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Spring Term, 2021-2022

Question 1. If you could add one British literary text to the syllabus of British Literature 1,
which text would you choose and why? (3 marks)

Question 2. The Russian writer Boris Pasternak once said that “[l]iterature is the art of
discovering something extraordinary about ordinary people, and saying with ordinary words
something extraordinary”. Taking into consideration at least two texts that you have studied in
the course, discuss Pasternak’s statement. (7 marks)

Information to be included in your submission:

- Students’ full names and student codes

- Group

Make sure that your exam paper (in doc. format) adheres to the following format settings:

1. Font: Times New Roman size 12

2. Text color: Black (Automatic)

3. Line spacing: 1.5

4. Text alignment: justify (the text is evenly distributed between the two sides of the page)

All exam papers have to have a reference section, where all the sources consulted are listed.
If no source was consulted, write: “No source was consulted in writing this paper.”
Papers are to be submitted via email to before 19h

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