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1. Why did you chose study at unmul ?

Hello, my name’s Ahmad Sholikhin i live in Samarinda city, the city of region
capitals on east Borneo. I will tell me why study at UNMUL University. Because the
place not far from my home, besides that because my parents advised me to study at
Mulawarman University because the distance from where I live and the location of the
campus is not too far, and minimizes transportation costs and tuition fees so that I can
study with focus and don't think too much about transportation and housing costs, of
course. Talking about the distance between my house and campus, my house is 5
kilometers away with a travel time of about 10 minutes to 15 minutes depending on the
traffic conditions that I pass. if the road conditions are busy then my travel time is up
to 20 minutes, it requires me to go to campus early to avoid traffic jams. so I have to go
to campus earlier

2. Why did you chose Physics Education ?

The reason I chose physics education major is that I have liked physics subjects
since junior high school, where I studied the basic concepts of physics-based natural
science. This passion for physics continued until I entered high school there I learned
more about physics, if in junior high I only learned about basic units and concepts, in
high school I learned more about the application of formulas in physics, I want a career
in physics, because I think I found my love for this physics major. This situation makes
me excited to keep learning and learning. Besides that, there is someone who motivates
me to continue learning about physics, he always gives me a lot of encouragement. he
is my high school teacher. Don't forget the motivation from my parents who have
supported me so far, and I don't want to disappoint them

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