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Liturgical Restoration and Reforms of The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council

a) prologue admonitions

- Congratulatory words. standing for the Truth, acknolwdgement of difficult situations- broken

-It is good to engage in apologetics but the conversion of person is a grace coming directly from the
heart of God. Only the virtue of humility exercised in hidden sacrifices and obedience counters the spirit
of pride

- Let us be cautious of discouragement when we study liturgy. We may end up frustrated of the many
abuses that occurs. Let us follow the directive of the Church. IT is found in the Redemptionis
Sacramentum. No to uprising. (mention fr )

- our first mission as lay: to bring the teachings of Christ in the secular world.

1) background


a) Council of Trent Session 21

b) Reforms of Pope Saint Pius X

c) Reforms of Pius XII

d) Vatican II: the background of Sacrosanctum Concilium and its decree on reforms

e) the consilium:




Additional Eucharistic prayers

f)Promulgation of Missale Romanum

g) Ottaviani Intervention and the Papal Audience

2) General Difference of the Two editions of the Roman Missal ( Roman Missal promulgated by Saint
Pius V and revised by Saint John XXIII vs Roman Missal Promulgated by Pope Saint Paul VI and
revised by Pope Francis)

a) Terminology

b) Comparison

-observable differences


The Direction of Celebration and The Position of the Altar

Role of the laity and nature of active participation

Music Employed

Distribution and Reception of Holy Communion

comparision by rubrics

The Mass According to the OlderGregorian Sacramentary

the 1965 roman missal (aka the Interim mass)

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