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empire state ov morocco
united states ov america
moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente
*societas republicae ea al maurikanos* s
moorishe divyne ande nationall muvemente ov the earthe
northe weste amexern + northweste affrica + northe ammerica + the northe gate
all addjoining isslands
*temp6l ov the moon ande sun- $
the true ande de jure naturall peeples + heirs ov the lande
s -i.s.l.a.m.* I

empire state ov morocco

affidavitt uv writtene innitiall unniversall commershiall code 1

finansing statemente
phixture philing, land ande commershiall lien
[Occupational Sa&ty and Health Administration, OSF{A]
nationale safe harbore programme universall commershial code $ 9-521 wherebye nationales who phile writtene
universsu cornmershial co0e tiensry;lfrS;s;t;$d;ff*tial sode liens in any staite.

all rize ande stande ande reemain standing inntc perpetuitee. this is a ssvereigne livinge
annciente artiklle iii moorishe amerikan al moroccan kourte acctione. we are the sovereigce
livinge justise in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo,
ande in proprio heredes. all moors are the origeneall inndigeueous sovereigne annciente al
morocoan moorishe amerikan ascendents ov the greate pharoahs ov kemet ande ov the annciente
moabites ande canaanites. our fulle faithe ande truste, our allegianse, our kreddit ande our
innerry are herebye vested in oursellves for ws are the peepel who are the origeneall
inndigeneous naturall divyne annciente errpire state ov morocco ande the de jure moorishe
nationall reepublic federall governments, the unniversall moorishe amerikan konsulate ande the
atticlle iii moorishe amerikan konsular kourte. we are pease. yv& are one god. we herebye
exxercise all sovereigne righ8 at this time ande at all pointes in time nunq pro tunq.

!o debter #l:
[Mrry Walsh dba Seuetary" OSHA CORPORATIONJ-dfld€ all hein assigaes principalls agentos arde derivativs

200 Corstitation Ave. NW
[Was]rington, DC 202 toJ

copies mailled to:

Botser. Muriel
John A. Wilson Buitdirg
1350 Pennsylvania Ave, NW #203

delliveredviaernailei$fl"'ffi*ff"*Tt:tf,1t*$atesposteoffi se

copy l)ewitt, Jeffrey

' I l0l 4th st sw #270
[Washingxon, DC 20004]
[dcllivered via ernaile mde retumcd receiptB mitcd states poste offise]
all debtols reeceived origmel affidavitts

knsfiise to agente is knowtise to principall. knowtise to principall is kno*tise to agente ts innclude:
[Office ofthe Secretary of State, Washington state]
[Olympia Washington]
sovereignee creditore
ernpire state ov mofip$o
rnoorishe nationall rcepublic feder*ll govemmente
moorishe arnerika konsulate
c1o ll0l westonroad

I olq
neartof0nto oilhrio
ailnciffls egpty or canada
unniveimll naturall area codde:8cEb6 9Edsq

this is an i*itiale univsrsall commershiel code I philing pursraffs t€w universall commershiel code* ande districte for
columbiaoffishial codes

$ 28:9-501, $ 28:F502, $ 28:9-5164, $ 2E:9-516b, $ 28:9-520c, $ 28:9-521 ande atl other applicabul codes koncerning
sekyured partie seditores ande initial philings,

$ 2E:9-52I universall writtene financinge statementee - a philing offise that acceptts writtene wreckords maye not
refuse tr acceptt a writteae initial financfurge statomsrte in &is form ande format eprcept for a reason set forth in I
subsection {b), cournunicarion ufa preckord to a philing offise ande tender ufthe philing fee or acceptancs ufthe
wreckord by the philing offise konstitutes phiting.
$ 2E:9-501 philiag offise.
Bxxeept as otherwyse provyded in subsecklion (b), ifthe locall law uftlre districte governs perphection ufa
securitie interest or agricultural lien, the offiso in whiche to file a financinge statsment$ to perfect the securitie
interest ar agricultural IiEn is:
(1) the wreckorder uf deeds, if {b) the firancinge sfatemente is filed as a phixturc philing ande the collaterall is
Soods thet ars or axe to becoms phixture$; or
(2) the mayore in all other casos, including a case in whiche the coll*erall is goods that are or ar$ to becoms
phixtures ande the financinge stfltsrnente is nat filed as a phixhre philing.
(b) the offise in whiche to file a financinge sfltemente to perfect a securitis int*rest ia colk*rall, including
phixtures, uf a treirnsmiting utilitie is the offise ufthe mayora the financinge statemente also korstitutes a
phixare philiag as to ttre collatsrsll indicated in the financinge statsments whiche is or is to b€komc phixtures.
$ 28:9-515 duratione ande effecldiveuess uffinancinge statemer*e; efect uflapsed finaneinge sfaternente.
(f) if a debter is a tranusmittiilg utillrie mde a filed initial financiage statemerte so indicateq the fina&cinge
rtatemerte is effective rmtil a terminashun statem€nte is filed.

