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Written Work #2: Short Story: A Participation to Dr.

Heidegger’s Experiment

Imagine being one of the participants in Dr. Heidegger’s experiment. What would you be changing?

Write a continuation/ alternative ending of the story by making yourself as one of the characters. Start
in the part where you all drank your elixir.

Your short story should contain the following:

1. How the elixir tasted

2. How you felt upon quaffing the elixir
3. The things you did upon becoming young again (places you visited, people you talked to, a
mistake you corrected, etc.)
4. How your story ended


2-3 paragraphs

Feb. 21, 2022

As I was convinced to take part of the experiment, the elixir was hand over to me, staring on what would
be the effect and wondering what will be the taste. Hesitantly, I took the drink and about to start to zip,
I stopped and say, “is this safe?’. Dr. Heidegger replied with a simple nod. I started to drink, the taste is
sweet at the start and becoming bitter in the long run. I lose grip of the glass and the Dr took it from me.
As I feel some pain in my chest and pain. I lose my senses and I fell asleep.

With a heavy head, I woke up from my sleep and feeling light. I woke up in those days when I still have
my father with me. I stood up went straight to the mirror and checked on myself. To my amusement I
was still young and we were in our old house I can hear the shouting of my siblings playing outside. I run
outside my room and I saw my mother cooking our breakfast. Immediately I went outside to look for my
father. It was still clear to my memory when my father passed away and was not able to say how much I
love him. Those regrets that I was not able to be with my father because of the limited time I spend with
him on my childhood. There were many things that I don’t care about when I was a child. Suddenly as I
grew up, I just realize how happy my friends are because they have a mother and a father.

I found my dad sitting on the veranda and reading the newspaper, run straight to him and hugged him
tight. Wondering, my father gushed if I am ok. I did not reply because my tears started to fell down. Still
hugging him, I said “ I LOVE YOU and I MISS YOU SO MUCH”. Without letting my father talk, I told him
“Sorry if I am stubborn and sorry If I am not a good child.

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