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empire state 0v morocco

united states for america
moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente
* -societas republicae ea al maurikanos_ *
moorishe divyne ande nationall muvemente ov the earthe
northe weste amexem + north weste affrica + northe ammeri,ca-i tiie northe gate
all addjoining isslands
rr -tempelov the moon ande sun- *
the true ande de jure naturalr peepres + heirs ov the rande
r* _i.s.l.a.m._ s

empire state ov morocco

unniversall sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous naturall
divyne writt
all rize ande stande ande reemain stan$ng innto perpetuitee. this is a sovereigne livinge
anncienle artiklle iii moorishe amerikan aI moroccan korrte acctioae. we are
sovereigne livinge justise in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona
sui juris,
in proprio solo, ande_in proprio heredes, all moors are the orls*o"ulr inndigerieous
sovereigne annciente al moroccan moorishe amerikrm ascendents oi the greale plaroahs
ov kemet ande ov the annciente moabites ande canaanites. our fulle faitheiod* tnrrt",
allegianse, our Mdit ande our innergy are herebye vested in oursellves
for we are the
peepel ruho are the origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne annciente
empire state ov
morocco ande the de jure moorishe nationall reepubiic fedemll governmente, the
unniversall moorishe amerikan konsulate ande the artictte iii moorishe inerikan
5o*". we arE peace- we are won natione, won state" won empire ande won god. we
herebye exxercise all sovereigne rights at this time ande at all pointes in time
nunq pro

the unniversall origeneall inndigeneous sovereigne naturall divyne peepel who

are the sovereigne
empire state ov momcco ande the de jure moorishe nationatl dpuUli"i*derall govemmente
placed a urniversall comrtrerciail code I lien or the
CoMPAlrYl, the [U.S. FEDERAL REsERvE]-ande all
iagentes principalls heirs assigns ands
any deerivatives thereovJ oo auguste 3, I43E pio turrq. the
I2-0lSl state oy morocco
{fl-$fUy* pnvidde remedie for the b*ktrrpte"*q "*pir"o, th, t$NfrED
financiall konditione
STATES] unnder the glyerning authoritie ande sovsreigne supreeme jurisdictioue
on t[. empire
state ov morocco in allignmente withe, aulmung uthei laws, the Cinstitutione
for the United
states 1789 ande 179l,the united states code iitlle
Pubblic Lt*
18,26,2g, andethe lggth congresse
as pursuante to the Constitutione for the United States l7g9
9. ande l79l article 1,
seetionne 8, clause 4 states the phollowing:

"to esstablishe an unniform rule ov naturalizatione, ande unniform laws on the subbjecte
bankruptsees throughout the United States:
to coin rnoney' reftuhte trr" ,urlr" tr,"rcov, ande ov foreigne coin, ande
weights ande rneasuros. "
fix the standarde ov

this unniversall sovereigne origene*ll inndigeneous naturall divyne articlle

iii konsular kourte
1c$o.*9 $s begne placld ont e pubblic reckJrde by the living aoneient" -*ptu-J;oo *o.o".o
fiduciarie (see beelow fo1 due processe knotificaiion" trr"fi"s nummbers)
kredditor trannsmitting utillitie:
- -'------c for the phollowing

re: Uuited States Federal person "clyne dacosta alleyne,,

al moroccan state taxxpayer iddentihcatione utillitie withe social
securitie nummber 576 341 zg3

knote: see attached United States fiduciarie affidvaid ande attached sovereigne
lawyah affi&vid

t OvLl
in leiu ov Innternall Revenue Servise formes ?848 (Power of Attomey ande Declaratione of
Represeatative) reeceived on decembre 27, 2A2l at 8:53am via United States Post Office
sertified m*il nummber 7019 2970 0002 2102 0888. collected shalle be paid to the de jure
moorishe nafrionall reepublic federall goyerrmente aa222141 at truthe.

to whomever LINITED STATES Businesse Entitie that opperates commerciallie on United States
Public Markets ande acceptes ande/ore exxchanges in United States currency while custodially
providing goods
andelore servisss to United States Persons in everry day kommerse.

