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Book Review

Title : A Journey Through the Desert

Author : Sudha Murthy
Vocabulary :
1. Cosmopolitan: including people from many different countries.
2. Errand: a short journey undertaken in order to deliver or collect
something, especially on someone else's behalf.

3. slum: a squalid and overcrowded urban street or district inhabited by

very poor people.

4. grumbled : complain about something in a bad-tempered way.

5. enthusiasm : intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.

6. slogging: work hard over a period of time.

7. decade : a period of ten years.

8. strode : walk with long, decisive steps in a specified direction.

9. venture: a risky or daring journey or undertaking.

10. dumbstruck: so shocked or surprised as to be unable to speak.

Book Rating :

Moral value in the story A journey through
the desert is “one must not lose hope, even if
the circumstances are too bad to resist.” In
this story two characters are there Ram and
Gopal. Ram achieved his goal after facing
many difficulties in his life. But Gopal always
tried to do things beyond his capacity and
failed miserably .
Characters :
1. Sudha Murthy ( narrator)
2. Ram
3. Gopal
Favourite part :
My favourite incident in this story is Ram achieved
his goal after facing many difficulties and he
managed to finish his school and Automobile
Diploma. Finally he was able to open his own

What I didn’t like:

I didn’t like Gopal’s character in this story.
Gopal always tried to do things beyond his
capacity and he failed miserably

Favourite character :
Favourite scene :

Recommendation : highly recommended

Reviewer : Rifat Ahmed
Date : 02-08-2021

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