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Running header: Annotated Bibliography 1

Dylan Drimmie

RC 2001-139

Annotated Bibliography

Azis, Iwan J. Periphery and Small Ones Matter [electronic resource] : Interplay of Policy and

Social Capital. Singapore : Springer Singapore : Imprint: Springer, 2022

Iwan Azis goes in depth into the relationship of Policies and Institutes that is developed

throughout different regions. Focusing on Indonesia the book shows the effect on interregional

disparity and small enterprises. The author explains how policies should be there to protect and

support smaller businesses and the development of social capital, but instead they over time

support the opposite. The author explains that the best way to counteract this problem is for

small businesses to operate in support of each other to build up as much capital as possible.

Demaria, Cyril. Introduction to private equity, debt and real assets : from venture capital to LBO,

senior to distressed debt, immaterial to fixed assets. Chichester, West Sussex : John Wiley

& Sons Ltd, 2020

In this book the development of the economy, innovations, class mobility, and changes in

structuring and regulations within recent years are all touched upon and explained. Going on to

explain the changes in personal assets and how they have affected personal finances. Cyril talks

about the rapid evolution of the private market industry which is changing rapidly and maturing

fast. Connecting this all to give a clear layout of the current situation.

Finely, Alexandra J. An intimate economy [electronic resource] : enslaved women, work, and

America's domestic slave trade. Chapel Hill : The University of North Carolina Press,

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Alexandra instead of bringing up a new topic adds to the ongoing debate of capitalism

and slavery with the topic of women labor in the Antebellum slave trade. Alexandra focuses on

the slave traders methods of profiting from womens sexual, reproductive, and domestic labor.

This is tied in directly to the overall impact of how much slavery tied it’s self with the cultural

and economical identity of the south. With the use of four enslaved women's personal stories and

histories to reveal just how complex and deep slavery involved itself into all aspects of the south

solely developing from greed fueled by capitalism.

Foley, Fritz C. Hines, James. Wessel, David. Global goliaths : multinational corporations in the

21st century economy. Washington, DC : Brookings Institution Press, 2021

This book talks about how the notion that giant multinational corporations and how they

are meant to be directly tied with the growth of economics is starting to be heavily questioned.

Developed and developing nations are starting to fight back against this idea that has been set in

stone with politicians and the populist as fuel. This book questions the roles of these giant

corporations and what exactly they do for the nations they are connected with. This along with

guessing at what the future of these corporations will be with the development and reliance on

new technology.

Freese, Barbara. Industrial-strength denial : eight stories of corporations defending the

indefensible, from the slave trade to climate change. Oakland, California : University of

California Press, [2020]

Barbara Freese brings the spotlight to just how far into denial and lying large

corporations will fall to when it comes to the topics of the atrocities they are connected to.

Whether it’s downplaying or rationalizing the atrocities to outright denying they ever happened.

Barbara has directly confronted this with the denial of large coal companies and the tie they have
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with themselves and climate change. Her research leads her to talk about 8 specific examples of

denial that industries are trying to push or have already pushed.

Rappaport, Joanne. Cowards don't make history : Orlando Fals Borda and the origins of

participatory action research. Durham : Duke University Press, 2020

Joanne Rappaport details the events of researcher and activist Fals Borda and how his

participation with the topic of his research led to far more change than someone just talking

about it. Fals Borda directly tied himself into the abuse of the poor/weak and connected them

through the use of teaching and showing they aren’t alone. This book gives a perfect example of

how involvement is the only way to truly make change. Due to Fals Borda example being set in

Columbia it started to spread throughout the rest of Latin America and beyond.

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