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II. Answer the following questions completely. (20 p0ints each). pass your answer
sheets of test I to the Gmail add of remelie cedro and test 11 to my gmail add

1.How do you assess yourself in terms of financial literacy education?


In my situation now, if I assess myself the knowledge about financial

literacy education, I will give my self 7 out of 10. I am very particular in the expenses. I
always write down what to spend in my salary. I always estimate my expenses. I always
create our monthly budget. Because of some things need to attain, I went to private
lending institution. I have my house and lot, projector, laptop because of loan.

Now, my next project is finding good area for business to have extra
income. I want to improve my financial situation so that I will not struggle soon. I will
save money and find good investments. I will stick to my goals and make them
2.What is the best economical education to be received by our students nowadays?


For me, the best economical education should be received by our students
is about financial literacy.

Financial literacy is very helpful to students for them to become educated,

responsible in their financial and being financially aware. Financial literacy helps
students to become resourceful and flexible. They can find ways how to have good
investment. They can manage their money / allowance and may help them to put in
business to grow.

Being financial literate will make them knowledgeable in spending money

wisely. As a young age, they will know the importance of savings and investments.
Discipline is the key.

3. How do economic problems affect education? Enumerate 3 economic issues in

relation to COVID


Education is correlated to economics. Education provides a foundation for

development, the groundwork on which much of our economic and social wellbeing is
built. It is the key to increasing economic efficiency and social consistency. By
increasing the value and efficiency of their labor, it helps to raise the poor from poverty.
When covid arise, people in the whole word were affected of the crisis especially
in the education sector. The are lots of issues in education on how to continue its quality
education for the learners. First, the stop operations of private schools because the
students prefer to study in public school. Many students in private school were
transferred in public schools. The contract and private school teachers face greater
risks of job and salary loss. Second, Deped emphasize more budget for printing WLAS/
Modules. Schools need to hire job orders to print / produce modules and WLAS, renting
printers and purchasing more bondpapers. Third, Covid vaccine brings hesitation to
some people. There are people that until now are not willing to be vaccinated especially
those young children. Parents are afraid of the adverse effects of the vaccine to their
children. It’s in the news that Philippines donate the remaining Covid vaccine to other
Asian countries.

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