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What are the practices they use when it comes to:

2.1 Storing inventory

2.2 Minimization of spoiled and expired products

2.3 Maintaining the storage capacity to accommodate both old and new


3. Is there a significant relationship between the inventory management  

practiced as to how a business operates effectively?

4. What are the problems encountered by MSME owners in managing inventory?

5. Based on the findings of the study, what enhancement program may be

recommended convenient for micro businesses owners to practice?


1. Having inventory is very important to improve the business.

2. Storing Inventory must be practice and taught to small business or retail store for their
business growth.
3. Storing must be separate to each product
4. Numbering of each item is effective for storing inventory.
1. Checking the expiration date of the food product is necessary when you’re having a small
business or large business?
2. First In, First out is necessary to avoid spoilation risk in food products.
3. Proper storing of food products is not necessary because I am holding a small business.
4. Food product must be in separate with other product and in proper storage.
1. Mixing old and new set of stocks don’t have any effect.
2. Separating old and new set of stocks is important for business.
3. New stock must be sold first.
4. Selling all stock before we bought new stocks.

1. Doing inventory management is important to have a success flow business.
2. Inventory management is not important for small business having small inventory.
3. Practicing Inventory management helps you to know of your business status.
4. In order to operate your business must know your business status and its inventory, the
profit and loss.
No Spoilation
1. Managing business inventory confusing for number of products sold and your profit in that
2. Encountering lost products and not knowing exact sales for the day.
3. Numerous numbers of stocks.
4. No separation of product just display and sell them.
1. Encountering Spoilation casually in food products.
2. Report of expired products.
1. Internet program that anyone can browse about proper inventory.
2. Offline Practice course of inventory management system
3. Lists and steps of preparing product to be sold in marketplace.

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