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A: Good evening !

B: How's it going?
A : Yeah ! Im good. What about you ?
B: can't complain.
A:Do U live with your parents
B:...Yes/ NO..., How about you
A: ...Yes | No. Do you have any siblings?
B: who are your family members
A: my parents...
A:Do you have a large family?
B: Wow ! it good.
2.Who are you closest to in your family?
5. That nice? How are you getting on with your parents?
We eat together at the dining room table every day.
We go on family holidays . We love mountain hikes, game reserve trips,
fishing, swimming in the sea and beach holidays.
6. Is family very important to you?
8)) R U Similar or dif ur sis.
I belive the only thing that me and my sister share in common is that we have
the same parents! However, I still love her very much. We both talk and listen
to each other whenever we encounter problems in our lives and are always
supportive and understanding.
9. Do you look like any other people in your family?
13)) IS yours a typical family
Well, I can say that, yes, our family is a typical one. A family, who stays by
each other through good times and bad times.
11.What do you like to do together as a family?
15)) would u like to spend more time with your family
Yes, A thosand times yes!!!. I have been blessed with a big, awesome and
loving family.
on the occasion of the year my family always travel to new family is
the people who make me happy and help me through all the difficul in my life
20)) tell me about someone in ur family you like spending fine with
My sister has become my best friend. I can share my interests, my career plans
or even things about my love life with her, I always take the time to take my
sister go to shopping, we understand eachother quite well.
What kind of family that u want to have Someday

I wanna have a Small family with the person i love and also loves me and loves
me for who I am. I want to have a family that ready to support for me when I
am feeling down
Having kids is also a plan in my future family.I will rise my childs and teach
them how to be having a loving heart
Not necessary to be rich, just enough to live. But be happy

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