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Every day, we are put to the test as individuals to make the best decision.

Our moral
decision-making is directly related to how we see ourselves as individuals and how others
perceive us. Morals, however, can be deceiving. What is a bad decision for one person may be
a good solution for another. An ethical dilemma is an event that makes us question how we
should respond based on our perceptions. A choice between right and wrong must be made. It
is important to explain that regardless of which option a person chooses, both have negative
consequences. A person must choose only one path from two options: moral or immoral.
Ethical dilemmas can be found everywhere in our daily lives. The experience of ethical
dilemmas, on the other hand, varies from individual to individual. In real life, good values are
present in everyone's life. Everyone only needs to keep an eye on and protect our moral
values and desires.

Cheating in exams or quizzes is ethically wrong since it has a negative impact on both
society and the cheating students. The society benefits because the cheating student has an
unfair competitive advantage over the students who are not cheating. This would demotivate
them because regardless of how hard they studied, they might not be able to outperform the
cheating student. As a result, the cheating student has a negative consequence to society. It
also affects the cheating student because they are supposed to gain knowledge from education
rather than cheat. By cheating, they are foregoing the opportunity to receive a proper
education, putting themselves and their futures at risk.

The majority of the students are under pressure from their family members, peers, and
instructors. They are worried that if they start receiving poor grades, their guardians will
ground them or their peers will mock them. They attempt to cheat on exams rather than
getting good grades, paying attention in class, reviewing lessons, and doing exercises. On the
other hand, some students do not have enough time to review, or they become ill for a variety
of reasons. They cheat as much as they can to get good grades. They feel nothing wrong and
only think about the consequences if the teacher discovers that he or she is cheating.

Witnessing someone cheat will put you in such a difficult situation, especially if the
person you caught is close to you. You will decide whether or not to inform the teacher. You
will be placed in a position where you must exercise extreme caution in your actions. Telling
the teachers may embarrass your classmate, and if you don't, he or she may repeat the
behavior and become comfortable to it.

Students choose to cheat academically because it is a more convenient way to avoid

studying or managing their time for schoolwork. Students believe that cheating is not a
problem because they do not consider the consequences of cheating. Exam cheating can have
a negative impact on one's self-esteem and confidence, as well as a strong desire to continue
cheating, as well as consequences and risk in the future.

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