the above mentionned United States Federal Person has a pre paid non obbligatory commerciall
arrangemente withe the UNITED STATES in relatione to 12 U.S.C. 95a Regulation of
transactions in foreign exxchange of gold ande silver, properfy trannsfers, vested innterests,
ennforcementes ande pennalties (part 2) ande other publio policy on United States debte. for the
reckorde, we, fhe living sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne empire state ov
morocco ande the moorishe divyne ande nationall movemente ov the earthe ande the moorishe
nationall reepublic federall governmeilte ande ths moori$he amerikan konsulate ande this
unniversall kourte are at peace.

ths Businesse Entity reeceiving this wriu ande affidavid is federally bounde to UNITED
STATES ande U.S. Public Debt Obbligationes by way ov the Constitutione for the United States
1789 ande 1791, Internal Revenue Service Employer Identification Number (the I.R.S. being
unnder the U.S. Department of the Treasury) ande the Federal Reserve Business Bank Accounte
in Your custodie.

the Businssse Entity reeceiving this writt ande affrdavid is herebye kommanded to itternize any
ande all Commerciall Products ande/ore Servises chozen by the sovereigne living empire state ov
moroccs fiduciarie for the abbove U.S. Federal Public Person ande addjuste tlre bottome line
total cost ammount to zero ($0.00) (aught) ande reelease the items to the state fiduciarie.
additionallie, provide a reeceipte to the U.S. Federal Public Person by way ov the empire state ov
morocoo fiduciarie (clyne dacosta alleyne, icdn) ande reetaine the reckorde ov the kannsactione
to settle Your Federal Tax Obligations as the enntire trannsactione is a Commerciall Accounting
Matter to remedie the debtes ande obbligationes that the bankrupte TINITED STATES owes to
its kredditors who are the peeple who me the empire state ov morosco, the origeneall
inndigeneous united states for amerika. this lawfulle writt ande affrdavid is in allignmente withe
the National Banking Emergencie Law for 1933. all Commerciall Public Debt Obligations whila
trannsacting businesse within the UNITED STATES Commercial Markets beelongs to the
LINITED STATES, as the LINITED STATES is the true debtor in e*che ande everry
Commerciall trannsactione as proklaimed here withe.
!.ilr at** V roe

,Eus?strlfirt @| 9eeC gq6t g**rs lloh

L,$PS Tr*eklng' Trask;nS FAT

T:eek An*thei'Fa*k*ge :.ei ioe fr4 irfyrqd ,ei:"e!l teetrrc :q r**,.,e

uo* afti r{ l.: at 5rB . r . i.-, ;E!ia€ ! EEH

. ,- . .,: ..:


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all sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous annciente divyne moorishe amerikan autograffs

affirming this ande all sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous annoiente empire state ov
morocco ande the de jure moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente
dockumente$ are on the pubblic reckorde et amerika, annciente morocco, northe weste
amexern, northe weste affrica, the northe gate, turtle islande, gaia', midguarde, earthe.

chronos time immemoriall inn to perpetuitee

ego sum:Slruaai- Cb.w-b.*l .Ll.*o>t-- .t-trzt1r.-e- gL,

u justise vizier ministar-
in capitis diminutio nolq in red int! in propria persona sui juris in proprio in proprio heredes.
knowtisc to agente is knowtise to principall. knowtise to principall is knofiise to agente.
empire state ov momcco
moorishe oationall reepublic federall goyernmsnte
moorishe anrerilo konsulate
c/o I I0l weston road
neartoronto o$tario
annciente cgpty cr cannalerd
unoiversall naturall arrea codde:8c8b6 98dsq
.mni ffidtotot&, Fa{itFE drirwfi&rqraakEB .d iiffi d EEhsclo d4r.M6rSrc slrsl& drl8tffidfi sftr, alq 6.b
a@, ffid.o @5lt 4rdirqe.&willi sFMrmt [frb.t iloln.elo 6srlqrlqe eiErlrs*p.r t@drd $tdr dtD c*
e& amr d@ y6b8, qe6i6{s &i*tB sFar ,tffi eil far€ d Eo lo €do * qryuilqu! ady!fili sgEtlrtm .dd sDtne d h dd6

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