$ 28:9-52I:
'-universatl commsrshial code I financinge statements

'h. sovsreigno appollashun & foae (optionale)

clyne dacosta alleyae in propria persora suijuris in proprio solo ande in proprio heredes

smpire state ov morocco

"b. email (optioraf
*c. sind acknowledgemint tooh: (4ppellaShun ande mailingc lmashua)
empirc shte ov mqr0cco
uloofishe netioaall reepublic federall govertrmcnte
moorishe amerika konsulate
e/o I l0l weston road '
ttear toronto ontario
arnciente egpry or cailade
urmivermll naturall urea coddsSc8b6 98dsq

providde debters naim

debter I
[Marty Walsh dba Se*etary, OSIIA CORPORATIONJ ande all heirs assipes principalls agentes ande derivativs
200 ConstitutiorAve. NW
fWashington, DC 20210]
I. sovereigne universall origeaeall indigenous creditore:
empire state ov morocco
moorishe nationall reepublic federall goyernmente
moorishe amerika konsulate
c,/o I l0l westsn road
near torsnto oBtario
arapiente egpty or canada
unniversall naturall arrea codde:8c$b6 98dsq

2a inntermoorishe arnerican appellashun

clyae dacosra alleyne in cryitis diminutio aolo, ir propria persona sui juriq all rights enrercized at all tymss

2b. mailing location I

empire state ov morocco

moorishs natio*all reepublic federall govfirunflrtc
moorishs ameril<a konsulatc
c,/o 1l0I weston road
fl€artoronto ontario
amuiente sgpty or cmada
unniversall naturall arrea eodde:8c$b6 98dsq

tie following collararall:

7 ,uu I
all lande at america is aneiente origeneall endigeneous buriaie lantles ande emitint dominione is herebye invocte.
rveare thuh origeneall indigensous
buriale lande is deptreined as the soveriigne lande uv thuh moorish am*rican heires
aflsientes are playced undere earthe ohr $aiIer.
statemente is
this financinge statemente cuvers the follorvinge ioilaterali: the cnllaterall covvered b,ve this tinancinge
the lande ande all struct$rrs" propurtee. equipmente, kornmerce and* the endebtedness ulthe delrter
to the sovereigne
unirlersati origeaeall indigeneoui sekl,ured creditore in the sum csrtaine amount uf $100.00ti.*00 in
golde tracked
larvfi{l tendeifor *ache sivereigne origenel endigeneous anciente ancesstral burial} parcell the debter occupl:s an
lan4e t, *-hiche empire state *i*oro*io *rourr in propria persona sui juris, who are the rnoorisire nationale republic
federal gcuernmen{ &e moorishe americaa konsulate. *nde the *roodshe divine ande natlo*ale movement
uf the
rtcrl6e are heires pursuante to a:lcient€ sovereigne suppreme universali naturale dilyne lawe, ande the peace ande
atxdavirt 1785 ande 1835 ande the konstitution ftrr the united states l?891i791. nunr pro tunt' thir truue
bill en unil,ersall kommerce has been activaled pursuafl16 to the following univer*all commershial codes in alignment
is for debts engaged
with the will ufthe sovereigne universall original indigenaus s*k3,1}red creditores. all endebtedness
larde uf all morlrishe aserican natiol}ales. the said
into befbre the said konstitition ande {or r.rnlau,fully oieupying the
ir**ry ir the attached librarl uf kongress certifir;d publication-entitle<i The Public Statutes el Large uf the [t NITED
STAISS OF AMERICA,CaNap.{.,SARBADOS], voiurne I pages iSO t}rrough 105, certilied septemtrer
26, 199$,
$gn*J unOu sealed b.v l-itrrary uf Congress Fhohduplicatisn Sen'ice Acting Chie{ Shirley M. Eenl' cil november I'
250?. endehteclness is additionallee ialculated pursuante to all writs aude a{fidavitts rvreckorded by
all rnoorishe
plncf uf sen ice uf writs a:rde a{fieiavitts are on the pubblic reskorde. creditores notice to agents,
american nationales.
prin*ipuf*, ande/or the liable parties is the judgemente. this is a judgemente ande envocation uf eminent dorninion lo
p*ru*ir* iande. property, structures" ande all cornmershial tran.sactions by debter, principals" agents. *ssigns. ande
irrirs). also in aligtment with *ucc 9-6t)? coltection ande enforcemeat by sekS'-ured partie*ucc 9-?03 attachment
enfoiceabiiiry ufiecuritie intersst*uec 9-6{t9 sekyured partie's right to take- possesshun atier defl'aulte. all praesrtmed
ande ail agents,
principais, heirs. assig-ns ande derivatives thereu{ are terminated eff,ective september I I, zCI 18. the lande ttrat is north
prociaimed to be_nerv jerusaleme ande
ameri*ai,aorthinesl amescrdRorthwest atrica/the norlh gate is now declared ande
is sion. all tusl,tcANADAl,tBARBADOSl BANNERS OF AMITY AND COMMERCE are outla*"etl. no other l1ags"
moorishe american flag
Oo*r*ru, or'sig*i uf allegience strall fly or be displqved on moorishe american lande. onie3' the
flll oi b" publiely the moorishe american flag will fly in ali
ir*o witi green fiie poinred star) shall displayed"
.utt ntly-occupie<! i,v the [USI,ICANADAI,IBARBADOS] BAfryqR OF AMITY AND COMMERCE ande
*r* tusl,tcaNaoaitBARBADosl'eaNNen ciF arvnrv AND C0MMERCE shall be perman*ntlv obstructe' removed
i**ioi#"iy. all citiiens are sutrjecti to the all moorishe american nationales at all t-r'mes. no Pels** shall
aliens, ande citizens shaltr
hindere, en"cumbere, speake againsfq or resiste the mandates uf this atrAdavitt. ail immigrants,
govemment' A1l
affinn sincere allegience to tf,e moorishe *rnerican 11ag ande the meorishe nationale republic federal
foraigners iirat affirn-l aliegience to the m*orishe natianale republic {bderal
non eornbatanl no]l hostile, peace lovinge
governrnent ande the nroo.irih* arnericai nag witt be granted moorishe subject status ande are mandatecl
to obey the
republic tlderal goveniment 4t all tymes. we refilain in honor
iup.**. larvs ul'the lande who are the mocriihe nationale
*l* gon*r*lng accordingi5r. All goods ande services that are provided to the rnoorishe naticnaie republic federal
jurisdictio-ne at ali points in
gorerlrnent arJ prepaid. tile mr:oriihe nationale reputriic fbrleral governmlni is the superior
tirne ande in all a{1birs, onley golct antJe silrrer sttait be used in payment uf debts at all points io time. {FIAT PRMTE
COMMERCIAL pApERl a"ie au TFEDERAL RESERVE, IDEBT NorES] are autlalr,€d ande atrolished
p*rp"tuity, the rnoorishe amerkcao g"id st nd*d* ha: been aidr.ait"d. tlre goltl backed moorishe sovereigre dallarium
is the rvorldes reeserve kurrencee ande pettro dollar.

