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Time: eeral b. c ona b, ©. aa b. 4a b, Sal b. c 6 a b, lea © Ba b For More Question Papers Visit - 15CS81 Eighth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2019 Internet of Things Technology 3 hrs, Max. Marks: 80 Note: Answer FIVE full questions, choosing one full question from each module. Mod What is 1OT? Explain in detail on Genesis of 1OT. (08 Marks) What does IOT and digitaization mean” Elaborate on this concept (04 Marks) Write a short note on “1OT impact in Real World (04 Marks) OR Discuss 1OT challenges. (08 Marks) With a neat diagram, explain architecture of OT (04 Marks) Explain Core LOT functional stack (04 Marks) Module- List and explain different types of sensors (08 Marks) Elaborate on small physical objects and small virtual objects, (04 Marks) Explain “IOT Access Technologies (04 Marks) OR Briefly explain protocol stack utilization IEEE 802.154 (08 Marks) What is SANET? Explain some advantages and disadvantages that a wireless based solution offers (08 Marks) Mod Explain working of IP as the JOT network lay (08 Marks) Write note on Busines case for IP. (04 Marks) Discuss need for optimization, (04 Marks) OR Describe application protocols for 1OT Discuss the various methods used in IOT application transport Module-4 What do you mean by data and analyties for [OT? Explain (04 Marks) Discuss Bigdata analyties tools and technol (04 Marks) With a case study relate the concept of securing 1OT (08 Marks) OR Explain in detail how IT and OY security practices and systems vary in real time, (08 Marks) Discuss OCTAVE and FAIR formal risk analysis (08 Marks) For More Question Papers Visit - 10 For More Question Papers Visit - Module-5 Give a brief note on Arduino UNO. (04 Marks) With a neat diagram, explain Raspberry P, board. (04 Marks) With a neat diagram, explain wireless temperature monitoring system using Raspberry P; (08 Marks) OR Explain in detail smart city IOT architecture. (08 Marks) With the case study explain smart and connected cities using Raspberry Pi (08 Marks) For More Question Papers Visit -

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