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Emmie D.



The Road Not Taken

It covers the idea that life is a journey and sometimes, we have to make
decisions along the way and we follow our main characters as this
making one of those decisions. He comes to a fork in the road and has
to decide which way to go. This poem covers subject such as solitude
which, then moves into thoughts and then on to decision making. The
main idea of the poem is that human tendency to fool ourselves and to
interpret things differently to how they actually are. This is a
romanticist poem, focusing on perception and thoughts more than

Once he was walking down the road and reached a fork- he could walk
over one of the paths only. He took time to choose the right path. He
inpected them to decide which was a better option and then choose
the one which seemed less walked over. Kept the other one for some
other day though he knew that he would go further on the chosen path
and get a chance to back that boot.

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