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Division of English for Specific Purposes

English for Finance and Banking

Vietnam National University, Hanoi
Student guide
University of Languages and International Studies

[Case Study: Student Guide]

A Case Study is not just another worksheet. The point is not to write the one correct answer to each question. The idea is that
case studies are “real world,” which means the situations aren’t perfect, people don’t always behave rationally or as
expected, and the value comes from thinking critically and arriving at creative solutions to the problems. Here are some tips:

[Reading a Case Study]

➔ Read carefully. Mark up your paper. Jot notes in the margins.(Ghi chú, đánh dấu)
➔ Think like a detective the whole time you read. Look for inconsistencies. What’s the catch?
(Tìm kiếm sự mâu thuẫn)
➔ Make inferences. Case studies are “real world;” you don’t have all the perfect information.
(không có sự hoàn hảo tuyệt đối)

[Brainstorming ideas]
➔ Think critically; don’t write the simple answer or the first thing that pops into your head.(Câu
trả lời đầu tiên hiện ra trong đầu chưa chắc đúng)
➔ Prove that you’ve thought deeply about the case. Be unique and bring NEW ideas. (Nghĩ sâu
hơn và đem đến các ý tưởng mới)
➔ Focus on the quality of your ideas. (Tập trung vào chất lượng ý tưởng)
➔ Remember, there’s usually not one correct answer. (Thường ko có câu trả lời chính xác)

[Participating in a Case Study Discussion] (Optional)

➔ This is where your ideas shine. Be confident and vocal.
➔ Listen carefully to your peers. Expand on their ideas, or explain why you disagree.
➔ Be prepared to answer questions that weren’t already on the worksheet.
[Writing a report]
➔ Read the marking rubrics thoroughly Đọc kĩ các tiêu chuẩn
➔ Prove that you’ve thought deeply about the case. Be unique and bring NEW ideas. Chứng
minh mình đã thực sự đào sâu vấn đề
➔ Focus on the quality of your ideas. Chất lượng ý tưởng
➔ Make sure about the word count. Đếm số từ
Note: If your teacher gives you directions that differ from those above slightly, of course, follow your teacher’s guidance.

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