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Synchronous Class Lecture 13

1. Cognitive Disorders
Nursing care priority for cognitive disorder includes promoting the patient’s safety,
independence in self-care activities, reducing anxiety and agitation, improving
communication, providing socialization and intimacy, adequate nutrition, and supporting
and educating the family caregivers.
2. Dissociative Disorders
Nursing care priorities for dissociative disorders include client safety, Reassure the
client of their safety and security through your presence; dissociative behaviors may be
frightening to the client and Provide support and encouragement during the recollection of
past traumatic experiences.
3. Sleep Disorders

Nursing care priority for sleep disorders is to obtain the patient's optimal amount of
sleep as evidenced by rested appearance, verbalization of feeling rested, and improvement
in sleep pattern and Encourage daytime physical activities but instruct the patient to avoid
strenuous activities before bedtime because they may lead to fatigue and may cause
insomnia, which is a sleeping disorder.

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