilization — dating back to 2700 B.C., has proved itself catering to both material and spiritual upliftment of humanity. Basic humane values are the very identity of Yoga Sadhana. The Fundamentals of Yoga:- ‘Yoga works on the level of one's body, mind, emotion and energy. This has given rise to four broad classifications of Yoga: karma yoga, where we utilize the body; bhakti yoga, where we utilize the emotions; gyana yoga, where we utilize the mind and intelect; and kriva yoga, where ‘we utilize the ene: Pre imparted by many eminent Yo; Yoga Universites, Yoga Departments in the Universities, Naturopathy col & societies. Many Yoga Clinics, Yoga Therapy and Training Centers, Preyer Health Care Units of Yoga, Yoga Research Centers ete. have been established in Hosp Dispensories, Medical Institiutions and Therapetical setups. Company Profile:- Jiyonwall is India’s online yoga platform where they provide the best yoga experience from best experienced trainers to their customers. Jiyonwall provide online sessions between a teacher and their customers. Jiyonwall is a very new startup company, they have just commenced their business in 2021 in the month of July. Here in Tiyonwall customers can discover and experience the nuance of yoga. Jiyonwall provides expert teachers to guide customers through yaga basics, core strengthening techniques, right yoga postures, vinayasa sequences, restorative asanas, or other focused practices. The challenges are available in levels from beginner to advanced level to improve balance, Mission of the company- Mission is to provide genuine and best yoga teacher to create health awareness, aim ta become Indian's largest yoga platform with the help of collaboration between great teacher and customers. Vision of the company- To see everyone healthy in holistic manner. I oe Relax Rejuvenate Revitalize Achievements of Jiyonwall:- Ist in Position Asian Yoga Championship Delhi State Yoga Championship Winner Master of Arts in yoga and science of Living Benefits of yoga class at Jiyonwall:- — Strength + Flexibility > Balance + Posture + Better Rest —> Digestion —> Tranquility —> Self esteem —> Weight Loss — Happiness Plans offered by Jiyonwall:- Beginners Yoga 4 Price-899 1. Butterfly asana 2. Utanpadasana 3. Tadasana 4. Uttanasana 5. Samakonasana 6. Trikonasana 7. Paschimuttanasana 8. Mandukasana 9. Simhasana 10, Makarasana 11. Padmasana 12. Gomukhasana 13, Parshvakonasana 14, Shalabhasana 15, Shukhasana 16, Virbhadrasana 17. Navasna 18, Ustrasana 19, Chaturangasana 20, Setubhandhasana, 21. Utkatasana 22. Adhomukhaasana 23, Dandasana 24. Bidalasna 25, Janusirsasana sl Traditional yoga(+25 beginners yoga include) Price-rs.1399 1 Suryanamaskar 2. Chandranamaskat 3. Bhuminamaskar 4, Jalnamaskar S.Aganinamaskar 6. Pranavayunamaskar 7 pragyayoga ASHTANGA YOGA(2S beginners+7 traditional yoga include) Price-1899 LAndha chandrasana 2. Balasana 3. Kraunehasana 4, Dhanurasana 5. Andha Halasana 6. Bhujangasna 7. Pavanmuktasana 8. Matsyendrasana 9. Ananda Balasana 10. Marjariasana (cat pose) 11. Hastauttanasana 12. Ardba chakrasana 13. Vyaghrasana 14, Bhekasana(frog pose) 15, Kumbbakasana(plank) Intermediate yog | (25beginners,7 Traditional, 15 Ashtanga yoga include) 10| Price-2999 1. Sarvang asana 2. Halasana 3. Natrajasana 4, Garudhasana 5. Bakasana 6. Chakrasana 7, Janusitsasana 8. Rajakapotasana 9. Utthita pandangusthasana 10, Matsyasana 11. Tulasana 12. Viparita karani 13, Marichyasana, 14, Prasarita padottanasana 1S, Utthita Vasisthasana 16. Uradhva prasarita Ekapadasana 17, Gitandasana 18, Eka pada janu sirshasana 19, Dwi Hasta Padasana 20. Sundaranandarasana 21. Unanasana Buddha Hasta Utthanasana 23, Prasarita padahastasana Advance Yoga*s (25 beginners+7 traditional+15 Ashtanga+23 intermediate yoga include) Price-4999 LSirsasana 2.Bhairagvasana 1} 3. Viparita Dandasana 4. Garbha pindasana 5. Hanumanasana 6. Kurmasana 7, Tittibhasana 8. Bharadvajasana 9. Mayurasana 10. Vrisehikasana 11, Yoganidrasana 12. Astavakrasana 13. Bhujapidasana, PROGRESS OF PROJECT TILL DATE Task 1:- Sales and marketing the prospects to persuade them to purchase the product. Sales involves directly interacti Marketing thus tends to focus on the general population (or, in any case, a large set of people) whereas sales tends to focus on individuals or a small group of prospects. What is have done in task- Task-I has started on 15/01/2022 which is on sales and marketing, In sales I have approached the people and explained about the Jiyonwall and generated some leads. Task-1 helped me to learn how we should connect to people and how to convince them. Task- | Make a list of 20 companies whose data may be used by jiyonwall in future.-Companies selected much be from the following sectors:(Education, pharma, IT, Media, Hospitality production(FMCG&FMCD)etc 2.Make a list of companies which Jiyonwall may collaborate with to promote its service. Explain the promotional strategies involved for this purpase. > In this task-2 we have to research about 20 companies data which will helpful to Jiyonwall to contact with those companik » And Should make a list about the companies which Jiyonwall may collaborate or promote their services in future and the promotional strategies involved in this purpose. Task-3:- Analytics task. © We have been provided with a data sheet where a number of columns and rows data is present. © From that data sheet we have to find the Problem statement: How does the area affect the is: can use regression model or CART. SWOT Analysis:- Strengths:- Customized plans and routines Affordable One-to-one instruction Inclusive, accessible teaching trainer Weaknesses:~ Not enough space at home & Lack of experience Miss the live class feeling Injury risk Opportunitie: © Reach to more people © Easy expandable Threat * Lack of brand presen: * Competitors with low pricing * Lack of facilities Reference:- hutps./ www. huips:www.diflen. com/difference: huips:/ wiki/Sales huipsy www. thecompanyeheck.c limited.

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