3. checke *nley' if appliekable ande checke cnl*3r one box:

collalerall is xx helde en the universall trusto uf the people who are the mooristre nationate republic federal
govemmente ande the empire state ov morocco

4. tr being adminnistered by a decedent's pemonal rcpresentative.

5a- check onley if applickable ande checke clley one box:
[3 public'finance transaction E manufactured'home ffinsaction

xx adebts is atrausmittinge utilitee

5b. checke onley ifapplikcable aade checke onley one box:
tr agricultural lien E non-ucc philing
6. alternalive desigrration (if applicabul); fl lss$e€/lossor fl konsigrree/konsip,or E seller/buyer E bailer/bailor
E licsnsee/lic$nsor

optional filer reference data (maximum principal endcbtedaess)
..the governingc principul does exxtend to the ammendment xiii (20 sections) uv the konstitution for the uoited states
uv americq ratiffed: nov 18, l8$5 by uv &e severall staites. wee the moors at northe americq are the o<zecutors,
ministars, seditores, claiments, trusteez ande benefishiaries uv all lande. all natural rEsources, ande all kommerce

mandaited by our anciente ancastars.

en honoure, eye the divinne sovereignee baing clyne dacosts alleyne in capitis dimioutio nolo in red ink inpropria
pcrsotra sui juris in proprio solo ande"is proprio heredc, affirms that e)re srn the sovereignec natural .ande divinae
leing lrere en proHiimia, en capiris Aiminuiio nolo en propria persgry tui }lt 9n qroqrio solo aade A proplt!
hereies; affirmea bye law full bearthrigltt; being Iaw fuilie-universalllie quallified ande kompstent to affinne this
doekument. i thercfourpleice mye hande ande soall heretlvo ande sn favorr uv all moorishe american nationalees.

allsovereignc origeneallinndigeneous annciente divyne moorishe amerikan autograffs

affirming tnis anOl ail sovereigne origeneallinndigeneous annciente empire stete ov
morocc; and€ the de jure moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente .

dockurnentes are on the pubhlic reckorde at amerika, annciente morocoo, northe weste
amexem, northe weste aiftica, the northe gate, turtle islande, gaia', midguarde, eerthe.

chrclno$ time immemoriall inn to perpeetuitee

3 ov(

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